[or-cvs] r17913: {} Begin reorganizing repository. The clutter has been botherin (in torflow/trunk: . CircuitAnalysis tools)

mikeperry at seul.org mikeperry at seul.org
Mon Jan 5 16:04:10 UTC 2009

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2009-01-05 11:04:10 -0500 (Mon, 05 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 17913


Begin reorganizing repository. The clutter has been bothering
me for some time. Start with the circuit build time analysis

Copied: torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/buildtimes.py (from rev 17873, torflow/trunk/guardslices.py)
--- torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/buildtimes.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/buildtimes.py	2009-01-05 16:04:10 UTC (rev 17913)
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# uses metatroller to collect circuit build times for 5% slices of guard nodes
+# [OUTPUT] one directory, with three files: StatsHandler aggregate stats file, file with all circuit events (for detailed reference), file with just buildtimes
+import socket,sys,time,getopt,os
+from TorCtl.TorUtil import meta_port,meta_host,control_port,control_host
+from TorCtl.StatsSupport import StatsHandler
+from TorCtl import PathSupport, TorCtl
+__selmgr = PathSupport.SelectionManager(
+      pathlen=3,
+      order_exits=True,
+      percent_fast=80,
+      percent_skip=0,
+      min_bw=1024,
+      use_all_exits=True,
+      uniform=True,
+      use_exit=None,
+      use_guards=True,
+      restrict_guards=True)
+class Connection(PathSupport.Connection):
+  """ thread quits when required number of circuits found, otherwise identical"""
+  def __init__(self,s):
+    PathSupport.Connection.__init__(self,s)
+  def _loop(self):
+    while 1:
+      try:
+        isEvent, reply = self._read_reply()
+      except:
+        self._err(sys.exc_info())
+        return
+      if isEvent:
+        if self._handler is not None:
+          self._eventQueue.put((time.time(), reply))
+      else:
+        cb = self._queue.get() # atomic..
+        cb(reply)
+      if self._handler is not None:
+        if self._handler.circ_failed + self._handler.circ_built >= self._handler.nstats:
+          print 'Finished gathering',self._handler.circ_failed + self._handler.circ_built,'circuits'
+          print self._handler.circ_failed,'failed',self._handler.circ_built,'built'
+          return 
+class StatsGatherer(StatsHandler):
+  def __init__(self,c, selmgr,basefile_name,nstats):
+    StatsHandler.__init__(self,c, selmgr)
+    self.detailfile = open(basefile_name + '.detail','w')
+    self.buildtimesfile = open(basefile_name + '.buildtimes','w')
+    self.circ_built = 0
+    self.nstats = nstats
+    # sometimes relevant CircEvents occur before the circ_id is 
+    # added to self.circuits, which means they get discarded
+    # we track them in self.othercircs: a dictionary of list of events
+    self.othercircs = {} 
+  def circ_event_str(self,now,circ_event):
+    """ returns an string summarizing the circuit event"""
+    output = [circ_event.event_name, str(circ_event.circ_id),
+        circ_event.status]
+    if circ_event.path:
+      output.append(",".join(circ_event.path))
+    if circ_event.reason:
+      output.append("REASON=" + circ_event.reason)
+    if circ_event.remote_reason:
+      output.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + circ_event.remote_reason)
+    output = [now]+ output
+    outstr = ' '.join(output) + '\n'
+    return outstr
+  def add_missed_events(self,circ_id):
+    """ if there are events for a circuit that were missed, add them"""
+    if circ_id in self.othercircs:
+      for e_str in self.othercircs[circ_id]:
+        self.detailfile.write(e_str)
+      self.detailfile.flush()
+      # now in self.circuits, so can delete it from self.othercircs
+      del self.othercircs[circ_id]
+  def circ_status_event(self, circ_event):
+    """ handles circuit status event """
+    now = time.time()
+    now = '%3.10f' % now
+    if circ_event.circ_id in self.circuits.keys():
+      self.add_missed_events(circ_event.circ_id)
+      if circ_event.status == 'EXTENDED':
+        extend_time = circ_event.arrived_at-self.circuits[circ_event.circ_id].last_extended_at
+        self.circuits[circ_event.circ_id].extend_times.append(extend_time)
+        self.circuits[circ_event.circ_id].last_extended_at = circ_event.arrived_at
+      if circ_event.status == 'BUILT':
+        circ = self.circuits[circ_event.circ_id]
+        buildtime = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,circ.extend_times,0.0)
+        self.buildtimesfile.write(str(circ.circ_id) + '\t' + str(buildtime) + '\n')
+        self.buildtimesfile.flush()
+      outstr = self.circ_event_str(now,circ_event)
+      self.detailfile.write(outstr)
+      self.detailfile.flush()
+      # check to see if done gathering data
+      if circ_event.status == 'BUILT': self.circ_built += 1
+    else:
+      #eventstr = 
+      #if circ_event.circ_id in self.othercircs.keys():
+      if circ_event.circ_id not in self.othercircs.keys():
+        self.othercircs[circ_event.circ_id] = []
+      self.othercircs[circ_event.circ_id] += [self.circ_event_str(now,circ_event)]
+    StatsHandler.circ_status_event(self,circ_event)
+def getdata(filename,ncircuits):
+  """ starts stat gathering thread """
+  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+  s.connect((control_host,control_port))
+  c = Connection(s)
+  c.authenticate()  # also launches thread...
