[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] * Moving tests which are not ported to the new API to the top level
isis at torproject.org
isis at torproject.org
Sat Nov 3 01:24:44 UTC 2012
commit 8894f057967a779875c8cb5b9c00971408d08fc9
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis at torproject.org>
Date: Fri Nov 2 17:03:33 2012 +0000
* Moving tests which are not ported to the new API to the top level
old-to-be-ported/ directory.
ooni/example_plugins/examplescapy.py | 49 --------
ooni/example_plugins/skel.py | 29 -----
ooni/hack_this/TO_BE_PORTED | 14 --
ooni/hack_this/dnstamper.py | 200 -------------------------------
ooni/hack_this/tcpscan.py | 84 -------------
ooni/hack_this/traceroute.py | 108 -----------------
ooni/plugins/TESTS_ARE_MOVING.txt | 8 --
ooni/plugins/chinatrigger.py | 140 ----------------------
ooni/plugins/daphn3.py | 152 ------------------------
ooni/plugins/domclass.py | 216 ----------------------------------
ooni/plugins/httpt.py | 94 ---------------
ooni/plugins/tcpconnect.py | 65 ----------
12 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1159 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ooni/example_plugins/examplescapy.py b/ooni/example_plugins/examplescapy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 21a919d..0000000
--- a/ooni/example_plugins/examplescapy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-import random
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from twisted.internet import protocol, defer
-from ooni.plugoo.tests import ITest, OONITest
-from ooni.plugoo.assets import Asset
-from ooni.utils import log
-from ooni.protocols.scapyproto import ScapyTest
-from ooni.lib.txscapy import txsr, txsend
-class scapyArgs(usage.Options):
- optParameters = []
-class ExampleScapyTest(ScapyTest):
- """
- An example of writing a scapy Test
- """
- implements(IPlugin, ITest)
- shortName = "example_scapy"
- description = "An example of a scapy test"
- requirements = None
- options = scapyArgs
- blocking = False
- receive = True
- pcapfile = 'example_scapy.pcap'
- def initialize(self, reactor=None):
- if not self.reactor:
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- self.reactor = reactor
- self.request = {}
- self.response = {}
- def build_packets(self):
- """
- Override this method to build scapy packets.
- """
- from scapy.all import IP, TCP
- return IP()/TCP()
- def load_assets(self):
- return {}
-examplescapy = ExampleScapyTest(None, None, None)
diff --git a/ooni/example_plugins/skel.py b/ooni/example_plugins/skel.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f46620..0000000
--- a/ooni/example_plugins/skel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from plugoo.tests import ITest, TwistedTest
-import log
-class SkelArgs(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [['asset', 'a', None, 'Asset file'],
- ['resume', 'r', 0, 'Resume at this index'],
- ['other', 'o', None, 'Other arguments']]
-class SkelTest(OONITest):
- implements(IPlugin, ITest)
- shortName = "skeleton"
- description = "Skeleton plugin"
- requirements = None
- options = SkelArgs
- blocking = False
- def load_assets(self):
- if self.local_options:
- return {'asset': open(self.local_options['asset'])}
- else:
- return {}
-# We need to instantiate it otherwise getPlugins does not detect it
-# XXX Find a way to load plugins without instantiating them.
-skel = SkelTest(None, None, None)
diff --git a/ooni/hack_this/TO_BE_PORTED b/ooni/hack_this/TO_BE_PORTED
deleted file mode 100644
index 49ce5e0..0000000
--- a/ooni/hack_this/TO_BE_PORTED
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-The tests in this directory are very old, and have neither been ported to
-Twisted, nor to the new twisted.trial API framework. Although, they are not
-old in the sense of the *seriously old* OONI code which was written two years
-These tests should be updated at least to use Twisted.
-If you want to hack on something care free, feel free to mess with these files
-because it would be difficult to not improve on them.
diff --git a/ooni/hack_this/dnstamper.py b/ooni/hack_this/dnstamper.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d6f87a6..0000000
--- a/ooni/hack_this/dnstamper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- dnstamper
- *********
- This test resolves DNS for a list of domain names, one per line, in the
- file specified in the ooni-config under the setting "dns_experiment". If
- the file is top-1m.txt, the test will be run using Amazon's list of top
- one million domains. The experimental dns servers to query should
- be specified one per line in assets/dns_servers.txt.
- The test reports censorship if the cardinality of the intersection of
- the query result set from the control server and the query result set
- from the experimental server is zero, which is to say, if the two sets
- have no matching results whatsoever.
