[or-cvs] r17957: {torflow} Update speedracer to spit out stats periodically during scan (in torflow/trunk: . CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes NetworkScanners)

mikeperry at seul.org mikeperry at seul.org
Tue Jan 6 16:02:59 UTC 2009

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2009-01-06 11:02:59 -0500 (Tue, 06 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 17957


Update speedracer to spit out stats periodically during
scans. Also move statssplitter and add some comments to the
buildtimes scripts.

Modified: torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/buildtimes.py
--- torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/buildtimes.py	2009-01-06 15:55:13 UTC (rev 17956)
+++ torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/buildtimes.py	2009-01-06 16:02:59 UTC (rev 17957)
@@ -178,9 +178,6 @@
   for i in xrange(0,ncircuits):
     print 'Building circuit',i
-      # XXX: hrmm.. race conditions on the path_selectior members 
-      # for the event handler thread?
-      # Probably only if streams end up coming in during this test..
       def notlambda(h):
         circ = h.c.build_circuit(h.selmgr.pathlen, h.selmgr.path_selector)   
         h.circuits[circ.circ_id] = circ

Modified: torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/shufflebt.py
--- torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/shufflebt.py	2009-01-06 15:55:13 UTC (rev 17956)
+++ torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/shufflebt.py	2009-01-06 16:02:59 UTC (rev 17957)
@@ -303,6 +303,8 @@
     stddev = s.stddev()
     median = s.median()
     mode = s.mode() # relies on s.makehistogram for buckets
+    # XXX: Try EZfit and/or frechet function
     parK = s.paretoK(mode)
     modeN = s.modeN(mode)
     modeMean = s.modeMean(mode)
@@ -320,7 +322,8 @@
     if graph:
       # plot histogram
       # args: values, # bins, normalize y/n, width of bars
-      pylab.hist(s.values,len(s.values) / res, normed=True,width=5)
+      pylab.hist(s.values,(max(s.values)-min(s.values))/res, 
+                 normed=True,width=5)
       #plot Pareto curve
       X = pylab.arange(mode, max(s.values), 1)

Modified: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/speedracer.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/speedracer.py	2009-01-06 15:55:13 UTC (rev 17956)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/speedracer.py	2009-01-06 16:02:59 UTC (rev 17957)
@@ -24,11 +24,12 @@
 # Some constants for measurements
 user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"
-url = "https://svn.torproject.org/svn/tor/trunk/doc/design-paper/tor-design.pdf"
-count = 2
+url = "http://svn.torproject.org/svn/tor/trunk/doc/design-paper/tor-design.pdf"
+count = 250
+save_every = 50
 start_pct = 0
-stop_pct = 20
-pct_step = 5
+stop_pct = 78
+pct_step = 3
 class MetatrollerException(Exception):
     "Metatroller does not accept this command."
@@ -112,6 +113,9 @@
         fetch_exit = build_exit
         plog('DEBUG', 'circuit build+fetch took ' + str(delta_build) + ' for ' + str(fetch_exit))
+        if (successful % save_every) == 0:
+          meta.send_command_and_check('SAVESTATS ./data/speedraces/stats-'+str(pct)+':'+str(pct+pct_step)+"-"+str(successful)+"-"+time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"))
     plog('INFO', str(skip) + '-' + str(pct) + '% ' + str(count) + ' fetches took ' + str(attempt) + ' tries.')
@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@
         plog('DEBUG', 'speedroced')
-        meta.send_command_and_check('SAVESTATS ./data/speedraces/stats-' + str(pct) + ':' + str(pct + pct_step))
+        meta.send_command_and_check('SAVESTATS ./data/speedraces/stats-'+str(pct) + ':' + str(pct + pct_step)+"-"+str(count)+"-"+time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"))
         plog('DEBUG', 'Wrote stats')
         pct += pct_step

