[or-cvs] r22374: {arm} Initial commit for singleton accessor of tor controller Stil (in arm/trunk: init interface util)
Damian Johnson
atagar1 at gmail.com
Wed May 19 16:04:14 UTC 2010
Author: atagar
Date: 2010-05-19 16:04:14 +0000 (Wed, 19 May 2010)
New Revision: 22374
Initial commit for singleton accessor of tor controller
Still in the middle of refactoring - this will simplify interface code, provide a wrapper (listener and convenience functions around TorCtl), and allow arm to be reattached to new controllers (ie, arm will continue to work if tor's stopped then restarted). This commit includes moving the setter for controller events to tor util.
Modified: arm/trunk/init/starter.py
--- arm/trunk/init/starter.py 2010-05-19 15:26:20 UTC (rev 22373)
+++ arm/trunk/init/starter.py 2010-05-19 16:04:14 UTC (rev 22374)
@@ -139,9 +139,12 @@
# sending problems to stdout if they arise
util.torTools.INCORRECT_PASSWORD_MSG = "Controller password found in '%s' was incorrect" % configPath
authPassword = config.get(AUTH_CFG, None)
- conn = util.torTools.getConn(controlAddr, controlPort, authPassword)
+ conn = util.torTools.makeConn(controlAddr, controlPort, authPassword)
if conn == None: sys.exit(1)
- interface.controller.startTorMonitor(conn, expandedEvents, isBlindMode)
+ controller = util.torTools.getConn()
+ controller.init(conn)
+ interface.controller.startTorMonitor(expandedEvents, isBlindMode)
Modified: arm/trunk/interface/controller.py
--- arm/trunk/interface/controller.py 2010-05-19 15:26:20 UTC (rev 22373)
+++ arm/trunk/interface/controller.py 2010-05-19 16:04:14 UTC (rev 22374)
@@ -42,9 +42,6 @@
PAUSEABLE = ["header", "graph", "log", "conn"]
-# events needed for panels other than the event log
class ControlPanel(panel.Panel):
""" Draws single line label for interface controls. """
@@ -255,54 +252,43 @@
return selection
-def setEventListening(loggedEvents, conn, isBlindMode):
- """
- Tries to set events being listened for, displaying error for any event
- types that aren't supported (possibly due to version issues). This returns
- a list of event types that were successfully set.
- """
- eventsSet = False
+def setEventListening(selectedEvents, isBlindMode):
+ # creates a local copy, note that a suspected python bug causes *very*
+ # puzzling results otherwise when trying to discard entries (silently
+ # returning out of this function!)
+ events = set(selectedEvents)
- # adds events used for panels to function if not already included
- connEvents = loggedEvents.union(set(REQ_EVENTS))
# removes special types only used in arm (UNKNOWN, TORCTL, ARM_DEBUG, etc)
toDiscard = []
- for event in connEvents:
- if event not in logPanel.TOR_EVENT_TYPES.values(): toDiscard += [event]
+ for eventType in events:
+ if eventType not in logPanel.TOR_EVENT_TYPES.values(): toDiscard += [eventType]
- for event in toDiscard: connEvents.discard(event)
+ for eventType in list(toDiscard):
+ events.discard(eventType)
- while not eventsSet:
- try:
- conn.set_events(connEvents)
- eventsSet = True
- except TorCtl.ErrorReply, exc:
- msg = str(exc)
- if "Unrecognized event" in msg:
- # figure out type of event we failed to listen for
- start = msg.find("event \"") + 7
- end = msg.rfind("\"")
- eventType = msg[start:end]
- # removes and notes problem
- connEvents.discard(eventType)
- if eventType in loggedEvents: loggedEvents.remove(eventType)
- if eventType in REQ_EVENTS:
- if eventType == "BW": msg = "(bandwidth graph won't function)"
- elif eventType in ("NEWDESC", "NEWCONSENSUS") and not isBlindMode: msg = "(connections listing can't register consensus changes)"
- else: msg = ""
- log.log(log.ERR, "Unsupported event type: %s %s" % (eventType, msg))
- else: log.log(log.WARN, "Unsupported event type: %s" % eventType)
- except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed:
- return []
+ # makes a mapping instead
+ events = dict([(eventType, None) for eventType in events])
- loggedEvents = list(loggedEvents)
- loggedEvents.sort() # alphabetizes
- return loggedEvents
+ # add mandatory events (those needed for arm functionaity)
+ reqEvents = {"BW": "(bandwidth graph won't function)"}
+ if not isBlindMode:
+ reqEvents["NEWDESC"] = "(connections listing can't register consensus changes)"
+ reqEvents["NEWCONSENSUS"] = "(connections listing can't register consensus changes)"
+ reqEvents["CIRC"] = "(may cause issues in identifying client connections)"
+ for eventType, msg in reqEvents.items():
+ events[eventType] = (log.ERR, "Unsupported event type: %s %s" % (eventType, msg))
+ setEvents = torTools.getConn().setControllerEvents(events)
+ # temporary hack for providing user selected events minus those that failed
+ # (wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't storing tor and non-tor events together...)
