[tor-commits] [stem/master] Rewriting RouterStatusEntry parser
atagar at torproject.org
atagar at torproject.org
Sat Oct 13 18:35:45 UTC 2012
commit a33297c8f65552c1ef721277e056a89f2b2727b7
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date: Mon Aug 20 22:20:44 2012 -0700
Rewriting RouterStatusEntry parser
The networkstatus module has spotty error checking, for instance...
* the unrecognized_lines attribute is never initialized, so anything touching
it will trigger a NameError
* missing values on an 'r' line will result in an IndexError, and extra values
are ignored
* malformed nicknames, ip addresses, and ports go undetected
* non-integer ports or bandwidth/measured values give an 'invalid literal'
error, which isn't terribly helpful
* extra entries on a 'w' line inappropriately cause an error
* malformed exit policies can cause an error when validation is disabled
* we error if there's new keywords (the spec doesn't seem to say they're
From the look of this code the 'validate' flag seems to have been
misinterpreted as meaning "raise an exception if we run into something
unexpected, like a new keyword or flag". This is wrong. Stem should *never*
error when processing spec conformant content. Rather, the 'validate' flag
means "raise an exception when we parse something that violates the spec". When
that flag is False the parser should *never* raise an exception, making a
best-effort attempt to parse even malformed content.
I'm a bit sad to see that there are absolutely no unit tests for this module.
That was the bulk of the testing for the server_descriptor and
extrainfo_descriptor modules. Guess I'll write that next.
stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py | 339 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------
test/integ/descriptor/networkstatus.py | 32 ++--
2 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
diff --git a/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py b/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py
index b7a1b2f..5382c0f 100644
--- a/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py
+++ b/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ class DirectoryAuthority(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):
:var str fingerprint: uppercase hex fingerprint of the authority's identity key
:var str address: hostname
:var str ip: current IP address
- :var int dirport: current directory port
- :var int orport: current orport
+ :var int dir_port: current directory port
+ :var int or_port: current orport
:var str contact: directory authority's contact information
:var str legacy_dir_key: **^** fingerprint of and obsolete identity key
:var :class:`stem.descriptor.KeyCertificate` key_certificate: **^** directory authority's current key certificate
@@ -355,14 +355,14 @@ class DirectoryAuthority(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):
super(DirectoryAuthority, self).__init__(raw_content)
self.nickname, self.fingerprint, self.address, self.ip = None, None, None, None
- self.dirport, self.orport, self.legacy_dir_key = None, None, None
+ self.dir_port, self.or_port, self.legacy_dir_key = None, None, None
self.key_certificate, self.contact, self.vote_digest = None, None, None
content = StringIO(raw_content)
dir_source = _read_keyword_line("dir-source", content, validate)
- self.nickname, self.fingerprint, self.address, self.ip, self.dirport, self.orport = dir_source.split(" ")
- self.dirport = int(self.dirport)
- self.orport = int(self.orport)
+ self.nickname, self.fingerprint, self.address, self.ip, self.dir_port, self.or_port = dir_source.split(" ")
+ self.dir_port = int(self.dir_port)
+ self.or_port = int(self.or_port)
self.contact = _read_keyword_line("contact", content, validate)
if vote:
@@ -442,33 +442,32 @@ class RouterStatusEntry(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):
:var str fingerprint: **\*** router's fingerprint
:var str digest: **\*** router's digest
:var datetime publication: **\*** router's publication
- :var str ip: **\*** router's IP address
- :var int orport: **\*** router's ORPort
- :var int dirport: **\*** router's DirPort
+ :var str address: **\*** router's IP address
+ :var int or_port: **\*** router's ORPort
+ :var int dir_port: **\*** router's DirPort
:var list flags: **\*** list of status flags
- :var :class:`stem.version.Version`,str version: Version of the Tor protocol this router is running
+ :var stem.version.Version version: parsed version of tor, this is None if the relay's using a new versioning scheme
+ :var str version_line: versioning information reported by the relay
- :var int bandwidth: router's claimed bandwidth
- :var int measured_bandwidth: router's measured bandwidth
+ :var int bandwidth: bandwidth claimed by the relay (in kb/s)
+ :var int measured: bandwith measured to be available by the relay
+ :var list unrecognized_bandwidth_entries: **\*** bandwidth weighting information that isn't yet recognized
- :var :class:`stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy` exit_policy: router's exit policy
+ :var stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy exit_policy: router's exit policy
- :var str microdescriptor_hashes: a list of two-tuples with a list of consensus methods(int) that may produce the digest and a dict with algorithm(str) => digest(str) mappings. algorithm is the hashing algorithm (usually "sha256") that is used to produce digest (the base64 encoding of the hash of the router's microdescriptor with trailing =s omitted).
