[or-cvs] r21059: {projects} Some cleanups, updated the docs, delete some items from the (in projects/gettor: . lib/gettor)

kaner at seul.org kaner at seul.org
Sun Nov 29 19:09:46 UTC 2009

Author: kaner
Date: 2009-11-29 14:09:46 -0500 (Sun, 29 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 21059

Some cleanups, updated the docs, delete some items from the TODO list

Modified: projects/gettor/GetTor.py
--- projects/gettor/GetTor.py	2009-11-29 11:00:27 UTC (rev 21058)
+++ projects/gettor/GetTor.py	2009-11-29 19:09:46 UTC (rev 21059)
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
     except Exception, e:
         log.error("Sending the reply failed.")
         processFail(conf, rawMessage, replyTo, e)
-        raise
         return False
 def processOptions(options, conf):

Modified: projects/gettor/README
--- projects/gettor/README	2009-11-29 11:00:27 UTC (rev 21058)
+++ projects/gettor/README	2009-11-29 19:09:46 UTC (rev 21059)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-GetTor is a program for serving Tor and related files over SMTP. Users
-interact with GetTor by sending it an email.
+GetTor is a program for serving Tor and related files over SMTP. Users interact
+with GetTor by sending it email.
 The following document explains how to setup GetTor for a server admin.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 To deploy GetTor, you'll want a machine that invokes .forward files
-for users. You'll also want to have python and rsync installed.
+for users. You'll also want to have python (>= 2.5) and rsync installed.
 There are some limits with smtp software for outgoing email sizes. You should
 check your software to ensure that you can send files that are as large
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
     2009-01-05 16:49:29,226 (9222) Syncing Tor packages done.
     2009-01-05 16:49:30,155 (9222) Building packages done.
-Now you'll install the cronjob. This clears the blacklist and updates
-packages daily:
+Now you'll install the cronjob. This clears the blacklist and updates packages 
     gettor at moria:~/opt/gettor$ ./GetTor.py -i
     2009-01-05 17:34:53,911 (16646) Installing cron donee
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@
 Finally, you need to setup email forwarding to the GetTor bot like so:
-    gettor at moria:~$ cat .forward
-    "|/home/gettor/opt/gettor/GetTor.py"
+    gettor at moria:~$ echo "|/home/gettor/opt/gettor/GetTor.py" > ~/.forward
 Now GetTor.py is installed, prepared and ready to serve files. Send it email!
@@ -100,21 +99,17 @@
 than i18n/ (relative to GetTor.py, as provided by GetTor), you can tell this
 to GetTor as follows:
-    gettor at moria:~/opt/gettor$ ./GetTor.py -r -d /path/to/my/mofiles/directory
+    gettor at moria:~/opt/gettor$ ./GetTor.py -r -d /path/to/my/pofiles/directory
 Note that GetTor will expect the same directory structure as provided under
-i18n/ in the GetTor source package, e.g. 'i18n/en/gettor_en.po',
-'i18n/de/gettor_de.po', and so on.
+i18n/ in the GetTor source package, e.g. 'i18n/en/gettor.po',
+'i18n/de/gettor.po', and so on.
 To add a new language to GetTor, one must create a new .po file in subversion
 in the proper directory. For Korean, one would create i18n/ko/ and add the
-untranslated file (called gettor_ko.po) to that directory. This file should be
+untranslated file (called gettor.po) to that directory. This file should be
 translated but partial translations are allowed. Once this file has been
-created, the GetTor program does not need to be modified. It does however 
-require that one adds a configuration option indicating the newly desired
-locale (the default is English):
-	locale = ko
+created, the GetTor program does not need to be modified.
 However, if a user wished to add support in responses to users, they will need
 to modiy the 'requests.py' file like so:
@@ -154,7 +149,7 @@
 packDir:       Processed Tor packages ready to be handed out to the user will
                be found here
 srcEmail:      The email containing the Tor package will use this as 'From:'
-locale:        Choose your default mail and log locale
+locale:        Choose your default mail locale
 logFile:       If 'file' logging is chosen, log to this file
 logSubSystem:  This has to be one of the following strings:
                'nothing':  Nothing is logged anywhere (Recommended)
@@ -214,6 +209,7 @@
 Some email providers may not be happy with the files GetTor sends.
 Gmail provides documentation of their incoming and outgoing file sizes. It is
 currently 20MB (though we have sent around 21MB without issue):
 Other providers are not as transparent and this may cause failures.

