[tor-commits] [arm/master] Dropping the interpretor panel

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Tue Dec 18 16:12:20 UTC 2012

commit 582bd8e556ea26cc1c7e2ba2aa3a6b8d859fdd2b
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 18 08:09:27 2012 -0800

    Dropping the interpretor panel
    Since introducing the interpretor panel to arm the program's been plagued
    with stability issues (https://trac.torproject.org/6439). I suspect that the
    root cause is related to the readline module somehow being imported, though
    I tried to keep that import away from the cli use cases.
    The interpretor panel was a sweet idea and will live on as a separate
    application. However, as a part of arm it has been surprisingly unused (I've
    *NEVER* heard of someone making use of it). Oh well...
 README                      |    2 -
 armrc.sample                |    1 -
 src/cli/__init__.py         |    2 +-
 src/cli/controller.py       |    5 -
 src/cli/interpretorPanel.py |  137 ------
 src/starter.py              |   14 +-
 src/util/__init__.py        |    2 +-
 src/util/torInterpretor.py  | 1065 -------------------------------------------
 8 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1222 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README b/README
index e5676f7..4d0b4c1 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -206,7 +206,6 @@ Layout:
       logPanel.py            - (page 1) displays tor, arm, and stem events
       configPanel.py         - (page 3) editor panel for the tor configuration
       torrcPanel.py          - (page 4) displays torrc and validation
-      interpretorPanel.py    - (page 5) interpretor for control port access
@@ -221,7 +220,6 @@ Layout:
       sysTools.py    - helper for system calls, providing client side caching
       textInput.py   - expands the capabilities of text input fields
       torConfig.py   - functions for working with the torrc and config options
-      torInterpretor.py - provides a shell around raw control port access
       torTools.py    - Stem wrapper, providing caching and derived information
       uiTools.py     - helper functions for presenting the user interface
diff --git a/armrc.sample b/armrc.sample
index 5fb9564..458fcbe 100644
--- a/armrc.sample
+++ b/armrc.sample
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ features.panels.show.log true
 features.panels.show.connection true
 features.panels.show.config true
 features.panels.show.torrc true
-features.panels.show.interpretor true
 # Read the proc contents directly instead of calling ps, netstat, and other
 # resolvers. This provides very sizable performance benefits (around 90%
diff --git a/src/cli/__init__.py b/src/cli/__init__.py
index fa23640..b0d6bd8 100644
--- a/src/cli/__init__.py
+++ b/src/cli/__init__.py
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
 Panels, popups, and handlers comprising the arm user interface.
-__all__ = ["configPanel", "controller", "headerPanel", "interpretorPanel", "logPanel", "popups", "torrcPanel", "wizard"]
+__all__ = ["configPanel", "controller", "headerPanel", "logPanel", "popups", "torrcPanel", "wizard"]
diff --git a/src/cli/controller.py b/src/cli/controller.py
index de77e5a..1f2bf2b 100644
--- a/src/cli/controller.py
+++ b/src/cli/controller.py
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import cli.headerPanel
 import cli.logPanel
 import cli.configPanel
 import cli.torrcPanel
-import cli.interpretorPanel
 import cli.graphing.graphPanel
 import cli.graphing.bandwidthStats
 import cli.graphing.connStats
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ CONFIG = {"startup.events": "N3",
           "features.panels.show.connection": True,
           "features.panels.show.config": True,
           "features.panels.show.torrc": True,
-          "features.panels.show.interpretor": True,
           "features.redrawRate": 5,
           "features.refreshRate": 5,
           "features.confirmQuit": True,
@@ -99,9 +97,6 @@ def initController(stdscr, startTime):
   if CONFIG["features.panels.show.torrc"]:
     pagePanels.append([cli.torrcPanel.TorrcPanel(stdscr, cli.torrcPanel.Config.TORRC, config)])
-  if CONFIG["features.panels.show.interpretor"]:
-    pagePanels.append([cli.interpretorPanel.InterpretorPanel(stdscr)])
   # initializes the controller
   ARM_CONTROLLER = Controller(stdscr, stickyPanels, pagePanels)
diff --git a/src/cli/interpretorPanel.py b/src/cli/interpretorPanel.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 246636c..0000000
--- a/src/cli/interpretorPanel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-Panel providing raw control port access with syntax hilighting, usage
-information, tab completion, and other usability features.
-import curses
-from util import panel, textInput, torInterpretor, torTools, uiTools
-USAGE_INFO = "to use this panel press enter"
-PROMPT_LINE = [torInterpretor.PROMPT, (USAGE_INFO, torInterpretor.USAGE_FORMAT)]
-# lazy loaded mapping of interpretor attributes to curses formatting constants
-def getFormat(formatAttr):
-  """
-  Provides the curses drawing attributes for torInterpretor formats.
-  Arguments:
-    formatAttr - list of formatting attributes
-  """
-  # initializes formats if they haven't yet been loaded
-  if not FORMATS:
-    for colorEnum in torInterpretor.Color.values():
-      FORMATS[colorEnum] = uiTools.getColor(colorEnum.lower())
-    FORMATS[torInterpretor.Attr.BOLD] = curses.A_BOLD
-    FORMATS[torInterpretor.Attr.UNDERLINE] = curses.A_UNDERLINE
-    FORMATS[torInterpretor.Attr.HILIGHT] = curses.A_STANDOUT
-  cursesFormatting = curses.A_NORMAL
-  for attr in formatAttr:
-    cursesFormatting |= FORMATS.get(attr, curses.A_NORMAL)
-  return cursesFormatting
-class InterpretorPanel(panel.Panel):
-  def __init__(self, stdscr):
-    panel.Panel.__init__(self, stdscr, "interpretor", 0)
-    self.interpretor = torInterpretor.ControlInterpretor()
-    self.inputCompleter = torInterpretor.TorControlCompleter()
-    self.isInputMode = False
-    self.scroll = 0
-  def prompt(self):
-    """
-    Enables the interpretor, prompting for input until the user enters esc or
-    a blank line.
