[or-cvs] r19224: {torflow} Remove pypy in favor of prebuilt antlr javascript parser. (in torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs: . jsparser jsparser/antlr3)

mikeperry at seul.org mikeperry at seul.org
Mon Apr 6 10:36:55 UTC 2009

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2009-04-06 06:36:54 -0400 (Mon, 06 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 19224


Remove pypy in favor of prebuilt antlr javascript parser.

Property changes on: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs
Modified: svn:externals
   - pypy-svn -r61451 https://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist


Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/JavaScript.g
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/JavaScript.g	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/JavaScript.g	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,902 @@
+  Copyright 2008 Chris Lambrou.
+  All rights reserved.
+  Original source:
+  http://www.antlr.org/grammar/1206736738015/JavaScript.g
+  Licensing terms:
+  http://www.antlr.org/pipermail/antlr-interest/2008-April/027771.html
+grammar JavaScript;
+	output=AST;
+	backtrack=true;
+	memoize=true;
+    language=Python;
+	: LT!* sourceElements LT!* EOF!
+	;
+	: sourceElement (LT!* sourceElement)*
+	;
+	: functionDeclaration
+	| statement
+	;
+// functions
+	: 'function' LT!* Identifier LT!* formalParameterList LT!* functionBody
+	;
+	: 'function' LT!* Identifier? LT!* formalParameterList LT!* functionBody
+	;
+	: '(' (LT!* Identifier (LT!* ',' LT!* Identifier)*)? LT!* ')'
+	;
+	: '{' LT!* sourceElements LT!* '}'
+	;
+// statements
+	: statementBlock
+	| variableStatement
+	| emptyStatement
+	| expressionStatement
+	| ifStatement
+	| iterationStatement
+	| continueStatement
+	| breakStatement
+	| returnStatement
+	| withStatement
+	| labelledStatement
+	| switchStatement
+	| throwStatement
+	| tryStatement
+	;
+	: '{' LT!* statementList? LT!* '}'
+	;
+	: statement (LT!* statement)*
+	;
+	: 'var' LT!* variableDeclarationList (LT | ';')!
+	;
+	: variableDeclaration (LT!* ',' LT!* variableDeclaration)*
+	;
+	: variableDeclarationNoIn (LT!* ',' LT!* variableDeclarationNoIn)*
+	;
+	: Identifier LT!* initialiser?
+	;
+	: Identifier LT!* initialiserNoIn?
+	;
+	: '=' LT!* assignmentExpression
+	;
+	: '=' LT!* assignmentExpressionNoIn
+	;
+	: ';'
+	;
+	: expression (LT | ';')!
+	;
+	: 'if' LT!* '(' LT!* expression LT!* ')' LT!* statement (LT!* 'else' LT!* statement)?
+	;
+	: doWhileStatement
+	| whileStatement
+	| forStatement
+	| forInStatement
+	;
+	: 'do' LT!* statement LT!* 'while' LT!* '(' expression ')' (LT | ';')!
+	;
+	: 'while' LT!* '(' LT!* expression LT!* ')' LT!* statement
+	;
+	: 'for' LT!* '(' (LT!* forStatementInitialiserPart)? LT!* ';' (LT!* expression)? LT!* ';' (LT!* expression)? LT!* ')' LT!* statement
+	;
+	: expressionNoIn
+	| 'var' LT!* variableDeclarationListNoIn
+	;
+	: 'for' LT!* '(' LT!* forInStatementInitialiserPart LT!* 'in' LT!* expression LT!* ')' LT!* statement
+	;
+	: leftHandSideExpression
+	| 'var' LT!* variableDeclarationNoIn
+	;
+	: 'continue' Identifier? (LT | ';')!
+	;
+	: 'break' Identifier? (LT | ';')!
+	;
+	: 'return' expression? (LT | ';')!
+	;
+	: 'with' LT!* '(' LT!* expression LT!* ')' LT!* statement
+	;
+	: Identifier LT!* ':' LT!* statement
+	;
+	: 'switch' LT!* '(' LT!* expression LT!* ')' LT!* caseBlock
+	;
+	: '{' (LT!* caseClause)* (LT!* defaultClause (LT!* caseClause)*)? LT!* '}'
+	;
+	: 'case' LT!* expression LT!* ':' LT!* statementList?
+	;
+	: 'default' LT!* ':' LT!* statementList?
+	;
+	: 'throw' expression (LT | ';')!
+	;
+	: 'try' LT!* statementBlock LT!* (finallyClause | catchClause (LT!* finallyClause)?)
+	;
+	: 'catch' LT!* '(' LT!* Identifier LT!* ')' LT!* statementBlock
+	;
+	: 'finally' LT!* statementBlock
+	;
+// expressions
+	: assignmentExpression (LT!* ',' LT!* assignmentExpression)*
+	;
+	: assignmentExpressionNoIn (LT!* ',' LT!* assignmentExpressionNoIn)*
+	;
+	: conditionalExpression
+	| leftHandSideExpression LT!* assignmentOperator LT!* assignmentExpression
+	;
+	: conditionalExpressionNoIn
+	| leftHandSideExpression LT!* assignmentOperator LT!* assignmentExpressionNoIn
+	;
+	: callExpression
+	| newExpression
+	;
+	: memberExpression
+	| 'new' LT!* newExpression
+	;
+	: (primaryExpression | functionExpression | 'new' LT!* memberExpression LT!* arguments) (LT!* memberExpressionSuffix)*
+	;
+	: indexSuffix
+	| propertyReferenceSuffix
+	;
+	: memberExpression LT!* arguments (LT!* callExpressionSuffix)*
+	;
+	: arguments
+	| indexSuffix
+	| propertyReferenceSuffix
+	;
+	: '(' (LT!* assignmentExpression (LT!* ',' LT!* assignmentExpression)*)? LT!* ')'
+	;
+	: '[' LT!* expression LT!* ']'
+	;	
+	: '.' LT!* Identifier
+	;
+	: '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|='
+	;
+	: logicalORExpression (LT!* '?' LT!* assignmentExpression LT!* ':' LT!* assignmentExpression)?
+	;
+	: logicalORExpressionNoIn (LT!* '?' LT!* assignmentExpressionNoIn LT!* ':' LT!* assignmentExpressionNoIn)?
+	;
+	: logicalANDExpression (LT!* '||' LT!* logicalANDExpression)*
+	;
+	: logicalANDExpressionNoIn (LT!* '||' LT!* logicalANDExpressionNoIn)*
+	;
+	: bitwiseORExpression (LT!* '&&' LT!* bitwiseORExpression)*
+	;
+	: bitwiseORExpressionNoIn (LT!* '&&' LT!* bitwiseORExpressionNoIn)*
+	;
+	: bitwiseXORExpression (LT!* '|' LT!* bitwiseXORExpression)*
+	;
+	: bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn (LT!* '|' LT!* bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn)*
+	;
+	: bitwiseANDExpression (LT!* '^' LT!* bitwiseANDExpression)*
+	;
+	: bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn (LT!* '^' LT!* bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn)*
+	;
+	: equalityExpression (LT!* '&' LT!* equalityExpression)*
+	;
+	: equalityExpressionNoIn (LT!* '&' LT!* equalityExpressionNoIn)*
+	;
+	: relationalExpression (LT!* ('==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==') LT!* relationalExpression)*
+	;
+	: relationalExpressionNoIn (LT!* ('==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==') LT!* relationalExpressionNoIn)*
+	;
+	: shiftExpression (LT!* ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' | 'in') LT!* shiftExpression)*
+	;
+	: shiftExpression (LT!* ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof') LT!* shiftExpression)*
+	;
+	: additiveExpression (LT!* ('<<' | '>>' | '>>>') LT!* additiveExpression)*
+	;
+	: multiplicativeExpression (LT!* ('+' | '-') LT!* multiplicativeExpression)*
+	;
+	: unaryExpression (LT!* ('*' | '/' | '%') LT!* unaryExpression)*
+	;
+	: postfixExpression
+	| ('delete' | 'void' | 'typeof' | '++' | '--' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!') unaryExpression
+	;
+	: leftHandSideExpression ('++' | '--')?
+	;
+	: 'this'
+	| Identifier
+	| literal
+	| arrayLiteral
+	| objectLiteral
+	| '(' LT!* expression LT!* ')'
+	;
+// arrayLiteral definition.
+	: '[' LT!* assignmentExpression? (LT!* ',' (LT!* assignmentExpression)?)* LT!* ']'
+	;
+// objectLiteral definition.
+	: '{' LT!* propertyNameAndValue (LT!* ',' LT!* propertyNameAndValue)* LT!* '}'
+	;
+	: propertyName LT!* ':' LT!* assignmentExpression
+	;
+	: Identifier
+	| StringLiteral
+	| NumericLiteral
+	;
+// primitive literal definition.
+	: 'null'
+	| 'true'
+	| 'false'
+	| StringLiteral
+	| NumericLiteral
+	;
+// lexer rules.
+	: '"' DoubleStringCharacter* '"'
+	| '\'' SingleStringCharacter* '\''
+	;
+fragment DoubleStringCharacter
+	: ~('"' | '\\' | LT)	
+	| '\\' EscapeSequence
+	;
+fragment SingleStringCharacter
+	: ~('\'' | '\\' | LT)	
+	| '\\' EscapeSequence
+	;
+fragment EscapeSequence
+	: CharacterEscapeSequence
+	| '0'
+	| HexEscapeSequence
+	| UnicodeEscapeSequence
+	;
+fragment CharacterEscapeSequence
+	: SingleEscapeCharacter
+	| NonEscapeCharacter
+	;
+fragment NonEscapeCharacter
+	: ~(EscapeCharacter | LT)
+	;
+fragment SingleEscapeCharacter
+	: '\'' | '"' | '\\' | 'b' | 'f' | 'n' | 'r' | 't' | 'v'
+	;
+fragment EscapeCharacter
+	: SingleEscapeCharacter
+	| DecimalDigit
+	| 'x'
+	| 'u'
+	;
+fragment HexEscapeSequence
+	: 'x' HexDigit HexDigit
+	;
+fragment UnicodeEscapeSequence
+	: 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
+	;
+	: DecimalLiteral
+	| HexIntegerLiteral
+	;
+fragment HexIntegerLiteral
+	: '0' ('x' | 'X') HexDigit+
+	;
+fragment HexDigit
+	: DecimalDigit | ('a'..'f') | ('A'..'F')
+	;
+fragment DecimalLiteral
+	: DecimalDigit+ '.' DecimalDigit* ExponentPart?
+	| '.'? DecimalDigit+ ExponentPart?
+	;
+fragment DecimalDigit
+	: ('0'..'9')
+	;
+fragment ExponentPart
+	: ('e' | 'E') ('+' | '-') ? DecimalDigit+
+	;
+	: IdentifierStart IdentifierPart*
+	;
+fragment IdentifierStart
+	: UnicodeLetter
+	| '$'
+	| '_'
+        | '\\' UnicodeEscapeSequence
+        ;
+fragment IdentifierPart
+	: (IdentifierStart) => IdentifierStart // Avoids ambiguity, as some IdentifierStart chars also match following alternatives.
+	| UnicodeDigit
+	| UnicodeConnectorPunctuation
+	;
+fragment UnicodeLetter		// Any character in the Unicode categories "Uppercase letter (Lu)", 
+	: '\u0041'..'\u005A'	// "Lowercase letter (Ll)", "Titlecase letter (Lt)",
+	| '\u0061'..'\u007A'	// "Modifier letter (Lm)", "Other letter (Lo)", or "Letter number (Nl)".
+	| '\u00AA'
+	| '\u00B5'
+	| '\u00BA'
+	| '\u00C0'..'\u00D6'
+	| '\u00D8'..'\u00F6'
+	| '\u00F8'..'\u021F'
+	| '\u0222'..'\u0233'
+	| '\u0250'..'\u02AD'
+	| '\u02B0'..'\u02B8'
+	| '\u02BB'..'\u02C1'
+	| '\u02D0'..'\u02D1'
+	| '\u02E0'..'\u02E4'
+	| '\u02EE'
+	| '\u037A'
+	| '\u0386'
+	| '\u0388'..'\u038A'
+	| '\u038C'
+	| '\u038E'..'\u03A1'
+	| '\u03A3'..'\u03CE'
+	| '\u03D0'..'\u03D7'
+	| '\u03DA'..'\u03F3'
+	| '\u0400'..'\u0481'
+	| '\u048C'..'\u04C4'
+	| '\u04C7'..'\u04C8'
+	| '\u04CB'..'\u04CC'
+	| '\u04D0'..'\u04F5'
+	| '\u04F8'..'\u04F9'
+	| '\u0531'..'\u0556'
+	| '\u0559'
+	| '\u0561'..'\u0587'
+	| '\u05D0'..'\u05EA'
+	| '\u05F0'..'\u05F2'
+	| '\u0621'..'\u063A'
+	| '\u0640'..'\u064A'
+	| '\u0671'..'\u06D3'
+	| '\u06D5'
+	| '\u06E5'..'\u06E6'
+	| '\u06FA'..'\u06FC'
+	| '\u0710'
+	| '\u0712'..'\u072C'
+	| '\u0780'..'\u07A5'
+	| '\u0905'..'\u0939'
+	| '\u093D'
+	| '\u0950'
+	| '\u0958'..'\u0961'
+	| '\u0985'..'\u098C'
+	| '\u098F'..'\u0990'
+	| '\u0993'..'\u09A8'
+	| '\u09AA'..'\u09B0'
+	| '\u09B2'
+	| '\u09B6'..'\u09B9'
+	| '\u09DC'..'\u09DD'
+	| '\u09DF'..'\u09E1'
+	| '\u09F0'..'\u09F1'
+	| '\u0A05'..'\u0A0A'
+	| '\u0A0F'..'\u0A10'
+	| '\u0A13'..'\u0A28'
+	| '\u0A2A'..'\u0A30'
+	| '\u0A32'..'\u0A33'
+	| '\u0A35'..'\u0A36'
+	| '\u0A38'..'\u0A39'
+	| '\u0A59'..'\u0A5C'
+	| '\u0A5E'
+	| '\u0A72'..'\u0A74'
+	| '\u0A85'..'\u0A8B'
+	| '\u0A8D'
+	| '\u0A8F'..'\u0A91'
+	| '\u0A93'..'\u0AA8'
+	| '\u0AAA'..'\u0AB0'
+	| '\u0AB2'..'\u0AB3'
+	| '\u0AB5'..'\u0AB9'
+	| '\u0ABD'
+	| '\u0AD0'
+	| '\u0AE0'
+	| '\u0B05'..'\u0B0C'
+	| '\u0B0F'..'\u0B10'
+	| '\u0B13'..'\u0B28'
+	| '\u0B2A'..'\u0B30'
+	| '\u0B32'..'\u0B33'
+	| '\u0B36'..'\u0B39'
+	| '\u0B3D'
+	| '\u0B5C'..'\u0B5D'
+	| '\u0B5F'..'\u0B61'
+	| '\u0B85'..'\u0B8A'
+	| '\u0B8E'..'\u0B90'
+	| '\u0B92'..'\u0B95'
+	| '\u0B99'..'\u0B9A'
+	| '\u0B9C'
+	| '\u0B9E'..'\u0B9F'
+	| '\u0BA3'..'\u0BA4'
+	| '\u0BA8'..'\u0BAA'
+	| '\u0BAE'..'\u0BB5'
+	| '\u0BB7'..'\u0BB9'
+	| '\u0C05'..'\u0C0C'
+	| '\u0C0E'..'\u0C10'
+	| '\u0C12'..'\u0C28'
+	| '\u0C2A'..'\u0C33'
+	| '\u0C35'..'\u0C39'
+	| '\u0C60'..'\u0C61'
+	| '\u0C85'..'\u0C8C'
+	| '\u0C8E'..'\u0C90'
+	| '\u0C92'..'\u0CA8'
+	| '\u0CAA'..'\u0CB3'
+	| '\u0CB5'..'\u0CB9'
+	| '\u0CDE'
+	| '\u0CE0'..'\u0CE1'
+	| '\u0D05'..'\u0D0C'
+	| '\u0D0E'..'\u0D10'
+	| '\u0D12'..'\u0D28'
+	| '\u0D2A'..'\u0D39'
+	| '\u0D60'..'\u0D61'
+	| '\u0D85'..'\u0D96'
+	| '\u0D9A'..'\u0DB1'
+	| '\u0DB3'..'\u0DBB'
+	| '\u0DBD'
+	| '\u0DC0'..'\u0DC6'
+	| '\u0E01'..'\u0E30'
+	| '\u0E32'..'\u0E33'
+	| '\u0E40'..'\u0E46'
+	| '\u0E81'..'\u0E82'
+	| '\u0E84'
+	| '\u0E87'..'\u0E88'
+	| '\u0E8A'
+	| '\u0E8D'
+	| '\u0E94'..'\u0E97'
+	| '\u0E99'..'\u0E9F'
+	| '\u0EA1'..'\u0EA3'
+	| '\u0EA5'
+	| '\u0EA7'
+	| '\u0EAA'..'\u0EAB'
+	| '\u0EAD'..'\u0EB0'
+	| '\u0EB2'..'\u0EB3'
+	| '\u0EBD'..'\u0EC4'
+	| '\u0EC6'
+	| '\u0EDC'..'\u0EDD'
+	| '\u0F00'
+	| '\u0F40'..'\u0F6A'
+	| '\u0F88'..'\u0F8B'
+	| '\u1000'..'\u1021'
+	| '\u1023'..'\u1027'
+	| '\u1029'..'\u102A'
+	| '\u1050'..'\u1055'
+	| '\u10A0'..'\u10C5'
+	| '\u10D0'..'\u10F6'
+	| '\u1100'..'\u1159'
+	| '\u115F'..'\u11A2'
+	| '\u11A8'..'\u11F9'
+	| '\u1200'..'\u1206'
+	| '\u1208'..'\u1246'
+	| '\u1248'
+	| '\u124A'..'\u124D'
+	| '\u1250'..'\u1256'
+	| '\u1258'
+	| '\u125A'..'\u125D'
+	| '\u1260'..'\u1286'
+	| '\u1288'
+	| '\u128A'..'\u128D'
+	| '\u1290'..'\u12AE'
+	| '\u12B0'
+	| '\u12B2'..'\u12B5'
+	| '\u12B8'..'\u12BE'
+	| '\u12C0'
+	| '\u12C2'..'\u12C5'
+	| '\u12C8'..'\u12CE'
+	| '\u12D0'..'\u12D6'
+	| '\u12D8'..'\u12EE'
+	| '\u12F0'..'\u130E'
+	| '\u1310'
+	| '\u1312'..'\u1315'
+	| '\u1318'..'\u131E'
+	| '\u1320'..'\u1346'
+	| '\u1348'..'\u135A'
+	| '\u13A0'..'\u13B0'
+	| '\u13B1'..'\u13F4'
+	| '\u1401'..'\u1676'
+	| '\u1681'..'\u169A'
+	| '\u16A0'..'\u16EA'
+	| '\u1780'..'\u17B3'
+	| '\u1820'..'\u1877'
+	| '\u1880'..'\u18A8'
+	| '\u1E00'..'\u1E9B'
+	| '\u1EA0'..'\u1EE0'
+	| '\u1EE1'..'\u1EF9'
+	| '\u1F00'..'\u1F15'
+	| '\u1F18'..'\u1F1D'
+	| '\u1F20'..'\u1F39'
+	| '\u1F3A'..'\u1F45'
+	| '\u1F48'..'\u1F4D'
+	| '\u1F50'..'\u1F57'
+	| '\u1F59'
+	| '\u1F5B'
+	| '\u1F5D'
+	| '\u1F5F'..'\u1F7D'
+	| '\u1F80'..'\u1FB4'
+	| '\u1FB6'..'\u1FBC'
+	| '\u1FBE'
+	| '\u1FC2'..'\u1FC4'
+	| '\u1FC6'..'\u1FCC'
+	| '\u1FD0'..'\u1FD3'
+	| '\u1FD6'..'\u1FDB'
+	| '\u1FE0'..'\u1FEC'
+	| '\u1FF2'..'\u1FF4'
+	| '\u1FF6'..'\u1FFC'
+	| '\u207F'
+	| '\u2102'
+	| '\u2107'
+	| '\u210A'..'\u2113'
+	| '\u2115'
+	| '\u2119'..'\u211D'
+	| '\u2124'
+	| '\u2126'
+	| '\u2128'
+	| '\u212A'..'\u212D'
+	| '\u212F'..'\u2131'
+	| '\u2133'..'\u2139'
+	| '\u2160'..'\u2183'
+	| '\u3005'..'\u3007'
+	| '\u3021'..'\u3029'
+	| '\u3031'..'\u3035'
+	| '\u3038'..'\u303A'
+	| '\u3041'..'\u3094'
+	| '\u309D'..'\u309E'
+	| '\u30A1'..'\u30FA'
+	| '\u30FC'..'\u30FE'
+	| '\u3105'..'\u312C'
+	| '\u3131'..'\u318E'
+	| '\u31A0'..'\u31B7'
+	| '\u3400'
+	| '\u4DB5'
+	| '\u4E00'
+	| '\u9FA5'
+	| '\uA000'..'\uA48C'
+	| '\uAC00'
+	| '\uD7A3'
+	| '\uF900'..'\uFA2D'
+	| '\uFB00'..'\uFB06'
+	| '\uFB13'..'\uFB17'
+	| '\uFB1D'
+	| '\uFB1F'..'\uFB28'
+	| '\uFB2A'..'\uFB36'
+	| '\uFB38'..'\uFB3C'
+	| '\uFB3E'
+	| '\uFB40'..'\uFB41'
+	| '\uFB43'..'\uFB44'
+	| '\uFB46'..'\uFBB1'
+	| '\uFBD3'..'\uFD3D'
+	| '\uFD50'..'\uFD8F'
+	| '\uFD92'..'\uFDC7'
+	| '\uFDF0'..'\uFDFB'
+	| '\uFE70'..'\uFE72'
+	| '\uFE74'
+	| '\uFE76'..'\uFEFC'
+	| '\uFF21'..'\uFF3A'
+	| '\uFF41'..'\uFF5A'
+	| '\uFF66'..'\uFFBE'
+	| '\uFFC2'..'\uFFC7'
+	| '\uFFCA'..'\uFFCF'
+	| '\uFFD2'..'\uFFD7'
+	| '\uFFDA'..'\uFFDC'
+	;
+fragment UnicodeCombiningMark	// Any character in the Unicode categories "Non-spacing mark (Mn)"
+	: '\u0300'..'\u034E'	// or "Combining spacing mark (Mc)".
+	| '\u0360'..'\u0362'
+	| '\u0483'..'\u0486'
+	| '\u0591'..'\u05A1'
+	| '\u05A3'..'\u05B9'
+	| '\u05BB'..'\u05BD'
+	| '\u05BF' 
+	| '\u05C1'..'\u05C2'
+	| '\u05C4'
+	| '\u064B'..'\u0655'
+	| '\u0670'
+	| '\u06D6'..'\u06DC'
+	| '\u06DF'..'\u06E4'
+	| '\u06E7'..'\u06E8'
+	| '\u06EA'..'\u06ED'
+	| '\u0711'
+	| '\u0730'..'\u074A'
+	| '\u07A6'..'\u07B0'
+	| '\u0901'..'\u0903'
+	| '\u093C'
+	| '\u093E'..'\u094D'
+	| '\u0951'..'\u0954'
+	| '\u0962'..'\u0963'
+	| '\u0981'..'\u0983'
+	| '\u09BC'..'\u09C4'
+	| '\u09C7'..'\u09C8'
+	| '\u09CB'..'\u09CD'
+	| '\u09D7'
+	| '\u09E2'..'\u09E3'
+	| '\u0A02'
+	| '\u0A3C'
+	| '\u0A3E'..'\u0A42'
+	| '\u0A47'..'\u0A48'
+	| '\u0A4B'..'\u0A4D'
+	| '\u0A70'..'\u0A71'
+	| '\u0A81'..'\u0A83'
+	| '\u0ABC'
+	| '\u0ABE'..'\u0AC5'
+	| '\u0AC7'..'\u0AC9'
+	| '\u0ACB'..'\u0ACD'
+	| '\u0B01'..'\u0B03'
+	| '\u0B3C'
+	| '\u0B3E'..'\u0B43'
+	| '\u0B47'..'\u0B48'
+	| '\u0B4B'..'\u0B4D'
+	| '\u0B56'..'\u0B57'
+	| '\u0B82'..'\u0B83'
+	| '\u0BBE'..'\u0BC2'
+	| '\u0BC6'..'\u0BC8'
+	| '\u0BCA'..'\u0BCD'
+	| '\u0BD7'
+	| '\u0C01'..'\u0C03'
+	| '\u0C3E'..'\u0C44'
+	| '\u0C46'..'\u0C48'
+	| '\u0C4A'..'\u0C4D'
+	| '\u0C55'..'\u0C56'
+	| '\u0C82'..'\u0C83'
+	| '\u0CBE'..'\u0CC4'
+	| '\u0CC6'..'\u0CC8'
+	| '\u0CCA'..'\u0CCD'
+	| '\u0CD5'..'\u0CD6'
+	| '\u0D02'..'\u0D03'
+	| '\u0D3E'..'\u0D43'
+	| '\u0D46'..'\u0D48'
+	| '\u0D4A'..'\u0D4D'
+	| '\u0D57'
+	| '\u0D82'..'\u0D83'
+	| '\u0DCA'
+	| '\u0DCF'..'\u0DD4'
+	| '\u0DD6'
+	| '\u0DD8'..'\u0DDF'
+	| '\u0DF2'..'\u0DF3'
+	| '\u0E31'
+	| '\u0E34'..'\u0E3A'
+	| '\u0E47'..'\u0E4E'
+	| '\u0EB1'
+	| '\u0EB4'..'\u0EB9'
+	| '\u0EBB'..'\u0EBC'
+	| '\u0EC8'..'\u0ECD'
+	| '\u0F18'..'\u0F19'
+	| '\u0F35'
+	| '\u0F37'
+	| '\u0F39'
+	| '\u0F3E'..'\u0F3F'
+	| '\u0F71'..'\u0F84'
+	| '\u0F86'..'\u0F87'
+	| '\u0F90'..'\u0F97'
+	| '\u0F99'..'\u0FBC'
+	| '\u0FC6'
+	| '\u102C'..'\u1032'
+	| '\u1036'..'\u1039'
+	| '\u1056'..'\u1059'
+	| '\u17B4'..'\u17D3'
+	| '\u18A9'
+	| '\u20D0'..'\u20DC'
+	| '\u20E1'
+	| '\u302A'..'\u302F'
+	| '\u3099'..'\u309A'
+	| '\uFB1E'
+	| '\uFE20'..'\uFE23'
+	;
+fragment UnicodeDigit		// Any character in the Unicode category "Decimal number (Nd)".
+	: '\u0030'..'\u0039'
+	| '\u0660'..'\u0669'
+	| '\u06F0'..'\u06F9'
+	| '\u0966'..'\u096F'
+	| '\u09E6'..'\u09EF'
+	| '\u0A66'..'\u0A6F'
+	| '\u0AE6'..'\u0AEF'
+	| '\u0B66'..'\u0B6F'
+	| '\u0BE7'..'\u0BEF'
+	| '\u0C66'..'\u0C6F'
+	| '\u0CE6'..'\u0CEF'
+	| '\u0D66'..'\u0D6F'
+	| '\u0E50'..'\u0E59'
+	| '\u0ED0'..'\u0ED9'
+	| '\u0F20'..'\u0F29'
+	| '\u1040'..'\u1049'
+	| '\u1369'..'\u1371'
+	| '\u17E0'..'\u17E9'
+	| '\u1810'..'\u1819'
+	| '\uFF10'..'\uFF19'
+	;
+fragment UnicodeConnectorPunctuation	// Any character in the Unicode category "Connector punctuation (Pc)".
+	: '\u005F'
+	| '\u203F'..'\u2040'
+	| '\u30FB'
+	| '\uFE33'..'\uFE34'
+	| '\uFE4D'..'\uFE4F'
+	| '\uFF3F'
+	| '\uFF65'
+	;
+	: '/*' (options {greedy=false;} : .)* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+	;
+	: '//' ~(LT)* {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+	;
+	: '\n'		// Line feed.
+	| '\r'		// Carriage return.
+	| '\u2028'	// Line separator.
+	| '\u2029'	// Paragraph separator.
+	;
+WhiteSpace // Tab, vertical tab, form feed, space, non-breaking space and any other unicode "space separator".
+	: ('\t' | '\v' | '\f' | ' ' | '\u00A0')	{$channel=HIDDEN;}
+	;