+  h = StatsGatherer(c,__selmgr,filename,ncircuits)
+  c.set_event_handler(h)
+  c.set_events([TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAM,
+                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.BW,
+                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.NS,
+                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRC,
+                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAM_BW,
+                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.NEWDESC], True)
+  return c
+def setargs():
+  ncircuits = ""
+  dirname = ""
+  filename = ""
+  if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 3:
+    usage()
+    sys.exit(2)
+  try:
+    opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"p:n:d:")
+  except getopt.GetoptError,err:
+    print str(err)
+    usage()
+  ncircuits=None
+  percentile=None
+  dirname=""
+  for o,a in opts:
+    if o == '-n': 
+      if a.isdigit(): ncircuits = int(a)
+      else: usage()
+    elif o == '-d': dirname = a  #directory where output files go 
+    elif o == '-p':
+      if a.isdigit(): percentile = int(a)
+      else: usage()
+    else:
+      assert False, "Bad option"
+  return ncircuits,percentile,dirname
+def usage():
+    print 'usage: statscontroller.py [-p <#percentile>]  -n <# circuits> -d <output dir name>'
+    sys.exit(1)
+def guardslice(p,ncircuits,dirname):
+  print 'Making new directory:',dirname
+  if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+    os.mkdir(dirname)
+  else:
+    print 'Directory',dirname,'exists, not making a new one.'
+  print 'Guard percentiles:',p,'to',p+5
+  print '#Circuits',ncircuits
+  basefile_name = dirname + '/' + str(p) + '-' + str(p+5) + '.' + str(ncircuits)
+  aggfile_name =  basefile_name + '.agg'
+  __selmgr.percent_fast = p+5
+  __selmgr.percent_skip = p
+  c = getdata(basefile_name,ncircuits)
+  for i in xrange(0,ncircuits):
+    print 'Building circuit',i
+    try:
+      # XXX: hrmm.. race conditions on the path_selectior members 
+      # for the event handler thread?
+      # Probably only if streams end up coming in during this test..
+      circ = c.build_circuit(__selmgr.pathlen,__selmgr.path_selector)
+      c._handler.circuits[circ.circ_id] = circ
+    except TorCtl.ErrorReply,e:
+      plog("NOTICE","Error building circuit: " + str(e.args))
+  while True:
+    time.sleep(1)
+    if c._handler.circ_built + c._handler.circ_failed >= ncircuits:
+      print 'Done gathering stats for slice',p,'to',p+5,'on',ncircuits
+      print c._handler.circ_built,'built',c._handler.circ_failed,'failed' 
+      break
+  c._handler.write_stats(aggfile_name)
+def main():
+  ncircuits,p,dirname = setargs()
+  if p is None:
+    # do all
+    for p in xrange(0,100,5):
+      guardslice(p,ncircuits,dirname)
+  else:
+    guardslice(p,ncircuits,dirname)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()

Copied: torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/numpy_pareto.py (from rev 17873, torflow/trunk/tools/BTAnalysis/numpy_pareto.py)
--- torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/numpy_pareto.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/numpy_pareto.py	2009-01-05 16:04:10 UTC (rev 17913)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import numpy
+import pylab
+import matplotlib
+def loadbuildtimes():
+  f = open('40k_r1/45-50.40000.buildtimes')
+  vals = []
+  for line in f:
+    line = line.split('\t')
+    vals += [float(line[1].strip())*1000]
+  vals.sort()
+  vals.reverse()
+  return vals
+def pareto(x,k,Xm):
+  return k*(Xm**k)/(x**(k+1))
+#get buildtime data (in ms)
+Z = loadbuildtimes()
+# plot histogram.
+# args: values, number of bins, normalize y/n, width of bars
+pylab.hist(Z,len(Z) / 100.0, normed=True, width=5)
+#pareto parameters (taken from output of ./shufflebt.py buildtimes)
+#Resolution of histogram: 100 ms
+#Mean: 5746.8020777, mode: 1600
+#ParK: 0.918058347945
+#ModeN: 32775 vs integrated: 32394.9483089
+#successful runs: 41712
+k = 0.687880881456 
+Xm = 1800
+n = 28921
+# args to a range: x start, x end 
+X = pylab.arange(Xm, max(Z), 1) # max(Z), 0.1)    # x values from  1 to max(Z) in increments of 0.1 (can adjust this to look at different parts of the graph)
+Y = map(lambda x: pareto(x,k,Xm), X) #pareto(x) (units: #measurements with value x)
+# verify sanity by integrating scaled distribution:
+modeNint = numpy.trapz(map(lambda x: n*pareto(x, k, Xm),
+                 xrange(Xm,200000)))
+print modeNint
+print n*pareto(Xm, k, Xm)
+#draw pareto curve
+# X values plotted against Y values, will appear as blue circles b:blue o:circle
+#save figure

Copied: torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/shufflebt.py (from rev 17873, torflow/trunk/tools/BTAnalysis/shufflebt.py)
--- torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/shufflebt.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/shufflebt.py	2009-01-05 16:04:10 UTC (rev 17913)
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# shufflebt.py
+# (c) Fallon Chen 2008
+# Shuffles a list of  build times and produces a pdf of n of those buildtimes, 
+# which are put into res (defaults to 100)ms blocks.