-    """
-    self.isInputMode = True
-    panel.CURSES_LOCK.acquire()
-    while self.isInputMode:
-      self.redraw(True)
-      # intercepts input so user can cycle through the history
-      validator = textInput.BasicValidator()
-      validator = textInput.HistoryValidator(list(reversed(self.interpretor.getBacklog())), validator)
-      validator = textInput.TabCompleter(self.inputCompleter.getMatches, validator)
-      xOffset = len(torInterpretor.PROMPT[0])
-      displayLength = len(self.interpretor.getDisplayContents(PROMPT_LINE))
-      if displayLength > self.maxY - 1:
-        xOffset += 3 # offset for scrollbar
-      inputLine = min(self.maxY - 1, displayLength)
-      inputFormat = getFormat(torInterpretor.INPUT_FORMAT)
-      input = self.getstr(inputLine, xOffset, "", inputFormat, validator = validator)
-      if input == None: input = ""
-      input, isDone = input.strip(), False
-      if not input:
-        # terminate input when we get a blank line
-        isDone = True
-      else:
-        try:
-          self.interpretor.handleQuery(input)
-        except torInterpretor.InterpretorClosed:
-          # Makes our control connection check if its been closed or not
-          torTools.getConn().isAlive()
-          isDone = True
-      if isDone:
-        self.isInputMode = False
-        self.redraw(True)
-    panel.CURSES_LOCK.release()
-  def handleKey(self, key):
-    isKeystrokeConsumed = True
-    if uiTools.isSelectionKey(key):
-      self.prompt()
-    elif uiTools.isScrollKey(key) and not self.isInputMode:
-      pageHeight = self.getPreferredSize()[0] - 1
-      displayLength = len(self.interpretor.getDisplayContents(PROMPT_LINE))
-      newScroll = uiTools.getScrollPosition(key, self.scroll, pageHeight, displayLength)
-      if self.scroll != newScroll:
-        self.scroll = newScroll
-        self.redraw(True)
-    else: isKeystrokeConsumed = False
-    return isKeystrokeConsumed
-  def draw(self, width, height):
-    # page title
-    usageMsg = " (enter \"/help\" for usage or a blank line to stop)" if self.isInputMode else ""
-    self.addstr(0, 0, "Control Interpretor%s:" % usageMsg, curses.A_STANDOUT)
-    xOffset = 0
-    displayContents = self.interpretor.getDisplayContents(PROMPT_LINE)
-    if len(displayContents) > height - 1:
-      # if we're in input mode then make sure the last line is visible
-      if self.isInputMode:
-        self.scroll = len(displayContents) - height + 1
-      xOffset = 3
-      self.addScrollBar(self.scroll, self.scroll + height - 1, len(displayContents), 1)
-    # draws prior commands and output
-    drawLine = 1
-    for entry in displayContents[self.scroll:]:
-      cursor = xOffset
-      for msg, formatEntry in entry:
-        format = getFormat(formatEntry)
-        self.addstr(drawLine, cursor, msg, format)
-        cursor += len(msg)
-      drawLine += 1
-      if drawLine >= height: break
diff --git a/src/starter.py b/src/starter.py
index 01a6086..2b5063e 100644
--- a/src/starter.py
+++ b/src/starter.py
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import util.panel
 import util.procTools
 import util.sysTools
 import util.torConfig
-import util.torInterpretor
 import util.torTools
 import util.uiTools
@@ -55,8 +54,8 @@ CONFIG = {"startup.controlPassword": None,
           "log.configDescriptions.persistance.saveFailed": util.log.NOTICE,
           "log.savingDebugLog": util.log.NOTICE}
-OPT = "gpi:s:c:dbe:vh"
-OPT_EXPANDED = ["prompt", "interface=", "socket=", "config=", "debug", "blind", "event=", "version", "help"]
+OPT = "gi:s:c:dbe:vh"
+OPT_EXPANDED = ["interface=", "socket=", "config=", "debug", "blind", "event=", "version", "help"]
 HELP_MSG = """Usage arm [OPTION]
 Terminal status monitor for Tor relays.
@@ -298,7 +297,6 @@ def _dumpConfig():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
   startTime = time.time()
   param = dict([(key, None) for key in CONFIG.keys()])
-  launchPrompt = False
   isDebugMode = False
   configPath = DEFAULT_CONFIG # path used for customized configuration
@@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
       param["startup.interface.port"] = controlPort
     elif opt in ("-s", "--socket"):
       param["startup.interface.socket"] = arg
-    elif opt in ("-p", "--prompt"): launchPrompt = True
     elif opt in ("-c", "--config"): configPath = arg  # sets path of user's config
     elif opt in ("-d", "--debug"): isDebugMode = True # dumps all logs
     elif opt in ("-b", "--blind"):
@@ -388,7 +385,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
   # - tor is running (otherwise it would be kinda confusing, "tor is running
   #   but why does arm say that it's shut down?")
-  if launchPrompt or util.torTools.isTorRunning():
+  if util.torTools.isTorRunning():
     config.set("features.allowDetachedStartup", "false")
   # revises defaults to match user's configuration
@@ -514,8 +511,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
   if util.uiTools.isUnicodeAvailable():
     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
-  if launchPrompt:
-    util.torInterpretor.showPrompt()
-  else:
-    cli.controller.startTorMonitor(time.time() - initTime)
+  cli.controller.startTorMonitor(time.time() - initTime)
diff --git a/src/util/__init__.py b/src/util/__init__.py
index 2b8f928..973527e 100644
--- a/src/util/__init__.py
+++ b/src/util/__init__.py
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ application's status, making cross platform system calls, parsing tor data,
 and safely working with curses (hiding some of the gory details).
-__all__ = ["conf", "connections", "enum", "gtkTools", "hostnames", "log", "panel", "procTools", "procName", "sysTools", "textInput", "torConfig", "torInterpretor", "torTools", "uiTools"]
+__all__ = ["conf", "connections", "enum", "gtkTools", "hostnames", "log", "panel", "procTools", "procName", "sysTools", "textInput", "torConfig", "torTools", "uiTools"]
diff --git a/src/util/torInterpretor.py b/src/util/torInterpretor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5023045..0000000
--- a/src/util/torInterpretor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1065 +0,0 @@
-Provides an interactive interpretor for working with the Tor control port. This
-adds usability features like IRC style interpretor commands and, when ran
-directly, history and tab completion.
-import re
-import sys
-import version
-import stem
-from util import connections, enum, hostnames, torConfig, torTools, uiTools
-COLOR_PROMPT = True     # provides a colored interpretor prompt
-INFO_HOSTNAMES = False  # hostname lookups in /info results
-# initial location /write will save to when no path is specified
-DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH = "/tmp/torInterpretor_output"
-INIT_MSG = """Arm %s Control Interpretor
-Enter \"/help\" for usage information and \"/quit\" to stop.
