[tor-commits] [arm/release] Circuits wouldn't be updated when connection resolution failed

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Sun Apr 29 04:00:59 UTC 2012

commit 5e2bc2229eafc81cc26c46529ed812add14a66f2
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 26 19:31:24 2012 -0700

    Circuits wouldn't be updated when connection resolution failed
    The connecion panel provides information from two sources: connections from
    system utilities and circuits from tor. We had a check that prevented the
    connection panel from being updated when the former didn't have any new
    information, which in turn broke the panel entirely when connection resolvers
    either failed or were disabled.
    The 'is new connecion results available' check was actually pretty pointless.
    The update method gets called every five seconds and the connection resolvers
    operate at a similar rate (maybe every ten seconds? it depends on resolver
    performance) so it didn't actually buy us much.
    Removed the check.
 src/cli/connections/connPanel.py |  193 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cli/connections/connPanel.py b/src/cli/connections/connPanel.py
index d108252..cf7823a 100644
--- a/src/cli/connections/connPanel.py
+++ b/src/cli/connections/connPanel.py
@@ -419,105 +419,104 @@ class ConnectionPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
     connResolver = connections.getResolver("tor")
     currentResolutionCount = connResolver.getResolutionCount()
-    if self._lastResourceFetch != currentResolutionCount:
-      self.valsLock.acquire()
-      newEntries = [] # the new results we'll display
-      # Fetches new connections and client circuits...
-      # newConnections  [(local ip, local port, foreign ip, foreign port)...]
-      # newCircuits     {circuitID => (status, purpose, path)...}
-      newConnections = connResolver.getConnections()
-      newCircuits = {}
-      for circuitID, status, purpose, path in torTools.getConn().getCircuits():
-        # Skips established single-hop circuits (these are for directory
-        # fetches, not client circuits)
-        if not (status == "BUILT" and len(path) == 1):
-          newCircuits[circuitID] = (status, purpose, path)
-      # Populates newEntries with any of our old entries that still exist.
-      # This is both for performance and to keep from resetting the uptime
-      # attributes. Note that CircEntries are a ConnectionEntry subclass so
-      # we need to check for them first.
-      for oldEntry in self._entries:
-        if isinstance(oldEntry, circEntry.CircEntry):
-          newEntry = newCircuits.get(oldEntry.circuitID)
-          if newEntry:
-            oldEntry.update(newEntry[0], newEntry[2])
-            newEntries.append(oldEntry)
-            del newCircuits[oldEntry.circuitID]
-        elif isinstance(oldEntry, connEntry.ConnectionEntry):
-          connLine = oldEntry.getLines()[0]
-          connAttr = (connLine.local.getIpAddr(), connLine.local.getPort(),
-                      connLine.foreign.getIpAddr(), connLine.foreign.getPort())
-          if connAttr in newConnections:
-            newEntries.append(oldEntry)
-            newConnections.remove(connAttr)
-      # Reset any display attributes for the entries we're keeping
-      for entry in newEntries: entry.resetDisplay()
-      # Adds any new connection and circuit entries.
-      for lIp, lPort, fIp, fPort in newConnections:
-        newConnEntry = connEntry.ConnectionEntry(lIp, lPort, fIp, fPort)
-        newConnLine = newConnEntry.getLines()[0]
+    self.valsLock.acquire()
+    newEntries = [] # the new results we'll display
+    # Fetches new connections and client circuits...
+    # newConnections  [(local ip, local port, foreign ip, foreign port)...]
+    # newCircuits     {circuitID => (status, purpose, path)...}
+    newConnections = connResolver.getConnections()
+    newCircuits = {}
+    for circuitID, status, purpose, path in torTools.getConn().getCircuits():
+      # Skips established single-hop circuits (these are for directory
+      # fetches, not client circuits)
+      if not (status == "BUILT" and len(path) == 1):
+        newCircuits[circuitID] = (status, purpose, path)
+    # Populates newEntries with any of our old entries that still exist.
+    # This is both for performance and to keep from resetting the uptime
+    # attributes. Note that CircEntries are a ConnectionEntry subclass so
+    # we need to check for them first.
+    for oldEntry in self._entries:
+      if isinstance(oldEntry, circEntry.CircEntry):
+        newEntry = newCircuits.get(oldEntry.circuitID)
-        if newConnLine.getType() != connEntry.Category.CIRCUIT:
-          newEntries.append(newConnEntry)
-          # updates exit port and client locale usage information
-          if newConnLine.isPrivate():
-            if newConnLine.getType() == connEntry.Category.INBOUND:
-              # client connection, update locale information
-              clientLocale = newConnLine.foreign.getLocale()
-              if clientLocale:
-                self._clientLocaleUsage[clientLocale] = self._clientLocaleUsage.get(clientLocale, 0) + 1
-            elif newConnLine.getType() == connEntry.Category.EXIT:
-              exitPort = newConnLine.foreign.getPort()
-              self._exitPortUsage[exitPort] = self._exitPortUsage.get(exitPort, 0) + 1
-      for circuitID in newCircuits:
-        status, purpose, path = newCircuits[circuitID]
-        newEntries.append(circEntry.CircEntry(circuitID, status, purpose, path))
-      # Counts the relays in each of the categories. This also flushes the
-      # type cache for all of the connections (in case its changed since last
-      # fetched).
-      categoryTypes = connEntry.Category.values()
-      typeCounts = dict((type, 0) for type in categoryTypes)
-      for entry in newEntries:
-        if isinstance(entry, connEntry.ConnectionEntry):
-          typeCounts[entry.getLines()[0].getType()] += 1
-        elif isinstance(entry, circEntry.CircEntry):
-          typeCounts[connEntry.Category.CIRCUIT] += 1
-      # makes labels for all the categories with connections (ie,
-      # "21 outbound", "1 control", etc)
-      countLabels = []
-      for category in categoryTypes:
-        if typeCounts[category] > 0:
-          countLabels.append("%i %s" % (typeCounts[category], category.lower()))
-      if countLabels: self._title = "Connections (%s):" % ", ".join(countLabels)
-      else: self._title = "Connections:"
-      self._entries = newEntries
-      self._entryLines = []
-      for entry in self._entries:
-        self._entryLines += entry.getLines()
+        if newEntry:
+          oldEntry.update(newEntry[0], newEntry[2])
+          newEntries.append(oldEntry)
+          del newCircuits[oldEntry.circuitID]
+      elif isinstance(oldEntry, connEntry.ConnectionEntry):
+        connLine = oldEntry.getLines()[0]
+        connAttr = (connLine.local.getIpAddr(), connLine.local.getPort(),
+                    connLine.foreign.getIpAddr(), connLine.foreign.getPort())
+        if connAttr in newConnections:
+          newEntries.append(oldEntry)
+          newConnections.remove(connAttr)
+    # Reset any display attributes for the entries we're keeping
+    for entry in newEntries: entry.resetDisplay()
+    # Adds any new connection and circuit entries.
+    for lIp, lPort, fIp, fPort in newConnections:
+      newConnEntry = connEntry.ConnectionEntry(lIp, lPort, fIp, fPort)
+      newConnLine = newConnEntry.getLines()[0]
-      self.setSortOrder()
-      self._lastResourceFetch = currentResolutionCount
-      self.valsLock.release()
+      if newConnLine.getType() != connEntry.Category.CIRCUIT:
+        newEntries.append(newConnEntry)
+        # updates exit port and client locale usage information
+        if newConnLine.isPrivate():
+          if newConnLine.getType() == connEntry.Category.INBOUND:
+            # client connection, update locale information
+            clientLocale = newConnLine.foreign.getLocale()
+            if clientLocale:
+              self._clientLocaleUsage[clientLocale] = self._clientLocaleUsage.get(clientLocale, 0) + 1
+          elif newConnLine.getType() == connEntry.Category.EXIT:
+            exitPort = newConnLine.foreign.getPort()
+            self._exitPortUsage[exitPort] = self._exitPortUsage.get(exitPort, 0) + 1
+    for circuitID in newCircuits:
+      status, purpose, path = newCircuits[circuitID]
+      newEntries.append(circEntry.CircEntry(circuitID, status, purpose, path))
+    # Counts the relays in each of the categories. This also flushes the
+    # type cache for all of the connections (in case its changed since last
+    # fetched).
+    categoryTypes = connEntry.Category.values()
+    typeCounts = dict((type, 0) for type in categoryTypes)
+    for entry in newEntries:
+      if isinstance(entry, connEntry.ConnectionEntry):
+        typeCounts[entry.getLines()[0].getType()] += 1
+      elif isinstance(entry, circEntry.CircEntry):
+        typeCounts[connEntry.Category.CIRCUIT] += 1
+    # makes labels for all the categories with connections (ie,
+    # "21 outbound", "1 control", etc)
+    countLabels = []
+    for category in categoryTypes:
+      if typeCounts[category] > 0:
+        countLabels.append("%i %s" % (typeCounts[category], category.lower()))
+    if countLabels: self._title = "Connections (%s):" % ", ".join(countLabels)
+    else: self._title = "Connections:"
+    self._entries = newEntries
+    self._entryLines = []
+    for entry in self._entries:
+      self._entryLines += entry.getLines()
+    self.setSortOrder()
+    self._lastResourceFetch = currentResolutionCount
+    self.valsLock.release()
   def _resolveApps(self, flagQuery = True):

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