[or-cvs] r23462: {arm} Revised TODO, putting tasks in priority order. (arm/trunk)
Damian Johnson
atagar1 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 15:17:14 UTC 2010
Author: atagar
Date: 2010-10-08 15:17:14 +0000 (Fri, 08 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 23462
Revised TODO, putting tasks in priority order.
Modified: arm/trunk/TODO
--- arm/trunk/TODO 2010-10-08 14:54:16 UTC (rev 23461)
+++ arm/trunk/TODO 2010-10-08 15:17:14 UTC (rev 23462)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- Remaining work for next release (1.3.7)
+- Roadmap and completed work for next release (1.3.8)
[ ] refactor panels
Currently the interface is a bit of a rat's nest (especially the
controller). The goal is to use better modularization to both simplify
@@ -9,50 +9,50 @@
progress - /init and /util are done and /interface is partly done. Known
bugs are being fixed while refactoring.
- [X] log panel
[ ] conf panel
- move torrc validation into util
- fetch text via getinfo rather than reading directly?
- conn.get_info("config-text")
+ conn.get_info("config-text")
- improve parsing failure notice to give line number
- just giving "[ARM-WARN] Unable to validate torrc" isn't very
- helpful...
- * release prep
- * ask helix about steps for getting a deb and rpm included in the tor repo
- * check performance of this version vs last version (general screen refresh
- times)
- * stress test under debug level and debug level with large log file
- * pylint --indent-string=" " --disable=C,R interface/foo.py | less
- * double check __init__.py and README for changes
-- Roadmap for version 1.3.8
- [ ] refactor panels
+ just giving "[ARM-WARN] Unable to validate torrc" isn't very
+ helpful...
[ ] conn panel
- expand client connections and note location in circuit (entry-exit)
- for clients list all connections to detect what's going through tor
- and what isn't? If not then netstat calls are unnecessary.
+ and what isn't? If not then netstat calls are unnecessary.
- check family connections to see if they're alive (VERSION cell
- handshake?)
+ handshake?)
- fallback when pid or connection querying via pid is unavailable
- List all connections listed both by netstat and the consensus
+ List all connections listed both by netstat and the consensus
- note when connection times are estimates (color?), ie connection
- was established before arm
+ was established before arm
- connection uptime to associate inbound/outbound connections?
- Identify controller connections (if it's arm, vidalia, etc) with
- special detail page for them
+ special detail page for them
- provide bridge / client country statistics
- Include bridge related data via GETINFO option (feature request
- by waltman and ioerror).
+ Include bridge related data via GETINFO option (feature request
+ by waltman and ioerror).
- pick apart applications like iftop and pktstat to see how they get
- per-connection bandwidth usage. Forum thread discussing it:
- https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=715906
- [ ] controller and popup panels
+ per-connection bandwidth usage. Forum thread discussing it:
+ https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=715906
+ - give usage stats for exit port usage (popup?)
- country data for client connections (requested by ioerror)
+ [ ] attempt to clear controller password from memory
+ - http://www.codexon.com/posts/clearing-passwords-in-memory-with-python
+ * release prep
+ * pylint --indent-string=" " --disable=C,R interface/foo.py | less
+ * double check __init__.py and README for changes
+- Roadmap for version 1.3.9
+ [ ] refactor panels
+ [ ] controller and popup panels
- allow arm to resume after restarting tor
This requires a full move to the torTools controller.
- - provide measurements for startup time, and try improving bottlenecks
+ - provide measurements for startup time, and try to improve bottlenecks
[ ] setup scripts for arm
[ ] updater (checks for a new tarball and installs it automatically)
+ - attempt to verify download signature, providing a warning if unable
+ to do so
[ ] look into CAPs to get around permission issues for connection
listing sudo wrapper for arm to help arm run as the same user as
tor? Irc suggestions:
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
- http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/5737
- Bugs
+ * path for sample armrc in man page is wrong
* when in client mode and tor stops the header panel doesn't say so
* util are assuming that tor is running under the default command name
attempt to determine the command name at runtime (if the pid is available
@@ -106,12 +107,23 @@
* connection uptimes shouldn't show fractions of a second
* connections aren't cleared when control port closes
-- Features
- * general purpose method of erroring nicely
- Some errors cause portions of the display to die, but curses limps along
- and overwrites the stacktrace. This has been mostly solved, but all errors
- should result in a clean death, with the stacktrace saved and a nice
- message for the user.