-""" % version.VERSION
-Color = enum.Enum(*TERM_COLORS)
-BgColor = enum.Enum(*["BG_" + color for color in TERM_COLORS])
-Attr = enum.Enum("BOLD", "UNDERLINE", "HILIGHT")
-FG_ENCODING = dict([(Color.values()[i], str(30 + i)) for i in range(8)])
-BG_ENCODING = dict([(BgColor.values()[i], str(40 + i)) for i in range(8)])
-ATTR_ENCODING = {Attr.BOLD: "1", Attr.UNDERLINE: "4", Attr.HILIGHT: "7"}
-PROMPT = (">>> ", (Attr.BOLD, Color.GREEN))
-CSI = "\x1B[%sm"
-RESET = CSI % "0"
-# limits used for cropping
-MULTILINE_UNIMPLEMENTED_NOTICE = "Multi-line control options like this are not yet implemented."
-GENERAL_HELP = """Interpretor commands include:
-  /help   - provides information for interpretor and tor commands/config options
-  /info   - general information for a relay
-  /find   - searches backlog for lines with the given regex
-  /events - prints events that we've received
-  /write  - saves backlog to a given location
-  /quit   - shuts down the interpretor
-Tor commands include:
-  GETINFO - queries information from tor
-  GETCONF, SETCONF, RESETCONF - show or edit a configuration option
-  SIGNAL - issues control signal to the process (for resetting, stopping, etc)
-  SETEVENTS - configures the events tor will notify us of
-  USEFEATURE - enables custom behavior for the controller
-  SAVECONF - writes tor's current configuration to our torrc
-  LOADCONF - loads the given input like it was part of our torrc
-  MAPADDRESS - replaces requests for one address with another
-  POSTDESCRIPTOR - adds a relay descriptor to our cache
-  EXTENDCIRCUIT - create or extend a tor circuit
-  SETCIRCUITPURPOSE - configures the purpose associated with a circuit
-  CLOSECIRCUIT - closes the given circuit
-  ATTACHSTREAM - associates an application's stream with a tor circuit
-  REDIRECTSTREAM - sets a stream's destination
-  CLOSESTREAM - closes the given stream
-  RESOLVE - issues an asynchronous dns or rdns request over tor
-  TAKEOWNERSHIP - instructs tor to quit when this control connection is closed
-  PROTOCOLINFO - queries version and controller authentication information
-  QUIT - disconnect the control connection
-For more information use '/help [OPTION]'."""
-HELP_HELP = """Provides usage information for the given interpretor, tor command, or tor
-configuration option.
-  /help info        # provides a description of the '/info' option
-  /help GETINFO     # usage information for tor's GETINFO controller option
-  /help ExitPolicy  # description of tor's ExitPolicy configuration option"""
-HELP_WRITE = """Writes the interpretor's backlog to the given path. If no location is
-specified then this saves to the last path specified (initially '%s').""" % DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH
-HELP_EVENTS = """Provides events that we've received belonging to the given event types. If
-no types are specified then this provides all the messages that we've
-HELP_INFO = """Provides general information for a relay that's currently in the consensus.
-If no relay is specified then this provides information on ourselves."""
-HELP_FIND = """Searches the backlog for lines matching a given regular expression pattern.
-Results are deduplicated and the matching portions bolded."""
-HELP_QUIT = """Terminates the interpretor."""
-HELP_GETINFO = """Queries the tor process for information. Options are...
-HELP_GETCONF = """Provides the current value for a given configuration value. Options include...
-HELP_SETCONF = """Sets the given configuration parameters. Values can be quoted or non-quoted
-strings, and reverts the option to 0 or NULL if not provided.
-  * Sets a contact address and resets our family to NULL
-    SETCONF MyFamily ContactInfo=foo at bar.com
-  * Sets an exit policy that only includes port 80/443
-    SETCONF ExitPolicy=\"accept *:80, accept *:443, reject *:*\""""
-HELP_RESETCONF = """Reverts the given configuration options to their default values. If a value
-is provided then this behaves in the same way as SETCONF.
-  * Returns both of our accounting parameters to their defaults
-    RESETCONF AccountingMax AccountingStart
-  * Uses the default exit policy and sets our nickname to be 'Goomba'
-    RESETCONF ExitPolicy Nickname=Goomba"""
-HELP_SIGNAL = """Issues a signal that tells the tor process to reload its torrc, dump its
-stats, halt, etc.
-  ("RELOAD / HUP", "reload our torrc"),
-  ("SHUTDOWN / INT", "gracefully shut down, waiting 30 seconds if we're a relay"),
-  ("DUMP / USR1", "logs information about open connections and circuits"),
-  ("DEBUG / USR2", "makes us log at the DEBUG runlevel"),
-  ("HALT / TERM", "immediately shut down"),
-  ("CLEARDNSCACHE", "clears any cached DNS results"),
-  ("NEWNYM", "clears the DNS cache and uses new circuits for future connections")
-HELP_SETEVENTS = """Sets the events that we will receive. This turns off any events that aren't
-listed so sending 'SETEVENTS' without any values will turn off all event reporting.
-For Tor versions between and adding 'EXTENDED' causes some
-events to give us additional information. After version this is
-always on.
-Events include...
-HELP_USEFEATURE = """Customizes the behavior of the control port. Options include...
-HELP_SAVECONF = """Writes Tor's current configuration to its torrc."""
-HELP_LOADCONF = """Reads the given text like it belonged to our torrc.
-  # sets our exit policy to just accept ports 80 and 443
-  ExitPolicy accept *:80
-  ExitPolicy accept *:443
-  ExitPolicy reject *:*
-  ."""
-HELP_MAPADDRESS = """Replaces future requests for one address with another.
-HELP_POSTDESCRIPTOR = """Simulates getting a new relay descriptor."""
-HELP_EXTENDCIRCUIT = """Extends the given circuit or create a new one if the CircuitID is zero. The
-PATH is a comma separated list of fingerprints. If it isn't set then this
-uses Tor's normal path selection."""
-HELP_SETCIRCUITPURPOSE = """Sets the purpose attribute for a circuit."""
-HELP_CLOSECIRCUIT = """Closes the given circuit. If "IfUnused" is included then this only closes
-the circuit if it isn't currently being used."""
-HELP_ATTACHSTREAM = """Attaches a stream with the given built circuit (tor picks one on its own if
-CircuitID is zero). If HopNum is given then this hop is used to exit the
-circuit, otherwise the last relay is used."""