+ returnVal = list(selectedEvents.difference(torTools.FAILED_EVENTS))
+ returnVal.sort() # alphabetizes
+ return returnVal
-def drawTorMonitor(stdscr, conn, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
+def drawTorMonitor(stdscr, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
Starts arm interface reflecting information on provided control port.
@@ -312,6 +298,9 @@
otherwise unrecognized events)
+ # TODO: incrementally drop this requirement until everything's using the singleton
+ conn = torTools.getConn().getTorCtl()
curses.halfdelay(REFRESH_RATE * 10) # uses getch call as timer for REFRESH_RATE seconds
try: curses.use_default_colors() # allows things like semi-transparent backgrounds (call can fail with ERR)
except curses.error: pass
@@ -381,7 +370,7 @@
# tells Tor to listen to the events we're interested
- loggedEvents = setEventListening(loggedEvents, conn, isBlindMode)
+ loggedEvents = setEventListening(loggedEvents, isBlindMode)
panels["log"].loggedEvents = loggedEvents # strips any that couldn't be set
# directs logged TorCtl events to log panel
@@ -746,7 +735,7 @@
if eventsInput != "":
expandedEvents = logPanel.expandEvents(eventsInput)
- loggedEvents = setEventListening(expandedEvents, conn, isBlindMode)
+ loggedEvents = setEventListening(expandedEvents, isBlindMode)
panels["log"].loggedEvents = loggedEvents
except ValueError, exc:
panels["control"].setMsg("Invalid flags: %s" % str(exc), curses.A_STANDOUT)
@@ -1268,9 +1257,9 @@
elif page == 2:
-def startTorMonitor(conn, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
+def startTorMonitor(loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
- curses.wrapper(drawTorMonitor, conn, loggedEvents, isBlindMode)
+ curses.wrapper(drawTorMonitor, loggedEvents, isBlindMode)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
pass # skip printing stack trace in case of keyboard interrupt
Modified: arm/trunk/util/log.py
--- arm/trunk/util/log.py 2010-05-19 15:26:20 UTC (rev 22373)
+++ arm/trunk/util/log.py 2010-05-19 16:04:14 UTC (rev 22374)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
def addListener(level, callback):
- Directs future events to the given fallback function. The runlevels passed on
+ Directs future events to the given callback function. The runlevels passed on
to listeners are provided as the corresponding strings ("DEBUG", "INFO",
"NOTICE", etc), and times in POSIX (unix) time.
Modified: arm/trunk/util/torTools.py
--- arm/trunk/util/torTools.py 2010-05-19 15:26:20 UTC (rev 22373)
+++ arm/trunk/util/torTools.py 2010-05-19 16:04:14 UTC (rev 22374)
@@ -1,15 +1,42 @@
Helper for working with an active tor process. This both provides a wrapper for
-accessing TorCtl and notifications of state changes to subscribers.
+accessing TorCtl and notifications of state changes to subscribers. To quickly
+fetch a TorCtl instance to experiment with use the following:
+>>> import util.torTools
+>>> conn = util.torTools.makeConn()
+>>> conn.get_info("version")["version"]
import socket
import getpass
+import thread
+import threading
from TorCtl import TorCtl
+import log
import sysTools
+# enums for tor's controller state:
+# TOR_INIT - attached to a new controller
+# TOR_RESTART - restart or sighup signal received by tor (resetting internal state)
+# TOR_CLOSED - control port closed
+# Message logged by default when a controller event type can't be set (message
+# has the event type inserted into it). This skips logging entirely if None.
+DEFAULT_FAILED_EVENT_ENTRY = (log.WARN, "Unsupported event type: %s")
+# Skips attempting to set events we've failed to set before. This avoids
+# logging duplicate warnings but can be problematic if controllers belonging
+# to multiple versions of tor are attached, making this unreflective of the
+# controller's capabilites. However, this is a pretty bizarre edge case.