Copied: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/statsplitter.py (from rev 17873, torflow/trunk/statsplitter.py)
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/statsplitter.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/statsplitter.py	2009-01-06 16:02:59 UTC (rev 17957)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import sys
+import socket
+import math
+#from TorCtl import *
+from TorCtl import TorUtil, PathSupport, TorCtl
+from TorCtl.TorUtil import control_port, control_host
+from TorCtl.TorUtil import *
+from TorCtl.PathSupport import *
+TorUtil.loglevel = "NOTICE"
+s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+c = Connection(s)
+c.debug(file("control.log", "w"))
+nslist = c.get_network_status()
+sorted_rlist = c.read_routers(c.get_network_status())
+sorted_rlist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y.bw, x.bw))
+for i in xrange(len(sorted_rlist)): sorted_rlist[i].list_rank = i
+fast_rst = FlagsRestriction(["Fast"], [])
+exit_rst = FlagsRestriction(["Exit"], [])
+dir_rst = FlagsRestriction(["V2Dir"], [])
+heavy_exits = OrNodeRestriction(
+      [ExitPolicyRestriction("", 6881),
+      ExitPolicyRestriction("", 6889),
+      ExitPolicyRestriction("", 6346),
+      ExitPolicyRestriction("", 25)])
+def check(start, stop):
+  pct_rst = PercentileRestriction(start, stop, sorted_rlist)
+  bw = 0
+  nodes = 0
+  exits = 0
+  exit_bw = 0
+  heavy = 0
+  dirs = 0
+  nodes_up = 0
+  up = 0
+  for r in sorted_rlist:
+    if pct_rst.r_is_ok(r) and fast_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+      nodes += 1
+      bw += r.bw
+      if r.uptime > 0:
+        nodes_up += 1.0
+        up += r.uptime
+      if exit_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+        exits += 1
+        exit_bw += r.bw
+      if heavy_exits.r_is_ok(r):
+        heavy += 1
+      if dir_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+        dirs += 1
+  print str(start)+"-"+str(stop)+": N: "+str(nodes)+", Bw: "+str(round(bw/(1024*1024.0), 2))+", X: "+str(exits)+", XBw: "+str(round(exit_bw/(1024*1024.0),2))+", BT: "+str(heavy)+", Dirs:"+str(dirs)+", Up: "+str(round(up/nodes_up/60/60/24, 2))
+for i in xrange(0,80,3):
+  check(i,i+3)
+def check_entropy(rlist, clipping_point):
+  clipped = 0
+  clipped_bw = 0.0
+  exits = 0
+  nodes = 0
+  bw = 0.0
+  exit_bw = 0.0
+  pure_entropy = 0.0
+  clipped_entropy = 0.0
+  uniform_entropy = 0.0
+  for r in rlist:
+    if not fast_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+      continue
+    if r.bw > clipping_point:
+      clipped += 1
+      clipped_bw += clipping_point
+    else:
+      clipped_bw += r.bw
+    nodes += 1
+    bw += r.bw
+    if exit_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+      exits += 1
+      exit_bw += r.bw
+  for r in rlist:
+    if not fast_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+      continue
+    if r.bw < 2:
+      continue
+    pure_entropy += (r.bw/bw)*math.log(r.bw/bw, 2)
+    uniform_entropy += (1.0/nodes)*math.log(1.0/nodes, 2)
+    rbw = 0
+    if r.bw > clipping_point:
+      rbw = clipping_point
+    else:
+      rbw = r.bw
+    clipped_entropy += (rbw/clipped_bw)*math.log(rbw/clipped_bw, 2)
+  print "Uniform entropy: " + str(-uniform_entropy)
+  print "Raw entropy: " + str(-pure_entropy)
+  print "Clipped entropy: " + str(-clipped_entropy)
+  print "Nodes: "+str(nodes)+", Exits: "+str(exits)+" Total bw: "+str(round(bw/(1024.0*1024),2))+", Exit Bw: "+str(round(exit_bw/(1024.0*1024),2))
+  print "Clipped: "+str(clipped)+", bw: "+str(round(clipped_bw/(1024.0*1024),2))
+check_entropy(sorted_rlist, 1500000)