+# Requires gnuplot 4.2 and a version coreutils that provides sort -R 
+# "usage: shufflebt.py [-n <number of circuits>] [-s] [-g] [-k <k value>] [-d outdirname] <list of filenames>"
+# if outdir is not specified, the script will write files to the current directory
+# if a directory is given instead of a list of filenames, all files postfixed with '.buildtimes' will be processed
+import getopt,sys,os
+import popen2
+import math,copy
+from scipy.integrate import *
+from numpy import trapz
+import numpy
+import pylab
+import matplotlib
+class Stats:
+  def __init__(self,file):
+    self.f = open(file)
+    self.values = []
+    for line in self.f:
+      line = line.split('\t')
+      self.values += [float(line[1]) * 1000]
+    self.f.close()
+    self.buckets = {}
+  def mean(self):
+    # Borrowed from TorUtil
+    if len(self.values) > 0:
+      sum = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,self.values,0.0)
+      return sum/len(self.values)
+    else:
+      return 0.0
+  def stddev(self):
+    # Borrowed from TorUtil
+    if len(self.values) > 1:
+      mean = self.mean()
+      sum = reduce(lambda x,y: x + ((y-mean)**2.0),self.values,0.0)
+      s = math.sqrt(sum/(len(self.values)-1))
+      return s
+    else:
+      return 0.0
+  def median(self):
+    if len(self.values) > 0:
+      values = copy.copy(self.values)
+      values.sort()
+      return values[(len(values) - 1)/2]
+    else:
+      return 0.0
+  def mode(self): # Requires makehistogram runs first
+    counts = {}
+    greatest_val = 0
+    greatest_idx = 0
+    for v in self.buckets.keys():
+      if self.buckets[v] > greatest_val:
+        greatest_idx = v
+        greatest_val = self.buckets[v]
+    return greatest_idx
+  def pyhist(self,res,histname):
+    bins = len(self.values) / res
+    print 'bins:',bins
+    x = matplotlib.numerix.arange(1,7000, 0.01)
+    S = pypareto(x,0.918058347945, 1600.0, 32775.0)
+    #pylab.hist(self.values,bins=bins,normed=False, width=1)
+    #(n,bins) = numpy.histogram(self.values,bins=bins,normed=False)
+    #pylab.plot(bins,n  )
+    pylab.plot(x,S, 'bo')
+    #pylab.show()
+    pylab.savefig(histname + '.png')
+  # XXX: This doesn't seem to work for small #s of circuits  
+  def makehistogram(self,res,histname):
+    #res = res /1000.0 # convert ms to s
+    values = copy.copy(self.values) 
+    values.sort()
+    count = 0
+    i = 1
+    self.buckets = {} 
+    for v in values:
+      if v < res * i: count += 1
+      else:
+        count += 1
+        self.buckets[int(res * i)] = count
+        #self.buckets[int(res * i * 10)] = count
+        i += 1
+        count = 0
+    f = open(histname,'w')
+    f.write('#build time <\t#circuits\n')
+    sortedkeys = self.buckets.keys()
+    sortedkeys.sort()
+    for b in sortedkeys:
+      towrite = str(b) + '\t' + str(self.buckets[b]) + '\n'
+      f.write(towrite)
+    f.close()
+  def paretoK(self, Xm):
+    n = 0
+    log_sum = 0
+    X = min(self.values)
+    for x in self.values:
+      if x < Xm: continue
+      n += 1
+      log_sum += math.log(x)
+    return n/(log_sum - n*math.log(Xm))
+  # Calculate the mean beyond a mode value
+  def modeMean(self, Xm):
+    n = 0
+    tot = 0
+    for x in self.values:
+      if x < Xm: continue
+      n += 1
+      tot += x
+    return tot/n
+  def modeN(self, Xm):
+    n = 0
+    for x in self.values:
+      if x < Xm: continue
+      n += 1
+    return n
+  def maxlikelihood(self,k):
+    # theta estimator for gamma PDF
+    # maxlikelihood estimator
+    # theta = sum(values) / N*k 
+    return 10*sum(self.values)/(k * len(self.values))
+  def bayesian(self,k):
+    # bayesian estimator for gamma PDF
+    # y = sum(values)
+    # theta = y/(Nk - 1) +/- y^2/((Nk-1)^2(Nk -2))
+    y = sum(self.values) * 10
+    N = len(self.values)
+    mean = y/(N*k - 1)
+    sdev = (y*y)/((N*k - 1)* (N*k - 1) * (N*k - 2))
+    plus = mean + sdev
+    minus = mean - sdev
+    return plus,minus