Modified: projects/gettor/README.locale-spec-draft
--- projects/gettor/README.locale-spec-draft	2009-11-29 11:00:27 UTC (rev 21058)
+++ projects/gettor/README.locale-spec-draft	2009-11-29 19:09:46 UTC (rev 21059)
@@ -26,21 +26,14 @@
 If a user wishes, they may set the locale for all responses. The locale must be
 passed by the end user as a single line. The start of the line must begin with
-'Locale: ' and be followed by the desired locale. The locale must be at the end
+'Lang: ' and be followed by the desired locale. The locale must be at the end
 of the line. An example follows on the following line:
-Locale: de
+    Lang: de
 The first valid Locale line found in the message will designate the response
-If a user is able to set custom mail headers, they may designate their desired
-locale by specifying it with an 'X-' header of 'X-LOCALE'. This must be
-seperated by a space and followed by the desired locale. An example follows:

Modified: projects/gettor/TODO
--- projects/gettor/TODO	2009-11-29 11:00:27 UTC (rev 21058)
+++ projects/gettor/TODO	2009-11-29 19:09:46 UTC (rev 21059)
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 These are planned changes to the gettor system.
-- Investigate the usage of gettor+lang at torproject.org email addresses for 
-  letting users choose a reply and tor package language
 - Testing and proposals to better support users with limited email bandwidth
   (multi-part download, etc.).
 - Split (at least) tiger bundle into several smaller archives to avoid ~20MB
@@ -24,7 +22,6 @@
 - Package names that are sent out to the user are currently hard-coded. Return
   to a more dynamic approach, also: Add a nice little note about the size of 
   the files users may request
-- Fix rsync to follow symlinks properly. We want the data not a link to data.
 - Remove 'localhost:25' to send mail and use '/usr/bin/sendmail' instead
   (suggested by weasel)
 - Implement test (-t switch) functionality