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/JavaScriptLexer.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/JavaScriptLexer.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/JavaScriptLexer.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,6039 @@
+# $ANTLR 3.1.3 Mar 18, 2009 10:09:25 JavaScript.g 2009-04-05 22:38:03
+import sys
+from antlr3 import *
+from antlr3.compat import set, frozenset
+# for convenience in actions
+HIDDEN = BaseRecognizer.HIDDEN
+# token types
+class JavaScriptLexer(Lexer):
+    grammarFileName = "JavaScript.g"
+    antlr_version = version_str_to_tuple("3.1.3 Mar 18, 2009 10:09:25")
+    antlr_version_str = "3.1.3 Mar 18, 2009 10:09:25"
+    def __init__(self, input=None, state=None):
+        if state is None:
+            state = RecognizerSharedState()
+        super(JavaScriptLexer, self).__init__(input, state)
+        self.dfa18 = self.DFA18(
+            self, 18,
+            eot = self.DFA18_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA18_eof,
+            min = self.DFA18_min,
+            max = self.DFA18_max,
+            accept = self.DFA18_accept,
+            special = self.DFA18_special,
+            transition = self.DFA18_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa26 = self.DFA26(
+            self, 26,
+            eot = self.DFA26_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA26_eof,
+            min = self.DFA26_min,
+            max = self.DFA26_max,
+            accept = self.DFA26_accept,
+            special = self.DFA26_special,
+            transition = self.DFA26_transition
+            )
+    # $ANTLR start "T__31"
+    def mT__31(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__31
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:7:7: ( 'function' )
+            # JavaScript.g:7:9: 'function'
+            pass 
+            self.match("function")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__31"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__32"
+    def mT__32(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__32
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:8:7: ( '(' )
+            # JavaScript.g:8:9: '('
+            pass 
+            self.match(40)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__32"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__33"
+    def mT__33(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__33
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:9:7: ( ',' )
+            # JavaScript.g:9:9: ','
+            pass 
+            self.match(44)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__33"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__34"
+    def mT__34(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__34
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:10:7: ( ')' )
+            # JavaScript.g:10:9: ')'
+            pass 
+            self.match(41)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__34"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__35"
+    def mT__35(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__35
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:11:7: ( '{' )
+            # JavaScript.g:11:9: '{'
+            pass 
+            self.match(123)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__35"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__36"
+    def mT__36(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__36
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:12:7: ( '}' )
+            # JavaScript.g:12:9: '}'
+            pass 
+            self.match(125)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__36"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__37"
+    def mT__37(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__37
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:13:7: ( 'var' )
+            # JavaScript.g:13:9: 'var'
+            pass 
+            self.match("var")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__37"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__38"
+    def mT__38(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__38
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:14:7: ( ';' )
+            # JavaScript.g:14:9: ';'
+            pass 
+            self.match(59)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__38"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__39"
+    def mT__39(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__39
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:15:7: ( '=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:15:9: '='
+            pass 
+            self.match(61)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__39"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__40"
+    def mT__40(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__40
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:16:7: ( 'if' )
+            # JavaScript.g:16:9: 'if'
+            pass 
+            self.match("if")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__40"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__41"
+    def mT__41(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__41
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:17:7: ( 'else' )
+            # JavaScript.g:17:9: 'else'
+            pass 
+            self.match("else")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__41"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__42"
+    def mT__42(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__42
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:18:7: ( 'do' )
+            # JavaScript.g:18:9: 'do'
+            pass 
+            self.match("do")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__42"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__43"
+    def mT__43(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__43
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:19:7: ( 'while' )
+            # JavaScript.g:19:9: 'while'
+            pass 
+            self.match("while")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__43"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__44"
+    def mT__44(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__44
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:20:7: ( 'for' )
+            # JavaScript.g:20:9: 'for'
+            pass 
+            self.match("for")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__44"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__45"
+    def mT__45(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__45
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:21:7: ( 'in' )
+            # JavaScript.g:21:9: 'in'
+            pass 
+            self.match("in")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__45"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__46"
+    def mT__46(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__46
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:22:7: ( 'continue' )
+            # JavaScript.g:22:9: 'continue'
+            pass 
+            self.match("continue")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__46"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__47"
+    def mT__47(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__47
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:23:7: ( 'break' )
+            # JavaScript.g:23:9: 'break'
+            pass 
+            self.match("break")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__47"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__48"
+    def mT__48(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__48
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:24:7: ( 'return' )
+            # JavaScript.g:24:9: 'return'
+            pass 
+            self.match("return")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__48"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__49"
+    def mT__49(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__49
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:25:7: ( 'with' )
+            # JavaScript.g:25:9: 'with'
+            pass 
+            self.match("with")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__49"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__50"
+    def mT__50(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__50
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:26:7: ( ':' )
+            # JavaScript.g:26:9: ':'
+            pass 
+            self.match(58)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__50"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__51"
+    def mT__51(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__51
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:27:7: ( 'switch' )
+            # JavaScript.g:27:9: 'switch'
+            pass 
+            self.match("switch")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__51"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__52"
+    def mT__52(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__52
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:28:7: ( 'case' )
+            # JavaScript.g:28:9: 'case'
+            pass 
+            self.match("case")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__52"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__53"
+    def mT__53(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__53
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:29:7: ( 'default' )
+            # JavaScript.g:29:9: 'default'
+            pass 
+            self.match("default")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__53"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__54"
+    def mT__54(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__54
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:30:7: ( 'throw' )
+            # JavaScript.g:30:9: 'throw'
+            pass 
+            self.match("throw")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__54"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__55"
+    def mT__55(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__55
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:31:7: ( 'try' )
+            # JavaScript.g:31:9: 'try'
+            pass 
+            self.match("try")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__55"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__56"
+    def mT__56(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__56
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:32:7: ( 'catch' )
+            # JavaScript.g:32:9: 'catch'
+            pass 
+            self.match("catch")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__56"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__57"
+    def mT__57(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__57
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:33:7: ( 'finally' )
+            # JavaScript.g:33:9: 'finally'
+            pass 
+            self.match("finally")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__57"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__58"
+    def mT__58(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__58
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:34:7: ( 'new' )
+            # JavaScript.g:34:9: 'new'
+            pass 
+            self.match("new")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__58"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__59"
+    def mT__59(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__59
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:35:7: ( '[' )
+            # JavaScript.g:35:9: '['
+            pass 
+            self.match(91)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__59"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__60"
+    def mT__60(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__60
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:36:7: ( ']' )
+            # JavaScript.g:36:9: ']'
+            pass 
+            self.match(93)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__60"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__61"
+    def mT__61(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__61
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:37:7: ( '.' )
+            # JavaScript.g:37:9: '.'
+            pass 
+            self.match(46)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__61"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__62"
+    def mT__62(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__62
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:38:7: ( '*=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:38:9: '*='
+            pass 
+            self.match("*=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__62"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__63"
+    def mT__63(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__63
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:39:7: ( '/=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:39:9: '/='
+            pass 
+            self.match("/=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__63"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__64"
+    def mT__64(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__64
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:40:7: ( '%=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:40:9: '%='
+            pass 
+            self.match("%=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__64"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__65"
+    def mT__65(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__65
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:41:7: ( '+=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:41:9: '+='
+            pass 
+            self.match("+=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__65"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__66"
+    def mT__66(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__66
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:42:7: ( '-=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:42:9: '-='
+            pass 
+            self.match("-=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__66"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__67"
+    def mT__67(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__67
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:43:7: ( '<<=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:43:9: '<<='
+            pass 
+            self.match("<<=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__67"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__68"
+    def mT__68(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__68
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:44:7: ( '>>=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:44:9: '>>='
+            pass 
+            self.match(">>=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__68"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__69"
+    def mT__69(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__69
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:45:7: ( '>>>=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:45:9: '>>>='
+            pass 
+            self.match(">>>=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__69"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__70"
+    def mT__70(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__70
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:46:7: ( '&=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:46:9: '&='
+            pass 
+            self.match("&=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__70"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__71"
+    def mT__71(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__71
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:47:7: ( '^=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:47:9: '^='
+            pass 
+            self.match("^=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__71"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__72"
+    def mT__72(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__72
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:48:7: ( '|=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:48:9: '|='
+            pass 
+            self.match("|=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__72"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__73"
+    def mT__73(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__73
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:49:7: ( '?' )
+            # JavaScript.g:49:9: '?'
+            pass 
+            self.match(63)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__73"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__74"
+    def mT__74(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__74
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:50:7: ( '||' )
+            # JavaScript.g:50:9: '||'
+            pass 
+            self.match("||")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__74"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__75"
+    def mT__75(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__75
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:51:7: ( '&&' )
+            # JavaScript.g:51:9: '&&'
+            pass 
+            self.match("&&")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__75"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__76"
+    def mT__76(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__76
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:52:7: ( '|' )
+            # JavaScript.g:52:9: '|'
+            pass 
+            self.match(124)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__76"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__77"
+    def mT__77(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__77
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:53:7: ( '^' )
+            # JavaScript.g:53:9: '^'
+            pass 
+            self.match(94)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__77"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__78"
+    def mT__78(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__78
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:54:7: ( '&' )
+            # JavaScript.g:54:9: '&'
+            pass 
+            self.match(38)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__78"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__79"
+    def mT__79(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__79
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:55:7: ( '==' )
+            # JavaScript.g:55:9: '=='
+            pass 
+            self.match("==")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__79"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__80"
+    def mT__80(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__80
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:56:7: ( '!=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:56:9: '!='
+            pass 
+            self.match("!=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__80"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__81"
+    def mT__81(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__81
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:57:7: ( '===' )
+            # JavaScript.g:57:9: '==='
+            pass 
+            self.match("===")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__81"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__82"
+    def mT__82(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__82
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:58:7: ( '!==' )
+            # JavaScript.g:58:9: '!=='
+            pass 
+            self.match("!==")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__82"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__83"
+    def mT__83(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__83
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:59:7: ( '<' )
+            # JavaScript.g:59:9: '<'
+            pass 
+            self.match(60)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__83"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__84"
+    def mT__84(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__84
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:60:7: ( '>' )
+            # JavaScript.g:60:9: '>'
+            pass 
+            self.match(62)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__84"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__85"
+    def mT__85(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__85
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:61:7: ( '<=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:61:9: '<='
+            pass 
+            self.match("<=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__85"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__86"
+    def mT__86(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__86
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:62:7: ( '>=' )
+            # JavaScript.g:62:9: '>='
+            pass 
+            self.match(">=")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__86"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__87"
+    def mT__87(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__87
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:63:7: ( 'instanceof' )
+            # JavaScript.g:63:9: 'instanceof'
+            pass 
+            self.match("instanceof")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__87"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__88"
+    def mT__88(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__88
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:64:7: ( '<<' )
+            # JavaScript.g:64:9: '<<'
+            pass 
+            self.match("<<")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__88"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__89"
+    def mT__89(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__89
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:65:7: ( '>>' )
+            # JavaScript.g:65:9: '>>'
+            pass 
+            self.match(">>")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__89"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__90"
+    def mT__90(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__90
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:66:7: ( '>>>' )
+            # JavaScript.g:66:9: '>>>'
+            pass 
+            self.match(">>>")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__90"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__91"
+    def mT__91(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__91
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:67:7: ( '+' )
+            # JavaScript.g:67:9: '+'
+            pass 
+            self.match(43)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__91"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__92"
+    def mT__92(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__92
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:68:7: ( '-' )
+            # JavaScript.g:68:9: '-'
+            pass 
+            self.match(45)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__92"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__93"
+    def mT__93(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__93
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:69:7: ( '*' )
+            # JavaScript.g:69:9: '*'
+            pass 
+            self.match(42)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__93"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__94"
+    def mT__94(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__94
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:70:7: ( '/' )
+            # JavaScript.g:70:9: '/'
+            pass 
+            self.match(47)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__94"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__95"
+    def mT__95(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__95
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:71:7: ( '%' )
+            # JavaScript.g:71:9: '%'
+            pass 
+            self.match(37)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__95"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__96"
+    def mT__96(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__96
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:72:7: ( 'delete' )
+            # JavaScript.g:72:9: 'delete'
+            pass 
+            self.match("delete")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__96"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__97"
+    def mT__97(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__97
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:73:7: ( 'void' )
+            # JavaScript.g:73:9: 'void'
+            pass 
+            self.match("void")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__97"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__98"
+    def mT__98(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__98
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:74:7: ( 'typeof' )
+            # JavaScript.g:74:9: 'typeof'
+            pass 
+            self.match("typeof")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__98"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__99"
+    def mT__99(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__99
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:75:7: ( '++' )
+            # JavaScript.g:75:9: '++'
+            pass 
+            self.match("++")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__99"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__100"
+    def mT__100(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__100
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:76:8: ( '--' )
+            # JavaScript.g:76:10: '--'
+            pass 
+            self.match("--")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__100"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__101"
+    def mT__101(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__101
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:77:8: ( '~' )
+            # JavaScript.g:77:10: '~'
+            pass 
+            self.match(126)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__101"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__102"
+    def mT__102(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__102
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:78:8: ( '!' )
+            # JavaScript.g:78:10: '!'
+            pass 
+            self.match(33)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__102"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__103"
+    def mT__103(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__103
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:79:8: ( 'this' )
+            # JavaScript.g:79:10: 'this'
+            pass 
+            self.match("this")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__103"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__104"
+    def mT__104(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__104
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:80:8: ( 'null' )
+            # JavaScript.g:80:10: 'null'
+            pass 
+            self.match("null")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__104"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__105"
+    def mT__105(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__105
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:81:8: ( 'true' )
+            # JavaScript.g:81:10: 'true'
+            pass 
+            self.match("true")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__105"
+    # $ANTLR start "T__106"
+    def mT__106(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = T__106
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:82:8: ( 'false' )
+            # JavaScript.g:82:10: 'false'
+            pass 
+            self.match("false")
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "T__106"
+    # $ANTLR start "StringLiteral"
+    def mStringLiteral(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = StringLiteral
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:393:2: ( '\"' ( DoubleStringCharacter )* '\"' | '\\'' ( SingleStringCharacter )* '\\'' )
+            alt3 = 2
+            LA3_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA3_0 == 34) :
+                alt3 = 1
+            elif (LA3_0 == 39) :
+                alt3 = 2
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 3, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt3 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:393:4: '\"' ( DoubleStringCharacter )* '\"'
+                pass 
+                self.match(34)
+                # JavaScript.g:393:8: ( DoubleStringCharacter )*
+                while True: #loop1
+                    alt1 = 2
+                    LA1_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if ((0 <= LA1_0 <= 9) or (11 <= LA1_0 <= 12) or (14 <= LA1_0 <= 33) or (35 <= LA1_0 <= 8231) or (8234 <= LA1_0 <= 65535)) :
+                        alt1 = 1
+                    if alt1 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:393:8: DoubleStringCharacter
+                        pass 
+                        self.mDoubleStringCharacter()
+                    else:
+                        break #loop1
+                self.match(34)
+            elif alt3 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:394:4: '\\'' ( SingleStringCharacter )* '\\''
+                pass 
+                self.match(39)
+                # JavaScript.g:394:9: ( SingleStringCharacter )*
+                while True: #loop2
+                    alt2 = 2
+                    LA2_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if ((0 <= LA2_0 <= 9) or (11 <= LA2_0 <= 12) or (14 <= LA2_0 <= 38) or (40 <= LA2_0 <= 8231) or (8234 <= LA2_0 <= 65535)) :
+                        alt2 = 1
+                    if alt2 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:394:9: SingleStringCharacter
+                        pass 
+                        self.mSingleStringCharacter()
+                    else:
+                        break #loop2
+                self.match(39)
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "StringLiteral"
+    # $ANTLR start "DoubleStringCharacter"
+    def mDoubleStringCharacter(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:398:2: (~ ( '\"' | '\\\\' | LT ) | '\\\\' EscapeSequence )
+            alt4 = 2
+            LA4_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if ((0 <= LA4_0 <= 9) or (11 <= LA4_0 <= 12) or (14 <= LA4_0 <= 33) or (35 <= LA4_0 <= 91) or (93 <= LA4_0 <= 8231) or (8234 <= LA4_0 <= 65535)) :
+                alt4 = 1
+            elif (LA4_0 == 92) :
+                alt4 = 2
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt4 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:398:4: ~ ( '\"' | '\\\\' | LT )
+                pass 
+                if (0 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 9) or (11 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12) or (14 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 33) or (35 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 91) or (93 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8231) or (8234 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65535):
+                    self.input.consume()
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    self.recover(mse)
+                    raise mse
+            elif alt4 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:399:4: '\\\\' EscapeSequence
+                pass 
+                self.match(92)
+                self.mEscapeSequence()
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "DoubleStringCharacter"
+    # $ANTLR start "SingleStringCharacter"
+    def mSingleStringCharacter(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:403:2: (~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' | LT ) | '\\\\' EscapeSequence )
+            alt5 = 2
+            LA5_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if ((0 <= LA5_0 <= 9) or (11 <= LA5_0 <= 12) or (14 <= LA5_0 <= 38) or (40 <= LA5_0 <= 91) or (93 <= LA5_0 <= 8231) or (8234 <= LA5_0 <= 65535)) :
+                alt5 = 1
+            elif (LA5_0 == 92) :
+                alt5 = 2
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt5 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:403:4: ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' | LT )
+                pass 
+                if (0 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 9) or (11 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12) or (14 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 38) or (40 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 91) or (93 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8231) or (8234 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65535):
+                    self.input.consume()
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    self.recover(mse)
+                    raise mse
+            elif alt5 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:404:4: '\\\\' EscapeSequence
+                pass 
+                self.match(92)
+                self.mEscapeSequence()
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "SingleStringCharacter"
+    # $ANTLR start "EscapeSequence"
+    def mEscapeSequence(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:408:2: ( CharacterEscapeSequence | '0' | HexEscapeSequence | UnicodeEscapeSequence )
+            alt6 = 4
+            LA6_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if ((0 <= LA6_0 <= 9) or (11 <= LA6_0 <= 12) or (14 <= LA6_0 <= 47) or (58 <= LA6_0 <= 116) or (118 <= LA6_0 <= 119) or (121 <= LA6_0 <= 8231) or (8234 <= LA6_0 <= 65535)) :
+                alt6 = 1
+            elif (LA6_0 == 48) :
+                alt6 = 2
+            elif (LA6_0 == 120) :
+                alt6 = 3
+            elif (LA6_0 == 117) :
+                alt6 = 4
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 6, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt6 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:408:4: CharacterEscapeSequence
+                pass 
+                self.mCharacterEscapeSequence()
+            elif alt6 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:409:4: '0'
+                pass 
+                self.match(48)
+            elif alt6 == 3:
+                # JavaScript.g:410:4: HexEscapeSequence
+                pass 
+                self.mHexEscapeSequence()
+            elif alt6 == 4:
+                # JavaScript.g:411:4: UnicodeEscapeSequence
+                pass 
+                self.mUnicodeEscapeSequence()
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "EscapeSequence"
+    # $ANTLR start "CharacterEscapeSequence"
+    def mCharacterEscapeSequence(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:415:2: ( SingleEscapeCharacter | NonEscapeCharacter )
+            alt7 = 2
+            LA7_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA7_0 == 34 or LA7_0 == 39 or LA7_0 == 92 or LA7_0 == 98 or LA7_0 == 102 or LA7_0 == 110 or LA7_0 == 114 or LA7_0 == 116 or LA7_0 == 118) :
+                alt7 = 1
+            elif ((0 <= LA7_0 <= 9) or (11 <= LA7_0 <= 12) or (14 <= LA7_0 <= 33) or (35 <= LA7_0 <= 38) or (40 <= LA7_0 <= 47) or (58 <= LA7_0 <= 91) or (93 <= LA7_0 <= 97) or (99 <= LA7_0 <= 101) or (103 <= LA7_0 <= 109) or (111 <= LA7_0 <= 113) or LA7_0 == 115 or LA7_0 == 119 or (121 <= LA7_0 <= 8231) or (8234 <= LA7_0 <= 65535)) :
+                alt7 = 2
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 7, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt7 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:415:4: SingleEscapeCharacter
+                pass 
+                self.mSingleEscapeCharacter()
+            elif alt7 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:416:4: NonEscapeCharacter
+                pass 
+                self.mNonEscapeCharacter()
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "CharacterEscapeSequence"
+    # $ANTLR start "NonEscapeCharacter"
+    def mNonEscapeCharacter(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:420:2: (~ ( EscapeCharacter | LT ) )
+            # JavaScript.g:420:4: ~ ( EscapeCharacter | LT )
+            pass 
+            if (0 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 9) or (11 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12) or (14 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 33) or (35 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 38) or (40 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 47) or (58 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 91) or (93 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 97) or (99 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 101) or (103 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 109) or (111 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 113) or self.input.LA(1) == 115 or self.input.LA(1) == 119 or (121 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8231) or (8234 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65535):
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "NonEscapeCharacter"
+    # $ANTLR start "SingleEscapeCharacter"
+    def mSingleEscapeCharacter(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:424:2: ( '\\'' | '\"' | '\\\\' | 'b' | 'f' | 'n' | 'r' | 't' | 'v' )
+            # JavaScript.g:
+            pass 
+            if self.input.LA(1) == 34 or self.input.LA(1) == 39 or self.input.LA(1) == 92 or self.input.LA(1) == 98 or self.input.LA(1) == 102 or self.input.LA(1) == 110 or self.input.LA(1) == 114 or self.input.LA(1) == 116 or self.input.LA(1) == 118:
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "SingleEscapeCharacter"
+    # $ANTLR start "EscapeCharacter"
+    def mEscapeCharacter(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:428:2: ( SingleEscapeCharacter | DecimalDigit | 'x' | 'u' )
+            alt8 = 4
+            LA8 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if LA8 == 34 or LA8 == 39 or LA8 == 92 or LA8 == 98 or LA8 == 102 or LA8 == 110 or LA8 == 114 or LA8 == 116 or LA8 == 118:
+                alt8 = 1
+            elif LA8 == 48 or LA8 == 49 or LA8 == 50 or LA8 == 51 or LA8 == 52 or LA8 == 53 or LA8 == 54 or LA8 == 55 or LA8 == 56 or LA8 == 57:
+                alt8 = 2
+            elif LA8 == 120:
+                alt8 = 3
+            elif LA8 == 117:
+                alt8 = 4
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 8, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt8 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:428:4: SingleEscapeCharacter
+                pass 
+                self.mSingleEscapeCharacter()
+            elif alt8 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:429:4: DecimalDigit
+                pass 
+                self.mDecimalDigit()
+            elif alt8 == 3:
+                # JavaScript.g:430:4: 'x'
+                pass 
+                self.match(120)
+            elif alt8 == 4:
+                # JavaScript.g:431:4: 'u'
+                pass 
+                self.match(117)
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "EscapeCharacter"
+    # $ANTLR start "HexEscapeSequence"
+    def mHexEscapeSequence(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:435:2: ( 'x' HexDigit HexDigit )
+            # JavaScript.g:435:4: 'x' HexDigit HexDigit
+            pass 
+            self.match(120)
+            self.mHexDigit()
+            self.mHexDigit()
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "HexEscapeSequence"
+    # $ANTLR start "UnicodeEscapeSequence"
+    def mUnicodeEscapeSequence(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:439:2: ( 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit )
+            # JavaScript.g:439:4: 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
+            pass 
+            self.match(117)
+            self.mHexDigit()
+            self.mHexDigit()
+            self.mHexDigit()
+            self.mHexDigit()
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "UnicodeEscapeSequence"
+    # $ANTLR start "NumericLiteral"
+    def mNumericLiteral(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = NumericLiteral
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:443:2: ( DecimalLiteral | HexIntegerLiteral )
+            alt9 = 2
+            LA9_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA9_0 == 48) :
+                LA9_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+                if (LA9_1 == 88 or LA9_1 == 120) :
+                    alt9 = 2
+                else:
+                    alt9 = 1
+            elif (LA9_0 == 46 or (49 <= LA9_0 <= 57)) :
+                alt9 = 1
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 9, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt9 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:443:4: DecimalLiteral
+                pass 
+                self.mDecimalLiteral()
+            elif alt9 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:444:4: HexIntegerLiteral
+                pass 
+                self.mHexIntegerLiteral()
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "NumericLiteral"
+    # $ANTLR start "HexIntegerLiteral"
+    def mHexIntegerLiteral(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:448:2: ( '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) ( HexDigit )+ )
+            # JavaScript.g:448:4: '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) ( HexDigit )+
+            pass 
+            self.match(48)
+            if self.input.LA(1) == 88 or self.input.LA(1) == 120:
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+            # JavaScript.g:448:20: ( HexDigit )+
+            cnt10 = 0
+            while True: #loop10
+                alt10 = 2
+                LA10_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((48 <= LA10_0 <= 57) or (65 <= LA10_0 <= 70) or (97 <= LA10_0 <= 102)) :
+                    alt10 = 1
+                if alt10 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:448:20: HexDigit
+                    pass 
+                    self.mHexDigit()
+                else:
+                    if cnt10 >= 1:
+                        break #loop10
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    eee = EarlyExitException(10, self.input)
+                    raise eee
+                cnt10 += 1
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "HexIntegerLiteral"
+    # $ANTLR start "HexDigit"
+    def mHexDigit(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:452:2: ( DecimalDigit | ( 'a' .. 'f' ) | ( 'A' .. 'F' ) )
+            alt11 = 3
+            LA11 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if LA11 == 48 or LA11 == 49 or LA11 == 50 or LA11 == 51 or LA11 == 52 or LA11 == 53 or LA11 == 54 or LA11 == 55 or LA11 == 56 or LA11 == 57:
+                alt11 = 1
+            elif LA11 == 97 or LA11 == 98 or LA11 == 99 or LA11 == 100 or LA11 == 101 or LA11 == 102:
+                alt11 = 2
+            elif LA11 == 65 or LA11 == 66 or LA11 == 67 or LA11 == 68 or LA11 == 69 or LA11 == 70:
+                alt11 = 3
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 11, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt11 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:452:4: DecimalDigit
+                pass 
+                self.mDecimalDigit()
+            elif alt11 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:452:19: ( 'a' .. 'f' )
+                pass 
+                # JavaScript.g:452:19: ( 'a' .. 'f' )
+                # JavaScript.g:452:20: 'a' .. 'f'
+                pass 
+                self.matchRange(97, 102)
+            elif alt11 == 3:
+                # JavaScript.g:452:32: ( 'A' .. 'F' )
+                pass 
+                # JavaScript.g:452:32: ( 'A' .. 'F' )
+                # JavaScript.g:452:33: 'A' .. 'F'
+                pass 
+                self.matchRange(65, 70)
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "HexDigit"
+    # $ANTLR start "DecimalLiteral"
+    def mDecimalLiteral(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:456:2: ( ( DecimalDigit )+ '.' ( DecimalDigit )* ( ExponentPart )? | ( '.' )? ( DecimalDigit )+ ( ExponentPart )? )
+            alt18 = 2
+            alt18 = self.dfa18.predict(self.input)
+            if alt18 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:456:4: ( DecimalDigit )+ '.' ( DecimalDigit )* ( ExponentPart )?
+                pass 
+                # JavaScript.g:456:4: ( DecimalDigit )+
+                cnt12 = 0
+                while True: #loop12
+                    alt12 = 2
+                    LA12_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if ((48 <= LA12_0 <= 57)) :
+                        alt12 = 1
+                    if alt12 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:456:4: DecimalDigit
+                        pass 
+                        self.mDecimalDigit()
+                    else:
+                        if cnt12 >= 1:
+                            break #loop12
+                        if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                            raise BacktrackingFailed
+                        eee = EarlyExitException(12, self.input)
+                        raise eee
+                    cnt12 += 1
+                self.match(46)
+                # JavaScript.g:456:22: ( DecimalDigit )*
+                while True: #loop13
+                    alt13 = 2
+                    LA13_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if ((48 <= LA13_0 <= 57)) :
+                        alt13 = 1
+                    if alt13 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:456:22: DecimalDigit
+                        pass 
+                        self.mDecimalDigit()
+                    else:
+                        break #loop13
+                # JavaScript.g:456:36: ( ExponentPart )?
+                alt14 = 2
+                LA14_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA14_0 == 69 or LA14_0 == 101) :
+                    alt14 = 1
+                if alt14 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:456:36: ExponentPart
+                    pass 
+                    self.mExponentPart()
+            elif alt18 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:457:4: ( '.' )? ( DecimalDigit )+ ( ExponentPart )?
+                pass 
+                # JavaScript.g:457:4: ( '.' )?
+                alt15 = 2
+                LA15_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA15_0 == 46) :
+                    alt15 = 1
+                if alt15 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:457:4: '.'
+                    pass 
+                    self.match(46)
+                # JavaScript.g:457:9: ( DecimalDigit )+
+                cnt16 = 0
+                while True: #loop16
+                    alt16 = 2
+                    LA16_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if ((48 <= LA16_0 <= 57)) :
+                        alt16 = 1
+                    if alt16 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:457:9: DecimalDigit
+                        pass 
+                        self.mDecimalDigit()
+                    else:
+                        if cnt16 >= 1:
+                            break #loop16
+                        if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                            raise BacktrackingFailed
+                        eee = EarlyExitException(16, self.input)
+                        raise eee
+                    cnt16 += 1
+                # JavaScript.g:457:23: ( ExponentPart )?
+                alt17 = 2
+                LA17_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA17_0 == 69 or LA17_0 == 101) :
+                    alt17 = 1
+                if alt17 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:457:23: ExponentPart
+                    pass 
+                    self.mExponentPart()
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "DecimalLiteral"
+    # $ANTLR start "DecimalDigit"
+    def mDecimalDigit(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:461:2: ( ( '0' .. '9' ) )
+            # JavaScript.g:461:4: ( '0' .. '9' )
+            pass 
+            if (48 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 57):
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "DecimalDigit"
+    # $ANTLR start "ExponentPart"
+    def mExponentPart(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:465:2: ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( DecimalDigit )+ )
+            # JavaScript.g:465:4: ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( DecimalDigit )+
+            pass 
+            if self.input.LA(1) == 69 or self.input.LA(1) == 101:
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+            # JavaScript.g:465:16: ( '+' | '-' )?
+            alt19 = 2
+            LA19_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA19_0 == 43 or LA19_0 == 45) :
+                alt19 = 1
+            if alt19 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:
+                pass 
+                if self.input.LA(1) == 43 or self.input.LA(1) == 45:
+                    self.input.consume()
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    self.recover(mse)
+                    raise mse
+            # JavaScript.g:465:30: ( DecimalDigit )+
+            cnt20 = 0
+            while True: #loop20
+                alt20 = 2
+                LA20_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((48 <= LA20_0 <= 57)) :
+                    alt20 = 1
+                if alt20 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:465:30: DecimalDigit
+                    pass 
+                    self.mDecimalDigit()
+                else:
+                    if cnt20 >= 1:
+                        break #loop20
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    eee = EarlyExitException(20, self.input)
+                    raise eee
+                cnt20 += 1
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "ExponentPart"
+    # $ANTLR start "Identifier"
+    def mIdentifier(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = Identifier
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:469:2: ( IdentifierStart ( IdentifierPart )* )
+            # JavaScript.g:469:4: IdentifierStart ( IdentifierPart )*
+            pass 
+            self.mIdentifierStart()
+            # JavaScript.g:469:20: ( IdentifierPart )*
+            while True: #loop21
+                alt21 = 2
+                LA21_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA21_0 == 36 or (48 <= LA21_0 <= 57) or (65 <= LA21_0 <= 90) or LA21_0 == 92 or LA21_0 == 95 or (97 <= LA21_0 <= 122) or LA21_0 == 170 or LA21_0 == 181 or LA21_0 == 186 or (192 <= LA21_0 <= 214) or (216 <= LA21_0 <= 246) or (248 <= LA21_0 <= 543) or (546 <= LA21_0 <= 563) or (592 <= LA21_0 <= 685) or (688 <= LA21_0 <= 696) or (699 <= LA21_0 <= 705) or (720 <= LA21_0 <= 721) or (736 <= LA21_0 <= 740) or LA21_0 == 750 or LA21_0 == 890 or LA21_0 == 902 or (904 <= LA21_0 <= 906) or LA21_0 == 908 or (910 <= LA21_0 <= 929) or (931 <= LA21_0 <= 974) or (976 <= LA21_0 <= 983) or (986 <= LA21_0 <= 1011) or (1024 <= LA21_0 <= 1153) or (1164 <= LA21_0 <= 1220) or (1223 <= LA21_0 <= 1224) or (1227 <= LA21_0 <= 1228) or (1232 <= LA21_0 <= 1269) or (1272 <= LA21_0 <= 1273) or (1329 <= LA21_0 <= 1366) or LA21_0 == 1369 or (1377 <= LA21_0 <= 1415) or (1488 <= LA21_0 <= 1514) or (1520 <= LA21_0 <= 1522) or (1569 <= LA21_0 <= 1594) or (1600 <= LA21_0 <= 1610) or (1632 <= LA21_0 <= 1641) or (1649 <= LA21_0 <= 1747) or LA21_0 == 1749 or (1765 <= LA21_0 <= 1766) or (1776 <= LA21_0 <= 1788) or LA21_0 == 1808 or (1810 <= LA21_0 <= 1836) or (1920 <= LA21_0 <= 1957) or (2309 <= LA21_0 <= 2361) or LA21_0 == 2365 or LA21_0 == 2384 or (2392 <= LA21_0 <= 2401) or (2406 <= LA21_0 <= 2415) or (2437 <= LA21_0 <= 2444) or (2447 <= LA21_0 <= 2448) or (2451 <= LA21_0 <= 2472) or (2474 <= LA21_0 <= 2480) or LA21_0 == 2482 or (2486 <= LA21_0 <= 2489) or (2524 <= LA21_0 <= 2525) or (2527 <= LA21_0 <= 2529) or (2534 <= LA21_0 <= 2545) or (2565 <= LA21_0 <= 2570) or (2575 <= LA21_0 <= 2576) or (2579 <= LA21_0 <= 2600) or (2602 <= LA21_0 <= 2608) or (2610 <= LA21_0 <= 2611) or (2613 <= LA21_0 <= 2614) or (2616 <= LA21_0 <= 2617) or (2649 <= LA21_0 <= 2652) or LA21_0 == 2654 or (2662 <= LA21_0 <= 2671) or (2674 <= LA21_0 <= 2676) or (2693 <= LA21_0 <= 2699) or LA21_0 == 2701 or (2703 <= LA21_0 <= 2705) or (2707 <= LA21_0 <= 2728) or (2730 <= LA21_0 <= 2736) or (2738 <= LA21_0 <= 2739) or (2741 <= LA21_0 <= 2745) or LA21_0 == 2749 or LA21_0 == 2768 or LA21_0 == 2784 or (2790 <= LA21_0 <= 2799) or (2821 <= LA21_0 <= 2828) or (2831 <= LA21_0 <= 2832) or (2835 <= LA21_0 <= 2856) or (2858 <= LA21_0 <= 2864) or (2866 <= LA21_0 <= 2867) or (2870 <= LA21_0 <= 2873) or LA21_0 == 2877 or (2908 <= LA21_0 <= 2909) or (2911 <= LA21_0 <= 2913) or (2918 <= LA21_0 <= 2927) or (2949 <= LA21_0 <= 2954) or (2958 <= LA21_0 <= 2960) or (2962 <= LA21_0 <= 2965) or (2969 <= LA21_0 <= 2970) or LA21_0 == 2972 or (2974 <= LA21_0 <= 2975) or (2979 <= LA21_0 <= 2980) or (2984 <= LA21_0 <= 2986) or (2990 <= LA21_0 <= 2997) or (2999 <= LA21_0 <= 3001) or (3047 <= LA21_0 <= 3055) or (3077 <= LA21_0 <= 3084) or (3086 <= LA21_0 <= 3088) or (3090 <= LA21_0 <= 3112) or (3114 <= LA21_0 <= 3123) or (3125 <= LA21_0 <= 3129) or (3168 <= LA21_0 <= 3169) or (3174 <= LA21_0 <= 3183) or (3205 <= LA21_0 <= 3212) or (3214 <= LA21_0 <= 3216) or (3218 <= LA21_0 <= 3240) or (3242 <= LA21_0 <= 3251) or (3253 <= LA21_0 <= 3257) or LA21_0 == 3294 or (3296 <= LA21_0 <= 3297) or (3302 <= LA21_0 <= 3311) or (3333 <= LA21_0 <= 3340) or (3342 <= LA21_0 <= 3344) or (3346 <= LA21_0 <= 3368) or (3370 <= LA21_0 <= 3385) or (3424 <= LA21_0 <= 3425) or (3430 <= LA21_0 <= 3439) or (3461 <= LA21_0 <= 3478) or (3482 <= LA21_0 <= 3505) or (3507 <= LA21_0 <= 3515) or LA21_0 == 3517 or (3520 <= LA21_0 <= 3526) or (3585 <= LA21_0 <= 3632) or (3634 <= LA21_0 <= 3635) or (3648 <= LA21_0 <= 3654) or (3664 <= LA21_0 <= 3673) or (3713 <= LA21_0 <= 3714) or LA21_0 == 3716 or (3719 <= LA21_0 <= 3720) or LA21_0 == 3722 or LA21_0 == 3725 or (3732 <= LA21_0 <= 3735) or (3737 <= LA21_0 <= 3743) or (3745 <= LA21_0 <= 3747) or LA21_0 == 3749 or LA21_0 == 3751 or (3754 <= LA21_0 <= 3755) or (3757 <= LA21_0 <= 3760) or (3762 <= LA21_0 <= 3763) or (3773 <= LA21_0 <= 3780) or LA21_0 == 3782 or (3792 <= LA21_0 <= 3801) or (3804 <= LA21_0 <= 3805) or LA21_0 == 3840 or (3872 <= LA21_0 <= 3881) or (3904 <= LA21_0 <= 3946) or (3976 <= LA21_0 <= 3979) or (4096 <= LA21_0 <= 4129) or (4131 <= LA21_0 <= 4135) or (4137 <= LA21_0 <= 4138) or (4160 <= LA21_0 <= 4169) or (4176 <= LA21_0 <= 4181) or (4256 <= LA21_0 <= 4293) or (4304 <= LA21_0 <= 4342) or (4352 <= LA21_0 <= 4441) or (4447 <= LA21_0 <= 4514) or (4520 <= LA21_0 <= 4601) or (4608 <= LA21_0 <= 4614) or (4616 <= LA21_0 <= 4678) or LA21_0 == 4680 or (4682 <= LA21_0 <= 4685) or (4688 <= LA21_0 <= 4694) or LA21_0 == 4696 or (4698 <= LA21_0 <= 4701) or (4704 <= LA21_0 <= 4742) or LA21_0 == 4744 or (4746 <= LA21_0 <= 4749) or (4752 <= LA21_0 <= 4782) or LA21_0 == 4784 or (4786 <= LA21_0 <= 4789) or (4792 <= LA21_0 <= 4798) or LA21_0 == 4800 or (4802 <= LA21_0 <= 4805) or (4808 <= LA21_0 <= 4814) or (4816 <= LA21_0 <= 4822) or (4824 <= LA21_0 <= 4846) or (4848 <= LA21_0 <= 4878) or LA21_0 == 4880 or (4882 <= LA21_0 <= 4885) or (4888 <= LA21_0 <= 4894) or (4896 <= LA21_0 <= 4934) or (4936 <= LA21_0 <= 4954) or (4969 <= LA21_0 <= 4977) or (5024 <= LA21_0 <= 5108) or (5121 <= LA21_0 <= 5750) or (5761 <= LA21_0 <= 5786) or (5792 <= LA21_0 <= 5866) or (6016 <= LA21_0 <= 6067) or (6112 <= LA21_0 <= 6121) or (6160 <= LA21_0 <= 6169) or (6176 <= LA21_0 <= 6263) or (6272 <= LA21_0 <= 6312) or (7680 <= LA21_0 <= 7835) or (7840 <= LA21_0 <= 7929) or (7936 <= LA21_0 <= 7957) or (7960 <= LA21_0 <= 7965) or (7968 <= LA21_0 <= 8005) or (8008 <= LA21_0 <= 8013) or (8016 <= LA21_0 <= 8023) or LA21_0 == 8025 or LA21_0 == 8027 or LA21_0 == 8029 or (8031 <= LA21_0 <= 8061) or (8064 <= LA21_0 <= 8116) or (8118 <= LA21_0 <= 8124) or LA21_0 == 8126 or (8130 <= LA21_0 <= 8132) or (8134 <= LA21_0 <= 8140) or (8144 <= LA21_0 <= 8147) or (8150 <= LA21_0 <= 8155) or (8160 <= LA21_0 <= 8172) or (8178 <= LA21_0 <= 8180) or (8182 <= LA21_0 <= 8188) or (8255 <= LA21_0 <= 8256) or LA21_0 == 8319 or LA21_0 == 8450 or LA21_0 == 8455 or (8458 <= LA21_0 <= 8467) or LA21_0 == 8469 or (8473 <= LA21_0 <= 8477) or LA21_0 == 8484 or LA21_0 == 8486 or LA21_0 == 8488 or (8490 <= LA21_0 <= 8493) or (8495 <= LA21_0 <= 8497) or (8499 <= LA21_0 <= 8505) or (8544 <= LA21_0 <= 8579) or (12293 <= LA21_0 <= 12295) or (12321 <= LA21_0 <= 12329) or (12337 <= LA21_0 <= 12341) or (12344 <= LA21_0 <= 12346) or (12353 <= LA21_0 <= 12436) or (12445 <= LA21_0 <= 12446) or (12449 <= LA21_0 <= 12542) or (12549 <= LA21_0 <= 12588) or (12593 <= LA21_0 <= 12686) or (12704 <= LA21_0 <= 12727) or LA21_0 == 13312 or LA21_0 == 19893 or LA21_0 == 19968 or LA21_0 == 40869 or (40960 <= LA21_0 <= 42124) or LA21_0 == 44032 or LA21_0 == 55203 or (63744 <= LA21_0 <= 64045) or (64256 <= LA21_0 <= 64262) or (64275 <= LA21_0 <= 64279) or LA21_0 == 64285 or (64287 <= LA21_0 <= 64296) or (64298 <= LA21_0 <= 64310) or (64312 <= LA21_0 <= 64316) or LA21_0 == 64318 or (64320 <= LA21_0 <= 64321) or (64323 <= LA21_0 <= 64324) or (64326 <= LA21_0 <= 64433) or (64467 <= LA21_0 <= 64829) or (64848 <= LA21_0 <= 64911) or (64914 <= LA21_0 <= 64967) or (65008 <= LA21_0 <= 65019) or (65075 <= LA21_0 <= 65076) or (65101 <= LA21_0 <= 65103) or (65136 <= LA21_0 <= 65138) or LA21_0 == 65140 or (65142 <= LA21_0 <= 65276) or (65296 <= LA21_0 <= 65305) or (65313 <= LA21_0 <= 65338) or LA21_0 == 65343 or (65345 <= LA21_0 <= 65370) or (65381 <= LA21_0 <= 65470) or (65474 <= LA21_0 <= 65479) or (65482 <= LA21_0 <= 65487) or (65490 <= LA21_0 <= 65495) or (65498 <= LA21_0 <= 65500)) :
+                    alt21 = 1
+                if alt21 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:469:20: IdentifierPart
+                    pass 
+                    self.mIdentifierPart()
+                else:
+                    break #loop21
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "Identifier"
+    # $ANTLR start "IdentifierStart"
+    def mIdentifierStart(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:473:2: ( UnicodeLetter | '$' | '_' | '\\\\' UnicodeEscapeSequence )
+            alt22 = 4
+            LA22_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if ((65 <= LA22_0 <= 90) or (97 <= LA22_0 <= 122) or LA22_0 == 170 or LA22_0 == 181 or LA22_0 == 186 or (192 <= LA22_0 <= 214) or (216 <= LA22_0 <= 246) or (248 <= LA22_0 <= 543) or (546 <= LA22_0 <= 563) or (592 <= LA22_0 <= 685) or (688 <= LA22_0 <= 696) or (699 <= LA22_0 <= 705) or (720 <= LA22_0 <= 721) or (736 <= LA22_0 <= 740) or LA22_0 == 750 or LA22_0 == 890 or LA22_0 == 902 or (904 <= LA22_0 <= 906) or LA22_0 == 908 or (910 <= LA22_0 <= 929) or (931 <= LA22_0 <= 974) or (976 <= LA22_0 <= 983) or (986 <= LA22_0 <= 1011) or (1024 <= LA22_0 <= 1153) or (1164 <= LA22_0 <= 1220) or (1223 <= LA22_0 <= 1224) or (1227 <= LA22_0 <= 1228) or (1232 <= LA22_0 <= 1269) or (1272 <= LA22_0 <= 1273) or (1329 <= LA22_0 <= 1366) or LA22_0 == 1369 or (1377 <= LA22_0 <= 1415) or (1488 <= LA22_0 <= 1514) or (1520 <= LA22_0 <= 1522) or (1569 <= LA22_0 <= 1594) or (1600 <= LA22_0 <= 1610) or (1649 <= LA22_0 <= 1747) or LA22_0 == 1749 or (1765 <= LA22_0 <= 1766) or (1786 <= LA22_0 <= 1788) or LA22_0 == 1808 or (1810 <= LA22_0 <= 1836) or (1920 <= LA22_0 <= 1957) or (2309 <= LA22_0 <= 2361) or LA22_0 == 2365 or LA22_0 == 2384 or (2392 <= LA22_0 <= 2401) or (2437 <= LA22_0 <= 2444) or (2447 <= LA22_0 <= 2448) or (2451 <= LA22_0 <= 2472) or (2474 <= LA22_0 <= 2480) or LA22_0 == 2482 or (2486 <= LA22_0 <= 2489) or (2524 <= LA22_0 <= 2525) or (2527 <= LA22_0 <= 2529) or (2544 <= LA22_0 <= 2545) or (2565 <= LA22_0 <= 2570) or (2575 <= LA22_0 <= 2576) or (2579 <= LA22_0 <= 2600) or (2602 <= LA22_0 <= 2608) or (2610 <= LA22_0 <= 2611) or (2613 <= LA22_0 <= 2614) or (2616 <= LA22_0 <= 2617) or (2649 <= LA22_0 <= 2652) or LA22_0 == 2654 or (2674 <= LA22_0 <= 2676) or (2693 <= LA22_0 <= 2699) or LA22_0 == 2701 or (2703 <= LA22_0 <= 2705) or (2707 <= LA22_0 <= 2728) or (2730 <= LA22_0 <= 2736) or (2738 <= LA22_0 <= 2739) or (2741 <= LA22_0 <= 2745) or LA22_0 == 2749 or LA22_0 == 2768 or LA22_0 == 2784 or (2821 <= LA22_0 <= 2828) or (2831 <= LA22_0 <= 2832) or (2835 <= LA22_0 <= 2856) or (2858 <= LA22_0 <= 2864) or (2866 <= LA22_0 <= 2867) or (2870 <= LA22_0 <= 2873) or LA22_0 == 2877 or (2908 <= LA22_0 <= 2909) or (2911 <= LA22_0 <= 2913) or (2949 <= LA22_0 <= 2954) or (2958 <= LA22_0 <= 2960) or (2962 <= LA22_0 <= 2965) or (2969 <= LA22_0 <= 2970) or LA22_0 == 2972 or (2974 <= LA22_0 <= 2975) or (2979 <= LA22_0 <= 2980) or (2984 <= LA22_0 <= 2986) or (2990 <= LA22_0 <= 2997) or (2999 <= LA22_0 <= 3001) or (3077 <= LA22_0 <= 3084) or (3086 <= LA22_0 <= 3088) or (3090 <= LA22_0 <= 3112) or (3114 <= LA22_0 <= 3123) or (3125 <= LA22_0 <= 3129) or (3168 <= LA22_0 <= 3169) or (3205 <= LA22_0 <= 3212) or (3214 <= LA22_0 <= 3216) or (3218 <= LA22_0 <= 3240) or (3242 <= LA22_0 <= 3251) or (3253 <= LA22_0 <= 3257) or LA22_0 == 3294 or (3296 <= LA22_0 <= 3297) or (3333 <= LA22_0 <= 3340) or (3342 <= LA22_0 <= 3344) or (3346 <= LA22_0 <= 3368) or (3370 <= LA22_0 <= 3385) or (3424 <= LA22_0 <= 3425) or (3461 <= LA22_0 <= 3478) or (3482 <= LA22_0 <= 3505) or (3507 <= LA22_0 <= 3515) or LA22_0 == 3517 or (3520 <= LA22_0 <= 3526) or (3585 <= LA22_0 <= 3632) or (3634 <= LA22_0 <= 3635) or (3648 <= LA22_0 <= 3654) or (3713 <= LA22_0 <= 3714) or LA22_0 == 3716 or (3719 <= LA22_0 <= 3720) or LA22_0 == 3722 or LA22_0 == 3725 or (3732 <= LA22_0 <= 3735) or (3737 <= LA22_0 <= 3743) or (3745 <= LA22_0 <= 3747) or LA22_0 == 3749 or LA22_0 == 3751 or (3754 <= LA22_0 <= 3755) or (3757 <= LA22_0 <= 3760) or (3762 <= LA22_0 <= 3763) or (3773 <= LA22_0 <= 3780) or LA22_0 == 3782 or (3804 <= LA22_0 <= 3805) or LA22_0 == 3840 or (3904 <= LA22_0 <= 3946) or (3976 <= LA22_0 <= 3979) or (4096 <= LA22_0 <= 4129) or (4131 <= LA22_0 <= 4135) or (4137 <= LA22_0 <= 4138) or (4176 <= LA22_0 <= 4181) or (4256 <= LA22_0 <= 4293) or (4304 <= LA22_0 <= 4342) or (4352 <= LA22_0 <= 4441) or (4447 <= LA22_0 <= 4514) or (4520 <= LA22_0 <= 4601) or (4608 <= LA22_0 <= 4614) or (4616 <= LA22_0 <= 4678) or LA22_0 == 4680 or (4682 <= LA22_0 <= 4685) or (4688 <= LA22_0 <= 4694) or LA22_0 == 4696 or (4698 <= LA22_0 <= 4701) or (4704 <= LA22_0 <= 4742) or LA22_0 == 4744 or (4746 <= LA22_0 <= 4749) or (4752 <= LA22_0 <= 4782) or LA22_0 == 4784 or (4786 <= LA22_0 <= 4789) or (4792 <= LA22_0 <= 4798) or LA22_0 == 4800 or (4802 <= LA22_0 <= 4805) or (4808 <= LA22_0 <= 4814) or (4816 <= LA22_0 <= 4822) or (4824 <= LA22_0 <= 4846) or (4848 <= LA22_0 <= 4878) or LA22_0 == 4880 or (4882 <= LA22_0 <= 4885) or (4888 <= LA22_0 <= 4894) or (4896 <= LA22_0 <= 4934) or (4936 <= LA22_0 <= 4954) or (5024 <= LA22_0 <= 5108) or (5121 <= LA22_0 <= 5750) or (5761 <= LA22_0 <= 5786) or (5792 <= LA22_0 <= 5866) or (6016 <= LA22_0 <= 6067) or (6176 <= LA22_0 <= 6263) or (6272 <= LA22_0 <= 6312) or (7680 <= LA22_0 <= 7835) or (7840 <= LA22_0 <= 7929) or (7936 <= LA22_0 <= 7957) or (7960 <= LA22_0 <= 7965) or (7968 <= LA22_0 <= 8005) or (8008 <= LA22_0 <= 8013) or (8016 <= LA22_0 <= 8023) or LA22_0 == 8025 or LA22_0 == 8027 or LA22_0 == 8029 or (8031 <= LA22_0 <= 8061) or (8064 <= LA22_0 <= 8116) or (8118 <= LA22_0 <= 8124) or LA22_0 == 8126 or (8130 <= LA22_0 <= 8132) or (8134 <= LA22_0 <= 8140) or (8144 <= LA22_0 <= 8147) or (8150 <= LA22_0 <= 8155) or (8160 <= LA22_0 <= 8172) or (8178 <= LA22_0 <= 8180) or (8182 <= LA22_0 <= 8188) or LA22_0 == 8319 or LA22_0 == 8450 or LA22_0 == 8455 or (8458 <= LA22_0 <= 8467) or LA22_0 == 8469 or (8473 <= LA22_0 <= 8477) or LA22_0 == 8484 or LA22_0 == 8486 or LA22_0 == 8488 or (8490 <= LA22_0 <= 8493) or (8495 <= LA22_0 <= 8497) or (8499 <= LA22_0 <= 8505) or (8544 <= LA22_0 <= 8579) or (12293 <= LA22_0 <= 12295) or (12321 <= LA22_0 <= 12329) or (12337 <= LA22_0 <= 12341) or (12344 <= LA22_0 <= 12346) or (12353 <= LA22_0 <= 12436) or (12445 <= LA22_0 <= 12446) or (12449 <= LA22_0 <= 12538) or (12540 <= LA22_0 <= 12542) or (12549 <= LA22_0 <= 12588) or (12593 <= LA22_0 <= 12686) or (12704 <= LA22_0 <= 12727) or LA22_0 == 13312 or LA22_0 == 19893 or LA22_0 == 19968 or LA22_0 == 40869 or (40960 <= LA22_0 <= 42124) or LA22_0 == 44032 or LA22_0 == 55203 or (63744 <= LA22_0 <= 64045) or (64256 <= LA22_0 <= 64262) or (64275 <= LA22_0 <= 64279) or LA22_0 == 64285 or (64287 <= LA22_0 <= 64296) or (64298 <= LA22_0 <= 64310) or (64312 <= LA22_0 <= 64316) or LA22_0 == 64318 or (64320 <= LA22_0 <= 64321) or (64323 <= LA22_0 <= 64324) or (64326 <= LA22_0 <= 64433) or (64467 <= LA22_0 <= 64829) or (64848 <= LA22_0 <= 64911) or (64914 <= LA22_0 <= 64967) or (65008 <= LA22_0 <= 65019) or (65136 <= LA22_0 <= 65138) or LA22_0 == 65140 or (65142 <= LA22_0 <= 65276) or (65313 <= LA22_0 <= 65338) or (65345 <= LA22_0 <= 65370) or (65382 <= LA22_0 <= 65470) or (65474 <= LA22_0 <= 65479) or (65482 <= LA22_0 <= 65487) or (65490 <= LA22_0 <= 65495) or (65498 <= LA22_0 <= 65500)) :
+                alt22 = 1
+            elif (LA22_0 == 36) :
+                alt22 = 2
+            elif (LA22_0 == 95) :
+                alt22 = 3
+            elif (LA22_0 == 92) :
+                alt22 = 4
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 22, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt22 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:473:4: UnicodeLetter
+                pass 
+                self.mUnicodeLetter()
+            elif alt22 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:474:4: '$'
+                pass 
+                self.match(36)
+            elif alt22 == 3:
+                # JavaScript.g:475:4: '_'
+                pass 
+                self.match(95)
+            elif alt22 == 4:
+                # JavaScript.g:476:11: '\\\\' UnicodeEscapeSequence
+                pass 
+                self.match(92)
+                self.mUnicodeEscapeSequence()
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "IdentifierStart"
+    # $ANTLR start "IdentifierPart"
+    def mIdentifierPart(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:480:2: ( ( IdentifierStart )=> IdentifierStart | UnicodeDigit | UnicodeConnectorPunctuation )
+            alt23 = 3
+            LA23_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if ((65 <= LA23_0 <= 90) or (97 <= LA23_0 <= 122) or LA23_0 == 170 or LA23_0 == 181 or LA23_0 == 186 or (192 <= LA23_0 <= 214) or (216 <= LA23_0 <= 246) or (248 <= LA23_0 <= 543) or (546 <= LA23_0 <= 563) or (592 <= LA23_0 <= 685) or (688 <= LA23_0 <= 696) or (699 <= LA23_0 <= 705) or (720 <= LA23_0 <= 721) or (736 <= LA23_0 <= 740) or LA23_0 == 750 or LA23_0 == 890 or LA23_0 == 902 or (904 <= LA23_0 <= 906) or LA23_0 == 908 or (910 <= LA23_0 <= 929) or (931 <= LA23_0 <= 974) or (976 <= LA23_0 <= 983) or (986 <= LA23_0 <= 1011) or (1024 <= LA23_0 <= 1153) or (1164 <= LA23_0 <= 1220) or (1223 <= LA23_0 <= 1224) or (1227 <= LA23_0 <= 1228) or (1232 <= LA23_0 <= 1269) or (1272 <= LA23_0 <= 1273) or (1329 <= LA23_0 <= 1366) or LA23_0 == 1369 or (1377 <= LA23_0 <= 1415) or (1488 <= LA23_0 <= 1514) or (1520 <= LA23_0 <= 1522) or (1569 <= LA23_0 <= 1594) or (1600 <= LA23_0 <= 1610) or (1649 <= LA23_0 <= 1747) or LA23_0 == 1749 or (1765 <= LA23_0 <= 1766) or (1786 <= LA23_0 <= 1788) or LA23_0 == 1808 or (1810 <= LA23_0 <= 1836) or (1920 <= LA23_0 <= 1957) or (2309 <= LA23_0 <= 2361) or LA23_0 == 2365 or LA23_0 == 2384 or (2392 <= LA23_0 <= 2401) or (2437 <= LA23_0 <= 2444) or (2447 <= LA23_0 <= 2448) or (2451 <= LA23_0 <= 2472) or (2474 <= LA23_0 <= 2480) or LA23_0 == 2482 or (2486 <= LA23_0 <= 2489) or (2524 <= LA23_0 <= 2525) or (2527 <= LA23_0 <= 2529) or (2544 <= LA23_0 <= 2545) or (2565 <= LA23_0 <= 2570) or (2575 <= LA23_0 <= 2576) or (2579 <= LA23_0 <= 2600) or (2602 <= LA23_0 <= 2608) or (2610 <= LA23_0 <= 2611) or (2613 <= LA23_0 <= 2614) or (2616 <= LA23_0 <= 2617) or (2649 <= LA23_0 <= 2652) or LA23_0 == 2654 or (2674 <= LA23_0 <= 2676) or (2693 <= LA23_0 <= 2699) or LA23_0 == 2701 or (2703 <= LA23_0 <= 2705) or (2707 <= LA23_0 <= 2728) or (2730 <= LA23_0 <= 2736) or (2738 <= LA23_0 <= 2739) or (2741 <= LA23_0 <= 2745) or LA23_0 == 2749 or LA23_0 == 2768 or LA23_0 == 2784 or (2821 <= LA23_0 <= 2828) or (2831 <= LA23_0 <= 2832) or (2835 <= LA23_0 <= 2856) or (2858 <= LA23_0 <= 2864) or (2866 <= LA23_0 <= 2867) or (2870 <= LA23_0 <= 2873) or LA23_0 == 2877 or (2908 <= LA23_0 <= 2909) or (2911 <= LA23_0 <= 2913) or (2949 <= LA23_0 <= 2954) or (2958 <= LA23_0 <= 2960) or (2962 <= LA23_0 <= 2965) or (2969 <= LA23_0 <= 2970) or LA23_0 == 2972 or (2974 <= LA23_0 <= 2975) or (2979 <= LA23_0 <= 2980) or (2984 <= LA23_0 <= 2986) or (2990 <= LA23_0 <= 2997) or (2999 <= LA23_0 <= 3001) or (3077 <= LA23_0 <= 3084) or (3086 <= LA23_0 <= 3088) or (3090 <= LA23_0 <= 3112) or (3114 <= LA23_0 <= 3123) or (3125 <= LA23_0 <= 3129) or (3168 <= LA23_0 <= 3169) or (3205 <= LA23_0 <= 3212) or (3214 <= LA23_0 <= 3216) or (3218 <= LA23_0 <= 3240) or (3242 <= LA23_0 <= 3251) or (3253 <= LA23_0 <= 3257) or LA23_0 == 3294 or (3296 <= LA23_0 <= 3297) or (3333 <= LA23_0 <= 3340) or (3342 <= LA23_0 <= 3344) or (3346 <= LA23_0 <= 3368) or (3370 <= LA23_0 <= 3385) or (3424 <= LA23_0 <= 3425) or (3461 <= LA23_0 <= 3478) or (3482 <= LA23_0 <= 3505) or (3507 <= LA23_0 <= 3515) or LA23_0 == 3517 or (3520 <= LA23_0 <= 3526) or (3585 <= LA23_0 <= 3632) or (3634 <= LA23_0 <= 3635) or (3648 <= LA23_0 <= 3654) or (3713 <= LA23_0 <= 3714) or LA23_0 == 3716 or (3719 <= LA23_0 <= 3720) or LA23_0 == 3722 or LA23_0 == 3725 or (3732 <= LA23_0 <= 3735) or (3737 <= LA23_0 <= 3743) or (3745 <= LA23_0 <= 3747) or LA23_0 == 3749 or LA23_0 == 3751 or (3754 <= LA23_0 <= 3755) or (3757 <= LA23_0 <= 3760) or (3762 <= LA23_0 <= 3763) or (3773 <= LA23_0 <= 3780) or LA23_0 == 3782 or (3804 <= LA23_0 <= 3805) or LA23_0 == 3840 or (3904 <= LA23_0 <= 3946) or (3976 <= LA23_0 <= 3979) or (4096 <= LA23_0 <= 4129) or (4131 <= LA23_0 <= 4135) or (4137 <= LA23_0 <= 4138) or (4176 <= LA23_0 <= 4181) or (4256 <= LA23_0 <= 4293) or (4304 <= LA23_0 <= 4342) or (4352 <= LA23_0 <= 4441) or (4447 <= LA23_0 <= 4514) or (4520 <= LA23_0 <= 4601) or (4608 <= LA23_0 <= 4614) or (4616 <= LA23_0 <= 4678) or LA23_0 == 4680 or (4682 <= LA23_0 <= 4685) or (4688 <= LA23_0 <= 4694) or LA23_0 == 4696 or (4698 <= LA23_0 <= 4701) or (4704 <= LA23_0 <= 4742) or LA23_0 == 4744 or (4746 <= LA23_0 <= 4749) or (4752 <= LA23_0 <= 4782) or LA23_0 == 4784 or (4786 <= LA23_0 <= 4789) or (4792 <= LA23_0 <= 4798) or LA23_0 == 4800 or (4802 <= LA23_0 <= 4805) or (4808 <= LA23_0 <= 4814) or (4816 <= LA23_0 <= 4822) or (4824 <= LA23_0 <= 4846) or (4848 <= LA23_0 <= 4878) or LA23_0 == 4880 or (4882 <= LA23_0 <= 4885) or (4888 <= LA23_0 <= 4894) or (4896 <= LA23_0 <= 4934) or (4936 <= LA23_0 <= 4954) or (5024 <= LA23_0 <= 5108) or (5121 <= LA23_0 <= 5750) or (5761 <= LA23_0 <= 5786) or (5792 <= LA23_0 <= 5866) or (6016 <= LA23_0 <= 6067) or (6176 <= LA23_0 <= 6263) or (6272 <= LA23_0 <= 6312) or (7680 <= LA23_0 <= 7835) or (7840 <= LA23_0 <= 7929) or (7936 <= LA23_0 <= 7957) or (7960 <= LA23_0 <= 7965) or (7968 <= LA23_0 <= 8005) or (8008 <= LA23_0 <= 8013) or (8016 <= LA23_0 <= 8023) or LA23_0 == 8025 or LA23_0 == 8027 or LA23_0 == 8029 or (8031 <= LA23_0 <= 8061) or (8064 <= LA23_0 <= 8116) or (8118 <= LA23_0 <= 8124) or LA23_0 == 8126 or (8130 <= LA23_0 <= 8132) or (8134 <= LA23_0 <= 8140) or (8144 <= LA23_0 <= 8147) or (8150 <= LA23_0 <= 8155) or (8160 <= LA23_0 <= 8172) or (8178 <= LA23_0 <= 8180) or (8182 <= LA23_0 <= 8188) or LA23_0 == 8319 or LA23_0 == 8450 or LA23_0 == 8455 or (8458 <= LA23_0 <= 8467) or LA23_0 == 8469 or (8473 <= LA23_0 <= 8477) or LA23_0 == 8484 or LA23_0 == 8486 or LA23_0 == 8488 or (8490 <= LA23_0 <= 8493) or (8495 <= LA23_0 <= 8497) or (8499 <= LA23_0 <= 8505) or (8544 <= LA23_0 <= 8579) or (12293 <= LA23_0 <= 12295) or (12321 <= LA23_0 <= 12329) or (12337 <= LA23_0 <= 12341) or (12344 <= LA23_0 <= 12346) or (12353 <= LA23_0 <= 12436) or (12445 <= LA23_0 <= 12446) or (12449 <= LA23_0 <= 12538) or (12540 <= LA23_0 <= 12542) or (12549 <= LA23_0 <= 12588) or (12593 <= LA23_0 <= 12686) or (12704 <= LA23_0 <= 12727) or LA23_0 == 13312 or LA23_0 == 19893 or LA23_0 == 19968 or LA23_0 == 40869 or (40960 <= LA23_0 <= 42124) or LA23_0 == 44032 or LA23_0 == 55203 or (63744 <= LA23_0 <= 64045) or (64256 <= LA23_0 <= 64262) or (64275 <= LA23_0 <= 64279) or LA23_0 == 64285 or (64287 <= LA23_0 <= 64296) or (64298 <= LA23_0 <= 64310) or (64312 <= LA23_0 <= 64316) or LA23_0 == 64318 or (64320 <= LA23_0 <= 64321) or (64323 <= LA23_0 <= 64324) or (64326 <= LA23_0 <= 64433) or (64467 <= LA23_0 <= 64829) or (64848 <= LA23_0 <= 64911) or (64914 <= LA23_0 <= 64967) or (65008 <= LA23_0 <= 65019) or (65136 <= LA23_0 <= 65138) or LA23_0 == 65140 or (65142 <= LA23_0 <= 65276) or (65313 <= LA23_0 <= 65338) or (65345 <= LA23_0 <= 65370) or (65382 <= LA23_0 <= 65470) or (65474 <= LA23_0 <= 65479) or (65482 <= LA23_0 <= 65487) or (65490 <= LA23_0 <= 65495) or (65498 <= LA23_0 <= 65500)) and (self.synpred1_JavaScript()):
+                alt23 = 1
+            elif (LA23_0 == 36) and (self.synpred1_JavaScript()):
+                alt23 = 1
+            elif (LA23_0 == 95) :
+                LA23_3 = self.input.LA(2)
+                if (self.synpred1_JavaScript()) :
+                    alt23 = 1
+                elif (True) :
+                    alt23 = 3
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 23, 3, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+            elif (LA23_0 == 92) and (self.synpred1_JavaScript()):
+                alt23 = 1
+            elif ((48 <= LA23_0 <= 57) or (1632 <= LA23_0 <= 1641) or (1776 <= LA23_0 <= 1785) or (2406 <= LA23_0 <= 2415) or (2534 <= LA23_0 <= 2543) or (2662 <= LA23_0 <= 2671) or (2790 <= LA23_0 <= 2799) or (2918 <= LA23_0 <= 2927) or (3047 <= LA23_0 <= 3055) or (3174 <= LA23_0 <= 3183) or (3302 <= LA23_0 <= 3311) or (3430 <= LA23_0 <= 3439) or (3664 <= LA23_0 <= 3673) or (3792 <= LA23_0 <= 3801) or (3872 <= LA23_0 <= 3881) or (4160 <= LA23_0 <= 4169) or (4969 <= LA23_0 <= 4977) or (6112 <= LA23_0 <= 6121) or (6160 <= LA23_0 <= 6169) or (65296 <= LA23_0 <= 65305)) :
+                alt23 = 2
+            elif ((8255 <= LA23_0 <= 8256) or LA23_0 == 12539 or (65075 <= LA23_0 <= 65076) or (65101 <= LA23_0 <= 65103) or LA23_0 == 65343 or LA23_0 == 65381) :
+                alt23 = 3
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                nvae = NoViableAltException("", 23, 0, self.input)
+                raise nvae
+            if alt23 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:480:4: ( IdentifierStart )=> IdentifierStart
+                pass 
+                self.mIdentifierStart()
+            elif alt23 == 2:
+                # JavaScript.g:481:4: UnicodeDigit
+                pass 
+                self.mUnicodeDigit()
+            elif alt23 == 3:
+                # JavaScript.g:482:4: UnicodeConnectorPunctuation
+                pass 
+                self.mUnicodeConnectorPunctuation()
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "IdentifierPart"
+    # $ANTLR start "UnicodeLetter"
+    def mUnicodeLetter(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:486:2: ( '\\u0041' .. '\\u005A' | '\\u0061' .. '\\u007A' | '\\u00AA' | '\\u00B5' | '\\u00BA' | '\\u00C0' .. '\\u00D6' | '\\u00D8' .. '\\u00F6' | '\\u00F8' .. '\\u021F' | '\\u0222' .. '\\u0233' | '\\u0250' .. '\\u02AD' | '\\u02B0' .. '\\u02B8' | '\\u02BB' .. '\\u02C1' | '\\u02D0' .. '\\u02D1' | '\\u02E0' .. '\\u02E4' | '\\u02EE' | '\\u037A' | '\\u0386' | '\\u0388' .. '\\u038A' | '\\u038C' | '\\u038E' .. '\\u03A1' | '\\u03A3' .. '\\u03CE' | '\\u03D0' .. '\\u03D7' | '\\u03DA' .. '\\u03F3' | '\\u0400' .. '\\u0481' | '\\u048C' .. '\\u04C4' | '\\u04C7' .. '\\u04C8' | '\\u04CB' .. '\\u04CC' | '\\u04D0' .. '\\u04F5' | '\\u04F8' .. '\\u04F9' | '\\u0531' .. '\\u0556' | '\\u0559' | '\\u0561' .. '\\u0587' | '\\u05D0' .. '\\u05EA' | '\\u05F0' .. '\\u05F2' | '\\u0621' .. '\\u063A' | '\\u0640' .. '\\u064A' | '\\u0671' .. '\\u06D3' | '\\u06D5' | '\\u06E5' .. '\\u06E6' | '\\u06FA' .. '\\u06FC' | '\\u0710' | '\\u0712' .. '\\u072C' | '\\u0780' .. '\\u07A5' | '\\u0905' .. '\\u0939' | '\\u093D' | '\\u0950' | '\\u0958' .. '\\u0961' | '\\u0985' .. '\\u098C' | '\\u098F' .. '\\u0990' | '\\u0993' .. '\\u09A8' | '\\u09AA' .. '\\u09B0' | '\\u09B2' | '\\u09B6' .. '\\u09B9' | '\\u09DC' .. '\\u09DD' | '\\u09DF' .. '\\u09E1' | '\\u09F0' .. '\\u09F1' | '\\u0A05' .. '\\u0A0A' | '\\u0A0F' .. '\\u0A10' | '\\u0A13' .. '\\u0A28' | '\\u0A2A' .. '\\u0A30' | '\\u0A32' .. '\\u0A33' | '\\u0A35' .. '\\u0A36' | '\\u0A38' .. '\\u0A39' | '\\u0A59' .. '\\u0A5C' | '\\u0A5E' | '\\u0A72' .. '\\u0A74' | '\\u0A85' .. '\\u0A8B' | '\\u0A8D' | '\\u0A8F' .. '\\u0A91' | '\\u0A93' .. '\\u0AA8' | '\\u0AAA' .. '\\u0AB0' | '\\u0AB2' .. '\\u0AB3' | '\\u0AB5' .. '\\u0AB9' | '\\u0ABD' | '\\u0AD0' | '\\u0AE0' | '\\u0B05' .. '\\u0B0C' | '\\u0B0F' .. '\\u0B10' | '\\u0B13' .. '\\u0B28' | '\\u0B2A' .. '\\u0B30' | '\\u0B32' .. '\\u0B33' | '\\u0B36' .. '\\u0B39' | '\\u0B3D' | '\\u0B5C' .. '\\u0B5D' | '\\u0B5F' .. '\\u0B61' | '\\u0B85' .. '\\u0B8A' | '\\u0B8E' .. '\\u0B90' | '\\u0B92' .. '\\u0B95' | '\\u0B99' .. '\\u0B9A' | '\\u0B9C' | '\\u0B9E' .. '\\u0B9F' | '\\u0BA3' .. '\\u0BA4' | '\\u0BA8' .. '\\u0BAA' | '\\u0BAE' .. '\\u0BB5' | '\\u0BB7' .. '\\u0BB9' | '\\u0C05' .. '\\u0C0C' | '\\u0C0E' .. '\\u0C10' | '\\u0C12' .. '\\u0C28' | '\\u0C2A' .. '\\u0C33' | '\\u0C35' .. '\\u0C39' | '\\u0C60' .. '\\u0C61' | '\\u0C85' .. '\\u0C8C' | '\\u0C8E' .. '\\u0C90' | '\\u0C92' .. '\\u0CA8' | '\\u0CAA' .. '\\u0CB3' | '\\u0CB5' .. '\\u0CB9' | '\\u0CDE' | '\\u0CE0' .. '\\u0CE1' | '\\u0D05' .. '\\u0D0C' | '\\u0D0E' .. '\\u0D10' | '\\u0D12' .. '\\u0D28' | '\\u0D2A' .. '\\u0D39' | '\\u0D60' .. '\\u0D61' | '\\u0D85' .. '\\u0D96' | '\\u0D9A' .. '\\u0DB1' | '\\u0DB3' .. '\\u0DBB' | '\\u0DBD' | '\\u0DC0' .. '\\u0DC6' | '\\u0E01' .. '\\u0E30' | '\\u0E32' .. '\\u0E33' | '\\u0E40' .. '\\u0E46' | '\\u0E81' .. '\\u0E82' | '\\u0E84' | '\\u0E87' .. '\\u0E88' | '\\u0E8A' | '\\u0E8D' | '\\u0E94' .. '\\u0E97' | '\\u0E99' .. '\\u0E9F' | '\\u0EA1' .. '\\u0EA3' | '\\u0EA5' | '\\u0EA7' | '\\u0EAA' .. '\\u0EAB' | '\\u0EAD' .. '\\u0EB0' | '\\u0EB2' .. '\\u0EB3' | '\\u0EBD' .. '\\u0EC4' | '\\u0EC6' | '\\u0EDC' .. '\\u0EDD' | '\\u0F00' | '\\u0F40' .. '\\u0F6A' | '\\u0F88' .. '\\u0F8B' | '\\u1000' .. '\\u1021' | '\\u1023' .. '\\u1027' | '\\u1029' .. '\\u102A' | '\\u1050' .. '\\u1055' | '\\u10A0' .. '\\u10C5' | '\\u10D0' .. '\\u10F6' | '\\u1100' .. '\\u1159' | '\\u115F' .. '\\u11A2' | '\\u11A8' .. '\\u11F9' | '\\u1200' .. '\\u1206' | '\\u1208' .. '\\u1246' | '\\u1248' | '\\u124A' .. '\\u124D' | '\\u1250' .. '\\u1256' | '\\u1258' | '\\u125A' .. '\\u125D' | '\\u1260' .. '\\u1286' | '\\u1288' | '\\u128A' .. '\\u128D' | '\\u1290' .. '\\u12AE' | '\\u12B0' | '\\u12B2' .. '\\u12B5' | '\\u12B8' .. '\\u12BE' | '\\u12C0' | '\\u12C2' .. '\\u12C5' | '\\u12C8' .. '\\u12CE' | '\\u12D0' .. '\\u12D6' | '\\u12D8' .. '\\u12EE' | '\\u12F0' .. '\\u130E' | '\\u1310' | '\\u1312' .. '\\u1315' | '\\u1318' .. '\\u131E' | '\\u1320' .. '\\u1346' | '\\u1348' .. '\\u135A' | '\\u13A0' .. '\\u13B0' | '\\u13B1' .. '\\u13F4' | '\\u1401' .. '\\u1676' | '\\u1681' .. '\\u169A' | '\\u16A0' .. '\\u16EA' | '\\u1780' .. '\\u17B3' | '\\u1820' .. '\\u1877' | '\\u1880' .. '\\u18A8' | '\\u1E00' .. '\\u1E9B' | '\\u1EA0' .. '\\u1EE0' | '\\u1EE1' .. '\\u1EF9' | '\\u1F00' .. '\\u1F15' | '\\u1F18' .. '\\u1F1D' | '\\u1F20' .. '\\u1F39' | '\\u1F3A' .. '\\u1F45' | '\\u1F48' .. '\\u1F4D' | '\\u1F50' .. '\\u1F57' | '\\u1F59' | '\\u1F5B' | '\\u1F5D' | '\\u1F5F' .. '\\u1F7D' | '\\u1F80' .. '\\u1FB4' | '\\u1FB6' .. '\\u1FBC' | '\\u1FBE' | '\\u1FC2' .. '\\u1FC4' | '\\u1FC6' .. '\\u1FCC' | '\\u1FD0' .. '\\u1FD3' | '\\u1FD6' .. '\\u1FDB' | '\\u1FE0' .. '\\u1FEC' | '\\u1FF2' .. '\\u1FF4' | '\\u1FF6' .. '\\u1FFC' | '\\u207F' | '\\u2102' | '\\u2107' | '\\u210A' .. '\\u2113' | '\\u2115' | '\\u2119' .. '\\u211D' | '\\u2124' | '\\u2126' | '\\u2128' | '\\u212A' .. '\\u212D' | '\\u212F' .. '\\u2131' | '\\u2133' .. '\\u2139' | '\\u2160' .. '\\u2183' | '\\u3005' .. '\\u3007' | '\\u3021' .. '\\u3029' | '\\u3031' .. '\\u3035' | '\\u3038' .. '\\u303A' | '\\u3041' .. '\\u3094' | '\\u309D' .. '\\u309E' | '\\u30A1' .. '\\u30FA' | '\\u30FC' .. '\\u30FE' | '\\u3105' .. '\\u312C' | '\\u3131' .. '\\u318E' | '\\u31A0' .. '\\u31B7' | '\\u3400' | '\\u4DB5' | '\\u4E00' | '\\u9FA5' | '\\uA000' .. '\\uA48C' | '\\uAC00' | '\\uD7A3' | '\\uF900' .. '\\uFA2D' | '\\uFB00' .. '\\uFB06' | '\\uFB13' .. '\\uFB17' | '\\uFB1D' | '\\uFB1F' .. '\\uFB28' | '\\uFB2A' .. '\\uFB36' | '\\uFB38' .. '\\uFB3C' | '\\uFB3E' | '\\uFB40' .. '\\uFB41' | '\\uFB43' .. '\\uFB44' | '\\uFB46' .. '\\uFBB1' | '\\uFBD3' .. '\\uFD3D' | '\\uFD50' .. '\\uFD8F' | '\\uFD92' .. '\\uFDC7' | '\\uFDF0' .. '\\uFDFB' | '\\uFE70' .. '\\uFE72' | '\\uFE74' | '\\uFE76' .. '\\uFEFC' | '\\uFF21' .. '\\uFF3A' | '\\uFF41' .. '\\uFF5A' | '\\uFF66' .. '\\uFFBE' | '\\uFFC2' .. '\\uFFC7' | '\\uFFCA' .. '\\uFFCF' | '\\uFFD2' .. '\\uFFD7' | '\\uFFDA' .. '\\uFFDC' )
+            # JavaScript.g:
+            pass 
+            if (65 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 90) or (97 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 122) or self.input.LA(1) == 170 or self.input.LA(1) == 181 or self.input.LA(1) == 186 or (192 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 214) or (216 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 246) or (248 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 543) or (546 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 563) or (592 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 685) or (688 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 696) or (699 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 705) or (720 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 721) or (736 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 740) or self.input.LA(1) == 750 or self.input.LA(1) == 890 or self.input.LA(1) == 902 or (904 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 906) or self.input.LA(1) == 908 or (910 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 929) or (931 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 974) or (976 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 983) or (986 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1011) or (1024 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1153) or (1164 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1220) or (1223 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1224) or (1227 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1228) or (1232 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1269) or (1272 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1273) or (1329 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1366) or self.input.LA(1) == 1369 or (1377 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1415) or (1488 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1514) or (1520 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1522) or (1569 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1594) or (1600 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1610) or (1649 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1747) or self.input.LA(1) == 1749 or (1765 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1766) or (1786 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1788) or self.input.LA(1) == 1808 or (1810 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1836) or (1920 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1957) or (2309 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2361) or self.input.LA(1) == 2365 or self.input.LA(1) == 2384 or (2392 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2401) or (2437 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2444) or (2447 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2448) or (2451 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2472) or (2474 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2480) or self.input.LA(1) == 2482 or (2486 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2489) or (2524 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2525) or (2527 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2529) or (2544 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2545) or (2565 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2570) or (2575 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2576) or (2579 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2600) or (2602 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2608) or (2610 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2611) or (2613 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2614) or (2616 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2617) or (2649 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2652) or self.input.LA(1) == 2654 or (2674 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2676) or (2693 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2699) or self.input.LA(1) == 2701 or (2703 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2705) or (2707 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2728) or (2730 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2736) or (2738 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2739) or (2741 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2745) or self.input.LA(1) == 2749 or self.input.LA(1) == 2768 or self.input.LA(1) == 2784 or (2821 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2828) or (2831 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2832) or (2835 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2856) or (2858 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2864) or (2866 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2867) or (2870 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2873) or self.input.LA(1) == 2877 or (2908 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2909) or (2911 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2913) or (2949 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2954) or (2958 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2960) or (2962 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2965) or (2969 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2970) or self.input.LA(1) == 2972 or (2974 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2975) or (2979 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2980) or (2984 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2986) or (2990 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2997) or (2999 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3001) or (3077 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3084) or (3086 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3088) or (3090 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3112) or (3114 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3123) or (3125 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3129) or (3168 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3169) or (3205 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3212) or (3214 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3216) or (3218 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3240) or (3242 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3251) or (3253 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3257) or self.input.LA(1) == 3294 or (3296 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3297) or (3333 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3340) or (3342 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3344) or (3346 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3368) or (3370 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3385) or (3424 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3425) or (3461 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3478) or (3482 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3505) or (3507 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3515) or self.input.LA(1) == 3517 or (3520 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3526) or (3585 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3632) or (3634 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3635) or (3648 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3654) or (3713 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3714) or self.input.LA(1) == 3716 or (3719 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3720) or self.input.LA(1) == 3722 or self.input.LA(1) == 3725 or (3732 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3735) or (3737 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3743) or (3745 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3747) or self.input.LA(1) == 3749 or self.input.LA(1) == 3751 or (3754 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3755) or (3757 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3760) or (3762 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3763) or (3773 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3780) or self.input.LA(1) == 3782 or (3804 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3805) or self.input.LA(1) == 3840 or (3904 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3946) or (3976 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3979) or (4096 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4129) or (4131 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4135) or (4137 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4138) or (4176 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4181) or (4256 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4293) or (4304 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4342) or (4352 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4441) or (4447 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4514) or (4520 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4601) or (4608 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4614) or (4616 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4678) or self.input.LA(1) == 4680 or (4682 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4685) or (4688 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4694) or self.input.LA(1) == 4696 or (4698 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4701) or (4704 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4742) or self.input.LA(1) == 4744 or (4746 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4749) or (4752 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4782) or self.input.LA(1) == 4784 or (4786 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4789) or (4792 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4798) or self.input.LA(1) == 4800 or (4802 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4805) or (4808 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4814) or (4816 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4822) or (4824 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4846) or (4848 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4878) or self.input.LA(1) == 4880 or (4882 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4885) or (4888 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4894) or (4896 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4934) or (4936 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4954) or (5024 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 5108) or (5121 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 5750) or (5761 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 5786) or (5792 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 5866) or (6016 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 6067) or (6176 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 6263) or (6272 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 6312) or (7680 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 7835) or (7840 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 7929) or (7936 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 7957) or (7960 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 7965) or (7968 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8005) or (8008 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8013) or (8016 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8023) or self.input.LA(1) == 8025 or self.input.LA(1) == 8027 or self.input.LA(1) == 8029 or (8031 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8061) or (8064 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8116) or (8118 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8124) or self.input.LA(1) == 8126 or (8130 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8132) or (8134 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8140) or (8144 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8147) or (8150 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8155) or (8160 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8172) or (8178 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8180) or (8182 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8188) or self.input.LA(1) == 8319 or self.input.LA(1) == 8450 or self.input.LA(1) == 8455 or (8458 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8467) or self.input.LA(1) == 8469 or (8473 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8477) or self.input.LA(1) == 8484 or self.input.LA(1) == 8486 or self.input.LA(1) == 8488 or (8490 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8493) or (8495 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8497) or (8499 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8505) or (8544 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8579) or (12293 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12295) or (12321 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12329) or (12337 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12341) or (12344 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12346) or (12353 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12436) or (12445 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12446) or (12449 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12538) or (12540 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12542) or (12549 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12588) or (12593 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12686) or (12704 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12727) or self.input.LA(1) == 13312 or self.input.LA(1) == 19893 or self.input.LA(1) == 19968 or self.input.LA(1) == 40869 or (40960 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 42124) or self.input.LA(1) == 44032 or self.input.LA(1) == 55203 or (63744 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64045) or (64256 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64262) or (64275 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64279) or self.input.LA(1) == 64285 or (64287 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64296) or (64298 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64310) or (64312 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64316) or self.input.LA(1) == 64318 or (64320 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64321) or (64323 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64324) or (64326 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64433) or (64467 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64829) or (64848 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64911) or (64914 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 64967) or (65008 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65019) or (65136 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65138) or self.input.LA(1) == 65140 or (65142 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65276) or (65313 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65338) or (65345 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65370) or (65382 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65470) or (65474 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65479) or (65482 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65487) or (65490 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65495) or (65498 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65500):
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "UnicodeLetter"
+    # $ANTLR start "UnicodeCombiningMark"
+    def mUnicodeCombiningMark(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:750:2: ( '\\u0300' .. '\\u034E' | '\\u0360' .. '\\u0362' | '\\u0483' .. '\\u0486' | '\\u0591' .. '\\u05A1' | '\\u05A3' .. '\\u05B9' | '\\u05BB' .. '\\u05BD' | '\\u05BF' | '\\u05C1' .. '\\u05C2' | '\\u05C4' | '\\u064B' .. '\\u0655' | '\\u0670' | '\\u06D6' .. '\\u06DC' | '\\u06DF' .. '\\u06E4' | '\\u06E7' .. '\\u06E8' | '\\u06EA' .. '\\u06ED' | '\\u0711' | '\\u0730' .. '\\u074A' | '\\u07A6' .. '\\u07B0' | '\\u0901' .. '\\u0903' | '\\u093C' | '\\u093E' .. '\\u094D' | '\\u0951' .. '\\u0954' | '\\u0962' .. '\\u0963' | '\\u0981' .. '\\u0983' | '\\u09BC' .. '\\u09C4' | '\\u09C7' .. '\\u09C8' | '\\u09CB' .. '\\u09CD' | '\\u09D7' | '\\u09E2' .. '\\u09E3' | '\\u0A02' | '\\u0A3C' | '\\u0A3E' .. '\\u0A42' | '\\u0A47' .. '\\u0A48' | '\\u0A4B' .. '\\u0A4D' | '\\u0A70' .. '\\u0A71' | '\\u0A81' .. '\\u0A83' | '\\u0ABC' | '\\u0ABE' .. '\\u0AC5' | '\\u0AC7' .. '\\u0AC9' | '\\u0ACB' .. '\\u0ACD' | '\\u0B01' .. '\\u0B03' | '\\u0B3C' | '\\u0B3E' .. '\\u0B43' | '\\u0B47' .. '\\u0B48' | '\\u0B4B' .. '\\u0B4D' | '\\u0B56' .. '\\u0B57' | '\\u0B82' .. '\\u0B83' | '\\u0BBE' .. '\\u0BC2' | '\\u0BC6' .. '\\u0BC8' | '\\u0BCA' .. '\\u0BCD' | '\\u0BD7' | '\\u0C01' .. '\\u0C03' | '\\u0C3E' .. '\\u0C44' | '\\u0C46' .. '\\u0C48' | '\\u0C4A' .. '\\u0C4D' | '\\u0C55' .. '\\u0C56' | '\\u0C82' .. '\\u0C83' | '\\u0CBE' .. '\\u0CC4' | '\\u0CC6' .. '\\u0CC8' | '\\u0CCA' .. '\\u0CCD' | '\\u0CD5' .. '\\u0CD6' | '\\u0D02' .. '\\u0D03' | '\\u0D3E' .. '\\u0D43' | '\\u0D46' .. '\\u0D48' | '\\u0D4A' .. '\\u0D4D' | '\\u0D57' | '\\u0D82' .. '\\u0D83' | '\\u0DCA' | '\\u0DCF' .. '\\u0DD4' | '\\u0DD6' | '\\u0DD8' .. '\\u0DDF' | '\\u0DF2' .. '\\u0DF3' | '\\u0E31' | '\\u0E34' .. '\\u0E3A' | '\\u0E47' .. '\\u0E4E' | '\\u0EB1' | '\\u0EB4' .. '\\u0EB9' | '\\u0EBB' .. '\\u0EBC' | '\\u0EC8' .. '\\u0ECD' | '\\u0F18' .. '\\u0F19' | '\\u0F35' | '\\u0F37' | '\\u0F39' | '\\u0F3E' .. '\\u0F3F' | '\\u0F71' .. '\\u0F84' | '\\u0F86' .. '\\u0F87' | '\\u0F90' .. '\\u0F97' | '\\u0F99' .. '\\u0FBC' | '\\u0FC6' | '\\u102C' .. '\\u1032' | '\\u1036' .. '\\u1039' | '\\u1056' .. '\\u1059' | '\\u17B4' .. '\\u17D3' | '\\u18A9' | '\\u20D0' .. '\\u20DC' | '\\u20E1' | '\\u302A' .. '\\u302F' | '\\u3099' .. '\\u309A' | '\\uFB1E' | '\\uFE20' .. '\\uFE23' )
+            # JavaScript.g:
+            pass 
+            if (768 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 846) or (864 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 866) or (1155 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1158) or (1425 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1441) or (1443 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1465) or (1467 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1469) or self.input.LA(1) == 1471 or (1473 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1474) or self.input.LA(1) == 1476 or (1611 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1621) or self.input.LA(1) == 1648 or (1750 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1756) or (1759 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1764) or (1767 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1768) or (1770 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1773) or self.input.LA(1) == 1809 or (1840 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1866) or (1958 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1968) or (2305 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2307) or self.input.LA(1) == 2364 or (2366 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2381) or (2385 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2388) or (2402 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2403) or (2433 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2435) or (2492 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2500) or (2503 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2504) or (2507 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2509) or self.input.LA(1) == 2519 or (2530 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2531) or self.input.LA(1) == 2562 or self.input.LA(1) == 2620 or (2622 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2626) or (2631 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2632) or (2635 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2637) or (2672 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2673) or (2689 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2691) or self.input.LA(1) == 2748 or (2750 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2757) or (2759 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2761) or (2763 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2765) or (2817 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2819) or self.input.LA(1) == 2876 or (2878 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2883) or (2887 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2888) or (2891 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2893) or (2902 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2903) or (2946 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2947) or (3006 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3010) or (3014 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3016) or (3018 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3021) or self.input.LA(1) == 3031 or (3073 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3075) or (3134 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3140) or (3142 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3144) or (3146 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3149) or (3157 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3158) or (3202 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3203) or (3262 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3268) or (3270 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3272) or (3274 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3277) or (3285 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3286) or (3330 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3331) or (3390 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3395) or (3398 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3400) or (3402 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3405) or self.input.LA(1) == 3415 or (3458 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3459) or self.input.LA(1) == 3530 or (3535 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3540) or self.input.LA(1) == 3542 or (3544 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3551) or (3570 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3571) or self.input.LA(1) == 3633 or (3636 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3642) or (3655 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3662) or self.input.LA(1) == 3761 or (3764 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3769) or (3771 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3772) or (3784 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3789) or (3864 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3865) or self.input.LA(1) == 3893 or self.input.LA(1) == 3895 or self.input.LA(1) == 3897 or (3902 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3903) or (3953 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3972) or (3974 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3975) or (3984 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3991) or (3993 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4028) or self.input.LA(1) == 4038 or (4140 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4146) or (4150 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4153) or (4182 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4185) or (6068 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 6099) or self.input.LA(1) == 6313 or (8400 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8412) or self.input.LA(1) == 8417 or (12330 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12335) or (12441 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12442) or self.input.LA(1) == 64286 or (65056 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65059):
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "UnicodeCombiningMark"
+    # $ANTLR start "UnicodeDigit"
+    def mUnicodeDigit(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:853:2: ( '\\u0030' .. '\\u0039' | '\\u0660' .. '\\u0669' | '\\u06F0' .. '\\u06F9' | '\\u0966' .. '\\u096F' | '\\u09E6' .. '\\u09EF' | '\\u0A66' .. '\\u0A6F' | '\\u0AE6' .. '\\u0AEF' | '\\u0B66' .. '\\u0B6F' | '\\u0BE7' .. '\\u0BEF' | '\\u0C66' .. '\\u0C6F' | '\\u0CE6' .. '\\u0CEF' | '\\u0D66' .. '\\u0D6F' | '\\u0E50' .. '\\u0E59' | '\\u0ED0' .. '\\u0ED9' | '\\u0F20' .. '\\u0F29' | '\\u1040' .. '\\u1049' | '\\u1369' .. '\\u1371' | '\\u17E0' .. '\\u17E9' | '\\u1810' .. '\\u1819' | '\\uFF10' .. '\\uFF19' )
+            # JavaScript.g:
+            pass 
+            if (48 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 57) or (1632 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1641) or (1776 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 1785) or (2406 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2415) or (2534 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2543) or (2662 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2671) or (2790 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2799) or (2918 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 2927) or (3047 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3055) or (3174 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3183) or (3302 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3311) or (3430 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3439) or (3664 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3673) or (3792 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3801) or (3872 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 3881) or (4160 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4169) or (4969 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 4977) or (6112 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 6121) or (6160 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 6169) or (65296 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65305):
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "UnicodeDigit"
+    # $ANTLR start "UnicodeConnectorPunctuation"
+    def mUnicodeConnectorPunctuation(self, ):
+        try:
+            # JavaScript.g:876:2: ( '\\u005F' | '\\u203F' .. '\\u2040' | '\\u30FB' | '\\uFE33' .. '\\uFE34' | '\\uFE4D' .. '\\uFE4F' | '\\uFF3F' | '\\uFF65' )
+            # JavaScript.g:
+            pass 
+            if self.input.LA(1) == 95 or (8255 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8256) or self.input.LA(1) == 12539 or (65075 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65076) or (65101 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65103) or self.input.LA(1) == 65343 or self.input.LA(1) == 65381:
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "UnicodeConnectorPunctuation"
+    # $ANTLR start "Comment"
+    def mComment(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = Comment
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:886:2: ( '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' )
+            # JavaScript.g:886:4: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/'
+            pass 
+            self.match("/*")
+            # JavaScript.g:886:9: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
+            while True: #loop24
+                alt24 = 2
+                LA24_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA24_0 == 42) :
+                    LA24_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+                    if (LA24_1 == 47) :
+                        alt24 = 2
+                    elif ((0 <= LA24_1 <= 46) or (48 <= LA24_1 <= 65535)) :
+                        alt24 = 1
+                elif ((0 <= LA24_0 <= 41) or (43 <= LA24_0 <= 65535)) :
+                    alt24 = 1
+                if alt24 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:886:36: .
+                    pass 
+                    self.matchAny()
+                else:
+                    break #loop24
+            self.match("*/")
+            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                _channel=HIDDEN;
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "Comment"
+    # $ANTLR start "LineComment"
+    def mLineComment(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = LineComment
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:890:2: ( '//' (~ ( LT ) )* )
+            # JavaScript.g:890:4: '//' (~ ( LT ) )*
+            pass 
+            self.match("//")
+            # JavaScript.g:890:9: (~ ( LT ) )*
+            while True: #loop25
+                alt25 = 2
+                LA25_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((0 <= LA25_0 <= 9) or (11 <= LA25_0 <= 12) or (14 <= LA25_0 <= 8231) or (8234 <= LA25_0 <= 65535)) :
+                    alt25 = 1
+                if alt25 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:890:9: ~ ( LT )
+                    pass 
+                    if (0 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 9) or (11 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 12) or (14 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8231) or (8234 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 65535):
+                        self.input.consume()
+                    else:
+                        if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                            raise BacktrackingFailed
+                        mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                        self.recover(mse)
+                        raise mse
+                else:
+                    break #loop25
+            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                _channel=HIDDEN;
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "LineComment"
+    # $ANTLR start "LT"
+    def mLT(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = LT
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:894:2: ( '\\n' | '\\r' | '\\u2028' | '\\u2029' )
+            # JavaScript.g:
+            pass 
+            if self.input.LA(1) == 10 or self.input.LA(1) == 13 or (8232 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 8233):
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "LT"
+    # $ANTLR start "WhiteSpace"
+    def mWhiteSpace(self, ):
+        try:
+            _type = WhiteSpace
+            _channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            # JavaScript.g:901:2: ( ( '\\t' | '\\v' | '\\f' | ' ' | '\\u00A0' ) )
+            # JavaScript.g:901:4: ( '\\t' | '\\v' | '\\f' | ' ' | '\\u00A0' )
+            pass 
+            if self.input.LA(1) == 9 or self.input.LA(1) == 12 or self.input.LA(1) == 32 or self.input.LA(1) == 118 or self.input.LA(1) == 160:
+                self.input.consume()
+            else:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                self.recover(mse)
+                raise mse
+            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                _channel=HIDDEN;
+            self._state.type = _type
+            self._state.channel = _channel
+        finally:
+            pass
+    # $ANTLR end "WhiteSpace"
+    def mTokens(self):
+        # JavaScript.g:1:8: ( T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | T__44 | T__45 | T__46 | T__47 | T__48 | T__49 | T__50 | T__51 | T__52 | T__53 | T__54 | T__55 | T__56 | T__57 | T__58 | T__59 | T__60 | T__61 | T__62 | T__63 | T__64 | T__65 | T__66 | T__67 | T__68 | T__69 | T__70 | T__71 | T__72 | T__73 | T__74 | T__75 | T__76 | T__77 | T__78 | T__79 | T__80 | T__81 | T__82 | T__83 | T__84 | T__85 | T__86 | T__87 | T__88 | T__89 | T__90 | T__91 | T__92 | T__93 | T__94 | T__95 | T__96 | T__97 | T__98 | T__99 | T__100 | T__101 | T__102 | T__103 | T__104 | T__105 | T__106 | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Identifier | Comment | LineComment | LT | WhiteSpace )
+        alt26 = 83
+        alt26 = self.dfa26.predict(self.input)
+        if alt26 == 1:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:10: T__31
+            pass 
+            self.mT__31()
+        elif alt26 == 2:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:16: T__32
+            pass 
+            self.mT__32()
+        elif alt26 == 3:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:22: T__33
+            pass 
+            self.mT__33()
+        elif alt26 == 4:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:28: T__34
+            pass 
+            self.mT__34()
+        elif alt26 == 5:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:34: T__35
+            pass 
+            self.mT__35()
+        elif alt26 == 6:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:40: T__36
+            pass 
+            self.mT__36()
+        elif alt26 == 7:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:46: T__37
+            pass 
+            self.mT__37()
+        elif alt26 == 8:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:52: T__38
+            pass 
+            self.mT__38()
+        elif alt26 == 9:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:58: T__39
+            pass 
+            self.mT__39()
+        elif alt26 == 10:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:64: T__40
+            pass 
+            self.mT__40()
+        elif alt26 == 11:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:70: T__41
+            pass 
+            self.mT__41()
+        elif alt26 == 12:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:76: T__42
+            pass 
+            self.mT__42()
+        elif alt26 == 13:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:82: T__43
+            pass 
+            self.mT__43()
+        elif alt26 == 14:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:88: T__44
+            pass 
+            self.mT__44()
+        elif alt26 == 15:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:94: T__45
+            pass 
+            self.mT__45()
+        elif alt26 == 16:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:100: T__46
+            pass 
+            self.mT__46()
+        elif alt26 == 17:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:106: T__47
+            pass 
+            self.mT__47()
+        elif alt26 == 18:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:112: T__48
+            pass 
+            self.mT__48()
+        elif alt26 == 19:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:118: T__49
+            pass 
+            self.mT__49()
+        elif alt26 == 20:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:124: T__50
+            pass 
+            self.mT__50()
+        elif alt26 == 21:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:130: T__51
+            pass 
+            self.mT__51()
+        elif alt26 == 22:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:136: T__52
+            pass 
+            self.mT__52()
+        elif alt26 == 23:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:142: T__53
+            pass 
+            self.mT__53()
+        elif alt26 == 24:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:148: T__54
+            pass 
+            self.mT__54()
+        elif alt26 == 25:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:154: T__55
+            pass 
+            self.mT__55()
+        elif alt26 == 26:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:160: T__56
+            pass 
+            self.mT__56()
+        elif alt26 == 27:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:166: T__57
+            pass 
+            self.mT__57()
+        elif alt26 == 28:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:172: T__58
+            pass 
+            self.mT__58()
+        elif alt26 == 29:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:178: T__59
+            pass 
+            self.mT__59()
+        elif alt26 == 30:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:184: T__60
+            pass 
+            self.mT__60()
+        elif alt26 == 31:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:190: T__61
+            pass 
+            self.mT__61()
+        elif alt26 == 32:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:196: T__62
+            pass 
+            self.mT__62()
+        elif alt26 == 33:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:202: T__63
+            pass 
+            self.mT__63()
+        elif alt26 == 34:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:208: T__64
+            pass 
+            self.mT__64()
+        elif alt26 == 35:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:214: T__65
+            pass 
+            self.mT__65()
+        elif alt26 == 36:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:220: T__66
+            pass 
+            self.mT__66()
+        elif alt26 == 37:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:226: T__67
+            pass 
+            self.mT__67()
+        elif alt26 == 38:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:232: T__68
+            pass 
+            self.mT__68()
+        elif alt26 == 39:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:238: T__69
+            pass 
+            self.mT__69()
+        elif alt26 == 40:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:244: T__70
+            pass 
+            self.mT__70()
+        elif alt26 == 41:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:250: T__71
+            pass 
+            self.mT__71()
+        elif alt26 == 42:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:256: T__72
+            pass 
+            self.mT__72()
+        elif alt26 == 43:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:262: T__73
+            pass 
+            self.mT__73()
+        elif alt26 == 44:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:268: T__74
+            pass 
+            self.mT__74()
+        elif alt26 == 45:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:274: T__75
+            pass 
+            self.mT__75()
+        elif alt26 == 46:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:280: T__76
+            pass 
+            self.mT__76()
+        elif alt26 == 47:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:286: T__77
+            pass 
+            self.mT__77()
+        elif alt26 == 48:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:292: T__78
+            pass 
+            self.mT__78()
+        elif alt26 == 49:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:298: T__79
+            pass 
+            self.mT__79()
+        elif alt26 == 50:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:304: T__80
+            pass 
+            self.mT__80()
+        elif alt26 == 51:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:310: T__81
+            pass 
+            self.mT__81()
+        elif alt26 == 52:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:316: T__82
+            pass 
+            self.mT__82()
+        elif alt26 == 53:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:322: T__83
+            pass 
+            self.mT__83()
+        elif alt26 == 54:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:328: T__84
+            pass 
+            self.mT__84()
+        elif alt26 == 55:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:334: T__85
+            pass 
+            self.mT__85()
+        elif alt26 == 56:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:340: T__86
+            pass 
+            self.mT__86()
+        elif alt26 == 57:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:346: T__87
+            pass 
+            self.mT__87()
+        elif alt26 == 58:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:352: T__88
+            pass 
+            self.mT__88()
+        elif alt26 == 59:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:358: T__89
+            pass 
+            self.mT__89()
+        elif alt26 == 60:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:364: T__90
+            pass 
+            self.mT__90()
+        elif alt26 == 61:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:370: T__91
+            pass 
+            self.mT__91()
+        elif alt26 == 62:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:376: T__92
+            pass 
+            self.mT__92()
+        elif alt26 == 63:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:382: T__93
+            pass 
+            self.mT__93()
+        elif alt26 == 64:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:388: T__94
+            pass 
+            self.mT__94()
+        elif alt26 == 65:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:394: T__95
+            pass 
+            self.mT__95()
+        elif alt26 == 66:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:400: T__96
+            pass 
+            self.mT__96()
+        elif alt26 == 67:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:406: T__97
+            pass 
+            self.mT__97()
+        elif alt26 == 68:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:412: T__98
+            pass 
+            self.mT__98()
+        elif alt26 == 69:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:418: T__99
+            pass 
+            self.mT__99()
+        elif alt26 == 70:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:424: T__100
+            pass 
+            self.mT__100()
+        elif alt26 == 71:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:431: T__101
+            pass 
+            self.mT__101()
+        elif alt26 == 72:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:438: T__102
+            pass 
+            self.mT__102()
+        elif alt26 == 73:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:445: T__103
+            pass 
+            self.mT__103()
+        elif alt26 == 74:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:452: T__104
+            pass 
+            self.mT__104()
+        elif alt26 == 75:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:459: T__105
+            pass 
+            self.mT__105()
+        elif alt26 == 76:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:466: T__106
+            pass 
+            self.mT__106()
+        elif alt26 == 77:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:473: StringLiteral
+            pass 
+            self.mStringLiteral()
+        elif alt26 == 78:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:487: NumericLiteral
+            pass 
+            self.mNumericLiteral()
+        elif alt26 == 79:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:502: Identifier
+            pass 
+            self.mIdentifier()
+        elif alt26 == 80:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:513: Comment
+            pass 
+            self.mComment()
+        elif alt26 == 81:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:521: LineComment
+            pass 
+            self.mLineComment()
+        elif alt26 == 82:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:533: LT
+            pass 
+            self.mLT()
+        elif alt26 == 83:
+            # JavaScript.g:1:536: WhiteSpace
+            pass 
+            self.mWhiteSpace()
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred1_JavaScript"
+    def synpred1_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:480:4: ( IdentifierStart )
+        # JavaScript.g:480:5: IdentifierStart
+        pass 
+        self.mIdentifierStart()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred1_JavaScript"
+    def synpred1_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred1_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    # lookup tables for DFA #18
+    DFA18_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\2\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA18_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA18_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\56\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA18_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\71\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA18_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA18_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA18_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\2\1\uffff\12\1"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\3\1\uffff\12\1"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #18
+    class DFA18(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #26
+    DFA26_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\47\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\61\7\47\1\uffff\3\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\103\1\105\1\111\1\113\1\116\1\121\1\124\1\127\1\132\1\134\1"
+        u"\137\1\uffff\1\141\6\uffff\6\47\1\151\1\uffff\1\152\1\154\1\47"
+        u"\1\156\15\47\17\uffff\1\u0081\2\uffff\1\u0084\12\uffff\1\u0086"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\47\1\u0088\2\47\1\u008b\1\47\3\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\14\47\1\u009b\2\47\1\u009e\1\47\3\uffff\1\u00a1\3\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\u00a5\1\47\1\u00a7\3\47\1\u00ab\1"
+        u"\47\1\u00ad\5\47\1\u00b3\1\uffff\1\u00b4\1\47\1\uffff\1\u00b6\2"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\1\u00b9\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\u00bd\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\u00bf\1\u00c0\2\47\1\u00c3\2\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\u00c9\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\u00cb\1\u00cc\1"
+        u"\uffff\1\u00cd\1\47\1\u00cf\1\47\1\u00d1\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\1"
+        u"\u00d3\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\u00d5\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\u00d7"
+        u"\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\u00d8\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\11\1\141\5\uffff\1\141\1\uffff\1\75\1\146\1\154\1\145\1\150"
+        u"\1\141\1\162\1\145\1\uffff\1\167\1\150\1\145\2\uffff\1\60\1\75"
+        u"\1\52\1\75\1\53\1\55\1\74\1\75\1\46\2\75\1\uffff\1\75\6\uffff\1"
+        u"\156\1\162\1\156\1\154\1\162\1\151\1\75\1\uffff\2\44\1\163\1\44"
+        u"\1\146\1\151\1\164\1\156\1\163\1\145\1\164\2\151\1\165\1\160\1"
+        u"\167\1\154\17\uffff\1\75\2\uffff\1\75\12\uffff\1\75\1\uffff\1\143"
+        u"\1\44\1\141\1\163\1\44\1\144\3\uffff\1\164\1\uffff\1\145\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\141\1\145\1\154\1\150\1\164\1\145\1\143\1\141\1\165\1\164\1"
+        u"\157\1\163\1\44\2\145\1\44\1\154\3\uffff\1\75\3\uffff\1\164\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\154\1\145\1\uffff\1\44\1\141\1\44\1\165\1\164\1\145\1\44\1\151"
+        u"\1\44\1\150\1\153\1\162\1\143\1\167\1\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\157\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\44\2\uffff\1\151\1\154\1\44\1\uffff\1\156\1\uffff\1\154\1\145"
+        u"\1\44\1\uffff\1\156\1\uffff\2\44\1\156\1\150\1\44\2\uffff\1\146"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\157\1\171\1\uffff\1\143\1\164\1\44\1\uffff\1\165\2\uffff"
+        u"\2\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\156\1\44\1\145\1\44\1\uffff\1\145\3\uffff"
+        u"\1\44\1\uffff\1\157\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\1\146\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffdc\1\165\5\uffff\1\157\1\uffff\1\75\1\156\1\154\1\157\1\151"
+        u"\1\157\1\162\1\145\1\uffff\1\167\1\171\1\165\2\uffff\1\71\6\75"
+        u"\1\76\2\75\1\174\1\uffff\1\75\6\uffff\1\156\1\162\1\156\1\154\1"
+        u"\162\1\151\1\75\1\uffff\2\uffdc\1\163\1\uffdc\1\154\1\151\1\164"
+        u"\1\156\1\164\1\145\1\164\1\151\1\162\1\171\1\160\1\167\1\154\17"
+        u"\uffff\1\75\2\uffff\1\76\12\uffff\1\75\1\uffff\1\143\1\uffdc\1"
+        u"\141\1\163\1\uffdc\1\144\3\uffff\1\164\1\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\141\1\145\1\154\1\150\1\164\1\145\1\143\1\141\1\165\1\164\1\157"
+        u"\1\163\1\uffdc\2\145\1\uffdc\1\154\3\uffff\1\75\3\uffff\1\164\1"
+        u"\uffff\1\154\1\145\1\uffff\1\uffdc\1\141\1\uffdc\1\165\1\164\1"
+        u"\145\1\uffdc\1\151\1\uffdc\1\150\1\153\1\162\1\143\1\167\1\uffdc"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\uffdc\1\157\1\uffff\1\uffdc\2\uffff\1\151\1\154\1\uffdc"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\156\1\uffff\1\154\1\145\1\uffdc\1\uffff\1\156\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\uffdc\1\156\1\150\1\uffdc\2\uffff\1\146\1\uffff\1\157\1\171"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\143\1\164\1\uffdc\1\uffff\1\165\2\uffff\2\uffdc\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\uffdc\1\156\1\uffdc\1\145\1\uffdc\1\uffff\1\145\3\uffff\1\uffdc"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\157\1\uffff\1\uffdc\1\uffff\1\146\1\uffff\1\uffdc\1"
+        u"\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\uffff\1\10\10\uffff\1\24\3\uffff"
+        u"\1\35\1\36\13\uffff\1\53\1\uffff\1\107\1\115\1\116\1\117\1\122"
+        u"\1\123\7\uffff\1\11\21\uffff\1\37\1\40\1\77\1\41\1\120\1\121\1"
+        u"\100\1\42\1\101\1\43\1\105\1\75\1\44\1\106\1\76\1\uffff\1\67\1"
+        u"\65\1\uffff\1\70\1\66\1\50\1\55\1\60\1\51\1\57\1\52\1\54\1\56\1"
+        u"\uffff\1\110\6\uffff\1\63\1\61\1\12\1\uffff\1\17\1\uffff\1\14\21"
+        u"\uffff\1\45\1\72\1\46\1\uffff\1\73\1\64\1\62\1\uffff\1\16\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\7\17\uffff\1\31\2\uffff\1\34\1\uffff\1\47\1\74\3\uffff\1\103"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\13\3\uffff\1\23\1\uffff\1\26\5\uffff\1\111\1\113\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\112\2\uffff\1\114\3\uffff\1\15\1\uffff\1\32\1\21\2\uffff\1\30"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\102\1\uffff\1\22\1\25\1\104\1\uffff\1\33\1\uffff\1\27"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\20\1\uffff\1\71"
+        )
+    DFA26_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\u00d8\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\51\1\50\1\uffff\1\51\1\50\22\uffff\1\51\1\43\1\45"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\47\1\32\1\37\1\45\1\2\1\4\1\30\1\33\1\3\1\34\1\27\1"
+        u"\31\12\46\1\21\1\10\1\35\1\11\1\36\1\42\1\uffff\32\47\1\25\1\47"
+        u"\1\26\1\40\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\17\1\16\1\14\1\13\1\1\2\47\1\12"
+        u"\4\47\1\24\3\47\1\20\1\22\1\23\1\47\1\7\1\15\3\47\1\5\1\41\1\6"
+        u"\1\44\41\uffff\1\51\11\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\23\uffff\3\47\23\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47\3\uffff\1\47\22"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\43\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\16\uffff\2\47\23\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\47\23\uffff\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\1\47\44\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\36\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\43\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\113\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff\2\47\43\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\43\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\20\47\46\uffff\2\47\43\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\14\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\2\47\11\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\25\uffff\2\47\42\uffff\1\47\77\uffff\53\47"
+        u"\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\45\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\112\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104"
+        u"\47\5\uffff\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\105\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276\47\12\uffff"
+        u"\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\154\uffff\130\47\10\uffff"
+        u"\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\53\uffff\2\50\125\uffff\1\47\u0082"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47"
+        u"\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\132\47\1\uffff\3\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff\136\47\21\uffff\30\47"
+        u"\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2\uffff\1\47\u215c"
+        u"\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\164\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087"
+        u"\47\44\uffff\32\47\6\uffff\32\47\13\uffff\131\47\3\uffff\6\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\55\7\uffff\1\54\5\uffff\1\53\5\uffff\1\52"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\56\15\uffff\1\57"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\60"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\62\7\uffff\1\63"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\64"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\66\11\uffff\1\65"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\67\1\70"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\72\15\uffff\1\71"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\73"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\74"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\75"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\11\uffff\1\77\6\uffff\1\100"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\101\17\uffff\1\102"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\12\46"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\104"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\107\4\uffff\1\110\15\uffff\1\106"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\112"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\115\21\uffff\1\114"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\120\17\uffff\1\117"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\122\1\123"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\126\1\125"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\131\26\uffff\1\130"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\133"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\135\76\uffff\1\136"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\140"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\142"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\143"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\144"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\145"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\146"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\147"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\150"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\22\47\1\153\7\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47"
+        u"\34\uffff\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff"
+        u"\5\47\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\32\47\14\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\3\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\110\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47"
+        u"\25\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff"
+        u"\15\47\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff"
+        u"\65\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25"
+        u"\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\3\uffff\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\4\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\155"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\157\5\uffff\1\160"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\161"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\162"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\163"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\164\1\165"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\166"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\167"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\170"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\172\10\uffff\1\171"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\174\3\uffff\1\173"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\175"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\176"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\177"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0080"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0082\1\u0083"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0085"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0087"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0089"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008a"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008c"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008d"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008e"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008f"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0090"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0091"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0092"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0093"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0094"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0095"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0096"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0097"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0098"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0099"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009a"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009c"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009d"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009f"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a0"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a4"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a6"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a8"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a9"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00aa"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ac"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ae"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00af"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b0"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b1"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b5"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b7"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b8"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ba"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bb"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bc"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00be"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c1"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c4"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c5"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c6"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c7"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c8"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ca"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ce"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d0"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d4"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d6"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\47\13\uffff\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\57\uffff\1\47\12\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47\5"
+        u"\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\u0128\47\2\uffff\22\47\34\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\2\uffff\11\47\2\uffff\7\47\16\uffff\2\47\16\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\11\uffff\1\47\u008b\uffff\1\47\13\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\24\47\1\uffff\54\47\1\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\32\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\u0082\47\12\uffff\71\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\46\47\2\uffff\2\47\67\uffff\46\47\2\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\47\47\110"
+        u"\uffff\33\47\5\uffff\3\47\56\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\13\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\143\47\1\uffff\1\47\17\uffff\2\47\11\uffff\15\47"
+        u"\23\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\33\47\123\uffff\46\47\u015f\uffff\65\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff"
+        u"\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\42\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\14\47\23\uffff\6\47\4"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\2\47\37\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\1\47\7\uffff\12\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\20\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\26\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\5\47\3\uffff\1\47\22\uffff\1\47\17\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\5\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\2\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\26\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\4\47\3\uffff\1\47\36\uffff\2\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\6\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\47\3\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\3\uffff\2\47\3\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\3\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\55\uffff\11\47\25\uffff\10\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1"
+        u"\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\5\47\44\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\25\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\27\47\1\uffff\20\47\46"
+        u"\uffff\2\47\4\uffff\12\47\25\uffff\22\47\3\uffff\30\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\11\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\7\47\72\uffff\60\47\1\uffff\2\47\14"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\11\uffff\12\47\47\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\1\47\6\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\2\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\2\47\11\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\12\47\2\uffff\2\47\42"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\37\uffff\12\47\26\uffff\53\47\35\uffff\4\47\164\uffff"
+        u"\42\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff\2\47\25\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\6\47\112"
+        u"\uffff\46\47\12\uffff\47\47\11\uffff\132\47\5\uffff\104\47\5\uffff"
+        u"\122\47\6\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\77\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2"
+        u"\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\47\47\1\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\27\47\1\uffff\37\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\7\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\47\47\1\uffff\23\47\16\uffff\11\47\56\uffff\125\47\14\uffff\u0276"
+        u"\47\12\uffff\32\47\5\uffff\113\47\u0095\uffff\64\47\54\uffff\12"
+        u"\47\46\uffff\12\47\6\uffff\130\47\10\uffff\51\47\u0557\uffff\u009c"
+        u"\47\4\uffff\132\47\6\uffff\26\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\46\47\2\uffff"
+        u"\6\47\2\uffff\10\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\37\47\2\uffff\65\47\1\uffff\7\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\3\uffff\4\47\2\uffff\6\47\4\uffff\15\47\5\uffff\3\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\7\47\102\uffff\2\47\76\uffff\1\47\u0082\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\47"
+        u"\2\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\1\47\3\uffff\5\47\6\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\4\47\1\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\7\47\46\uffff"
+        u"\44\47\u0e81\uffff\3\47\31\uffff\11\47\7\uffff\5\47\2\uffff\3\47"
+        u"\6\uffff\124\47\10\uffff\2\47\2\uffff\136\47\6\uffff\50\47\4\uffff"
+        u"\136\47\21\uffff\30\47\u0248\uffff\1\47\u19b4\uffff\1\47\112\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\u51a4\uffff\1\47\132\uffff\u048d\47\u0773\uffff\1\47\u2ba2"
+        u"\uffff\1\47\u215c\uffff\u012e\47\u00d2\uffff\7\47\14\uffff\5\47"
+        u"\5\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\12\47\1\uffff\15\47\1\uffff\5\47\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\2\47\1\uffff\154\47\41\uffff\u016b\47"
+        u"\22\uffff\100\47\2\uffff\66\47\50\uffff\14\47\67\uffff\2\47\30"
+        u"\uffff\3\47\40\uffff\3\47\1\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\u0087\47\23\uffff"
+        u"\12\47\7\uffff\32\47\4\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\32\47\12\uffff\132\47"
+        u"\3\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\6\47\2\uffff\3\47"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #26
+    class DFA26(DFA):
+        pass
+def main(argv, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr):
+    from antlr3.main import LexerMain
+    main = LexerMain(JavaScriptLexer)
+    main.stdin = stdin
+    main.stdout = stdout
+    main.stderr = stderr
+    main.execute(argv)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv)