- NOTE: This test frequently results in false positives due to GeoIP-based
- load balancing on major global sites such as google, facebook, and
- youtube, etc.
- :copyright: (c) 2012 Arturo Filastò, Isis Lovecruft
- :license: see LICENSE for more details
- * Switch to using Twisted's DNS builtins instead of dnspython
- *
-import os
-from twisted.names import client
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from zope.interface import implements
-from ooni.plugoo.assets import Asset
-from ooni.plugoo.tests import ITest, OONITest
-from ooni import log
-class Top1MAsset(Asset):
- """
- Class for parsing the Alexa top-1m.txt as an asset.
- """
- def __init__(self, file=None):
- self = Asset.__init__(self, file)
- def parse_line(self, line):
- self = Asset.parse_line(self, line)
- return line.split(',')[1].replace('\n','')
-class DNSTamperAsset(Asset):
- """
- Creates DNS testing specific Assets.
- """
- def __init__(self, file=None):
- self = Asset.__init__(self, file)
-class DNSTamperArgs(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [['asset', 'a', None, 'Asset file of hostnames to resolve'],
- ['controlserver', 'c', '', 'Known good DNS server'],
- ['testservers', 't', None, 'Asset file of the DNS servers to test'],
- ['resume', 'r', 0, 'Resume at this index in the asset file']]
- def control(self, experiment_result, args):
- print "Experiment Result:", experiment_result
- print "Args", args
- return experiment_result
- def experiment(self, args):
-class DNSTamperTest(OONITest):
- implements(IPlugin, ITest)
- shortName = "DNSTamper"
- description = "DNS censorship detection test"
- requirements = None
- options = DNSTamperArgs
- blocking = False
- def load_assets(self):
- if self.local_options:
- if self.local_options['asset']:
- assetf = self.local_options['asset']
- if assetf == 'top-1m.txt':
- return {'asset': Top1MAsset(assetf)}
- else:
- return {'asset': DNSTamperAsset(assetf)}
- else:
- return {}
- def lookup(self, hostname, nameserver):
- """
- Resolves a hostname through a DNS nameserver to the corresponding
- IP addresses.
- """
- def got_result(result):
- #self.logger.log(result)
- print result
- reactor.stop()
- def got_failure(failure):
- failure.printTraceback()
- reactor.stop()
- res = client.createResolver(servers=[(nameserver, 53)])
- d = res.getHostByName(hostname)
- d.addCallbacks(got_result, got_failure)
- #answer = res.getAddress(servers=[('nameserver', 53)])
- ret = []
- for data in answer:
- ret.append(data.address)
- return ret
- def reverse_lookup(self, ip, nameserver):
- """
- Attempt to do a reverse DNS lookup to determine if the control and exp
- sets from a positive result resolve to the same domain, in order to
- remove false positives due to GeoIP load balancing.
- """
- res = client.createResolver(servers=nameserver)
- n = reversename.from_address(ip)
- revn = res.query(n, "PTR").__iter__().next().to_text()[:-1]
- return revn
- def experiment(self, *a, **kw):
- """
- Compares the lookup() sets of the control and experiment groups.
- """
- # this is just a dirty hack
- address = kw['data'][0]
- ns = kw['data'][1]
- config = self.config
- ctrl_ns = config.tests.dns_control_server
- print "ADDRESS: %s" % address
- print "NAMESERVER: %s" % ns
- exp = self.lookup(address, ns)
- control = self.lookup(address, ctrl_ns)
- result = []
- if len(set(exp) & set(control)) > 0:
- print "Address %s has not tampered with on DNS server %s\n" % (address, ns)
- result = (address, ns, exp, control, False)
- return result
- else:
- print "Address %s has possibly been tampered on %s:\nDNS resolution through %s yeilds:\n%s\nAlthough the control group DNS servers resolve to:\n%s" % (address, ns, ns, exp, control)
- result = (address, ns, exp, control, True)
- if config.tests.dns_reverse_lookup:
- exprevn = [self.reverse_lookup(ip, ns) for ip in exp]
- ctrlrevn = [self.reverse_lookup(ip, ctrl_ns)
- for ip in control]
- if len(set(exprevn) & set(ctrlrevn)) > 0:
- print "Further testing has eliminated this as a false positive."
- else:
- print "Reverse DNS on the results returned by %s returned:\n%s\nWhich does not match the expected domainname:\n%s\n" % (ns, exprevn, ctrlrevn)
- return result
- else:
- print "\n"
- return result
-#def run(ooni):
-# """
-# Run the test.
