[tor-commits] [stem/master] Breaking up the header and footer from NetworkStatusDocument

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Sat Oct 13 18:35:45 UTC 2012

commit 641bed527c019a92e47dd769bca23fa04411d9c3
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Fri Sep 21 09:00:19 2012 -0700

    Breaking up the header and footer from NetworkStatusDocument
    The NetworkStatusDocument class was starting to get monsterous, and it was just
    gonna get worse. A network status document consists of four sections...
    - header
    - authorities
    - router status entries
    - footer
    Making the NetworkStatusDocument a thin container for these four, and making
    separate classes for them. This has made the code much nicer.
    The only disadvantage that I've seen is that validation is done in pieces so
    if, for instance, you're missing mandatory fields from both the header and
    footer you now won't be told about both in a single error message. Instead
    the header will be parsed first, fail, and just tell you about those.
    That said, this is a pretty minor regression and well worth the improved
 stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py |  428 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-)

diff --git a/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py b/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py
index a7bca7a..33b0440 100644
--- a/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py
+++ b/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py
   ("directory-signature", True, True, True),
   "bwweightscale": 10000,
@@ -243,32 +244,21 @@ class NetworkStatusDocument(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):
     super(NetworkStatusDocument, self).__init__(raw_content)
     self.directory_authorities = []
-    self.signatures = []
-    self.version = None
-    self.is_consensus = True
-    self.is_vote = False
-    self.consensus_methods = []
-    self.published = None
-    self.consensus_method = None
-    self.valid_after = None
-    self.fresh_until = None
-    self.valid_until = None
-    self.vote_delay = None
-    self.dist_delay = None
-    self.client_versions = []
-    self.server_versions = []
-    self.known_flags = []
-    self.params = dict(DEFAULT_PARAMS) if default_params else {}
-    self.bandwidth_weights = {}
     self._unrecognized_lines = []
     document_file = StringIO(raw_content)
-    header, footer, routers_end = _get_document_content(document_file, validate)
+    header_content, footer_content, routers_end = _get_document_content(document_file, validate)
+    self._header = _DocumentHeader(header_content, validate, default_params)
+    self._footer = _DocumentFooter(footer_content, validate, self._header)
+    for attr, value in vars(self._header).items() + vars(self._footer).items():
+      if attr != "_unrecognized_lines":
+        setattr(self, attr, value)
+      else:
+        self._unrecognized_lines += value
-    self._parse(header, footer, validate)
-    self._parse_old(header + footer, validate)
+    self._parse_old(header_content + footer_content, validate)
     if document_file.tell() < routers_end:
       self.routers = tuple(_get_routers(document_file, validate, self, routers_end, self._get_router_type()))
@@ -289,36 +279,82 @@ class NetworkStatusDocument(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):
     :returns: True if we meet the given consensus-method, and False otherwise
-    return bool(self.consensus_method >= method or filter(lambda x: x >= method, self.consensus_methods))
+    return self._header.meets_consensus_method(method)
   def get_unrecognized_lines(self):
     return list(self._unrecognized_lines)
-  def _parse(self, header, footer, validate):
-    """
-    Parses the given content and applies the attributes.
