[tor-commits] [metrics-web/master] Remove "Resolution" drop-downs.

karsten at torproject.org karsten at torproject.org
Thu Oct 25 22:38:47 UTC 2012

commit e5fc352f60b5113705aa7bbd1700664abec18120
Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing at gmx.net>
Date:   Thu Oct 25 18:24:58 2012 -0400

    Remove "Resolution" drop-downs.
    Implements #7165.
 rserve/graphs.R                                    |   69 ++++++++++----------
 .../ernie/web/GraphParameterChecker.java           |   19 ------
 src/org/torproject/ernie/web/RObjectGenerator.java |   35 +++++-----
 web/WEB-INF/fast-exits.jsp                         |   12 ----
 web/WEB-INF/network.jsp                            |   60 -----------------
 web/WEB-INF/performance.jsp                        |   18 -----
 web/WEB-INF/users.jsp                              |   12 ----
 7 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rserve/graphs.R b/rserve/graphs.R
index af186f2..4e61a8d 100644
--- a/rserve/graphs.R
+++ b/rserve/graphs.R
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ date_breaks <- function(days) {
   list(major = major, minor = minor, format = format)
-plot_networksize <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_networksize <- function(start, end, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -321,10 +321,10 @@ plot_networksize <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
     scale_colour_hue("", breaks = c("relays", "bridges"),
         labels = c("Relays", "Bridges")) +
     opts(title = "Number of relays\n")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_cloudbridges <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_cloudbridges <- function(start, end, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -355,10 +355,10 @@ plot_cloudbridges <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
     scale_y_continuous(name = "", limits = c(0,
         max(bridges$avg_running_ec2, na.rm = TRUE))) +
     opts(title = "Number of Tor Cloud bridges\n")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_relaycountries <- function(start, end, country, path, dpi) {
+plot_relaycountries <- function(start, end, country, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -399,10 +399,10 @@ plot_relaycountries <- function(start, end, country, path, dpi) {
     scale_y_continuous(name = "", limits = c(0, max(u$relays,
         na.rm = TRUE)), formatter = formatter) +
     opts(title = title)
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_versions <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_versions <- function(start, end, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -435,10 +435,10 @@ plot_versions <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
       values = colours[colours$breaks %in% visible_versions, 2],
       breaks = visible_versions) +
     opts(title = "Relay versions\n")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_platforms <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_platforms <- function(start, end, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user=dbuser, password=dbpassword, dbname=db)
@@ -468,10 +468,10 @@ plot_platforms <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
       values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#0072B2", "#333333"),
       labels = c("Linux", "Darwin", "FreeBSD", "Windows", "Other")) +
     opts(title = "Relay platforms\n")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_bandwidth <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_bandwidth <- function(start, end, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 4))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -505,10 +505,10 @@ plot_bandwidth <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
         breaks = c("bwadv", "bwhist"),
         labels = c("Advertised bandwidth", "Bandwidth history")) +
     opts(title = "Total relay bandwidth", legend.position = "top")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_bwhist_flags <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_bwhist_flags <- function(start, end, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 4))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -552,10 +552,10 @@ plot_bwhist_flags <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
         values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#0072B2")) +
     opts(title = "Bandwidth history by relay flags",
         legend.position = "top")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_dirbytes <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_dirbytes <- function(start, end, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 4))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -588,10 +588,10 @@ plot_dirbytes <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
         labels = c("Written dir bytes", "Read dir bytes")) +
     opts(title = "Number of bytes spent on answering directory requests",
         legend.position = "top")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_relayflags <- function(start, end, flags, granularity, path, dpi) {
+plot_relayflags <- function(start, end, flags, granularity, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -661,10 +661,10 @@ plot_relayflags <- function(start, end, flags, granularity, path, dpi) {
           labels = flags) +
       opts(title = "Number of relays with relay flags assigned\n")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_direct_users <- function(start, end, country, events, path, dpi) {
+plot_direct_users <- function(start, end, country, events, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 4))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -739,10 +739,10 @@ plot_direct_users <- function(start, end, country, events, path, dpi) {
     scale_y_continuous(name = "", limits = c(0, max_y),
         formatter = formatter) + opts(title = title)