+ :var list microdescriptor_hashes: tuples of two values, the list of consensus methods for generting a set of digests and the 'algorithm => digest' mappings
- | **\*** attribute is either required when we're parsed with validation or has a default value, others are left as None if undefined
- | exit_policy appears only in votes
+ **\*** attribute is either required when we're parsed with validation or has a default value, others are left as None if undefined
def __init__(self, raw_contents, document, validate = True):
- Parse a router descriptor in a v3 network status document and provide a new
- RouterStatusEntry object.
+ Parse a router descriptor in a v3 network status document.
:param str raw_content: router descriptor content to be parsed
:param NetworkStatusDocument document: document this descriptor came from
- :param bool validate: whether the router descriptor should be validated
+ :param bool validate: checks the validity of the content if True, skips these checks otherwise
:raises: ValueError if the descriptor data is invalid
@@ -481,116 +480,188 @@ class RouterStatusEntry(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):
self.fingerprint = None
self.digest = None
self.publication = None
- self.ip = None
- self.orport = None
- self.dirport = None
+ self.address = None
+ self.or_port = None
+ self.dir_port = None
- self.flags = []
+ self.flags = None
+ self.version_line = None
self.version = None
self.bandwidth = None
- self.measured_bandwidth = None
+ self.measured = None
+ self.unrecognized_bandwidth_entries = []
self.exit_policy = None
- self.microdescriptor_hashes = []
+ self.microdescriptor_hashes = None
+ self.unrecognized_lines = []
self._parse(raw_contents, validate)
- def _parse(self, raw_content, validate):
+ def _parse(self, content, validate):
- :param dict raw_content: iptor contents to be applied
- :param bool validate: checks the validity of descriptor content if True
+ Parses the given content and applies the attributes.
- :raises: ValueError if an error occures in validation
+ :param str content: descriptor content
+ :param bool validate: checks validity if True
+ :raises: ValueError if a validity check fails
- vote = self.document.vote_status == "vote"
- content = StringIO(raw_content)
- seen_keywords = set()
- peek_check_kw = lambda keyword: keyword == _peek_keyword(content)
+ entries = _get_entries(content, validate, 'r')
- r = _read_keyword_line("r", content, validate)
- # r mauer BD7xbfsCFku3+tgybEZsg8Yjhvw itcuKQ6PuPLJ7m/Oi928WjO2j8g 2012-06-22 13:19:32 9001 0
- # "r" SP nickname SP identity SP digest SP publication SP IP SP ORPort SP DirPort NL
- if r:
- seen_keywords.add("r")
- values = r.split(" ")
- self.nickname, self.fingerprint, self.digest = values[0], _decode_fingerprint(values[1]), values[2]
- self.publication = _strptime(" ".join((values[3], values[4])), validate)
- self.ip, self.orport, self.dirport = values[5], int(values[6]), int(values[7])
- if self.dirport == 0: self.dirport = None
- elif validate: raise ValueError("Invalid router descriptor: empty 'r' line")
+ # check that we have mandatory fields
+ if validate:
+ for keyword in ('r', 's'):
+ if not keyword in entries:
+ raise ValueError("Router status entries must have a '%s' line:\n%s" % (keyword, content))
- while _peek_line(content):
- if peek_check_kw("s"):
- if "s" in seen_keywords: raise ValueError("Invalid router descriptor: 's' line appears twice")
- line = _read_keyword_line("s", content, validate)