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/JavaScriptParser.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/JavaScriptParser.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/JavaScriptParser.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,15814 @@
+# $ANTLR 3.1.3 Mar 18, 2009 10:09:25 JavaScript.g 2009-04-05 22:38:00
+import sys
+from antlr3 import *
+from antlr3.compat import set, frozenset
+from antlr3.tree import *
+# for convenience in actions
+HIDDEN = BaseRecognizer.HIDDEN
+# token types
+# token names
+tokenNames = [
+    "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", 
+    "LT", "Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "DoubleStringCharacter", 
+    "SingleStringCharacter", "EscapeSequence", "CharacterEscapeSequence", 
+    "HexEscapeSequence", "UnicodeEscapeSequence", "SingleEscapeCharacter", 
+    "NonEscapeCharacter", "EscapeCharacter", "DecimalDigit", "HexDigit", 
+    "DecimalLiteral", "HexIntegerLiteral", "ExponentPart", "IdentifierStart", 
+    "IdentifierPart", "UnicodeLetter", "UnicodeDigit", "UnicodeConnectorPunctuation", 
+    "UnicodeCombiningMark", "Comment", "LineComment", "WhiteSpace", "'function'", 
+    "'('", "','", "')'", "'{'", "'}'", "'var'", "';'", "'='", "'if'", "'else'", 
+    "'do'", "'while'", "'for'", "'in'", "'continue'", "'break'", "'return'", 
+    "'with'", "':'", "'switch'", "'case'", "'default'", "'throw'", "'try'", 
+    "'catch'", "'finally'", "'new'", "'['", "']'", "'.'", "'*='", "'/='", 
+    "'%='", "'+='", "'-='", "'<<='", "'>>='", "'>>>='", "'&='", "'^='", 
+    "'|='", "'?'", "'||'", "'&&'", "'|'", "'^'", "'&'", "'=='", "'!='", 
+    "'==='", "'!=='", "'<'", "'>'", "'<='", "'>='", "'instanceof'", "'<<'", 
+    "'>>'", "'>>>'", "'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'", "'%'", "'delete'", "'void'", 
+    "'typeof'", "'++'", "'--'", "'~'", "'!'", "'this'", "'null'", "'true'", 
+    "'false'"
+class JavaScriptParser(Parser):
+    grammarFileName = "JavaScript.g"
+    antlr_version = version_str_to_tuple("3.1.3 Mar 18, 2009 10:09:25")
+    antlr_version_str = "3.1.3 Mar 18, 2009 10:09:25"
+    tokenNames = tokenNames
+    def __init__(self, input, state=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        if state is None:
+            state = RecognizerSharedState()
+        super(JavaScriptParser, self).__init__(input, state, *args, **kwargs)
+        self._state.ruleMemo = {}
+        self.dfa4 = self.DFA4(
+            self, 4,
+            eot = self.DFA4_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA4_eof,
+            min = self.DFA4_min,
+            max = self.DFA4_max,
+            accept = self.DFA4_accept,
+            special = self.DFA4_special,
+            transition = self.DFA4_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa5 = self.DFA5(
+            self, 5,
+            eot = self.DFA5_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA5_eof,
+            min = self.DFA5_min,
+            max = self.DFA5_max,
+            accept = self.DFA5_accept,
+            special = self.DFA5_special,
+            transition = self.DFA5_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa17 = self.DFA17(
+            self, 17,
+            eot = self.DFA17_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA17_eof,
+            min = self.DFA17_min,
+            max = self.DFA17_max,
+            accept = self.DFA17_accept,
+            special = self.DFA17_special,
+            transition = self.DFA17_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa16 = self.DFA16(
+            self, 16,
+            eot = self.DFA16_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA16_eof,
+            min = self.DFA16_min,
+            max = self.DFA16_max,
+            accept = self.DFA16_accept,
+            special = self.DFA16_special,
+            transition = self.DFA16_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa21 = self.DFA21(
+            self, 21,
+            eot = self.DFA21_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA21_eof,
+            min = self.DFA21_min,
+            max = self.DFA21_max,
+            accept = self.DFA21_accept,
+            special = self.DFA21_special,
+            transition = self.DFA21_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa26 = self.DFA26(
+            self, 26,
+            eot = self.DFA26_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA26_eof,
+            min = self.DFA26_min,
+            max = self.DFA26_max,
+            accept = self.DFA26_accept,
+            special = self.DFA26_special,
+            transition = self.DFA26_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa30 = self.DFA30(
+            self, 30,
+            eot = self.DFA30_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA30_eof,
+            min = self.DFA30_min,
+            max = self.DFA30_max,
+            accept = self.DFA30_accept,
+            special = self.DFA30_special,
+            transition = self.DFA30_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa33 = self.DFA33(
+            self, 33,
+            eot = self.DFA33_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA33_eof,
+            min = self.DFA33_min,
+            max = self.DFA33_max,
+            accept = self.DFA33_accept,
+            special = self.DFA33_special,
+            transition = self.DFA33_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa57 = self.DFA57(
+            self, 57,
+            eot = self.DFA57_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA57_eof,
+            min = self.DFA57_min,
+            max = self.DFA57_max,
+            accept = self.DFA57_accept,
+            special = self.DFA57_special,
+            transition = self.DFA57_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa60 = self.DFA60(
+            self, 60,
+            eot = self.DFA60_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA60_eof,
+            min = self.DFA60_min,
+            max = self.DFA60_max,
+            accept = self.DFA60_accept,
+            special = self.DFA60_special,
+            transition = self.DFA60_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa63 = self.DFA63(
+            self, 63,
+            eot = self.DFA63_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA63_eof,
+            min = self.DFA63_min,
+            max = self.DFA63_max,
+            accept = self.DFA63_accept,
+            special = self.DFA63_special,
+            transition = self.DFA63_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa90 = self.DFA90(
+            self, 90,
+            eot = self.DFA90_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA90_eof,
+            min = self.DFA90_min,
+            max = self.DFA90_max,
+            accept = self.DFA90_accept,
+            special = self.DFA90_special,
+            transition = self.DFA90_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa94 = self.DFA94(
+            self, 94,
+            eot = self.DFA94_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA94_eof,
+            min = self.DFA94_min,
+            max = self.DFA94_max,
+            accept = self.DFA94_accept,
+            special = self.DFA94_special,
+            transition = self.DFA94_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa93 = self.DFA93(
+            self, 93,
+            eot = self.DFA93_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA93_eof,
+            min = self.DFA93_min,
+            max = self.DFA93_max,
+            accept = self.DFA93_accept,
+            special = self.DFA93_special,
+            transition = self.DFA93_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa106 = self.DFA106(
+            self, 106,
+            eot = self.DFA106_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA106_eof,
+            min = self.DFA106_min,
+            max = self.DFA106_max,
+            accept = self.DFA106_accept,
+            special = self.DFA106_special,
+            transition = self.DFA106_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa115 = self.DFA115(
+            self, 115,
+            eot = self.DFA115_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA115_eof,
+            min = self.DFA115_min,
+            max = self.DFA115_max,
+            accept = self.DFA115_accept,
+            special = self.DFA115_special,
+            transition = self.DFA115_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa118 = self.DFA118(
+            self, 118,
+            eot = self.DFA118_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA118_eof,
+            min = self.DFA118_min,
+            max = self.DFA118_max,
+            accept = self.DFA118_accept,
+            special = self.DFA118_special,
+            transition = self.DFA118_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa121 = self.DFA121(
+            self, 121,
+            eot = self.DFA121_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA121_eof,
+            min = self.DFA121_min,
+            max = self.DFA121_max,
+            accept = self.DFA121_accept,
+            special = self.DFA121_special,
+            transition = self.DFA121_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa124 = self.DFA124(
+            self, 124,
+            eot = self.DFA124_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA124_eof,
+            min = self.DFA124_min,
+            max = self.DFA124_max,
+            accept = self.DFA124_accept,
+            special = self.DFA124_special,
+            transition = self.DFA124_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa125 = self.DFA125(
+            self, 125,
+            eot = self.DFA125_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA125_eof,
+            min = self.DFA125_min,
+            max = self.DFA125_max,
+            accept = self.DFA125_accept,
+            special = self.DFA125_special,
+            transition = self.DFA125_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa127 = self.DFA127(
+            self, 127,
+            eot = self.DFA127_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA127_eof,
+            min = self.DFA127_min,
+            max = self.DFA127_max,
+            accept = self.DFA127_accept,
+            special = self.DFA127_special,
+            transition = self.DFA127_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa132 = self.DFA132(
+            self, 132,
+            eot = self.DFA132_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA132_eof,
+            min = self.DFA132_min,
+            max = self.DFA132_max,
+            accept = self.DFA132_accept,
+            special = self.DFA132_special,
+            transition = self.DFA132_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa136 = self.DFA136(
+            self, 136,
+            eot = self.DFA136_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA136_eof,
+            min = self.DFA136_min,
+            max = self.DFA136_max,
+            accept = self.DFA136_accept,
+            special = self.DFA136_special,
+            transition = self.DFA136_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa142 = self.DFA142(
+            self, 142,
+            eot = self.DFA142_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA142_eof,
+            min = self.DFA142_min,
+            max = self.DFA142_max,
+            accept = self.DFA142_accept,
+            special = self.DFA142_special,
+            transition = self.DFA142_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa141 = self.DFA141(
+            self, 141,
+            eot = self.DFA141_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA141_eof,
+            min = self.DFA141_min,
+            max = self.DFA141_max,
+            accept = self.DFA141_accept,
+            special = self.DFA141_special,
+            transition = self.DFA141_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa151 = self.DFA151(
+            self, 151,
+            eot = self.DFA151_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA151_eof,
+            min = self.DFA151_min,
+            max = self.DFA151_max,
+            accept = self.DFA151_accept,
+            special = self.DFA151_special,
+            transition = self.DFA151_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa156 = self.DFA156(
+            self, 156,
+            eot = self.DFA156_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA156_eof,
+            min = self.DFA156_min,
+            max = self.DFA156_max,
+            accept = self.DFA156_accept,
+            special = self.DFA156_special,
+            transition = self.DFA156_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa159 = self.DFA159(
+            self, 159,
+            eot = self.DFA159_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA159_eof,
+            min = self.DFA159_min,
+            max = self.DFA159_max,
+            accept = self.DFA159_accept,
+            special = self.DFA159_special,
+            transition = self.DFA159_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa162 = self.DFA162(
+            self, 162,
+            eot = self.DFA162_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA162_eof,
+            min = self.DFA162_min,
+            max = self.DFA162_max,
+            accept = self.DFA162_accept,
+            special = self.DFA162_special,
+            transition = self.DFA162_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa165 = self.DFA165(
+            self, 165,
+            eot = self.DFA165_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA165_eof,
+            min = self.DFA165_min,
+            max = self.DFA165_max,
+            accept = self.DFA165_accept,
+            special = self.DFA165_special,
+            transition = self.DFA165_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa168 = self.DFA168(
+            self, 168,
+            eot = self.DFA168_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA168_eof,
+            min = self.DFA168_min,
+            max = self.DFA168_max,
+            accept = self.DFA168_accept,
+            special = self.DFA168_special,
+            transition = self.DFA168_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa171 = self.DFA171(
+            self, 171,
+            eot = self.DFA171_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA171_eof,
+            min = self.DFA171_min,
+            max = self.DFA171_max,
+            accept = self.DFA171_accept,
+            special = self.DFA171_special,
+            transition = self.DFA171_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa174 = self.DFA174(
+            self, 174,
+            eot = self.DFA174_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA174_eof,
+            min = self.DFA174_min,
+            max = self.DFA174_max,
+            accept = self.DFA174_accept,
+            special = self.DFA174_special,
+            transition = self.DFA174_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa177 = self.DFA177(
+            self, 177,
+            eot = self.DFA177_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA177_eof,
+            min = self.DFA177_min,
+            max = self.DFA177_max,
+            accept = self.DFA177_accept,
+            special = self.DFA177_special,
+            transition = self.DFA177_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa180 = self.DFA180(
+            self, 180,
+            eot = self.DFA180_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA180_eof,
+            min = self.DFA180_min,
+            max = self.DFA180_max,
+            accept = self.DFA180_accept,
+            special = self.DFA180_special,
+            transition = self.DFA180_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa183 = self.DFA183(
+            self, 183,
+            eot = self.DFA183_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA183_eof,
+            min = self.DFA183_min,
+            max = self.DFA183_max,
+            accept = self.DFA183_accept,
+            special = self.DFA183_special,
+            transition = self.DFA183_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa186 = self.DFA186(
+            self, 186,
+            eot = self.DFA186_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA186_eof,
+            min = self.DFA186_min,
+            max = self.DFA186_max,
+            accept = self.DFA186_accept,
+            special = self.DFA186_special,
+            transition = self.DFA186_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa189 = self.DFA189(
+            self, 189,
+            eot = self.DFA189_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA189_eof,
+            min = self.DFA189_min,
+            max = self.DFA189_max,
+            accept = self.DFA189_accept,
+            special = self.DFA189_special,
+            transition = self.DFA189_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa192 = self.DFA192(
+            self, 192,
+            eot = self.DFA192_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA192_eof,
+            min = self.DFA192_min,
+            max = self.DFA192_max,
+            accept = self.DFA192_accept,
+            special = self.DFA192_special,
+            transition = self.DFA192_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa195 = self.DFA195(
+            self, 195,
+            eot = self.DFA195_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA195_eof,
+            min = self.DFA195_min,
+            max = self.DFA195_max,
+            accept = self.DFA195_accept,
+            special = self.DFA195_special,
+            transition = self.DFA195_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa198 = self.DFA198(
+            self, 198,
+            eot = self.DFA198_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA198_eof,
+            min = self.DFA198_min,
+            max = self.DFA198_max,
+            accept = self.DFA198_accept,
+            special = self.DFA198_special,
+            transition = self.DFA198_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa201 = self.DFA201(
+            self, 201,
+            eot = self.DFA201_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA201_eof,
+            min = self.DFA201_min,
+            max = self.DFA201_max,
+            accept = self.DFA201_accept,
+            special = self.DFA201_special,
+            transition = self.DFA201_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa204 = self.DFA204(
+            self, 204,
+            eot = self.DFA204_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA204_eof,
+            min = self.DFA204_min,
+            max = self.DFA204_max,
+            accept = self.DFA204_accept,
+            special = self.DFA204_special,
+            transition = self.DFA204_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa207 = self.DFA207(
+            self, 207,
+            eot = self.DFA207_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA207_eof,
+            min = self.DFA207_min,
+            max = self.DFA207_max,
+            accept = self.DFA207_accept,
+            special = self.DFA207_special,
+            transition = self.DFA207_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa218 = self.DFA218(
+            self, 218,
+            eot = self.DFA218_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA218_eof,
+            min = self.DFA218_min,
+            max = self.DFA218_max,
+            accept = self.DFA218_accept,
+            special = self.DFA218_special,
+            transition = self.DFA218_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa217 = self.DFA217(
+            self, 217,
+            eot = self.DFA217_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA217_eof,
+            min = self.DFA217_min,
+            max = self.DFA217_max,
+            accept = self.DFA217_accept,
+            special = self.DFA217_special,
+            transition = self.DFA217_transition
+            )
+        self.dfa223 = self.DFA223(
+            self, 223,
+            eot = self.DFA223_eot,
+            eof = self.DFA223_eof,
+            min = self.DFA223_min,
+            max = self.DFA223_max,
+            accept = self.DFA223_accept,
+            special = self.DFA223_special,
+            transition = self.DFA223_transition
+            )
+        self._adaptor = None
+        self.adaptor = CommonTreeAdaptor()
+    def getTreeAdaptor(self):
+        return self._adaptor
+    def setTreeAdaptor(self, adaptor):
+        self._adaptor = adaptor
+    adaptor = property(getTreeAdaptor, setTreeAdaptor)
+    class program_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.program_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "program"
+    # JavaScript.g:23:1: program : ( LT )* sourceElements ( LT )* EOF ;
+    def program(self, ):
+        retval = self.program_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        program_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT1 = None
+        LT3 = None
+        EOF4 = None
+        sourceElements2 = None
+        LT1_tree = None
+        LT3_tree = None
+        EOF4_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 1):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:24:2: ( ( LT )* sourceElements ( LT )* EOF )
+                # JavaScript.g:24:4: ( LT )* sourceElements ( LT )* EOF
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                # JavaScript.g:24:6: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop1
+                    alt1 = 2
+                    LA1_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA1_0 == LT) :
+                        alt1 = 1
+                    if alt1 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT1=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_program46)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop1
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_sourceElements_in_program50)
+                sourceElements2 = self.sourceElements()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, sourceElements2.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:24:26: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop2
+                    alt2 = 2
+                    LA2_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA2_0 == LT) :
+                        alt2 = 1
+                    if alt2 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT3=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_program52)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop2
+                EOF4=self.match(self.input, EOF, self.FOLLOW_EOF_in_program56)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 1, program_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "program"
+    class sourceElements_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.sourceElements_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "sourceElements"
+    # JavaScript.g:27:1: sourceElements : sourceElement ( ( LT )* sourceElement )* ;
+    def sourceElements(self, ):
+        retval = self.sourceElements_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        sourceElements_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT6 = None
+        sourceElement5 = None
+        sourceElement7 = None
+        LT6_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 2):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:28:2: ( sourceElement ( ( LT )* sourceElement )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:28:4: sourceElement ( ( LT )* sourceElement )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_sourceElement_in_sourceElements69)
+                sourceElement5 = self.sourceElement()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, sourceElement5.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:28:18: ( ( LT )* sourceElement )*
+                while True: #loop4
+                    alt4 = 2
+                    alt4 = self.dfa4.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt4 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:28:19: ( LT )* sourceElement
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:28:21: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop3
+                            alt3 = 2
+                            LA3_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA3_0 == LT) :
+                                alt3 = 1
+                            if alt3 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT6=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_sourceElements72)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop3
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_sourceElement_in_sourceElements76)
+                        sourceElement7 = self.sourceElement()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, sourceElement7.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop4
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 2, sourceElements_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "sourceElements"
+    class sourceElement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.sourceElement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "sourceElement"
+    # JavaScript.g:31:1: sourceElement : ( functionDeclaration | statement );
+    def sourceElement(self, ):
+        retval = self.sourceElement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        sourceElement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        functionDeclaration8 = None
+        statement9 = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 3):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:32:2: ( functionDeclaration | statement )
+                alt5 = 2
+                alt5 = self.dfa5.predict(self.input)
+                if alt5 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:32:4: functionDeclaration
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_functionDeclaration_in_sourceElement90)
+                    functionDeclaration8 = self.functionDeclaration()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, functionDeclaration8.tree)
+                elif alt5 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:33:4: statement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_sourceElement95)
+                    statement9 = self.statement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement9.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 3, sourceElement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "sourceElement"
+    class functionDeclaration_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.functionDeclaration_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "functionDeclaration"
+    # JavaScript.g:37:1: functionDeclaration : 'function' ( LT )* Identifier ( LT )* formalParameterList ( LT )* functionBody ;
+    def functionDeclaration(self, ):
+        retval = self.functionDeclaration_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        functionDeclaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal10 = None
+        LT11 = None
+        Identifier12 = None
+        LT13 = None
+        LT15 = None
+        formalParameterList14 = None
+        functionBody16 = None
+        string_literal10_tree = None
+        LT11_tree = None
+        Identifier12_tree = None
+        LT13_tree = None
+        LT15_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 4):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:38:2: ( 'function' ( LT )* Identifier ( LT )* formalParameterList ( LT )* functionBody )
+                # JavaScript.g:38:4: 'function' ( LT )* Identifier ( LT )* formalParameterList ( LT )* functionBody
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal10=self.match(self.input, 31, self.FOLLOW_31_in_functionDeclaration108)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal10_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal10)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal10_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:38:17: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop6
+                    alt6 = 2
+                    LA6_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA6_0 == LT) :
+                        alt6 = 1
+                    if alt6 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT11=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_functionDeclaration110)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop6
+                Identifier12=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_functionDeclaration114)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    Identifier12_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier12)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier12_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:38:33: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop7
+                    alt7 = 2
+                    LA7_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA7_0 == LT) :
+                        alt7 = 1
+                    if alt7 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT13=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_functionDeclaration116)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop7
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_formalParameterList_in_functionDeclaration120)
+                formalParameterList14 = self.formalParameterList()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, formalParameterList14.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:38:58: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop8
+                    alt8 = 2
+                    LA8_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA8_0 == LT) :
+                        alt8 = 1
+                    if alt8 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT15=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_functionDeclaration122)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop8
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_functionBody_in_functionDeclaration126)
+                functionBody16 = self.functionBody()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, functionBody16.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 4, functionDeclaration_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "functionDeclaration"
+    class functionExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.functionExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "functionExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:41:1: functionExpression : 'function' ( LT )* ( Identifier )? ( LT )* formalParameterList ( LT )* functionBody ;
+    def functionExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.functionExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        functionExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal17 = None
+        LT18 = None
+        Identifier19 = None
+        LT20 = None
+        LT22 = None
+        formalParameterList21 = None
+        functionBody23 = None
+        string_literal17_tree = None
+        LT18_tree = None
+        Identifier19_tree = None
+        LT20_tree = None
+        LT22_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 5):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:42:2: ( 'function' ( LT )* ( Identifier )? ( LT )* formalParameterList ( LT )* functionBody )
+                # JavaScript.g:42:4: 'function' ( LT )* ( Identifier )? ( LT )* formalParameterList ( LT )* functionBody
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal17=self.match(self.input, 31, self.FOLLOW_31_in_functionExpression138)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal17_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal17)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal17_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:42:17: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop9
+                    alt9 = 2
+                    LA9_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA9_0 == LT) :
+                        LA9_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+                        if (self.synpred9_JavaScript()) :
+                            alt9 = 1
+                    if alt9 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT18=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_functionExpression140)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop9
+                # JavaScript.g:42:20: ( Identifier )?
+                alt10 = 2
+                LA10_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA10_0 == Identifier) :
+                    alt10 = 1
+                if alt10 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: Identifier
+                    pass 
+                    Identifier19=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_functionExpression144)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        Identifier19_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier19)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier19_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:42:34: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop11
+                    alt11 = 2
+                    LA11_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA11_0 == LT) :
+                        alt11 = 1
+                    if alt11 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT20=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_functionExpression147)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop11
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_formalParameterList_in_functionExpression151)
+                formalParameterList21 = self.formalParameterList()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, formalParameterList21.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:42:59: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop12
+                    alt12 = 2
+                    LA12_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA12_0 == LT) :
+                        alt12 = 1
+                    if alt12 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT22=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_functionExpression153)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop12
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_functionBody_in_functionExpression157)
+                functionBody23 = self.functionBody()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, functionBody23.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 5, functionExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "functionExpression"
+    class formalParameterList_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.formalParameterList_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "formalParameterList"
+    # JavaScript.g:45:1: formalParameterList : '(' ( ( LT )* Identifier ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* Identifier )* )? ( LT )* ')' ;
+    def formalParameterList(self, ):
+        retval = self.formalParameterList_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        formalParameterList_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal24 = None
+        LT25 = None
+        Identifier26 = None
+        LT27 = None
+        char_literal28 = None
+        LT29 = None
+        Identifier30 = None
+        LT31 = None
+        char_literal32 = None
+        char_literal24_tree = None
+        LT25_tree = None
+        Identifier26_tree = None
+        LT27_tree = None
+        char_literal28_tree = None
+        LT29_tree = None
+        Identifier30_tree = None
+        LT31_tree = None
+        char_literal32_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 6):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:46:2: ( '(' ( ( LT )* Identifier ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* Identifier )* )? ( LT )* ')' )
+                # JavaScript.g:46:4: '(' ( ( LT )* Identifier ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* Identifier )* )? ( LT )* ')'
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal24=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_formalParameterList169)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal24_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal24)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal24_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:46:8: ( ( LT )* Identifier ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* Identifier )* )?
+                alt17 = 2
+                alt17 = self.dfa17.predict(self.input)
+                if alt17 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:46:9: ( LT )* Identifier ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* Identifier )*
+                    pass 
+                    # JavaScript.g:46:11: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop13
+                        alt13 = 2
+                        LA13_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA13_0 == LT) :
+                            alt13 = 1
+                        if alt13 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT25=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_formalParameterList172)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop13
+                    Identifier26=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_formalParameterList176)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        Identifier26_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier26)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier26_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:46:25: ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* Identifier )*
+                    while True: #loop16
+                        alt16 = 2
+                        alt16 = self.dfa16.predict(self.input)
+                        if alt16 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:46:26: ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* Identifier
+                            pass 
+                            # JavaScript.g:46:28: ( LT )*
+                            while True: #loop14
+                                alt14 = 2
+                                LA14_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                                if (LA14_0 == LT) :
+                                    alt14 = 1
+                                if alt14 == 1:
+                                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                    pass 
+                                    LT27=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_formalParameterList179)
+                                else:
+                                    break #loop14
+                            char_literal28=self.match(self.input, 33, self.FOLLOW_33_in_formalParameterList183)
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                char_literal28_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal28)
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal28_tree)
+                            # JavaScript.g:46:37: ( LT )*
+                            while True: #loop15
+                                alt15 = 2
+                                LA15_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                                if (LA15_0 == LT) :
+                                    alt15 = 1
+                                if alt15 == 1:
+                                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                    pass 
+                                    LT29=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_formalParameterList185)
+                                else:
+                                    break #loop15
+                            Identifier30=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_formalParameterList189)
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                Identifier30_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier30)
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier30_tree)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop16
+                # JavaScript.g:46:57: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop18
+                    alt18 = 2
+                    LA18_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA18_0 == LT) :
+                        alt18 = 1
+                    if alt18 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT31=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_formalParameterList195)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop18
+                char_literal32=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_formalParameterList199)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal32_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal32)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal32_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 6, formalParameterList_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "formalParameterList"
+    class functionBody_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.functionBody_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "functionBody"
+    # JavaScript.g:49:1: functionBody : '{' ( LT )* sourceElements ( LT )* '}' ;
+    def functionBody(self, ):
+        retval = self.functionBody_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        functionBody_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal33 = None
+        LT34 = None
+        LT36 = None
+        char_literal37 = None
+        sourceElements35 = None
+        char_literal33_tree = None
+        LT34_tree = None
+        LT36_tree = None
+        char_literal37_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 7):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:50:2: ( '{' ( LT )* sourceElements ( LT )* '}' )
+                # JavaScript.g:50:4: '{' ( LT )* sourceElements ( LT )* '}'
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal33=self.match(self.input, 35, self.FOLLOW_35_in_functionBody210)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal33_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal33)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal33_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:50:10: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop19
+                    alt19 = 2
+                    LA19_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA19_0 == LT) :
+                        alt19 = 1
+                    if alt19 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT34=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_functionBody212)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop19
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_sourceElements_in_functionBody216)
+                sourceElements35 = self.sourceElements()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, sourceElements35.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:50:30: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop20
+                    alt20 = 2
+                    LA20_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA20_0 == LT) :
+                        alt20 = 1
+                    if alt20 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT36=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_functionBody218)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop20
+                char_literal37=self.match(self.input, 36, self.FOLLOW_36_in_functionBody222)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal37_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal37)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal37_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 7, functionBody_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "functionBody"
+    class statement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.statement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "statement"
+    # JavaScript.g:54:1: statement : ( statementBlock | variableStatement | emptyStatement | expressionStatement | ifStatement | iterationStatement | continueStatement | breakStatement | returnStatement | withStatement | labelledStatement | switchStatement | throwStatement | tryStatement );
+    def statement(self, ):
+        retval = self.statement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        statementBlock38 = None
+        variableStatement39 = None
+        emptyStatement40 = None
+        expressionStatement41 = None
+        ifStatement42 = None
+        iterationStatement43 = None
+        continueStatement44 = None
+        breakStatement45 = None
+        returnStatement46 = None
+        withStatement47 = None
+        labelledStatement48 = None
+        switchStatement49 = None
+        throwStatement50 = None
+        tryStatement51 = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 8):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:55:2: ( statementBlock | variableStatement | emptyStatement | expressionStatement | ifStatement | iterationStatement | continueStatement | breakStatement | returnStatement | withStatement | labelledStatement | switchStatement | throwStatement | tryStatement )
+                alt21 = 14
+                alt21 = self.dfa21.predict(self.input)
+                if alt21 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:55:4: statementBlock
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_statement234)
+                    statementBlock38 = self.statementBlock()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statementBlock38.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:56:4: variableStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_variableStatement_in_statement239)
+                    variableStatement39 = self.variableStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, variableStatement39.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 3:
+                    # JavaScript.g:57:4: emptyStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_emptyStatement_in_statement244)
+                    emptyStatement40 = self.emptyStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, emptyStatement40.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 4:
+                    # JavaScript.g:58:4: expressionStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expressionStatement_in_statement249)
+                    expressionStatement41 = self.expressionStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expressionStatement41.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 5:
+                    # JavaScript.g:59:4: ifStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_ifStatement_in_statement254)
+                    ifStatement42 = self.ifStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, ifStatement42.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 6:
+                    # JavaScript.g:60:4: iterationStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_iterationStatement_in_statement259)
+                    iterationStatement43 = self.iterationStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, iterationStatement43.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 7:
+                    # JavaScript.g:61:4: continueStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_continueStatement_in_statement264)
+                    continueStatement44 = self.continueStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, continueStatement44.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 8:
+                    # JavaScript.g:62:4: breakStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_breakStatement_in_statement269)
+                    breakStatement45 = self.breakStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, breakStatement45.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 9:
+                    # JavaScript.g:63:4: returnStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_returnStatement_in_statement274)
+                    returnStatement46 = self.returnStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, returnStatement46.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 10:
+                    # JavaScript.g:64:4: withStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_withStatement_in_statement279)
+                    withStatement47 = self.withStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, withStatement47.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 11:
+                    # JavaScript.g:65:4: labelledStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_labelledStatement_in_statement284)
+                    labelledStatement48 = self.labelledStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, labelledStatement48.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 12:
+                    # JavaScript.g:66:4: switchStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_switchStatement_in_statement289)
+                    switchStatement49 = self.switchStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, switchStatement49.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 13:
+                    # JavaScript.g:67:4: throwStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_throwStatement_in_statement294)
+                    throwStatement50 = self.throwStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, throwStatement50.tree)
+                elif alt21 == 14:
+                    # JavaScript.g:68:4: tryStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_tryStatement_in_statement299)
+                    tryStatement51 = self.tryStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, tryStatement51.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 8, statement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "statement"
+    class statementBlock_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.statementBlock_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "statementBlock"
+    # JavaScript.g:71:1: statementBlock : '{' ( LT )* ( statementList )? ( LT )* '}' ;
+    def statementBlock(self, ):
+        retval = self.statementBlock_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        statementBlock_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal52 = None
+        LT53 = None
+        LT55 = None
+        char_literal56 = None
+        statementList54 = None
+        char_literal52_tree = None
+        LT53_tree = None
+        LT55_tree = None
+        char_literal56_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 9):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:72:2: ( '{' ( LT )* ( statementList )? ( LT )* '}' )
+                # JavaScript.g:72:4: '{' ( LT )* ( statementList )? ( LT )* '}'
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal52=self.match(self.input, 35, self.FOLLOW_35_in_statementBlock311)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal52_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal52)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal52_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:72:10: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop22
+                    alt22 = 2
+                    LA22_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA22_0 == LT) :
+                        LA22_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+                        if (self.synpred34_JavaScript()) :
+                            alt22 = 1
+                    if alt22 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT53=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_statementBlock313)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop22
+                # JavaScript.g:72:13: ( statementList )?
+                alt23 = 2
+                LA23_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((Identifier <= LA23_0 <= NumericLiteral) or (31 <= LA23_0 <= 32) or LA23_0 == 35 or (37 <= LA23_0 <= 38) or LA23_0 == 40 or (42 <= LA23_0 <= 44) or (46 <= LA23_0 <= 49) or LA23_0 == 51 or (54 <= LA23_0 <= 55) or (58 <= LA23_0 <= 59) or (91 <= LA23_0 <= 92) or (96 <= LA23_0 <= 106)) :
+                    alt23 = 1
+                if alt23 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: statementList
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statementList_in_statementBlock317)
+                    statementList54 = self.statementList()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statementList54.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:72:30: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop24
+                    alt24 = 2
+                    LA24_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA24_0 == LT) :
+                        alt24 = 1
+                    if alt24 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT55=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_statementBlock320)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop24
+                char_literal56=self.match(self.input, 36, self.FOLLOW_36_in_statementBlock324)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal56_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal56)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal56_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 9, statementBlock_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "statementBlock"
+    class statementList_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.statementList_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "statementList"
+    # JavaScript.g:75:1: statementList : statement ( ( LT )* statement )* ;
+    def statementList(self, ):
+        retval = self.statementList_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        statementList_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT58 = None
+        statement57 = None
+        statement59 = None
+        LT58_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 10):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:76:2: ( statement ( ( LT )* statement )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:76:4: statement ( ( LT )* statement )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_statementList336)
+                statement57 = self.statement()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement57.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:76:14: ( ( LT )* statement )*
+                while True: #loop26
+                    alt26 = 2
+                    alt26 = self.dfa26.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt26 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:76:15: ( LT )* statement
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:76:17: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop25
+                            alt25 = 2
+                            LA25_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA25_0 == LT) :
+                                alt25 = 1
+                            if alt25 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT58=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_statementList339)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop25
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_statementList343)
+                        statement59 = self.statement()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement59.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop26
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 10, statementList_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "statementList"
+    class variableStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.variableStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "variableStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:79:1: variableStatement : 'var' ( LT )* variableDeclarationList ( LT | ';' ) ;
+    def variableStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.variableStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        variableStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal60 = None
+        LT61 = None
+        set63 = None
+        variableDeclarationList62 = None
+        string_literal60_tree = None
+        LT61_tree = None
+        set63_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 11):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:80:2: ( 'var' ( LT )* variableDeclarationList ( LT | ';' ) )
+                # JavaScript.g:80:4: 'var' ( LT )* variableDeclarationList ( LT | ';' )
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal60=self.match(self.input, 37, self.FOLLOW_37_in_variableStatement357)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal60_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal60)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal60_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:80:12: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop27
+                    alt27 = 2
+                    LA27_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA27_0 == LT) :
+                        alt27 = 1
+                    if alt27 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT61=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_variableStatement359)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop27
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_variableDeclarationList_in_variableStatement363)
+                variableDeclarationList62 = self.variableDeclarationList()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, variableDeclarationList62.tree)
+                set63 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if self.input.LA(1) == LT or self.input.LA(1) == 38:
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 11, variableStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "variableStatement"
+    class variableDeclarationList_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.variableDeclarationList_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "variableDeclarationList"
+    # JavaScript.g:83:1: variableDeclarationList : variableDeclaration ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclaration )* ;
+    def variableDeclarationList(self, ):
+        retval = self.variableDeclarationList_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        variableDeclarationList_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT65 = None
+        char_literal66 = None
+        LT67 = None
+        variableDeclaration64 = None
+        variableDeclaration68 = None
+        LT65_tree = None
+        char_literal66_tree = None
+        LT67_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 12):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:84:2: ( variableDeclaration ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclaration )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:84:4: variableDeclaration ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclaration )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_variableDeclaration_in_variableDeclarationList384)
+                variableDeclaration64 = self.variableDeclaration()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, variableDeclaration64.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:84:24: ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclaration )*
+                while True: #loop30
+                    alt30 = 2
+                    alt30 = self.dfa30.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt30 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:84:25: ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclaration
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:84:27: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop28
+                            alt28 = 2
+                            LA28_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA28_0 == LT) :
+                                alt28 = 1
+                            if alt28 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT65=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationList387)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop28
+                        char_literal66=self.match(self.input, 33, self.FOLLOW_33_in_variableDeclarationList391)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal66_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal66)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal66_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:84:36: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop29
+                            alt29 = 2
+                            LA29_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA29_0 == LT) :
+                                alt29 = 1
+                            if alt29 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT67=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationList393)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop29
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_variableDeclaration_in_variableDeclarationList397)
+                        variableDeclaration68 = self.variableDeclaration()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, variableDeclaration68.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop30
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 12, variableDeclarationList_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "variableDeclarationList"
+    class variableDeclarationListNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.variableDeclarationListNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "variableDeclarationListNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:87:1: variableDeclarationListNoIn : variableDeclarationNoIn ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclarationNoIn )* ;
+    def variableDeclarationListNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.variableDeclarationListNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        variableDeclarationListNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT70 = None
+        char_literal71 = None
+        LT72 = None
+        variableDeclarationNoIn69 = None
+        variableDeclarationNoIn73 = None
+        LT70_tree = None
+        char_literal71_tree = None
+        LT72_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 13):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:88:2: ( variableDeclarationNoIn ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclarationNoIn )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:88:4: variableDeclarationNoIn ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclarationNoIn )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_variableDeclarationNoIn_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn411)
+                variableDeclarationNoIn69 = self.variableDeclarationNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, variableDeclarationNoIn69.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:88:28: ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclarationNoIn )*
+                while True: #loop33
+                    alt33 = 2
+                    alt33 = self.dfa33.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt33 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:88:29: ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* variableDeclarationNoIn
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:88:31: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop31
+                            alt31 = 2
+                            LA31_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA31_0 == LT) :
+                                alt31 = 1
+                            if alt31 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT70=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn414)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop31
+                        char_literal71=self.match(self.input, 33, self.FOLLOW_33_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn418)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal71_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal71)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal71_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:88:40: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop32
+                            alt32 = 2
+                            LA32_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA32_0 == LT) :
+                                alt32 = 1
+                            if alt32 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT72=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn420)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop32
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_variableDeclarationNoIn_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn424)
+                        variableDeclarationNoIn73 = self.variableDeclarationNoIn()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, variableDeclarationNoIn73.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop33
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 13, variableDeclarationListNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "variableDeclarationListNoIn"
+    class variableDeclaration_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.variableDeclaration_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "variableDeclaration"
+    # JavaScript.g:91:1: variableDeclaration : Identifier ( LT )* ( initialiser )? ;
+    def variableDeclaration(self, ):
+        retval = self.variableDeclaration_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        variableDeclaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        Identifier74 = None
+        LT75 = None
+        initialiser76 = None
+        Identifier74_tree = None
+        LT75_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 14):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:92:2: ( Identifier ( LT )* ( initialiser )? )
+                # JavaScript.g:92:4: Identifier ( LT )* ( initialiser )?
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                Identifier74=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_variableDeclaration438)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    Identifier74_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier74)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier74_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:92:17: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop34
+                    alt34 = 2
+                    LA34_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA34_0 == LT) :
+                        LA34_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+                        if (self.synpred47_JavaScript()) :
+                            alt34 = 1
+                    if alt34 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT75=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclaration440)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop34
+                # JavaScript.g:92:20: ( initialiser )?
+                alt35 = 2
+                LA35_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA35_0 == 39) :
+                    alt35 = 1
+                if alt35 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: initialiser
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initialiser_in_variableDeclaration444)
+                    initialiser76 = self.initialiser()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, initialiser76.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 14, variableDeclaration_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "variableDeclaration"
+    class variableDeclarationNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.variableDeclarationNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "variableDeclarationNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:95:1: variableDeclarationNoIn : Identifier ( LT )* ( initialiserNoIn )? ;
+    def variableDeclarationNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.variableDeclarationNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        variableDeclarationNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        Identifier77 = None
+        LT78 = None
+        initialiserNoIn79 = None
+        Identifier77_tree = None
+        LT78_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 15):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:96:2: ( Identifier ( LT )* ( initialiserNoIn )? )
+                # JavaScript.g:96:4: Identifier ( LT )* ( initialiserNoIn )?
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                Identifier77=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_variableDeclarationNoIn457)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    Identifier77_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier77)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier77_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:96:17: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop36
+                    alt36 = 2
+                    LA36_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA36_0 == LT) :
+                        LA36_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+                        if (self.synpred49_JavaScript()) :
+                            alt36 = 1
+                    if alt36 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT78=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationNoIn459)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop36
+                # JavaScript.g:96:20: ( initialiserNoIn )?
+                alt37 = 2
+                LA37_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA37_0 == 39) :
+                    alt37 = 1
+                if alt37 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: initialiserNoIn
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initialiserNoIn_in_variableDeclarationNoIn463)
+                    initialiserNoIn79 = self.initialiserNoIn()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, initialiserNoIn79.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 15, variableDeclarationNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "variableDeclarationNoIn"
+    class initialiser_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.initialiser_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "initialiser"
+    # JavaScript.g:99:1: initialiser : '=' ( LT )* assignmentExpression ;
+    def initialiser(self, ):
+        retval = self.initialiser_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        initialiser_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal80 = None
+        LT81 = None
+        assignmentExpression82 = None
+        char_literal80_tree = None
+        LT81_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 16):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:100:2: ( '=' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )
+                # JavaScript.g:100:4: '=' ( LT )* assignmentExpression
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal80=self.match(self.input, 39, self.FOLLOW_39_in_initialiser476)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal80_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal80)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal80_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:100:10: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop38
+                    alt38 = 2
+                    LA38_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA38_0 == LT) :
+                        alt38 = 1
+                    if alt38 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT81=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_initialiser478)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop38
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_initialiser482)
+                assignmentExpression82 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression82.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 16, initialiser_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "initialiser"
+    class initialiserNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.initialiserNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "initialiserNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:103:1: initialiserNoIn : '=' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn ;
+    def initialiserNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.initialiserNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        initialiserNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal83 = None
+        LT84 = None
+        assignmentExpressionNoIn85 = None
+        char_literal83_tree = None
+        LT84_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 17):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:104:2: ( '=' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )
+                # JavaScript.g:104:4: '=' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal83=self.match(self.input, 39, self.FOLLOW_39_in_initialiserNoIn494)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal83_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal83)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal83_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:104:10: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop39
+                    alt39 = 2
+                    LA39_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA39_0 == LT) :
+                        alt39 = 1
+                    if alt39 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT84=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_initialiserNoIn496)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop39
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_initialiserNoIn500)
+                assignmentExpressionNoIn85 = self.assignmentExpressionNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpressionNoIn85.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 17, initialiserNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "initialiserNoIn"
+    class emptyStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.emptyStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "emptyStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:107:1: emptyStatement : ';' ;
+    def emptyStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.emptyStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        emptyStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal86 = None
+        char_literal86_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 18):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:108:2: ( ';' )
+                # JavaScript.g:108:4: ';'
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal86=self.match(self.input, 38, self.FOLLOW_38_in_emptyStatement512)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal86_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal86)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal86_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 18, emptyStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "emptyStatement"
+    class expressionStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.expressionStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "expressionStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:111:1: expressionStatement : expression ( LT | ';' ) ;
+    def expressionStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.expressionStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        expressionStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        set88 = None
+        expression87 = None
+        set88_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 19):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:112:2: ( expression ( LT | ';' ) )
+                # JavaScript.g:112:4: expression ( LT | ';' )
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_expressionStatement524)
+                expression87 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression87.tree)
+                set88 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if self.input.LA(1) == LT or self.input.LA(1) == 38:
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 19, expressionStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "expressionStatement"
+    class ifStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.ifStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "ifStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:115:1: ifStatement : 'if' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement ( ( LT )* 'else' ( LT )* statement )? ;
+    def ifStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.ifStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        ifStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal89 = None
+        LT90 = None
+        char_literal91 = None
+        LT92 = None
+        LT94 = None
+        char_literal95 = None
+        LT96 = None
+        LT98 = None
+        string_literal99 = None
+        LT100 = None
+        expression93 = None
+        statement97 = None
+        statement101 = None
+        string_literal89_tree = None
+        LT90_tree = None
+        char_literal91_tree = None
+        LT92_tree = None
+        LT94_tree = None
+        char_literal95_tree = None
+        LT96_tree = None
+        LT98_tree = None
+        string_literal99_tree = None
+        LT100_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 20):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:116:2: ( 'if' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement ( ( LT )* 'else' ( LT )* statement )? )
+                # JavaScript.g:116:4: 'if' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement ( ( LT )* 'else' ( LT )* statement )?
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal89=self.match(self.input, 40, self.FOLLOW_40_in_ifStatement545)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal89_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal89)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal89_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:116:11: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop40
+                    alt40 = 2
+                    LA40_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA40_0 == LT) :
+                        alt40 = 1
+                    if alt40 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT90=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement547)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop40
+                char_literal91=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_ifStatement551)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal91_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal91)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal91_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:116:20: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop41
+                    alt41 = 2
+                    LA41_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA41_0 == LT) :
+                        alt41 = 1
+                    if alt41 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT92=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement553)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop41
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_ifStatement557)
+                expression93 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression93.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:116:36: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop42
+                    alt42 = 2
+                    LA42_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA42_0 == LT) :
+                        alt42 = 1
+                    if alt42 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT94=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement559)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop42
+                char_literal95=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_ifStatement563)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal95_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal95)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal95_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:116:45: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop43
+                    alt43 = 2
+                    LA43_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA43_0 == LT) :
+                        alt43 = 1
+                    if alt43 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT96=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement565)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop43
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_ifStatement569)
+                statement97 = self.statement()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement97.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:116:58: ( ( LT )* 'else' ( LT )* statement )?
+                alt46 = 2
+                LA46_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA46_0 == LT) :
+                    LA46_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+                    if (self.synpred60_JavaScript()) :
+                        alt46 = 1
+                elif (LA46_0 == 41) :
+                    LA46_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+                    if (self.synpred60_JavaScript()) :
+                        alt46 = 1
+                if alt46 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:116:59: ( LT )* 'else' ( LT )* statement
+                    pass 
+                    # JavaScript.g:116:61: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop44
+                        alt44 = 2
+                        LA44_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA44_0 == LT) :
+                            alt44 = 1
+                        if alt44 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT98=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement572)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop44
+                    string_literal99=self.match(self.input, 41, self.FOLLOW_41_in_ifStatement576)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        string_literal99_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal99)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal99_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:116:73: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop45
+                        alt45 = 2
+                        LA45_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA45_0 == LT) :
+                            alt45 = 1
+                        if alt45 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT100=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement578)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop45
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_ifStatement582)
+                    statement101 = self.statement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement101.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 20, ifStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "ifStatement"
+    class iterationStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.iterationStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "iterationStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:119:1: iterationStatement : ( doWhileStatement | whileStatement | forStatement | forInStatement );
+    def iterationStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.iterationStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        iterationStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        doWhileStatement102 = None
+        whileStatement103 = None
+        forStatement104 = None
+        forInStatement105 = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 21):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:120:2: ( doWhileStatement | whileStatement | forStatement | forInStatement )
+                alt47 = 4
+                LA47 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if LA47 == 42:
+                    alt47 = 1
+                elif LA47 == 43:
+                    alt47 = 2
+                elif LA47 == 44:
+                    LA47_3 = self.input.LA(2)
+                    if (self.synpred63_JavaScript()) :
+                        alt47 = 3
+                    elif (True) :
+                        alt47 = 4
+                    else:
+                        if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                            raise BacktrackingFailed
+                        nvae = NoViableAltException("", 47, 3, self.input)
+                        raise nvae
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 47, 0, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+                if alt47 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:120:4: doWhileStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_doWhileStatement_in_iterationStatement596)
+                    doWhileStatement102 = self.doWhileStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, doWhileStatement102.tree)
+                elif alt47 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:121:4: whileStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_whileStatement_in_iterationStatement601)
+                    whileStatement103 = self.whileStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, whileStatement103.tree)
+                elif alt47 == 3:
+                    # JavaScript.g:122:4: forStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_forStatement_in_iterationStatement606)
+                    forStatement104 = self.forStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, forStatement104.tree)
+                elif alt47 == 4:
+                    # JavaScript.g:123:4: forInStatement
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_forInStatement_in_iterationStatement611)
+                    forInStatement105 = self.forInStatement()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, forInStatement105.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 21, iterationStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "iterationStatement"
+    class doWhileStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.doWhileStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "doWhileStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:126:1: doWhileStatement : 'do' ( LT )* statement ( LT )* 'while' ( LT )* '(' expression ')' ( LT | ';' ) ;
+    def doWhileStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.doWhileStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        doWhileStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal106 = None
+        LT107 = None
+        LT109 = None
+        string_literal110 = None
+        LT111 = None
+        char_literal112 = None
+        char_literal114 = None
+        set115 = None
+        statement108 = None
+        expression113 = None
+        string_literal106_tree = None
+        LT107_tree = None
+        LT109_tree = None
+        string_literal110_tree = None
+        LT111_tree = None
+        char_literal112_tree = None
+        char_literal114_tree = None
+        set115_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 22):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:127:2: ( 'do' ( LT )* statement ( LT )* 'while' ( LT )* '(' expression ')' ( LT | ';' ) )
+                # JavaScript.g:127:4: 'do' ( LT )* statement ( LT )* 'while' ( LT )* '(' expression ')' ( LT | ';' )
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal106=self.match(self.input, 42, self.FOLLOW_42_in_doWhileStatement623)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal106_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal106)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal106_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:127:11: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop48
+                    alt48 = 2
+                    LA48_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA48_0 == LT) :
+                        alt48 = 1
+                    if alt48 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT107=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_doWhileStatement625)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop48
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_doWhileStatement629)
+                statement108 = self.statement()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement108.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:127:26: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop49
+                    alt49 = 2
+                    LA49_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA49_0 == LT) :
+                        alt49 = 1
+                    if alt49 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT109=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_doWhileStatement631)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop49
+                string_literal110=self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_doWhileStatement635)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal110_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal110)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal110_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:127:39: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop50
+                    alt50 = 2
+                    LA50_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA50_0 == LT) :
+                        alt50 = 1
+                    if alt50 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT111=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_doWhileStatement637)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop50
+                char_literal112=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_doWhileStatement641)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal112_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal112)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal112_tree)
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_doWhileStatement643)
+                expression113 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression113.tree)
+                char_literal114=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_doWhileStatement645)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal114_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal114)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal114_tree)
+                set115 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if self.input.LA(1) == LT or self.input.LA(1) == 38:
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 22, doWhileStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "doWhileStatement"
+    class whileStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.whileStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "whileStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:130:1: whileStatement : 'while' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement ;
+    def whileStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.whileStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        whileStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal116 = None
+        LT117 = None
+        char_literal118 = None
+        LT119 = None
+        LT121 = None
+        char_literal122 = None
+        LT123 = None
+        expression120 = None
+        statement124 = None
+        string_literal116_tree = None
+        LT117_tree = None
+        char_literal118_tree = None
+        LT119_tree = None
+        LT121_tree = None
+        char_literal122_tree = None
+        LT123_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 23):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:131:2: ( 'while' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement )
+                # JavaScript.g:131:4: 'while' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal116=self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_whileStatement666)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal116_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal116)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal116_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:131:14: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop51
+                    alt51 = 2
+                    LA51_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA51_0 == LT) :
+                        alt51 = 1
+                    if alt51 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT117=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_whileStatement668)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop51
+                char_literal118=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_whileStatement672)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal118_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal118)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal118_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:131:23: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop52
+                    alt52 = 2
+                    LA52_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA52_0 == LT) :
+                        alt52 = 1
+                    if alt52 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT119=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_whileStatement674)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop52
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_whileStatement678)
+                expression120 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression120.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:131:39: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop53
+                    alt53 = 2
+                    LA53_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA53_0 == LT) :
+                        alt53 = 1
+                    if alt53 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT121=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_whileStatement680)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop53
+                char_literal122=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_whileStatement684)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal122_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal122)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal122_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:131:48: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop54
+                    alt54 = 2
+                    LA54_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA54_0 == LT) :
+                        alt54 = 1
+                    if alt54 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT123=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_whileStatement686)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop54
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_whileStatement690)
+                statement124 = self.statement()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement124.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 23, whileStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "whileStatement"
+    class forStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.forStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "forStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:134:1: forStatement : 'for' ( LT )* '(' ( ( LT )* forStatementInitialiserPart )? ( LT )* ';' ( ( LT )* expression )? ( LT )* ';' ( ( LT )* expression )? ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement ;
+    def forStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.forStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        forStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal125 = None
+        LT126 = None
+        char_literal127 = None
+        LT128 = None
+        LT130 = None
+        char_literal131 = None
+        LT132 = None
+        LT134 = None
+        char_literal135 = None
+        LT136 = None
+        LT138 = None
+        char_literal139 = None
+        LT140 = None
+        forStatementInitialiserPart129 = None
+        expression133 = None
+        expression137 = None
+        statement141 = None
+        string_literal125_tree = None
+        LT126_tree = None
+        char_literal127_tree = None
+        LT128_tree = None
+        LT130_tree = None
+        char_literal131_tree = None
+        LT132_tree = None
+        LT134_tree = None
+        char_literal135_tree = None
+        LT136_tree = None
+        LT138_tree = None
+        char_literal139_tree = None
+        LT140_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 24):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:135:2: ( 'for' ( LT )* '(' ( ( LT )* forStatementInitialiserPart )? ( LT )* ';' ( ( LT )* expression )? ( LT )* ';' ( ( LT )* expression )? ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement )
+                # JavaScript.g:135:4: 'for' ( LT )* '(' ( ( LT )* forStatementInitialiserPart )? ( LT )* ';' ( ( LT )* expression )? ( LT )* ';' ( ( LT )* expression )? ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal125=self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_forStatement702)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal125_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal125)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal125_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:135:12: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop55
+                    alt55 = 2
+                    LA55_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA55_0 == LT) :
+                        alt55 = 1
+                    if alt55 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT126=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement704)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop55
+                char_literal127=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_forStatement708)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal127_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal127)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal127_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:135:19: ( ( LT )* forStatementInitialiserPart )?
+                alt57 = 2
+                alt57 = self.dfa57.predict(self.input)
+                if alt57 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:135:20: ( LT )* forStatementInitialiserPart
+                    pass 
+                    # JavaScript.g:135:22: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop56
+                        alt56 = 2
+                        LA56_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA56_0 == LT) :
+                            alt56 = 1
+                        if alt56 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT128=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement711)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop56
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_forStatementInitialiserPart_in_forStatement715)
+                    forStatementInitialiserPart129 = self.forStatementInitialiserPart()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, forStatementInitialiserPart129.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:135:57: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop58
+                    alt58 = 2
+                    LA58_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA58_0 == LT) :
+                        alt58 = 1
+                    if alt58 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT130=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement719)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop58
+                char_literal131=self.match(self.input, 38, self.FOLLOW_38_in_forStatement723)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal131_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal131)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal131_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:135:64: ( ( LT )* expression )?
+                alt60 = 2
+                alt60 = self.dfa60.predict(self.input)
+                if alt60 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:135:65: ( LT )* expression
+                    pass 
+                    # JavaScript.g:135:67: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop59
+                        alt59 = 2
+                        LA59_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA59_0 == LT) :
+                            alt59 = 1
+                        if alt59 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT132=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement726)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop59
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement730)
+                    expression133 = self.expression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression133.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:135:85: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop61
+                    alt61 = 2
+                    LA61_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA61_0 == LT) :
+                        alt61 = 1
+                    if alt61 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT134=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement734)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop61
+                char_literal135=self.match(self.input, 38, self.FOLLOW_38_in_forStatement738)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal135_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal135)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal135_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:135:92: ( ( LT )* expression )?
+                alt63 = 2
+                alt63 = self.dfa63.predict(self.input)
+                if alt63 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:135:93: ( LT )* expression
+                    pass 
+                    # JavaScript.g:135:95: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop62
+                        alt62 = 2
+                        LA62_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA62_0 == LT) :
+                            alt62 = 1
+                        if alt62 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT136=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement741)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop62
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement745)
+                    expression137 = self.expression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression137.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:135:113: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop64
+                    alt64 = 2
+                    LA64_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA64_0 == LT) :
+                        alt64 = 1
+                    if alt64 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT138=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement749)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop64
+                char_literal139=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_forStatement753)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal139_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal139)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal139_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:135:122: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop65
+                    alt65 = 2
+                    LA65_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA65_0 == LT) :
+                        alt65 = 1
+                    if alt65 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT140=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement755)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop65
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_forStatement759)
+                statement141 = self.statement()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement141.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 24, forStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "forStatement"
+    class forStatementInitialiserPart_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.forStatementInitialiserPart_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "forStatementInitialiserPart"
+    # JavaScript.g:138:1: forStatementInitialiserPart : ( expressionNoIn | 'var' ( LT )* variableDeclarationListNoIn );
+    def forStatementInitialiserPart(self, ):
+        retval = self.forStatementInitialiserPart_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        forStatementInitialiserPart_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal143 = None
+        LT144 = None
+        expressionNoIn142 = None
+        variableDeclarationListNoIn145 = None
+        string_literal143_tree = None
+        LT144_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 25):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:139:2: ( expressionNoIn | 'var' ( LT )* variableDeclarationListNoIn )
+                alt67 = 2
+                LA67_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((Identifier <= LA67_0 <= NumericLiteral) or (31 <= LA67_0 <= 32) or LA67_0 == 35 or (58 <= LA67_0 <= 59) or (91 <= LA67_0 <= 92) or (96 <= LA67_0 <= 106)) :
+                    alt67 = 1
+                elif (LA67_0 == 37) :
+                    alt67 = 2
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 67, 0, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+                if alt67 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:139:4: expressionNoIn
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expressionNoIn_in_forStatementInitialiserPart771)
+                    expressionNoIn142 = self.expressionNoIn()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expressionNoIn142.tree)
+                elif alt67 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:140:4: 'var' ( LT )* variableDeclarationListNoIn
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    string_literal143=self.match(self.input, 37, self.FOLLOW_37_in_forStatementInitialiserPart776)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        string_literal143_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal143)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal143_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:140:12: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop66
+                        alt66 = 2
+                        LA66_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA66_0 == LT) :
+                            alt66 = 1
+                        if alt66 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT144=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatementInitialiserPart778)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop66
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_variableDeclarationListNoIn_in_forStatementInitialiserPart782)
+                    variableDeclarationListNoIn145 = self.variableDeclarationListNoIn()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, variableDeclarationListNoIn145.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 25, forStatementInitialiserPart_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "forStatementInitialiserPart"
+    class forInStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.forInStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "forInStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:143:1: forInStatement : 'for' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* forInStatementInitialiserPart ( LT )* 'in' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement ;
+    def forInStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.forInStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        forInStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal146 = None
+        LT147 = None
+        char_literal148 = None
+        LT149 = None
+        LT151 = None
+        string_literal152 = None
+        LT153 = None
+        LT155 = None
+        char_literal156 = None
+        LT157 = None
+        forInStatementInitialiserPart150 = None
+        expression154 = None
+        statement158 = None
+        string_literal146_tree = None
+        LT147_tree = None
+        char_literal148_tree = None
+        LT149_tree = None
+        LT151_tree = None
+        string_literal152_tree = None
+        LT153_tree = None
+        LT155_tree = None
+        char_literal156_tree = None
+        LT157_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 26):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:144:2: ( 'for' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* forInStatementInitialiserPart ( LT )* 'in' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement )
+                # JavaScript.g:144:4: 'for' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* forInStatementInitialiserPart ( LT )* 'in' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal146=self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_forInStatement794)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal146_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal146)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal146_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:144:12: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop68
+                    alt68 = 2
+                    LA68_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA68_0 == LT) :
+                        alt68 = 1
+                    if alt68 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT147=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement796)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop68
+                char_literal148=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_forInStatement800)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal148_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal148)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal148_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:144:21: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop69
+                    alt69 = 2
+                    LA69_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA69_0 == LT) :
+                        alt69 = 1
+                    if alt69 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT149=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement802)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop69
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_forInStatementInitialiserPart_in_forInStatement806)
+                forInStatementInitialiserPart150 = self.forInStatementInitialiserPart()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, forInStatementInitialiserPart150.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:144:56: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop70
+                    alt70 = 2
+                    LA70_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA70_0 == LT) :
+                        alt70 = 1
+                    if alt70 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT151=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement808)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop70
+                string_literal152=self.match(self.input, 45, self.FOLLOW_45_in_forInStatement812)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal152_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal152)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal152_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:144:66: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop71
+                    alt71 = 2
+                    LA71_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA71_0 == LT) :
+                        alt71 = 1
+                    if alt71 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT153=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement814)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop71
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_forInStatement818)
+                expression154 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression154.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:144:82: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop72
+                    alt72 = 2
+                    LA72_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA72_0 == LT) :
+                        alt72 = 1
+                    if alt72 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT155=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement820)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop72
+                char_literal156=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_forInStatement824)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal156_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal156)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal156_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:144:91: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop73
+                    alt73 = 2
+                    LA73_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA73_0 == LT) :
+                        alt73 = 1
+                    if alt73 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT157=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement826)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop73
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_forInStatement830)
+                statement158 = self.statement()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement158.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 26, forInStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "forInStatement"
+    class forInStatementInitialiserPart_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.forInStatementInitialiserPart_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "forInStatementInitialiserPart"
+    # JavaScript.g:147:1: forInStatementInitialiserPart : ( leftHandSideExpression | 'var' ( LT )* variableDeclarationNoIn );
+    def forInStatementInitialiserPart(self, ):
+        retval = self.forInStatementInitialiserPart_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        forInStatementInitialiserPart_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal160 = None
+        LT161 = None
+        leftHandSideExpression159 = None
+        variableDeclarationNoIn162 = None
+        string_literal160_tree = None
+        LT161_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 27):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:148:2: ( leftHandSideExpression | 'var' ( LT )* variableDeclarationNoIn )
+                alt75 = 2
+                LA75_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((Identifier <= LA75_0 <= NumericLiteral) or (31 <= LA75_0 <= 32) or LA75_0 == 35 or (58 <= LA75_0 <= 59) or (103 <= LA75_0 <= 106)) :
+                    alt75 = 1
+                elif (LA75_0 == 37) :
+                    alt75 = 2
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 75, 0, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+                if alt75 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:148:4: leftHandSideExpression
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_leftHandSideExpression_in_forInStatementInitialiserPart842)
+                    leftHandSideExpression159 = self.leftHandSideExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, leftHandSideExpression159.tree)
+                elif alt75 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:149:4: 'var' ( LT )* variableDeclarationNoIn
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    string_literal160=self.match(self.input, 37, self.FOLLOW_37_in_forInStatementInitialiserPart847)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        string_literal160_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal160)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal160_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:149:12: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop74
+                        alt74 = 2
+                        LA74_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA74_0 == LT) :
+                            alt74 = 1
+                        if alt74 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT161=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatementInitialiserPart849)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop74
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_variableDeclarationNoIn_in_forInStatementInitialiserPart853)
+                    variableDeclarationNoIn162 = self.variableDeclarationNoIn()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, variableDeclarationNoIn162.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 27, forInStatementInitialiserPart_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "forInStatementInitialiserPart"
+    class continueStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.continueStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "continueStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:152:1: continueStatement : 'continue' ( Identifier )? ( LT | ';' ) ;
+    def continueStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.continueStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        continueStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal163 = None
+        Identifier164 = None
+        set165 = None
+        string_literal163_tree = None
+        Identifier164_tree = None
+        set165_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 28):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:153:2: ( 'continue' ( Identifier )? ( LT | ';' ) )
+                # JavaScript.g:153:4: 'continue' ( Identifier )? ( LT | ';' )
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal163=self.match(self.input, 46, self.FOLLOW_46_in_continueStatement864)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal163_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal163)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal163_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:153:15: ( Identifier )?
+                alt76 = 2
+                LA76_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA76_0 == Identifier) :
+                    alt76 = 1
+                if alt76 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: Identifier
+                    pass 
+                    Identifier164=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_continueStatement866)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        Identifier164_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier164)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier164_tree)
+                set165 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if self.input.LA(1) == LT or self.input.LA(1) == 38:
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 28, continueStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "continueStatement"
+    class breakStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.breakStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "breakStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:156:1: breakStatement : 'break' ( Identifier )? ( LT | ';' ) ;
+    def breakStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.breakStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        breakStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal166 = None
+        Identifier167 = None
+        set168 = None
+        string_literal166_tree = None
+        Identifier167_tree = None
+        set168_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 29):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:157:2: ( 'break' ( Identifier )? ( LT | ';' ) )
+                # JavaScript.g:157:4: 'break' ( Identifier )? ( LT | ';' )
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal166=self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_breakStatement887)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal166_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal166)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal166_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:157:12: ( Identifier )?
+                alt77 = 2
+                LA77_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA77_0 == Identifier) :
+                    alt77 = 1
+                if alt77 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: Identifier
+                    pass 
+                    Identifier167=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_breakStatement889)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        Identifier167_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier167)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier167_tree)
+                set168 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if self.input.LA(1) == LT or self.input.LA(1) == 38:
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 29, breakStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "breakStatement"
+    class returnStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.returnStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "returnStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:160:1: returnStatement : 'return' ( expression )? ( LT | ';' ) ;
+    def returnStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.returnStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        returnStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal169 = None
+        set171 = None
+        expression170 = None
+        string_literal169_tree = None
+        set171_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 30):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:161:2: ( 'return' ( expression )? ( LT | ';' ) )
+                # JavaScript.g:161:4: 'return' ( expression )? ( LT | ';' )
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal169=self.match(self.input, 48, self.FOLLOW_48_in_returnStatement910)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal169_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal169)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal169_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:161:13: ( expression )?
+                alt78 = 2
+                LA78_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((Identifier <= LA78_0 <= NumericLiteral) or (31 <= LA78_0 <= 32) or LA78_0 == 35 or (58 <= LA78_0 <= 59) or (91 <= LA78_0 <= 92) or (96 <= LA78_0 <= 106)) :
+                    alt78 = 1
+                if alt78 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: expression
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_returnStatement912)
+                    expression170 = self.expression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression170.tree)
+                set171 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if self.input.LA(1) == LT or self.input.LA(1) == 38:
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 30, returnStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "returnStatement"
+    class withStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.withStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "withStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:164:1: withStatement : 'with' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement ;
+    def withStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.withStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        withStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal172 = None
+        LT173 = None
+        char_literal174 = None
+        LT175 = None
+        LT177 = None
+        char_literal178 = None
+        LT179 = None
+        expression176 = None
+        statement180 = None
+        string_literal172_tree = None
+        LT173_tree = None
+        char_literal174_tree = None
+        LT175_tree = None
+        LT177_tree = None
+        char_literal178_tree = None
+        LT179_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 31):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:165:2: ( 'with' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement )
+                # JavaScript.g:165:4: 'with' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statement
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal172=self.match(self.input, 49, self.FOLLOW_49_in_withStatement934)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal172_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal172)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal172_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:165:13: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop79
+                    alt79 = 2
+                    LA79_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA79_0 == LT) :
+                        alt79 = 1
+                    if alt79 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT173=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_withStatement936)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop79
+                char_literal174=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_withStatement940)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal174_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal174)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal174_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:165:22: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop80
+                    alt80 = 2
+                    LA80_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA80_0 == LT) :
+                        alt80 = 1
+                    if alt80 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT175=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_withStatement942)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop80
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_withStatement946)
+                expression176 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression176.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:165:38: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop81
+                    alt81 = 2
+                    LA81_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA81_0 == LT) :
+                        alt81 = 1
+                    if alt81 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT177=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_withStatement948)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop81
+                char_literal178=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_withStatement952)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal178_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal178)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal178_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:165:47: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop82
+                    alt82 = 2
+                    LA82_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA82_0 == LT) :
+                        alt82 = 1
+                    if alt82 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT179=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_withStatement954)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop82
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_withStatement958)
+                statement180 = self.statement()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement180.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 31, withStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "withStatement"
+    class labelledStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.labelledStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "labelledStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:168:1: labelledStatement : Identifier ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* statement ;
+    def labelledStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.labelledStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        labelledStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        Identifier181 = None
+        LT182 = None
+        char_literal183 = None
+        LT184 = None
+        statement185 = None
+        Identifier181_tree = None
+        LT182_tree = None
+        char_literal183_tree = None
+        LT184_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 32):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:169:2: ( Identifier ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* statement )
+                # JavaScript.g:169:4: Identifier ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* statement
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                Identifier181=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_labelledStatement969)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    Identifier181_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier181)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier181_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:169:17: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop83
+                    alt83 = 2
+                    LA83_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA83_0 == LT) :
+                        alt83 = 1
+                    if alt83 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT182=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_labelledStatement971)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop83
+                char_literal183=self.match(self.input, 50, self.FOLLOW_50_in_labelledStatement975)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal183_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal183)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal183_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:169:26: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop84
+                    alt84 = 2
+                    LA84_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA84_0 == LT) :
+                        alt84 = 1
+                    if alt84 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT184=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_labelledStatement977)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop84
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_labelledStatement981)
+                statement185 = self.statement()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statement185.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 32, labelledStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "labelledStatement"
+    class switchStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.switchStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "switchStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:172:1: switchStatement : 'switch' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* caseBlock ;
+    def switchStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.switchStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        switchStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal186 = None
+        LT187 = None
+        char_literal188 = None
+        LT189 = None
+        LT191 = None
+        char_literal192 = None
+        LT193 = None
+        expression190 = None
+        caseBlock194 = None
+        string_literal186_tree = None
+        LT187_tree = None
+        char_literal188_tree = None
+        LT189_tree = None
+        LT191_tree = None
+        char_literal192_tree = None
+        LT193_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 33):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:173:2: ( 'switch' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* caseBlock )
+                # JavaScript.g:173:4: 'switch' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* caseBlock
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal186=self.match(self.input, 51, self.FOLLOW_51_in_switchStatement993)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal186_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal186)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal186_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:173:15: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop85
+                    alt85 = 2
+                    LA85_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA85_0 == LT) :
+                        alt85 = 1
+                    if alt85 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT187=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_switchStatement995)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop85
+                char_literal188=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_switchStatement999)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal188_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal188)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal188_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:173:24: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop86
+                    alt86 = 2
+                    LA86_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA86_0 == LT) :
+                        alt86 = 1
+                    if alt86 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT189=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_switchStatement1001)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop86
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_switchStatement1005)
+                expression190 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression190.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:173:40: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop87
+                    alt87 = 2
+                    LA87_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA87_0 == LT) :
+                        alt87 = 1
+                    if alt87 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT191=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_switchStatement1007)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop87
+                char_literal192=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_switchStatement1011)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal192_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal192)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal192_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:173:49: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop88
+                    alt88 = 2
+                    LA88_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA88_0 == LT) :
+                        alt88 = 1
+                    if alt88 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT193=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_switchStatement1013)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop88
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_caseBlock_in_switchStatement1017)
+                caseBlock194 = self.caseBlock()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, caseBlock194.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 33, switchStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "switchStatement"
+    class caseBlock_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.caseBlock_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "caseBlock"
+    # JavaScript.g:176:1: caseBlock : '{' ( ( LT )* caseClause )* ( ( LT )* defaultClause ( ( LT )* caseClause )* )? ( LT )* '}' ;
+    def caseBlock(self, ):
+        retval = self.caseBlock_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        caseBlock_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal195 = None
+        LT196 = None
+        LT198 = None
+        LT200 = None
+        LT202 = None
+        char_literal203 = None
+        caseClause197 = None
+        defaultClause199 = None
+        caseClause201 = None
+        char_literal195_tree = None
+        LT196_tree = None
+        LT198_tree = None
+        LT200_tree = None
+        LT202_tree = None
+        char_literal203_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 34):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:177:2: ( '{' ( ( LT )* caseClause )* ( ( LT )* defaultClause ( ( LT )* caseClause )* )? ( LT )* '}' )
+                # JavaScript.g:177:4: '{' ( ( LT )* caseClause )* ( ( LT )* defaultClause ( ( LT )* caseClause )* )? ( LT )* '}'
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal195=self.match(self.input, 35, self.FOLLOW_35_in_caseBlock1029)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal195_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal195)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal195_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:177:8: ( ( LT )* caseClause )*
+                while True: #loop90
+                    alt90 = 2
+                    alt90 = self.dfa90.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt90 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:177:9: ( LT )* caseClause
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:177:11: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop89
+                            alt89 = 2
+                            LA89_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA89_0 == LT) :
+                                alt89 = 1
+                            if alt89 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT196=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_caseBlock1032)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop89
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_caseClause_in_caseBlock1036)
+                        caseClause197 = self.caseClause()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, caseClause197.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop90
