[or-cvs] r21094: {website} add our address so people can still mail us donations (website/trunk/en)

phobos at seul.org phobos at seul.org
Thu Dec 3 20:35:33 UTC 2009

Author: phobos
Date: 2009-12-03 15:35:32 -0500 (Thu, 03 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 21094

add our address so people can still mail us donations

Modified: website/trunk/en/donate.wml
--- website/trunk/en/donate.wml	2009-12-03 09:59:35 UTC (rev 21093)
+++ website/trunk/en/donate.wml	2009-12-03 20:35:32 UTC (rev 21094)
@@ -121,6 +121,16 @@
+<p>If you want to send a check, money order, or cash, please send
+<p><address>The Tor Project<br />
+122 Scott Circle<br />
+Dedham, MA 02026-6416 USA</address></p>
+<p>If you want a donation receipt for your non-paypal, non-check deposit,
+please specifically request one with your mailed donation.</p>
 <div class="underline"></div>
 <a id="services"></a>
 <h3><a class="anchor" href="#services">Donate Services</a></h3>

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