+## Functions that return a gnuplot function string for a given distribution
+def gamma(k,theta, N,fname):
+  # gnuplot string for gamma PDF
+  # g(x,k,B) = (x**(k - 1) * B**k * exp(-B*x))/gamma(k)
+  B = 1.0/theta
+  ps = fname + '(x) = '+str(N)+'*((x**' + str(k-1) + ')*(' +str(B**k)+ ')*(exp(-' + str(B) +'*x)))' +'/gamma('+str(k)+')\n'
+  return ps
+def pareto(k,Xm,N,fname):
+  # gnuplot string for shifted, normalized exponential PDF
+  # g(x,k,B) = (N * k*(Xm**k)/x**(k+1)))
+  ps = fname+'(x)=(x<='+str(Xm)+') ? 0 : (('+str((N*k)*(Xm**k))+')/((x)**('+str(k+1)+')))\n'
+  #ps = fname+'(x)='+str(N*k*(Xm**k))+'/x**('+str(k+1)+')\n'
+  return ps
+def pypareto(x, k,Xm):
+  # gnuplot string for shifted, normalized exponential PDF
+  # g(x,k,B) = (N * k*(Xm**k)/x**(k+1)))
+  if x<Xm: return 0
+  else: return ((((k)*(Xm**k)))/((x)**((k+1))))
+def exp(mean,shift,N,fname):
+  # gnuplot string for normalized exponential PDF
+  # g(x,k,B) = N * l*exp(-l*(x-shift))
+  l = 1.0/mean
+  ps = fname+'(x)=(x<'+str(shift)+')?0:('+str(N*l)+'*exp(-abs('+str(l)+'*(x-'+str(shift)+'))))\n'
+  return ps
+def shiftedExp(mean,shift,N,fname):
+  # gnuplot string for shifted, normalized exponential PDF
+  # g(x,k,B) = N * l*exp(-l*(x-shift))/(1+(1-exp(-l*shift)))
+  l = 1.0/mean
+  ps = fname+'(x)='+str(N*l)+'*exp(-abs('+str(l)+'*(x-'+str(shift)+')))/(1+(1-exp(-'+str(l*shift)+')))\n'
+  return ps
+def poisson(u,N,fname):
+  ps = fname + "(x) = " + str(N) + "*(" + str(u) + "**x)*exp(-"+str(u)+")/gamma(x + 1)\n"
+  return ps
+def normal(u,d,N,fname):
+  ps = fname + "(x)="+str(int(N)/d)+"*(exp(-((x-"+str(u)+ ")**2)/"+str(2*d*d)+"))/sqrt(2*pi)\n"
+  return ps
+def usage():
+  print "usage: shufflebt.py [-n <number of circuits>] [-s] [-g] [-k <k value>] [-d outdirname] [-r <res in ms>] <list of filenames>"
+  sys.exit(1)
+def intermediate_filename(infile,shuffle,truncate,outdir):
+  if not shuffle and not truncate: return os.path.abspath(infile)
+  intermediate = [os.path.join(os.path.abspath(outdir),os.path.basename(infile))]
+  if truncate: intermediate.append(str(truncate))
+  if shuffle:
+    intermediate.append('shuffled')
+  return '.'.join(intermediate)
+def histogram_basefilename(infile,shuffle,truncate,res,outdir):
+  name = [os.path.join(os.path.abspath(outdir),os.path.basename(infile))]
+  if truncate: name.append(str(truncate))
+  if shuffle: name.append('shuffled')
+  name.append('res' + str(res))
+  return '.'.join(name)
+def getargs():
+  # [-n <truncate to # circuits>] [-s] <list of filenames>
+  k = 3
+  res = 100 
+  sort =False
+  truncate = None
+  graph = False
+  outdirname = "." # will write to current directory if not specified
+  filenames = []
+  if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage()
+  else:
+    arglen = len(sys.argv[1:])
+    i = 0
+    while (arglen - i) > 0:
+      if sys.argv[i+1] == '-s': sort = True
+      elif sys.argv[i+1] == '-n': 
+        if not sys.argv[i + 2].isdigit(): usage()
+        truncate = sys.argv[i+2]
+        i += 1
+      elif sys.argv[i + 1] == '-g': graph = True
+      elif sys.argv[i + 1] == '-k': 
+        k = float(sys.argv[i + 2])
+        i += 1
+      elif sys.argv[i+1] == '-d': 
+        outdirname = sys.argv[i + 2]
+        i += 1
+      elif sys.argv[i+1] == '-r':
+        res = float(sys.argv[i+2])
+        i += 1
+      else:
+        filenames += [sys.argv[i+1]]
+      i += 1
+  return sort, truncate,graph,outdirname,filenames,k,res
+def shuffle(sort,truncate,filename,newfile):
+  if not sort and truncate is None: return
+  sortlocation = '/usr/local/bin/sort'  #peculiarity of fallon's system
+  #sortlocation = 'sort'
+  if sort and truncate:
+    cmd =  sortlocation + ' -R ' + filename + ' | head -n ' + truncate  + ' > ' + newfile
+  elif sort and not truncate:
+    cmd = sortlocation + ' -R ' + filename + ' > ' + newfile
+  elif not sort and truncate:
+    cmd = 'cat ' +  filename + ' | head -n ' + truncate  + ' > ' + newfile
+  p = popen2.Popen4(cmd)
