[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] s/b0wser/daphn3/i
art at torproject.org
art at torproject.org
Fri Jul 20 23:29:14 UTC 2012
commit 29dccd1f44b895d674079d085207e4e71b43beac
Author: Arturo Filastò <art at torproject.org>
Date: Sat Jul 21 01:30:03 2012 +0200
because greek mythology is cooler than video games!
ooni/plugins/b0wser.py | 100 ----------------
ooni/plugins/daphn3.py | 100 ++++++++++++++++
ooni/protocols/b0wser.py | 284 ----------------------------------------------
ooni/protocols/daphn3.py | 284 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
oonib/b0wser.py | 33 ------
oonib/daphn3.py | 33 ++++++
oonib/oonibackend.py | 6 +-
7 files changed, 420 insertions(+), 420 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ooni/plugins/b0wser.py b/ooni/plugins/b0wser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3121378..0000000
--- a/ooni/plugins/b0wser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-This is a self genrated test created by scaffolding.py.
-you will need to fill it up with all your necessities.
-Safe hacking :).
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from twisted.internet import protocol, endpoints
-from ooni.plugoo.tests import ITest, OONITest
-from ooni.plugoo.assets import Asset
-from ooni.protocols import b0wser
-from ooni.utils import log
-class B0wserClientProtocol(b0wser.B0wserProtocol):
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.next_state()
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- print "LOST!"
-class B0wserClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
- protocol = B0wserClientProtocol
- mutator = None
- steps = None
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- p = self.protocol()
- p.factory = self
- if self.steps:
- p.steps = self.steps
- if not self.mutator:
- self.mutator = b0wser.Mutator(p.steps)
- p.mutator = self.mutator
- else:
- print "Moving on to next mutation"
- self.mutator.next_mutation()
- return p
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, reason):
- print "We failed connecting the the OONIB"
- print "Cannot perform test. Perhaps it got blocked?"
- print "Please report this to tor-assistants at torproject.org"
- def clientConnectionLost(self, reason):
- print "Connection Lost."
-class b0wserArgs(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [['pcap', 'f', None, 'PCAP file to take as input'],
- ['host', 'h', None, 'Target Hostname'],
- ['port', 'p', None, 'Target port number'],
- ['resume', 'r', 0, 'Resume at this index']]
-class b0wserTest(OONITest):
- implements(IPlugin, ITest)
- shortName = "b0wser"
- description = "b0wser"
- requirements = None
- options = b0wserArgs
- blocking = False
- local_options = None
- steps = None
- def initialize(self):
- if not self.local_options:
- return
- #pass
- self.factory = B0wserClientFactory()
- self.steps = b0wser.get_b0wser_dictionary_from_pcap(self.local_options['pcap'])
- def control(self, exp_res, args):
- mutation = self.factory.mutator.get_mutation(0)
- return {'mutation_number': args['mutation'], 'value': mutation}
- def experiment(self, args):
- log.msg("Doing mutation %s" % args['mutation'])
- self.factory.steps = self.steps
- host = self.local_options['host']
- port = int(self.local_options['port'])
- log.msg("Connecting to %s:%s" % (host, port))
- endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(self.reactor, host, port)
- return endpoint.connect(self.factory)
- #return endpoint.connect(B0wserClientFactory)
- def load_assets(self):
- if not self.steps:
- print "No asset!"
- return {}
- mutations = 0
- for x in self.steps:
- mutations += len(x['data'])
- return {'mutation': range(mutations)}
-# We need to instantiate it otherwise getPlugins does not detect it
-# XXX Find a way to load plugins without instantiating them.
-b0wsertest = b0wserTest(None, None, None)
diff --git a/ooni/plugins/daphn3.py b/ooni/plugins/daphn3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd9da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ooni/plugins/daphn3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+This is a self genrated test created by scaffolding.py.
+you will need to fill it up with all your necessities.
+Safe hacking :).
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.python import usage
+from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
+from twisted.internet import protocol, endpoints
+from ooni.plugoo.tests import ITest, OONITest
+from ooni.plugoo.assets import Asset
+from ooni.protocols import daphn3
+from ooni.utils import log
+class Daphn3ClientProtocol(daphn3.Daphn3Protocol):
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.next_state()
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ print "LOST!"