-# """
-# config = ooni.config
-# urls = []
-# if (config.tests.dns_experiment == "top-1m.txt"):
-# dns_experiment = Top1MAsset(os.path.join(config.main.assetdir,
-# config.tests.dns_experiment))
-# else:
-# dns_experiment = DNSTAsset(os.path.join(config.main.assetdir,
-# config.tests.dns_experiment))
-# dns_experiment_dns = DNSTAsset(os.path.join(config.main.assetdir,
-# config.tests.dns_experiment_dns))
-# assets = [dns_experiment, dns_experiment_dns]
-# dnstest = DNST(ooni)
-# ooni.logger.info("Beginning dnstamper test...")
-# dnstest.run(assets, {'index': 1})
-# ooni.logger.info("Dnstamper test completed!")
-dnstamper = DNSTamperTest(None, None, None)
diff --git a/ooni/hack_this/tcpscan.py b/ooni/hack_this/tcpscan.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b371c88..0000000
--- a/ooni/hack_this/tcpscan.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- TCP Port Scanner
- ****************
- Does a TCP connect scan on the IP:port pairs.
-import os
-from gevent import socket
-from datetime import datetime
-import socks
-from plugoo.assets import Asset
-from plugoo.tests import Test
-__plugoo__ = "TCP Port Scanner"
-__desc__ = "This a test template to be used to build your own tests"
-class TCPScanAsset(Asset):
- """
- This is the asset that should be used by the Test. It will
- contain all the code responsible for parsing the asset file
- and should be passed on instantiation to the test.
- """
- def __init__(self, file=None):
- self = Asset.__init__(self, file)
-class TCPScan(Test):
- """
- The main Test class
- """
- def experiment(self, *a, **kw):
- """
- Fill this up with the tasks that should be performed
- on the "dirty" network and should be compared with the
- control.
- """
- addr = kw['data']
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- res = False
- try:
- self.logger.debug('Doing a connection to %s' % addr)
- s.connect((addr.split(':')[0], int(addr.split(':')[1])))
- res = True
- except socket.error, msg:
- self.logger.debug('Connection failed to %s: %s' % (addr, msg))
- finally:
- s.close()
- return {'Time': datetime.now(),
- 'Address': addr,
- 'Status': res}
- def control(self):
- """
- Fill this up with the control related code.
- """
- return True
-def run(ooni, asset=None):
- """
- This is the function that will be called by OONI
- and it is responsible for instantiating and passing
- the arguments to the Test class.
- """
- config = ooni.config
- # This the assets array to be passed to the run function of
- # the test
- if asset:
- assets = [TCPScanAsset(asset)]
- else:
- assets = [TCPScanAsset(os.path.join(config.main.assetdir, \
- "tcpscan.txt"))]
- # Instantiate the Test
- thetest = TCPScan(ooni)
- ooni.logger.info("starting TCP Scan...")
- # Run the test with argument assets
- thetest.run(assets)
- ooni.logger.info("finished.")
diff --git a/ooni/hack_this/traceroute.py b/ooni/hack_this/traceroute.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e8252c1..0000000
--- a/ooni/hack_this/traceroute.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- from dns import resolver
- print "Error: dnspython is not installed (http://www.dnspython.org/)"
-import gevent
-import os
-import plugoo
- import scapy
- print "Error: traceroute plugin requires scapy to be installed (http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy)"
-from plugoo.assets import Asset
-from plugoo.tests import Test
-import socket
-__plugoo__ = "Traceroute"
-__desc__ = "Performs TTL walking tests"
-class TracerouteAsset(Asset):
- def __init__(self, file=None):
- self = Asset.__init__(self, file)
-class Traceroute(Test):
- """A *very* quick and dirty traceroute implementation, UDP and TCP
- """
- def traceroute(self, dst, dst_port=3880, src_port=3000, proto="tcp", max_hops=30):
- dest_addr = socket.gethostbyname(dst)
- print "Doing traceroute on %s" % dst
- recv = socket.getprotobyname('icmp')
- send = socket.getprotobyname(proto)
- ttl = 1
- while True:
- recv_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, recv)
- if proto == "tcp":
- send_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, send)
- else:
- send_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, send)
- recv_sock.settimeout(10)
- send_sock.settimeout(10)
- send_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, ttl)
- recv_sock.bind(("", src_port))
- if proto == "tcp":
- try:
- send_sock.settimeout(2)
- send_sock.connect((dst, dst_port))
- except socket.timeout:
- pass
- except Exception, e:
- print "Error doing connect %s" % e
- else:
- send_sock.sendto("", (dst, dst_port))
- curr_addr = None
- try:
- print "receiving data..."
