[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] * Fixed the help menu in bridget because the portCheck type enforcement

isis at torproject.org isis at torproject.org
Sat Sep 15 05:27:52 UTC 2012

commit ec583eab1515aa545f371f255fffff2f84c4bbb7
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis at torproject.org>
Date:   Sat Sep 15 05:23:01 2012 +0000

    * Fixed the help menu in bridget because the portCheck type enforcement
      function wasn't working.
    * Added documentation at /docs/bridget.md on using bridget.
 docs/bridget.md         |  102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ooni/plugins/bridget.py |   47 +++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/bridget.md b/docs/bridget.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05ba65b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/bridget.md
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+= ooniprobe Bridget Plugin =
+== Who's that? ==
+Bridget is an OONI plugin for testing the reachability of bridges and relays
+in the Tor network.
+== Dependencies == 
+In addition to the regular OONI dependencies, bridget requires
+[https://github.com/meejah/txtorcon.git txtorcon]. If you don't already have
+it installed on your system, there is a Makefile in ooni/lib/ which will git
+clone it for you, and copy the API portions to ooni/lib/ and discard the
+rest. If you're seeing errors saying "Bridget requires txtorcon!" or "Unable
+to import libraries from txtorcon!", then you should use the Makefile by
+    $ cd ooni/lib/ && make txtorcon
+== Using Bridget ==
+=== Defaults ===
+'''Tor Binary Path'''
+By default, Bridget will start a new Tor process from the binary at 
+/usr/sbin/tor. If you have a different Tor binary that you'd like to use,
+you can tell Bridget where it is by using the '--torpath' option.
+'''Tor SocksPort and ControlPort'''
+Also, Bridget is configured to start Tor with ControlPort=9052 and
+SocksPort=9049. If you're running a firewall, you should make sure that
+localhost is allowed incoming access to those ports. To use different ports,
+see the '--socks' and '--control' options.
+If you're a true Entropist, you can use the '--random' option to randomize
+which ports are used for the SocksPort and ControlPort.
+=== Running Tests === 
+You'll need some assets first. 
+OONI assets are simple text files describing what it is that you want
+tested. Normally, one thing-to-be-tested per line, sometimes with comma
+separated values. The test you're using should tell you what it wants (if it
+doesn't, you should complain to one of the OONI developers). Normally, assets
+look like this:
+    [file:assets/things.txt]
+    torproject.org
+    ooni.nu
+    eff.org
+    riseup.net
+    [...]
+==== Testing Relays with Bridget ==== 
+This doesn't work all the way yet. Eventually, you'll need to give bridget
+an asset with one relay IP address per line, like this:
+    [file:assets/relays.txt]
+    [...]
+and you'll use it by doing:
+    path-to-ooni-probe/ooni/$ ./ooniprobe.py bridget -f assets/relays.txt
+Once the relays feature is functional, it will be possible to test bridges and
+relays at the same time: Bridget will try to connect to a bridge, and, if that
+worked, it will try to build a circuit from the provided relays, noting which
+bridges/relays fail and which ones succeed. This will continue until all the
+bridges and relays have been tested.
+==== Testing Bridges with Bridget ==== 
+Bridget will need an asset file with bridge IPs and ORPorts, one per
+line. Your asset file should look like this:
+    [file:assets/bridges.txt]
+    [...]
+and you'll call Bridget like this:
+    path-to-ooni-probe/ooni/$ ./ooniprobe.py bridget -b assets/bridges.txt
+==== Testing Bridge Pluggable Transports ====
+Bridget can test whether a bridge with a pluggable transport, like obfsproxy,
+is reachable. To reach these bridges, you need to have the pluggable transport
+that you want to test installed. You should look at the documentation for that
+transport to figure out how to do that.
+To test a pluggable transport, do this (the quotemarks are important):
+    $ ./ooniprobe.py bridget -t "/path/to/PT/binary [options]" \
+          -b assets/bridges.txt
diff --git a/ooni/plugins/bridget.py b/ooni/plugins/bridget.py
index be39371..745815f 100644
--- a/ooni/plugins/bridget.py
+++ b/ooni/plugins/bridget.py
@@ -29,47 +29,48 @@ from ooni.plugoo.tests      import ITest, OONITest
 from ooni.plugoo.assets     import Asset
-class BridgetArgs(usage.Options):
-    def portCheck(number):
-        number = int(number)
-        if number not in range(1024, 65535):
-            raise ValueError("Port out of range")
+def portCheck(number):
+    number = int(number)
+    if number not in range(1024, 65535):
+        raise ValueError("Port out of range")
+portCheckAllowed     = "must be between 1024 and 65535."
+sockCheck, ctrlCheck = portCheck, portCheck
+sockCheck.coerceDoc  = "Port to use for Tor's SocksPort, " + portCheckAllowed
+ctrlCheck.coerceDoc  = "Port to use for Tor's ControlPort, " + portCheckAllowed
-    portCheck.coerceDoc = "Ports must be between 1024 and 65535"
+class BridgetArgs(usage.Options):
     optParameters = [
         ['bridges', 'b', None,
-         'List of bridges to scan <IP>:<ORport>'],
+         'File listing bridge IP:ORPorts to test'],
         ['relays', 'f', None,
-         'List of relays to scan <IP>'],
-        ['socks', 's', 9049, portCheck,
-         'Tor SocksPort to use'],
-        ['control', 'c', 9052, portCheck,
-         'Tor ControlPort to use'],
-        ['tor-path', 'p', None,
+         'File listing relay IPs to test'],
+        ['socks', 's', 9049, None, portCheck],
+        ['control', 'c', 9052, None, portCheck],
+        ['torpath', 'p', None,
          'Path to the Tor binary to use'],
-        ['data-dir', 'd', None,
+        ['datadir', 'd', None,
          'Tor DataDirectory to use'],
         ['transport', 't', None, 
          'Tor ClientTransportPlugin'],
         ['resume', 'r', 0,
          'Resume at this index']]
-    optFlags = [['random', 'x', 'Randomize control and socks ports']]
+    optFlags = [
+        ['random', 'x', 'Use random ControlPort and SocksPort']]
     def postOptions(self):
-        ## We can't test pluggable transports without bridges
         if self['transport'] and not self['bridges']:
             e = "Pluggable transport requires the bridges option"
             raise usage.UsageError, e
-        ## We can't use random and static port simultaneously
         if self['socks'] and self['control']:
             if self['random']:
                 e = "Unable to use random and specific ports simultaneously"
-                raise usageError, e
+                raise usage.usageError, e
 class BridgetAsset(Asset):
-    Class for parsing bridge assets so that they can be commented out.
+    Class for parsing bridget Assets ignoring commented out lines.
     def __init__(self, file=None):
         self = Asset.__init__(self, file)
@@ -163,11 +164,11 @@ class BridgetTest(OONITest):
                 self.socks_port   = random.randint(1024, 2**16)
                 self.control_port = random.randint(1024, 2**16)
-            if options['tor-path']:
-                self.tor_binary = options['tor-path']
+            if options['torpath']:
+                self.tor_binary = options['torpath']
-            if options['data-dir']:
-                self.config.DataDirectory = options['data-dir']
+            if options['datadir']:
+                self.config.DataDirectory = options['datadir']
             if options['transport']:
                 ## ClientTransportPlugin transport socks4|socks5 IP:PORT

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