+class Daphn3ClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
+ protocol = Daphn3ClientProtocol
+ mutator = None
+ steps = None
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ p = self.protocol()
+ p.factory = self
+ if self.steps:
+ p.steps = self.steps
+ if not self.mutator:
+ self.mutator = daphn3.Mutator(p.steps)
+ p.mutator = self.mutator
+ else:
+ print "Moving on to next mutation"
+ self.mutator.next_mutation()
+ return p
+ def clientConnectionFailed(self, reason):
+ print "We failed connecting the the OONIB"
+ print "Cannot perform test. Perhaps it got blocked?"
+ print "Please report this to tor-assistants at torproject.org"
+ def clientConnectionLost(self, reason):
+ print "Connection Lost."
+class daphn3Args(usage.Options):
+ optParameters = [['pcap', 'f', None, 'PCAP file to take as input'],
+ ['host', 'h', None, 'Target Hostname'],
+ ['port', 'p', None, 'Target port number'],
+ ['resume', 'r', 0, 'Resume at this index']]
+class daphn3Test(OONITest):
+ implements(IPlugin, ITest)
+ shortName = "daphn3"
+ description = "daphn3"
+ requirements = None
+ options = daphn3Args
+ blocking = False
+ local_options = None
+ steps = None
+ def initialize(self):
+ if not self.local_options:
+ return
+ #pass
+ self.factory = Daphn3ClientFactory()
+ self.steps = daphn3.get_daphn3_dictionary_from_pcap(self.local_options['pcap'])
+ def control(self, exp_res, args):
+ mutation = self.factory.mutator.get_mutation(0)
+ return {'mutation_number': args['mutation'], 'value': mutation}
+ def experiment(self, args):
+ log.msg("Doing mutation %s" % args['mutation'])
+ self.factory.steps = self.steps
+ host = self.local_options['host']
+ port = int(self.local_options['port'])
+ log.msg("Connecting to %s:%s" % (host, port))
+ endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(self.reactor, host, port)
+ return endpoint.connect(self.factory)
+ #return endpoint.connect(Daphn3ClientFactory)
+ def load_assets(self):
+ if not self.steps:
+ print "No asset!"
+ return {}
+ mutations = 0
+ for x in self.steps:
+ mutations += len(x['data'])
+ return {'mutation': range(mutations)}
+# We need to instantiate it otherwise getPlugins does not detect it
+# XXX Find a way to load plugins without instantiating them.
+daphn3test = daphn3Test(None, None, None)
diff --git a/ooni/protocols/b0wser.py b/ooni/protocols/b0wser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d55c94..0000000
--- a/ooni/protocols/b0wser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.internet import protocol, defer
-from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone
-from ooni.utils import log
-from ooni.plugoo import reports
-import sys
-from scapy.all import *
-import yaml
-def get_b0wser_dictionary_from_pcap(filename):
- """
- @param filename: Filesystem path to the pcap.
- Returns:
- [{"sender": "client", "data": "\x17\x52\x15"}, {"sender": "server", "data": "\x17\x15\x13"}]
- """
- packets = rdpcap(filename)
- checking_first_packet = True
- client_ip_addr = None
- server_ip_addr = None
- ssl_packets = []
- messages = []
- """
- pcap assumptions:
- pcap only contains packets exchanged between a Tor client and a Tor server.
- (This assumption makes sure that there are only two IP addresses in the
- pcap file)
- The first packet of the pcap is sent from the client to the server. (This
- assumption is used to get the IP address of the client.)
- All captured packets are TLS packets: that is TCP session
- establishment/teardown packets should be filtered out (no SYN/SYN+ACK)
- """
- """Minimally validate the pcap and also find out what's the client
- and server IP addresses."""
- for packet in packets:
- if checking_first_packet:
- client_ip_addr = packet[IP].src
- checking_first_packet = False
- else:
- if packet[IP].src != client_ip_addr:
- server_ip_addr = packet[IP].src
- try:
- if (packet[Raw]):
- ssl_packets.append(packet)
- except IndexError:
- pass
- """Form our list."""
- for packet in ssl_packets:
- if packet[IP].src == client_ip_addr:
- messages.append({"sender": "client", "data": str(packet[Raw])})
- elif packet[IP].src == server_ip_addr:
- messages.append({"sender": "server", "data": str(packet[Raw])})
- else:
- raise("Detected third IP address! pcap is corrupted.")