- _, curr_addr = recv_sock.recvfrom(512)
- curr_addr = curr_addr[0]
- except socket.error, e:
- print "SOCKET ERROR: %s" % e
- except Exception, e:
- print "ERROR: %s" % e
- finally:
- send_sock.close()
- recv_sock.close()
- if curr_addr is not None:
- curr_host = "%s" % curr_addr
- else:
- curr_host = "*"
- print "%d\t%s" % (ttl, curr_host)
- if curr_addr == dest_addr or ttl > max_hops:
- break
- ttl += 1
- def experiment(self, *a, **kw):
- # this is just a dirty hack
- address = kw['data'][0]
- self.traceroute(address)
-def run(ooni):
- """Run the test"""
- config = ooni.config
- urls = []
- traceroute_experiment = TracerouteAsset(os.path.join(config.main.assetdir, \
- config.tests.traceroute))
- assets = [traceroute_experiment]
- traceroute = Traceroute(ooni)
- ooni.logger.info("starting traceroute test")
- traceroute.run(assets)
- ooni.logger.info("finished")
diff --git a/ooni/plugins/TESTS_ARE_MOVING.txt b/ooni/plugins/TESTS_ARE_MOVING.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f4c0084..0000000
--- a/ooni/plugins/TESTS_ARE_MOVING.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-All new tests will be moved to the directory /nettests/.
-Tests that are in this directory are either here for historical reasons or have
-not yet been properly tested and fully supporting the new API.
diff --git a/ooni/plugins/chinatrigger.py b/ooni/plugins/chinatrigger.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf4bcb3..0000000
--- a/ooni/plugins/chinatrigger.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import string
-import struct
-import time
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from twisted.internet import protocol, defer
-from ooni.plugoo.tests import ITest, OONITest
-from ooni.plugoo.assets import Asset
-from ooni.utils import log
-from ooni.protocols.scapyproto import ScapyTest
-from ooni.lib.txscapy import txsr, txsend
-class scapyArgs(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [['dst', 'd', None, 'Specify the target address'],
- ['port', 'p', None, 'Specify the target port'],
- ['pcap', 'f', None, 'The pcap file to write with the sent and received packets'],
- ]
-class ChinaTriggerTest(ScapyTest):
- """
- This test is a OONI based implementation of the C tool written
- by Philipp Winter to engage chinese probes in active scanning.
- Example of running it:
- ./ooni/ooniprobe.py chinatrigger -d -p 8080 -f bla.pcap
- """
- implements(IPlugin, ITest)
- shortName = "chinatrigger"
- description = "Triggers the chinese probes into scanning"
- requirements = ['root']
- options = scapyArgs
- blocking = False
- receive = True
- pcapfile = 'example_scapy.pcap'
- timeout = 5
- def initialize(self, reactor=None):
- if not self.reactor:
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- self.reactor = reactor
- @staticmethod
- def set_random_servername(pkt):
- ret = pkt[:121]
- for i in range(16):
- ret += random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)
- ret += pkt[121+16:]
- return ret
- @staticmethod
- def set_random_time(pkt):
- ret = pkt[:11]
- ret += struct.pack('!I', int(time.time()))
- ret += pkt[11+4:]
- return ret
- @staticmethod
- def set_random_field(pkt):
- ret = pkt[:15]
- for i in range(28):
- ret += chr(random.randint(0, 256))
- ret += pkt[15+28:]
- return ret
- @staticmethod
- def mutate(pkt, idx):
- """
- Slightly changed mutate function.
- """
- ret = pkt[:idx-1]
- mutation = chr(random.randint(0, 256))
- while mutation == pkt[idx]:
- mutation = chr(random.randint(0, 256))
- ret += mutation
- ret += pkt[idx:]
- return ret
- @staticmethod
- def set_all_random_fields(pkt):
- pkt = ChinaTriggerTest.set_random_servername(pkt)
- pkt = ChinaTriggerTest.set_random_time(pkt)
- pkt = ChinaTriggerTest.set_random_field(pkt)
- return pkt
- def build_packets(self, *args, **kw):
- """
- Override this method to build scapy packets.
