[or-cvs] r21708: {projects} Update documentation on building the binaries for the Chumby (projects/chumby)

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Sat Feb 20 03:40:38 UTC 2010

Author: ioerror
Date: 2010-02-20 03:40:38 +0000 (Sat, 20 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 21708

Update documentation on building the binaries for the Chumby mod

Modified: projects/chumby/README
--- projects/chumby/README	2010-02-20 03:37:57 UTC (rev 21707)
+++ projects/chumby/README	2010-02-20 03:40:38 UTC (rev 21708)
@@ -16,5 +16,15 @@
 linux base. It possible to run common free software like Tor without too much
+If you'd like a set of custom compiled binaries ready to be packaged for the
+Chumby One, run the following:
+    ./build.sh
+Once you've built libevent, zlib, OpenSSL, and Tor, you will be ready to create
+a mod for the Chumby One.
+    # Steps to create the .tar.gz mod go here XXX TODO :-)
 "Do you want to help with Tor? Great. Buy a Chumby One and fight
 censorship with an alarm clock in your sleep."

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