Modified: projects/gettor/lib/gettor/requests.py
--- projects/gettor/lib/gettor/requests.py	2009-11-29 11:00:27 UTC (rev 21058)
+++ projects/gettor/lib/gettor/requests.py	2009-11-29 19:09:46 UTC (rev 21059)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 class requestMail:
     defaultLang = "en"
-    # XXX Change this or remove this
+    # XXX Move this to the config file
     supportedLangs = { "en": "English", 
                        "fa": "Farsi",
                        "de": "Deutsch",
@@ -62,24 +62,11 @@
         self.toAddress = self.parsedMessage["to"]
         log.info("User made request to %s" % self.toAddress)
         # Check if we got a '+' address
-        match = re.search('(?<=\+)\w+', self.toAddress)
-        if match:
-            # Cut back and front
-            splitFrontPart = self.toAddress.split('@')
-            assert len(splitFrontPart) > 0, "Splitting To: address failed"
-            splitLang = splitFrontPart[0].rsplit('+')
-            assert len(splitLang) > 1, "Splitting for language failed"
-            self.replyLocale = splitLang[1]
-            # Mark this request so that we might be able to take decisions 
-            # later
-            self.gotPlusReq = True
-            log.info("User requested language %s" % self.replyLocale)
-        else:
-            log.info("Not a 'plus' address")
+        self.matchPlusAddress()
         # TODO XXX: 
         # Scrub this data
         self.replytoAddress = self.parsedMessage["from"]
-        assert self.replytoAddress is not None, "Replyto address is None"
+        assert self.replytoAddress is not None, "No 'from' field in mail"
         # If no package name could be recognized, use 'None'
         self.returnPackage = None
         self.splitDelivery = False
@@ -91,64 +78,111 @@
     def parseMail(self):
         # Parse line by line
         for line in email.Iterators.body_line_iterator(self.parsedMessage):
-            # Remove quotes
+            # Skip quotes
             if line.startswith(">"):
             # Strip HTML from line
             # XXX: Actually we should rather read the whole body into a string
             #      and strip that. -kaner
             line = self.stripTags(line)
-            # XXX This is a bit clumsy, but i cant think of a better way
-            # currently. A map also doesnt really help i think. -kaner
-            for package in self.packages.keys():
-                matchme = ".*" + package + ".*"
-                match = re.match(matchme, line)    
-                if match: 
-                    self.returnPackage = package
-                    log.info("User requested package %s" % self.returnPackage)
-                    break
-            # If we find 'split' somewhere in the mail, we assume that the user 
-            # wants a split delivery
-            match = re.match(".*split.*", line)
-            if match:
-                self.splitDelivery = True
-                log.info("User requested a split delivery")
+            # Check for package name in line
+            self.matchPackage(line)
+            # Check for split delivery in line
+            self.matchSplit(line)
             # Change locale only if none is set so far
             if not self.gotPlusReq:
-                match = re.match(".*[Ll]ang:\s+(.*)$", line)
-                if match:
-                    self.replyLocale = match.group(1)
-                    log.info("User requested locale %s" % self.replyLocale)
+                self.matchLang(line)
             # Check if this is a command
-            match = re.match(".*[Cc]ommand:\s+(.*)$", line)
-            if match:
-                log.info("Command received from %s" % self.replytoAddress) 
-                cmd = match.group(1).split()
-                length = len(cmd)
-                assert length == 3, "Wrong command syntax"
-                auth = cmd[0]
-                # Package is parsed by the usual package parsing mechanism
-                package = cmd[1]
-                address = cmd[2]
-                verified = gettor.utils.verifyPassword(self.config, auth)
-                assert verified == True, \
-                        "Unauthorized attempt to command from: %s" \
-                        % self.replytoAddress
-                self.commandaddress = address
+            self.matchCommand(line)
+        self.checkLang()
         if self.returnPackage is None:
             log.info("User didn't select any packages")
+        else:
+            # This should go sometime XXX
+            self.torSpecialPackageExpansion()
+        return (self.replytoAddress, self.replyLocale, self.returnPackage, \
+                self.splitDelivery, self.signature, self.commandaddress)
+    def matchPlusAddress(self):
+        match = re.search('(?<=\+)\w+', self.toAddress)
+        if match:
+            # Cut back and front
+            splitFrontPart = self.toAddress.split('@')
+            assert len(splitFrontPart) > 0, "Splitting To: address failed"
+            splitLang = splitFrontPart[0].rsplit('+')
+            assert len(splitLang) > 1, "Splitting for language failed"
+            self.replyLocale = splitLang[1]
+            # Mark this request so that we might be able to take decisions 
+            # later
+            self.gotPlusReq = True
+            log.info("User requested language %s" % self.replyLocale)
+        else:
+            log.info("Not a 'plus' address")
+    def matchPackage(self, line):
+        # XXX This is a bit clumsy, but i cant think of a better way
+        # currently. A map also doesnt really help i think. -kaner
+        for package in self.packages.keys():
+            matchme = ".*" + package + ".*"
+            match = re.match(matchme, line)    
+            if match: 
+                self.returnPackage = package
+                log.info("User requested package %s" % self.returnPackage)
+                break
+    def matchSplit(self, line):
+        # If we find 'split' somewhere we assume that the user wants a split 
+        # delivery
+        match = re.match(".*split.*", line)
+        if match:
+            self.splitDelivery = True
+            log.info("User requested a split delivery")
+    def matchLang(self, line):
+        match = re.match(".*[Ll]ang:\s+(.*)$", line)
+        if match:
+            self.replyLocale = match.group(1)
+            log.info("User requested locale %s" % self.replyLocale)
+    def matchCommand(self, line):
+        match = re.match(".*[Cc]ommand:\s+(.*)$", line)
+        if match:
+            log.info("Command received from %s" % self.replytoAddress) 
+            cmd = match.group(1).split()
+            length = len(cmd)
+            assert length == 3, "Wrong command syntax"
+            auth = cmd[0]
+            # Package is parsed by the usual package parsing mechanism
+            package = cmd[1]
+            address = cmd[2]
+            verified = gettor.utils.verifyPassword(self.config, auth)
+            assert verified == True, \
+                    "Unauthorized attempt to command from: %s" \
+                    % self.replytoAddress
+            self.commandaddress = address
+    def checkLang(self):
         # Actually use a map here later XXX
         for (key, lang) in self.supportedLangs.items():
             if self.replyLocale == key:
+                log.info("User requested language %s" % self.replyLocale)
             log.info("Requested language %s not supported. Falling back to %s" \
                         % (self.replyLocale, self.defaultLang))
             self.replyLocale = self.defaultLang
-        return (self.replytoAddress, self.replyLocale, self.returnPackage, \
-                self.splitDelivery, self.signature, self.commandaddress)
+    def torSpecialPackageExpansion(self):
+        # If someone wants one of the localizable packages, add language 
+        # suffix. This isn't nice because we're hard-coding package names here
+        # Attention: This needs to correspond to the  packages in packages.py
+        if self.returnPackage == "tor-browser-bundle" \
+                               or self.returnPackage == "tor-im-browser-bundle":
+            # "tor-browser-bundle" => "tor-browser-bundle_de"
+            self.returnPackage = self.returnPackage + "_" + self.replyLocale 
     def stripTags(self, string):
         """Simple HTML stripper"""

Modified: projects/gettor/lib/gettor/responses.py
--- projects/gettor/lib/gettor/responses.py	2009-11-29 11:00:27 UTC (rev 21058)
+++ projects/gettor/lib/gettor/responses.py	2009-11-29 19:09:46 UTC (rev 21059)
@@ -39,18 +39,11 @@
         self.config = config
         self.srcEmail = "GetTor <gettor at torproject.org>"
         self.replyTo = replyto
-        assert self.replyTo is not None, "Empty replyto address."
+        assert self.replyTo is not None, "Empty reply address."
         # Default lang is en
         if lang is None:
             lang = "en"
         self.mailLang = lang
-        # XXX If someone wants one of the localizable packages, add language 
-        # suffix
-        # Attention though: This needs to correspond to the  packages in 
-        # packages.py
-        if package == "tor-browser-bundle" or package == "tor-im-browser-bundle":
-            # "tor-browser-bundle" => "tor-browser-bundle_de"
-            package = package + "_" + lang
         self.package = package
         self.splitsend = split
         self.signature = signature

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