- """
- from scapy.all import IP, TCP
- pkt = "\x16\x03\x01\x00\xcc\x01\x00\x00\xc8"\
- "\x03\x01\x4f\x12\xe5\x63\x3f\xef\x7d"\
- "\x20\xb9\x94\xaa\x04\xb0\xc1\xd4\x8c"\
- "\x50\xcd\xe2\xf9\x2f\xa9\xfb\x78\xca"\
- "\x02\xa8\x73\xe7\x0e\xa8\xf9\x00\x00"\
- "\x3a\xc0\x0a\xc0\x14\x00\x39\x00\x38"\
- "\xc0\x0f\xc0\x05\x00\x35\xc0\x07\xc0"\
- "\x09\xc0\x11\xc0\x13\x00\x33\x00\x32"\
- "\xc0\x0c\xc0\x0e\xc0\x02\xc0\x04\x00"\
- "\x04\x00\x05\x00\x2f\xc0\x08\xc0\x12"\
- "\x00\x16\x00\x13\xc0\x0d\xc0\x03\xfe"\
- "\xff\x00\x0a\x00\xff\x01\x00\x00\x65"\
- "\x00\x00\x00\x1d\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x18"\
- "\x77\x77\x77\x2e\x67\x6e\x6c\x69\x67"\
- "\x78\x7a\x70\x79\x76\x6f\x35\x66\x76"\
- "\x6b\x64\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x00\x0b\x00"\
- "\x04\x03\x00\x01\x02\x00\x0a\x00\x34"\
- "\x00\x32\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00"\
- "\x04\x00\x05\x00\x06\x00\x07\x00\x08"\
- "\x00\x09\x00\x0a\x00\x0b\x00\x0c\x00"\
- "\x0d\x00\x0e\x00\x0f\x00\x10\x00\x11"\
- "\x00\x12\x00\x13\x00\x14\x00\x15\x00"\
- "\x16\x00\x17\x00\x18\x00\x19\x00\x23"\
- "\x00\x00"
- pkt = ChinaTriggerTest.set_all_random_fields(pkt)
- pkts = [IP(dst=self.dst)/TCP(dport=self.port)/pkt]
- for x in range(len(pkt)):
- mutation = IP(dst=self.dst)/TCP(dport=self.port)/ChinaTriggerTest.mutate(pkt, x)
- pkts.append(mutation)
- return pkts
- def load_assets(self):
- if self.local_options:
- self.dst = self.local_options['dst']
- self.port = int(self.local_options['port'])
- if self.local_options['pcap']:
- self.pcapfile = self.local_options['pcap']
- if not self.port or not self.dst:
- pass
- return {}
-#chinatrigger = ChinaTriggerTest(None, None, None)
diff --git a/ooni/plugins/daphn3.py b/ooni/plugins/daphn3.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bf4d60d..0000000
--- a/ooni/plugins/daphn3.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-This is a self genrated test created by scaffolding.py.
-you will need to fill it up with all your necessities.
-Safe hacking :).
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from twisted.internet import protocol, endpoints
-from ooni.plugoo import reports
-from ooni.plugoo.tests import ITest, OONITest
-from ooni.plugoo.assets import Asset
-from ooni.protocols import daphn3
-from ooni.utils import log
-class Daphn3ClientProtocol(daphn3.Daphn3Protocol):
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.next_state()
-class Daphn3ClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
- protocol = Daphn3ClientProtocol
- mutator = None
- steps = None
- test = None
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- p = self.protocol()
- p.factory = self
- p.test = self.test
- if self.steps:
- p.steps = self.steps
- if not self.mutator:
- self.mutator = daphn3.Mutator(p.steps)
- else:
- print "Moving on to next mutation"
- self.mutator.next()
- p.mutator = self.mutator
- p.current_state = self.mutator.state()
- return p
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, reason):
- print "We failed connecting the the OONIB"
- print "Cannot perform test. Perhaps it got blocked?"
- print "Please report this to tor-assistants at torproject.org"
- self.test.result['error'] = ('Failed in connecting to OONIB', reason)
- self.test.end(d)
- def clientConnectionLost(self, reason):
- print "Connection Lost."