- return messages
-class Mutator:
- idx = 0
- step = 0
- waiting = False
- waiting_step = 0
- def __init__(self, steps):
- """
- @param steps: array of dicts containing as keys data and wait. Data is
- the content of the ith packet to be sent and wait is how
- much we should wait before mutating the packet of the
- next step.
- """
- self.steps = steps
- def _mutate(self, data, idx):
- """
- Mutate the idx bytes by increasing it's value by one
- @param data: the data to be mutated.
- @param idx: what byte should be mutated.
- """
- print "idx: %s, data: %s" % (idx, data)
- ret = data[:idx]
- ret += chr(ord(data[idx]) + 1)
- ret += data[idx+1:]
- return ret
- def state(self):
- """
- Return the current mutation state. As in what bytes are being mutated.
- Returns a dict containg the packet index and the step number.
- """
- print "[Mutator.state()] Giving out my internal state."
- current_state = {'idx': self.idx, 'step': self.step}
- return current_state
- def next_mutation(self):
- """
- Increases by one the mutation state.
- ex. (* is the mutation state, i.e. the byte to be mutated)
- before [___*] [____]
- step1 step2
- after [____] [*___]
- Should be called every time you need to proceed onto the next mutation.
- It changes the internal state of the mutator to that of the next
- mutatation.
- returns True if another mutation is available.
- returns False if all the possible mutations have been done.
- """
- if (self.step + 1) > len(self.steps):
- # Hack to stop once we have gone through all the steps
- print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] I believe I have gone over all steps"
- print " Stopping!"
- self.waiting = True
- return False
- self.idx += 1
- current_idx = self.idx
- current_step = self.step
- current_data = self.steps[current_step]['data']
- try:
- data_to_receive = len(self.steps[current_step +1 ]['data'])
- print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] Managed to receive some data."
- except:
- print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] No more data to receive."
- if self.waiting and self.waiting_step == data_to_receive:
- print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] I am no longer waiting"
- log.debug("I am no longer waiting.")
- self.waiting = False
- self.waiting_step = 0
- self.idx = 0
- elif self.waiting:
- print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] Waiting some more."
- log.debug("Waiting some more.")
- self.waiting_step += 1
- elif current_idx >= len(current_data):
- print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] Entering waiting mode."
- log.debug("Entering waiting mode.")
- self.step += 1
- self.idx = 0
- self.waiting = True
- log.debug("current index %s" % current_idx)
- log.debug("current data %s" % len(current_data))
- return True
- def get_mutation(self, step):
- """
- Returns the current packet to be sent to the wire.
- If no mutation is necessary it will return the plain data.
- Should be called when you are interested in obtaining the data to be
- sent for the selected state.
- @param step: the current step you want the mutation for
- returns the mutated packet for the specified step.
- """
- if step != self.step or self.waiting:
- log.debug("[Mutator.get_mutation()] I am not going to do anything :)")
- return self.steps[step]['data']
- data = self.steps[step]['data']
- print "Mutating %s with idx %s" % (data, self.idx)
- return self._mutate(data, self.idx)
-class B0wserProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- This implements the B0wser protocol for the server side.
- It gets instanced once for every client that connects to the oonib.
- For every instance of protocol there is only 1 mutation.
- Once the last step is reached the connection is closed on the serverside.
- """
- steps = []
- mutator = None
- role = 'client'
- state = 0
- total_states = len(steps) - 1
- received_data = 0
- to_receive_data = 0
- report = reports.Report('b0wser', 'b0wser.yamlooni')
- def next_state(self):
- """
- This is called once I have completed one step of the protocol and need
- to proceed to the next step.
- """
- if not self.mutator:
- print "[B0wserProtocol.next_state] No mutator. There is no point to stay on this earth."
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- return
- if self.role is self.steps[self.state]['sender']:
- print "[B0wserProtocol.next_state] I am a sender"
- data = self.mutator.get_mutation(self.state)
- self.transport.write(data)
- self.to_receive_data = 0
- else:
- print "[B0wserProtocol.next_state] I am a receiver"
- self.to_receive_data = len(self.steps[self.state]['data'])
- self.state += 1
- self.received_data = 0
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- This is called every time some data is received. I transition to the
- next step once the amount of data that I expect to receive is received.
- @param data: the data that has been sent by the client.