- if not line: continue
- seen_keywords.add("s")
- # s Named Running Stable Valid
- #A series of space-separated status flags, in *lexical order*
- self.flags = line.split(" ")
+ for keyword, values in entries.items():
+ value = values[0]
+ line = "%s %s" % (keyword, value)
- elif peek_check_kw("v"):
- if "v" in seen_keywords: raise ValueError("Invalid router descriptor: 'v' line appears twice")
- line = _read_keyword_line("v", content, validate, True)
- seen_keywords.add("v")
- # v Tor
- if line:
- if line.startswith("Tor "):
- self.version = stem.version.Version(line[4:])
- else:
- self.version = line
- elif validate: raise ValueError("Invalid router descriptor: empty 'v' line" )
+ # most attributes can only appear at most once
+ if validate and len(values) > 1 and keyword in ('r', 's', 'v', 'w', 'p'):
+ raise ValueError("Router status entries can only have a single '%s' line, got %i:\n%s" % (key, len(values), content))
- elif peek_check_kw("w"):
- if "w" in seen_keywords: raise ValueError("Invalid router descriptor: 'w' line appears twice")
- w = _read_keyword_line("w", content, validate, True)
- # "w" SP "Bandwidth=" INT [SP "Measured=" INT] NL
- seen_keywords.add("w")
- if w:
- values = w.split(" ")
- if len(values) <= 2 and len(values) > 0:
- key, value = values[0].split("=")
- if key == "Bandwidth": self.bandwidth = int(value)
- elif validate: raise ValueError("Router descriptor contains invalid 'w' line: expected Bandwidth, read " + key)
+ if keyword == 'r':
+ # "r" nickname identity digest publication IP ORPort DirPort
+ # r mauer BD7xbfsCFku3+tgybEZsg8Yjhvw itcuKQ6PuPLJ7m/Oi928WjO2j8g 2012-06-22 13:19:32 9001 0
+ r_comp = value.split(" ")
+ if len(r_comp) < 5:
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's 'r' line line must have eight values: %s" % line)
+ if validate:
+ if not stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_nickname(r_comp[0]):
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's nickname isn't valid: %s" % r_comp[0])
+ elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_ip_address(r_comp[5]):
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's address isn't a valid IPv4 address: %s" % r_comp[5])
+ elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(r_comp[6]):
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's ORPort is invalid: %s" % r_comp[6])
+ elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(r_comp[7], allow_zero = True):
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's DirPort is invalid: %s" % r_comp[7])
+ elif not (r_comp[6].isdigit() and r_comp[7].isdigit()):
+ continue
+ self.nickname = r_comp[0]
+ self.fingerprint = _decode_fingerprint(r_comp[1], validate)
+ self.digest = r_comp[2]
+ self.address = r_comp[5]
+ self.or_port = int(r_comp[6])
+ self.dir_port = None if r_comp[7] == '0' else int(r_comp[7])
+ try:
+ published = "%s %s" % (r_comp[3], r_comp[4])
+ self.publication = datetime.datetime.strptime(published, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ except ValueError:
+ if validate:
+ raise ValueError("Publication time time wasn't parseable: %s" % line)
+ elif keyword == 's':
+ # "s" Flags
+ # s Named Running Stable Valid
+ self.flags = value.split(" ")
+ elif keyword == 'v':
+ # "v" version
+ # v Tor
+ #
+ # The spec says that if this starts with "Tor " then what follows is a
+ # tor version. If not then it has "upgraded to a more sophisticated
+ # protocol versioning system".