Deleted: torflow/trunk/statsplitter.py
--- torflow/trunk/statsplitter.py	2009-01-06 15:55:13 UTC (rev 17956)
+++ torflow/trunk/statsplitter.py	2009-01-06 16:02:59 UTC (rev 17957)
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import socket
-import math
-#from TorCtl import *
-from TorCtl import TorUtil, PathSupport, TorCtl
-from TorCtl.TorUtil import control_port, control_host
-from TorCtl.TorUtil import *
-from TorCtl.PathSupport import *
-TorUtil.loglevel = "NOTICE"
-s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-c = Connection(s)
-c.debug(file("control.log", "w"))
-nslist = c.get_network_status()
-sorted_rlist = c.read_routers(c.get_network_status())
-sorted_rlist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y.bw, x.bw))
-for i in xrange(len(sorted_rlist)): sorted_rlist[i].list_rank = i
-fast_rst = FlagsRestriction(["Fast"], [])
-exit_rst = FlagsRestriction(["Exit"], [])
-dir_rst = FlagsRestriction(["V2Dir"], [])
-heavy_exits = OrNodeRestriction(
-      [ExitPolicyRestriction("", 6881),
-      ExitPolicyRestriction("", 6889),
-      ExitPolicyRestriction("", 6346),
-      ExitPolicyRestriction("", 25)])
-def check(start, stop):
-  pct_rst = PercentileRestriction(start, stop, sorted_rlist)
-  bw = 0
-  nodes = 0
-  exits = 0
-  exit_bw = 0
-  heavy = 0
-  dirs = 0
-  nodes_up = 0
-  up = 0
-  for r in sorted_rlist:
-    if pct_rst.r_is_ok(r):
-      nodes += 1
-      bw += r.bw
-      if r.uptime > 0:
-        nodes_up += 1.0
-        up += r.uptime
-      if exit_rst.r_is_ok(r):
-        exits += 1
-        exit_bw += r.bw
-      if heavy_exits.r_is_ok(r):
-        heavy += 1
-      if dir_rst.r_is_ok(r):
-        dirs += 1
-  print str(start)+"-"+str(stop)+": N: "+str(nodes)+", Bw: "+str(round(bw/(1024*1024.0), 2))+", X: "+str(exits)+", XBw: "+str(round(exit_bw/(1024*1024.0),2))+", BT: "+str(heavy)+", Dirs:"+str(dirs)+", Up: "+str(round(up/nodes_up/60/60/24, 2))
-for i in xrange(0,80,5):
-  check(i,i+5)
-def check_entropy(rlist, clipping_point):
-  clipped = 0
-  clipped_bw = 0.0
-  exits = 0
-  nodes = 0
-  bw = 0.0
-  exit_bw = 0.0
-  pure_entropy = 0.0
-  clipped_entropy = 0.0
-  uniform_entropy = 0.0
-  for r in rlist:
-    if not fast_rst.r_is_ok(r):
-      continue
-    if r.bw > clipping_point:
-      clipped += 1
-      clipped_bw += clipping_point
-    else:
-      clipped_bw += r.bw
-    nodes += 1
-    bw += r.bw
-    if exit_rst.r_is_ok(r):
-      exits += 1
-      exit_bw += r.bw
-  for r in rlist:
-    if not fast_rst.r_is_ok(r):
-      continue
-    if r.bw < 2:
-      continue
-    pure_entropy += (r.bw/bw)*math.log(r.bw/bw, 2)
-    uniform_entropy += (1.0/nodes)*math.log(1.0/nodes, 2)
-    rbw = 0
-    if r.bw > clipping_point:
-      rbw = clipping_point
-    else:
-      rbw = r.bw
-    clipped_entropy += (rbw/clipped_bw)*math.log(rbw/clipped_bw, 2)
-  print "Uniform entropy: " + str(-uniform_entropy)
-  print "Raw entropy: " + str(-pure_entropy)
-  print "Clipped entropy: " + str(-clipped_entropy)
-  print "Nodes: "+str(nodes)+", Exits: "+str(exits)+" Total bw: "+str(round(bw/(1024.0*1024),2))+", Exit Bw: "+str(round(exit_bw/(1024.0*1024),2))
-  print "Clipped: "+str(clipped)+", bw: "+str(round(clipped_bw/(1024.0*1024),2))
-check_entropy(sorted_rlist, 1500000)

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