+                # JavaScript.g:177:27: ( ( LT )* defaultClause ( ( LT )* caseClause )* )?
+                alt94 = 2
+                alt94 = self.dfa94.predict(self.input)
+                if alt94 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:177:28: ( LT )* defaultClause ( ( LT )* caseClause )*
+                    pass 
+                    # JavaScript.g:177:30: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop91
+                        alt91 = 2
+                        LA91_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA91_0 == LT) :
+                            alt91 = 1
+                        if alt91 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT198=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_caseBlock1041)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop91
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_defaultClause_in_caseBlock1045)
+                    defaultClause199 = self.defaultClause()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, defaultClause199.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:177:47: ( ( LT )* caseClause )*
+                    while True: #loop93
+                        alt93 = 2
+                        alt93 = self.dfa93.predict(self.input)
+                        if alt93 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:177:48: ( LT )* caseClause
+                            pass 
+                            # JavaScript.g:177:50: ( LT )*
+                            while True: #loop92
+                                alt92 = 2
+                                LA92_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                                if (LA92_0 == LT) :
+                                    alt92 = 1
+                                if alt92 == 1:
+                                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                    pass 
+                                    LT200=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_caseBlock1048)
+                                else:
+                                    break #loop92
+                            self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_caseClause_in_caseBlock1052)
+                            caseClause201 = self.caseClause()
+                            self._state.following.pop()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, caseClause201.tree)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop93
+                # JavaScript.g:177:70: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop95
+                    alt95 = 2
+                    LA95_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA95_0 == LT) :
+                        alt95 = 1
+                    if alt95 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT202=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_caseBlock1058)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop95
+                char_literal203=self.match(self.input, 36, self.FOLLOW_36_in_caseBlock1062)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal203_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal203)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal203_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 34, caseBlock_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "caseBlock"
+    class caseClause_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.caseClause_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "caseClause"
+    # JavaScript.g:180:1: caseClause : 'case' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* ( statementList )? ;
+    def caseClause(self, ):
+        retval = self.caseClause_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        caseClause_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal204 = None
+        LT205 = None
+        LT207 = None
+        char_literal208 = None
+        LT209 = None
+        expression206 = None
+        statementList210 = None
+        string_literal204_tree = None
+        LT205_tree = None
+        LT207_tree = None
+        char_literal208_tree = None
+        LT209_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 35):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:181:2: ( 'case' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* ( statementList )? )
+                # JavaScript.g:181:4: 'case' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* ( statementList )?
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal204=self.match(self.input, 52, self.FOLLOW_52_in_caseClause1073)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal204_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal204)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal204_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:181:13: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop96
+                    alt96 = 2
+                    LA96_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA96_0 == LT) :
+                        alt96 = 1
+                    if alt96 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT205=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_caseClause1075)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop96
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_caseClause1079)
+                expression206 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression206.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:181:29: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop97
+                    alt97 = 2
+                    LA97_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA97_0 == LT) :
+                        alt97 = 1
+                    if alt97 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT207=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_caseClause1081)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop97
+                char_literal208=self.match(self.input, 50, self.FOLLOW_50_in_caseClause1085)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal208_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal208)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal208_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:181:38: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop98
+                    alt98 = 2
+                    LA98_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA98_0 == LT) :
+                        LA98_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+                        if (self.synpred118_JavaScript()) :
+                            alt98 = 1
+                    if alt98 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT209=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_caseClause1087)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop98
+                # JavaScript.g:181:41: ( statementList )?
+                alt99 = 2
+                LA99_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((Identifier <= LA99_0 <= NumericLiteral) or (31 <= LA99_0 <= 32) or LA99_0 == 35 or (37 <= LA99_0 <= 38) or LA99_0 == 40 or (42 <= LA99_0 <= 44) or (46 <= LA99_0 <= 49) or LA99_0 == 51 or (54 <= LA99_0 <= 55) or (58 <= LA99_0 <= 59) or (91 <= LA99_0 <= 92) or (96 <= LA99_0 <= 106)) :
+                    alt99 = 1
+                if alt99 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: statementList
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statementList_in_caseClause1091)
+                    statementList210 = self.statementList()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statementList210.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 35, caseClause_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "caseClause"
+    class defaultClause_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.defaultClause_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "defaultClause"
+    # JavaScript.g:184:1: defaultClause : 'default' ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* ( statementList )? ;
+    def defaultClause(self, ):
+        retval = self.defaultClause_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        defaultClause_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal211 = None
+        LT212 = None
+        char_literal213 = None
+        LT214 = None
+        statementList215 = None
+        string_literal211_tree = None
+        LT212_tree = None
+        char_literal213_tree = None
+        LT214_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 36):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:185:2: ( 'default' ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* ( statementList )? )
+                # JavaScript.g:185:4: 'default' ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* ( statementList )?
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal211=self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_defaultClause1104)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal211_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal211)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal211_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:185:16: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop100
+                    alt100 = 2
+                    LA100_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA100_0 == LT) :
+                        alt100 = 1
+                    if alt100 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT212=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_defaultClause1106)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop100
+                char_literal213=self.match(self.input, 50, self.FOLLOW_50_in_defaultClause1110)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal213_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal213)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal213_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:185:25: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop101
+                    alt101 = 2
+                    LA101_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA101_0 == LT) :
+                        LA101_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+                        if (self.synpred121_JavaScript()) :
+                            alt101 = 1
+                    if alt101 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT214=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_defaultClause1112)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop101
+                # JavaScript.g:185:28: ( statementList )?
+                alt102 = 2
+                LA102_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((Identifier <= LA102_0 <= NumericLiteral) or (31 <= LA102_0 <= 32) or LA102_0 == 35 or (37 <= LA102_0 <= 38) or LA102_0 == 40 or (42 <= LA102_0 <= 44) or (46 <= LA102_0 <= 49) or LA102_0 == 51 or (54 <= LA102_0 <= 55) or (58 <= LA102_0 <= 59) or (91 <= LA102_0 <= 92) or (96 <= LA102_0 <= 106)) :
+                    alt102 = 1
+                if alt102 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: statementList
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statementList_in_defaultClause1116)
+                    statementList215 = self.statementList()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statementList215.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 36, defaultClause_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "defaultClause"
+    class throwStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.throwStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "throwStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:188:1: throwStatement : 'throw' expression ( LT | ';' ) ;
+    def throwStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.throwStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        throwStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal216 = None
+        set218 = None
+        expression217 = None
+        string_literal216_tree = None
+        set218_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 37):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:189:2: ( 'throw' expression ( LT | ';' ) )
+                # JavaScript.g:189:4: 'throw' expression ( LT | ';' )
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal216=self.match(self.input, 54, self.FOLLOW_54_in_throwStatement1129)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal216_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal216)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal216_tree)
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_throwStatement1131)
+                expression217 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression217.tree)
+                set218 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if self.input.LA(1) == LT or self.input.LA(1) == 38:
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 37, throwStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "throwStatement"
+    class tryStatement_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.tryStatement_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "tryStatement"
+    # JavaScript.g:192:1: tryStatement : 'try' ( LT )* statementBlock ( LT )* ( finallyClause | catchClause ( ( LT )* finallyClause )? ) ;
+    def tryStatement(self, ):
+        retval = self.tryStatement_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        tryStatement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal219 = None
+        LT220 = None
+        LT222 = None
+        LT225 = None
+        statementBlock221 = None
+        finallyClause223 = None
+        catchClause224 = None
+        finallyClause226 = None
+        string_literal219_tree = None
+        LT220_tree = None
+        LT222_tree = None
+        LT225_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 38):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:193:2: ( 'try' ( LT )* statementBlock ( LT )* ( finallyClause | catchClause ( ( LT )* finallyClause )? ) )
+                # JavaScript.g:193:4: 'try' ( LT )* statementBlock ( LT )* ( finallyClause | catchClause ( ( LT )* finallyClause )? )
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal219=self.match(self.input, 55, self.FOLLOW_55_in_tryStatement1151)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal219_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal219)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal219_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:193:12: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop103
+                    alt103 = 2
+                    LA103_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA103_0 == LT) :
+                        alt103 = 1
+                    if alt103 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT220=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_tryStatement1153)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop103
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_tryStatement1157)
+                statementBlock221 = self.statementBlock()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statementBlock221.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:193:32: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop104
+                    alt104 = 2
+                    LA104_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA104_0 == LT) :
+                        alt104 = 1
+                    if alt104 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT222=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_tryStatement1159)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop104
+                # JavaScript.g:193:35: ( finallyClause | catchClause ( ( LT )* finallyClause )? )
+                alt107 = 2
+                LA107_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA107_0 == 57) :
+                    alt107 = 1
+                elif (LA107_0 == 56) :
+                    alt107 = 2
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 107, 0, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+                if alt107 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:193:36: finallyClause
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_finallyClause_in_tryStatement1164)
+                    finallyClause223 = self.finallyClause()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, finallyClause223.tree)
+                elif alt107 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:193:52: catchClause ( ( LT )* finallyClause )?
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_catchClause_in_tryStatement1168)
+                    catchClause224 = self.catchClause()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, catchClause224.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:193:64: ( ( LT )* finallyClause )?
+                    alt106 = 2
+                    alt106 = self.dfa106.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt106 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:193:65: ( LT )* finallyClause
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:193:67: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop105
+                            alt105 = 2
+                            LA105_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA105_0 == LT) :
+                                alt105 = 1
+                            if alt105 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT225=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_tryStatement1171)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop105
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_finallyClause_in_tryStatement1175)
+                        finallyClause226 = self.finallyClause()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, finallyClause226.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 38, tryStatement_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "tryStatement"
+    class catchClause_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.catchClause_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "catchClause"
+    # JavaScript.g:196:1: catchClause : 'catch' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* Identifier ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statementBlock ;
+    def catchClause(self, ):
+        retval = self.catchClause_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        catchClause_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal227 = None
+        LT228 = None
+        char_literal229 = None
+        LT230 = None
+        Identifier231 = None
+        LT232 = None
+        char_literal233 = None
+        LT234 = None
+        statementBlock235 = None
+        string_literal227_tree = None
+        LT228_tree = None
+        char_literal229_tree = None
+        LT230_tree = None
+        Identifier231_tree = None
+        LT232_tree = None
+        char_literal233_tree = None
+        LT234_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 39):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:197:2: ( 'catch' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* Identifier ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statementBlock )
+                # JavaScript.g:197:4: 'catch' ( LT )* '(' ( LT )* Identifier ( LT )* ')' ( LT )* statementBlock
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal227=self.match(self.input, 56, self.FOLLOW_56_in_catchClause1196)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal227_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal227)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal227_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:197:14: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop108
+                    alt108 = 2
+                    LA108_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA108_0 == LT) :
+                        alt108 = 1
+                    if alt108 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT228=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_catchClause1198)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop108
+                char_literal229=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_catchClause1202)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal229_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal229)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal229_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:197:23: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop109
+                    alt109 = 2
+                    LA109_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA109_0 == LT) :
+                        alt109 = 1
+                    if alt109 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT230=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_catchClause1204)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop109
+                Identifier231=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_catchClause1208)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    Identifier231_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier231)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier231_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:197:39: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop110
+                    alt110 = 2
+                    LA110_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA110_0 == LT) :
+                        alt110 = 1
+                    if alt110 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT232=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_catchClause1210)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop110
+                char_literal233=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_catchClause1214)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal233_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal233)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal233_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:197:48: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop111
+                    alt111 = 2
+                    LA111_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA111_0 == LT) :
+                        alt111 = 1
+                    if alt111 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT234=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_catchClause1216)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop111
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_catchClause1220)
+                statementBlock235 = self.statementBlock()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statementBlock235.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 39, catchClause_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "catchClause"
+    class finallyClause_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.finallyClause_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "finallyClause"
+    # JavaScript.g:200:1: finallyClause : 'finally' ( LT )* statementBlock ;
+    def finallyClause(self, ):
+        retval = self.finallyClause_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        finallyClause_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal236 = None
+        LT237 = None
+        statementBlock238 = None
+        string_literal236_tree = None
+        LT237_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 40):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:201:2: ( 'finally' ( LT )* statementBlock )
+                # JavaScript.g:201:4: 'finally' ( LT )* statementBlock
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                string_literal236=self.match(self.input, 57, self.FOLLOW_57_in_finallyClause1232)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    string_literal236_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal236)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal236_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:201:16: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop112
+                    alt112 = 2
+                    LA112_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA112_0 == LT) :
+                        alt112 = 1
+                    if alt112 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT237=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_finallyClause1234)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop112
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_finallyClause1238)
+                statementBlock238 = self.statementBlock()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, statementBlock238.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 40, finallyClause_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "finallyClause"
+    class expression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.expression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "expression"
+    # JavaScript.g:205:1: expression : assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* ;
+    def expression(self, ):
+        retval = self.expression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT240 = None
+        char_literal241 = None
+        LT242 = None
+        assignmentExpression239 = None
+        assignmentExpression243 = None
+        LT240_tree = None
+        char_literal241_tree = None
+        LT242_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 41):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:206:2: ( assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:206:4: assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_expression1250)
+                assignmentExpression239 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression239.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:206:25: ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )*
+                while True: #loop115
+                    alt115 = 2
+                    alt115 = self.dfa115.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt115 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:206:26: ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:206:28: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop113
+                            alt113 = 2
+                            LA113_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA113_0 == LT) :
+                                alt113 = 1
+                            if alt113 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT240=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_expression1253)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop113
+                        char_literal241=self.match(self.input, 33, self.FOLLOW_33_in_expression1257)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal241_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal241)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal241_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:206:37: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop114
+                            alt114 = 2
+                            LA114_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA114_0 == LT) :
+                                alt114 = 1
+                            if alt114 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT242=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_expression1259)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop114
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_expression1263)
+                        assignmentExpression243 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression243.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop115
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 41, expression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "expression"
+    class expressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.expressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "expressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:209:1: expressionNoIn : assignmentExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )* ;
+    def expressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.expressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        expressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT245 = None
+        char_literal246 = None
+        LT247 = None
+        assignmentExpressionNoIn244 = None
+        assignmentExpressionNoIn248 = None
+        LT245_tree = None
+        char_literal246_tree = None
+        LT247_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 42):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:210:2: ( assignmentExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:210:4: assignmentExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_expressionNoIn1277)
+                assignmentExpressionNoIn244 = self.assignmentExpressionNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpressionNoIn244.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:210:29: ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )*
+                while True: #loop118
+                    alt118 = 2
+                    alt118 = self.dfa118.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt118 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:210:30: ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:210:32: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop116
+                            alt116 = 2
+                            LA116_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA116_0 == LT) :
+                                alt116 = 1
+                            if alt116 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT245=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_expressionNoIn1280)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop116
+                        char_literal246=self.match(self.input, 33, self.FOLLOW_33_in_expressionNoIn1284)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal246_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal246)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal246_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:210:41: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop117
+                            alt117 = 2
+                            LA117_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA117_0 == LT) :
+                                alt117 = 1
+                            if alt117 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT247=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_expressionNoIn1286)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop117
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_expressionNoIn1290)
+                        assignmentExpressionNoIn248 = self.assignmentExpressionNoIn()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpressionNoIn248.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop118
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 42, expressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "expressionNoIn"
+    class assignmentExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.assignmentExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "assignmentExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:213:1: assignmentExpression : ( conditionalExpression | leftHandSideExpression ( LT )* assignmentOperator ( LT )* assignmentExpression );
+    def assignmentExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.assignmentExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        assignmentExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT251 = None
+        LT253 = None
+        conditionalExpression249 = None
+        leftHandSideExpression250 = None
+        assignmentOperator252 = None
+        assignmentExpression254 = None
+        LT251_tree = None
+        LT253_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 43):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:214:2: ( conditionalExpression | leftHandSideExpression ( LT )* assignmentOperator ( LT )* assignmentExpression )
+                alt121 = 2
+                alt121 = self.dfa121.predict(self.input)
+                if alt121 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:214:4: conditionalExpression
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditionalExpression_in_assignmentExpression1304)
+                    conditionalExpression249 = self.conditionalExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, conditionalExpression249.tree)
+                elif alt121 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:215:4: leftHandSideExpression ( LT )* assignmentOperator ( LT )* assignmentExpression
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_leftHandSideExpression_in_assignmentExpression1309)
+                    leftHandSideExpression250 = self.leftHandSideExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, leftHandSideExpression250.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:215:29: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop119
+                        alt119 = 2
+                        LA119_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA119_0 == LT) :
+                            alt119 = 1
+                        if alt119 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT251=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_assignmentExpression1311)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop119
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentOperator_in_assignmentExpression1315)
+                    assignmentOperator252 = self.assignmentOperator()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentOperator252.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:215:53: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop120
+                        alt120 = 2
+                        LA120_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA120_0 == LT) :
+                            alt120 = 1
+                        if alt120 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT253=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_assignmentExpression1317)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop120
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_assignmentExpression1321)
+                    assignmentExpression254 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression254.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 43, assignmentExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "assignmentExpression"
+    class assignmentExpressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.assignmentExpressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "assignmentExpressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:218:1: assignmentExpressionNoIn : ( conditionalExpressionNoIn | leftHandSideExpression ( LT )* assignmentOperator ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn );
+    def assignmentExpressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.assignmentExpressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        assignmentExpressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT257 = None
+        LT259 = None
+        conditionalExpressionNoIn255 = None
+        leftHandSideExpression256 = None
+        assignmentOperator258 = None
+        assignmentExpressionNoIn260 = None
+        LT257_tree = None
+        LT259_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 44):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:219:2: ( conditionalExpressionNoIn | leftHandSideExpression ( LT )* assignmentOperator ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )
+                alt124 = 2
+                alt124 = self.dfa124.predict(self.input)
+                if alt124 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:219:4: conditionalExpressionNoIn
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditionalExpressionNoIn_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1333)
+                    conditionalExpressionNoIn255 = self.conditionalExpressionNoIn()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, conditionalExpressionNoIn255.tree)
+                elif alt124 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:220:4: leftHandSideExpression ( LT )* assignmentOperator ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_leftHandSideExpression_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1338)
+                    leftHandSideExpression256 = self.leftHandSideExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, leftHandSideExpression256.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:220:29: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop122
+                        alt122 = 2
+                        LA122_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA122_0 == LT) :
+                            alt122 = 1
+                        if alt122 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT257=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1340)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop122
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentOperator_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1344)
+                    assignmentOperator258 = self.assignmentOperator()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentOperator258.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:220:53: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop123
+                        alt123 = 2
+                        LA123_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA123_0 == LT) :
+                            alt123 = 1
+                        if alt123 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT259=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1346)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop123
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1350)
+                    assignmentExpressionNoIn260 = self.assignmentExpressionNoIn()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpressionNoIn260.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 44, assignmentExpressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "assignmentExpressionNoIn"
+    class leftHandSideExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.leftHandSideExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "leftHandSideExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:223:1: leftHandSideExpression : ( callExpression | newExpression );
+    def leftHandSideExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.leftHandSideExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        leftHandSideExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        callExpression261 = None
+        newExpression262 = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 45):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:224:2: ( callExpression | newExpression )
+                alt125 = 2
+                alt125 = self.dfa125.predict(self.input)
+                if alt125 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:224:4: callExpression
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_callExpression_in_leftHandSideExpression1362)
+                    callExpression261 = self.callExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, callExpression261.tree)
+                elif alt125 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:225:4: newExpression
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_newExpression_in_leftHandSideExpression1367)
+                    newExpression262 = self.newExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, newExpression262.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 45, leftHandSideExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "leftHandSideExpression"
+    class newExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.newExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "newExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:228:1: newExpression : ( memberExpression | 'new' ( LT )* newExpression );
+    def newExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.newExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        newExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal264 = None
+        LT265 = None
+        memberExpression263 = None
+        newExpression266 = None
+        string_literal264_tree = None
+        LT265_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 46):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:229:2: ( memberExpression | 'new' ( LT )* newExpression )
+                alt127 = 2
+                alt127 = self.dfa127.predict(self.input)
+                if alt127 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:229:4: memberExpression
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_newExpression1379)
+                    memberExpression263 = self.memberExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, memberExpression263.tree)
+                elif alt127 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:230:4: 'new' ( LT )* newExpression
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    string_literal264=self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_newExpression1384)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        string_literal264_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal264)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal264_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:230:12: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop126
+                        alt126 = 2
+                        LA126_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA126_0 == LT) :
+                            alt126 = 1
+                        if alt126 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT265=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_newExpression1386)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop126
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_newExpression_in_newExpression1390)
+                    newExpression266 = self.newExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, newExpression266.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 46, newExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "newExpression"
+    class memberExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.memberExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "memberExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:233:1: memberExpression : ( primaryExpression | functionExpression | 'new' ( LT )* memberExpression ( LT )* arguments ) ( ( LT )* memberExpressionSuffix )* ;
+    def memberExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.memberExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        memberExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal269 = None
+        LT270 = None
+        LT272 = None
+        LT274 = None
+        primaryExpression267 = None
+        functionExpression268 = None
+        memberExpression271 = None
+        arguments273 = None
+        memberExpressionSuffix275 = None
+        string_literal269_tree = None
+        LT270_tree = None
+        LT272_tree = None
+        LT274_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 47):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:234:2: ( ( primaryExpression | functionExpression | 'new' ( LT )* memberExpression ( LT )* arguments ) ( ( LT )* memberExpressionSuffix )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:234:4: ( primaryExpression | functionExpression | 'new' ( LT )* memberExpression ( LT )* arguments ) ( ( LT )* memberExpressionSuffix )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                # JavaScript.g:234:4: ( primaryExpression | functionExpression | 'new' ( LT )* memberExpression ( LT )* arguments )
+                alt130 = 3
+                LA130 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if LA130 == Identifier or LA130 == StringLiteral or LA130 == NumericLiteral or LA130 == 32 or LA130 == 35 or LA130 == 59 or LA130 == 103 or LA130 == 104 or LA130 == 105 or LA130 == 106:
+                    alt130 = 1
+                elif LA130 == 31:
+                    alt130 = 2
+                elif LA130 == 58:
+                    alt130 = 3
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 130, 0, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+                if alt130 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:234:5: primaryExpression
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_primaryExpression_in_memberExpression1403)
+                    primaryExpression267 = self.primaryExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, primaryExpression267.tree)
+                elif alt130 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:234:25: functionExpression
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_functionExpression_in_memberExpression1407)
+                    functionExpression268 = self.functionExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, functionExpression268.tree)
+                elif alt130 == 3:
+                    # JavaScript.g:234:46: 'new' ( LT )* memberExpression ( LT )* arguments
+                    pass 
+                    string_literal269=self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_memberExpression1411)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        string_literal269_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal269)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal269_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:234:54: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop128
+                        alt128 = 2
+                        LA128_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA128_0 == LT) :
+                            alt128 = 1
+                        if alt128 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT270=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_memberExpression1413)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop128
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_memberExpression1417)
+                    memberExpression271 = self.memberExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, memberExpression271.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:234:76: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop129
+                        alt129 = 2
+                        LA129_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA129_0 == LT) :
+                            alt129 = 1
+                        if alt129 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT272=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_memberExpression1419)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop129
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_arguments_in_memberExpression1423)
+                    arguments273 = self.arguments()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, arguments273.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:234:90: ( ( LT )* memberExpressionSuffix )*
+                while True: #loop132
+                    alt132 = 2
+                    alt132 = self.dfa132.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt132 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:234:91: ( LT )* memberExpressionSuffix
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:234:93: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop131
+                            alt131 = 2
+                            LA131_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA131_0 == LT) :
+                                alt131 = 1
+                            if alt131 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT274=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_memberExpression1427)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop131
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_memberExpressionSuffix_in_memberExpression1431)
+                        memberExpressionSuffix275 = self.memberExpressionSuffix()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, memberExpressionSuffix275.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop132
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 47, memberExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "memberExpression"
+    class memberExpressionSuffix_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.memberExpressionSuffix_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "memberExpressionSuffix"
+    # JavaScript.g:237:1: memberExpressionSuffix : ( indexSuffix | propertyReferenceSuffix );
+    def memberExpressionSuffix(self, ):
+        retval = self.memberExpressionSuffix_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        memberExpressionSuffix_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        indexSuffix276 = None
+        propertyReferenceSuffix277 = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 48):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:238:2: ( indexSuffix | propertyReferenceSuffix )
+                alt133 = 2
+                LA133_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if (LA133_0 == 59) :
+                    alt133 = 1
+                elif (LA133_0 == 61) :
+                    alt133 = 2
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 133, 0, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+                if alt133 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:238:4: indexSuffix
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_indexSuffix_in_memberExpressionSuffix1445)
+                    indexSuffix276 = self.indexSuffix()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, indexSuffix276.tree)
+                elif alt133 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:239:4: propertyReferenceSuffix
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_propertyReferenceSuffix_in_memberExpressionSuffix1450)
+                    propertyReferenceSuffix277 = self.propertyReferenceSuffix()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, propertyReferenceSuffix277.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 48, memberExpressionSuffix_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "memberExpressionSuffix"
+    class callExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.callExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "callExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:242:1: callExpression : memberExpression ( LT )* arguments ( ( LT )* callExpressionSuffix )* ;
+    def callExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.callExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        callExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT279 = None
+        LT281 = None
+        memberExpression278 = None
+        arguments280 = None
+        callExpressionSuffix282 = None
+        LT279_tree = None
+        LT281_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 49):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:243:2: ( memberExpression ( LT )* arguments ( ( LT )* callExpressionSuffix )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:243:4: memberExpression ( LT )* arguments ( ( LT )* callExpressionSuffix )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_callExpression1461)
+                memberExpression278 = self.memberExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, memberExpression278.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:243:23: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop134
+                    alt134 = 2
+                    LA134_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA134_0 == LT) :
+                        alt134 = 1
+                    if alt134 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT279=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_callExpression1463)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop134
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_arguments_in_callExpression1467)
+                arguments280 = self.arguments()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, arguments280.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:243:36: ( ( LT )* callExpressionSuffix )*
+                while True: #loop136
+                    alt136 = 2
+                    alt136 = self.dfa136.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt136 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:243:37: ( LT )* callExpressionSuffix
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:243:39: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop135
+                            alt135 = 2
+                            LA135_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA135_0 == LT) :
+                                alt135 = 1
+                            if alt135 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT281=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_callExpression1470)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop135
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_callExpressionSuffix_in_callExpression1474)
+                        callExpressionSuffix282 = self.callExpressionSuffix()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, callExpressionSuffix282.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop136
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 49, callExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "callExpression"
+    class callExpressionSuffix_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.callExpressionSuffix_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "callExpressionSuffix"
+    # JavaScript.g:246:1: callExpressionSuffix : ( arguments | indexSuffix | propertyReferenceSuffix );
+    def callExpressionSuffix(self, ):
+        retval = self.callExpressionSuffix_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        callExpressionSuffix_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        arguments283 = None
+        indexSuffix284 = None
+        propertyReferenceSuffix285 = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 50):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:247:2: ( arguments | indexSuffix | propertyReferenceSuffix )
+                alt137 = 3
+                LA137 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if LA137 == 32:
+                    alt137 = 1
+                elif LA137 == 59:
+                    alt137 = 2
+                elif LA137 == 61:
+                    alt137 = 3
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 137, 0, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+                if alt137 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:247:4: arguments
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_arguments_in_callExpressionSuffix1488)
+                    arguments283 = self.arguments()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, arguments283.tree)
+                elif alt137 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:248:4: indexSuffix
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_indexSuffix_in_callExpressionSuffix1493)
+                    indexSuffix284 = self.indexSuffix()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, indexSuffix284.tree)
+                elif alt137 == 3:
+                    # JavaScript.g:249:4: propertyReferenceSuffix
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_propertyReferenceSuffix_in_callExpressionSuffix1498)
+                    propertyReferenceSuffix285 = self.propertyReferenceSuffix()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, propertyReferenceSuffix285.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 50, callExpressionSuffix_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "callExpressionSuffix"
+    class arguments_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.arguments_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "arguments"
+    # JavaScript.g:252:1: arguments : '(' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* )? ( LT )* ')' ;
+    def arguments(self, ):
+        retval = self.arguments_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        arguments_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal286 = None
+        LT287 = None
+        LT289 = None
+        char_literal290 = None
+        LT291 = None
+        LT293 = None
+        char_literal294 = None
+        assignmentExpression288 = None
+        assignmentExpression292 = None
+        char_literal286_tree = None
+        LT287_tree = None
+        LT289_tree = None
+        char_literal290_tree = None
+        LT291_tree = None
+        LT293_tree = None
+        char_literal294_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 51):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:253:2: ( '(' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* )? ( LT )* ')' )
+                # JavaScript.g:253:4: '(' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* )? ( LT )* ')'
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal286=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_arguments1509)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal286_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal286)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal286_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:253:8: ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* )?
+                alt142 = 2
+                alt142 = self.dfa142.predict(self.input)
+                if alt142 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:253:9: ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )*
+                    pass 
+                    # JavaScript.g:253:11: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop138
+                        alt138 = 2
+                        LA138_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA138_0 == LT) :
+                            alt138 = 1
+                        if alt138 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT287=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments1512)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop138
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arguments1516)
+                    assignmentExpression288 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression288.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:253:35: ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )*
+                    while True: #loop141
+                        alt141 = 2
+                        alt141 = self.dfa141.predict(self.input)
+                        if alt141 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:253:36: ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression
+                            pass 
+                            # JavaScript.g:253:38: ( LT )*
+                            while True: #loop139
+                                alt139 = 2
+                                LA139_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                                if (LA139_0 == LT) :
+                                    alt139 = 1
+                                if alt139 == 1:
+                                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                    pass 
+                                    LT289=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments1519)
+                                else:
+                                    break #loop139
+                            char_literal290=self.match(self.input, 33, self.FOLLOW_33_in_arguments1523)
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                char_literal290_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal290)
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal290_tree)
+                            # JavaScript.g:253:47: ( LT )*
+                            while True: #loop140
+                                alt140 = 2
+                                LA140_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                                if (LA140_0 == LT) :
+                                    alt140 = 1
+                                if alt140 == 1:
+                                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                    pass 
+                                    LT291=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments1525)
+                                else:
+                                    break #loop140
+                            self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arguments1529)
+                            assignmentExpression292 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                            self._state.following.pop()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression292.tree)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop141
+                # JavaScript.g:253:77: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop143
+                    alt143 = 2
+                    LA143_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA143_0 == LT) :
+                        alt143 = 1
+                    if alt143 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT293=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments1535)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop143
+                char_literal294=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_arguments1539)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal294_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal294)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal294_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 51, arguments_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "arguments"
+    class indexSuffix_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.indexSuffix_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "indexSuffix"
+    # JavaScript.g:256:1: indexSuffix : '[' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ']' ;
+    def indexSuffix(self, ):
+        retval = self.indexSuffix_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        indexSuffix_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal295 = None
+        LT296 = None
+        LT298 = None
+        char_literal299 = None
+        expression297 = None
+        char_literal295_tree = None
+        LT296_tree = None
+        LT298_tree = None
+        char_literal299_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 52):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:257:2: ( '[' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ']' )
+                # JavaScript.g:257:4: '[' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ']'
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal295=self.match(self.input, 59, self.FOLLOW_59_in_indexSuffix1551)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal295_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal295)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal295_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:257:10: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop144
+                    alt144 = 2
+                    LA144_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA144_0 == LT) :
+                        alt144 = 1
+                    if alt144 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT296=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_indexSuffix1553)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop144
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_indexSuffix1557)
+                expression297 = self.expression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression297.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:257:26: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop145
+                    alt145 = 2
+                    LA145_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA145_0 == LT) :
+                        alt145 = 1
+                    if alt145 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT298=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_indexSuffix1559)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop145
+                char_literal299=self.match(self.input, 60, self.FOLLOW_60_in_indexSuffix1563)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal299_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal299)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal299_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 52, indexSuffix_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "indexSuffix"
+    class propertyReferenceSuffix_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.propertyReferenceSuffix_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "propertyReferenceSuffix"
+    # JavaScript.g:260:1: propertyReferenceSuffix : '.' ( LT )* Identifier ;
+    def propertyReferenceSuffix(self, ):
+        retval = self.propertyReferenceSuffix_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        propertyReferenceSuffix_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal300 = None
+        LT301 = None
+        Identifier302 = None
+        char_literal300_tree = None
+        LT301_tree = None
+        Identifier302_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 53):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:261:2: ( '.' ( LT )* Identifier )
+                # JavaScript.g:261:4: '.' ( LT )* Identifier
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal300=self.match(self.input, 61, self.FOLLOW_61_in_propertyReferenceSuffix1576)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal300_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal300)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal300_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:261:10: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop146
+                    alt146 = 2
+                    LA146_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA146_0 == LT) :
+                        alt146 = 1
+                    if alt146 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT301=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_propertyReferenceSuffix1578)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop146
+                Identifier302=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_propertyReferenceSuffix1582)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    Identifier302_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier302)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier302_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 53, propertyReferenceSuffix_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "propertyReferenceSuffix"
+    class assignmentOperator_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.assignmentOperator_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "assignmentOperator"
+    # JavaScript.g:264:1: assignmentOperator : ( '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' );
+    def assignmentOperator(self, ):
+        retval = self.assignmentOperator_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        assignmentOperator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        set303 = None
+        set303_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 54):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:265:2: ( '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' )
+                # JavaScript.g:
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                set303 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if self.input.LA(1) == 39 or (62 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 72):
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set303))
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 54, assignmentOperator_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "assignmentOperator"
+    class conditionalExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.conditionalExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "conditionalExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:268:1: conditionalExpression : logicalORExpression ( ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )? ;
+    def conditionalExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.conditionalExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        conditionalExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT305 = None
+        char_literal306 = None
+        LT307 = None
+        LT309 = None
+        char_literal310 = None
+        LT311 = None
+        logicalORExpression304 = None
+        assignmentExpression308 = None
+        assignmentExpression312 = None
+        LT305_tree = None
+        char_literal306_tree = None
+        LT307_tree = None
+        LT309_tree = None
+        char_literal310_tree = None
+        LT311_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 55):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:269:2: ( logicalORExpression ( ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )? )
+                # JavaScript.g:269:4: logicalORExpression ( ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )?
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logicalORExpression_in_conditionalExpression1649)
+                logicalORExpression304 = self.logicalORExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, logicalORExpression304.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:269:24: ( ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )?
+                alt151 = 2
+                alt151 = self.dfa151.predict(self.input)
+                if alt151 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:269:25: ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpression
+                    pass 
+                    # JavaScript.g:269:27: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop147
+                        alt147 = 2
+                        LA147_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA147_0 == LT) :
+                            alt147 = 1
+                        if alt147 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT305=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpression1652)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop147
+                    char_literal306=self.match(self.input, 73, self.FOLLOW_73_in_conditionalExpression1656)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        char_literal306_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal306)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal306_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:269:36: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop148
+                        alt148 = 2
+                        LA148_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA148_0 == LT) :
+                            alt148 = 1
+                        if alt148 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT307=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpression1658)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop148
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_conditionalExpression1662)
+                    assignmentExpression308 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression308.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:269:62: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop149
+                        alt149 = 2
+                        LA149_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA149_0 == LT) :
+                            alt149 = 1
+                        if alt149 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT309=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpression1664)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop149
+                    char_literal310=self.match(self.input, 50, self.FOLLOW_50_in_conditionalExpression1668)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        char_literal310_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal310)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal310_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:269:71: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop150
+                        alt150 = 2
+                        LA150_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA150_0 == LT) :
+                            alt150 = 1
+                        if alt150 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT311=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpression1670)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop150
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_conditionalExpression1674)
+                    assignmentExpression312 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression312.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 55, conditionalExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "conditionalExpression"
+    class conditionalExpressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.conditionalExpressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "conditionalExpressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:272:1: conditionalExpressionNoIn : logicalORExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )? ;
+    def conditionalExpressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.conditionalExpressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        conditionalExpressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT314 = None
+        char_literal315 = None
+        LT316 = None
+        LT318 = None
+        char_literal319 = None
+        LT320 = None
+        logicalORExpressionNoIn313 = None
+        assignmentExpressionNoIn317 = None
+        assignmentExpressionNoIn321 = None
+        LT314_tree = None
+        char_literal315_tree = None
+        LT316_tree = None
+        LT318_tree = None
+        char_literal319_tree = None
+        LT320_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 56):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:273:2: ( logicalORExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )? )
+                # JavaScript.g:273:4: logicalORExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )?
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logicalORExpressionNoIn_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1687)
+                logicalORExpressionNoIn313 = self.logicalORExpressionNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, logicalORExpressionNoIn313.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:273:28: ( ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn )?
+                alt156 = 2
+                alt156 = self.dfa156.predict(self.input)
+                if alt156 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:273:29: ( LT )* '?' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpressionNoIn
+                    pass 
+                    # JavaScript.g:273:31: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop152
+                        alt152 = 2
+                        LA152_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA152_0 == LT) :
+                            alt152 = 1
+                        if alt152 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT314=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1690)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop152
+                    char_literal315=self.match(self.input, 73, self.FOLLOW_73_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1694)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        char_literal315_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal315)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal315_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:273:40: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop153
+                        alt153 = 2
+                        LA153_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA153_0 == LT) :
+                            alt153 = 1
+                        if alt153 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT316=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1696)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop153
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1700)
+                    assignmentExpressionNoIn317 = self.assignmentExpressionNoIn()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpressionNoIn317.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:273:70: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop154
+                        alt154 = 2
+                        LA154_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA154_0 == LT) :
+                            alt154 = 1
+                        if alt154 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT318=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1702)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop154
+                    char_literal319=self.match(self.input, 50, self.FOLLOW_50_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1706)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        char_literal319_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal319)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal319_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:273:79: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop155
+                        alt155 = 2
+                        LA155_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA155_0 == LT) :
+                            alt155 = 1
+                        if alt155 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT320=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1708)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop155
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1712)
+                    assignmentExpressionNoIn321 = self.assignmentExpressionNoIn()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpressionNoIn321.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 56, conditionalExpressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "conditionalExpressionNoIn"
+    class logicalORExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.logicalORExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "logicalORExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:276:1: logicalORExpression : logicalANDExpression ( ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpression )* ;
+    def logicalORExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.logicalORExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        logicalORExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT323 = None
+        string_literal324 = None
+        LT325 = None
+        logicalANDExpression322 = None
+        logicalANDExpression326 = None
+        LT323_tree = None
+        string_literal324_tree = None
+        LT325_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 57):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:277:2: ( logicalANDExpression ( ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:277:4: logicalANDExpression ( ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logicalANDExpression_in_logicalORExpression1725)
+                logicalANDExpression322 = self.logicalANDExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, logicalANDExpression322.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:277:25: ( ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpression )*
+                while True: #loop159
+                    alt159 = 2
+                    alt159 = self.dfa159.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt159 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:277:26: ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:277:28: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop157
+                            alt157 = 2
+                            LA157_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA157_0 == LT) :
+                                alt157 = 1
+                            if alt157 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT323=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalORExpression1728)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop157
+                        string_literal324=self.match(self.input, 74, self.FOLLOW_74_in_logicalORExpression1732)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            string_literal324_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal324)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal324_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:277:38: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop158
+                            alt158 = 2
+                            LA158_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA158_0 == LT) :
+                                alt158 = 1
+                            if alt158 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT325=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalORExpression1734)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop158
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logicalANDExpression_in_logicalORExpression1738)
+                        logicalANDExpression326 = self.logicalANDExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, logicalANDExpression326.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop159
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 57, logicalORExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "logicalORExpression"
+    class logicalORExpressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.logicalORExpressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "logicalORExpressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:280:1: logicalORExpressionNoIn : logicalANDExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpressionNoIn )* ;
+    def logicalORExpressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.logicalORExpressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        logicalORExpressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT328 = None
+        string_literal329 = None
+        LT330 = None
+        logicalANDExpressionNoIn327 = None
+        logicalANDExpressionNoIn331 = None
+        LT328_tree = None
+        string_literal329_tree = None
+        LT330_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 58):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:281:2: ( logicalANDExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpressionNoIn )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:281:4: logicalANDExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpressionNoIn )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logicalANDExpressionNoIn_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1752)
+                logicalANDExpressionNoIn327 = self.logicalANDExpressionNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, logicalANDExpressionNoIn327.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:281:29: ( ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpressionNoIn )*
+                while True: #loop162
+                    alt162 = 2
+                    alt162 = self.dfa162.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt162 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:281:30: ( LT )* '||' ( LT )* logicalANDExpressionNoIn
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:281:32: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop160
+                            alt160 = 2
+                            LA160_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA160_0 == LT) :
+                                alt160 = 1
+                            if alt160 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT328=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1755)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop160
+                        string_literal329=self.match(self.input, 74, self.FOLLOW_74_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1759)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            string_literal329_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal329)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal329_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:281:42: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop161
+                            alt161 = 2
+                            LA161_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA161_0 == LT) :
+                                alt161 = 1
+                            if alt161 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT330=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1761)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop161
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logicalANDExpressionNoIn_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1765)
+                        logicalANDExpressionNoIn331 = self.logicalANDExpressionNoIn()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, logicalANDExpressionNoIn331.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop162
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 58, logicalORExpressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "logicalORExpressionNoIn"
+    class logicalANDExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.logicalANDExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "logicalANDExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:284:1: logicalANDExpression : bitwiseORExpression ( ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpression )* ;
+    def logicalANDExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.logicalANDExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        logicalANDExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT333 = None
+        string_literal334 = None
+        LT335 = None
+        bitwiseORExpression332 = None
+        bitwiseORExpression336 = None
+        LT333_tree = None
+        string_literal334_tree = None
+        LT335_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 59):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:285:2: ( bitwiseORExpression ( ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:285:4: bitwiseORExpression ( ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseORExpression_in_logicalANDExpression1779)
+                bitwiseORExpression332 = self.bitwiseORExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseORExpression332.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:285:24: ( ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpression )*
+                while True: #loop165
+                    alt165 = 2
+                    alt165 = self.dfa165.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt165 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:285:25: ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:285:27: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop163
+                            alt163 = 2
+                            LA163_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA163_0 == LT) :
+                                alt163 = 1
+                            if alt163 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT333=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalANDExpression1782)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop163
+                        string_literal334=self.match(self.input, 75, self.FOLLOW_75_in_logicalANDExpression1786)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            string_literal334_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal334)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal334_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:285:37: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop164
+                            alt164 = 2
+                            LA164_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA164_0 == LT) :
+                                alt164 = 1
+                            if alt164 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT335=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalANDExpression1788)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop164
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseORExpression_in_logicalANDExpression1792)
+                        bitwiseORExpression336 = self.bitwiseORExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseORExpression336.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop165
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 59, logicalANDExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "logicalANDExpression"
+    class logicalANDExpressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.logicalANDExpressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "logicalANDExpressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:288:1: logicalANDExpressionNoIn : bitwiseORExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpressionNoIn )* ;
+    def logicalANDExpressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.logicalANDExpressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        logicalANDExpressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT338 = None
+        string_literal339 = None
+        LT340 = None
+        bitwiseORExpressionNoIn337 = None
+        bitwiseORExpressionNoIn341 = None
+        LT338_tree = None
+        string_literal339_tree = None
+        LT340_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 60):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:289:2: ( bitwiseORExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpressionNoIn )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:289:4: bitwiseORExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpressionNoIn )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1806)
+                bitwiseORExpressionNoIn337 = self.bitwiseORExpressionNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseORExpressionNoIn337.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:289:28: ( ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpressionNoIn )*
+                while True: #loop168
+                    alt168 = 2
+                    alt168 = self.dfa168.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt168 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:289:29: ( LT )* '&&' ( LT )* bitwiseORExpressionNoIn
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:289:31: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop166
+                            alt166 = 2
+                            LA166_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA166_0 == LT) :
+                                alt166 = 1
+                            if alt166 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT338=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1809)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop166
+                        string_literal339=self.match(self.input, 75, self.FOLLOW_75_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1813)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            string_literal339_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal339)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal339_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:289:41: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop167
+                            alt167 = 2
+                            LA167_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA167_0 == LT) :
+                                alt167 = 1
+                            if alt167 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT340=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1815)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop167
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1819)
+                        bitwiseORExpressionNoIn341 = self.bitwiseORExpressionNoIn()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseORExpressionNoIn341.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop168
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 60, logicalANDExpressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "logicalANDExpressionNoIn"
+    class bitwiseORExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.bitwiseORExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "bitwiseORExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:292:1: bitwiseORExpression : bitwiseXORExpression ( ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpression )* ;
+    def bitwiseORExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.bitwiseORExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        bitwiseORExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT343 = None
+        char_literal344 = None
+        LT345 = None
+        bitwiseXORExpression342 = None
+        bitwiseXORExpression346 = None
+        LT343_tree = None
+        char_literal344_tree = None
+        LT345_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 61):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:293:2: ( bitwiseXORExpression ( ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:293:4: bitwiseXORExpression ( ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseXORExpression_in_bitwiseORExpression1833)
+                bitwiseXORExpression342 = self.bitwiseXORExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseXORExpression342.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:293:25: ( ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpression )*
+                while True: #loop171
+                    alt171 = 2
+                    alt171 = self.dfa171.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt171 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:293:26: ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:293:28: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop169
+                            alt169 = 2
+                            LA169_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA169_0 == LT) :
+                                alt169 = 1
+                            if alt169 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT343=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseORExpression1836)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop169
+                        char_literal344=self.match(self.input, 76, self.FOLLOW_76_in_bitwiseORExpression1840)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal344_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal344)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal344_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:293:37: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop170
+                            alt170 = 2
+                            LA170_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA170_0 == LT) :
+                                alt170 = 1
+                            if alt170 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT345=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseORExpression1842)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop170
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseXORExpression_in_bitwiseORExpression1846)
+                        bitwiseXORExpression346 = self.bitwiseXORExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseXORExpression346.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop171
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 61, bitwiseORExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "bitwiseORExpression"
+    class bitwiseORExpressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.bitwiseORExpressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "bitwiseORExpressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:296:1: bitwiseORExpressionNoIn : bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn )* ;
+    def bitwiseORExpressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.bitwiseORExpressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        bitwiseORExpressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT348 = None
+        char_literal349 = None
+        LT350 = None
+        bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn347 = None
+        bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn351 = None
+        LT348_tree = None
+        char_literal349_tree = None
+        LT350_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 62):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:297:2: ( bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:297:4: bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1860)
+                bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn347 = self.bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn347.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:297:29: ( ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn )*
+                while True: #loop174
+                    alt174 = 2
+                    alt174 = self.dfa174.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt174 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:297:30: ( LT )* '|' ( LT )* bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:297:32: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop172
+                            alt172 = 2
+                            LA172_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA172_0 == LT) :
+                                alt172 = 1
+                            if alt172 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT348=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1863)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop172
+                        char_literal349=self.match(self.input, 76, self.FOLLOW_76_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1867)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal349_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal349)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal349_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:297:41: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop173
+                            alt173 = 2
+                            LA173_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA173_0 == LT) :
+                                alt173 = 1
+                            if alt173 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT350=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1869)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop173
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1873)
+                        bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn351 = self.bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn351.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop174
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 62, bitwiseORExpressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "bitwiseORExpressionNoIn"
+    class bitwiseXORExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.bitwiseXORExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "bitwiseXORExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:300:1: bitwiseXORExpression : bitwiseANDExpression ( ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpression )* ;
+    def bitwiseXORExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.bitwiseXORExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        bitwiseXORExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT353 = None
+        char_literal354 = None
+        LT355 = None
+        bitwiseANDExpression352 = None
+        bitwiseANDExpression356 = None
+        LT353_tree = None
+        char_literal354_tree = None
+        LT355_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 63):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:301:2: ( bitwiseANDExpression ( ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:301:4: bitwiseANDExpression ( ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseANDExpression_in_bitwiseXORExpression1887)
+                bitwiseANDExpression352 = self.bitwiseANDExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseANDExpression352.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:301:25: ( ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpression )*
+                while True: #loop177
+                    alt177 = 2
+                    alt177 = self.dfa177.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt177 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:301:26: ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:301:28: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop175
+                            alt175 = 2
+                            LA175_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA175_0 == LT) :
+                                alt175 = 1
+                            if alt175 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT353=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseXORExpression1890)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop175
+                        char_literal354=self.match(self.input, 77, self.FOLLOW_77_in_bitwiseXORExpression1894)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal354_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal354)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal354_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:301:37: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop176
+                            alt176 = 2
+                            LA176_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA176_0 == LT) :
+                                alt176 = 1
+                            if alt176 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT355=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseXORExpression1896)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop176
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseANDExpression_in_bitwiseXORExpression1900)
+                        bitwiseANDExpression356 = self.bitwiseANDExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseANDExpression356.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop177
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 63, bitwiseXORExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "bitwiseXORExpression"
+    class bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:304:1: bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn : bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn )* ;
+    def bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT358 = None
+        char_literal359 = None
+        LT360 = None
+        bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn357 = None
+        bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn361 = None
+        LT358_tree = None
+        char_literal359_tree = None
+        LT360_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 64):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:305:2: ( bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:305:4: bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1914)
+                bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn357 = self.bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn357.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:305:29: ( ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn )*
+                while True: #loop180
+                    alt180 = 2
+                    alt180 = self.dfa180.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt180 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:305:30: ( LT )* '^' ( LT )* bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:305:32: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop178
+                            alt178 = 2
+                            LA178_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA178_0 == LT) :
+                                alt178 = 1
+                            if alt178 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT358=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1917)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop178
+                        char_literal359=self.match(self.input, 77, self.FOLLOW_77_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1921)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal359_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal359)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal359_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:305:41: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop179
+                            alt179 = 2
+                            LA179_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA179_0 == LT) :
+                                alt179 = 1
+                            if alt179 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT360=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1923)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop179
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1927)
+                        bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn361 = self.bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn361.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop180
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 64, bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn"
+    class bitwiseANDExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.bitwiseANDExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "bitwiseANDExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:308:1: bitwiseANDExpression : equalityExpression ( ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpression )* ;
+    def bitwiseANDExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.bitwiseANDExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        bitwiseANDExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT363 = None
+        char_literal364 = None
+        LT365 = None
+        equalityExpression362 = None
+        equalityExpression366 = None
+        LT363_tree = None
+        char_literal364_tree = None
+        LT365_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 65):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:309:2: ( equalityExpression ( ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:309:4: equalityExpression ( ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_equalityExpression_in_bitwiseANDExpression1941)
+                equalityExpression362 = self.equalityExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, equalityExpression362.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:309:23: ( ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpression )*
+                while True: #loop183
+                    alt183 = 2
+                    alt183 = self.dfa183.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt183 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:309:24: ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:309:26: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop181
+                            alt181 = 2
+                            LA181_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA181_0 == LT) :
+                                alt181 = 1
+                            if alt181 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT363=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseANDExpression1944)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop181
+                        char_literal364=self.match(self.input, 78, self.FOLLOW_78_in_bitwiseANDExpression1948)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal364_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal364)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal364_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:309:35: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop182
+                            alt182 = 2
+                            LA182_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA182_0 == LT) :
+                                alt182 = 1
+                            if alt182 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT365=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseANDExpression1950)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop182
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_equalityExpression_in_bitwiseANDExpression1954)
+                        equalityExpression366 = self.equalityExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, equalityExpression366.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop183
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 65, bitwiseANDExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "bitwiseANDExpression"
+    class bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:312:1: bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn : equalityExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpressionNoIn )* ;
+    def bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT368 = None
+        char_literal369 = None
+        LT370 = None
+        equalityExpressionNoIn367 = None
+        equalityExpressionNoIn371 = None
+        LT368_tree = None
+        char_literal369_tree = None
+        LT370_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 66):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:313:2: ( equalityExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpressionNoIn )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:313:4: equalityExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpressionNoIn )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_equalityExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1968)
+                equalityExpressionNoIn367 = self.equalityExpressionNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, equalityExpressionNoIn367.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:313:27: ( ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpressionNoIn )*
+                while True: #loop186
+                    alt186 = 2
+                    alt186 = self.dfa186.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt186 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:313:28: ( LT )* '&' ( LT )* equalityExpressionNoIn
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:313:30: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop184
+                            alt184 = 2
+                            LA184_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA184_0 == LT) :
+                                alt184 = 1
+                            if alt184 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT368=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1971)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop184
+                        char_literal369=self.match(self.input, 78, self.FOLLOW_78_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1975)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal369_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal369)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal369_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:313:39: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop185
+                            alt185 = 2
+                            LA185_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA185_0 == LT) :
+                                alt185 = 1
+                            if alt185 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT370=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1977)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop185
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_equalityExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1981)
+                        equalityExpressionNoIn371 = self.equalityExpressionNoIn()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, equalityExpressionNoIn371.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop186
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 66, bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn"
+    class equalityExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.equalityExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "equalityExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:316:1: equalityExpression : relationalExpression ( ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpression )* ;
+    def equalityExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.equalityExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        equalityExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT373 = None
+        set374 = None
+        LT375 = None
+        relationalExpression372 = None
+        relationalExpression376 = None
+        LT373_tree = None
+        set374_tree = None
+        LT375_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 67):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:317:2: ( relationalExpression ( ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:317:4: relationalExpression ( ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_relationalExpression_in_equalityExpression1995)
+                relationalExpression372 = self.relationalExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, relationalExpression372.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:317:25: ( ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpression )*
+                while True: #loop189
+                    alt189 = 2
+                    alt189 = self.dfa189.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt189 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:317:26: ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:317:28: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop187
+                            alt187 = 2
+                            LA187_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA187_0 == LT) :
+                                alt187 = 1
+                            if alt187 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT373=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_equalityExpression1998)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop187
+                        set374 = self.input.LT(1)
+                        if (79 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 82):
+                            self.input.consume()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set374))
+                            self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                        else:
+                            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                                raise BacktrackingFailed
+                            mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                            raise mse
+                        # JavaScript.g:317:63: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop188
+                            alt188 = 2
+                            LA188_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA188_0 == LT) :
+                                alt188 = 1
+                            if alt188 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT375=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_equalityExpression2018)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop188
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_relationalExpression_in_equalityExpression2022)
+                        relationalExpression376 = self.relationalExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, relationalExpression376.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop189
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 67, equalityExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "equalityExpression"
+    class equalityExpressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.equalityExpressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "equalityExpressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:320:1: equalityExpressionNoIn : relationalExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpressionNoIn )* ;
+    def equalityExpressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.equalityExpressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        equalityExpressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT378 = None
+        set379 = None
+        LT380 = None
+        relationalExpressionNoIn377 = None
+        relationalExpressionNoIn381 = None
+        LT378_tree = None
+        set379_tree = None
+        LT380_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 68):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:321:2: ( relationalExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpressionNoIn )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:321:4: relationalExpressionNoIn ( ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpressionNoIn )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_relationalExpressionNoIn_in_equalityExpressionNoIn2035)
+                relationalExpressionNoIn377 = self.relationalExpressionNoIn()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, relationalExpressionNoIn377.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:321:29: ( ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpressionNoIn )*
+                while True: #loop192
+                    alt192 = 2
+                    alt192 = self.dfa192.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt192 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:321:30: ( LT )* ( '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' ) ( LT )* relationalExpressionNoIn
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:321:32: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop190
+                            alt190 = 2
+                            LA190_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA190_0 == LT) :
+                                alt190 = 1
+                            if alt190 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT378=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_equalityExpressionNoIn2038)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop190
+                        set379 = self.input.LT(1)
+                        if (79 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 82):
+                            self.input.consume()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set379))
+                            self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                        else:
+                            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                                raise BacktrackingFailed
+                            mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                            raise mse
+                        # JavaScript.g:321:67: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop191
+                            alt191 = 2
+                            LA191_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA191_0 == LT) :
+                                alt191 = 1
+                            if alt191 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT380=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_equalityExpressionNoIn2058)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop191
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_relationalExpressionNoIn_in_equalityExpressionNoIn2062)
+                        relationalExpressionNoIn381 = self.relationalExpressionNoIn()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, relationalExpressionNoIn381.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop192
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 68, equalityExpressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "equalityExpressionNoIn"
+    class relationalExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.relationalExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "relationalExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:324:1: relationalExpression : shiftExpression ( ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' | 'in' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression )* ;
+    def relationalExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.relationalExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        relationalExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT383 = None
+        set384 = None
+        LT385 = None
+        shiftExpression382 = None
+        shiftExpression386 = None
+        LT383_tree = None
+        set384_tree = None
+        LT385_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 69):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:325:2: ( shiftExpression ( ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' | 'in' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:325:4: shiftExpression ( ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' | 'in' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_shiftExpression_in_relationalExpression2076)
+                shiftExpression382 = self.shiftExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, shiftExpression382.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:325:20: ( ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' | 'in' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression )*
+                while True: #loop195
+                    alt195 = 2
+                    alt195 = self.dfa195.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt195 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:325:21: ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' | 'in' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:325:23: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop193
+                            alt193 = 2
+                            LA193_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA193_0 == LT) :
+                                alt193 = 1
+                            if alt193 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT383=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpression2079)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop193
+                        set384 = self.input.LT(1)
+                        if self.input.LA(1) == 45 or (83 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 87):
+                            self.input.consume()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set384))
+                            self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                        else:
+                            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                                raise BacktrackingFailed
+                            mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                            raise mse
+                        # JavaScript.g:325:76: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop194
+                            alt194 = 2
+                            LA194_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA194_0 == LT) :
+                                alt194 = 1
+                            if alt194 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT385=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpression2107)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop194
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_shiftExpression_in_relationalExpression2111)
+                        shiftExpression386 = self.shiftExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, shiftExpression386.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop195
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 69, relationalExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "relationalExpression"
+    class relationalExpressionNoIn_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.relationalExpressionNoIn_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "relationalExpressionNoIn"
+    # JavaScript.g:328:1: relationalExpressionNoIn : shiftExpression ( ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression )* ;
+    def relationalExpressionNoIn(self, ):
+        retval = self.relationalExpressionNoIn_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        relationalExpressionNoIn_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT388 = None
+        set389 = None
+        LT390 = None
+        shiftExpression387 = None
+        shiftExpression391 = None
+        LT388_tree = None
+        set389_tree = None
+        LT390_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 70):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:329:2: ( shiftExpression ( ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:329:4: shiftExpression ( ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_shiftExpression_in_relationalExpressionNoIn2124)
+                shiftExpression387 = self.shiftExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, shiftExpression387.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:329:20: ( ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression )*
+                while True: #loop198
+                    alt198 = 2
+                    alt198 = self.dfa198.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt198 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:329:21: ( LT )* ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'instanceof' ) ( LT )* shiftExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:329:23: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop196
+                            alt196 = 2
+                            LA196_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA196_0 == LT) :
+                                alt196 = 1
+                            if alt196 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT388=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpressionNoIn2127)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop196
+                        set389 = self.input.LT(1)
+                        if (83 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 87):
+                            self.input.consume()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set389))
+                            self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                        else:
+                            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                                raise BacktrackingFailed
+                            mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                            raise mse
+                        # JavaScript.g:329:69: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop197
+                            alt197 = 2
+                            LA197_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA197_0 == LT) :
+                                alt197 = 1
+                            if alt197 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT390=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpressionNoIn2151)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop197
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_shiftExpression_in_relationalExpressionNoIn2155)
+                        shiftExpression391 = self.shiftExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, shiftExpression391.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop198
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 70, relationalExpressionNoIn_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "relationalExpressionNoIn"
+    class shiftExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.shiftExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "shiftExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:332:1: shiftExpression : additiveExpression ( ( LT )* ( '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' ) ( LT )* additiveExpression )* ;
+    def shiftExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.shiftExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        shiftExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT393 = None
+        set394 = None
+        LT395 = None
+        additiveExpression392 = None
+        additiveExpression396 = None
+        LT393_tree = None
+        set394_tree = None
+        LT395_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 71):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:333:2: ( additiveExpression ( ( LT )* ( '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' ) ( LT )* additiveExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:333:4: additiveExpression ( ( LT )* ( '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' ) ( LT )* additiveExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_additiveExpression_in_shiftExpression2168)
+                additiveExpression392 = self.additiveExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, additiveExpression392.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:333:23: ( ( LT )* ( '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' ) ( LT )* additiveExpression )*
+                while True: #loop201
+                    alt201 = 2
+                    alt201 = self.dfa201.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt201 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:333:24: ( LT )* ( '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' ) ( LT )* additiveExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:333:26: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop199
+                            alt199 = 2
+                            LA199_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA199_0 == LT) :
+                                alt199 = 1
+                            if alt199 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT393=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_shiftExpression2171)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop199
+                        set394 = self.input.LT(1)
+                        if (88 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 90):
+                            self.input.consume()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set394))
+                            self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                        else:
+                            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                                raise BacktrackingFailed
+                            mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                            raise mse
+                        # JavaScript.g:333:53: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop200
+                            alt200 = 2
+                            LA200_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA200_0 == LT) :
+                                alt200 = 1
+                            if alt200 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT395=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_shiftExpression2187)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop200
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_additiveExpression_in_shiftExpression2191)
+                        additiveExpression396 = self.additiveExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, additiveExpression396.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop201
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 71, shiftExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "shiftExpression"
+    class additiveExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.additiveExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "additiveExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:336:1: additiveExpression : multiplicativeExpression ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) ( LT )* multiplicativeExpression )* ;
+    def additiveExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.additiveExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        additiveExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT398 = None
+        set399 = None
+        LT400 = None
+        multiplicativeExpression397 = None
+        multiplicativeExpression401 = None
+        LT398_tree = None
+        set399_tree = None
+        LT400_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 72):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:337:2: ( multiplicativeExpression ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) ( LT )* multiplicativeExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:337:4: multiplicativeExpression ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) ( LT )* multiplicativeExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multiplicativeExpression_in_additiveExpression2204)
+                multiplicativeExpression397 = self.multiplicativeExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, multiplicativeExpression397.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:337:29: ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) ( LT )* multiplicativeExpression )*
+                while True: #loop204
+                    alt204 = 2
+                    alt204 = self.dfa204.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt204 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:337:30: ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) ( LT )* multiplicativeExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:337:32: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop202
+                            alt202 = 2
+                            LA202_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA202_0 == LT) :
+                                alt202 = 1
+                            if alt202 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT398=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_additiveExpression2207)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop202
+                        set399 = self.input.LT(1)
+                        if (91 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 92):
+                            self.input.consume()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set399))
+                            self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                        else:
+                            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                                raise BacktrackingFailed
+                            mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                            raise mse
+                        # JavaScript.g:337:49: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop203
+                            alt203 = 2
+                            LA203_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA203_0 == LT) :
+                                alt203 = 1
+                            if alt203 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT400=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_additiveExpression2219)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop203
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multiplicativeExpression_in_additiveExpression2223)
+                        multiplicativeExpression401 = self.multiplicativeExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, multiplicativeExpression401.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop204
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 72, additiveExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "additiveExpression"
+    class multiplicativeExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.multiplicativeExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "multiplicativeExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:340:1: multiplicativeExpression : unaryExpression ( ( LT )* ( '*' | '/' | '%' ) ( LT )* unaryExpression )* ;
+    def multiplicativeExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.multiplicativeExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        multiplicativeExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT403 = None
+        set404 = None
+        LT405 = None
+        unaryExpression402 = None
+        unaryExpression406 = None
+        LT403_tree = None
+        set404_tree = None
+        LT405_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 73):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:341:2: ( unaryExpression ( ( LT )* ( '*' | '/' | '%' ) ( LT )* unaryExpression )* )
+                # JavaScript.g:341:4: unaryExpression ( ( LT )* ( '*' | '/' | '%' ) ( LT )* unaryExpression )*
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unaryExpression_in_multiplicativeExpression2236)
+                unaryExpression402 = self.unaryExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, unaryExpression402.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:341:20: ( ( LT )* ( '*' | '/' | '%' ) ( LT )* unaryExpression )*
+                while True: #loop207
+                    alt207 = 2
+                    alt207 = self.dfa207.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt207 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:341:21: ( LT )* ( '*' | '/' | '%' ) ( LT )* unaryExpression
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:341:23: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop205
+                            alt205 = 2
+                            LA205_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA205_0 == LT) :
+                                alt205 = 1
+                            if alt205 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT403=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_multiplicativeExpression2239)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop205
+                        set404 = self.input.LT(1)
+                        if (93 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 95):
+                            self.input.consume()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set404))
+                            self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                        else:
+                            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                                raise BacktrackingFailed
+                            mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                            raise mse
+                        # JavaScript.g:341:46: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop206
+                            alt206 = 2
+                            LA206_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA206_0 == LT) :
+                                alt206 = 1
+                            if alt206 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT405=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_multiplicativeExpression2255)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop206
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unaryExpression_in_multiplicativeExpression2259)
+                        unaryExpression406 = self.unaryExpression()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, unaryExpression406.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop207
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 73, multiplicativeExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "multiplicativeExpression"
+    class unaryExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.unaryExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "unaryExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:344:1: unaryExpression : ( postfixExpression | ( 'delete' | 'void' | 'typeof' | '++' | '--' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' ) unaryExpression );
+    def unaryExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.unaryExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        unaryExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        set408 = None
+        postfixExpression407 = None
+        unaryExpression409 = None
+        set408_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 74):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:345:2: ( postfixExpression | ( 'delete' | 'void' | 'typeof' | '++' | '--' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' ) unaryExpression )
+                alt208 = 2
+                LA208_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((Identifier <= LA208_0 <= NumericLiteral) or (31 <= LA208_0 <= 32) or LA208_0 == 35 or (58 <= LA208_0 <= 59) or (103 <= LA208_0 <= 106)) :
+                    alt208 = 1
+                elif ((91 <= LA208_0 <= 92) or (96 <= LA208_0 <= 102)) :
+                    alt208 = 2
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 208, 0, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+                if alt208 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:345:4: postfixExpression
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_postfixExpression_in_unaryExpression2272)
+                    postfixExpression407 = self.postfixExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, postfixExpression407.tree)
+                elif alt208 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:346:4: ( 'delete' | 'void' | 'typeof' | '++' | '--' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' ) unaryExpression
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    set408 = self.input.LT(1)
+                    if (91 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 92) or (96 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 102):
+                        self.input.consume()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set408))
+                        self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                    else:
+                        if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                            raise BacktrackingFailed
+                        mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                        raise mse
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unaryExpression_in_unaryExpression2313)
+                    unaryExpression409 = self.unaryExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, unaryExpression409.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 74, unaryExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "unaryExpression"
+    class postfixExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.postfixExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "postfixExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:349:1: postfixExpression : leftHandSideExpression ( '++' | '--' )? ;
+    def postfixExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.postfixExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        postfixExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        set411 = None
+        leftHandSideExpression410 = None
+        set411_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 75):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:350:2: ( leftHandSideExpression ( '++' | '--' )? )
+                # JavaScript.g:350:4: leftHandSideExpression ( '++' | '--' )?
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_leftHandSideExpression_in_postfixExpression2325)
+                leftHandSideExpression410 = self.leftHandSideExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, leftHandSideExpression410.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:350:27: ( '++' | '--' )?
+                alt209 = 2
+                LA209_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((99 <= LA209_0 <= 100)) :
+                    alt209 = 1
+                if alt209 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:
+                    pass 
+                    set411 = self.input.LT(1)
+                    if (99 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 100):
+                        self.input.consume()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set411))
+                        self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                    else:
+                        if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                            raise BacktrackingFailed
+                        mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                        raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 75, postfixExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "postfixExpression"
+    class primaryExpression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.primaryExpression_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "primaryExpression"
+    # JavaScript.g:353:1: primaryExpression : ( 'this' | Identifier | literal | arrayLiteral | objectLiteral | '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' );
+    def primaryExpression(self, ):
+        retval = self.primaryExpression_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        primaryExpression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        string_literal412 = None
+        Identifier413 = None
+        char_literal417 = None
+        LT418 = None
+        LT420 = None
+        char_literal421 = None
+        literal414 = None
+        arrayLiteral415 = None
+        objectLiteral416 = None
+        expression419 = None
+        string_literal412_tree = None
+        Identifier413_tree = None
+        char_literal417_tree = None
+        LT418_tree = None
+        LT420_tree = None
+        char_literal421_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 76):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:354:2: ( 'this' | Identifier | literal | arrayLiteral | objectLiteral | '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')' )
+                alt212 = 6
+                LA212 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if LA212 == 103:
+                    alt212 = 1
+                elif LA212 == Identifier:
+                    alt212 = 2
+                elif LA212 == StringLiteral or LA212 == NumericLiteral or LA212 == 104 or LA212 == 105 or LA212 == 106:
+                    alt212 = 3
+                elif LA212 == 59:
+                    alt212 = 4
+                elif LA212 == 35:
+                    alt212 = 5
+                elif LA212 == 32:
+                    alt212 = 6
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    nvae = NoViableAltException("", 212, 0, self.input)
+                    raise nvae
+                if alt212 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:354:4: 'this'
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    string_literal412=self.match(self.input, 103, self.FOLLOW_103_in_primaryExpression2345)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        string_literal412_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(string_literal412)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, string_literal412_tree)
+                elif alt212 == 2:
+                    # JavaScript.g:355:4: Identifier
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    Identifier413=self.match(self.input, Identifier, self.FOLLOW_Identifier_in_primaryExpression2350)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        Identifier413_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(Identifier413)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, Identifier413_tree)
+                elif alt212 == 3:
+                    # JavaScript.g:356:4: literal
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_literal_in_primaryExpression2355)
+                    literal414 = self.literal()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, literal414.tree)
+                elif alt212 == 4:
+                    # JavaScript.g:357:4: arrayLiteral
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_arrayLiteral_in_primaryExpression2360)
+                    arrayLiteral415 = self.arrayLiteral()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, arrayLiteral415.tree)
+                elif alt212 == 5:
+                    # JavaScript.g:358:4: objectLiteral
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_objectLiteral_in_primaryExpression2365)
+                    objectLiteral416 = self.objectLiteral()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, objectLiteral416.tree)
+                elif alt212 == 6:
+                    # JavaScript.g:359:4: '(' ( LT )* expression ( LT )* ')'
+                    pass 
+                    root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                    char_literal417=self.match(self.input, 32, self.FOLLOW_32_in_primaryExpression2370)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        char_literal417_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal417)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal417_tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:359:10: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop210
+                        alt210 = 2
+                        LA210_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA210_0 == LT) :
+                            alt210 = 1
+                        if alt210 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT418=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_primaryExpression2372)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop210
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_primaryExpression2376)
+                    expression419 = self.expression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, expression419.tree)
+                    # JavaScript.g:359:26: ( LT )*
+                    while True: #loop211
+                        alt211 = 2
+                        LA211_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                        if (LA211_0 == LT) :
+                            alt211 = 1
+                        if alt211 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                            pass 
+                            LT420=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_primaryExpression2378)
+                        else:
+                            break #loop211
+                    char_literal421=self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_primaryExpression2382)
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        char_literal421_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal421)
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal421_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 76, primaryExpression_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "primaryExpression"
+    class arrayLiteral_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.arrayLiteral_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "arrayLiteral"
+    # JavaScript.g:363:1: arrayLiteral : '[' ( LT )* ( assignmentExpression )? ( ( LT )* ',' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression )? )* ( LT )* ']' ;
+    def arrayLiteral(self, ):
+        retval = self.arrayLiteral_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        arrayLiteral_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal422 = None
+        LT423 = None
+        LT425 = None
+        char_literal426 = None
+        LT427 = None
+        LT429 = None
+        char_literal430 = None
+        assignmentExpression424 = None
+        assignmentExpression428 = None
+        char_literal422_tree = None
+        LT423_tree = None
+        LT425_tree = None
+        char_literal426_tree = None
+        LT427_tree = None
+        LT429_tree = None
+        char_literal430_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 77):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:364:2: ( '[' ( LT )* ( assignmentExpression )? ( ( LT )* ',' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression )? )* ( LT )* ']' )
+                # JavaScript.g:364:4: '[' ( LT )* ( assignmentExpression )? ( ( LT )* ',' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression )? )* ( LT )* ']'
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal422=self.match(self.input, 59, self.FOLLOW_59_in_arrayLiteral2395)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal422_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal422)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal422_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:364:10: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop213
+                    alt213 = 2
+                    LA213_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA213_0 == LT) :
+                        LA213_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+                        if (self.synpred280_JavaScript()) :
+                            alt213 = 1
+                    if alt213 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT423=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_arrayLiteral2397)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop213
+                # JavaScript.g:364:13: ( assignmentExpression )?
+                alt214 = 2
+                LA214_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                if ((Identifier <= LA214_0 <= NumericLiteral) or (31 <= LA214_0 <= 32) or LA214_0 == 35 or (58 <= LA214_0 <= 59) or (91 <= LA214_0 <= 92) or (96 <= LA214_0 <= 106)) :
+                    alt214 = 1
+                if alt214 == 1:
+                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: assignmentExpression
+                    pass 
+                    self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arrayLiteral2401)
+                    assignmentExpression424 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                    self._state.following.pop()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression424.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:364:35: ( ( LT )* ',' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression )? )*
+                while True: #loop218
+                    alt218 = 2
+                    alt218 = self.dfa218.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt218 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:364:36: ( LT )* ',' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression )?
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:364:38: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop215
+                            alt215 = 2
+                            LA215_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA215_0 == LT) :
+                                alt215 = 1
+                            if alt215 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT425=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_arrayLiteral2405)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop215
+                        char_literal426=self.match(self.input, 33, self.FOLLOW_33_in_arrayLiteral2409)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal426_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal426)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal426_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:364:45: ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression )?
+                        alt217 = 2
+                        alt217 = self.dfa217.predict(self.input)
+                        if alt217 == 1:
+                            # JavaScript.g:364:46: ( LT )* assignmentExpression
+                            pass 
+                            # JavaScript.g:364:48: ( LT )*
+                            while True: #loop216
+                                alt216 = 2
+                                LA216_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                                if (LA216_0 == LT) :
+                                    alt216 = 1
+                                if alt216 == 1:
+                                    # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                    pass 
+                                    LT427=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_arrayLiteral2412)
+                                else:
+                                    break #loop216
+                            self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arrayLiteral2416)
+                            assignmentExpression428 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                            self._state.following.pop()
+                            if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                                self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression428.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop218
+                # JavaScript.g:364:78: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop219
+                    alt219 = 2
+                    LA219_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA219_0 == LT) :
+                        alt219 = 1
+                    if alt219 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT429=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_arrayLiteral2422)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop219
+                char_literal430=self.match(self.input, 60, self.FOLLOW_60_in_arrayLiteral2426)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal430_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal430)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal430_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 77, arrayLiteral_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "arrayLiteral"
+    class objectLiteral_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.objectLiteral_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "objectLiteral"
+    # JavaScript.g:368:1: objectLiteral : '{' ( LT )* propertyNameAndValue ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* propertyNameAndValue )* ( LT )* '}' ;
+    def objectLiteral(self, ):
+        retval = self.objectLiteral_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        objectLiteral_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        char_literal431 = None
+        LT432 = None
+        LT434 = None
+        char_literal435 = None
+        LT436 = None
+        LT438 = None
+        char_literal439 = None
+        propertyNameAndValue433 = None
+        propertyNameAndValue437 = None
+        char_literal431_tree = None
+        LT432_tree = None
+        LT434_tree = None
+        char_literal435_tree = None
+        LT436_tree = None
+        LT438_tree = None
+        char_literal439_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 78):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:369:2: ( '{' ( LT )* propertyNameAndValue ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* propertyNameAndValue )* ( LT )* '}' )
+                # JavaScript.g:369:4: '{' ( LT )* propertyNameAndValue ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* propertyNameAndValue )* ( LT )* '}'
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                char_literal431=self.match(self.input, 35, self.FOLLOW_35_in_objectLiteral2445)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal431_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal431)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal431_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:369:10: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop220
+                    alt220 = 2
+                    LA220_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA220_0 == LT) :
+                        alt220 = 1
+                    if alt220 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT432=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_objectLiteral2447)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop220
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_propertyNameAndValue_in_objectLiteral2451)
+                propertyNameAndValue433 = self.propertyNameAndValue()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, propertyNameAndValue433.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:369:34: ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* propertyNameAndValue )*
+                while True: #loop223
+                    alt223 = 2
+                    alt223 = self.dfa223.predict(self.input)
+                    if alt223 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:369:35: ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* propertyNameAndValue
+                        pass 
+                        # JavaScript.g:369:37: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop221
+                            alt221 = 2
+                            LA221_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA221_0 == LT) :
+                                alt221 = 1
+                            if alt221 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT434=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_objectLiteral2454)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop221
+                        char_literal435=self.match(self.input, 33, self.FOLLOW_33_in_objectLiteral2458)
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            char_literal435_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal435)
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal435_tree)
+                        # JavaScript.g:369:46: ( LT )*
+                        while True: #loop222
+                            alt222 = 2
+                            LA222_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                            if (LA222_0 == LT) :
+                                alt222 = 1
+                            if alt222 == 1:
+                                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                                pass 
+                                LT436=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_objectLiteral2460)
+                            else:
+                                break #loop222
+                        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_propertyNameAndValue_in_objectLiteral2464)
+                        propertyNameAndValue437 = self.propertyNameAndValue()
+                        self._state.following.pop()
+                        if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                            self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, propertyNameAndValue437.tree)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop223
+                # JavaScript.g:369:74: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop224
+                    alt224 = 2
+                    LA224_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA224_0 == LT) :
+                        alt224 = 1
+                    if alt224 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT438=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_objectLiteral2468)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop224
+                char_literal439=self.match(self.input, 36, self.FOLLOW_36_in_objectLiteral2472)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal439_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal439)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal439_tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 78, objectLiteral_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "objectLiteral"
+    class propertyNameAndValue_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.propertyNameAndValue_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "propertyNameAndValue"
+    # JavaScript.g:372:1: propertyNameAndValue : propertyName ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpression ;
+    def propertyNameAndValue(self, ):
+        retval = self.propertyNameAndValue_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        propertyNameAndValue_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        LT441 = None
+        char_literal442 = None
+        LT443 = None
+        propertyName440 = None
+        assignmentExpression444 = None
+        LT441_tree = None
+        char_literal442_tree = None
+        LT443_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 79):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:373:2: ( propertyName ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )
+                # JavaScript.g:373:4: propertyName ( LT )* ':' ( LT )* assignmentExpression
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_propertyName_in_propertyNameAndValue2484)
+                propertyName440 = self.propertyName()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, propertyName440.tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:373:19: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop225
+                    alt225 = 2
+                    LA225_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA225_0 == LT) :
+                        alt225 = 1
+                    if alt225 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT441=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_propertyNameAndValue2486)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop225
+                char_literal442=self.match(self.input, 50, self.FOLLOW_50_in_propertyNameAndValue2490)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    char_literal442_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(char_literal442)
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, char_literal442_tree)
+                # JavaScript.g:373:28: ( LT )*
+                while True: #loop226
+                    alt226 = 2
+                    LA226_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+                    if (LA226_0 == LT) :
+                        alt226 = 1
+                    if alt226 == 1:
+                        # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                        pass 
+                        LT443=self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_propertyNameAndValue2492)
+                    else:
+                        break #loop226
+                self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_propertyNameAndValue2496)
+                assignmentExpression444 = self.assignmentExpression()
+                self._state.following.pop()
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, assignmentExpression444.tree)
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 79, propertyNameAndValue_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "propertyNameAndValue"
+    class propertyName_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.propertyName_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "propertyName"
+    # JavaScript.g:376:1: propertyName : ( Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral );
+    def propertyName(self, ):
+        retval = self.propertyName_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        propertyName_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        set445 = None
+        set445_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 80):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:377:2: ( Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral )
+                # JavaScript.g:
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                set445 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if (Identifier <= self.input.LA(1) <= NumericLiteral):
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set445))
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 80, propertyName_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "propertyName"
+    class literal_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(JavaScriptParser.literal_return, self).__init__()
+            self.tree = None
+    # $ANTLR start "literal"
+    # JavaScript.g:383:1: literal : ( 'null' | 'true' | 'false' | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral );
+    def literal(self, ):
+        retval = self.literal_return()
+        retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+        literal_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+        root_0 = None
+        set446 = None
+        set446_tree = None
+        success = False
+        try:
+            try:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 81):
+                    # for cached failed rules, alreadyParsedRule will raise an exception
+                    success = True
+                    return retval
+                # JavaScript.g:384:2: ( 'null' | 'true' | 'false' | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral )
+                # JavaScript.g:
+                pass 
+                root_0 = self._adaptor.nil()
+                set446 = self.input.LT(1)
+                if (StringLiteral <= self.input.LA(1) <= NumericLiteral) or (104 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 106):
+                    self.input.consume()
+                    if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                        self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set446))
+                    self._state.errorRecovery = False
+                else:
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+                    raise mse
+                retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+                if self._state.backtracking == 0:
+                    retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0)
+                    self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop)
+                success = True
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(self.input, re)
+                retval.tree = self._adaptor.errorNode(self.input, retval.start, self.input.LT(-1), re)
+        finally:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                self.memoize(self.input, 81, literal_StartIndex, success)
+            pass
+        return retval
+    # $ANTLR end "literal"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred5_JavaScript"
+    def synpred5_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:32:4: ( functionDeclaration )
+        # JavaScript.g:32:4: functionDeclaration
+        pass 
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_functionDeclaration_in_synpred5_JavaScript90)
+        self.functionDeclaration()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred5_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred9_JavaScript"
+    def synpred9_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:42:15: ( LT )
+        # JavaScript.g:42:15: LT
+        pass 
+        self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred9_JavaScript140)
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred9_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred21_JavaScript"
+    def synpred21_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:55:4: ( statementBlock )
+        # JavaScript.g:55:4: statementBlock
+        pass 
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_synpred21_JavaScript234)
+        self.statementBlock()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred21_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred24_JavaScript"
+    def synpred24_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:58:4: ( expressionStatement )
+        # JavaScript.g:58:4: expressionStatement
+        pass 
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expressionStatement_in_synpred24_JavaScript249)
+        self.expressionStatement()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred24_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred31_JavaScript"
+    def synpred31_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:65:4: ( labelledStatement )
+        # JavaScript.g:65:4: labelledStatement
+        pass 
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_labelledStatement_in_synpred31_JavaScript284)
+        self.labelledStatement()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred31_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred34_JavaScript"
+    def synpred34_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:72:8: ( LT )
+        # JavaScript.g:72:8: LT
+        pass 
+        self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred34_JavaScript313)
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred34_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred47_JavaScript"
+    def synpred47_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:92:15: ( LT )
+        # JavaScript.g:92:15: LT
+        pass 
+        self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred47_JavaScript440)
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred47_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred49_JavaScript"
+    def synpred49_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:96:15: ( LT )
+        # JavaScript.g:96:15: LT
+        pass 
+        self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred49_JavaScript459)
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred49_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred60_JavaScript"
+    def synpred60_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:116:59: ( ( LT )* 'else' ( LT )* statement )
+        # JavaScript.g:116:59: ( LT )* 'else' ( LT )* statement
+        pass 
+        # JavaScript.g:116:61: ( LT )*
+        while True: #loop239
+            alt239 = 2
+            LA239_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA239_0 == LT) :
+                alt239 = 1
+            if alt239 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                pass 
+                self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred60_JavaScript572)
+            else:
+                break #loop239
+        self.match(self.input, 41, self.FOLLOW_41_in_synpred60_JavaScript576)
+        # JavaScript.g:116:73: ( LT )*
+        while True: #loop240
+            alt240 = 2
+            LA240_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA240_0 == LT) :
+                alt240 = 1
+            if alt240 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                pass 
+                self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred60_JavaScript578)
+            else:
+                break #loop240
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred60_JavaScript582)
+        self.statement()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred60_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred63_JavaScript"
+    def synpred63_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:122:4: ( forStatement )
+        # JavaScript.g:122:4: forStatement
+        pass 
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_forStatement_in_synpred63_JavaScript606)
+        self.forStatement()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred63_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred118_JavaScript"
+    def synpred118_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:181:36: ( LT )
+        # JavaScript.g:181:36: LT
+        pass 
+        self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred118_JavaScript1087)
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred118_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred121_JavaScript"
+    def synpred121_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:185:23: ( LT )
+        # JavaScript.g:185:23: LT
+        pass 
+        self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred121_JavaScript1112)
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred121_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred140_JavaScript"
+    def synpred140_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:214:4: ( conditionalExpression )
+        # JavaScript.g:214:4: conditionalExpression
+        pass 
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditionalExpression_in_synpred140_JavaScript1304)
+        self.conditionalExpression()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred140_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred143_JavaScript"
+    def synpred143_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:219:4: ( conditionalExpressionNoIn )
+        # JavaScript.g:219:4: conditionalExpressionNoIn
+        pass 
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditionalExpressionNoIn_in_synpred143_JavaScript1333)
+        self.conditionalExpressionNoIn()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred143_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred146_JavaScript"
+    def synpred146_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:224:4: ( callExpression )
+        # JavaScript.g:224:4: callExpression
+        pass 
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_callExpression_in_synpred146_JavaScript1362)
+        self.callExpression()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred146_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred147_JavaScript"
+    def synpred147_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:229:4: ( memberExpression )
+        # JavaScript.g:229:4: memberExpression
+        pass 
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred147_JavaScript1379)
+        self.memberExpression()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred147_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred154_JavaScript"
+    def synpred154_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:234:91: ( ( LT )* memberExpressionSuffix )
+        # JavaScript.g:234:91: ( LT )* memberExpressionSuffix
+        pass 
+        # JavaScript.g:234:93: ( LT )*
+        while True: #loop254
+            alt254 = 2
+            LA254_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA254_0 == LT) :
+                alt254 = 1
+            if alt254 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                pass 
+                self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred154_JavaScript1427)
+            else:
+                break #loop254
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_memberExpressionSuffix_in_synpred154_JavaScript1431)
+        self.memberExpressionSuffix()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred154_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred158_JavaScript"
+    def synpred158_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:243:37: ( ( LT )* callExpressionSuffix )
+        # JavaScript.g:243:37: ( LT )* callExpressionSuffix
+        pass 
+        # JavaScript.g:243:39: ( LT )*
+        while True: #loop255
+            alt255 = 2
+            LA255_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA255_0 == LT) :
+                alt255 = 1
+            if alt255 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                pass 
+                self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred158_JavaScript1470)
+            else:
+                break #loop255
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_callExpressionSuffix_in_synpred158_JavaScript1474)
+        self.callExpressionSuffix()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred158_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred256_JavaScript"
+    def synpred256_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:337:30: ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) ( LT )* multiplicativeExpression )
+        # JavaScript.g:337:30: ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) ( LT )* multiplicativeExpression
+        pass 
+        # JavaScript.g:337:32: ( LT )*
+        while True: #loop300
+            alt300 = 2
+            LA300_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA300_0 == LT) :
+                alt300 = 1
+            if alt300 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                pass 
+                self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred256_JavaScript2207)
+            else:
+                break #loop300
+        if (91 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 92):
+            self.input.consume()
+            self._state.errorRecovery = False
+        else:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+            raise mse
+        # JavaScript.g:337:49: ( LT )*
+        while True: #loop301
+            alt301 = 2
+            LA301_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+            if (LA301_0 == LT) :
+                alt301 = 1
+            if alt301 == 1:
+                # JavaScript.g:0:0: LT
+                pass 
+                self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred256_JavaScript2219)
+            else:
+                break #loop301
+        self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multiplicativeExpression_in_synpred256_JavaScript2223)
+        self.multiplicativeExpression()
+        self._state.following.pop()
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred256_JavaScript"
+    # $ANTLR start "synpred280_JavaScript"
+    def synpred280_JavaScript_fragment(self, ):
+        # JavaScript.g:364:8: ( LT )
+        # JavaScript.g:364:8: LT
+        pass 
+        self.match(self.input, LT, self.FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred280_JavaScript2397)
+    # $ANTLR end "synpred280_JavaScript"
+    # Delegated rules
+    def synpred60_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred60_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred121_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred121_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred146_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred146_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred154_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred154_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred34_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred34_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred147_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred147_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred63_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred63_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred47_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred47_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred256_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred256_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred280_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred280_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred118_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred118_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred158_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred158_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred9_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred9_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred21_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred21_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred31_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred31_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred49_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred49_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred24_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred24_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred143_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred143_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred140_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred140_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    def synpred5_JavaScript(self):
+        self._state.backtracking += 1
+        start = self.input.mark()
+        try:
+            self.synpred5_JavaScript_fragment()
+        except BacktrackingFailed:
+            success = False
+        else:
+            success = True
+        self.input.rewind(start)
+        self._state.backtracking -= 1
+        return success
+    # lookup tables for DFA #4
+    DFA4_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA4_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA4_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA4_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\152\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA4_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA4_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA4_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\3\27\uffff\2\3\2\uffff\1\3\1\2\2\3\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\3\1\uffff\3\3\1\uffff\4\3\1\uffff\1\3\2\uffff\2\3\2\uffff\2\3"
+        u"\37\uffff\2\3\3\uffff\13\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\3\27\uffff\2\3\2\uffff\1\3\1\2\2\3\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\3\1\uffff\3\3\1\uffff\4\3\1\uffff\1\3\2\uffff\2\3\2\uffff\2\3"
+        u"\37\uffff\2\3\3\uffff\13\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #4
+    class DFA4(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #5
+    DFA5_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\30\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA5_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\30\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA5_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\5\1\0\26\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA5_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\152\1\0\26\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA5_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\24\uffff\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA5_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\0\26\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA5_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\3\2\27\uffff\1\1\1\2\2\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\2\2\1\uffff"
+        u"\1\2\1\uffff\3\2\1\uffff\4\2\1\uffff\1\2\2\uffff\2\2\2\uffff\2"
+        u"\2\37\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #5
+    class DFA5(DFA):
+        pass
+        def specialStateTransition(self_, s, input):
+            # convince pylint that my self_ magic is ok ;)
+            # pylint: disable-msg=E0213
+            # pretend we are a member of the recognizer
+            # thus semantic predicates can be evaluated
+            self = self_.recognizer
+            _s = s
+            if s == 0: 
+                LA5_1 = input.LA(1)
+                index5_1 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred5_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 23
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 2
+                input.seek(index5_1)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            if self._state.backtracking >0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            nvae = NoViableAltException(self_.getDescription(), 5, _s, input)
+            self_.error(nvae)
+            raise nvae
+    # lookup tables for DFA #17
+    DFA17_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA17_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA17_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA17_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\42\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA17_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA17_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA17_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\1\2\34\uffff\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\1\2\34\uffff\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #17
+    class DFA17(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #16
+    DFA16_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA16_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA16_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA16_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\42\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA16_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA16_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA16_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #16
+    class DFA16(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #21
+    DFA21_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\31\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA21_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\31\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA21_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\5\1\0\3\uffff\1\0\23\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA21_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\152\1\0\3\uffff\1\0\23\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA21_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\3\1\4\7\uffff\1\5\1\6\2\uffff\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12"
+        u"\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\1\1\13"
+        )
+    DFA21_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\0\3\uffff\1\1\23\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA21_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\5\2\4\27\uffff\2\4\2\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\2\1\3\1"
+        u"\uffff\1\14\1\uffff\3\15\1\uffff\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\24\2\uffff\1\25\1\26\2\uffff\2\4\37\uffff\2\4\3\uffff\13\4"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #21
+    class DFA21(DFA):
+        pass
+        def specialStateTransition(self_, s, input):
+            # convince pylint that my self_ magic is ok ;)
+            # pylint: disable-msg=E0213
+            # pretend we are a member of the recognizer
+            # thus semantic predicates can be evaluated
+            self = self_.recognizer
+            _s = s
+            if s == 0: 
+                LA21_1 = input.LA(1)
+                index21_1 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred21_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 23
+                elif (self.synpred24_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 4
+                input.seek(index21_1)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 1: 
+                LA21_5 = input.LA(1)
+                index21_5 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred24_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 4
+                elif (self.synpred31_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 24
+                input.seek(index21_5)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            if self._state.backtracking >0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            nvae = NoViableAltException(self_.getDescription(), 21, _s, input)
+            self_.error(nvae)
+            raise nvae
+    # lookup tables for DFA #26
+    DFA26_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\152\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA26_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA26_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\3\27\uffff\2\3\2\uffff\1\3\1\2\2\3\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\3\1\uffff\3\3\1\uffff\4\3\1\uffff\1\3\2\2\2\3\2\uffff\2\3\37\uffff"
+        u"\2\3\3\uffff\13\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\3\27\uffff\2\3\2\uffff\1\3\1\2\2\3\1\uffff\1"
+        u"\3\1\uffff\3\3\1\uffff\4\3\1\uffff\1\3\2\2\2\3\2\uffff\2\3\37\uffff"
+        u"\2\3\3\uffff\13\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #26
+    class DFA26(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #30
+    DFA30_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA30_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA30_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA30_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\46\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA30_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA30_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA30_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\4\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\3\1\uffff\4\2\1\uffff\5\2\1"
+        u"\uffff\4\2\1\uffff\5\2\2\uffff\2\2\37\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\3\1\uffff\4\2\1\uffff\5\2\1"
+        u"\uffff\4\2\1\uffff\5\2\2\uffff\2\2\37\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #30
+    class DFA30(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #33
+    DFA33_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA33_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA33_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA33_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\46\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA33_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA33_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA33_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\4\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\4\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #33
+    class DFA33(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #57
+    DFA57_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA57_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA57_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA57_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\152\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA57_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA57_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA57_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\2\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\3\23"
+        u"\uffff\2\2\37\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\2\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\3\23"
+        u"\uffff\2\2\37\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #57
+    class DFA57(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #60
+    DFA60_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA60_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA60_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA60_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\152\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA60_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA60_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA60_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\2\uffff\1\2\2\uffff\1\3\23\uffff"
+        u"\2\2\37\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\2\uffff\1\2\2\uffff\1\3\23\uffff"
+        u"\2\2\37\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #60
+    class DFA60(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #63
+    DFA63_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA63_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA63_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA63_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\152\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA63_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA63_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA63_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\3\1\2\26\uffff\2\2\37"
+        u"\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\3\1\2\26\uffff\2\2"
+        u"\37\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #63
+    class DFA63(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #90
+    DFA90_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA90_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA90_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA90_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\65\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA90_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA90_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA90_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\37\uffff\1\2\17\uffff\1\3\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\37\uffff\1\2\17\uffff\1\3\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #90
+    class DFA90(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #94
+    DFA94_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA94_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA94_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA94_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\65\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA94_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA94_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA94_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\37\uffff\1\3\20\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\37\uffff\1\3\20\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #94
+    class DFA94(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #93
+    DFA93_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA93_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA93_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA93_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\64\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA93_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA93_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA93_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\37\uffff\1\2\17\uffff\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\37\uffff\1\2\17\uffff\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #93
+    class DFA93(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #106
+    DFA106_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA106_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\3\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA106_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA106_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\152\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA106_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA106_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA106_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\3\27\uffff\2\3\2\uffff\4\3\1\uffff\5\3\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\3\1\uffff\5\3\1\uffff\1\2\2\3\37\uffff\2\3\3\uffff\13\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\3\27\uffff\2\3\2\uffff\4\3\1\uffff\5\3\1\uffff"
+        u"\4\3\1\uffff\5\3\1\uffff\1\2\2\3\37\uffff\2\3\3\uffff\13\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #106
+    class DFA106(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #115
+    DFA115_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA115_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA115_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA115_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\74\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA115_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA115_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA115_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\1\2\3\uffff\1\2\13\uffff\1\2\11\uffff"
+        u"\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\3\5\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12"
+        u"\2\2\uffff\3\2\36\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\3\5\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12"
+        u"\2\2\uffff\3\2\36\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #115
+    class DFA115(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #118
+    DFA118_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA118_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA118_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA118_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\46\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA118_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA118_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA118_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\4\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\4\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #118
+    class DFA118(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #121
+    DFA121_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\13\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA121_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\13\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA121_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\5\10\0\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA121_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\152\10\0\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA121_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\11\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA121_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\0\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA121_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\2\2\3\27\uffff\1\7\1\6\2\uffff\1\5\26\uffff\1\10"
+        u"\1\4\37\uffff\2\11\3\uffff\7\11\1\1\3\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #121
+    class DFA121(DFA):
+        pass
+        def specialStateTransition(self_, s, input):
+            # convince pylint that my self_ magic is ok ;)
+            # pylint: disable-msg=E0213
+            # pretend we are a member of the recognizer
+            # thus semantic predicates can be evaluated
+            self = self_.recognizer
+            _s = s
+            if s == 0: 
+                LA121_1 = input.LA(1)
+                index121_1 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred140_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index121_1)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 1: 
+                LA121_2 = input.LA(1)
+                index121_2 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred140_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index121_2)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 2: 
+                LA121_3 = input.LA(1)
+                index121_3 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred140_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index121_3)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 3: 
+                LA121_4 = input.LA(1)
+                index121_4 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred140_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index121_4)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 4: 
+                LA121_5 = input.LA(1)
+                index121_5 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred140_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index121_5)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 5: 
+                LA121_6 = input.LA(1)
+                index121_6 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred140_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index121_6)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 6: 
+                LA121_7 = input.LA(1)
+                index121_7 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred140_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index121_7)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 7: 
+                LA121_8 = input.LA(1)
+                index121_8 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred140_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index121_8)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            if self._state.backtracking >0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            nvae = NoViableAltException(self_.getDescription(), 121, _s, input)
+            self_.error(nvae)
+            raise nvae
+    # lookup tables for DFA #124
+    DFA124_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\13\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA124_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\13\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA124_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\5\10\0\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA124_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\152\10\0\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA124_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\11\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA124_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\0\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA124_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\2\2\3\27\uffff\1\7\1\6\2\uffff\1\5\26\uffff\1\10"
+        u"\1\4\37\uffff\2\11\3\uffff\7\11\1\1\3\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #124
+    class DFA124(DFA):
+        pass
+        def specialStateTransition(self_, s, input):
+            # convince pylint that my self_ magic is ok ;)
+            # pylint: disable-msg=E0213
+            # pretend we are a member of the recognizer
+            # thus semantic predicates can be evaluated
+            self = self_.recognizer
+            _s = s
+            if s == 0: 
+                LA124_1 = input.LA(1)
+                index124_1 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred143_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index124_1)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 1: 
+                LA124_2 = input.LA(1)
+                index124_2 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred143_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index124_2)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 2: 
+                LA124_3 = input.LA(1)
+                index124_3 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred143_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index124_3)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 3: 
+                LA124_4 = input.LA(1)
+                index124_4 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred143_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index124_4)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 4: 
+                LA124_5 = input.LA(1)
+                index124_5 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred143_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index124_5)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 5: 
+                LA124_6 = input.LA(1)
+                index124_6 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred143_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index124_6)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 6: 
+                LA124_7 = input.LA(1)
+                index124_7 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred143_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index124_7)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 7: 
+                LA124_8 = input.LA(1)
+                index124_8 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred143_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index124_8)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            if self._state.backtracking >0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            nvae = NoViableAltException(self_.getDescription(), 124, _s, input)
+            self_.error(nvae)
+            raise nvae
+    # lookup tables for DFA #125
+    DFA125_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\13\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA125_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\13\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA125_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\5\10\0\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA125_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\152\10\0\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA125_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\11\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA125_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\0\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA125_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\2\2\3\27\uffff\1\7\1\6\2\uffff\1\5\26\uffff\1\10"
+        u"\1\4\53\uffff\1\1\3\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #125
+    class DFA125(DFA):
+        pass
+        def specialStateTransition(self_, s, input):
+            # convince pylint that my self_ magic is ok ;)
+            # pylint: disable-msg=E0213
+            # pretend we are a member of the recognizer
+            # thus semantic predicates can be evaluated
+            self = self_.recognizer
+            _s = s
+            if s == 0: 
+                LA125_1 = input.LA(1)
+                index125_1 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred146_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index125_1)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 1: 
+                LA125_2 = input.LA(1)
+                index125_2 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred146_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index125_2)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 2: 
+                LA125_3 = input.LA(1)
+                index125_3 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred146_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index125_3)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 3: 
+                LA125_4 = input.LA(1)
+                index125_4 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred146_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index125_4)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 4: 
+                LA125_5 = input.LA(1)
+                index125_5 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred146_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index125_5)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 5: 
+                LA125_6 = input.LA(1)
+                index125_6 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred146_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index125_6)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 6: 
+                LA125_7 = input.LA(1)
+                index125_7 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred146_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index125_7)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            elif s == 7: 
+                LA125_8 = input.LA(1)
+                index125_8 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred146_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 9
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 10
+                input.seek(index125_8)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            if self._state.backtracking >0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            nvae = NoViableAltException(self_.getDescription(), 125, _s, input)
+            self_.error(nvae)
+            raise nvae
+    # lookup tables for DFA #127
+    DFA127_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\12\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA127_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\12\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA127_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\5\7\uffff\1\0\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA127_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\152\7\uffff\1\0\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA127_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\1\7\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA127_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\10\uffff\1\0\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA127_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\3\1\27\uffff\2\1\2\uffff\1\1\26\uffff\1\10\1\1\53\uffff"
+        u"\4\1"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #127
+    class DFA127(DFA):
+        pass
+        def specialStateTransition(self_, s, input):
+            # convince pylint that my self_ magic is ok ;)
+            # pylint: disable-msg=E0213
+            # pretend we are a member of the recognizer
+            # thus semantic predicates can be evaluated
+            self = self_.recognizer
+            _s = s
+            if s == 0: 
+                LA127_8 = input.LA(1)
+                index127_8 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred147_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 1
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 9
+                input.seek(index127_8)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            if self._state.backtracking >0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            nvae = NoViableAltException(self_.getDescription(), 127, _s, input)
+            self_.error(nvae)
+            raise nvae
+    # lookup tables for DFA #132
+    DFA132_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\32\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA132_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\31\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA132_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\4\1\0\30\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA132_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\144\1\0\30\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA132_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\25\uffff\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA132_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\0\30\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA132_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\33\uffff\3\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\2\2\5\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\4\uffff\1\2\10\uffff\1\30\1\2\1\30\42\2\3\uffff\2\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #132
+    class DFA132(DFA):
+        pass
+        def specialStateTransition(self_, s, input):
+            # convince pylint that my self_ magic is ok ;)
+            # pylint: disable-msg=E0213
+            # pretend we are a member of the recognizer
+            # thus semantic predicates can be evaluated
+            self = self_.recognizer
+            _s = s
+            if s == 0: 
+                LA132_1 = input.LA(1)
+                index132_1 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred154_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 24
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 2
+                input.seek(index132_1)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            if self._state.backtracking >0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            nvae = NoViableAltException(self_.getDescription(), 132, _s, input)
+            self_.error(nvae)
+            raise nvae
+    # lookup tables for DFA #136
+    DFA136_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\32\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA136_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\31\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA136_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\4\1\0\30\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA136_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\144\1\0\30\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA136_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\24\uffff\1\1\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA136_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\0\30\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA136_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\33\uffff\1\27\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\2\2\5\uffff"
+        u"\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\10\uffff\1\27\1\2\1\27\42\2\3\uffff\2\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #136
+    class DFA136(DFA):
+        pass
+        def specialStateTransition(self_, s, input):
+            # convince pylint that my self_ magic is ok ;)
+            # pylint: disable-msg=E0213
+            # pretend we are a member of the recognizer
+            # thus semantic predicates can be evaluated
+            self = self_.recognizer
+            _s = s
+            if s == 0: 
+                LA136_1 = input.LA(1)
+                index136_1 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred158_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 23
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 2
+                input.seek(index136_1)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            if self._state.backtracking >0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            nvae = NoViableAltException(self_.getDescription(), 136, _s, input)
+            self_.error(nvae)
+            raise nvae
+    # lookup tables for DFA #142
+    DFA142_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA142_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA142_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA142_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\152\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA142_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA142_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA142_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\3\1\2\26\uffff\2\2\37"
+        u"\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\3\1\2\26\uffff\2\2"
+        u"\37\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #142
+    class DFA142(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #141
+    DFA141_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA141_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA141_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA141_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\42\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA141_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA141_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA141_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #141
+    class DFA141(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #151
+    DFA151_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA151_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\3\2\uffff\1\3"
+        )
+    DFA151_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA151_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\111\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA151_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA151_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA151_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\3\1\uffff\1\3\1\uffff\1\3\13\uffff\1"
+        u"\3\11\uffff\1\3\14\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\3\27\uffff\10\3\1\uffff\5\3\1\uffff\12\3\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\3\14\uffff\1\2\21\uffff\2\3\3\uffff\13\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\3\27\uffff\10\3\1\uffff\5\3\1\uffff\12\3\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\3\14\uffff\1\2\21\uffff\2\3\3\uffff\13\3")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #151
+    class DFA151(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #156
+    DFA156_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA156_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\3\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA156_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA156_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\111\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA156_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA156_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA156_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\4\uffff\1\3\6\uffff\1\3\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\3\26\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\4\uffff\1\3\6\uffff\1\3\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\3\26\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #156
+    class DFA156(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #159
+    DFA159_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA159_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA159_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA159_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\112\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA159_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA159_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA159_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\13\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\1\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\1\2\1\3\20\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\1\2\1\3\20\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #159
+    class DFA159(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #162
+    DFA162_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA162_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA162_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA162_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\112\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA162_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA162_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA162_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\1\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\1\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #162
+    class DFA162(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #165
+    DFA165_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA165_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA165_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA165_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\113\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA165_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA165_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA165_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\13\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\2\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\2\2\1\3\17\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\2\2\1\3\17\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #165
+    class DFA165(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #168
+    DFA168_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA168_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA168_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA168_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\113\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA168_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA168_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA168_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\2\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\2\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #168
+    class DFA168(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #171
+    DFA171_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA171_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA171_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA171_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\114\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA171_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA171_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA171_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\13\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\3\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\3\2\1\3\16\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\3\2\1\3\16\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #171
+    class DFA171(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #174
+    DFA174_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA174_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA174_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA174_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\114\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA174_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA174_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA174_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\3\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\3\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #174
+    class DFA174(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #177
+    DFA177_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA177_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA177_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA177_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\115\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA177_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA177_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA177_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\13\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\4\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\4\2\1\3\15\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\4\2\1\3\15\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #177
+    class DFA177(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #180
+    DFA180_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA180_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA180_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA180_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\115\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA180_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA180_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA180_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\4\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\4\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #180
+    class DFA180(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #183
+    DFA183_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA183_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA183_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA183_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\116\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA183_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA183_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA183_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\13\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\5\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\5\2\1\3\14\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\5\2\1\3\14\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #183
+    class DFA183(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #186
+    DFA186_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA186_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA186_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA186_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\116\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA186_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA186_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA186_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\5\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\5\2\1\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #186
+    class DFA186(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #189
+    DFA189_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA189_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA189_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA189_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\122\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA189_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA189_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA189_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\13\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\6\2\4\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\6\2\4\3\10\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\uffff\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\6\2\4\3\10\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #189
+    class DFA189(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #192
+    DFA192_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA192_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA192_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA192_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\122\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA192_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA192_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA192_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\6\2\4\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\6\2\4\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #192
+    class DFA192(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #195
+    DFA195_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA195_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA195_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA195_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\127\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA195_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA195_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA195_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1"
+        u"\3\4\uffff\1\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\12\2\5\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\3\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\12\2\5\3\3\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\5\2\1\3\12\2\2\uffff"
+        u"\3\2\14\uffff\12\2\5\3\3\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #195
+    class DFA195(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #198
+    DFA198_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA198_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\3\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA198_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA198_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\127\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA198_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA198_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA198_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\12\2\5\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\26\uffff\12\2\5\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #198
+    class DFA198(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #201
+    DFA201_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA201_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA201_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA201_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\132\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA201_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA201_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA201_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\4\uffff\1\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\17\2\3\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\20\2\2\uffff\3\2\14"
+        u"\uffff\17\2\3\3\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\20\2\2\uffff\3\2\14"
+        u"\uffff\17\2\3\3\2\2\3\uffff\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #201
+    class DFA201(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #204
+    DFA204_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\24\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA204_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\2\23\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA204_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\4\1\0\22\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA204_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\134\1\0\22\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA204_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\20\uffff\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA204_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\uffff\1\0\22\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA204_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\4\uffff\1\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\22\2\2\23"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\uffff"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #204
+    class DFA204(DFA):
+        pass
+        def specialStateTransition(self_, s, input):
+            # convince pylint that my self_ magic is ok ;)
+            # pylint: disable-msg=E0213
+            # pretend we are a member of the recognizer
+            # thus semantic predicates can be evaluated
+            self = self_.recognizer
+            _s = s
+            if s == 0: 
+                LA204_1 = input.LA(1)
+                index204_1 = input.index()
+                input.rewind()
+                s = -1
+                if (self.synpred256_JavaScript()):
+                    s = 19
+                elif (True):
+                    s = 2
+                input.seek(index204_1)
+                if s >= 0:
+                    return s
+            if self._state.backtracking >0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            nvae = NoViableAltException(self_.getDescription(), 204, _s, input)
+            self_.error(nvae)
+            raise nvae
+    # lookup tables for DFA #207
+    DFA207_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA207_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\2\2\uffff\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA207_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff\1\4"
+        )
+    DFA207_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\1\137\1\152\2\uffff\1\152"
+        )
+    DFA207_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA207_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\5\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA207_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\1"
+        u"\2\4\uffff\1\2\11\uffff\1\2\14\uffff\24\2\3\3"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\20\2\2\uffff\3\2\14"
+        u"\uffff\24\2\3\3\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\4\3\2\27\uffff\10\2\1\uffff\20\2\2\uffff\3\2\14"
+        u"\uffff\24\2\3\3\13\2")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #207
+    class DFA207(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #218
+    DFA218_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA218_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA218_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA218_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\74\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA218_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA218_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA218_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\32\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\32\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #218
+    class DFA218(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #217
+    DFA217_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA217_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA217_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA217_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\152\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA217_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"
+        )
+    DFA217_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA217_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\3\1\uffff\1\2\26\uffff\2\2\1"
+        u"\3\36\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\3\2\27\uffff\2\2\1\3\1\uffff\1\2\26\uffff\2\2"
+        u"\1\3\36\uffff\2\2\3\uffff\13\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #217
+    class DFA217(DFA):
+        pass
+    # lookup tables for DFA #223
+    DFA223_eot = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA223_eof = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA223_min = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\4\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA223_max = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\44\2\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA223_accept = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1"
+        )
+    DFA223_special = DFA.unpack(
+        u"\4\uffff"
+        )
+    DFA223_transition = [
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\2\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u"\1\1\34\uffff\1\3\2\uffff\1\2"),
+        DFA.unpack(u""),
+        DFA.unpack(u"")
+    ]
+    # class definition for DFA #223
+    class DFA223(DFA):
+        pass
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_program46 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_sourceElements_in_program50 = frozenset([4])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_program52 = frozenset([4])
+    FOLLOW_EOF_in_program56 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_sourceElement_in_sourceElements69 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_sourceElements72 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_sourceElement_in_sourceElements76 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_functionDeclaration_in_sourceElement90 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_sourceElement95 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_31_in_functionDeclaration108 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_functionDeclaration110 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_functionDeclaration114 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_functionDeclaration116 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_formalParameterList_in_functionDeclaration120 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_functionDeclaration122 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_functionBody_in_functionDeclaration126 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_31_in_functionExpression138 = frozenset([4, 5, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_functionExpression140 = frozenset([4, 5, 32])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_functionExpression144 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_functionExpression147 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_formalParameterList_in_functionExpression151 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_functionExpression153 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_functionBody_in_functionExpression157 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_formalParameterList169 = frozenset([4, 5, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_formalParameterList172 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_formalParameterList176 = frozenset([4, 33, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_formalParameterList179 = frozenset([4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_33_in_formalParameterList183 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_formalParameterList185 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_formalParameterList189 = frozenset([4, 33, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_formalParameterList195 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_formalParameterList199 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_35_in_functionBody210 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_functionBody212 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_sourceElements_in_functionBody216 = frozenset([4, 36])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_functionBody218 = frozenset([4, 36])
+    FOLLOW_36_in_functionBody222 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_statement234 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_variableStatement_in_statement239 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_emptyStatement_in_statement244 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_expressionStatement_in_statement249 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_ifStatement_in_statement254 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_iterationStatement_in_statement259 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_continueStatement_in_statement264 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_breakStatement_in_statement269 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_returnStatement_in_statement274 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_withStatement_in_statement279 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_labelledStatement_in_statement284 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_switchStatement_in_statement289 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_throwStatement_in_statement294 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_tryStatement_in_statement299 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_35_in_statementBlock311 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_statementBlock313 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statementList_in_statementBlock317 = frozenset([4, 36])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_statementBlock320 = frozenset([4, 36])
+    FOLLOW_36_in_statementBlock324 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_statementList336 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_statementList339 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_statementList343 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_37_in_variableStatement357 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_variableStatement359 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_variableDeclarationList_in_variableStatement363 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_variableStatement365 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_variableDeclaration_in_variableDeclarationList384 = frozenset([1, 4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationList387 = frozenset([4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_33_in_variableDeclarationList391 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationList393 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_variableDeclaration_in_variableDeclarationList397 = frozenset([1, 4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_variableDeclarationNoIn_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn411 = frozenset([1, 4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn414 = frozenset([4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_33_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn418 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn420 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_variableDeclarationNoIn_in_variableDeclarationListNoIn424 = frozenset([1, 4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_variableDeclaration438 = frozenset([1, 4, 39])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclaration440 = frozenset([1, 4, 39])
+    FOLLOW_initialiser_in_variableDeclaration444 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_variableDeclarationNoIn457 = frozenset([1, 4, 39])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_variableDeclarationNoIn459 = frozenset([1, 4, 39])
+    FOLLOW_initialiserNoIn_in_variableDeclarationNoIn463 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_39_in_initialiser476 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_initialiser478 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_initialiser482 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_39_in_initialiserNoIn494 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_initialiserNoIn496 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_initialiserNoIn500 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_38_in_emptyStatement512 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_expressionStatement524 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_expressionStatement526 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_40_in_ifStatement545 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement547 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_ifStatement551 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement553 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_ifStatement557 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement559 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_ifStatement563 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement565 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_ifStatement569 = frozenset([1, 4, 41])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement572 = frozenset([4, 41])
+    FOLLOW_41_in_ifStatement576 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_ifStatement578 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_ifStatement582 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_doWhileStatement_in_iterationStatement596 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_whileStatement_in_iterationStatement601 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_forStatement_in_iterationStatement606 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_forInStatement_in_iterationStatement611 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_42_in_doWhileStatement623 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_doWhileStatement625 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_doWhileStatement629 = frozenset([4, 43])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_doWhileStatement631 = frozenset([4, 43])
+    FOLLOW_43_in_doWhileStatement635 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_doWhileStatement637 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_doWhileStatement641 = frozenset([5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_doWhileStatement643 = frozenset([34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_doWhileStatement645 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_doWhileStatement647 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_43_in_whileStatement666 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_whileStatement668 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_whileStatement672 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_whileStatement674 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_whileStatement678 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_whileStatement680 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_whileStatement684 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_whileStatement686 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_whileStatement690 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_44_in_forStatement702 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement704 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_forStatement708 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement711 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_forStatementInitialiserPart_in_forStatement715 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement719 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_38_in_forStatement723 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 38, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement726 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement730 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement734 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_38_in_forStatement738 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 34, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement741 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement745 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement749 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_forStatement753 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatement755 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_forStatement759 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_expressionNoIn_in_forStatementInitialiserPart771 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_37_in_forStatementInitialiserPart776 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forStatementInitialiserPart778 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_variableDeclarationListNoIn_in_forStatementInitialiserPart782 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_44_in_forInStatement794 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement796 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_forInStatement800 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 58, 59, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement802 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 58, 59, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_forInStatementInitialiserPart_in_forInStatement806 = frozenset([4, 45])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement808 = frozenset([4, 45])
+    FOLLOW_45_in_forInStatement812 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement814 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_forInStatement818 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement820 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_forInStatement824 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatement826 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_forInStatement830 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_leftHandSideExpression_in_forInStatementInitialiserPart842 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_37_in_forInStatementInitialiserPart847 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_forInStatementInitialiserPart849 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_variableDeclarationNoIn_in_forInStatementInitialiserPart853 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_46_in_continueStatement864 = frozenset([4, 5, 38])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_continueStatement866 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_continueStatement869 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_47_in_breakStatement887 = frozenset([4, 5, 38])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_breakStatement889 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_breakStatement892 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_48_in_returnStatement910 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 38, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_returnStatement912 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_returnStatement915 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_49_in_withStatement934 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_withStatement936 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_withStatement940 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_withStatement942 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_withStatement946 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_withStatement948 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_withStatement952 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_withStatement954 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_withStatement958 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_labelledStatement969 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_labelledStatement971 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_50_in_labelledStatement975 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_labelledStatement977 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_labelledStatement981 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_51_in_switchStatement993 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_switchStatement995 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_switchStatement999 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_switchStatement1001 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_switchStatement1005 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_switchStatement1007 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_switchStatement1011 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_switchStatement1013 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_caseBlock_in_switchStatement1017 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_35_in_caseBlock1029 = frozenset([4, 36, 52, 53])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_caseBlock1032 = frozenset([4, 52])
+    FOLLOW_caseClause_in_caseBlock1036 = frozenset([4, 36, 52, 53])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_caseBlock1041 = frozenset([4, 53])
+    FOLLOW_defaultClause_in_caseBlock1045 = frozenset([4, 36, 52])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_caseBlock1048 = frozenset([4, 52])
+    FOLLOW_caseClause_in_caseBlock1052 = frozenset([4, 36, 52])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_caseBlock1058 = frozenset([4, 36])
+    FOLLOW_36_in_caseBlock1062 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_52_in_caseClause1073 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_caseClause1075 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_caseClause1079 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_caseClause1081 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_50_in_caseClause1085 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_caseClause1087 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statementList_in_caseClause1091 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_53_in_defaultClause1104 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_defaultClause1106 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_50_in_defaultClause1110 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_defaultClause1112 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statementList_in_defaultClause1116 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_54_in_throwStatement1129 = frozenset([5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_throwStatement1131 = frozenset([4, 38])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_throwStatement1133 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_55_in_tryStatement1151 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_tryStatement1153 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_tryStatement1157 = frozenset([4, 56, 57])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_tryStatement1159 = frozenset([4, 56, 57])
+    FOLLOW_finallyClause_in_tryStatement1164 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_catchClause_in_tryStatement1168 = frozenset([1, 4, 57])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_tryStatement1171 = frozenset([4, 57])
+    FOLLOW_finallyClause_in_tryStatement1175 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_56_in_catchClause1196 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_catchClause1198 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_catchClause1202 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_catchClause1204 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_catchClause1208 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_catchClause1210 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_catchClause1214 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_catchClause1216 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_catchClause1220 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_57_in_finallyClause1232 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_finallyClause1234 = frozenset([4, 35])
+    FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_finallyClause1238 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_expression1250 = frozenset([1, 4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_expression1253 = frozenset([4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_33_in_expression1257 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_expression1259 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_expression1263 = frozenset([1, 4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_expressionNoIn1277 = frozenset([1, 4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_expressionNoIn1280 = frozenset([4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_33_in_expressionNoIn1284 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_expressionNoIn1286 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_expressionNoIn1290 = frozenset([1, 4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_conditionalExpression_in_assignmentExpression1304 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_leftHandSideExpression_in_assignmentExpression1309 = frozenset([4, 39, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_assignmentExpression1311 = frozenset([4, 39, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentOperator_in_assignmentExpression1315 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_assignmentExpression1317 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_assignmentExpression1321 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_conditionalExpressionNoIn_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1333 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_leftHandSideExpression_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1338 = frozenset([4, 39, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1340 = frozenset([4, 39, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentOperator_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1344 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1346 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_assignmentExpressionNoIn1350 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_callExpression_in_leftHandSideExpression1362 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_newExpression_in_leftHandSideExpression1367 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_newExpression1379 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_58_in_newExpression1384 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_newExpression1386 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_newExpression_in_newExpression1390 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_primaryExpression_in_memberExpression1403 = frozenset([1, 4, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_functionExpression_in_memberExpression1407 = frozenset([1, 4, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_58_in_memberExpression1411 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_memberExpression1413 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_memberExpression1417 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_memberExpression1419 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_arguments_in_memberExpression1423 = frozenset([1, 4, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_memberExpression1427 = frozenset([4, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_memberExpressionSuffix_in_memberExpression1431 = frozenset([1, 4, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_indexSuffix_in_memberExpressionSuffix1445 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_propertyReferenceSuffix_in_memberExpressionSuffix1450 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_callExpression1461 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_callExpression1463 = frozenset([4, 32])
+    FOLLOW_arguments_in_callExpression1467 = frozenset([1, 4, 32, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_callExpression1470 = frozenset([4, 32, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_callExpressionSuffix_in_callExpression1474 = frozenset([1, 4, 32, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_arguments_in_callExpressionSuffix1488 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_indexSuffix_in_callExpressionSuffix1493 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_propertyReferenceSuffix_in_callExpressionSuffix1498 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_arguments1509 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 34, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments1512 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arguments1516 = frozenset([4, 33, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments1519 = frozenset([4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_33_in_arguments1523 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments1525 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arguments1529 = frozenset([4, 33, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments1535 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_arguments1539 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_59_in_indexSuffix1551 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_indexSuffix1553 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_indexSuffix1557 = frozenset([4, 60])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_indexSuffix1559 = frozenset([4, 60])
+    FOLLOW_60_in_indexSuffix1563 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_61_in_propertyReferenceSuffix1576 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_propertyReferenceSuffix1578 = frozenset([4, 5])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_propertyReferenceSuffix1582 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_assignmentOperator0 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_logicalORExpression_in_conditionalExpression1649 = frozenset([1, 4, 73])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpression1652 = frozenset([4, 73])
+    FOLLOW_73_in_conditionalExpression1656 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpression1658 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_conditionalExpression1662 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpression1664 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_50_in_conditionalExpression1668 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpression1670 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_conditionalExpression1674 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_logicalORExpressionNoIn_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1687 = frozenset([1, 4, 73])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1690 = frozenset([4, 73])
+    FOLLOW_73_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1694 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1696 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1700 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1702 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_50_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1706 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1708 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpressionNoIn_in_conditionalExpressionNoIn1712 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_logicalANDExpression_in_logicalORExpression1725 = frozenset([1, 4, 74])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalORExpression1728 = frozenset([4, 74])
+    FOLLOW_74_in_logicalORExpression1732 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalORExpression1734 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_logicalANDExpression_in_logicalORExpression1738 = frozenset([1, 4, 74])
+    FOLLOW_logicalANDExpressionNoIn_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1752 = frozenset([1, 4, 74])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1755 = frozenset([4, 74])
+    FOLLOW_74_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1759 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1761 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_logicalANDExpressionNoIn_in_logicalORExpressionNoIn1765 = frozenset([1, 4, 74])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseORExpression_in_logicalANDExpression1779 = frozenset([1, 4, 75])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalANDExpression1782 = frozenset([4, 75])
+    FOLLOW_75_in_logicalANDExpression1786 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalANDExpression1788 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseORExpression_in_logicalANDExpression1792 = frozenset([1, 4, 75])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1806 = frozenset([1, 4, 75])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1809 = frozenset([4, 75])
+    FOLLOW_75_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1813 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1815 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn_in_logicalANDExpressionNoIn1819 = frozenset([1, 4, 75])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseXORExpression_in_bitwiseORExpression1833 = frozenset([1, 4, 76])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseORExpression1836 = frozenset([4, 76])
+    FOLLOW_76_in_bitwiseORExpression1840 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseORExpression1842 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseXORExpression_in_bitwiseORExpression1846 = frozenset([1, 4, 76])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1860 = frozenset([1, 4, 76])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1863 = frozenset([4, 76])
+    FOLLOW_76_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1867 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1869 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseORExpressionNoIn1873 = frozenset([1, 4, 76])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseANDExpression_in_bitwiseXORExpression1887 = frozenset([1, 4, 77])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseXORExpression1890 = frozenset([4, 77])
+    FOLLOW_77_in_bitwiseXORExpression1894 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseXORExpression1896 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseANDExpression_in_bitwiseXORExpression1900 = frozenset([1, 4, 77])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1914 = frozenset([1, 4, 77])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1917 = frozenset([4, 77])
+    FOLLOW_77_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1921 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1923 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseXORExpressionNoIn1927 = frozenset([1, 4, 77])
+    FOLLOW_equalityExpression_in_bitwiseANDExpression1941 = frozenset([1, 4, 78])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseANDExpression1944 = frozenset([4, 78])
+    FOLLOW_78_in_bitwiseANDExpression1948 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseANDExpression1950 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_equalityExpression_in_bitwiseANDExpression1954 = frozenset([1, 4, 78])
+    FOLLOW_equalityExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1968 = frozenset([1, 4, 78])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1971 = frozenset([4, 78])
+    FOLLOW_78_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1975 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1977 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_equalityExpressionNoIn_in_bitwiseANDExpressionNoIn1981 = frozenset([1, 4, 78])
+    FOLLOW_relationalExpression_in_equalityExpression1995 = frozenset([1, 4, 79, 80, 81, 82])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_equalityExpression1998 = frozenset([4, 79, 80, 81, 82])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_equalityExpression2002 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_equalityExpression2018 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_relationalExpression_in_equalityExpression2022 = frozenset([1, 4, 79, 80, 81, 82])
+    FOLLOW_relationalExpressionNoIn_in_equalityExpressionNoIn2035 = frozenset([1, 4, 79, 80, 81, 82])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_equalityExpressionNoIn2038 = frozenset([4, 79, 80, 81, 82])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_equalityExpressionNoIn2042 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_equalityExpressionNoIn2058 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_relationalExpressionNoIn_in_equalityExpressionNoIn2062 = frozenset([1, 4, 79, 80, 81, 82])
+    FOLLOW_shiftExpression_in_relationalExpression2076 = frozenset([1, 4, 45, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpression2079 = frozenset([4, 45, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_relationalExpression2083 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpression2107 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_shiftExpression_in_relationalExpression2111 = frozenset([1, 4, 45, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87])
+    FOLLOW_shiftExpression_in_relationalExpressionNoIn2124 = frozenset([1, 4, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpressionNoIn2127 = frozenset([4, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_relationalExpressionNoIn2131 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpressionNoIn2151 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_shiftExpression_in_relationalExpressionNoIn2155 = frozenset([1, 4, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87])
+    FOLLOW_additiveExpression_in_shiftExpression2168 = frozenset([1, 4, 88, 89, 90])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_shiftExpression2171 = frozenset([4, 88, 89, 90])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_shiftExpression2175 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_shiftExpression2187 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_additiveExpression_in_shiftExpression2191 = frozenset([1, 4, 88, 89, 90])
+    FOLLOW_multiplicativeExpression_in_additiveExpression2204 = frozenset([1, 4, 91, 92])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_additiveExpression2207 = frozenset([4, 91, 92])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_additiveExpression2211 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_additiveExpression2219 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_multiplicativeExpression_in_additiveExpression2223 = frozenset([1, 4, 91, 92])
+    FOLLOW_unaryExpression_in_multiplicativeExpression2236 = frozenset([1, 4, 93, 94, 95])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_multiplicativeExpression2239 = frozenset([4, 93, 94, 95])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_multiplicativeExpression2243 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_multiplicativeExpression2255 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_unaryExpression_in_multiplicativeExpression2259 = frozenset([1, 4, 93, 94, 95])
+    FOLLOW_postfixExpression_in_unaryExpression2272 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_unaryExpression2277 = frozenset([5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_unaryExpression_in_unaryExpression2313 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_leftHandSideExpression_in_postfixExpression2325 = frozenset([1, 99, 100])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_postfixExpression2327 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_103_in_primaryExpression2345 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_Identifier_in_primaryExpression2350 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_literal_in_primaryExpression2355 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_arrayLiteral_in_primaryExpression2360 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_objectLiteral_in_primaryExpression2365 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_32_in_primaryExpression2370 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_primaryExpression2372 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_expression_in_primaryExpression2376 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_primaryExpression2378 = frozenset([4, 34])
+    FOLLOW_34_in_primaryExpression2382 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_59_in_arrayLiteral2395 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 33, 35, 58, 59, 60, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_arrayLiteral2397 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 33, 35, 58, 59, 60, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arrayLiteral2401 = frozenset([4, 33, 60])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_arrayLiteral2405 = frozenset([4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_33_in_arrayLiteral2409 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 33, 35, 58, 59, 60, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_arrayLiteral2412 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arrayLiteral2416 = frozenset([4, 33, 60])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_arrayLiteral2422 = frozenset([4, 60])
+    FOLLOW_60_in_arrayLiteral2426 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_35_in_objectLiteral2445 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_objectLiteral2447 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7])
+    FOLLOW_propertyNameAndValue_in_objectLiteral2451 = frozenset([4, 33, 36])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_objectLiteral2454 = frozenset([4, 33])
+    FOLLOW_33_in_objectLiteral2458 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_objectLiteral2460 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7])
+    FOLLOW_propertyNameAndValue_in_objectLiteral2464 = frozenset([4, 33, 36])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_objectLiteral2468 = frozenset([4, 36])
+    FOLLOW_36_in_objectLiteral2472 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_propertyName_in_propertyNameAndValue2484 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_propertyNameAndValue2486 = frozenset([4, 50])
+    FOLLOW_50_in_propertyNameAndValue2490 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_propertyNameAndValue2492 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_propertyNameAndValue2496 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_propertyName0 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_literal0 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_functionDeclaration_in_synpred5_JavaScript90 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred9_JavaScript140 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_statementBlock_in_synpred21_JavaScript234 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_expressionStatement_in_synpred24_JavaScript249 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_labelledStatement_in_synpred31_JavaScript284 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred34_JavaScript313 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred47_JavaScript440 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred49_JavaScript459 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred60_JavaScript572 = frozenset([4, 41])
+    FOLLOW_41_in_synpred60_JavaScript576 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred60_JavaScript578 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred60_JavaScript582 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_forStatement_in_synpred63_JavaScript606 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred118_JavaScript1087 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred121_JavaScript1112 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_conditionalExpression_in_synpred140_JavaScript1304 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_conditionalExpressionNoIn_in_synpred143_JavaScript1333 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_callExpression_in_synpred146_JavaScript1362 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred147_JavaScript1379 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred154_JavaScript1427 = frozenset([4, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_memberExpressionSuffix_in_synpred154_JavaScript1431 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred158_JavaScript1470 = frozenset([4, 32, 59, 61])
+    FOLLOW_callExpressionSuffix_in_synpred158_JavaScript1474 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred256_JavaScript2207 = frozenset([4, 91, 92])
+    FOLLOW_set_in_synpred256_JavaScript2211 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred256_JavaScript2219 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 31, 32, 35, 58, 59, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106])
+    FOLLOW_multiplicativeExpression_in_synpred256_JavaScript2223 = frozenset([1])
+    FOLLOW_LT_in_synpred280_JavaScript2397 = frozenset([1])
+def main(argv, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr):
+    from antlr3.main import ParserMain
+    main = ParserMain("JavaScriptLexer", JavaScriptParser)
+    main.stdin = stdin
+    main.stdout = stdout
+    main.stderr = stderr
+    main.execute(argv)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv)