-class daphn3Args(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [['pcap', 'f', None,
- 'PCAP to read for generating the YAML output'],
- ['output', 'o', 'daphn3.yaml',
- 'What file should be written'],
- ['yaml', 'y', None,
- 'The input file to the test'],
- ['host', 'h', None, 'Target Hostname'],
- ['port', 'p', None, 'Target port number'],
- ['resume', 'r', 0, 'Resume at this index']]
-class daphn3Test(OONITest):
- implements(IPlugin, ITest)
- shortName = "daphn3"
- description = "daphn3"
- requirements = None
- options = daphn3Args
- blocking = False
- local_options = None
- steps = None
- def initialize(self):
- if not self.local_options:
- self.end()
- return
- self.factory = Daphn3ClientFactory()
- self.factory.test = self
- if self.local_options['pcap']:
- self.tool = True
- elif self.local_options['yaml']:
- self.steps = daphn3.read_yaml(self.local_options['yaml'])
- else:
- log.msg("Not enough inputs specified to the test")
- self.end()
- def runTool(self):
- import yaml
- pcap = daphn3.read_pcap(self.local_options['pcap'])
- f = open(self.local_options['output'], 'w')
- f.write(yaml.dump(pcap))
- f.close()
- def control(self, exp_res, args):
- try:
- mutation = self.factory.mutator.get(0)
- self.result['censored'] = False
- except:
- mutation = None
- return {'mutation_number': args['mutation'],
- 'value': mutation}
- def _failure(self, *argc, **kw):
- self.result['censored'] = True
- self.result['error'] = ('Failed in connecting', (argc, kw))
- self.end()
- def experiment(self, args):
- log.msg("Doing mutation %s" % args['mutation'])
- self.factory.steps = self.steps
- host = self.local_options['host']
- port = int(self.local_options['port'])
- log.msg("Connecting to %s:%s" % (host, port))
- if self.ended:
- return
- endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(self.reactor, host, port)
- d = endpoint.connect(self.factory)
- d.addErrback(self._failure)
- return d
- def load_assets(self):
- if not self.local_options:
- return {}
- if not self.steps:
- print "Error: No assets!"
- self.end()
- return {}
- mutations = 0
- for x in self.steps:
- mutations += len(x['data'])
- return {'mutation': range(mutations)}
-# We need to instantiate it otherwise getPlugins does not detect it
-# XXX Find a way to load plugins without instantiating them.
-#daphn3test = daphn3Test(None, None, None)
diff --git a/ooni/plugins/domclass.py b/ooni/plugins/domclass.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3080c40..0000000
--- a/ooni/plugins/domclass.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-# domclass
-# ********
-# :copyright: (c) 2012 by Arturo Filastò
-# :license: see LICENSE for more details.
-# how this works
-# --------------
-# This classifier uses the DOM structure of a website to determine how similar
-# the two sites are.
-# The procedure we use is the following:
-# * First we parse all the DOM tree of the web page and we build a list of
-# TAG parent child relationships (ex. <html><a><b></b></a><c></c></html> =>
-# (html, a), (a, b), (html, c)).
-# * We then use this information to build a matrix (M) where m[i][j] = P(of
-# transitioning from tag[i] to tag[j]). If tag[i] does not exists P() = 0.
-# Note: M is a square matrix that is number_of_tags wide.
-# * We then calculate the eigenvectors (v_i) and eigenvalues (e) of M.
-# * The corelation between page A and B is given via this formula:
-# correlation = dot_product(e_A, e_B), where e_A and e_B are
-# resepectively the eigenvalues for the probability matrix A and the
-# probability matrix B.
- import numpy
- print "Error numpy not installed!"
-import yaml
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from ooni.plugoo.tests import ITest, OONITest
-from ooni.plugoo.assets import Asset
-from ooni.utils import log
-from ooni.protocols.http import HTTPTest
-class domclassArgs(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [['output', 'o', None, 'Output to write'],
- ['file', 'f', None, 'Corpus file'],
- ['fileb', 'b', None, 'Corpus file'],
- ['urls', 'u', None, 'URL List'],
- ['resume', 'r', 0, 'Resume at this index']]
-# All HTML4 tags
-# XXX add link to W3C page where these came from
-alltags = ['A', 'ABBR', 'ACRONYM', 'ADDRESS', 'APPLET', 'AREA', 'B', 'BASE',
- 'CENTER', 'CITE', 'CODE', 'COL', 'COLGROUP', 'DD', 'DEL', 'DFN', 'DIR', 'DIV',
- 'DL', 'DT', 'E M', 'FIELDSET', 'FONT', 'FORM', 'FRAME', 'FRAMESET', 'H1', 'H2',
- 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'HEAD', 'HR', 'HTML', 'I', 'IFRAME ', 'IMG',
- 'P', 'PARAM', 'PRE', 'Q', 'S', 'SAMP', 'SCRIPT', 'SELECT', 'SMALL', 'SPAN',
- 'TEXTAREA', 'TFOOT', 'TH', 'THEAD', 'TITLE', 'TR', 'TT', 'U', 'UL', 'VAR']
-# Reduced subset of only the most common tags
-commontags = ['A', 'B', 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'BODY', 'BR', 'BUTTON', 'CAPTION',
- 'CENTER', 'CITE', 'CODE', 'COL', 'DD', 'DIV',
- 'DL', 'DT', 'EM', 'FIELDSET', 'FONT', 'FORM', 'FRAME', 'FRAMESET', 'H1', 'H2',
- 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'HEAD', 'HR', 'HTML', 'IFRAME ', 'IMG',
- 'INPUT', 'INS', 'LABEL', 'LEGEND', 'LI', 'LINK', 'MAP',
- 'P', 'PRE', 'SCRIPT', 'SELECT', 'SMALL', 'SPAN',
- 'TEXTAREA', 'TFOOT', 'TH', 'THEAD', 'TITLE', 'TR', 'TT', 'U', 'UL']
-# The tags we are intested in using for our analysis
-thetags = ['A', 'DIV', 'FRAME', 'H1', 'H2',
- 'H3', 'H4', 'IFRAME ', 'INPUT',
- 'LABEL','LI', 'P', 'SCRIPT', 'SPAN',
- 'STYLE', 'TR']
-def compute_probability_matrix(dataset):
- """
- Compute the probability matrix based on the input dataset.