+  def _parse_old(self, raw_content, validate):
+    # preamble
+    content = StringIO(raw_content)
+    read_keyword_line = lambda keyword, optional = False: setattr(self, keyword.replace("-", "_"), _read_keyword_line(keyword, content, validate, optional))
-    :param str header_content: content of the descriptor header
-    :param str footer_content: content of the descriptor footer
-    :param bool validate: checks validity if True
+    # ignore things the parse() method handles
+    _read_keyword_line("network-status-version", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("vote-status", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("consensus-methods", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("consensus-method", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("published", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("valid-after", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("fresh-until", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("valid-until", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("voting-delay", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("client-versions", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("server-versions", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("known-flags", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("params", content, False, True)
-    :raises: ValueError if a validity check fails
-    """
+    # authority section
+    while _peek_keyword(content) == "dir-source":
+      dirauth_data = _read_until_keywords(["dir-source", "r", "directory-footer", "directory-signature", "bandwidth-weights"], content, False, True)
+      dirauth_data = "".join(dirauth_data).rstrip()
+      self.directory_authorities.append(DirectoryAuthority(dirauth_data, self.is_vote, validate))
+    _read_keyword_line("directory-footer", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("bandwidth-weights", content, False, True)
+    _read_keyword_line("directory-signature", content, False, True)
+class _DocumentHeader(object):
+  def __init__(self, content, validate, default_params):
+    self.version = None
+    self.is_consensus = True
+    self.is_vote = False
+    self.consensus_methods = []
+    self.published = None
+    self.consensus_method = None
+    self.valid_after = None
+    self.fresh_until = None
+    self.valid_until = None
+    self.vote_delay = None
+    self.dist_delay = None
+    self.client_versions = []
+    self.server_versions = []
+    self.known_flags = []
+    self.params = dict(DEFAULT_PARAMS) if default_params else {}
+    self._unrecognized_lines = []
-    header_entries = stem.descriptor._get_descriptor_components(header, validate)[0]
-    footer_entries = stem.descriptor._get_descriptor_components(footer, validate)[0]
+    entries = stem.descriptor._get_descriptor_components(content, validate)[0]
+    self._parse(entries, validate)
-    for keyword, values in header_entries.items() + footer_entries.items():
+    # doing this validation afterward so we know our 'is_consensus' and
+    # 'is_vote' attributes
+    if validate:
+      _check_for_missing_and_disallowed_fields(self, entries, HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS)
+      _check_for_misordered_fields(entries, HEADER_FIELDS)
+  def meets_consensus_method(self, method):
+    return bool(self.consensus_method >= method or filter(lambda x: x >= method, self.consensus_methods))
+  def _parse(self, entries, validate):
+    for keyword, values in entries.items():
       value, block_contents = values[0]
       line = "%s %s" % (keyword, value)
-      # All known fields can only appear once except...
-      # * 'directory-signature' in a consensus
-      if validate and len(values) > 1 and keyword in ALL_FIELDS:
-        if not (keyword == 'directory-signature' and is_consensus):
-          content = header + '\n' + footer
-          raise ValueError("Network status documents can only have a single '%s' line, got %i:\n%s" % (keyword, len(values), content))
+      # all known header fields can only appear once except
+      if validate and len(values) > 1 and keyword in HEADER_FIELDS:
+        raise ValueError("Network status documents can only have a single '%s' line, got %i" % (keyword, len(values)))
       if keyword == 'network-status-version':
         # "network-status-version" version
@@ -421,144 +457,12 @@ class NetworkStatusDocument(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):
         # skip if this is a blank line
         if value == "": continue
-        self.params.update(self._parse_int_mappings(keyword, value, validate))
+        self.params.update(_parse_int_mappings(keyword, value, validate))
         if validate:
-      elif keyword == "directory-footer":
-        # nothing to parse, simply checking that we don't have a value
-        if validate and value:
-          raise ValueError("A network status document's 'directory-footer' line shouldn't have any content, got '%s'" % line)
-      elif keyword == "bandwidth-weights":
-        self.bandwidth_weights = self._parse_int_mappings(keyword, value, validate)
-        if validate:
-          weight_keys = tuple(sorted(self.bandwidth_weights.keys()))
-          if weight_keys != BANDWIDTH_WEIGHT_ENTRIES:
-            expected_label = ', '.join(BANDWIDTH_WEIGHT_ENTRIES)
-            actual_label = ', '.join(weight_keys)
-            raise ValueError("A network status document's 'bandwidth-weights' entries should be '%s', got '%s'" % (expected_label, actual_label))
-      elif keyword == "directory-signature":