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/README.build
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/README.build	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/README.build	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+To rebuild these python files from the antlr3 grammar (JavaScript.g),
+you need to download the antlr toolset jar (not the runtime):
+wget http://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-3.1.3.jar
+You can then run it with
+java -cp antlr-3.1.3.jar org.antlr.Tool -o . JavaScript.g
+A new version of the Python antlr runtime (currently at 3.1.3), can 
+be downloaded from http://www.antlr.org/download/Python/

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/__init__.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/__init__.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+""" @package antlr3
+ at brief ANTLR3 runtime package
+This module contains all support classes, which are needed to use recognizers
+generated by ANTLR3.
+ at mainpage
+\note Please be warned that the line numbers in the API documentation do not
+match the real locations in the source code of the package. This is an
+unintended artifact of doxygen, which I could only convince to use the
+correct module names by concatenating all files from the package into a single
+module file...
+Here is a little overview over the most commonly used classes provided by
+this runtime:
+ at section recognizers Recognizers
+These recognizers are baseclasses for the code which is generated by ANTLR3.
+- BaseRecognizer: Base class with common recognizer functionality.
+- Lexer: Base class for lexers.
+- Parser: Base class for parsers.
+- tree.TreeParser: Base class for %tree parser.
+ at section streams Streams
+Each recognizer pulls its input from one of the stream classes below. Streams
+handle stuff like buffering, look-ahead and seeking.
+A character stream is usually the first element in the pipeline of a typical
+ANTLR3 application. It is used as the input for a Lexer.
+- ANTLRStringStream: Reads from a string objects. The input should be a unicode
+  object, or ANTLR3 will have trouble decoding non-ascii data.
+- ANTLRFileStream: Opens a file and read the contents, with optional character
+  decoding.
+- ANTLRInputStream: Reads the date from a file-like object, with optional
+  character decoding.
+A Parser needs a TokenStream as input (which in turn is usually fed by a
+- CommonTokenStream: A basic and most commonly used TokenStream
+  implementation.
+- TokenRewriteStream: A modification of CommonTokenStream that allows the
+  stream to be altered (by the Parser). See the 'tweak' example for a usecase.
+And tree.TreeParser finally fetches its input from a tree.TreeNodeStream:
+- tree.CommonTreeNodeStream: A basic and most commonly used tree.TreeNodeStream
+  implementation.
+ at section tokenstrees Tokens and Trees
+A Lexer emits Token objects which are usually buffered by a TokenStream. A
+Parser can build a Tree, if the output=AST option has been set in the grammar.
+The runtime provides these Token implementations:
+- CommonToken: A basic and most commonly used Token implementation.
+- ClassicToken: A Token object as used in ANTLR 2.x, used to %tree
+  construction.
+Tree objects are wrapper for Token objects.
+- tree.CommonTree: A basic and most commonly used Tree implementation.
+A tree.TreeAdaptor is used by the parser to create tree.Tree objects for the
+input Token objects.
+- tree.CommonTreeAdaptor: A basic and most commonly used tree.TreeAdaptor
+ at section Exceptions
+RecognitionException are generated, when a recognizer encounters incorrect
+or unexpected input.
+- RecognitionException
+  - MismatchedRangeException
+  - MismatchedSetException
+    - MismatchedNotSetException
+    .
+  - MismatchedTokenException
+  - MismatchedTreeNodeException
+  - NoViableAltException
+  - EarlyExitException
+  - FailedPredicateException
+  .
+A tree.RewriteCardinalityException is raised, when the parsers hits a
+cardinality mismatch during AST construction. Although this is basically a
+bug in your grammar, it can only be detected at runtime.
+- tree.RewriteCardinalityException
+  - tree.RewriteEarlyExitException
+  - tree.RewriteEmptyStreamException
+  .
+# tree.RewriteRuleElementStream
+# tree.RewriteRuleSubtreeStream
+# tree.RewriteRuleTokenStream
+# CharStream
+# DFA
+# TokenSource
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+__version__ = '3.1.3'
+def version_str_to_tuple(version_str):
+    import re
+    import sys
+    if version_str == 'HEAD':
+        return (sys.maxint, sys.maxint, sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
+    m = re.match(r'(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?(b(\d+))?', version_str)
+    if m is None:
+        raise ValueError("Bad version string %r" % version_str)
+    major = int(m.group(1))
+    minor = int(m.group(2))
+    patch = int(m.group(4) or 0)
+    beta = int(m.group(6) or sys.maxint)
+    return (major, minor, patch, beta)
+runtime_version_str = __version__
+runtime_version = version_str_to_tuple(runtime_version_str)
+from constants import *
+from dfa import *
+from exceptions import *
+from recognizers import *
+from streams import *
+from tokens import *

