[or-cvs] r20929: {} Check in code for doing hill-climbing optimization of node-s (projects/performance/node-selection)
sjm217 at seul.org
sjm217 at seul.org
Mon Nov 9 11:19:48 UTC 2009
Author: sjm217
Date: 2009-11-09 06:19:47 -0500 (Mon, 09 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 20929
Check in code for doing hill-climbing optimization of node-selection probabilities (from r6583 of local repository)
Added: projects/performance/node-selection/hillclimbing.py
--- projects/performance/node-selection/hillclimbing.py (rev 0)
+++ projects/performance/node-selection/hillclimbing.py 2009-11-09 11:19:47 UTC (rev 20929)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+import sys
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ import matplotlib
+ matplotlib.use('TkAgg') # do this before importing pylab
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from numpy import *
+import time
+import threading
+ILIMIT = 1000
+def wait(x, p, L, isbroken):
+ z = p*L*x
+ a = z*x
+ b = 2.0*(1.0-z)
+ return x + a/b
+def calc_waittime(prob, xs, totalusage, debug=False):
+ #print "info", prob[0], nodebw[0], totalusage
+ ## Check that probabilities really add up to 1
+ assert abs(1.0 - prob.sum()) < 1e-6
+ ## Calculate processing time of a node
+ #xs = [1.0/t for t in nodebw]
+ #xs = 1.0/nodebw
+ ## Find overloaded nodes
+ #loading_factor = [x*p*totalusage for p, x in zip(prob, xs)]
+ #broken = [ld < 0.0 or ld > 1.0 for ld in loading_factor]
+ loading_factor = xs*prob*totalusage
+ broken = (loading_factor < 0.0) | (loading_factor > 1.0)
+ ## Number of broken nodes
+ #print "Broken", len([x for x in broken if x])
+ ## Calculate weighted waiting time
+ #wtime = [wait(x, p, totalusage, isbroken)
+ # for x, p, isbroken in zip(xs, prob, broken)]
+ wtime = wait(xs, prob, totalusage, False)
+ wtime[broken] = -1.0
+ #print wtime[0]
+ ## Get maximimum waiting time for non-broken nodes
+ cap = wtime.max()
+ #if debug:
+ # print cap
+ #print wtime
+ #print "Cap", cap
+ ## Calculated capped weighted waiting time
+ wtime[broken] = cap
+ wwtime = wtime * prob
+ #wwtime = [wwait_cap(w, p, cap) for w, p in zip(wtime, prob)]
+ return wwtime
+def test(fn = None):
+ if fn is None:
+ fn = sys.argv[1]
+ fh = file(fn, "rt")
+ ## Load in node bandwidths and total network usage
+ totalusage = float64(0.0)
+ totalbw = 0.0
+ nodebw = []
+ for line in fh:
+ bw, usage = line.split()
+ bw = float(bw)/512.0
+ usage = float(usage)/512.0
+ ## Ignore nodes with BW outside acceptable range
+ if bw<=0.0 or bw >= (10.0e6/512.0):
+ continue
+ totalusage += usage
+ totalbw += bw
+ nodebw.append(bw)
+ #print totalusage, totalbw
+ pu = array([1.0/len(nodebw)] * len(nodebw))
+ pt = array([bw / totalbw for bw in nodebw])
+ anodebw = array(nodebw)
+ xs = 1.0/anodebw
+ x = calc_waittime(pt, xs, totalusage, True)
+ y = calc_waittime(pu, xs, totalusage, True)
+ #for i in range(10000):
+ # _ = calc_waittime(pt, xs, totalusage)
+ #print x
+ print "E(Tor)", sum(x)
+ #print y
+ print "E(Uniform)", sum(y)
+ return totalusage, anodebw, x,y
+def optimize(sprob, ss, xs, totalusage, amount):
+ l = len(sprob)
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ i += 1
+ ## Take copy of base
+ prob = sprob.copy()
+ ## Find elements to change
+ a = random.randint(0, l-1)
+ b = random.randint(0, l-1)
+ ## Find amount to modify by
+ if prob[a] < amount:
+ damount = prob[a]
+ else:
+ damount = amount
+ ## Move between two elements
+ prob[a] -= damount
+ prob[b] += damount
+ ## Calculate the function to optimize
+ wwait = calc_waittime(prob, xs, totalusage, True)
+ s = wwait.sum()
+ if s < ss:
+ return i, prob, wwait, s
+ if i > ILIMIT:
+ wwait = calc_waittime(sprob, xs, totalusage, True)
+ return i, sprob, wwait, wwait.sum()
+def save(anodebw, prob, xs, totalusage, count):
+ fh = file("nodeprob-%06d"%count, "wt")
+ anodebw.dump(fh)
+ prob.dump(fh)
+ xs.dump(fh)
+ totalusage.dump(fh)
+ fh.close()
+ #fh.write("bw prob\n")
+ #for i in range(len(anodebw)):
+ # fh.write("%f %f\n"%(anodebw[i],prob[i]))
+ #fh.close()
+class Animator(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, prob, totalusage, anodebw, fig, ax):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.prob = prob
+ self.totalusage = totalusage
+ self.anodebw = anodebw
+ self.xs = 1.0/anodebw
+ self.anodebw = anodebw
+ self.fig = fig
+ self.ax = ax
+ def run(self):
+ wwait = calc_waittime(self.prob, self.xs, self.totalusage)
+ s = wwait.sum()
+ #line, = self.ax.plot(self.anodebw, wwait.cumsum())
+ line, = self.ax.plot(wwait.cumsum())
+ amount = 1.0/2
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ i += 1
+ cnt, self.prob, wwait, s = optimize(self.prob, s, self.xs, self.totalusage, amount)
+ print i, cnt, s
+ if cnt > ILIMIT:
+ amount /= 2.0
+ print "Narrowing... to", amount
+ save(self.anodebw, self.prob, self.xs, self.totalusage, i)
+ line.set_ydata(cumsum(wwait))
+ self.fig.canvas.draw()
+ #time.sleep(1)
+def main():
+ totalusage, anodebw, x, y = test()
+ pu = array([1.0/len(anodebw)] * len(anodebw))
+ plt.ioff()
+ fig = plt.figure()
+ ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+ anim = Animator(pu, totalusage, anodebw, fig, ax)
+ win = fig.canvas.manager.window
+ fig.canvas.manager.window.after(100, anim.start)
+ plt.show()
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ main()
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