+  p.wait()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  sort, truncate,graph,dirname,filenames,k,res = getargs()
+  # make new directory
+  print 'Making new directory:',dirname
+  if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+    os.mkdir(dirname)
+  else:
+    print 'Dir exists, not making a new one'
+  for filename in filenames:
+    if os.path.isdir(filename):
+      # shallow add of files in dir
+      for f in os.listdir(filename):
+        if f[-11:] == '.buildtimes':
+          filenames += [os.path.join(filename,f)]
+      filenames.remove(filename)
+  for filename in filenames:
+    print 'Processing',filename
+    print '------------------------------'
+    if not os.path.exists(filename):
+      print filename,'is not a valid path'
+      continue
+#    if truncate and sort or truncate and not sort:
+#      newfile = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(filename) + '.' + truncate + '.shuffled')
+#    elif sort and not truncate:
+#      newfile = os.path.join(dirname , os.path.basename(filename) + '.shuffled')
+#    else:
+#      newfile =  filename 
+    newfile = intermediate_filename(filename,sort,truncate,dirname)
+    # shuffle, create new file
+    shuffle(sort,truncate,filename,newfile)
+    # create histogram from file
+    s = Stats(newfile)
+    histfilename = histogram_basefilename(filename,sort,truncate,res,dirname)
+    s.makehistogram(res,histfilename + '.hist')
+    mean = s.mean()
+    stddev = s.stddev()
+    median = s.median()
+    mode = s.mode() # relies on s.makehistogram for buckets
+    parK = s.paretoK(mode)
+    modeN = s.modeN(mode)
+    modeMean = s.modeMean(mode)
+    # verify sanity by integrating scaled distribution:
+    modeNint = trapz(map(lambda x: modeN* pypareto(x, parK, mode),
+                     xrange(1,200000)))
+    print 'Resolution of histogram:',res,'ms'
+    print 'Mean: '+str(mean)+', mode: '+str(mode)
+    print 'ParK: '+str(parK)
+    print 'ModeN: '+str(modeN)+" vs integrated: "+str(modeNint)
+    print '#successful runs:',len(s.values)
+    # get stats
+    if graph:
+      # plot histogram
+      # args: values, # bins, normalize y/n, width of bars
+      pylab.hist(s.values,len(s.values) / res, normed=True,width=5)
+      #plot Pareto curve
+      X = pylab.arange(mode, max(s.values), 1)
+      Y = map(lambda x: pypareto(x, parK, mode), X) 
+      n = len(s.values)
+      pylab.plot(X,Y,'b-')
+      #save figure
+      pylab.savefig(histfilename + '.png')
+      pylab.clf()

Deleted: torflow/trunk/guardslices.py
--- torflow/trunk/guardslices.py	2009-01-05 14:32:58 UTC (rev 17912)
+++ torflow/trunk/guardslices.py	2009-01-05 16:04:10 UTC (rev 17913)
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# uses metatroller to collect circuit build times for 5% slices of guard nodes
-# [OUTPUT] one directory, with three files: StatsHandler aggregate stats file, file with all circuit events (for detailed reference), file with just buildtimes
-import socket,sys,time,getopt,os
-from TorCtl.TorUtil import meta_port,meta_host,control_port,control_host
-from TorCtl.StatsSupport import StatsHandler
-from TorCtl import PathSupport, TorCtl
-__selmgr = PathSupport.SelectionManager(
-      pathlen=3,
-      order_exits=True,
-      percent_fast=80,
-      percent_skip=0,
-      min_bw=1024,
-      use_all_exits=True,
-      uniform=True,
-      use_exit=None,
-      use_guards=True,
-      restrict_guards=True)
-class Connection(PathSupport.Connection):
-  """ thread quits when required number of circuits found, otherwise identical"""
-  def __init__(self,s):
-    PathSupport.Connection.__init__(self,s)
-  def _loop(self):
-    while 1:
-      try:
-        isEvent, reply = self._read_reply()
-      except:
-        self._err(sys.exc_info())
-        return
-      if isEvent:
-        if self._handler is not None:
-          self._eventQueue.put((time.time(), reply))
-      else:
-        cb = self._queue.get() # atomic..