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_bridge_users <- function(start, end, country, path, dpi) {
+plot_bridge_users <- function(start, end, country, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 4))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -778,10 +778,10 @@ plot_bridge_users <- function(start, end, country, path, dpi) {
         ifelse(length(na.omit(bridgeusers$users)) == 0, 0,
         max(bridgeusers$users, na.rm = TRUE))), formatter = formatter) +
     opts(title = title)
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_torperf <- function(start, end, source, filesize, path, dpi) {
+plot_torperf <- function(start, end, source, filesize, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -827,11 +827,10 @@ plot_torperf <- function(start, end, source, filesize, path, dpi) {
       values = paste(colour, c("", "66"), sep = "")) +
     opts(title = paste("Time in seconds to complete", filesizeStr,
         "request"), legend.position = "top")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_torperf_failures <- function(start, end, source, filesize, path,
-    dpi) {
+plot_torperf_failures <- function(start, end, source, filesize, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -882,10 +881,10 @@ plot_torperf_failures <- function(start, end, source, filesize, path,
         labels = c("Timeouts", "Failures")) +
     opts(title = paste("Timeouts and failures of", filesizeStr,
         "requests"), legend.position = "top")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_connbidirect <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_connbidirect <- function(start, end, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -915,10 +914,10 @@ plot_connbidirect <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
         "Both reading and writing")) +
     opts(title = "Fraction of connections used uni-/bidirectionally",
         legend.position = "top")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_fast_exits <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_fast_exits <- function(start, end, path) {
   r <- read.csv(paste("/srv/metrics.torproject.org/task-6498-graphs/",
     "task-6498/task-6498-results.csv", sep = ""),
     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
@@ -943,10 +942,10 @@ plot_fast_exits <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
     "rate,\n5000+ KB/s advertised bandwidth capacity,\n",
     "exit to ports 80, 443, 554, and 1755,\n",
     "at most 2 relays per /24 network)\n", sep = ""))
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 6, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 6, dpi = 72)
-plot_almost_fast_exits <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_almost_fast_exits <- function(start, end, path) {
   t <- read.csv(paste("/srv/metrics.torproject.org/task-6498-graphs/",
     "task-6498/task-6498-results.csv", sep = ""),
     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
@@ -983,10 +982,10 @@ plot_almost_fast_exits <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
   scale_colour_manual(name = "", values = c("orange", "purple")) +
   opts(title = "Relays almost meeting the fast-exit requirements",
     legend.position = "top")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 6, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 6, dpi = 72)
-plot_bandwidth_flags <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
+plot_bandwidth_flags <- function(start, end, path) {
   end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 4))
   drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
   con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -1047,6 +1046,6 @@ plot_bandwidth_flags <- function(start, end, path, dpi) {
         values = c("#E69F00", "#D6C827", "#009E73", "#00C34F")) +
     opts(title = paste("Advertised bandwidth and bandwidth history by",
         "relay flags"), legend.position = "top")
-  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = as.numeric(dpi))
+  ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/GraphParameterChecker.java b/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/GraphParameterChecker.java
index 16d0db4..d2386dd 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/GraphParameterChecker.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/GraphParameterChecker.java
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ public class GraphParameterChecker {
     this.knownParameterValues.put("language", "all,en,zh_CN,fa");
     this.knownParameterValues.put("source", "all,siv,moria,torperf");
     this.knownParameterValues.put("filesize", "50kb,1mb,5mb");
-    this.knownParameterValues.put("dpi", "72,150,300");
   public void setAvailableGraphs(Map<String, String> availableGraphs) {
@@ -291,24 +290,6 @@ public class GraphParameterChecker {
-    /* Parse graph resolution in dpi. The default is 72. */
-    if (supportedGraphParameters.contains("dpi")) {
-      String[] dpiParameter = (String[]) requestParameters.get("dpi");
-      if (dpiParameter != null) {
-        List<String> knownDpis = Arrays.asList(
-            this.knownParameterValues.get("dpi").split(","));
-        if (dpiParameter.length != 1 ||
-            dpiParameter[0] == null ||
-            !Pattern.matches("[0-9]{1,4}", dpiParameter[0]) ||
-            !knownDpis.contains(dpiParameter[0])) {
-          return null;
-        }
-      } else {
-        dpiParameter = new String[] { "72" };
-      }
-      recognizedGraphParameters.put("dpi", dpiParameter);
-    }
     /* We now have a map with all required graph parameters. Return it. */
     return recognizedGraphParameters;
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/RObjectGenerator.java b/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/RObjectGenerator.java
index c599807..be01d0b 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/RObjectGenerator.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/RObjectGenerator.java