+- Future Features
+ * control port interpreter (interactive prompt)
+ Panel and startup option (-t maybe?) for providing raw control port access
+ along with usability improvements (piggybacking on the arm connection):
+ * irc like help (ex "/help GETINFO" could provide a summary of getinfo
+ commands, partly using the results from "GETINFO info/names")
+ * tab completion and up/down for previous commands
+ * warn and get confirmation if command would disrupt arm (for instance
+ * 'safe' option that restricts to read-only access (start with this)
+ * issue sighup reset
+ * menus
+ * http://gnosis.cx/publish/programming/charming_python_6.html ?
+ * additional options:
+ * make update rates configurable via the ui
+ * dialog with flag descriptions and other help
+ * menu with all torrc options (making them editable/toggleable)
* client mode use cases
* not sure what sort of information would be useful in the header (to
replace the orport, fingerprint, flags, etc)
@@ -122,21 +134,35 @@
[notice] Opening Socks listener on
[notice] Opening Transparent pf/netfilter listener on
[notice] Opening DNS listener on
- * rdns and whois lookups (to find ISP, country, and jurisdiction, etc)
- To avoid disclosing connection data to third parties this needs to be
- an all-or-nothing operation (ie, needs to fetch information on all
- relays or none of them). Plan is something like:
+ * rdns and whois lookups (to find ISP, country, and jurisdiction, etc)
+ To avoid disclosing connection data to third parties this needs to be
+ an all-or-nothing operation (ie, needs to fetch information on all
+ relays or none of them). Plan is something like:
* add resolving/caching capabilities to fetch information on all relays
and distil whois entries to just what we care about (hosting provider
or ISP), by default updating the cache on a daily basis
* construct tarball and make this available for download rather than
fetching everything at each client
- * possibly make these archives downloadable from peer relays (note:
- this is a no-go for clients) via torrents or some dirport like scheme
- * special page for client related information, such as ips of our client
- circuits at the exit
+ * possibly make these archives downloadable from peer relays (this is a
+ no-go for clients) via torrents or some dirport like scheme
* look at vidalia for ideas
* need to solicit for ideas on what would be most helpful to clients
+ * general purpose method of erroring nicely
+ Some errors cause portions of the display to die, but curses limps along
+ and overwrites the stacktrace. This has been mostly solved, but all errors
+ should result in a clean death, with the stacktrace saved and a nice
+ message for the user.
+ * handle mutiple tor instances
+ * screen style (dialog for switching between instances)
+ * extra window with whatever stats can be aggregated over all instances
+ * option to save the current settings to the config
+ * provide warning at startup if the armrc doesn't exist, with instructions
+ for generating it
+ * email alerts for changes to the relay's status, similar to tor-weather
+ * simple alert if tor shuts down
+ * accounting and alerts for if the bandwidth drops to zero
+ * daily/weekly/etc alerts for basic status (log output, bandwidth history,
+ etc), borrowing from the consensus tracker for some of the formatting
* mac installer
* Couple of options include macport and dmg...
* macport (http://guide.macports.org/#development)
@@ -153,91 +179,45 @@
Plugin for distutils. Like most mac packaging, this can only run on a
mac. It also requires setuptools:
- * email alerts for changes to the relay's status, similar to tor-weather
- * simple alert if tor shuts down
- * accounting and alerts for if the bandwidth drops to zero
- * daily/weekly/etc alerts for basic status (log output, bandwidth history,
- etc), borrowing from the consensus tracker for some of the formatting
- * check if batch getInfo/getOption calls provide much performance benefit
- * page with details on client circuits, attempting to detect details like
- country, ISP, latency, exit policy for the circuit, traffic, etc
- * attempt to clear controller password from memory
- http://www.codexon.com/posts/clearing-passwords-in-memory-with-python
+ * look into additions to the used apis
+ * curses (python 2.6 extended?): http://docs.python.org/library/curses.html
+ * new control options (like "desc-annotations/id/<OR identity>")?
+ * look into better supporting hidden services (what could be useful here?)
+ * provide option for a consensus page
+ Shows full consensus with an interface similar to the connection panel.
+ For this Mike's ConsensusTracker would be helpful (though boost the
+ startup time by several seconds)
+ * show qos stats
+ Take a look at 'linux-tor-prio.sh' to see if any of the stats are
+ available and interesting.
* escaping function for uiTools' formatted strings
- * make update rates configurable via the ui
- Also provide option for saving these settings to the config
- * config option to cap resource usage
- * dialog with flag descriptions and other help
* switch check of ip address validity to regex?