-        cb(reply)
-      if self._handler is not None:
-        if self._handler.circ_failed + self._handler.circ_built >= self._handler.nstats:
-          print 'Finished gathering',self._handler.circ_failed + self._handler.circ_built,'circuits'
-          print self._handler.circ_failed,'failed',self._handler.circ_built,'built'
-          return 
-class StatsGatherer(StatsHandler):
-  def __init__(self,c, selmgr,basefile_name,nstats):
-    StatsHandler.__init__(self,c, selmgr)
-    self.detailfile = open(basefile_name + '.detail','w')
-    self.buildtimesfile = open(basefile_name + '.buildtimes','w')
-    self.circ_built = 0
-    self.nstats = nstats
-    # sometimes relevant CircEvents occur before the circ_id is 
-    # added to self.circuits, which means they get discarded
-    # we track them in self.othercircs: a dictionary of list of events
-    self.othercircs = {} 
-  def circ_event_str(self,now,circ_event):
-    """ returns an string summarizing the circuit event"""
-    output = [circ_event.event_name, str(circ_event.circ_id),
-        circ_event.status]
-    if circ_event.path:
-      output.append(",".join(circ_event.path))
-    if circ_event.reason:
-      output.append("REASON=" + circ_event.reason)
-    if circ_event.remote_reason:
-      output.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + circ_event.remote_reason)
-    output = [now]+ output
-    outstr = ' '.join(output) + '\n'
-    return outstr
-  def add_missed_events(self,circ_id):
-    """ if there are events for a circuit that were missed, add them"""
-    if circ_id in self.othercircs:
-      for e_str in self.othercircs[circ_id]:
-        self.detailfile.write(e_str)
-      self.detailfile.flush()
-      # now in self.circuits, so can delete it from self.othercircs
-      del self.othercircs[circ_id]
-  def circ_status_event(self, circ_event):
-    """ handles circuit status event """
-    now = time.time()
-    now = '%3.10f' % now
-    if circ_event.circ_id in self.circuits.keys():
-      self.add_missed_events(circ_event.circ_id)
-      if circ_event.status == 'EXTENDED':
-        extend_time = circ_event.arrived_at-self.circuits[circ_event.circ_id].last_extended_at
-        self.circuits[circ_event.circ_id].extend_times.append(extend_time)
-        self.circuits[circ_event.circ_id].last_extended_at = circ_event.arrived_at
-      if circ_event.status == 'BUILT':
-        circ = self.circuits[circ_event.circ_id]
-        buildtime = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,circ.extend_times,0.0)
-        self.buildtimesfile.write(str(circ.circ_id) + '\t' + str(buildtime) + '\n')
-        self.buildtimesfile.flush()
-      outstr = self.circ_event_str(now,circ_event)
-      self.detailfile.write(outstr)
-      self.detailfile.flush()
-      # check to see if done gathering data
-      if circ_event.status == 'BUILT': self.circ_built += 1
-    else:
-      #eventstr = 
-      #if circ_event.circ_id in self.othercircs.keys():
-      if circ_event.circ_id not in self.othercircs.keys():
-        self.othercircs[circ_event.circ_id] = []
-      self.othercircs[circ_event.circ_id] += [self.circ_event_str(now,circ_event)]
-    StatsHandler.circ_status_event(self,circ_event)
-def getdata(filename,ncircuits):
-  """ starts stat gathering thread """
-  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-  s.connect((control_host,control_port))
-  c = Connection(s)
-  c.authenticate()  # also launches thread...
-  h = StatsGatherer(c,__selmgr,filename,ncircuits)
-  c.set_event_handler(h)
-  c.set_events([TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAM,
-                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.BW,
-                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.NS,
-                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRC,
-                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAM_BW,
-                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.NEWDESC], True)
-  return c
-def setargs():
-  ncircuits = ""
-  dirname = ""
-  filename = ""
-  if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 3:
-    usage()
-    sys.exit(2)
-  try:
-    opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"p:n:d:")
-  except getopt.GetoptError,err:
-    print str(err)
-    usage()
-  ncircuits=None
-  percentile=None
-  dirname=""
-  for o,a in opts:
-    if o == '-n': 
-      if a.isdigit(): ncircuits = int(a)
-      else: usage()
-    elif o == '-d': dirname = a  #directory where output files go 
-    elif o == '-p':
-      if a.isdigit(): percentile = int(a)
-      else: usage()
-    else:
-      assert False, "Bad option"
-  return ncircuits,percentile,dirname
-def usage():
-    print 'usage: statscontroller.py [-p <#percentile>]  -n <# circuits> -d <output dir name>'
-    sys.exit(1)
-def guardslice(p,ncircuits,dirname):
-  print 'Making new directory:',dirname
-  if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
-    os.mkdir(dirname)
-  else:
-    print 'Directory',dirname,'exists, not making a new one.'
