[tor-commits] [stem/master] Add Socks class to handle a socket connection through a SOCKS5 proxy
atagar at torproject.org
atagar at torproject.org
Sun Dec 23 00:32:17 UTC 2012
commit 4485657e3840f0ea9d9fc96623dd7f50a476a79d
Author: Sean Robinson <seankrobinson at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Dec 17 20:02:22 2012 -0700
Add Socks class to handle a socket connection through a SOCKS5 proxy
I attempted to keep this generic and open enough that IPV6 support can
be easily added at a later date.
Signed-off-by: Sean Robinson <seankrobinson at gmail.com>
test/network.py | 172 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/network.py b/test/network.py
index 72bfca7..6ab17f5 100644
--- a/test/network.py
+++ b/test/network.py
@@ -6,8 +6,20 @@ the tor network.
ProxyError - Base error for proxy issues.
+- SocksError - Reports problems returned by the SOCKS proxy.
+ Socks - Communicate through a SOCKS5 proxy with a socket interface
+import socket
+import struct
+import stem.util.connection
+SOCKS5_NOAUTH_GREETING = (0x05, 0x01, 0x00)
+SOCKS5_NOAUTH_RESPONSE = (0x05, 0x00)
+SOCKS5_CONN_BY_IPV4 = (0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01)
+SOCKS5_CONN_BY_NAME = (0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03)
class ProxyError(Exception):
""" Base error for proxy issues. """
@@ -39,3 +51,163 @@ class SocksError(ProxyError):
if self.code in self._ERROR_MESSAGE:
code = self.code
return "[%s] %s" % (code, self._ERROR_MESSAGE[code])
+class Socks(socket.socket):
+ """
+ A **socket.socket**-like interface through a SOCKS5 proxy connection.
+ Tor does not support proxy authentication, so neither does this class.
+ This class supports the context manager protocol. When used this way, the
+ socket will automatically close when leaving the context. An example:
+ ::
+ from test.network import Socks
+ with Socks(('', 9050)) as socks:
+ socks.settimeout(2)
+ socks.connect(('www.torproject.org', 443))
+ """
+ def __init__(self, proxy_addr, family = socket.AF_INET,
+ type_ = socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto = 0, _sock = None):
+ """
+ Creates a SOCKS5-aware socket which will route connections through the
+ proxy_addr SOCKS5 proxy. Currently, only IPv4 TCP connections are
+ supported, so the defaults for family and type_ are your best option.
+ :param tuple proxy_addr: address of the SOCKS5 proxy, for IPv4 this
+ contains (host, port)
+ :param int family: address family of the socket
+ :param int type_: address type of the socket (see **socket.socket** for
+ more information about family and type_)
+ :returns: :class:`~test.network.Socks`
+ """
+ _socket_socket.__init__(self, family, type_, proto, _sock)
+ self._proxy_addr = proxy_addr
+ def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exit_type, value, traceback):
+ self.close()
+ return False
+ def _recvall(self, expected_size):
+ """
+ Returns expected number bytes from the socket, or dies trying.
+ :param int expected_size: number of bytes to return
+ :returns:
+ * **str** in Python 2 (bytes is str)
+ * **bytes** in Python 3
+ :raises:
+ * :class:`socket.error` for socket errors
+ * :class:`test.SocksError` if the received data was more that expected
+ """
+ while True:
+ response = self.recv(expected_size * 2)
+ if len(response) == 0:
+ raise socket.error("socket closed unexpectedly?")
+ elif len(response) == expected_size:
+ return response
+ elif len(response) > expected_size:
+ raise SocksError(0x01)
+ def _ints_to_bytes(self, integers):
+ """
+ Returns a byte string converted from integers.
+ :param list integers: list of ints to convert
+ :returns:
+ * **str** in Python 2 (bytes is str)
+ * **bytes** in Python 3
+ """
+ if bytes is str:
+ bytes_ = ''.join([chr(x) for x in integers]) # Python 2
+ else:
+ bytes_ = bytes(integers) # Python 3
+ return bytes_
+ def _bytes_to_ints(self, bytes_):
+ """
+ Returns a tuple of integers converted from a string (Python 2) or
+ bytes (Python 3).
+ :param str,bytes bytes_: byte string to convert
+ :returns: **list** of ints
+ """
+ try:
+ integers = [ord(x) for x in bytes_] # Python 2
+ except TypeError:
+ integers = [x for x in bytes_] # Python 3
+ return tuple(integers)
+ def _pack_string(self, string_):
+ """
+ Returns a packed string for sending over a socket.
+ :param str string_: string to convert
+ :returns:
+ * **str** in Python 2 (bytes is str)
+ * **bytes** in Python 3
+ """
+ try:
+ return struct.pack(">%ss" % len(string_), string_)
+ except struct.error:
+ # Python 3: encode str to bytes
+ return struct.pack(">%ss" % len(string_), string_.encode())
+ def connect(self, address):
+ """
+ Establishes a connection to address through the SOCKS5 proxy.
+ :param tuple address: target address, for IPv4 this contains
+ (host, port)
+ :raises: :class:`test.SocksError` for any errors
+ """
+ socket.socket.connect(self, (self._proxy_addr[0], self._proxy_addr[1]))
+ # ask for non-authenticated connection
+ self.sendall(self._ints_to_bytes(SOCKS5_NOAUTH_GREETING))
+ response = self._bytes_to_ints(self._recvall(2))
+ if response != SOCKS5_NOAUTH_RESPONSE:
+ raise SocksError(0x01)
+ if stem.util.connection.is_valid_ip_address(address[0]):
+ header = self._ints_to_bytes(SOCKS5_CONN_BY_IPV4)
+ header = header + socket.inet_aton(address[0])
+ else:
+ # As a last gasp, try connecting by name
+ header = self._ints_to_bytes(SOCKS5_CONN_BY_NAME)
+ header = header + self._ints_to_bytes([len(address[0])])
+ header = header + self._pack_string(address[0])
+ header = header + struct.pack(">H", address[1])
+ self.sendall(header)
+ response = self._bytes_to_ints(self._recvall(10))
+ # check the status byte
+ if response[1] != 0x00:
+ raise SocksError(response[1])
+ def connect_ex(self, address):
+ """
+ Not Implemented.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
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