-HELP_REDIRECTSTREAM = """Sets the destination for a given stream. This can only be done after a
-stream is created but before it's attached to a circuit."""
-HELP_CLOSESTREAM = """Closes the given stream, the reason being an integer matching a reason as
-per section 6.3 of the tor-spec."""
-HELP_RESOLVE = """Performs IPv4 DNS resolution over tor, doing a reverse lookup instead if
-"mode=reverse" is included. This request is processed in the background and
-results in a ADDRMAP event with the response."""
-HELP_TAKEOWNERSHIP = """Instructs Tor to gracefully shut down when this control connection is closed."""
-HELP_PROTOCOLINFO = """Provides bootstrapping information that a controller might need when first
-starting, like Tor's version and controller authentication. This can be done
-before authenticating to the control port."""
-  "HELP": ("/help [OPTION]", HELP_HELP),
-  "WRITE": ("/write [PATH]", HELP_WRITE),
-  "EVENTS": ("/events [types]", HELP_EVENTS),
-  "INFO": ("/info [relay fingerprint, nickname, or IP address]", HELP_INFO),
-  "FIND": ("/find PATTERN", HELP_FIND),
-  "QUIT": ("/quit", HELP_QUIT),
-  "POSTDESCRIPTOR": ("POSTDESCRIPTOR [purpose=general/controller/bridge] [cache=yes/no]...", HELP_POSTDESCRIPTOR),
-  "EXTENDCIRCUIT": ("EXTENDCIRCUIT CircuitID [PATH] [purpose=general/controller]", HELP_EXTENDCIRCUIT),
-  "RESOLVE": ("RESOLVE [mode=reverse] address", HELP_RESOLVE),
-class InterpretorClosed(Exception):
-  """
-  Exception raised when the interpretor should be shut down.
-  """
-  pass
-def format(msg, *attr):
-  """
-  Simple terminal text formatting, using ANSI escape sequences from:
-  https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#CSI_codes
-  toolkits providing similar capabilities:
-  * django.utils.termcolors
-    https://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/utils/termcolors.py
-  * termcolor
-    http://pypi.python.org/pypi/termcolor
-  * colorama
-    http://pypi.python.org/pypi/colorama
-  Arguments:
-    msg  - string to be formatted
-    attr - text attributes, this can be Color, BgColor, or Attr enums and are
-           case insensitive (so strings like "red" are fine)
-  """
-  encodings = []
-  for textAttr in attr:
-    textAttr, encoding = enum.toCamelCase(textAttr), None
-    encoding = FG_ENCODING.get(textAttr, encoding)
-    encoding = BG_ENCODING.get(textAttr, encoding)
-    encoding = ATTR_ENCODING.get(textAttr, encoding)
-    if encoding: encodings.append(encoding)
-  if encodings:
-    return (CSI % ";".join(encodings)) + msg + RESET
-  else: return msg
-class TorControlCompleter:
-  """
-  Command autocompleter, fetching the valid options from the attached Tor
-  instance.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._prefix = None
-    self._prefixMatches = []
-    self.commands = []
-    conn = torTools.getConn()
-    # adds all of the valid GETINFO options
-    infoOptions = conn.getInfo("info/names", None)
-    if infoOptions:
-      for line in infoOptions.split("\n"):
-        if " " in line:
-          # skipping non-existant options mentioned in:
-          # https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/3844
-          if line.startswith("config/*") or line.startswith("dir-usage"):
-            continue
-          infoOpt = line.split(" ", 1)[0]
-          # strips off the ending asterisk if it accepts a value
-          if infoOpt.endswith("*"): infoOpt = infoOpt[:-1]
-          self.commands.append("GETINFO %s" % infoOpt)
-    else: self.commands.append("GETINFO ")
-    # adds all of the valid GETCONF / SETCONF / RESETCONF options
-    confOptions = conn.getInfo("config/names", None)
-    if confOptions:
-      # individual options are '<name> <type>' pairs
-      confEntries = [opt.split(" ", 1)[0] for opt in confOptions.split("\n")]
-      self.commands += ["GETCONF %s" % conf for conf in confEntries]
-      self.commands += ["SETCONF %s " % conf for conf in confEntries]
-      self.commands += ["RESETCONF %s" % conf for conf in confEntries]
-    else:
-      self.commands.append("GETCONF ")
-      self.commands.append("SETCONF ")
-      self.commands.append("RESETCONF ")
-    # adds all of the valid SETEVENTS options
-    eventOptions = conn.getInfo("events/names", None)
-    if eventOptions:
-      self.commands += ["SETEVENTS %s" % event for event in eventOptions.split(" ")]
-    else: self.commands.append("SETEVENTS ")
-    # adds all of the valid USEFEATURE options
-    featureOptions = conn.getInfo("features/names", None)
-    if featureOptions:
-      self.commands += ["USEFEATURE %s" % feature for feature in featureOptions.split(" ")]
-    else: self.commands.append("USEFEATURE ")
-    # adds all of the valid SIGNAL options
-    # this can't yet be fetched dynamically, as per:
-    # https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/3842
-    signals = ("RELOAD", "SHUTDOWN", "DUMP", "DEBUG", "HALT", "HUP", "INT",
-               "USR1", "USR2", "TERM", "NEWNYM", "CLEARDNSCACHE")
-    self.commands += ["SIGNAL %s" % sig for sig in signals]
-    # shouldn't use AUTHENTICATE since we only provide the prompt with an
-    # authenticated controller connection
-    #self.commands.append("AUTHENTICATE")
-    # other options
-    self.commands.append("SAVECONF")
-    self.commands.append("MAPADDRESS ")
-    self.commands.append("EXTENDCIRCUIT ")
-    self.commands.append("SETCIRCUITPURPOSE ")
-    #self.commands.append("SETROUTERPURPOSE ") # deprecated option
-    self.commands.append("ATTACHSTREAM ")
-    self.commands.append("+POSTDESCRIPTOR ") # TODO: needs to support multiline options for this (ugg)
-    self.commands.append("REDIRECTSTREAM ")
-    self.commands.append("CLOSESTREAM ")
-    self.commands.append("CLOSECIRCUIT ")
-    self.commands.append("RESOLVE ")
-    self.commands.append("PROTOCOLINFO ")
-    self.commands.append("+LOADCONF") # TODO: another multiline...