-  print 'Guard percentiles:',p,'to',p+5
-  print '#Circuits',ncircuits
-  basefile_name = dirname + '/' + str(p) + '-' + str(p+5) + '.' + str(ncircuits)
-  aggfile_name =  basefile_name + '.agg'
-  __selmgr.percent_fast = p+5
-  __selmgr.percent_skip = p
-  c = getdata(basefile_name,ncircuits)
-  for i in range(0,ncircuits):
-    print 'Building circuit',i
-    try:
-      circ = c.build_circuit(__selmgr.pathlen,__selmgr.path_selector)
-      c._handler.circuits[circ.circ_id] = circ
-    except TorCtl.ErrorReply,e:
-      plog("NOTICE","Error building circuit: " + str(e.args))
-  while True:
-    if c._handler.circ_built + c._handler.circ_failed >= ncircuits:
-      print 'Done gathering stats for slice',p,'to',p+5,'on',ncircuits
-      print c._handler.circ_built,'built',c._handler.circ_failed,'failed' 
-      break
-  c._handler.write_stats(aggfile_name)
-def main():
-  ncircuits,p,dirname = setargs()
-  if p is None:
-    # do all
-    for p in range(0,100,5):
-      guardslice(p,ncircuits,dirname)
-  else:
-    guardslice(p,ncircuits,dirname)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

Copied: torflow/trunk/moniTor.py (from rev 17873, torflow/trunk/tools/moniTor.py)
--- torflow/trunk/moniTor.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/moniTor.py	2009-01-05 16:04:10 UTC (rev 17913)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This is a "top-like" interface for Tor information
+# It's goal at the start is to just tell you basic information
+# In the future, you may be able to control Tor with it.
+# See this for some of the original ideas:
+# http://archives.seul.org/or/dev/Jan-2008/msg00005.html
+#	A typical output of moniTor could look like this (with some fake data
+#	for the purpose of this example):
+#	~  Name/ID: gabelmoo 6833 3D07 61BC F397 A587 A0C0 B963 E4A9 E99E C4D3
+#	~  Version: (r13077) on Linux x86_64
+#	~  Config: /home/tor/gabelmoo/torrc,     Exit policy: no exit allowed
+#	~  IP address:,    OR port:  443,    Dir port:   80
+#	~  CPU:  9.0% this tor,  3.4% other processes, 87.6% idle
+#	~  Mem: 49.9% this tor,  2.0% other processes, 48.1% free
+#	~  Connections: 1090 OR conns,  320 Dir conns
+#	~  Bandwidth:  1.2 MB/s current,  1.3 MB/s avg
+#	~  Recent events (see also /home/tor/gabelmoo/monitor.log):
+#	~  14:30:01 [warn] Consensus does not include configured authority 'moria
+#	~  14:30:01 [warn] Consensus does not include configured authority 'ides'
+#	~  14:30:01 [warn] 0 unknown, 0 missing key, 2 good, 0 bad, 1 no signatur
+#	~  14:30:01 [warn] Not enough info to publish pending consensus
+__author__    = "Jacob Appelbaum"
+__version__   = "0.1-2008_01_16"
+__copyright__ = "http://www.torproject.org/Jacob Appelbaum 2008"
+import curses
+import time
+import sys
+import socket
+# Hack.. Can also set PYTHONPATH..
+# http://docs.python.org/tut/node8.html#searchPath
+from TorCtl import TorCtl, TorUtil
+from TorCtl.TorCtl import *
+# Parse authenticate string from file here
+#moniTorConf = "/etc/moniTor.conf"
+#authSecret = open(moniTorConf).read().strip()
+authSecret = ""
+def parse_config():
+    #moniTorConf = "/etc/moniTor.conf"
+    #authSecret = open(moniTorConf).read().strip()
+    #authSecret = ""
+    return
+def create_oracle(host,port):
+    """ Create a useful TorCtl object
+    """
+    print "I'm going to connect to %s and connect to port %i" %(sh,sp)
+    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    s.connect((host,port))
+    oracle = Connection(s)
+    oracle_thread = oracle.launch_thread()
+    oracle.authenticate(authSecret)
+    return oracle, oracle_thread
+# Much like run_example from TorCtl
+def collect_status(oracle):
+    """ A basic loop for collecting static information from our TorCtl object
+    """
+    # add name/id, exit policy, or-port, dir-port
+    static_keys = ['version', 'config-file', 'address', 'fingerprint', 'exit-policy/default', 'accounting/enabled']
+    static_info = dict([(key, oracle.get_info(key)[key]) for key in static_keys])
+    # Dynamic information can be collected by using our returned socket
+    return static_info, static_keys
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    print "Syntax: ",sys.argv[0]
+    sys.exit(1)
+  else:
+    sys.argv.append("localhost:9051")
+  parse_config()
+  sh,sp = parseHostAndPort(sys.argv[1])
+  torctl_oracle, torctl_oracle_thread = create_oracle(sh,sp)
+  static_info, static_keys, = collect_status(torctl_oracle)
+  # Number of connections, current bw
+  dynamic_keys = ['version', 'config-file', 'address', 'fingerprint']
+  torctl_oracle.set_event_handler(DebugEventHandler())
+  torctl_oracle.set_events([EVENT_TYPE.STREAM, EVENT_TYPE.CIRC,
+  while True:
+      # Populate the dynamic info each run
+      dynamic_info = dict([(key, torctl_oracle.get_info(key)[key]) for key in dynamic_keys])
+      # Now we can draw a few interesting things to the screen
+      for key in static_info:
+          print key + " is " + static_info[key]
+      for key in dynamic_info:
+          print key + " is " + dynamic_info[key]
+      time.sleep(1)
+      # So ghetto, so ghetto!