@@ -83,30 +83,29 @@ public class RObjectGenerator implements ServletContextListener {
     this.availableGraphs = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    this.availableGraphs.put("networksize", "start,end,filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("cloudbridges", "start,end,filename,dpi");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("networksize", "start,end,filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("cloudbridges", "start,end,filename");
-        "start,end,country,filename,dpi");
+        "start,end,country,filename");
     this.availableGraphs.put("relayflags", "start,end,flag,granularity,"
-        + "filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("versions", "start,end,filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("platforms", "start,end,filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("bandwidth", "start,end,filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("bandwidth-flags", "start,end,filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("bwhist-flags", "start,end,filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("dirbytes", "start,end,filename,dpi");
+        + "filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("versions", "start,end,filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("platforms", "start,end,filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("bandwidth", "start,end,filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("bandwidth-flags", "start,end,filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("bwhist-flags", "start,end,filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("dirbytes", "start,end,filename");
-        "start,end,country,events,filename,dpi");
+        "start,end,country,events,filename");
-         "start,end,country,filename,dpi");
+         "start,end,country,filename");
-         "start,end,source,filesize,filename,dpi");
+         "start,end,source,filesize,filename");
-         "start,end,source,filesize,filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("connbidirect", "start,end,filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("fast-exits", "start,end,filename,dpi");
-    this.availableGraphs.put("almost-fast-exits",
-        "start,end,filename,dpi");
+         "start,end,source,filesize,filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("connbidirect", "start,end,filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("fast-exits", "start,end,filename");
+    this.availableGraphs.put("almost-fast-exits", "start,end,filename");
     this.availableGraphFileTypes = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
diff --git a/web/WEB-INF/fast-exits.jsp b/web/WEB-INF/fast-exits.jsp
index d97c8a4..903c88c 100644
--- a/web/WEB-INF/fast-exits.jsp
+++ b/web/WEB-INF/fast-exits.jsp
@@ -37,12 +37,6 @@ requirements</a></h3>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(fast_exits_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${fast_exits_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${fast_exits_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x432</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${fast_exits_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x900</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${fast_exits_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1800</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -69,12 +63,6 @@ fast-exit requirements</a></h3>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(almost_fast_exits_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${almost_fast_exits_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${almost_fast_exits_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x432</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${almost_fast_exits_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x900</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${almost_fast_exits_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1800</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
diff --git a/web/WEB-INF/network.jsp b/web/WEB-INF/network.jsp
index 53ed715..cc783d5 100644
--- a/web/WEB-INF/network.jsp
+++ b/web/WEB-INF/network.jsp
@@ -42,12 +42,6 @@ bridges in the network.</p>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(networksize_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${networksize_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${networksize_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${networksize_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${networksize_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -83,12 +77,6 @@ country.</p>
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${relaycountries_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${relaycountries_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${relaycountries_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -130,12 +118,6 @@ average number of relays with these flags assigned.</p>
         <input type="radio" name="granularity" value="day" <c:if test="${fn:length(relayflags_granularity) == 0 or relayflags_granularity[0] eq 'day'}"> checked</c:if>> 1 day
         <input type="radio" name="granularity" value="hour" <c:if test="${relayflags_granularity[0] eq 'hour'}"> checked</c:if>> 1 hour