-    self.commands.append("TAKEOWNERSHIP")
-    self.commands.append("QUIT") # TODO: give a confirmation when the user does this?
-    # adds interpretor commands
-    for cmd in HELP_OPTIONS:
-      if HELP_OPTIONS[cmd][0].startswith("/"):
-        self.commands.append("/" + cmd.lower())
-    # adds help options for the previous commands
-    baseCmd = set([cmd.split(" ")[0].replace("+", "").replace("/", "") for cmd in self.commands])
-    for cmd in baseCmd:
-      self.commands.append("/help " + cmd)
-    # adds /help for tor configuration options
-    for opt in torConfig.getConfigOptions():
-      self.commands.append("/help " + opt)
-  def getMatches(self, text):
-    """
-    Provides all options that match the given input. This is case insensetive.
-    Arguments:
-      text - user input text to be matched against
-    """
-    return [cmd for cmd in self.commands if cmd.lower().startswith(text.lower())]
-  def complete(self, text, state):
-    """
-    Provides case insensetive autocompletion options, acting as a functor for
-    the readlines set_completer function.
-    """
-    if text != self._prefix:
-      self._prefix = text
-      self._prefixMatches = self.getMatches(text)
-      # Tab completion fills in the first common prefix which can be
-      # problematic if they don't all match. For instance completing "Map" will
-      # result in ["MAPADDRESS", "MapAddress"], which gets truncated to the
-      # common prefix of just "M" when the user presses tab.
-      if len(self._prefixMatches) > 1:
-        prefixToResult = {}
-        for match in self._prefixMatches:
-          prefix = match[:len(text)]
-          if prefix in prefixToResult:
-            prefixToResult[prefix].append(match)
-          else:
-            prefixToResult[prefix] = [match]
-        if len(prefixToResult) > 1:
-          # we have multiple prefixes, pick the one with the most results
-          self._prefixMatches = None
-          for matchSet in prefixToResult.values():
-            if not self._prefixMatches or len(self._prefixMatches) < len(matchSet):
-              self._prefixMatches = matchSet
-    if state < len(self._prefixMatches):
-      return self._prefixMatches[state]
-    else: return None
-class ControlInterpretor:
-  """
-  Interpretor that handles queries to the control port, providing usability
-  imporvements like irc style help optoins. This tracks input and responses.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.backlog = []   # prior requests the user has made
-    self.contents = []  # (msg, format list) tuples for what's been displayed
-    self.writePath = DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH # last location we've saved to
-    self.eventBuffer = [] # unread event messages
-    self.loggedEvents = [] # event types that we're listening for
-    # TODO: Dropping event listening since...
-    # a. it was a complete hack
-    # b. said hack isn't worth porting to stem
-    # c. I'm likely about to separate the interpretor from arm anyway
-    #torTools.getConn().addEventListener(TorEventObserver(self.registerEvent))
-  def registerEvent(self, event):
-    """
-    Adds the event to our buffer so it'll be in '/events' output.
-    """
-    if event.type in self.loggedEvents:
-      self.eventBuffer.append(event)
-      eventsCrop = len(self.eventBuffer) - EVENTS_LIMIT
-      if eventsCrop > 0: self.eventBuffer = self.eventBuffer[eventsCrop:]
-  def getBacklog(self):
-    """
-    Provides the backlog of prior user input.
-    """
-    return self.backlog
-  def getDisplayContents(self, appendPrompt = None):
-    """
-    Provides a list of lines to be displayed, each being a list of (msg,
-    format) tuples for the content to be displayed. This is ordered as the
-    oldest to newest.
-    Arguments:
-      appendPrompt - adds the given line to the end
-    """
-    if appendPrompt:
-      return self.contents + [appendPrompt]
-    else: return self.contents
-  def doHelp(self, arg, outputEntry):
-    """
-    Performs the '/help' operation, giving usage information for the given
-    argument or a general summary if there wasn't one.
-    """
-    arg = arg.upper()
-    # If there's multiple arguments then just take the first. This is
-    # particularly likely if they're trying to query a full command (for
-    # instance "/help GETINFO version")
-    arg = arg.split(" ")[0]
-    # strip slash if someone enters an interpretor command (ex. "/help /help")
-    if arg.startswith("/"): arg = arg[1:]
-    if arg:
-      if arg in HELP_OPTIONS:
-        # Provides information for the tor or interpretor argument. This bolds
-        # the usage information and indents the description after it.
-        usage, description = HELP_OPTIONS[arg]
-        outputEntry.append((usage + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT + (Attr.BOLD, )))
-        for line in description.split("\n"):
-          outputEntry.append(("  " + line + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        if arg == "GETINFO":
-          # if this is the GETINFO option then also list the valid options
-          infoOptions = torTools.getConn().getInfo("info/names", None)
-          if infoOptions:
-            for line in infoOptions.split("\n"):
-              if line.startswith("config/*") or line.startswith("dir-usage"):
-                continue
-              lineMatch = re.match("^(.+) -- (.+)$", line)
-              if lineMatch:
-                opt, description = lineMatch.groups()
-                outputEntry.append(("%-33s" % opt, OUTPUT_FORMAT + (Attr.BOLD, )))
-                outputEntry.append((" - %s\n" % description, OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        elif arg == "GETCONF":
-          # lists all of the configuration options
-          confOptions = torTools.getConn().getInfo("config/names", None)
-          if confOptions:
-            confEntries = [opt.split(" ", 1)[0] for opt in confOptions.split("\n")]
-            # displays two columns of 42 characters
-            for i in range(0, len(confEntries), 2):
-              lineEntries = confEntries[i : i+2]
-              lineContent = ""
-              for entry in lineEntries:
-                lineContent += "%-42s" % entry
-              outputEntry.append((lineContent + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-            outputEntry.append(("For more information use '/help [CONFIG OPTION]'.", OUTPUT_FORMAT + (Attr.BOLD, )))
-        elif arg == "SIGNAL":
-          # lists descriptions for all of the signals
-          for signal, description in SIGNAL_DESCRIPTIONS:
-            outputEntry.append(("%-15s" % signal, OUTPUT_FORMAT + (Attr.BOLD, )))
-            outputEntry.append((" - %s\n" % description, OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        elif arg == "SETEVENTS":
-          # lists all of the event types
-          eventOptions = torTools.getConn().getInfo("events/names", None)
-          if eventOptions:
-            eventEntries = eventOptions.split()