+      os.system('clear')

Deleted: torflow/trunk/tools/moniTor.py
--- torflow/trunk/tools/moniTor.py	2009-01-05 14:32:58 UTC (rev 17912)
+++ torflow/trunk/tools/moniTor.py	2009-01-05 16:04:10 UTC (rev 17913)
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# This is a "top-like" interface for Tor information
-# It's goal at the start is to just tell you basic information
-# In the future, you may be able to control Tor with it.
-# See this for some of the original ideas:
-# http://archives.seul.org/or/dev/Jan-2008/msg00005.html
-#	A typical output of moniTor could look like this (with some fake data
-#	for the purpose of this example):
-#	~  Name/ID: gabelmoo 6833 3D07 61BC F397 A587 A0C0 B963 E4A9 E99E C4D3
-#	~  Version: (r13077) on Linux x86_64
-#	~  Config: /home/tor/gabelmoo/torrc,     Exit policy: no exit allowed
-#	~  IP address:,    OR port:  443,    Dir port:   80
-#	~  CPU:  9.0% this tor,  3.4% other processes, 87.6% idle
-#	~  Mem: 49.9% this tor,  2.0% other processes, 48.1% free
-#	~  Connections: 1090 OR conns,  320 Dir conns
-#	~  Bandwidth:  1.2 MB/s current,  1.3 MB/s avg
-#	~  Recent events (see also /home/tor/gabelmoo/monitor.log):
-#	~  14:30:01 [warn] Consensus does not include configured authority 'moria
-#	~  14:30:01 [warn] Consensus does not include configured authority 'ides'
-#	~  14:30:01 [warn] 0 unknown, 0 missing key, 2 good, 0 bad, 1 no signatur
-#	~  14:30:01 [warn] Not enough info to publish pending consensus
-__author__    = "Jacob Appelbaum"
-__version__   = "0.1-2008_01_16"
-__copyright__ = "http://www.torproject.org/Jacob Appelbaum 2008"
-import curses
-import time
-import sys
-import socket
-# Hack.. Can also set PYTHONPATH..
-# http://docs.python.org/tut/node8.html#searchPath
-from TorCtl import TorCtl, TorUtil
-from TorCtl.TorCtl import *
-# Parse authenticate string from file here
-#moniTorConf = "/etc/moniTor.conf"
-#authSecret = open(moniTorConf).read().strip()
-authSecret = ""
-def parse_config():
-    #moniTorConf = "/etc/moniTor.conf"
-    #authSecret = open(moniTorConf).read().strip()
-    #authSecret = ""
-    return
-def create_oracle(host,port):
-    """ Create a useful TorCtl object
-    """
-    print "I'm going to connect to %s and connect to port %i" %(sh,sp)
-    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    s.connect((host,port))
-    oracle = Connection(s)
-    oracle_thread = oracle.launch_thread()
-    oracle.authenticate(authSecret)
-    return oracle, oracle_thread
-# Much like run_example from TorCtl
-def collect_status(oracle):
-    """ A basic loop for collecting static information from our TorCtl object
-    """
-    # add name/id, exit policy, or-port, dir-port
-    static_keys = ['version', 'config-file', 'address', 'fingerprint', 'exit-policy/default', 'accounting/enabled']
-    static_info = dict([(key, oracle.get_info(key)[key]) for key in static_keys])
-    # Dynamic information can be collected by using our returned socket
-    return static_info, static_keys
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    print "Syntax: ",sys.argv[0]
-    sys.exit(1)
-  else:
-    sys.argv.append("localhost:9051")
-  parse_config()
-  sh,sp = parseHostAndPort(sys.argv[1])
-  torctl_oracle, torctl_oracle_thread = create_oracle(sh,sp)
-  static_info, static_keys, = collect_status(torctl_oracle)
-  # Number of connections, current bw
-  dynamic_keys = ['version', 'config-file', 'address', 'fingerprint']
-  torctl_oracle.set_event_handler(DebugEventHandler())
-  torctl_oracle.set_events([EVENT_TYPE.STREAM, EVENT_TYPE.CIRC,
-  while True:
-      # Populate the dynamic info each run
-      dynamic_info = dict([(key, torctl_oracle.get_info(key)[key]) for key in dynamic_keys])
-      # Now we can draw a few interesting things to the screen
-      for key in static_info:
-          print key + " is " + static_info[key]
-      for key in dynamic_info:
-          print key + " is " + dynamic_info[key]
-      time.sleep(1)
-      # So ghetto, so ghetto!
-      os.system('clear')

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