+ self.version_line = value
+ if value.startswith("Tor "):
+ try:
+ self.version = stem.version.Version(value[4:])
+ except ValueError, exc:
+ if validate:
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry has a malformed tor version (%s): %s" % (exc, line))
+ elif keyword == 'w':
+ # "w" "Bandwidth=" INT ["Measured=" INT]
+ # w Bandwidth=7980
+ w_comp = value.split(" ")
+ if len(w_comp) < 1:
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's 'w' line is blank: %s" % line)
+ elif not w_comp[0].startswith("Bandwidth="):
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's 'w' line needs to start with a 'Bandwidth=' entry: %s" % line)
+ for w_entry in w_comp:
+ w_key, w_value = w_entry.split('=', 1)
+ if w_key == "Bandwidth":
+ if not w_value.isdigit():
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's 'Bandwidth=' entry needs to have a numeric value: %s" % line)
- if len(values) == 2:
- key, value = values[1].split("=")
- if key == "Measured": self.measured_bandwidth = int(value)
- elif validate: raise ValueError("Router descriptor contains invalid 'w' line: expected Measured, read " + key)
- elif validate: raise ValueError("Router descriptor contains invalid 'w' line")
- elif validate: raise ValueError("Router descriptor contains empty 'w' line")
- elif peek_check_kw("p"):
- if "p" in seen_keywords: raise ValueError("Invalid router descriptor: 'p' line appears twice")
- p = _read_keyword_line("p", content, validate, True)
- seen_keywords.add("p")
- # "p" SP ("accept" / "reject") SP PortList NL
- if p:
- self.exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy(p)
- elif vote and peek_check_kw("m"):
- # microdescriptor hashes
- m = _read_keyword_line("m", content, validate, True)
- methods, digests = m.split(" ", 1)
- method_list = methods.split(",")
- digest_dict = [digest.split("=", 1) for digest in digests.split(" ")]
- self.microdescriptor_hashes.append((method_list, digest_dict))
- elif validate:
- raise ValueError("Router descriptor contains unrecognized trailing lines: %s" % content.readline())
+ self.bandwidth = int(w_value)
+ elif w_key == "Measured":
+ if not w_value.isdigit():
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's 'Measured=' entry needs to have a numeric value: %s" % line)
+ self.measured = int(w_value)
+ else:
+ self.unrecognized_bandwidth_entries.append(w_entry)
+ elif keyword == 'p':
+ # "p" ("accept" / "reject") PortList
+ # p reject 1-65535
+ # p accept 80,110,143,443,993,995,6660-6669,6697,7000-7001
+ try:
+ self.exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy(value)
+ except ValueError, exc:
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's exit policy is malformed (%s): %s" % (exc, line))
+ elif keyword == 'm':
+ # "m" methods 1*(algorithm "=" digest)
+ # m 8,9,10,11,12 sha256=g1vx9si329muxV3tquWIXXySNOIwRGMeAESKs/v4DWs
+ m_comp = value.split(" ")
+ if self.document.vote_status != "vote":
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's 'm' line should only appear in votes (appeared in a %s): %s" % (self.document.vote_status, line))
+ elif len(m_comp) < 1:
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's 'm' line needs to start with a series of methods: %s" % line)
+ try:
+ methods = [int(entry) for entry in m_comp[0].split(",")]
+ except ValueError:
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's microdescriptor methods should be a series of comma separated integers: %s" % line)
+ hashes = {}
+ for entry in m_comp[1:]:
+ if not '=' in entry:
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Router status entry's can only have a series of 'algorithm=digest' mappings after the methods: %s" % line)
+ hash_name, digest = entry.split('=', 1)
+ hashes[hash_name] = digest
+ if self.microdescriptor_hashes is None:
+ self.microdescriptor_hashes = []
+ self.microdescriptor_hashes.append((methods, hashes))
- self.unrecognized_lines.append(content.readline()) # ignore unrecognized lines if we aren't validating
+ self.unrecognized_lines.append(line)
def get_unrecognized_lines(self):
- Returns any unrecognized lines.
+ Provides any unrecognized lines.