-            # displays four columns of 20 characters
-            for i in range(0, len(eventEntries), 4):
-              lineEntries = eventEntries[i : i+4]
-              lineContent = ""
-              for entry in lineEntries:
-                lineContent += "%-20s" % entry
-              outputEntry.append((lineContent + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        elif arg == "USEFEATURE":
-          # lists the feature options
-          featureOptions = torTools.getConn().getInfo("features/names", None)
-          if featureOptions:
-            outputEntry.append((featureOptions + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        elif arg in ("LOADCONF", "POSTDESCRIPTOR"):
-          # gives a warning that this option isn't yet implemented
-          outputEntry.append(("\n" + MULTILINE_UNIMPLEMENTED_NOTICE + "\n", ERROR_FORMAT))
-      else:
-        # check if this is a configuration option
-        manEntry = torConfig.getConfigDescription(arg)
-        if manEntry:
-          # provides basic usage information in bold, followed an indented
-          # copy of the man page description (wrapped to eighty characters)
-          helpTitle = "%s %s (category: %s)\n" % (manEntry.option, manEntry.argUsage, manEntry.category)
-          outputEntry.append((helpTitle, OUTPUT_FORMAT + (Attr.BOLD, )))
-          descLines = manEntry.description.split("\n")
-          for line in descLines:
-            if not line:
-              outputEntry.append(("\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-            else:
-              while line:
-                drawPortion, line = uiTools.cropStr(line, 88, 4, 4, uiTools.Ending.HYPHEN, True)
-                outputEntry.append(("  %s\n" % drawPortion.strip(), OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        else:
-          outputEntry.append(("No help information available for '%s'..." % arg, ERROR_FORMAT))
-    else:
-      # provides the GENERAL_HELP with everything bolded except descriptions
-      for line in GENERAL_HELP.split("\n"):
-        cmdStart = line.find(" - ")
-        if cmdStart != -1:
-          outputEntry.append((line[:cmdStart], OUTPUT_FORMAT + (Attr.BOLD, )))
-          outputEntry.append((line[cmdStart:] + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        else:
-          outputEntry.append((line + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT + (Attr.BOLD, )))
-  def doEvents(self, arg, outputEntry):
-    """
-    Performs the '/events' operation, dumping the events that we've received
-    belonging to the given types. If no types are specified then this provides
-    all buffered events.
-    """
-    bufferedEvents = self.eventBuffer
-    # if we have an argument then restrict it to those event types
-    eventTypes = arg.upper().split()
-    if eventTypes:
-      bufferedEvents = [event for event in self.eventBuffer if event.type in eventTypes]
-    for event in bufferedEvents:
-      outputEntry.append((event.getDisplayMessage() + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-  def doWrite(self, arg, outputEntry):
-    """
-    Performs the '/write' operation, which attempts to save the backlog to a
-    given path, defaulting to the last location we write to.
-    """
-    if arg: self.writePath = arg
-    outputLines = []
-    for line in self.contents:
-      outputLines.append("".join([msg for msg, _ in line]))
-    try:
-      outputFile = open(self.writePath, "w")
-      outputFile.write("\n".join(outputLines))
-      outputFile.close()
-      outputEntry.append(("Interpretor backlog written to: %s" % self.writePath, OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-    except IOError, exc:
-      outputEntry.append(("Unable to write to '%s': %s" % (self.writePath, exc), ERROR_FORMAT))
-  def doFind(self, arg, outputEntry):
-    """
-    Performs the '/find' operation, which lists output from the backlog which
-    matches the given regex. Results are deduplicated and matches are bolded.
-    """
-    argMatcher = None
-    if not arg:
-      outputEntry.append(("Nothing to match against", ERROR_FORMAT))
-    else:
-      try: argMatcher = re.compile("(%s)" % arg)
-      except: outputEntry.append(("Unable to compile regex '%s'" % arg, ERROR_FORMAT))
-    if argMatcher:
-      printedLines = []
-      for line in self.contents:
-        lineText = "".join([msg for msg, _ in line])
-        # skip if this was user input or a duplicate
-        if lineText.startswith(PROMPT[0]) or lineText in printedLines:
-          continue
-        match = argMatcher.search(lineText)
-        if match:
-          # outputs the matching line, with the match itself bolded
-          outputEntry.append((lineText[:match.start()], OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-          outputEntry.append((match.group(), (OUTPUT_FORMAT + (Attr.BOLD, ))))
-          outputEntry.append((lineText[match.end():] + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-          printedLines.append(lineText)
-  def doInfo(self, arg, outputEntry):
-    """
-    Performs the '/info' operation, looking up a relay by fingerprint, IP
-    address, or nickname and printing its descriptor and consensus entries in a
-    pretty fashion.
-    """
-    fingerprint, conn = None, torTools.getConn()
-    # TODO: also recognize <ip>:<port> entries?
-    # determines the fingerprint, leaving it unset and adding an error message
-    # if unsuccessful
-    if not arg:
-      # uses our fingerprint if we're a relay, otherwise gives an error
-      fingerprint = conn.getInfo("fingerprint", None)
-      if not fingerprint:
-        outputEntry.append(("We aren't a relay, no information to provide", ERROR_FORMAT))
-    elif len(arg) == 40 and re.match("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$", arg):
-      # we got a fingerprint (fourty character hex string)
-      fingerprint = arg
-    elif connections.isValidIpAddress(arg):
-      # we got an ip address, look up the fingerprint
-      fpMatches = conn.getRelayFingerprint(arg, getAllMatches = True)
-      if len(fpMatches) == 0:
-        outputEntry.append(("No relays found at %s" % arg, ERROR_FORMAT))
-      elif len(fpMatches) == 1:
-        fingerprint = fpMatches[0][1]
-      else:
-        outputEntry.append(("Multiple relays at %s, specify which by giving a port" % arg, ERROR_FORMAT))
-        for i in range(len(fpMatches)):
-          relayEntry = outputEntry[i]
-          outputEntry.append(("  %i. or port: %-5s fingerprint: %s" % (i + 1, relayEntry[0], relayEntry[1]), ERROR_FORMAT))
-    else:
-      # we got something else, treat it as a nickname
-      fingerprint = conn.getNicknameFingerprint(arg)
-      if not fingerprint:
-        outputEntry.append(("No relay with the nickname of '%s' found" % arg, ERROR_FORMAT))
-    if fingerprint:
-      consensusEntry = conn.getConsensusEntry(fingerprint)
-      # The nickname, address, and port lookups are all based on the consensus
-      # entry so if this succeeds we should be pretty confident that those
-      # queries will work too.