- """
- if not self.mutator:
- print "I don't have a mutator. My life means nothing."
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- return
- if len(self.steps) <= self.state:
- print "I have reached the end of the state machine"
- print "Censorship fingerprint bruteforced!"
- report = {'mutator_state': self.mutator.state()}
- self.report(report)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- return
- self.received_data += len(data)
- if self.received_data >= self.to_receive_data:
- print "Moving to next state %s" % self.state
- self.next_state()
- def censorship_detected(self, report):
- """
- I have detected the possible presence of censorship we need to write a
- report on it.
- @param report: a dict containing the report to be written. Must contain
- the keys 'reason', 'proto_state' and 'mutator_state'.
- The reason is the reason for which the connection was
- closed. The proto_state is the current state of the
- protocol instance and mutator_state is what was being
- mutated.
- """
- print "The connection was closed because of %s" % report['reason']
- print "State %s, Mutator %s" % (report['proto_state'],
- report['mutator_state'])
- self.mutator.next_mutation()
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- The connection was closed. This may be because of a legittimate reason
- or it may be because of a censorship event.
- """
- if not self.mutator:
- print "Terminated because of little interest in life."
- return
- report = {'reason': reason, 'proto_state': self.state,
- 'trigger': None, 'mutator_state': self.mutator.state()}
- if self.state < self.total_states:
- report['trigger'] = 'did not finish state walk'
- self.censorship_detected(report)
- if reason.check(ConnectionDone):
- print "Connection closed cleanly"
- else:
- report['trigger'] = 'unclean connection closure'
- self.censorship_detected(report)
diff --git a/ooni/protocols/daphn3.py b/ooni/protocols/daphn3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8290e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ooni/protocols/daphn3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+from twisted.internet import protocol, defer
+from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone
+from ooni.utils import log
+from ooni.plugoo import reports
+import sys
+from scapy.all import *
+import yaml
+def get_daphn3_dictionary_from_pcap(filename):
+ """
+ @param filename: Filesystem path to the pcap.
+ Returns:
+ [{"sender": "client", "data": "\x17\x52\x15"}, {"sender": "server", "data": "\x17\x15\x13"}]
+ """
+ packets = rdpcap(filename)
+ checking_first_packet = True
+ client_ip_addr = None
+ server_ip_addr = None
+ ssl_packets = []
+ messages = []
+ """
+ pcap assumptions:
+ pcap only contains packets exchanged between a Tor client and a Tor server.
+ (This assumption makes sure that there are only two IP addresses in the
+ pcap file)
+ The first packet of the pcap is sent from the client to the server. (This
+ assumption is used to get the IP address of the client.)
+ All captured packets are TLS packets: that is TCP session
+ establishment/teardown packets should be filtered out (no SYN/SYN+ACK)
+ """
+ """Minimally validate the pcap and also find out what's the client
+ and server IP addresses."""
+ for packet in packets:
+ if checking_first_packet:
+ client_ip_addr = packet[IP].src
+ checking_first_packet = False
+ else:
+ if packet[IP].src != client_ip_addr:
+ server_ip_addr = packet[IP].src
+ try:
+ if (packet[Raw]):
+ ssl_packets.append(packet)
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ """Form our list."""
+ for packet in ssl_packets:
+ if packet[IP].src == client_ip_addr:
+ messages.append({"sender": "client", "data": str(packet[Raw])})
+ elif packet[IP].src == server_ip_addr:
+ messages.append({"sender": "server", "data": str(packet[Raw])})
+ else:
+ raise("Detected third IP address! pcap is corrupted.")
+ return messages
+class Mutator:
+ idx = 0
+ step = 0
+ waiting = False
+ waiting_step = 0
+ def __init__(self, steps):
+ """
+ @param steps: array of dicts containing as keys data and wait. Data is
+ the content of the ith packet to be sent and wait is how
+ much we should wait before mutating the packet of the
+ next step.
+ """
+ self.steps = steps
+ def _mutate(self, data, idx):
+ """
+ Mutate the idx bytes by increasing it's value by one
+ @param data: the data to be mutated.
+ @param idx: what byte should be mutated.
+ """
+ print "idx: %s, data: %s" % (idx, data)
+ ret = data[:idx]
+ ret += chr(ord(data[idx]) + 1)
+ ret += data[idx+1:]
+ return ret
+ def state(self):
+ """
+ Return the current mutation state. As in what bytes are being mutated.