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${relayflags_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${relayflags_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${relayflags_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -169,12 +151,6 @@ The following graph shows the number of relays by version.</p>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(versions_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${versions_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${versions_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${versions_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${versions_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -204,12 +180,6 @@ platform.</p>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(platforms_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${platforms_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${platforms_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${platforms_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${platforms_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -239,12 +209,6 @@ network.</p>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(cloudbridges_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${cloudbridges_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${cloudbridges_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${cloudbridges_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${cloudbridges_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -276,12 +240,6 @@ in the network.</p>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(bandwidth_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${bandwidth_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${bandwidth_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${bandwidth_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${bandwidth_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -311,12 +269,6 @@ Exit and/or Guard flags assigned by the directory authorities.</p>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(bwhist_flags_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${bwhist_flags_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${bwhist_flags_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${bwhist_flags_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${bwhist_flags_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -349,12 +301,6 @@ Guard flag.</p>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(bandwidth_flags_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${bandwidth_flags_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${bandwidth_flags_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${bandwidth_flags_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${bandwidth_flags_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -387,12 +333,6 @@ the number of written and read dir bytes by all relays.</p>
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(dirbytes_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${dirbytes_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${dirbytes_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${dirbytes_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${dirbytes_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
diff --git a/web/WEB-INF/performance.jsp b/web/WEB-INF/performance.jsp
index e6caf8e..d41232f 100644
--- a/web/WEB-INF/performance.jsp
+++ b/web/WEB-INF/performance.jsp
@@ -49,12 +49,6 @@ graph.</p>
       <input type="radio" name="filesize" value="1mb"<c:if test="${torperf_filesize[0] eq '1mb'}"> checked</c:if>> 1 MiB
       <input type="radio" name="filesize" value="5mb"<c:if test="${torperf_filesize[0] eq '5mb'}"> checked</c:if>> 5 MiB
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${torperf_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${torperf_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${torperf_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -99,12 +93,6 @@ than 50 KiB (1 MiB, 5 MiB).</p>
       <input type="radio" name="filesize" value="1mb"<c:if test="${torperf_failures_filesize[0] eq '1mb'}"> checked</c:if>> 1 MiB
       <input type="radio" name="filesize" value="5mb"<c:if test="${torperf_failures_filesize[0] eq '5mb'}"> checked</c:if>> 5 MiB
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${torperf_failures_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${torperf_failures_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${torperf_failures_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -143,12 +131,6 @@ classifying connections, read and write counters are reset for the next
       <input type="text" name="end" size="10"
              value="<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:length(connbidirect_end) == 0}">${default_end_date}</c:when><c:otherwise>${connbidirect_end[0]}</c:otherwise></c:choose>">
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${connbidirect_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${connbidirect_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${connbidirect_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
diff --git a/web/WEB-INF/users.jsp b/web/WEB-INF/users.jsp
index 3ef211b..b7fdb13 100644
--- a/web/WEB-INF/users.jsp
+++ b/web/WEB-INF/users.jsp
@@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ based on the requests seen by a few dozen directory mirrors.</p>
         <option value="points"<c:if test="${direct_users_events[0] eq 'points'}"> selected</c:if>>On: points only, no expected range</option>
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${direct_users_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${direct_users_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${direct_users_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">
@@ -168,12 +162,6 @@ by a few hundred bridges.</p>
-      Resolution: <select name="dpi">
-        <option value="72"<c:if test="${bridge_users_dpi[0] eq '72'}"> selected</c:if>>Screen - 576x360</option>
-        <option value="150"<c:if test="${bridge_users_dpi[0] eq '150'}"> selected</c:if>>Print low - 1200x750</option>
-        <option value="300"<c:if test="${bridge_users_dpi[0] eq '300'}"> selected</c:if>>Print high - 2400x1500</option>
-      </select>
-    </p><p>
     <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Update graph">

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