-      if not consensusEntry:
-        outputEntry.append(("Unable to find consensus information for %s" % fingerprint, ERROR_FORMAT))
-        return
-      address, port = conn.getRelayAddress(fingerprint, (None, None))
-      # ... but not sure enough that we won't check
-      if not address or not port: return
-      locale = conn.getInfo("ip-to-country/%s" % address, "??")
-        hostname = hostnames.resolve(address, 10)
-      else:
-        hostname = None
-      # TODO: Most of the following is copied from the _getDetailContent method
-      # of cli/connections/connEntry.py - useful bits should be refactored.
-      consensusLines = consensusEntry.split("\n")
-      firstLineComp = consensusLines[0].split(" ")
-      if len(firstLineComp) >= 9:
-        _, nickname, _, _, pubDate, pubTime, _, orPort, _ = firstLineComp[:9]
-      else: nickname, pubDate, pubTime, orPort = "", "", "", ""
-      flags = "unknown"
-      if len(consensusLines) >= 2 and consensusLines[1].startswith("s "):
-        flags = consensusLines[1][2:]
-      exitPolicy = conn.getRelayExitPolicy(fingerprint)
-      if exitPolicy: policyLabel = exitPolicy.getSummary()
-      else: policyLabel = "unknown"
-      # fetches information from the descriptor if it's available
-      torVersion, platform, contact = "", "", ""
-      descriptorEntry = conn.getDescriptorEntry(fingerprint)
-      if descriptorEntry:
-        for descLine in descriptorEntry.split("\n"):
-          if descLine.startswith("platform"):
-            # has the tor version and platform, ex:
-            # platform Tor (r318f470bc5f2ad43) on Linux x86_64
-            torVersion = descLine[13:descLine.find(" ", 13)]
-            platform = descLine[descLine.rfind(" on ") + 4:] 
-          elif descLine.startswith("contact"):
-            contact = descLine[8:]
-            # clears up some highly common obscuring
-            for alias in (" at ", " AT "): contact = contact.replace(alias, "@")
-            for alias in (" dot ", " DOT "): contact = contact.replace(alias, ".")
-            break # contact lines come after the platform
-      headingAttr, infoAttr = (Attr.BOLD, Color.BLUE), ()
-      outputEntry.append(("%s (%s)\n" % (nickname, fingerprint), infoAttr))
-      hostnameLabel = ", %s" % hostname if hostname else ""
-      outputEntry.append(("address: ", headingAttr))
-      outputEntry.append(("%s:%s (%s%s)\n" % (address, port, locale, hostnameLabel), infoAttr))
-      outputEntry.append(("published: ", headingAttr))
-      outputEntry.append(("%s %s" % (pubTime, pubDate) + "\n", infoAttr))
-      if torVersion and platform:
-        outputEntry.append(("os: ", headingAttr))
-        outputEntry.append((platform + "\n", infoAttr))
-        outputEntry.append(("version: ", headingAttr))
-        outputEntry.append((torVersion + "\n", infoAttr))
-      outputEntry.append(("flags: ", headingAttr))
-      outputEntry.append((flags.replace(" ", ", ") + "\n", infoAttr))
-      outputEntry.append(("exit policy: ", headingAttr))
-      outputEntry.append((policyLabel + "\n", infoAttr))
-      if contact:
-        outputEntry.append(("contact: ", headingAttr))
-        outputEntry.append((contact + "\n", infoAttr))
-  def handleQuery(self, input):
-    """
-    Processes the given input. Requests starting with a '/' are special
-    commands to the interpretor, and anything else is sent to the control port.
-    This returns an input/output tuple, each entry being a list of lines, each
-    line having a list of (msg, format) tuples for the content to be displayed.
-    This raises a InterpretorClosed if the interpretor should be shut down.
-    Arguments:
-      input - user input to be processed
-    """
-    conn = torTools.getConn()
-    # abort if the control connection has been severed
-    if not conn.isAlive():
-      raise InterpretorClosed("Control connection has been closed")
-    input = input.strip()
-    # appends new input, cropping if too long
-    self.backlog.append(input)
-    backlogCrop = len(self.backlog) - BACKLOG_LIMIT
-    if backlogCrop > 0: self.backlog = self.backlog[backlogCrop:]
-    inputEntry, outputEntry = [PROMPT], []
-    # input falls into three general categories:
-    # - interpretor command which starts with a '/'
-    # - controller commands handled by torTools (this allows for caching,
-    #   proper handling by the rest of arm, etc)
-    # - unrecognized controller command, this has the possability of confusing
-    #   arm...
-    if " " in input: cmd, arg = input.split(" ", 1)
-    else: cmd, arg = input, ""
-    if cmd.startswith("/"):
-      # interpretor command
-      inputEntry.append((input, INPUT_INTERPRETOR_FORMAT))
-      if cmd == "/quit": raise InterpretorClosed()
-      elif cmd == "/help": self.doHelp(arg, outputEntry)
-      elif cmd == "/write": self.doWrite(arg, outputEntry)
-      elif cmd == "/find": self.doFind(arg, outputEntry)
-      elif cmd == "/events": self.doEvents(arg, outputEntry)
-      elif cmd == "/info": self.doInfo(arg, outputEntry)
-      else:
-        outputEntry.append(("Not yet implemented...", ERROR_FORMAT)) # TODO: implement
-      # appends a newline so all interpretor commands have a blank before the prompt
-      if outputEntry:
-        lastEntry = outputEntry[-1]
-        outputEntry[-1] = (lastEntry[0].rstrip() + "\n", lastEntry[1])
-      # TODO: add /help option
-    else:
-      # controller command
-      cmd = cmd.upper() # makes commands uppercase to match the spec
-      inputEntry.append((cmd + " ", INPUT_CMD_FORMAT))
-      if arg: inputEntry.append((arg, INPUT_ARG_FORMAT))
-      if cmd == "GETINFO":
-        try:
-          for param in arg.split():
-            response = conn.getInfo(param)
-            outputEntry.append((response + "\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        except Exception, exc:
-          outputEntry.append((str(exc), ERROR_FORMAT))
-      elif cmd == "SETCONF" or cmd == "RESETCONF":
-        # arguments can either be '<param>', '<param>=<value>', or
-        # '<param>="<value>"' entries
-        paramList = []
-        while arg:
-          # TODO: I'm a little dubious of this for LineList values (like the
-          # ExitPolicy) since they're parsed as a single value. However, tor
-          # seems to be happy to get a single comma separated string (though it
-          # echos back faithfully rather than being parsed) so leaving this
-          # alone for now.