+ Returns a dict containg the packet index and the step number.
+ """
+ print "[Mutator.state()] Giving out my internal state."
+ current_state = {'idx': self.idx, 'step': self.step}
+ return current_state
+ def next_mutation(self):
+ """
+ Increases by one the mutation state.
+ ex. (* is the mutation state, i.e. the byte to be mutated)
+ before [___*] [____]
+ step1 step2
+ after [____] [*___]
+ Should be called every time you need to proceed onto the next mutation.
+ It changes the internal state of the mutator to that of the next
+ mutatation.
+ returns True if another mutation is available.
+ returns False if all the possible mutations have been done.
+ """
+ if (self.step + 1) > len(self.steps):
+ # Hack to stop once we have gone through all the steps
+ print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] I believe I have gone over all steps"
+ print " Stopping!"
+ self.waiting = True
+ return False
+ self.idx += 1
+ current_idx = self.idx
+ current_step = self.step
+ current_data = self.steps[current_step]['data']
+ try:
+ data_to_receive = len(self.steps[current_step +1 ]['data'])
+ print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] Managed to receive some data."
+ except:
+ print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] No more data to receive."
+ if self.waiting and self.waiting_step == data_to_receive:
+ print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] I am no longer waiting"
+ log.debug("I am no longer waiting.")
+ self.waiting = False
+ self.waiting_step = 0
+ self.idx = 0
+ elif self.waiting:
+ print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] Waiting some more."
+ log.debug("Waiting some more.")
+ self.waiting_step += 1
+ elif current_idx >= len(current_data):
+ print "[Mutator.next_mutation()] Entering waiting mode."
+ log.debug("Entering waiting mode.")
+ self.step += 1
+ self.idx = 0
+ self.waiting = True
+ log.debug("current index %s" % current_idx)
+ log.debug("current data %s" % len(current_data))
+ return True
+ def get_mutation(self, step):
+ """
+ Returns the current packet to be sent to the wire.
+ If no mutation is necessary it will return the plain data.
+ Should be called when you are interested in obtaining the data to be
+ sent for the selected state.
+ @param step: the current step you want the mutation for
+ returns the mutated packet for the specified step.
+ """
+ if step != self.step or self.waiting:
+ log.debug("[Mutator.get_mutation()] I am not going to do anything :)")
+ return self.steps[step]['data']
+ data = self.steps[step]['data']
+ print "Mutating %s with idx %s" % (data, self.idx)
+ return self._mutate(data, self.idx)
+class Daphn3Protocol(protocol.Protocol):
+ """
+ This implements the Daphn3 protocol for the server side.
+ It gets instanced once for every client that connects to the oonib.
+ For every instance of protocol there is only 1 mutation.
+ Once the last step is reached the connection is closed on the serverside.
+ """
+ steps = []
+ mutator = None
+ role = 'client'
+ state = 0
+ total_states = len(steps) - 1
+ received_data = 0
+ to_receive_data = 0
+ report = reports.Report('daphn3', 'daphn3.yamlooni')
+ def next_state(self):
+ """
+ This is called once I have completed one step of the protocol and need
+ to proceed to the next step.
+ """
+ if not self.mutator:
+ print "[Daphn3Protocol.next_state] No mutator. There is no point to stay on this earth."
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ return
+ if self.role is self.steps[self.state]['sender']:
+ print "[Daphn3Protocol.next_state] I am a sender"
+ data = self.mutator.get_mutation(self.state)
+ self.transport.write(data)
+ self.to_receive_data = 0
+ else:
+ print "[Daphn3Protocol.next_state] I am a receiver"
+ self.to_receive_data = len(self.steps[self.state]['data'])
+ self.state += 1
+ self.received_data = 0
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ This is called every time some data is received. I transition to the
+ next step once the amount of data that I expect to receive is received.
+ @param data: the data that has been sent by the client.
+ """
+ if not self.mutator:
+ print "I don't have a mutator. My life means nothing."
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ return
+ if len(self.steps) <= self.state:
+ print "I have reached the end of the state machine"
+ print "Censorship fingerprint bruteforced!"
+ report = {'mutator_state': self.mutator.state()}
+ self.report(report)
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ return
+ self.received_data += len(data)
+ if self.received_data >= self.to_receive_data:
+ print "Moving to next state %s" % self.state
+ self.next_state()
+ def censorship_detected(self, report):
+ """
+ I have detected the possible presence of censorship we need to write a
+ report on it.