+CONTROLLER = None # singleton Controller instance
INCORRECT_PASSWORD_MSG = "Provided passphrase was incorrect"
def makeCtlConn(controlAddr="", controlPort=9051):
@@ -110,10 +137,10 @@
elif str(exc).startswith("[Errno 2] No such file or directory"): issue = "file doesn't exist"
# if problem's recognized give concise message, otherwise print exception string
- if issue: raise IOError("Failed to read authentication cookie (%s): %s" % (issue, authCookiePath))
+ if issue: raise IOError("Failed to read authentication cookie (%s): %s" % (issue, authVal))
else: raise IOError("Failed to read authentication cookie: %s" % exc)
-def getConn(controlAddr="", controlPort=9051, passphrase=None):
+def makeConn(controlAddr="", controlPort=9051, passphrase=None):
Convenience method for quickly getting a TorCtl connection. This is very
handy for debugging or CLI setup, handling setup and prompting for a password
@@ -147,7 +174,7 @@
# provide a warining that the provided password didn't work, then try
# again prompting for the user to enter it
- return getConn(controlAddr, controlPort)
+ return makeConn(controlAddr, controlPort)
print exc
return None
@@ -161,8 +188,8 @@
3. "ps -o pid -C tor"
If pidof or ps promide multiple tor instances then their results are discared
- (since only netstat differentiates using the control port). This provdes None
- if either no running process exists or it can't be determined.
+ (since only netstat can differentiate using the control port). This provdes
+ None if either no running process exists or it can't be determined.
controlPort - control port of the tor process if multiple exist
@@ -178,8 +205,7 @@
if pid.isdigit(): return pid
except IOError: pass
- # attempts to resolve using netstat (identifying process via the open control
- # port), failing if:
+ # attempts to resolve using netstat, failing if:
# - tor's being run as a different user due to permissions
results = sysTools.call("netstat -npl | grep" % controlPort)
@@ -202,3 +228,265 @@
return None
+def getConn():
+ """
+ Singleton constructor for a Controller. Be aware that this start
+ uninitialized, needing a TorCtl instance before it's fully functional.
+ """
+ if CONTROLLER == None: CONTROLLER = Controller()
+# TODO: sighup notification (and replacement in controller!)
+class Controller:
+ """
+ TorCtl wrapper providing convenience functions, listener functionality for
+ tor's state, and the capability for controller connections to be restarted
+ if closed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.conn = None # None if uninitialized or controller's been closed
+ self.connLock = threading.RLock()
+ self.listeners = [] # callback functions for tor's state changes
+ self.controllerEvents = {} # mapping of successfully set controller events to their failure level/msg
+ def init(self, conn):
+ """
+ Uses the given TorCtl instance for future operations, notifying listeners
+ about the change.
+ Arguments:
+ conn - TorCtl instance to be used
+ """
+ if conn.is_live():
+ self.connLock.acquire()
+ self.conn = conn
+ self.connLock.release()
+ # notifies listeners that a new controller is available
+ thread.start_new_thread(self._notifyStatusListeners, (TOR_INIT,))
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Closes the current TorCtl instance and notifies listeners.
+ """
+ self.connLock.acquire()
+ if self.conn:
+ self.conn.close()
+ self.conn = None
+ self.connLock.release()
+ # notifies listeners that the controller's been shut down
+ thread.start_new_thread(self._notifyStatusListeners, (TOR_CLOSED,))
+ else: self.connLock.release()
+ def isAlive(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if this has been initialized with a working TorCtl instance,
+ False otherwise.
+ """
+ self.connLock.acquire()
+ result = False
+ if self.conn:
+ if self.conn.is_live(): result = True
+ else: self.close()
+ self.connLock.release()
+ return result
+ def getTorCtl(self):
+ """
+ Provides the current TorCtl connection. If unset or closed then this
+ returns None.
+ """
+ self.connLock.acquire()
+ result = None
+ if self.isAlive(): result = self.conn
+ self.connLock.release()
+ return result
+ def getInfo(self, param, default = None, suppressExc = True):
+ """
+ Queries the control port for the given GETINFO option, providing the
+ default if the response fails for any reason (error response, control port
+ closed, ininitiated, etc).