-          quotedMatch = re.match(r'^(\S+)=\"([^"]+)\"', arg)
-          nonquotedMatch = re.match(r'^(\S+)=(\S+)', arg)
-          if quotedMatch:
-            # we're dealing with a '<param>="<value>"' entry
-            param, value = quotedMatch.groups()
-            paramList.append((param, value))
-            arg = arg[len(param) + len(value) + 3:].strip()
-          elif nonquotedMatch:
-            # we're dealing with a '<param>=<value>' entry
-            param, value = nonquotedMatch.groups()
-            paramList.append((param, value))
-            arg = arg[len(param) + len(value) + 1:].strip()
-          else:
-            # starts with just a param
-            param = arg.split()[0]
-            paramList.append((param, None))
-            arg = arg[len(param):].strip()
-        try:
-          isReset = cmd == "RESETCONF"
-          conn.setOptions(paramList, isReset)
-        except Exception, exc:
-          outputEntry.append((str(exc), ERROR_FORMAT))
-      elif cmd == "SETEVENTS":
-        return ([], []) # dropping support, see the comment for the event listener above for why
-        self.loggedEvents = arg.split()
-        #allEvents = torTools.getConn().setControllerEvents(self.loggedEvents)
-        setEvents = set(self.loggedEvents).intersection(allEvents)
-        if setEvents:
-          outputEntry.append(("Successfully set event listening to: %s\n" % ", ".join(setEvents), OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        else:
-          if not self.loggedEvents:
-            # we purposefully disabled event listening
-            outputEntry.append(("Disabled event listening\n", OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-          else:
-            # we tried to set events but they all failed
-            outputEntry.append(("Unable to set any of the events. Event listening disabled.\n", ERROR_FORMAT))
-      elif cmd.replace("+", "") in ("LOADCONF", "POSTDESCRIPTOR"):
-        # provides a notice that multi-line controller input isn't yet implemented
-        outputEntry.append((MULTILINE_UNIMPLEMENTED_NOTICE + "\n", ERROR_FORMAT))
-      else:
-        try:
-          controller = conn.controller
-          if controller is None: raise stem.SocketClosed()
-          response = controller.msg(input)
-          if cmd == "QUIT":
-            raise InterpretorClosed("Closing the connection")
-          for _, _, content in response.content():
-            outputEntry.append((content + '\n', OUTPUT_FORMAT))
-        except Exception, exc:
-          if isinstance(exc, InterpretorClosed):
-            raise exc
-          else:
-            outputEntry.append((str(exc), ERROR_FORMAT))
-    # converts to lists split on newlines
-    inputLines = _splitOnNewlines(inputEntry)
-    outputLines = _splitOnNewlines(outputEntry)
-    # appends new contents, cropping if too long
-    # TODO: it would be nice if InterpretorClosed exceptions were added to the content too
-    self.contents += inputLines + outputLines
-    cropLines = len(self.contents) - CONTENT_LIMIT
-    if cropLines > 0: self.contents = self.contents[cropLines:]
-    return (inputLines, outputLines)
-def showPrompt():
-  # When displaying the prompt we want the readline module to be imported so
-  # we get its neat features like history scrollback. HOWEVER, importing
-  # readline prior to initializing curses causes terminal bugs, most noticeably
-  # screen resizing.
-  import readline
-  # For Python 2.6 and earlier cycling history via the readline module with
-  # up/down is buggy with a color prompt. For more information see:
-  # http://bugs.python.org/issue12972
-  #
-  # To work around this while keeping a color prompt I'm padding the prompt
-  # with extra reset encodings so its length is non-rendered higher (around
-  # sixty characters). There's two ways that this can go wrong...
-  # - if the user uses up/down to display input longer than this non-rendered
-  #   length then the original bug will manifest (screwed up prompt)
-  # - if the terminal's width is smaller than the non-rendered prompt length
-  #   then the cursor and some movement will be displaced
-    prompt = format(">>> ", Color.GREEN, Attr.BOLD)
-    majorVersion = sys.version_info[0]
-    minorVersion = sys.version_info[1]
-    if majorVersion <= 2 and minorVersion <= 6:
-      prompt += "\x1b[0m" * 10
-  else:
-    prompt = ">>> "
-  input = ""
-  # sets up tab autocompetion
-  torCommands = TorControlCompleter()
-  readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
-  readline.set_completer(torCommands.complete)
-  # Essentially disables autocompletion by word delimiters. This is because
-  # autocompletion options are full commands (ex. "GETINFO version") so we want
-  # "GETINFO" to match to all the options rather than be treated as a complete
-  # command by itself.
-  readline.set_completer_delims("\n")
-  interpretor = ControlInterpretor()
-  print INIT_MSG
-  while True:
-    try:
-      input = raw_input(prompt)
-      _, outputEntry = interpretor.handleQuery(input)
-    except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception), exc:
-      if isinstance(exc, InterpretorClosed) and str(exc):
-        print format(str(exc), *ERROR_FORMAT)
-      # moves cursor to the next line and terminates (most commonly
-      # KeyboardInterrupt and EOFErro)
-      print
-      torTools.NO_SPAWN = True
-      torTools.getConn().close()
-      # stop daemons
-      hostnames.stop()
-      break
-    for line in outputEntry:
-      outputLine = ""
-      for msg, msgFormat in line:
-        outputLine += format(msg, *msgFormat)
-      print outputLine
-def _splitOnNewlines(entry):
-  """
-  Splits a list of (msg, format) tuples on newlines into a list of lines.
-  Arguments:
-    entry - list of display tuples
-  """
-  results, tmpLine = [], []
-  entry = list(entry) # shallow copy
-  while entry:
-    msg, msgFormat = entry.pop(0)
-    if "\n" in msg:
-      msg, remainder = msg.split("\n", 1)
-      entry.insert(0, (remainder, msgFormat))
-      tmpLine.append((msg, msgFormat))
-      results.append(tmpLine)
-      tmpLine = []
-    else:
-      tmpLine.append((msg, msgFormat))
-  if tmpLine: results.append(tmpLine)
-  return results

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