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/compat.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/compat.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/compat.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+"""Compatibility stuff"""
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+    set = set
+    frozenset = frozenset
+except NameError:
+    from sets import Set as set, ImmutableSet as frozenset
+    reversed = reversed
+except NameError:
+    def reversed(l):
+        l = l[:]
+        l.reverse()
+        return l

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/constants.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/constants.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/constants.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+"""ANTLR3 runtime package"""
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+EOF = -1
+## All tokens go to the parser (unless skip() is called in that rule)
+# on a particular "channel".  The parser tunes to a particular channel
+# so that whitespace etc... can go to the parser on a "hidden" channel.
+## Anything on different channel than DEFAULT_CHANNEL is not parsed
+# by parser.
+# Predefined token types
+# imaginary tree navigation type; traverse "get child" link
+DOWN = 2
+#imaginary tree navigation type; finish with a child list
+UP = 3

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/debug.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/debug.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/debug.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,1137 @@
+# begin[licence]
+#  [The "BSD licence"]
+#  Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Terence Parr
+#  All rights reserved.
+#  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+#  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+#  are met:
+#  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+#  3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+import socket
+from antlr3 import Parser, TokenStream, RecognitionException, Token
+from antlr3.tree import CommonTreeAdaptor, TreeAdaptor, Tree
+class DebugParser(Parser):
+    def __init__(self, stream, state=None, dbg=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        # wrap token stream in DebugTokenStream (unless user already did so).
+        if not isinstance(stream, DebugTokenStream):
+            stream = DebugTokenStream(stream, dbg)
+        super(DebugParser, self).__init__(stream, state, *args, **kwargs)
+        # Who to notify when events in the parser occur.
+        self._dbg = None
+        self.setDebugListener(dbg)
+    def setDebugListener(self, dbg):
+	"""Provide a new debug event listener for this parser.  Notify the
+        input stream too that it should send events to this listener.
+	"""
+        if hasattr(self.input, 'dbg'):
+            self.input.dbg = dbg
+        self._dbg = dbg
+    def getDebugListener(self):
+        return self._dbg
+    dbg = property(getDebugListener, setDebugListener)
+    def beginResync(self):
+        self._dbg.beginResync()
+    def endResync(self):
+        self._dbg.endResync()
+    def beginBacktrack(self, level):
+        self._dbg.beginBacktrack(level)
+    def endBacktrack(self, level, successful):
+        self._dbg.endBacktrack(level,successful)
+    def reportError(self, exc):
+        if isinstance(exc, RecognitionException):
+            self._dbg.recognitionException(exc)
+        else:
+            traceback.print_exc(exc)
+class DebugTokenStream(TokenStream):
+    def __init__(self, input, dbg=None):
+        self.input = input
+        self.initialStreamState = True
+        # Track the last mark() call result value for use in rewind().
+        self.lastMarker = None
+        self._dbg = None
+        self.setDebugListener(dbg)
+        # force TokenStream to get at least first valid token
+        # so we know if there are any hidden tokens first in the stream
+        self.input.LT(1)
+    def getDebugListener(self):
+        return self._dbg
+    def setDebugListener(self, dbg):
+        self._dbg = dbg
+    dbg = property(getDebugListener, setDebugListener)
+    def consume(self):
+        if self.initialStreamState:
+            self.consumeInitialHiddenTokens()
+        a = self.input.index()
+        t = self.input.LT(1)
+        self.input.consume()
+        b = self.input.index()
+        self._dbg.consumeToken(t)
+        if b > a+1:
+            # then we consumed more than one token; must be off channel tokens
+            for idx in range(a+1, b):
+                self._dbg.consumeHiddenToken(self.input.get(idx));
+    def consumeInitialHiddenTokens(self):
+        """consume all initial off-channel tokens"""
+        firstOnChannelTokenIndex = self.input.index()
+        for idx in range(firstOnChannelTokenIndex):
+            self._dbg.consumeHiddenToken(self.input.get(idx))
+        self.initialStreamState = False
+    def LT(self, i):
+        if self.initialStreamState:
+            self.consumeInitialHiddenTokens()
+        t = self.input.LT(i)
+        self._dbg.LT(i, t)
+        return t
+    def LA(self, i):
+        if self.initialStreamState:
+            self.consumeInitialHiddenTokens()
+        t = self.input.LT(i)
+        self._dbg.LT(i, t)
+        return t.type
+    def get(self, i):
+        return self.input.get(i)
+    def index(self):
+        return self.input.index()
+    def mark(self):
+        self.lastMarker = self.input.mark()
+        self._dbg.mark(self.lastMarker)
+        return self.lastMarker
+    def rewind(self, marker=None):
+        self._dbg.rewind(marker)
+        self.input.rewind(marker)
+    def release(self, marker):
+        pass
+    def seek(self, index):
+        # TODO: implement seek in dbg interface
+        # self._dbg.seek(index);
+        self.input.seek(index)
+    def size(self):
+        return self.input.size()
+    def getTokenSource(self):
+        return self.input.getTokenSource()
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        return self.getTokenSource().getSourceName()
+    def toString(self, start=None, stop=None):
+        return self.input.toString(start, stop)
+class DebugTreeAdaptor(TreeAdaptor):
+    """A TreeAdaptor proxy that fires debugging events to a DebugEventListener
+    delegate and uses the TreeAdaptor delegate to do the actual work.  All
+    AST events are triggered by this adaptor; no code gen changes are needed
+    in generated rules.  Debugging events are triggered *after* invoking
+    tree adaptor routines.
+    Trees created with actions in rewrite actions like "-> ^(ADD {foo} {bar})"
+    cannot be tracked as they might not use the adaptor to create foo, bar.
+    The debug listener has to deal with tree node IDs for which it did
+    not see a createNode event.  A single <unknown> node is sufficient even
+    if it represents a whole tree.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, dbg, adaptor):
+        self.dbg = dbg
+        self.adaptor = adaptor
+    def createWithPayload(self, payload):
+        if payload.getTokenIndex() < 0:
+            # could be token conjured up during error recovery
+            return self.createFromType(payload.getType(), payload.getText())
+        node = self.adaptor.createWithPayload(payload)
+        self.dbg.createNode(node, payload)
+        return node
+    def createFromToken(self, tokenType, fromToken, text=None):
+        node = self.adaptor.createFromToken(tokenType, fromToken, text)
+        self.dbg.createNode(node)
+        return node
+    def createFromType(self, tokenType, text):
+        node = self.adaptor.createFromType(tokenType, text)
+        self.dbg.createNode(node)
+        return node
+    def errorNode(self, input, start, stop, exc):
+        node = selfadaptor.errorNode(input, start, stop, exc)
+        if node is not None:
+            dbg.errorNode(node)
+        return node
+    def dupTree(self, tree):
+        t = self.adaptor.dupTree(tree)
+        # walk the tree and emit create and add child events
+        # to simulate what dupTree has done. dupTree does not call this debug
+        # adapter so I must simulate.
+        self.simulateTreeConstruction(t)
+        return t
+    def simulateTreeConstruction(self, t):
+	"""^(A B C): emit create A, create B, add child, ..."""
+        self.dbg.createNode(t)
+        for i in range(self.adaptor.getChildCount(t)):
+            child = self.adaptor.getChild(t, i)
+            self.simulateTreeConstruction(child)
+            self.dbg.addChild(t, child)
+    def dupNode(self, treeNode):
+        d = self.adaptor.dupNode(treeNode)
+        self.dbg.createNode(d)
+        return d
+    def nil(self):
+        node = self.adaptor.nil()
+        self.dbg.nilNode(node)
+        return node
+    def isNil(self, tree):
+        return self.adaptor.isNil(tree)
+    def addChild(self, t, child):
+        if isinstance(child, Token):
+            n = self.createWithPayload(child)
+            self.addChild(t, n)
+        else:
+            if t is None or child is None:
+                return
+            self.adaptor.addChild(t, child)
+            self.dbg.addChild(t, child)
+    def becomeRoot(self, newRoot, oldRoot):
+        if isinstance(newRoot, Token):
+            n = self.createWithPayload(newRoot)
+            self.adaptor.becomeRoot(n, oldRoot)
+        else:
+            n = self.adaptor.becomeRoot(newRoot, oldRoot)
+        self.dbg.becomeRoot(newRoot, oldRoot)
+        return n
+    def rulePostProcessing(self, root):
+        return self.adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root)
+    def getType(self, t):
+        return self.adaptor.getType(t)
+    def setType(self, t, type):
+        self.adaptor.setType(t, type)
+    def getText(self, t):
+        return self.adaptor.getText(t)
+    def setText(self, t, text):
+        self.adaptor.setText(t, text)
+    def getToken(self, t):
+        return self.adaptor.getToken(t)
+    def setTokenBoundaries(self, t, startToken, stopToken):
+        self.adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(t, startToken, stopToken)
+        if t is not None and startToken is not None and stopToken is not None:
+            self.dbg.setTokenBoundaries(
+                t, startToken.getTokenIndex(),
+                stopToken.getTokenIndex())
+    def getTokenStartIndex(self, t):
+        return self.adaptor.getTokenStartIndex(t)
+    def getTokenStopIndex(self, t):
+        return self.adaptor.getTokenStopIndex(t)
+    def getChild(self, t, i):
+        return self.adaptor.getChild(t, i)
+    def setChild(self, t, i, child):
+        self.adaptor.setChild(t, i, child)
+    def deleteChild(self, t, i):
+        return self.adaptor.deleteChild(t, i)
+    def getChildCount(self, t):
+        return self.adaptor.getChildCount(t)
+    def getUniqueID(self, node):
+        return self.adaptor.getUniqueID(node)
+    def getParent(self, t):
+        return self.adaptor.getParent(t)
+    def getChildIndex(self, t):
+        return self.adaptor.getChildIndex(t)
+    def setParent(self, t, parent):
+        self.adaptor.setParent(t, parent)
+    def setChildIndex(self, t, index):
+        self.adaptor.setChildIndex(t, index)
+    def replaceChildren(self, parent, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t):
+        self.adaptor.replaceChildren(parent, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t)
+    ## support
+    def getDebugListener(self):
+        return dbg
+    def setDebugListener(self, dbg):
+        self.dbg = dbg
+    def getTreeAdaptor(self):
+        return self.adaptor
+class DebugEventListener(object):
+    """All debugging events that a recognizer can trigger.
+    I did not create a separate AST debugging interface as it would create
+    lots of extra classes and DebugParser has a dbg var defined, which makes
+    it hard to change to ASTDebugEventListener.  I looked hard at this issue
+    and it is easier to understand as one monolithic event interface for all
+    possible events.  Hopefully, adding ST debugging stuff won't be bad.  Leave
+    for future. 4/26/2006.
+    """
+    # Moved to version 2 for v3.1: added grammar name to enter/exit Rule
+    def enterRule(self, grammarFileName, ruleName):
+	"""The parser has just entered a rule. No decision has been made about
+        which alt is predicted.  This is fired AFTER init actions have been
+        executed.  Attributes are defined and available etc...
+        The grammarFileName allows composite grammars to jump around among
+        multiple grammar files.
+        """
+        pass
+    def enterAlt(self, alt):
+	"""Because rules can have lots of alternatives, it is very useful to
+        know which alt you are entering.  This is 1..n for n alts.
+        """
+        pass
+    def exitRule(self, grammarFileName, ruleName):
+	"""This is the last thing executed before leaving a rule.  It is
+        executed even if an exception is thrown.  This is triggered after
+        error reporting and recovery have occurred (unless the exception is
+        not caught in this rule).  This implies an "exitAlt" event.
+        The grammarFileName allows composite grammars to jump around among
+        multiple grammar files.
+	"""
+        pass
+    def enterSubRule(self, decisionNumber):
+	"""Track entry into any (...) subrule other EBNF construct"""
+        pass
+    def exitSubRule(self, decisionNumber):
+        pass
+    def enterDecision(self, decisionNumber):
+	"""Every decision, fixed k or arbitrary, has an enter/exit event
+        so that a GUI can easily track what LT/consume events are
+        associated with prediction.  You will see a single enter/exit
+        subrule but multiple enter/exit decision events, one for each
+        loop iteration.
+        """
+        pass
+    def exitDecision(self, decisionNumber):
+        pass
+    def consumeToken(self, t):
+	"""An input token was consumed; matched by any kind of element.
+        Trigger after the token was matched by things like match(), matchAny().
+	"""
+        pass
+    def consumeHiddenToken(self, t):
+	"""An off-channel input token was consumed.
+        Trigger after the token was matched by things like match(), matchAny().
+        (unless of course the hidden token is first stuff in the input stream).
+	"""
+        pass
+    def LT(self, i, t):
+	"""Somebody (anybody) looked ahead.  Note that this actually gets
+        triggered by both LA and LT calls.  The debugger will want to know
+        which Token object was examined.  Like consumeToken, this indicates
+        what token was seen at that depth.  A remote debugger cannot look
+        ahead into a file it doesn't have so LT events must pass the token
+        even if the info is redundant.
+	"""
+        pass
+    def mark(self, marker):
+	"""The parser is going to look arbitrarily ahead; mark this location,
+        the token stream's marker is sent in case you need it.
+	"""
+        pass
+    def rewind(self, marker=None):
+	"""After an arbitrairly long lookahead as with a cyclic DFA (or with
+        any backtrack), this informs the debugger that stream should be
+        rewound to the position associated with marker.
+        """
+        pass
+    def beginBacktrack(self, level):
+        pass
+    def endBacktrack(self, level, successful):
+        pass
+    def location(self, line, pos):
+	"""To watch a parser move through the grammar, the parser needs to
+        inform the debugger what line/charPos it is passing in the grammar.
+        For now, this does not know how to switch from one grammar to the
+        other and back for island grammars etc...
+        This should also allow breakpoints because the debugger can stop
+        the parser whenever it hits this line/pos.
+	"""
+        pass
+    def recognitionException(self, e):
+	"""A recognition exception occurred such as NoViableAltException.  I made
+        this a generic event so that I can alter the exception hierachy later
+        without having to alter all the debug objects.
+        Upon error, the stack of enter rule/subrule must be properly unwound.
+        If no viable alt occurs it is within an enter/exit decision, which
+        also must be rewound.  Even the rewind for each mark must be unwount.
+        In the Java target this is pretty easy using try/finally, if a bit
+        ugly in the generated code.  The rewind is generated in DFA.predict()
+        actually so no code needs to be generated for that.  For languages
+        w/o this "finally" feature (C++?), the target implementor will have
+        to build an event stack or something.
+        Across a socket for remote debugging, only the RecognitionException
+        data fields are transmitted.  The token object or whatever that
+        caused the problem was the last object referenced by LT.  The
+        immediately preceding LT event should hold the unexpected Token or
+        char.
+        Here is a sample event trace for grammar:
+        b : C ({;}A|B) // {;} is there to prevent A|B becoming a set
+          | D
+          ;
+        The sequence for this rule (with no viable alt in the subrule) for
+        input 'c c' (there are 3 tokens) is:
+		commence
+		LT(1)
+		enterRule b
+		location 7 1
+		enter decision 3
+		LT(1)
+		exit decision 3
+		enterAlt1
+		location 7 5
+		LT(1)
+		consumeToken [c/<4>,1:0]
+		location 7 7
+		enterSubRule 2
+		enter decision 2
+		LT(1)
+		LT(1)
+		recognitionException NoViableAltException 2 1 2
+		exit decision 2
+		exitSubRule 2
+		beginResync
+		LT(1)
+		consumeToken [c/<4>,1:1]
+		LT(1)
+		endResync
+		LT(-1)
+		exitRule b
+		terminate
+	"""
+        pass
+    def beginResync(self):
+	"""Indicates the recognizer is about to consume tokens to resynchronize
+        the parser.  Any consume events from here until the recovered event
+        are not part of the parse--they are dead tokens.
+        """
+        pass
+    def endResync(self):
+	"""Indicates that the recognizer has finished consuming tokens in order
+        to resychronize.  There may be multiple beginResync/endResync pairs
+        before the recognizer comes out of errorRecovery mode (in which
+        multiple errors are suppressed).  This will be useful
+        in a gui where you want to probably grey out tokens that are consumed
+        but not matched to anything in grammar.  Anything between
+        a beginResync/endResync pair was tossed out by the parser.
+	"""
+        pass
+    def semanticPredicate(self, result, predicate):
+	"""A semantic predicate was evaluate with this result and action text"""
+        pass
+    def commence(self):
+	"""Announce that parsing has begun.  Not technically useful except for
+        sending events over a socket.  A GUI for example will launch a thread
+        to connect and communicate with a remote parser.  The thread will want
+        to notify the GUI when a connection is made.  ANTLR parsers
+        trigger this upon entry to the first rule (the ruleLevel is used to
+        figure this out).
+	"""
+        pass
+    def terminate(self):
+        """Parsing is over; successfully or not.  Mostly useful for telling
+        remote debugging listeners that it's time to quit.  When the rule
+        invocation level goes to zero at the end of a rule, we are done
+        parsing.
+	"""
+        pass
+    ## T r e e  P a r s i n g
+    def consumeNode(self, t):
+        """Input for a tree parser is an AST, but we know nothing for sure
+        about a node except its type and text (obtained from the adaptor).
+        This is the analog of the consumeToken method.  Again, the ID is
+        the hashCode usually of the node so it only works if hashCode is
+        not implemented.  If the type is UP or DOWN, then
+        the ID is not really meaningful as it's fixed--there is
+        just one UP node and one DOWN navigation node.
+        """
+        pass
+    def LT(self, i, t):
+	"""The tree parser lookedahead.  If the type is UP or DOWN,
+        then the ID is not really meaningful as it's fixed--there is
+        just one UP node and one DOWN navigation node.
+	"""
+        pass
+    ## A S T  E v e n t s
+    def nilNode(self, t):
+	"""A nil was created (even nil nodes have a unique ID...
+        they are not "null" per se).  As of 4/28/2006, this
+        seems to be uniquely triggered when starting a new subtree
+        such as when entering a subrule in automatic mode and when
+        building a tree in rewrite mode.
+        If you are receiving this event over a socket via
+        RemoteDebugEventSocketListener then only t.ID is set.
+	"""
+        pass
+    def errorNode(self, t):
+	"""Upon syntax error, recognizers bracket the error with an error node
+        if they are building ASTs.
+        """
+        pass
+    def createNode(self, node, token=None):
+	"""Announce a new node built from token elements such as type etc...
+        If you are receiving this event over a socket via
+        RemoteDebugEventSocketListener then only t.ID, type, text are
+        set.
+	"""
+        pass
+    def becomeRoot(self, newRoot, oldRoot):
+	"""Make a node the new root of an existing root.
+        Note: the newRootID parameter is possibly different
+        than the TreeAdaptor.becomeRoot() newRoot parameter.
+        In our case, it will always be the result of calling
+        TreeAdaptor.becomeRoot() and not root_n or whatever.
+        The listener should assume that this event occurs
+        only when the current subrule (or rule) subtree is
+        being reset to newRootID.
+        If you are receiving this event over a socket via
+        RemoteDebugEventSocketListener then only IDs are set.
+        @see antlr3.tree.TreeAdaptor.becomeRoot()
+	"""
+        pass
+    def addChild(self, root, child):
+	"""Make childID a child of rootID.
+        If you are receiving this event over a socket via
+        RemoteDebugEventSocketListener then only IDs are set.
+        @see antlr3.tree.TreeAdaptor.addChild()
+        """
+        pass
+    def setTokenBoundaries(self, t, tokenStartIndex, tokenStopIndex):
+	"""Set the token start/stop token index for a subtree root or node.
+        If you are receiving this event over a socket via
+        RemoteDebugEventSocketListener then only t.ID is set.
+	"""
+        pass
+class BlankDebugEventListener(DebugEventListener):
+    """A blank listener that does nothing; useful for real classes so
+    they don't have to have lots of blank methods and are less
+    sensitive to updates to debug interface.
+    Note: this class is identical to DebugEventListener and exists purely
+    for compatibility with Java.
+    """
+    pass
+class TraceDebugEventListener(DebugEventListener):
+    """A listener that simply records text representations of the events.
+    Useful for debugging the debugging facility ;)
+    Subclasses can override the record() method (which defaults to printing to
+    stdout) to record the events in a different way.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, adaptor=None):
+        super(TraceDebugEventListener, self).__init__()
+        if adaptor is None:
+            adaptor = CommonTreeAdaptor()
+        self.adaptor = adaptor
+    def record(self, event):
+        sys.stdout.write(event + '\n')
+    def enterRule(self, grammarFileName, ruleName):
+        self.record("enterRule "+ruleName)
+    def exitRule(self, grammarFileName, ruleName):
+        self.record("exitRule "+ruleName)
+    def enterSubRule(self, decisionNumber):
+        self.record("enterSubRule")
+    def exitSubRule(self, decisionNumber):
+        self.record("exitSubRule")
+    def location(self, line, pos):
+        self.record("location %s:%s" % (line, pos))
+    ## Tree parsing stuff
+    def consumeNode(self, t):
+        self.record("consumeNode %s %s %s" % (
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(t),
+                self.adaptor.getText(t),
+                self.adaptor.getType(t)))
+    def LT(self, i, t):
+        self.record("LT %s %s %s %s" % (
+                i,
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(t),
+                self.adaptor.getText(t),
+                self.adaptor.getType(t)))
+    ## AST stuff
+    def nilNode(self, t):
+        self.record("nilNode %s" % self.adaptor.getUniqueID(t))
+    def createNode(self, t, token=None):
+        if token is None:
+            self.record("create %s: %s, %s" % (
+                    self.adaptor.getUniqueID(t),
+                    self.adaptor.getText(t),
+                    self.adaptor.getType(t)))
+        else:
+            self.record("create %s: %s" % (
+                    self.adaptor.getUniqueID(t),
+                    token.getTokenIndex()))
+    def becomeRoot(self, newRoot, oldRoot):
+        self.record("becomeRoot %s, %s" % (
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(newRoot),
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(oldRoot)))
+    def addChild(self, root, child):
+        self.record("addChild %s, %s" % (
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(root),
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(child)))
+    def setTokenBoundaries(self, t, tokenStartIndex, tokenStopIndex):
+        self.record("setTokenBoundaries %s, %s, %s" % (
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(t),
+                tokenStartIndex, tokenStopIndex))
+class RecordDebugEventListener(TraceDebugEventListener):
+    """A listener that records events as strings in an array."""
+    def __init__(self, adaptor=None):
+        super(RecordDebugEventListener, self).__init__(adaptor)
+        self.events = []
+    def record(self, event):
+        self.events.append(event)
+class DebugEventSocketProxy(DebugEventListener):
+    """A proxy debug event listener that forwards events over a socket to
+    a debugger (or any other listener) using a simple text-based protocol;
+    one event per line.  ANTLRWorks listens on server socket with a
+    RemoteDebugEventSocketListener instance.  These two objects must therefore
+    be kept in sync.  New events must be handled on both sides of socket.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, recognizer, adaptor=None, port=None,
+                 debug=None):
+        super(DebugEventSocketProxy, self).__init__()
+        self.grammarFileName = recognizer.getGrammarFileName()
+	# Almost certainly the recognizer will have adaptor set, but
+        # we don't know how to cast it (Parser or TreeParser) to get
+        # the adaptor field.  Must be set with a constructor. :(
+        self.adaptor = adaptor
+        self.port = port or self.DEFAULT_DEBUGGER_PORT
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.socket = None
+        self.connection = None
+        self.input = None
+        self.output = None
+    def log(self, msg):
+        if self.debug is not None:
+            self.debug.write(msg + '\n')
+    def handshake(self):
+        if self.socket is None:
+            # create listening socket
+            self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+            self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+            self.socket.bind(('', self.port))
+            self.socket.listen(1)
+            self.log("Waiting for incoming connection on port %d" % self.port)
+            # wait for an incoming connection
+            self.connection, addr = self.socket.accept()
+            self.log("Accepted connection from %s:%d" % addr)
+            self.connection.setblocking(1)
+            self.connection.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
+            # FIXME(pink): wrap into utf8 encoding stream
+            self.output = self.connection.makefile('w', 0)
+            self.input = self.connection.makefile('r', 0)
+            self.write("ANTLR %s" % self.PROTOCOL_VERSION)
+            self.write("grammar \"%s" % self.grammarFileName)
+            self.ack()
+    def write(self, msg):
+        self.log("> %s" % msg)
+        self.output.write("%s\n" % msg)
+        self.output.flush()
+    def ack(self):
+        t = self.input.readline()
+        self.log("< %s" % t.rstrip())
+    def transmit(self, event):
+        self.write(event);
+        self.ack();
+    def commence(self):
+        # don't bother sending event; listener will trigger upon connection
+        pass
+    def terminate(self):
+        self.transmit("terminate")
+        self.output.close()
+        self.input.close()
+        self.connection.close()
+        self.socket.close()
+    def enterRule(self, grammarFileName, ruleName):
+        self.transmit("enterRule\t%s\t%s" % (grammarFileName, ruleName))
+    def enterAlt(self, alt):
+        self.transmit("enterAlt\t%d" % alt)
+    def exitRule(self, grammarFileName, ruleName):
+        self.transmit("exitRule\t%s\t%s" % (grammarFileName, ruleName))
+    def enterSubRule(self, decisionNumber):
+        self.transmit("enterSubRule\t%d" % decisionNumber)
+    def exitSubRule(self, decisionNumber):
+        self.transmit("exitSubRule\t%d" % decisionNumber)
+    def enterDecision(self, decisionNumber):
+        self.transmit("enterDecision\t%d" % decisionNumber)
+    def exitDecision(self, decisionNumber):
+        self.transmit("exitDecision\t%d" % decisionNumber)
+    def consumeToken(self, t):
+        self.transmit("consumeToken\t%s" % self.serializeToken(t))
+    def consumeHiddenToken(self, t):
+        self.transmit("consumeHiddenToken\t%s" % self.serializeToken(t))
+    def LT(self, i, o):
+        if isinstance(o, Tree):
+            return self.LT_tree(i, o)
+        return self.LT_token(i, o)
+    def LT_token(self, i, t):
+        if t is not None:
+            self.transmit("LT\t%d\t%s" % (i, self.serializeToken(t)))
+    def mark(self, i):
+        self.transmit("mark\t%d" % i)
+    def rewind(self, i=None):
+        if i is not None:
+            self.transmit("rewind\t%d" % i)
+        else:
+            self.transmit("rewind")
+    def beginBacktrack(self, level):
+        self.transmit("beginBacktrack\t%d" % level)
+    def endBacktrack(self, level, successful):
+        self.transmit("endBacktrack\t%d\t%s" % (
+                level, ['0', '1'][bool(successful)]))
+    def location(self, line, pos):
+        self.transmit("location\t%d\t%d" % (line, pos))
+    def recognitionException(self, exc):
+        self.transmit('\t'.join([
+                    "exception",
+                    exc.__class__.__name__,
+                    str(int(exc.index)),
+                    str(int(exc.line)),
+                    str(int(exc.charPositionInLine))]))
+    def beginResync(self):
+        self.transmit("beginResync")
+    def endResync(self):
+        self.transmit("endResync")
+    def semanticPredicate(self, result, predicate):
+        self.transmit('\t'.join([
+                    "semanticPredicate",
+                    str(int(result)),
+                    self.escapeNewlines(predicate)]))
+    ## A S T  P a r s i n g  E v e n t s
+    def consumeNode(self, t):
+        FIXME(31)
+#         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(50);
+#         buf.append("consumeNode");
+#         serializeNode(buf, t);
+#         transmit(buf.toString());
+    def LT_tree(self, i, t):
+        FIXME(34)
+#         int ID = adaptor.getUniqueID(t);
+#         String text = adaptor.getText(t);
+#         int type = adaptor.getType(t);
+#         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(50);
+#         buf.append("LN\t"); // lookahead node; distinguish from LT in protocol
+#         buf.append(i);
+#         serializeNode(buf, t);
+#         transmit(buf.toString());
+    def serializeNode(self, buf, t):
+        FIXME(33)
+#         int ID = adaptor.getUniqueID(t);
+#         String text = adaptor.getText(t);
+#         int type = adaptor.getType(t);
+#         buf.append("\t");
+#         buf.append(ID);
+#         buf.append("\t");
+#         buf.append(type);
+#         Token token = adaptor.getToken(t);
+#         int line = -1;
+#         int pos = -1;
+#         if ( token!=null ) {
+#             line = token.getLine();
+#             pos = token.getCharPositionInLine();
+#             }
+#         buf.append("\t");
+#         buf.append(line);
+#         buf.append("\t");
+#         buf.append(pos);
+#         int tokenIndex = adaptor.getTokenStartIndex(t);
+#         buf.append("\t");
+#         buf.append(tokenIndex);
+#         serializeText(buf, text);
+    ## A S T  E v e n t s
+    def nilNode(self, t):
+        self.transmit("nilNode\t%d" % self.adaptor.getUniqueID(t))
+    def errorNode(self, t):
+        self.transmit("errorNode\t%d\t%d\t\"%s" % (
+             self.adaptor.getUniqueID(t),
+             Token.INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE,
+             self.escapeNewlines(t.toString())))
+    def createNode(self, node, token=None):
+        if token is not None:
+            self.transmit("createNode\t%d\t%d" % (
+                    self.adaptor.getUniqueID(node),
+                    token.getTokenIndex()))
+        else:
+            self.transmit("createNodeFromTokenElements\t%d\t%d\t\"%s" % (
+                    self.adaptor.getUniqueID(node),
+                    self.adaptor.getType(node),
+                    self.adaptor.getText(node)))
+    def becomeRoot(self, newRoot, oldRoot):
+        self.transmit("becomeRoot\t%d\t%d" % (
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(newRoot),
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(oldRoot)))
+    def addChild(self, root, child):
+        self.transmit("addChild\t%d\t%d" % (
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(root),
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(child)))
+    def setTokenBoundaries(self, t, tokenStartIndex, tokenStopIndex):
+        self.transmit("setTokenBoundaries\t%d\t%d\t%d" % (
+                self.adaptor.getUniqueID(t),
+                tokenStartIndex, tokenStopIndex))
+    ## support
+    def setTreeAdaptor(self, adaptor):
+        self.adaptor = adaptor
+    def getTreeAdaptor(self):
+        return self.adaptor
+    def serializeToken(self, t):
+        buf = [str(int(t.getTokenIndex())),
+               str(int(t.getType())),
+               str(int(t.getChannel())),
+               str(int(t.getLine() or 0)),
+               str(int(t.getCharPositionInLine() or 0)),
+               '\"' + self.escapeNewlines(t.getText())]
+        return '\t'.join(buf)
+    def escapeNewlines(self, txt):
+        if txt is None:
+            return ''
+        txt = txt.replace("%","%25")   # escape all escape char ;)
+        txt = txt.replace("\n","%0A")  # escape \n
+        txt = txt.replace("\r","%0D")  # escape \r
+        return txt