- :returns: a list of unrecognized lines
+ :returns: list of unrecognized lines
return self.unrecognized_lines
@@ -637,8 +708,8 @@ class RouterMicrodescriptor(RouterStatusEntry):
:var str fingerprint: **\*** router's fingerprint
:var datetime publication: **\*** router's publication
:var str ip: **\*** router's IP address
- :var int orport: **\*** router's ORPort
- :var int dirport: **\*** router's DirPort
+ :var int or_port: **\*** router's ORPort
+ :var int dir_port: **\*** router's DirPort
:var list flags: **\*** list of status flags
@@ -686,10 +757,10 @@ class RouterMicrodescriptor(RouterStatusEntry):
if r:
values = r.split(" ")
- self.nickname, self.fingerprint = values[0], _decode_fingerprint(values[1])
+ self.nickname, self.fingerprint = values[0], _decode_fingerprint(values[1], validate)
self.publication = _strptime(" ".join((values[2], values[3])), validate)
- self.ip, self.orport, self.dirport = values[4], int(values[5]), int(values[6])
- if self.dirport == 0: self.dirport = None
+ self.ip, self.or_port, self.dir_port = values[4], int(values[5]), int(values[6])
+ if self.dir_port == 0: self.dir_port = None
elif validate: raise ValueError("Invalid router descriptor: empty 'r' line")
while _peek_line(content):
@@ -752,7 +823,45 @@ class RouterMicrodescriptor(RouterStatusEntry):
return self.unrecognized_lines
-def _decode_fingerprint(identity):
+def _get_entries(content, validate, expected_first_keyword = None):
+ """
+ Provides the {keyword => [values...]} mappings for the given content.
+ :param str content: descriptor content
+ :param bool validate: checks validity if True
+ :param str expected_first_keyword: validates that this is the first keyword
+ :returns: dict with the mapping of keywords to their values
+ :raises: ValueError if a validity check fails
+ """
+ entries = {}
+ for line in content.split("\n"):
+ # empty lines are allowed
+ if not line: continue
+ line_match = stem.descriptor.KEYWORD_LINE.match(line)
+ if not line_match:
+ if not validate: continue
+ raise ValueError("Line contains invalid characters: %s" % line)
+ keyword, value = line_match.groups()
+ if value is None: value = ''
+ if expected_first_keyword != None:
+ if validate and expected_first_keyword != keyword:
+ raise ValueError("Expected to start with a '%s' line:\n%s" % (expected_first_keyword, content))
+ expected_first_keyword = None
+ entries.setdefault(keyword, []).append(value)
+ return entries
+def _decode_fingerprint(identity, validate):
Decodes the 'identity' value found in consensuses into the more common hex
encoding of the relay's fingerprint. For example...
@@ -763,6 +872,7 @@ def _decode_fingerprint(identity):
:param str identity: encoded fingerprint from the consensus
+ :param bool validate: checks validity if True
:returns: str with the uppercase hex encoding of the relay's fingerprint
@@ -788,7 +898,10 @@ def _decode_fingerprint(identity):
fingerprint += hex(ord(char))[2:].zfill(2).upper()
if not stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(fingerprint):
- raise ValueError("Decoded '%s' to be '%s', which isn't a valid fingerprint" % (identity, fingerprint))
+ if validate:
+ raise ValueError("Decoded '%s' to be '%s', which isn't a valid fingerprint" % (identity, fingerprint))
+ else:
+ return None
return fingerprint
diff --git a/test/integ/descriptor/networkstatus.py b/test/integ/descriptor/networkstatus.py
index 040a710..4c626e9 100644
--- a/test/integ/descriptor/networkstatus.py
+++ b/test/integ/descriptor/networkstatus.py
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ class TestNetworkStatus(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals("0013D22389CD50D0B784A3E4061CB31E8CE8CEB5", router.fingerprint)
self.assertEquals("8mCr8Sl7RF4ENU4jb0FZFA/3do8", router.digest)