- match = re.match("(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*)", ip)
- http://wang.yuxuan.org/blog/2009/4/2/python_script_to_convert_from_ip_range_to_ip_mask
- * audit tor connections
- Provide warnings if tor misbehaves, checks possibly including:
- - ensuring ExitPolicyRejectPrivate is being obeyed
- - check that ExitPolicy violations don't occur (not possible yet since
- not all relays aren't identified)
- - check that all connections are properly related to a circuit, for
- instance no outbound connections without a corresponding inbound (not
- possible yet due to being unable to correlate connections to circuits)
- * check file descriptors being accessed by tor to see if they're outside the
- known pattern
- * add page that allows raw control port access
- Start with -t (or -c?) option for commandline-only access with help,
- syntax highlighting, and other spiffy extras
- Piggyback on the arm connection, providing something like an interactive
- prompt. In addition, provide:
- - irc like help (ex "/help GETINFO" could provide a summary of getinfo
- commands, partly using the results from "GETINFO info/names")
- - tab completion and up/down populates previous entries
- - warn and get confirmation if command would disrupt arm (for instance
- - 'guard' option that restricts to GETINFO only (start with this)
- - issue sighup reset
- * menu with all torrc options (making them editable/toggleable)
- * Setup wizard for new relays
- Setting the password and such for torrc generation (idea by ioerror)
- * menus?
- http://gnosis.cx/publish/programming/charming_python_6.html
- * look into better supporting hidden services (what could be useful here?)
- * look into providing UPnP support
- This might be provided by tor itself so wait and see...
+ match = re.match("(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*)", ip)
+ http://wang.yuxuan.org/blog/2009/4/2/python_script_to_convert_from_ip_range_to_ip_mask
+ * setup wizard for new relays
+ Setting the password and such for torrc generation. Maybe a netinstaller
+ that fetches the right package for the plagform, verifies signatures, etc?
+ (idea by ioerror)
+ * audit what tor does
+ * Provide warnings if tor connections misbehaves, for instance:
+ * ensuring ExitPolicyRejectPrivate is being obeyed
+ * check that ExitPolicy violations don't occur (not possible yet since
+ not all relays aren't identified)
+ * check that all connections are properly related to a circuit, for
+ instance no outbound connections without a corresponding inbound (not
+ possible yet due to being unable to correlate connections to circuits)
+ * check file descriptors being accessed by tor to see if they're outside a
+ known pattern
+ * script that dumps relay stats to stdout
+ Derived from an idea by StrangeCharm. Django has a small terminal coloring
+ module that could be nice for formatting. Could possibly include:
+ * desc / ns information for our relay
+ * ps / netstat stats like load, uptime, and connection counts, etc
+ * implement control-spec proposals:
+ * https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/blob/HEAD:/doc/spec/proposals/172-circ-getinfo-option.txt
+ * https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/blob/HEAD:/doc/spec/proposals/173-getinfo-option-expansion.txt
* unit tests
- Primarily for util, for instance 'addfstr' woudl be a good candidate.
- * show qos stats
- Take a look at 'linux-tor-prio.sh' to see if any of the stats are
- available and interesting.
- * handle mutiple tor instances
- First multiple tor instances on the same system, then via remote
- connections too.
- * Investigations of other possible tools:
- * look into additions to the used apis
- - curses (python 2.6 extended?): http://docs.python.org/library/curses.html
- - new control options (like "desc-annotations/id/<OR identity>")?
- - look deeper into TorCtl functions (has a resolve function? hu?)
- * whois lookup for relays? ISP listing?
- * look into what sort of information tcpdump and iptraf provides (probably
- can't use for privacy reasons)
- * vnstat, nload, mrtg, and traceroute
-- Ideas (low priority)
+ Primarily for util, for instance 'addfstr' would be a good candidate.
* python 3 compatibility
- Currently blocked on TorCtl support.
- * bundle script that dumps relay stats to stdout
- Django has a small terminal coloring module that could be nice for
- formatting. Could possibly include:
- - desc / ns information for our relay
- - ps / netstat stats like load, uptime, and connection counts, etc
- derived from an idea by StrangeCharm
- * localization
- Abstract strings from code and provide on translation portal. Thus far
- there hasn't been any requests for this.
- * provide option for a consensus page
- Shows full consensus with an interface similar to the connection panel.
- For this Mike's ConsensusTracker would be helpful (though boost the
- startup time by several seconds)
- * follow up on control-spec proposals
- Proposal and related information is available at:
- https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/blob/HEAD:/doc/spec/proposals/172-circ-getinfo-option.txt
- https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/blob/HEAD:/doc/spec/proposals/173-getinfo-option-expansion.txt
+ Currently blocked on TorCtl support.
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