-        if not " " in value or not block_contents:
-          if not validate: continue
-          raise ValueError("Authority signatures in a network status document are expected to be of the form 'directory-signature FINGERPRINT KEY_DIGEST\\nSIGNATURE', got:\n%s" % line)
-        fingerprint, key_digest = value.split(" ", 1)
-        self.signatures.append(DocumentSignature(fingerprint, key_digest, block_contents, validate))
-    # doing this validation afterward so we know our 'is_consensus' and
-    # 'is_vote' attributes
-    if validate:
-      self._check_for_missing_and_disallowed_fields(header_entries, footer_entries)
-      self._check_for_misordered_fields(header_entries, footer_entries)
-  def _parse_old(self, raw_content, validate):
-    # preamble
-    content = StringIO(raw_content)
-    read_keyword_line = lambda keyword, optional = False: setattr(self, keyword.replace("-", "_"), _read_keyword_line(keyword, content, validate, optional))
-    # ignore things the parse() method handles
-    _read_keyword_line("network-status-version", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("vote-status", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("consensus-methods", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("consensus-method", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("published", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("valid-after", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("fresh-until", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("valid-until", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("voting-delay", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("client-versions", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("server-versions", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("known-flags", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("params", content, False, True)
-    vote = self.is_vote
-    # authority section
-    while _peek_keyword(content) == "dir-source":
-      dirauth_data = _read_until_keywords(["dir-source", "r", "directory-footer", "directory-signature", "bandwidth-weights"], content, False, True)
-      dirauth_data = "".join(dirauth_data).rstrip()
-      self.directory_authorities.append(DirectoryAuthority(dirauth_data, vote, validate))
-    _read_keyword_line("directory-footer", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("bandwidth-weights", content, False, True)
-    _read_keyword_line("directory-signature", content, False, True)
-  def _check_for_missing_and_disallowed_fields(self, header_entries, footer_entries):
-    """
-    Checks that we have mandatory fields for our type, and that we don't have
-    any fields exclusive to the other (ie, no vote-only fields appear in a
-    consensus or vice versa).
-    :param dict header_entries: ordered keyword/value mappings of the header
-    :param dict footer_entries: ordered keyword/value mappings of the footer
-    :raises: ValueError if we're missing mandatory fields or have fiels we shouldn't
-    """
-    missing_fields, disallowed_fields = [], []
-    if not self.meets_consensus_method(9):
-      # footers only appear in consensus-method 9 or later
-      if footer_entries:
-        raise ValueError("Network status document's footer should only apepar in consensus-method 9 or later")
-      else:
-        # pretend to have mandatory fields to prevent validation from whining
-        footer_entries = {"directory-footer": "", "directory-signature": ""}
-    for entries, fields in ((header_entries, HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS),\
-                            (footer_entries, FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS)):
-      for field, in_votes, in_consensus, mandatory in fields:
-        if mandatory and ((self.is_consensus and in_consensus) or (self.is_vote and in_votes)):
-          # mandatory field, check that we have it
-          if not field in entries.keys():
-            missing_fields.append(field)
-        elif (self.is_consensus and not in_consensus) or (self.is_vote and not in_votes):
-          # field we shouldn't have, check that we don't
-          if field in entries.keys():
-            disallowed_fields.append(field)
-    if missing_fields:
-      raise ValueError("Network status document is missing mandatory field: %s" % ', '.join(missing_fields))
-    if disallowed_fields:
-      raise ValueError("Network status document has fields that shouldn't appear in this document type or version: %s" % ', '.join(disallowed_fields))
-  def _check_for_misordered_fields(self, header_entries, footer_entries):
-    """
-    To be valid a network status document's fiends need to appear in a specific
-    order. Checks that known fields appear in that order (unrecognized fields
-    are ignored).
-    """
-    # Earlier validation has ensured that our fields either belong to our
-    # document type or are unknown. Remove the unknown fields since they
-    # reflect a spec change and can appear anywhere in the document.
-    expected_header = [attr[0] for attr in HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS]
-    expected_footer = [attr[0] for attr in FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS]
-    actual_header = filter(lambda field: field in expected_header, header_entries.keys())
-    actual_footer = filter(lambda field: field in expected_footer, footer_entries.keys())
-    # Narrow the expected_header and expected_footer to just what we have. If
-    # the lists then match then the order's valid.