self.assertEquals(_strptime("2012-07-12 04:01:55"), router.publication)
- self.assertEquals("", router.ip)
- self.assertEquals(80, router.orport)
- self.assertEquals(None, router.dirport)
+ self.assertEquals("", router.address)
+ self.assertEquals(80, router.or_port)
+ self.assertEquals(None, router.dir_port)
def test_consensus(self):
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ class TestNetworkStatus(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals("0013D22389CD50D0B784A3E4061CB31E8CE8CEB5", router1.fingerprint)
self.assertEquals("8mCr8Sl7RF4ENU4jb0FZFA/3do8", router1.digest)
self.assertEquals(_strptime("2012-07-12 04:01:55"), router1.publication)
- self.assertEquals("", router1.ip)
- self.assertEquals(80, router1.orport)
- self.assertEquals(None, router1.dirport)
+ self.assertEquals("", router1.address)
+ self.assertEquals(80, router1.or_port)
+ self.assertEquals(None, router1.dir_port)
self.assertEquals(set(["Exit", "Fast", "Named", "Running", "Valid"]), set(router1.flags))
self.assertEquals(8, len(desc.directory_authorities))
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ class TestNetworkStatus(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals("14C131DFC5C6F93646BE72FA1401C02A8DF2E8B4", desc.directory_authorities[0].fingerprint)
self.assertEquals("", desc.directory_authorities[0].address)
self.assertEquals("", desc.directory_authorities[0].ip)
- self.assertEquals(80, desc.directory_authorities[0].dirport)
- self.assertEquals(443, desc.directory_authorities[0].orport)
+ self.assertEquals(80, desc.directory_authorities[0].dir_port)
+ self.assertEquals(443, desc.directory_authorities[0].or_port)
self.assertEquals("Peter Palfrader", desc.directory_authorities[0].contact)
self.assertEquals(None, desc.directory_authorities[0].legacy_dir_key)
self.assertEquals(None, desc.directory_authorities[0].key_certificate)
@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ I/TJmV928na7RLZe2mGHCAW3VQOvV+QkCfj05VZ8CsY=
self.assertEquals("0013D22389CD50D0B784A3E4061CB31E8CE8CEB5", router.fingerprint)
self.assertEquals("B5n4BiALAF8B5AqafxohyYiuj7E", router.digest)
self.assertEquals(_strptime("2012-07-11 04:22:53"), router.publication)
- self.assertEquals("", router.ip)
- self.assertEquals(80, router.orport)
- self.assertEquals(None, router.dirport)
+ self.assertEquals("", router.address)
+ self.assertEquals(80, router.or_port)
+ self.assertEquals(None, router.dir_port)
def test_vote(self):
@@ -199,17 +199,17 @@ I/TJmV928na7RLZe2mGHCAW3VQOvV+QkCfj05VZ8CsY=
self.assertEquals("0013D22389CD50D0B784A3E4061CB31E8CE8CEB5", router1.fingerprint)
self.assertEquals("B5n4BiALAF8B5AqafxohyYiuj7E", router1.digest)
self.assertEquals(_strptime("2012-07-11 04:22:53"), router1.publication)
- self.assertEquals("", router1.ip)
- self.assertEquals(80, router1.orport)
- self.assertEquals(None, router1.dirport)
+ self.assertEquals("", router1.address)
+ self.assertEquals(80, router1.or_port)
+ self.assertEquals(None, router1.dir_port)
self.assertEquals(1, len(desc.directory_authorities))
self.assertEquals("turtles", desc.directory_authorities[0].nickname)
self.assertEquals("27B6B5996C426270A5C95488AA5BCEB6BCC86956", desc.directory_authorities[0].fingerprint)
self.assertEquals("", desc.directory_authorities[0].address)
self.assertEquals("", desc.directory_authorities[0].ip)
- self.assertEquals(9030, desc.directory_authorities[0].dirport)
- self.assertEquals(9090, desc.directory_authorities[0].orport)
+ self.assertEquals(9030, desc.directory_authorities[0].dir_port)
+ self.assertEquals(9090, desc.directory_authorities[0].or_port)
self.assertEquals("Mike Perry <email>", desc.directory_authorities[0].contact)
self.assertEquals(None, desc.directory_authorities[0].legacy_dir_key)
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