- :dataset: an array of pairs representing the parent child relationships.
- """
- import itertools
- ret = {}
- matrix = numpy.zeros((len(thetags) + 1, len(thetags) + 1))
- for data in dataset:
- x = data[0].upper()
- y = data[1].upper()
- try:
- x = thetags.index(x)
- except:
- x = len(thetags)
- try:
- y = thetags.index(y)
- except:
- y = len(thetags)
- matrix[x,y] += 1
- for x in xrange(len(thetags) + 1):
- possibilities = 0
- for y in matrix[x]:
- possibilities += y
- for i in xrange(len(matrix[x])):
- if possibilities != 0:
- matrix[x][i] = matrix[x][i]/possibilities
- return matrix
-def compute_eigenvalues(matrix):
- """
- Returns the eigenvalues of the supplied square matrix.
- :matrix: must be a square matrix and diagonalizable.
- """
- return numpy.linalg.eigvals(matrix)
-def readDOM(content=None, filename=None):
- """
- Parses the DOM of the HTML page and returns an array of parent, child
- pairs.
- :content: the content of the HTML page to be read.
- :filename: the filename to be read from for getting the content of the
- page.
- """
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- if filename:
- f = open(filename)
- content = ''.join(f.readlines())
- f.close()
- dom = BeautifulSoup(content)
- couples = []
- for x in dom.findAll():
- couples.append((str(x.parent.name), str(x.name)))
- return couples
-class domclassTest(HTTPTest):
- implements(IPlugin, ITest)
- shortName = "domclass"
- description = "domclass"
- requirements = None
- options = domclassArgs
- blocking = False
- follow_redirects = True
- #tool = True
- def runTool(self):
- site_a = readDOM(filename=self.local_options['file'])
- site_b = readDOM(filename=self.local_options['fileb'])
- a = {}
- a['matrix'] = compute_probability_matrix(site_a)
- a['eigen'] = compute_eigenvalues(a['matrix'])
- self.result['eigenvalues'] = a['eigen']
- b = {}
- b['matrix'] = compute_probability_matrix(site_b)
- b['eigen'] = compute_eigenvalues(b['matrix'])
- #print "A: %s" % a
- #print "B: %s" % b
- correlation = numpy.vdot(a['eigen'],b['eigen'])
- correlation /= numpy.linalg.norm(a['eigen'])*numpy.linalg.norm(b['eigen'])
- correlation = (correlation + 1)/2
- print "Corelation: %s" % correlation
- self.end()
- return a
- def processResponseBody(self, data):
- site_a = readDOM(data)
- #site_b = readDOM(self.local_options['fileb'])
- a = {}
- a['matrix'] = compute_probability_matrix(site_a)
- a['eigen'] = compute_eigenvalues(a['matrix'])
- if len(data) == 0:
- self.result['eigenvalues'] = None
- self.result['matrix'] = None
- else:
- self.result['eigenvalues'] = a['eigen']
- #self.result['matrix'] = a['matrix']
- #self.result['content'] = data[:200]
- #b = compute_matrix(site_b)
- print "A: %s" % a
- return a['eigen']
- def load_assets(self):
- if self.local_options:
- if self.local_options['file']:
- self.tool = True
- return {}
- elif self.local_options['urls']:
- return {'url': Asset(self.local_options['urls'])}
- else:
- self.end()
- return {}
- else:
- return {}
-#domclass = domclassTest(None, None, None)
diff --git a/ooni/plugins/httpt.py b/ooni/plugins/httpt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 358f1ea..0000000
--- a/ooni/plugins/httpt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-This is a self genrated test created by scaffolding.py.