+ Arguments:
+ param - GETINFO option to be queried
+ default - result if the query fails and exception's suppressed
+ suppressExc - suppresses lookup errors (returning the default) if true,
+ otherwises this raises the original exception
+ """
+ self.connLock.acquire()
+ result, raisedExc = default, None
+ if self.isAlive():
+ try:
+ result = self.conn.get_info(param)[param]
+ except (socket.error, TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed), exc:
+ if type(exc) == TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: self.close()
+ raisedExc = exc
+ self.connLock.release()
+ if not suppressExc and raisedExc: raise raisedExc
+ else: return result
+ def getOption(self, param, default = None, multiple = False, suppressExc = True):
+ """
+ Queries the control port for the given configuration option, providing the
+ default if the response fails for any reason. If multiple values exist then
+ this arbitrarily returns the first unless the multiple flag is set.
+ Arguments:
+ param - configuration option to be queried
+ default - result if the query fails and exception's suppressed
+ multiple - provides a list of results if true, otherwise this just
+ returns the first value
+ suppressExc - suppresses lookup errors (returning the default) if true,
+ otherwises this raises the original exception
+ """
+ self.connLock.acquire()
+ result, raisedExc = default, None
+ if self.isAlive():
+ try:
+ if multiple: result = self.conn.get_option(param)
+ else: result = self.conn.get_option(param)[0][1]
+ except (socket.error, TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed), exc:
+ if type(exc) == TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: self.close()
+ raisedExc = exc
+ self.connLock.release()
+ if not suppressExc and raisedExc: raise raisedExc
+ else: return result
+ def addStatusListener(self, callback):
+ """
+ Directs further events related to tor's controller status to the callback
+ function.
+ Arguments:
+ callback - functor that'll accept the events, expected to be of the form:
+ myFunction(controller, eventType)
+ """
+ self.listeners.append(callback)
+ def removeStatusListener(self, callback):
+ """
+ Stops listener from being notified of further events. This returns true if a
+ listener's removed, false otherwise.
+ Arguments:
+ callback - functor to be removed
+ """
+ if callback in self.listeners:
+ self.listeners.remove(callback)
+ return True
+ else: return False
+ def setControllerEvents(self, eventsToMsg):
+ """
+ Sets the events being provided via any associated tor controller, logging
+ messages for event types that aren't supported (possibly due to version
+ issues). This remembers the successfully set events and tries to apply them
+ to any controllers attached later too (again logging and dropping
+ unsuccessful event types). This returns the listing of event types that
+ were successfully set. If no controller is available or events can't be set
+ then this is a no-op.
+ Arguments:
+ eventsToMsg - mapping of event types to a tuple of the (runlevel, msg) it
+ should log in case of failure (uses DEFAULT_FAILED_EVENT_ENTRY
+ if mapped to None)
+ """
+ self.connLock.acquire()
+ returnVal = []
+ if self.isAlive():
+ unavailableEvents = set()
+ # removes anything we've already failed to set
+ events = set(eventsToMsg.keys())
+ unavailableEvents.update(events.intersection(FAILED_EVENTS))
+ events.difference_update(FAILED_EVENTS)
+ # inital check for event availability
+ validEvents = self.getInfo("events/names")
+ if validEvents:
+ validEvents = set(validEvents.split())
+ unavailableEvents.update(events.difference(validEvents))
+ events.intersection_update(validEvents)
+ # attempt to set events
+ isEventsSet, isAbandoned = False, False
+ while not isEventsSet and not isAbandoned:
+ try:
+ self.conn.set_events(list(events))
+ isEventsSet = True
+ except TorCtl.ErrorReply, exc:
+ msg = str(exc)
+ if "Unrecognized event" in msg:
+ # figure out type of event we failed to listen for
+ start = msg.find("event \"") + 7
+ end = msg.rfind("\"")
+ failedType = msg[start:end]
+ unavailableEvents.add(failedType)
+ events.discard(failedType)
+ else:
+ # unexpected error, abandon attempt
+ isAbandoned = True
+ except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed:
+ self.close()
+ isAbandoned = True
+ FAILED_EVENTS.update(unavailableEvents)
+ if not isAbandoned:
+ # removes failed events and logs warnings
+ for eventType in unavailableEvents:
+ if eventsToMsg[eventType]:
+ lvl, msg = eventsToMsg[eventType]
+ log.log(lvl, msg)
+ log.log(lvl, msg % eventType)
+ del eventsToMsg[eventType]
+ self.controllerEvents = eventsToMsg
+ returnVal = eventsToMsg.keys()
+ self.connLock.release()
+ return returnVal
+ def _notifyStatusListeners(self, eventType):
+ """
+ Sends a notice to all current listeners that a given change in tor's
+ controller status has occured.
+ Arguments:
+ eventType - enum representing tor's new status
+ """
+ for callback in self.listeners:
+ callback(self, eventType)
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