-    expected_header = filter(lambda field: field in actual_header, expected_header)
-    expected_footer = filter(lambda field: field in actual_footer, expected_footer)
-    for label, actual, expected in (('header', actual_header, expected_header),
-                                    ('footer', actual_footer, expected_footer)):
-      if actual != expected:
-        actual_label = ', '.join(actual)
-        expected_label = ', '.join(expected)
-        raise ValueError("The fields in the document's %s are misordered. It should be '%s' but was '%s'" % (label, actual_label, expected_label))
   def _check_params_constraints(self):
@@ -602,42 +506,156 @@ class NetworkStatusDocument(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):
       if value < minimum or value > maximum:
         raise ValueError("'%s' value on the params line must be in the range of %i - %i, was %i" % (key, minimum, maximum, value))
-  def _parse_int_mappings(self, keyword, value, validate):
-    # Parse a series of 'key=value' entries, checking the following:
-    # - values are integers
-    # - keys are sorted in lexical order
+class _DocumentFooter(object):
+  def __init__(self, content, validate, header):
+    self.signatures = []
+    self.bandwidth_weights = {}
-    results, seen_keys = {}, []
-    for entry in value.split(" "):
-      try:
-        if not '=' in entry:
-          raise ValueError("must only have 'key=value' entries")
+    self._unrecognized_lines = []
+    if validate and content and not header.meets_consensus_method(9):
+      raise ValueError("Network status document's footer should only apepar in consensus-method 9 or later")
+    elif not content and not header.meets_consensus_method(9):
+      return # footer is optional and there's nothing to parse
+    entries = stem.descriptor._get_descriptor_components(content, validate)[0]
+    self._parse(entries, validate, header)
+    if validate:
+      _check_for_missing_and_disallowed_fields(header, entries, FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS)
+      _check_for_misordered_fields(entries, FOOTER_FIELDS)
+  def _parse(self, entries, validate, header):
+    for keyword, values in entries.items():
+      value, block_contents = values[0]
+      line = "%s %s" % (keyword, value)
+      # all known footer fields can only appear once except...
+      # * 'directory-signature' in a consensus
+      if validate and len(values) > 1 and keyword in FOOTER_FIELDS:
+        if not (keyword == 'directory-signature' and header.is_consensus):
+          raise ValueError("Network status documents can only have a single '%s' line, got %i" % (keyword, len(values)))
+      if keyword == "directory-footer":
+        # nothing to parse, simply checking that we don't have a value
-        entry_key, entry_value = entry.split("=", 1)
+        if validate and value:
+          raise ValueError("A network status document's 'directory-footer' line shouldn't have any content, got '%s'" % line)
+      elif keyword == "bandwidth-weights":
+        self.bandwidth_weights = _parse_int_mappings(keyword, value, validate)
-        try:
-          # the int() function accepts things like '+123', but we don't want to
-          if entry_value.startswith('+'):
-            raise ValueError()
+        if validate:
+          weight_keys = tuple(sorted(self.bandwidth_weights.keys()))
-          entry_value = int(entry_value)
-        except ValueError:
-          raise ValueError("'%s' is a non-numeric value" % entry_value)
+          if weight_keys != BANDWIDTH_WEIGHT_ENTRIES:
+            expected_label = ', '.join(BANDWIDTH_WEIGHT_ENTRIES)
+            actual_label = ', '.join(weight_keys)
+            raise ValueError("A network status document's 'bandwidth-weights' entries should be '%s', got '%s'" % (expected_label, actual_label))
+      elif keyword == "directory-signature":
+        if not " " in value or not block_contents:
+          if not validate: continue
+          raise ValueError("Authority signatures in a network status document are expected to be of the form 'directory-signature FINGERPRINT KEY_DIGEST\\nSIGNATURE', got:\n%s" % line)
-        if validate:
-          # parameters should be in ascending order by their key
-          for prior_key in seen_keys:
-            if prior_key > entry_key:
-              raise ValueError("parameters must be sorted by their key")
+        fingerprint, key_digest = value.split(" ", 1)
+        self.signatures.append(DocumentSignature(fingerprint, key_digest, block_contents, validate))
+def _check_for_missing_and_disallowed_fields(header, entries, fields):
+  """
+  Checks that we have mandatory fields for our type, and that we don't have
+  any fields exclusive to the other (ie, no vote-only fields appear in a
+  consensus or vice versa).