-you will need to fill it up with all your necessities.
-Safe hacking :).
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from ooni.plugoo.tests import ITest, OONITest
-from ooni.plugoo.assets import Asset
-from ooni.protocols import http
-from ooni.utils import log
-class httptArgs(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [['urls', 'f', None, 'Urls file'],
- ['url', 'u', 'http://torproject.org/', 'Test single site'],
- ['resume', 'r', 0, 'Resume at this index'],
- ['rules', 'y', None, 'Specify the redirect rules file']]
-class httptTest(http.HTTPTest):
- implements(IPlugin, ITest)
- shortName = "httpt"
- description = "httpt"
- requirements = None
- options = httptArgs
- blocking = False
- def testPattern(self, value, pattern, type):
- if type == 'eq':
- return value == pattern
- elif type == 're':
- import re
- if re.match(pattern, value):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- else:
- return None
- def testPatterns(self, patterns, location):
- test_result = False
- if type(patterns) == list:
- for pattern in patterns:
- test_result |= self.testPattern(location, pattern['value'], pattern['type'])
- else:
- test_result |= self.testPattern(location, patterns['value'], patterns['type'])
- return test_result
- def testRules(self, rules, location):
- result = {}
- blocked = False
- for rule, value in rules.items():
- current_rule = {}
- current_rule['name'] = value['name']
- current_rule['patterns'] = value['patterns']
- current_rule['test'] = self.testPatterns(value['patterns'], location)
- blocked |= current_rule['test']
- result[rule] = current_rule
- result['blocked'] = blocked
- return result
- def processRedirect(self, location):
- self.result['redirect'] = None
- try:
- rules_file = self.local_options['rules']
- import yaml
- rules = yaml.load(open(rules_file))
- log.msg("Testing rules %s" % rules)
- redirect = self.testRules(rules, location)
- self.result['redirect'] = redirect
- except TypeError:
- log.msg("No rules file. Got a redirect, but nothing to do.")
- def control(self, experiment_result, args):
- print self.response
- print self.request
- # What you return here ends up inside of the report.
- log.msg("Running control")
- return {}
- def load_assets(self):
- if self.local_options and self.local_options['urls']:
- return {'url': Asset(self.local_options['urls'])}
- else:
- return {}
-# We need to instantiate it otherwise getPlugins does not detect it
-# XXX Find a way to load plugins without instantiating them.
-#httpt = httptTest(None, None, None)
diff --git a/ooni/plugins/tcpconnect.py b/ooni/plugins/tcpconnect.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7758a9e..0000000
--- a/ooni/plugins/tcpconnect.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-This is a self genrated test created by scaffolding.py.
-you will need to fill it up with all your necessities.
-Safe hacking :).
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol
-from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
-from ooni.plugoo.interface import ITest
-from ooni.plugoo.tests import OONITest
-from ooni.plugoo.assets import Asset
-from ooni.utils import log
-class tcpconnectArgs(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [['asset', 'a', None, 'File containing IP:PORT combinations, one per line.'],
- ['resume', 'r', 0, 'Resume at this index']]
-class tcpconnectTest(OONITest):
- implements(IPlugin, ITest)
- shortName = "tcpconnect"
- description = "tcpconnect"
- requirements = None
- options = tcpconnectArgs
- blocking = False
- def experiment(self, args):
- try:
- host, port = args['asset'].split(':')
- except:
- raise Exception("Error in parsing asset. Wrong format?")
- class DummyFactory(Factory):
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- return Protocol()
- def gotProtocol(p):
- p.transport.loseConnection()
- log.msg("Got a connection!")
- log.msg(str(p))
- return {'result': True, 'target': [host, port]}
- def gotError(err):
- log.msg("Had error :(")
- log.msg(err)
- return {'result': False, 'target': [host, port]}
- # What you return here gets handed as input to control
- point = TCP4ClientEndpoint(self.reactor, host, int(port))
- d = point.connect(DummyFactory())
- d.addCallback(gotProtocol)
- d.addErrback(gotError)
- return d
- def load_assets(self):
- if self.local_options:
- return {'asset': Asset(self.local_options['asset'])}
- else:
- return {}
-# We need to instantiate it otherwise getPlugins does not detect it
-# XXX Find a way to load plugins without instantiating them.
-#tcpconnect = tcpconnectTest(None, None, None)
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