+ @param report: a dict containing the report to be written. Must contain
+ the keys 'reason', 'proto_state' and 'mutator_state'.
+ The reason is the reason for which the connection was
+ closed. The proto_state is the current state of the
+ protocol instance and mutator_state is what was being
+ mutated.
+ """
+ print "The connection was closed because of %s" % report['reason']
+ print "State %s, Mutator %s" % (report['proto_state'],
+ report['mutator_state'])
+ self.mutator.next_mutation()
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ The connection was closed. This may be because of a legittimate reason
+ or it may be because of a censorship event.
+ """
+ if not self.mutator:
+ print "Terminated because of little interest in life."
+ return
+ report = {'reason': reason, 'proto_state': self.state,
+ 'trigger': None, 'mutator_state': self.mutator.state()}
+ if self.state < self.total_states:
+ report['trigger'] = 'did not finish state walk'
+ self.censorship_detected(report)
+ if reason.check(ConnectionDone):
+ print "Connection closed cleanly"
+ else:
+ report['trigger'] = 'unclean connection closure'
+ self.censorship_detected(report)
diff --git a/oonib/b0wser.py b/oonib/b0wser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4500075..0000000
--- a/oonib/b0wser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.internet import protocol
-from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone
-from ooni.plugoo import reports
-from ooni.protocols.b0wser import Mutator, B0wserProtocol
-class B0wserServer(protocol.ServerFactory):
- """
- This is the main class that deals with the b0wser server side component.
- We keep track of global state of every client here.
- Every client is identified by their IP address and the state of mutation is
- stored by using their IP address as a key. This may lead to some bugs if
- two different clients are sharing the same IP, but hopefully the
- probability of such thing is not that likely.
- """
- protocol = B0wserProtocol
- mutations = {}
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- p = self.protocol()
- p.factory = self
- if addr.host not in self.mutations:
- self.mutations[addr.host] = Mutator(p.steps)
- else:
- print "Moving on to next mutation"
- if not self.mutations[addr.host].next_mutation():
- self.mutations.pop(addr.host)
- try:
- p.mutator = self.mutations[addr.host]
- except:
- pass
- return p
diff --git a/oonib/daphn3.py b/oonib/daphn3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22aef49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oonib/daphn3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from twisted.internet import protocol
+from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone
+from ooni.plugoo import reports
+from ooni.protocols.daphn3 import Mutator, daphn3Protocol
+class daphn3Server(protocol.ServerFactory):
+ """
+ This is the main class that deals with the daphn3 server side component.
+ We keep track of global state of every client here.
+ Every client is identified by their IP address and the state of mutation is
+ stored by using their IP address as a key. This may lead to some bugs if
+ two different clients are sharing the same IP, but hopefully the
+ probability of such thing is not that likely.
+ """
+ protocol = daphn3Protocol
+ mutations = {}
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ p = self.protocol()
+ p.factory = self
+ if addr.host not in self.mutations:
+ self.mutations[addr.host] = Mutator(p.steps)
+ else:
+ print "Moving on to next mutation"
+ if not self.mutations[addr.host].next_mutation():
+ self.mutations.pop(addr.host)
+ try:
+ p.mutator = self.mutations[addr.host]
+ except:
+ pass
+ return p
diff --git a/oonib/oonibackend.py b/oonib/oonibackend.py
index 4ae275e..22a8728 100755
--- a/oonib/oonibackend.py
+++ b/oonib/oonibackend.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from twisted.names import dns
from oonib.httpbackend import HTTPBackend
from oonib.dnsbackend import ProxyDNSServer
-from oonib.b0wser import B0wserServer
+from oonib.daphn3 import Daphn3Server
# This tells twisted to set the
server.version = "Apache"
@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ UDPFactory = dns.DNSDatagramProtocol(TCPDNSServer)
internet.UDPServer(5354, UDPFactory).setServiceParent(serviceCollection)
# Start the ooni backend thing
-b0wser = B0wserServer()
-internet.TCPServer(9666, b0wser).setServiceParent(serviceCollection)
+daphn3 = Daphn3Server()
+internet.TCPServer(9666, daphn3).setServiceParent(serviceCollection)
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