+  :param _DocumentHeader header: document header
+  :param dict entries: ordered keyword/value mappings of the header or footer
+  :param list fields: expected field attributes (either HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS or FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS)
+  :raises: ValueError if we're missing mandatory fields or have fiels we shouldn't
+  """
+  missing_fields, disallowed_fields = [], []
+  for field, in_votes, in_consensus, mandatory in fields:
+    if mandatory and ((header.is_consensus and in_consensus) or (header.is_vote and in_votes)):
+      # mandatory field, check that we have it
+      if not field in entries.keys():
+        missing_fields.append(field)
+    elif (header.is_consensus and not in_consensus) or (header.is_vote and not in_votes):
+      # field we shouldn't have, check that we don't
+      if field in entries.keys():
+        disallowed_fields.append(field)
+  if missing_fields:
+    raise ValueError("Network status document is missing mandatory field: %s" % ', '.join(missing_fields))
+  if disallowed_fields:
+    raise ValueError("Network status document has fields that shouldn't appear in this document type or version: %s" % ', '.join(disallowed_fields))
+def _check_for_misordered_fields(entries, expected):
+  """
+  To be valid a network status document's fiends need to appear in a specific
+  order. Checks that known fields appear in that order (unrecognized fields
+  are ignored).
+  :param dict entries: ordered keyword/value mappings of the header or footer
+  :param list expected: ordered list of expected fields (either HEADER_FIELDS or FOOTER_FIELDS)
+  :raises: ValueError if entries aren't properly ordered
+  """
+  # Earlier validation has ensured that our fields either belong to our
+  # document type or are unknown. Remove the unknown fields since they
+  # reflect a spec change and can appear anywhere in the document.
+  actual = filter(lambda field: field in expected, entries.keys())
+  # Narrow the expected to just what we have. If the lists then match then the
+  # order's valid.
+  expected = filter(lambda field: field in actual, expected)
+  if actual != expected:
+    actual_label = ', '.join(actual)
+    expected_label = ', '.join(expected)
+    raise ValueError("The fields in a section of the document are misordered. It should be '%s' but was '%s'" % (actual_label, expected_label))
+def _parse_int_mappings(keyword, value, validate):
+  # Parse a series of 'key=value' entries, checking the following:
+  # - values are integers
+  # - keys are sorted in lexical order
+  results, seen_keys = {}, []
+  for entry in value.split(" "):
+    try:
+      if not '=' in entry:
+        raise ValueError("must only have 'key=value' entries")
+      entry_key, entry_value = entry.split("=", 1)
+      try:
+        # the int() function accepts things like '+123', but we don't want to
+        if entry_value.startswith('+'):
+          raise ValueError()
-        results[entry_key] = entry_value
-        seen_keys.append(entry_key)
-      except ValueError, exc:
-        if not validate: continue
-        raise ValueError("Unable to parse network status document's '%s' line (%s): %s'" % (keyword, exc, value))
-    return results
+        entry_value = int(entry_value)
+      except ValueError:
+        raise ValueError("'%s' is a non-numeric value" % entry_value)
+      if validate:
+        # parameters should be in ascending order by their key
+        for prior_key in seen_keys:
+          if prior_key > entry_key:
+            raise ValueError("parameters must be sorted by their key")
+      results[entry_key] = entry_value
+      seen_keys.append(entry_key)
+    except ValueError, exc:
+      if not validate: continue
+      raise ValueError("Unable to parse network status document's '%s' line (%s): %s'" % (keyword, exc, value))
+  return results
 class DirectoryAuthority(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):

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