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/dfa.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/dfa.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/dfa.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+"""ANTLR3 runtime package"""
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licensc]
+from antlr3.constants import EOF
+from antlr3.exceptions import NoViableAltException, BacktrackingFailed
+class DFA(object):
+    """@brief A DFA implemented as a set of transition tables.
+    Any state that has a semantic predicate edge is special; those states
+    are generated with if-then-else structures in a specialStateTransition()
+    which is generated by cyclicDFA template.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        recognizer, decisionNumber,
+        eot, eof, min, max, accept, special, transition
+        ):
+        ## Which recognizer encloses this DFA?  Needed to check backtracking
+        self.recognizer = recognizer
+        self.decisionNumber = decisionNumber
+        self.eot = eot
+        self.eof = eof
+        self.min = min
+        self.max = max
+        self.accept = accept
+        self.special = special
+        self.transition = transition
+    def predict(self, input):
+        """
+        From the input stream, predict what alternative will succeed
+	using this DFA (representing the covering regular approximation
+	to the underlying CFL).  Return an alternative number 1..n.  Throw
+	 an exception upon error.
+	"""
+        mark = input.mark()
+        s = 0 # we always start at s0
+        try:
+            for _ in xrange(50000):
+                #print "***Current state = %d" % s
+                specialState = self.special[s]
+                if specialState >= 0:
+                    #print "is special"
+                    s = self.specialStateTransition(specialState, input)
+                    if s == -1:
+                        self.noViableAlt(s, input)
+                        return 0
+                    input.consume()
+                    continue
+                if self.accept[s] >= 1:
+                    #print "accept state for alt %d" % self.accept[s]
+                    return self.accept[s]
+                # look for a normal char transition
+                c = input.LA(1)
+                #print "LA = %d (%r)" % (c, unichr(c) if c >= 0 else 'EOF')
+                #print "range = %d..%d" % (self.min[s], self.max[s])
+                if c >= self.min[s] and c <= self.max[s]:
+                    # move to next state
+                    snext = self.transition[s][c-self.min[s]]
+                    #print "in range, next state = %d" % snext
+                    if snext < 0:
+                        #print "not a normal transition"
+                        # was in range but not a normal transition
+                        # must check EOT, which is like the else clause.
+                        # eot[s]>=0 indicates that an EOT edge goes to another
+                        # state.
+                        if self.eot[s] >= 0: # EOT Transition to accept state?
+                            #print "EOT trans to accept state %d" % self.eot[s]
+                            s = self.eot[s]
+                            input.consume()
+                            # TODO: I had this as return accept[eot[s]]
+                            # which assumed here that the EOT edge always
+                            # went to an accept...faster to do this, but
+                            # what about predicated edges coming from EOT
+                            # target?
+                            continue
+                        #print "no viable alt"
+                        self.noViableAlt(s, input)
+                        return 0
+                    s = snext
+                    input.consume()
+                    continue
+                if self.eot[s] >= 0:
+                    #print "EOT to %d" % self.eot[s]
+                    s = self.eot[s]
+                    input.consume()
+                    continue
+                # EOF Transition to accept state?
+                if c == EOF and self.eof[s] >= 0:
+                    #print "EOF Transition to accept state %d" \
+                    #  % self.accept[self.eof[s]]
+                    return self.accept[self.eof[s]]
+                # not in range and not EOF/EOT, must be invalid symbol
+                self.noViableAlt(s, input)
+                return 0
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError("DFA bang!")
+        finally:
+            input.rewind(mark)
+    def noViableAlt(self, s, input):
+        if self.recognizer._state.backtracking > 0:
+            raise BacktrackingFailed
+        nvae = NoViableAltException(
+            self.getDescription(),
+            self.decisionNumber,
+            s,
+            input
+            )
+        self.error(nvae)
+        raise nvae
+    def error(self, nvae):
+        """A hook for debugging interface"""
+        pass
+    def specialStateTransition(self, s, input):
+        return -1
+    def getDescription(self):
+        return "n/a"
+##     def specialTransition(self, state, symbol):
+##         return 0
+    def unpack(cls, string):
+        """@brief Unpack the runlength encoded table data.
+        Terence implemented packed table initializers, because Java has a
+        size restriction on .class files and the lookup tables can grow
+        pretty large. The generated JavaLexer.java of the Java.g example
+        would be about 15MB with uncompressed array initializers.
+        Python does not have any size restrictions, but the compilation of
+        such large source files seems to be pretty memory hungry. The memory
+        consumption of the python process grew to >1.5GB when importing a
+        15MB lexer, eating all my swap space and I was to impacient to see,
+        if it could finish at all. With packed initializers that are unpacked
+        at import time of the lexer module, everything works like a charm.
+        """
+        ret = []
+        for i in range(len(string) / 2):
+            (n, v) = ord(string[i*2]), ord(string[i*2+1])
+            # Is there a bitwise operation to do this?
+            if v == 0xFFFF:
+                v = -1
+            ret += [v] * n
+        return ret
+    unpack = classmethod(unpack)

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/dottreegen.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/dottreegen.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/dottreegen.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+""" @package antlr3.dottreegenerator
+ at brief ANTLR3 runtime package, tree module
+This module contains all support classes for AST construction and tree parsers.
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+# lot's of docstrings are missing, don't complain for now...
+# pylint: disable-msg=C0111
+from antlr3.tree import CommonTreeAdaptor
+import stringtemplate3
+class DOTTreeGenerator(object):
+    """
+    A utility class to generate DOT diagrams (graphviz) from
+    arbitrary trees.  You can pass in your own templates and
+    can pass in any kind of tree or use Tree interface method.
+    """
+    _treeST = stringtemplate3.StringTemplate(
+        template=(
+        "digraph {\n" +
+        "  ordering=out;\n" +
+        "  ranksep=.4;\n" +
+        "  node [shape=plaintext, fixedsize=true, fontsize=11, fontname=\"Courier\",\n" +
+        "        width=.25, height=.25];\n" +
+        "  edge [arrowsize=.5]\n" +
+        "  $nodes$\n" +
+        "  $edges$\n" +
+        "}\n")
+        )
+    _nodeST = stringtemplate3.StringTemplate(
+        template="$name$ [label=\"$text$\"];\n"
+        )
+    _edgeST = stringtemplate3.StringTemplate(
+        template="$parent$ -> $child$ // \"$parentText$\" -> \"$childText$\"\n"
+        )
+    def __init__(self):
+        ## Track node to number mapping so we can get proper node name back
+        self.nodeToNumberMap = {}
+        ## Track node number so we can get unique node names
+        self.nodeNumber = 0
+    def toDOT(self, tree, adaptor=None, treeST=_treeST, edgeST=_edgeST):
+        if adaptor is None:
+            adaptor = CommonTreeAdaptor()
+        treeST = treeST.getInstanceOf()
+        self.nodeNumber = 0
+        self.toDOTDefineNodes(tree, adaptor, treeST)
+        self.nodeNumber = 0
+        self.toDOTDefineEdges(tree, adaptor, treeST, edgeST)
+        return treeST
+    def toDOTDefineNodes(self, tree, adaptor, treeST, knownNodes=None):
+        if knownNodes is None:
+            knownNodes = set()
+        if tree is None:
+            return
+        n = adaptor.getChildCount(tree)
+        if n == 0:
+            # must have already dumped as child from previous
+            # invocation; do nothing
+            return
+        # define parent node
+        number = self.getNodeNumber(tree)
+        if number not in knownNodes:
+            parentNodeST = self.getNodeST(adaptor, tree)
+            treeST.setAttribute("nodes", parentNodeST)
+            knownNodes.add(number)
+        # for each child, do a "<unique-name> [label=text]" node def
+        for i in range(n):
+            child = adaptor.getChild(tree, i)
+            number = self.getNodeNumber(child)
+            if number not in knownNodes:
+                nodeST = self.getNodeST(adaptor, child)
+                treeST.setAttribute("nodes", nodeST)
+                knownNodes.add(number)
+            self.toDOTDefineNodes(child, adaptor, treeST, knownNodes)
+    def toDOTDefineEdges(self, tree, adaptor, treeST, edgeST):
+        if tree is None:
+            return
+        n = adaptor.getChildCount(tree)
+        if n == 0:
+            # must have already dumped as child from previous
+            # invocation; do nothing
+            return
+        parentName = "n%d" % self.getNodeNumber(tree)
+        # for each child, do a parent -> child edge using unique node names
+        parentText = adaptor.getText(tree)
+        for i in range(n):
+            child = adaptor.getChild(tree, i)
+            childText = adaptor.getText(child)
+            childName = "n%d" % self.getNodeNumber(child)
+            edgeST = edgeST.getInstanceOf()
+            edgeST.setAttribute("parent", parentName)
+            edgeST.setAttribute("child", childName)
+            edgeST.setAttribute("parentText", parentText)
+            edgeST.setAttribute("childText", childText)
+            treeST.setAttribute("edges", edgeST)
+            self.toDOTDefineEdges(child, adaptor, treeST, edgeST)
+    def getNodeST(self, adaptor, t):
+        text = adaptor.getText(t)
+        nodeST = self._nodeST.getInstanceOf()
+        uniqueName = "n%d" % self.getNodeNumber(t)
+        nodeST.setAttribute("name", uniqueName)
+        if text is not None:
+            text = text.replace('"', r'\\"')
+        nodeST.setAttribute("text", text)
+        return nodeST
+    def getNodeNumber(self, t):
+        try:
+            return self.nodeToNumberMap[t]
+        except KeyError:
+            self.nodeToNumberMap[t] = self.nodeNumber
+            self.nodeNumber += 1
+            return self.nodeNumber - 1
+def toDOT(tree, adaptor=None, treeST=DOTTreeGenerator._treeST, edgeST=DOTTreeGenerator._edgeST):
+    """
+    Generate DOT (graphviz) for a whole tree not just a node.
+    For example, 3+4*5 should generate:
+    digraph {
+        node [shape=plaintext, fixedsize=true, fontsize=11, fontname="Courier",
+            width=.4, height=.2];
+        edge [arrowsize=.7]
+        "+"->3
+        "+"->"*"
+        "*"->4
+        "*"->5
+    }
+    Return the ST not a string in case people want to alter.
+    Takes a Tree interface object.
+    Example of invokation:
+        import antlr3
+        import antlr3.extras
+        input = antlr3.ANTLRInputStream(sys.stdin)
+        lex = TLexer(input)
+        tokens = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lex)
+        parser = TParser(tokens)
+        tree = parser.e().tree
+        print tree.toStringTree()
+        st = antlr3.extras.toDOT(t)
+        print st
+    """
+    gen = DOTTreeGenerator()
+    return gen.toDOT(tree, adaptor, treeST, edgeST)

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/exceptions.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/exceptions.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/exceptions.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+"""ANTLR3 exception hierarchy"""
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+from antlr3.constants import INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+class BacktrackingFailed(Exception):
+    """@brief Raised to signal failed backtrack attempt"""
+    pass
+class RecognitionException(Exception):
+    """@brief The root of the ANTLR exception hierarchy.
+    To avoid English-only error messages and to generally make things
+    as flexible as possible, these exceptions are not created with strings,
+    but rather the information necessary to generate an error.  Then
+    the various reporting methods in Parser and Lexer can be overridden
+    to generate a localized error message.  For example, MismatchedToken
+    exceptions are built with the expected token type.
+    So, don't expect getMessage() to return anything.
+    Note that as of Java 1.4, you can access the stack trace, which means
+    that you can compute the complete trace of rules from the start symbol.
+    This gives you considerable context information with which to generate
+    useful error messages.
+    ANTLR generates code that throws exceptions upon recognition error and
+    also generates code to catch these exceptions in each rule.  If you
+    want to quit upon first error, you can turn off the automatic error
+    handling mechanism using rulecatch action, but you still need to
+    override methods mismatch and recoverFromMismatchSet.
+    In general, the recognition exceptions can track where in a grammar a
+    problem occurred and/or what was the expected input.  While the parser
+    knows its state (such as current input symbol and line info) that
+    state can change before the exception is reported so current token index
+    is computed and stored at exception time.  From this info, you can
+    perhaps print an entire line of input not just a single token, for example.
+    Better to just say the recognizer had a problem and then let the parser
+    figure out a fancy report.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, input=None):
+        Exception.__init__(self)
+	# What input stream did the error occur in?
+        self.input = None
+        # What is index of token/char were we looking at when the error
+        # occurred?
+        self.index = None
+	# The current Token when an error occurred.  Since not all streams
+	# can retrieve the ith Token, we have to track the Token object.
+	# For parsers.  Even when it's a tree parser, token might be set.
+        self.token = None
+	# If this is a tree parser exception, node is set to the node with
+	# the problem.
+        self.node = None
+	# The current char when an error occurred. For lexers.
+        self.c = None
+	# Track the line at which the error occurred in case this is
+	# generated from a lexer.  We need to track this since the
+        # unexpected char doesn't carry the line info.
+        self.line = None
+        self.charPositionInLine = None
+        # If you are parsing a tree node stream, you will encounter som
+        # imaginary nodes w/o line/col info.  We now search backwards looking
+        # for most recent token with line/col info, but notify getErrorHeader()
+        # that info is approximate.
+        self.approximateLineInfo = False
+        if input is not None:
+            self.input = input
+            self.index = input.index()
+            # late import to avoid cyclic dependencies
+            from antlr3.streams import TokenStream, CharStream
+            from antlr3.tree import TreeNodeStream
+            if isinstance(self.input, TokenStream):
+                self.token = self.input.LT(1)
+                self.line = self.token.line
+                self.charPositionInLine = self.token.charPositionInLine
+            if isinstance(self.input, TreeNodeStream):
+                self.extractInformationFromTreeNodeStream(self.input)
+            else:
+                if isinstance(self.input, CharStream):
+                    self.c = self.input.LT(1)
+                    self.line = self.input.line
+                    self.charPositionInLine = self.input.charPositionInLine
+                else:
+                    self.c = self.input.LA(1)
+    def extractInformationFromTreeNodeStream(self, nodes):
+        from antlr3.tree import Tree, CommonTree
+        from antlr3.tokens import CommonToken
+        self.node = nodes.LT(1)
+        adaptor = nodes.adaptor
+        payload = adaptor.getToken(self.node)
+        if payload is not None:
+            self.token = payload
+            if payload.line <= 0:
+                # imaginary node; no line/pos info; scan backwards
+                i = -1
+                priorNode = nodes.LT(i)
+                while priorNode is not None:
+                    priorPayload = adaptor.getToken(priorNode)
+                    if priorPayload is not None and priorPayload.line > 0:
+                        # we found the most recent real line / pos info
+                        self.line = priorPayload.line
+                        self.charPositionInLine = priorPayload.charPositionInLine
+                        self.approximateLineInfo = True
+                        break
+                    i -= 1
+                    priorNode = nodes.LT(i)
+            else: # node created from real token
+                self.line = payload.line
+                self.charPositionInLine = payload.charPositionInLine
+        elif isinstance(self.node, Tree):
+            self.line = self.node.line
+            self.charPositionInLine = self.node.charPositionInLine
+            if isinstance(self.node, CommonTree):
+                self.token = self.node.token
+        else:
+            type = adaptor.getType(self.node)
+            text = adaptor.getText(self.node)
+            self.token = CommonToken(type=type, text=text)
+    def getUnexpectedType(self):
+        """Return the token type or char of the unexpected input element"""
+        from antlr3.streams import TokenStream
+        from antlr3.tree import TreeNodeStream
+        if isinstance(self.input, TokenStream):
+            return self.token.type
+        elif isinstance(self.input, TreeNodeStream):
+            adaptor = self.input.treeAdaptor
+            return adaptor.getType(self.node)
+        else:
+            return self.c
+    unexpectedType = property(getUnexpectedType)
+class MismatchedTokenException(RecognitionException):
+    """@brief A mismatched char or Token or tree node."""
+    def __init__(self, expecting, input):
+        RecognitionException.__init__(self, input)
+        self.expecting = expecting
+    def __str__(self):
+        #return "MismatchedTokenException("+self.expecting+")"
+        return "MismatchedTokenException(%r!=%r)" % (
+            self.getUnexpectedType(), self.expecting
+            )
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class UnwantedTokenException(MismatchedTokenException):
+    """An extra token while parsing a TokenStream"""
+    def getUnexpectedToken(self):
+        return self.token
+    def __str__(self):
+        exp = ", expected %s" % self.expecting
+        if self.expecting == INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE:
+            exp = ""
+        if self.token is None:
+            return "UnwantedTokenException(found=%s%s)" % (None, exp)
+        return "UnwantedTokenException(found=%s%s)" % (self.token.text, exp)
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class MissingTokenException(MismatchedTokenException):
+    """
+    We were expecting a token but it's not found.  The current token
+    is actually what we wanted next.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, expecting, input, inserted):
+        MismatchedTokenException.__init__(self, expecting, input)
+        self.inserted = inserted
+    def getMissingType(self):
+        return self.expecting
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.inserted is not None and self.token is not None:
+            return "MissingTokenException(inserted %r at %r)" % (
+                self.inserted, self.token.text)
+        if self.token is not None:
+            return "MissingTokenException(at %r)" % self.token.text
+        return "MissingTokenException"
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class MismatchedRangeException(RecognitionException):
+    """@brief The next token does not match a range of expected types."""
+    def __init__(self, a, b, input):
+        RecognitionException.__init__(self, input)
+        self.a = a
+        self.b = b
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "MismatchedRangeException(%r not in [%r..%r])" % (
+            self.getUnexpectedType(), self.a, self.b
+            )
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class MismatchedSetException(RecognitionException):
+    """@brief The next token does not match a set of expected types."""
+    def __init__(self, expecting, input):
+        RecognitionException.__init__(self, input)
+        self.expecting = expecting
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "MismatchedSetException(%r not in %r)" % (
+            self.getUnexpectedType(), self.expecting
+            )
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class MismatchedNotSetException(MismatchedSetException):
+    """@brief Used for remote debugger deserialization"""
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "MismatchedNotSetException(%r!=%r)" % (
+            self.getUnexpectedType(), self.expecting
+            )
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class NoViableAltException(RecognitionException):
+    """@brief Unable to decide which alternative to choose."""
+    def __init__(
+        self, grammarDecisionDescription, decisionNumber, stateNumber, input
+        ):
+        RecognitionException.__init__(self, input)
+        self.grammarDecisionDescription = grammarDecisionDescription
+        self.decisionNumber = decisionNumber
+        self.stateNumber = stateNumber
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "NoViableAltException(%r!=[%r])" % (
+            self.unexpectedType, self.grammarDecisionDescription
+            )
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class EarlyExitException(RecognitionException):
+    """@brief The recognizer did not match anything for a (..)+ loop."""
+    def __init__(self, decisionNumber, input):
+        RecognitionException.__init__(self, input)
+        self.decisionNumber = decisionNumber
+class FailedPredicateException(RecognitionException):
+    """@brief A semantic predicate failed during validation.
+    Validation of predicates
+    occurs when normally parsing the alternative just like matching a token.
+    Disambiguating predicate evaluation occurs when we hoist a predicate into
+    a prediction decision.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, input, ruleName, predicateText):
+        RecognitionException.__init__(self, input)
+        self.ruleName = ruleName
+        self.predicateText = predicateText
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "FailedPredicateException("+self.ruleName+",{"+self.predicateText+"}?)"
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class MismatchedTreeNodeException(RecognitionException):
+    """@brief The next tree mode does not match the expected type."""
+    def __init__(self, expecting, input):
+        RecognitionException.__init__(self, input)
+        self.expecting = expecting
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "MismatchedTreeNodeException(%r!=%r)" % (
+            self.getUnexpectedType(), self.expecting
+            )
+    __repr__ = __str__

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/extras.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/extras.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/extras.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+""" @package antlr3.dottreegenerator
+ at brief ANTLR3 runtime package, tree module
+This module contains all support classes for AST construction and tree parsers.
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+# lot's of docstrings are missing, don't complain for now...
+# pylint: disable-msg=C0111
+from treewizard import TreeWizard
+    from antlr3.dottreegen import toDOT
+except ImportError, exc:
+    def toDOT(*args, **kwargs):
+        raise exc

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/main.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/main.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/main.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+"""ANTLR3 runtime package"""
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+import sys
+import optparse
+import antlr3
+class _Main(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.stdin = sys.stdin
+        self.stdout = sys.stdout
+        self.stderr = sys.stderr
+    def parseOptions(self, argv):
+        optParser = optparse.OptionParser()
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--encoding",
+            action="store",
+            type="string",
+            dest="encoding"
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--input",
+            action="store",
+            type="string",
+            dest="input"
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--interactive", "-i",
+            action="store_true",
+            dest="interactive"
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--no-output",
+            action="store_true",
+            dest="no_output"
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--profile",
+            action="store_true",
+            dest="profile"
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--hotshot",
+            action="store_true",
+            dest="hotshot"
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--port",
+            type="int",
+            dest="port",
+            default=None
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--debug-socket",
+            action='store_true',
+            dest="debug_socket",
+            default=None
+            )
+        self.setupOptions(optParser)
+        return optParser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+    def setupOptions(self, optParser):
+        pass
+    def execute(self, argv):
+        options, args = self.parseOptions(argv)
+        self.setUp(options)
+        if options.interactive:
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    input = raw_input(">>> ")
+                except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
+                    self.stdout.write("\nBye.\n")
+                    break
+                inStream = antlr3.ANTLRStringStream(input)
+                self.parseStream(options, inStream)
+        else:
+            if options.input is not None:
+                inStream = antlr3.ANTLRStringStream(options.input)
+            elif len(args) == 1 and args[0] != '-':
+                inStream = antlr3.ANTLRFileStream(
+                    args[0], encoding=options.encoding
+                    )
+            else:
+                inStream = antlr3.ANTLRInputStream(
+                    self.stdin, encoding=options.encoding
+                    )
+            if options.profile:
+                try:
+                    import cProfile as profile
+                except ImportError:
+                    import profile
+                profile.runctx(
+                    'self.parseStream(options, inStream)',
+                    globals(),
+                    locals(),
+                    'profile.dat'
+                    )
+                import pstats
+                stats = pstats.Stats('profile.dat')
+                stats.strip_dirs()
+                stats.sort_stats('time')
+                stats.print_stats(100)
+            elif options.hotshot:
+                import hotshot
+                profiler = hotshot.Profile('hotshot.dat')
+                profiler.runctx(
+                    'self.parseStream(options, inStream)',
+                    globals(),
+                    locals()
+                    )
+            else:
+                self.parseStream(options, inStream)
+    def setUp(self, options):
+        pass
+    def parseStream(self, options, inStream):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def write(self, options, text):
+        if not options.no_output:
+            self.stdout.write(text)
+    def writeln(self, options, text):
+        self.write(options, text + '\n')
+class LexerMain(_Main):
+    def __init__(self, lexerClass):
+        _Main.__init__(self)
+        self.lexerClass = lexerClass
+    def parseStream(self, options, inStream):
+        lexer = self.lexerClass(inStream)
+        for token in lexer:
+            self.writeln(options, str(token))
+class ParserMain(_Main):
+    def __init__(self, lexerClassName, parserClass):
+        _Main.__init__(self)
+        self.lexerClassName = lexerClassName
+        self.lexerClass = None
+        self.parserClass = parserClass
+    def setupOptions(self, optParser):
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--lexer",
+            action="store",
+            type="string",
+            dest="lexerClass",
+            default=self.lexerClassName
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--rule",
+            action="store",
+            type="string",
+            dest="parserRule"
+            )
+    def setUp(self, options):
+        lexerMod = __import__(options.lexerClass)
+        self.lexerClass = getattr(lexerMod, options.lexerClass)
+    def parseStream(self, options, inStream):
+        kwargs = {}
+        if options.port is not None:
+            kwargs['port'] = options.port
+        if options.debug_socket is not None:
+            kwargs['debug_socket'] = sys.stderr
+        lexer = self.lexerClass(inStream)
+        tokenStream = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
+        parser = self.parserClass(tokenStream, **kwargs)
+        result = getattr(parser, options.parserRule)()
+        if result is not None:
+            if hasattr(result, 'tree'):
+                if result.tree is not None:
+                    self.writeln(options, result.tree.toStringTree())
+            else:
+                self.writeln(options, repr(result))
+class WalkerMain(_Main):
+    def __init__(self, walkerClass):
+        _Main.__init__(self)
+        self.lexerClass = None
+        self.parserClass = None
+        self.walkerClass = walkerClass
+    def setupOptions(self, optParser):
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--lexer",
+            action="store",
+            type="string",
+            dest="lexerClass",
+            default=None
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--parser",
+            action="store",
+            type="string",
+            dest="parserClass",
+            default=None
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--parser-rule",
+            action="store",
+            type="string",
+            dest="parserRule",
+            default=None
+            )
+        optParser.add_option(
+            "--rule",
+            action="store",
+            type="string",
+            dest="walkerRule"
+            )
+    def setUp(self, options):
+        lexerMod = __import__(options.lexerClass)
+        self.lexerClass = getattr(lexerMod, options.lexerClass)
+        parserMod = __import__(options.parserClass)
+        self.parserClass = getattr(parserMod, options.parserClass)
+    def parseStream(self, options, inStream):
+        lexer = self.lexerClass(inStream)
+        tokenStream = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
+        parser = self.parserClass(tokenStream)
+        result = getattr(parser, options.parserRule)()
+        if result is not None:
+            assert hasattr(result, 'tree'), "Parser did not return an AST"
+            nodeStream = antlr3.tree.CommonTreeNodeStream(result.tree)
+            nodeStream.setTokenStream(tokenStream)
+            walker = self.walkerClass(nodeStream)
+            result = getattr(walker, options.walkerRule)()
+            if result is not None:
+                if hasattr(result, 'tree'):
+                    self.writeln(options, result.tree.toStringTree())
+                else:
+                    self.writeln(options, repr(result))

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/recognizers.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/recognizers.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/recognizers.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,1487 @@
+"""ANTLR3 runtime package"""
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+import sys
+import inspect
+from antlr3 import runtime_version, runtime_version_str
+from antlr3.constants import DEFAULT_CHANNEL, HIDDEN_CHANNEL, EOF, \
+from antlr3.exceptions import RecognitionException, MismatchedTokenException, \
+     MismatchedRangeException, MismatchedTreeNodeException, \
+     NoViableAltException, EarlyExitException, MismatchedSetException, \
+     MismatchedNotSetException, FailedPredicateException, \
+     BacktrackingFailed, UnwantedTokenException, MissingTokenException
+from antlr3.tokens import CommonToken, EOF_TOKEN, SKIP_TOKEN
+from antlr3.compat import set, frozenset, reversed
+class RecognizerSharedState(object):
+    """
+    The set of fields needed by an abstract recognizer to recognize input
+    and recover from errors etc...  As a separate state object, it can be
+    shared among multiple grammars; e.g., when one grammar imports another.
+    These fields are publically visible but the actual state pointer per
+    parser is protected.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Track the set of token types that can follow any rule invocation.
+        # Stack grows upwards.
+        self.following = []
+        # This is true when we see an error and before having successfully
+        # matched a token.  Prevents generation of more than one error message
+        # per error.
+        self.errorRecovery = False
+        # The index into the input stream where the last error occurred.
+        # This is used to prevent infinite loops where an error is found
+        # but no token is consumed during recovery...another error is found,
+        # ad naseum.  This is a failsafe mechanism to guarantee that at least
+        # one token/tree node is consumed for two errors.
+        self.lastErrorIndex = -1
+        # If 0, no backtracking is going on.  Safe to exec actions etc...
+        # If >0 then it's the level of backtracking.
+        self.backtracking = 0
+        # An array[size num rules] of Map<Integer,Integer> that tracks
+        # the stop token index for each rule.  ruleMemo[ruleIndex] is
+        # the memoization table for ruleIndex.  For key ruleStartIndex, you
+        # get back the stop token for associated rule or MEMO_RULE_FAILED.
+        #
+        # This is only used if rule memoization is on (which it is by default).
+        self.ruleMemo = None
+        ## Did the recognizer encounter a syntax error?  Track how many.
+        self.syntaxErrors = 0
+        # LEXER FIELDS (must be in same state object to avoid casting
+        # constantly in generated code and Lexer object) :(
+	## The goal of all lexer rules/methods is to create a token object.
+        # This is an instance variable as multiple rules may collaborate to
+        # create a single token.  nextToken will return this object after
+        # matching lexer rule(s).  If you subclass to allow multiple token
+        # emissions, then set this to the last token to be matched or
+        # something nonnull so that the auto token emit mechanism will not
+        # emit another token.
+        self.token = None
+        ## What character index in the stream did the current token start at?
+        # Needed, for example, to get the text for current token.  Set at
+        # the start of nextToken.
+        self.tokenStartCharIndex = -1
+        ## The line on which the first character of the token resides
+        self.tokenStartLine = None
+        ## The character position of first character within the line
+        self.tokenStartCharPositionInLine = None
+        ## The channel number for the current token
+        self.channel = None
+        ## The token type for the current token
+        self.type = None
+        ## You can set the text for the current token to override what is in
+        # the input char buffer.  Use setText() or can set this instance var.
+        self.text = None
+class BaseRecognizer(object):
+    """
+    @brief Common recognizer functionality.
+    A generic recognizer that can handle recognizers generated from
+    lexer, parser, and tree grammars.  This is all the parsing
+    support code essentially; most of it is error recovery stuff and
+    backtracking.
+    """
+    # copies from Token object for convenience in actions
+    # for convenience in actions
+    # overridden by generated subclasses
+    tokenNames = None
+    # The antlr_version attribute has been introduced in 3.1. If it is not
+    # overwritten in the generated recognizer, we assume a default of 3.0.1.
+    antlr_version = (3, 0, 1, 0)
+    antlr_version_str = "3.0.1"
+    def __init__(self, state=None):
+        # Input stream of the recognizer. Must be initialized by a subclass.
+        self.input = None
+        ## State of a lexer, parser, or tree parser are collected into a state
+        # object so the state can be shared.  This sharing is needed to
+        # have one grammar import others and share same error variables
+        # and other state variables.  It's a kind of explicit multiple
+        # inheritance via delegation of methods and shared state.
+        if state is None:
+            state = RecognizerSharedState()
+        self._state = state
+        if self.antlr_version > runtime_version:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "ANTLR version mismatch: "
+                "The recognizer has been generated by V%s, but this runtime "
+                "is V%s. Please use the V%s runtime or higher."
+                % (self.antlr_version_str,
+                   runtime_version_str,
+                   self.antlr_version_str))
+        elif (self.antlr_version < (3, 1, 0, 0) and
+              self.antlr_version != runtime_version):
+            # FIXME: make the runtime compatible with 3.0.1 codegen
+            # and remove this block.
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "ANTLR version mismatch: "
+                "The recognizer has been generated by V%s, but this runtime "
+                "is V%s. Please use the V%s runtime."
+                % (self.antlr_version_str,
+                   runtime_version_str,
+                   self.antlr_version_str))
+    # this one only exists to shut up pylint :(
+    def setInput(self, input):
+        self.input = input
+    def reset(self):
+        """
+        reset the parser's state; subclasses must rewinds the input stream
+        """
+        # wack everything related to error recovery
+        if self._state is None:
+            # no shared state work to do
+            return
+        self._state.following = []
+        self._state.errorRecovery = False
+        self._state.lastErrorIndex = -1
+        self._state.syntaxErrors = 0
+        # wack everything related to backtracking and memoization
+        self._state.backtracking = 0
+        if self._state.ruleMemo is not None:
+            self._state.ruleMemo = {}
+    def match(self, input, ttype, follow):
+        """
+        Match current input symbol against ttype.  Attempt
+        single token insertion or deletion error recovery.  If
+        that fails, throw MismatchedTokenException.
+        To turn off single token insertion or deletion error
+        recovery, override recoverFromMismatchedToken() and have it
+        throw an exception. See TreeParser.recoverFromMismatchedToken().
+        This way any error in a rule will cause an exception and
+        immediate exit from rule.  Rule would recover by resynchronizing
+        to the set of symbols that can follow rule ref.
+        """
+        matchedSymbol = self.getCurrentInputSymbol(input)
+        if self.input.LA(1) == ttype:
+            self.input.consume()
+            self._state.errorRecovery = False
+            return matchedSymbol
+        if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+            # FIXME: need to return matchedSymbol here as well. damn!!
+            raise BacktrackingFailed
+        matchedSymbol = self.recoverFromMismatchedToken(input, ttype, follow)
+        return matchedSymbol
+    def matchAny(self, input):
+        """Match the wildcard: in a symbol"""
+        self._state.errorRecovery = False
+        self.input.consume()
+    def mismatchIsUnwantedToken(self, input, ttype):
+        return input.LA(2) == ttype
+    def mismatchIsMissingToken(self, input, follow):
+        if follow is None:
+            # we have no information about the follow; we can only consume
+            # a single token and hope for the best
+            return False
+        # compute what can follow this grammar element reference
+        if EOR_TOKEN_TYPE in follow:
+            viableTokensFollowingThisRule = self.computeContextSensitiveRuleFOLLOW()
+            follow = follow | viableTokensFollowingThisRule
+            if len(self._state.following) > 0:
+                # remove EOR if we're not the start symbol
+                follow = follow - set([EOR_TOKEN_TYPE])
+        # if current token is consistent with what could come after set
+        # then we know we're missing a token; error recovery is free to
+        # "insert" the missing token
+        if input.LA(1) in follow or EOR_TOKEN_TYPE in follow:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def reportError(self, e):
+        """Report a recognition problem.
+        This method sets errorRecovery to indicate the parser is recovering
+        not parsing.  Once in recovery mode, no errors are generated.
+        To get out of recovery mode, the parser must successfully match
+        a token (after a resync).  So it will go:
+        1. error occurs
+        2. enter recovery mode, report error
+        3. consume until token found in resynch set
+        4. try to resume parsing
+        5. next match() will reset errorRecovery mode
+        If you override, make sure to update syntaxErrors if you care about
+        that.
+        """
+        # if we've already reported an error and have not matched a token
+        # yet successfully, don't report any errors.
+        if self._state.errorRecovery:
+            return
+        self._state.syntaxErrors += 1 # don't count spurious
+        self._state.errorRecovery = True
+        self.displayRecognitionError(self.tokenNames, e)
+    def displayRecognitionError(self, tokenNames, e):
+        hdr = self.getErrorHeader(e)
+        msg = self.getErrorMessage(e, tokenNames)
+        self.emitErrorMessage(hdr+" "+msg)
+    def getErrorMessage(self, e, tokenNames):
+        """
+        What error message should be generated for the various
+        exception types?
+        Not very object-oriented code, but I like having all error message
+        generation within one method rather than spread among all of the
+        exception classes. This also makes it much easier for the exception
+        handling because the exception classes do not have to have pointers back
+        to this object to access utility routines and so on. Also, changing
+        the message for an exception type would be difficult because you
+        would have to subclassing exception, but then somehow get ANTLR
+        to make those kinds of exception objects instead of the default.
+        This looks weird, but trust me--it makes the most sense in terms
+        of flexibility.
+        For grammar debugging, you will want to override this to add
+        more information such as the stack frame with
+        getRuleInvocationStack(e, this.getClass().getName()) and,
+        for no viable alts, the decision description and state etc...
+        Override this to change the message generated for one or more
+        exception types.
+        """
+        if isinstance(e, UnwantedTokenException):
+            tokenName = "<unknown>"
+            if e.expecting == EOF:
+                tokenName = "EOF"
+            else:
+                tokenName = self.tokenNames[e.expecting]
+            msg = "extraneous input %s expecting %s" % (
+                self.getTokenErrorDisplay(e.getUnexpectedToken()),
+                tokenName
+                )
+        elif isinstance(e, MissingTokenException):
+            tokenName = "<unknown>"
+            if e.expecting == EOF:
+                tokenName = "EOF"
+            else:
+                tokenName = self.tokenNames[e.expecting]
+            msg = "missing %s at %s" % (
+                tokenName, self.getTokenErrorDisplay(e.token)
+                )
+        elif isinstance(e, MismatchedTokenException):
+            tokenName = "<unknown>"
+            if e.expecting == EOF:
+                tokenName = "EOF"
+            else:
+                tokenName = self.tokenNames[e.expecting]
+            msg = "mismatched input " \
+                  + self.getTokenErrorDisplay(e.token) \
+                  + " expecting " \
+                  + tokenName
+        elif isinstance(e, MismatchedTreeNodeException):
+            tokenName = "<unknown>"
+            if e.expecting == EOF:
+                tokenName = "EOF"
+            else:
+                tokenName = self.tokenNames[e.expecting]
+            msg = "mismatched tree node: %s expecting %s" \
+                  % (e.node, tokenName)
+        elif isinstance(e, NoViableAltException):
+            msg = "no viable alternative at input " \
+                  + self.getTokenErrorDisplay(e.token)
+        elif isinstance(e, EarlyExitException):
+            msg = "required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input " \
+                  + self.getTokenErrorDisplay(e.token)
+        elif isinstance(e, MismatchedSetException):
+            msg = "mismatched input " \
+                  + self.getTokenErrorDisplay(e.token) \
+                  + " expecting set " \
+                  + repr(e.expecting)
+        elif isinstance(e, MismatchedNotSetException):
+            msg = "mismatched input " \
+                  + self.getTokenErrorDisplay(e.token) \
+                  + " expecting set " \
+                  + repr(e.expecting)
+        elif isinstance(e, FailedPredicateException):
+            msg = "rule " \
+                  + e.ruleName \
+                  + " failed predicate: {" \
+                  + e.predicateText \
+                  + "}?"
+        else:
+            msg = str(e)
+        return msg
+    def getNumberOfSyntaxErrors(self):
+        """
+        Get number of recognition errors (lexer, parser, tree parser).  Each
+        recognizer tracks its own number.  So parser and lexer each have
+        separate count.  Does not count the spurious errors found between
+        an error and next valid token match
+        See also reportError()
+	"""
+        return self._state.syntaxErrors
+    def getErrorHeader(self, e):
+        """
+        What is the error header, normally line/character position information?
+        """
+        return "line %d:%d" % (e.line, e.charPositionInLine)
+    def getTokenErrorDisplay(self, t):
+        """
+        How should a token be displayed in an error message? The default
+        is to display just the text, but during development you might
+        want to have a lot of information spit out.  Override in that case
+        to use t.toString() (which, for CommonToken, dumps everything about
+        the token). This is better than forcing you to override a method in
+        your token objects because you don't have to go modify your lexer
+        so that it creates a new Java type.
+        """
+        s = t.text
+        if s is None:
+            if t.type == EOF:
+                s = "<EOF>"
+            else:
+                s = "<"+t.type+">"
+        return repr(s)
+    def emitErrorMessage(self, msg):
+        """Override this method to change where error messages go"""
+        sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n')
+    def recover(self, input, re):
+        """
+        Recover from an error found on the input stream.  This is
+        for NoViableAlt and mismatched symbol exceptions.  If you enable
+        single token insertion and deletion, this will usually not
+        handle mismatched symbol exceptions but there could be a mismatched
+        token that the match() routine could not recover from.
+        """
+        # PROBLEM? what if input stream is not the same as last time
+        # perhaps make lastErrorIndex a member of input
+        if self._state.lastErrorIndex == input.index():
+            # uh oh, another error at same token index; must be a case
+            # where LT(1) is in the recovery token set so nothing is
+            # consumed; consume a single token so at least to prevent
+            # an infinite loop; this is a failsafe.
+            input.consume()
+        self._state.lastErrorIndex = input.index()
+        followSet = self.computeErrorRecoverySet()
+        self.beginResync()
+        self.consumeUntil(input, followSet)
+        self.endResync()
+    def beginResync(self):
+        """
+        A hook to listen in on the token consumption during error recovery.
+        The DebugParser subclasses this to fire events to the listenter.
+        """
+        pass
+    def endResync(self):
+        """
+        A hook to listen in on the token consumption during error recovery.
+        The DebugParser subclasses this to fire events to the listenter.
+        """
+        pass
+    def computeErrorRecoverySet(self):
+        """
+        Compute the error recovery set for the current rule.  During
+        rule invocation, the parser pushes the set of tokens that can
+        follow that rule reference on the stack; this amounts to
+        computing FIRST of what follows the rule reference in the
+        enclosing rule. This local follow set only includes tokens
+        from within the rule; i.e., the FIRST computation done by
+        ANTLR stops at the end of a rule.
+        EXAMPLE
+        When you find a "no viable alt exception", the input is not
+        consistent with any of the alternatives for rule r.  The best
+        thing to do is to consume tokens until you see something that
+        can legally follow a call to r *or* any rule that called r.
+        You don't want the exact set of viable next tokens because the
+        input might just be missing a token--you might consume the
+        rest of the input looking for one of the missing tokens.
+        Consider grammar:
+        a : '[' b ']'
+          | '(' b ')'
+          ;
+        b : c '^' INT ;
+        c : ID
+          | INT
+          ;
+        At each rule invocation, the set of tokens that could follow
+        that rule is pushed on a stack.  Here are the various "local"
+        follow sets:
+        FOLLOW(b1_in_a) = FIRST(']') = ']'
+        FOLLOW(b2_in_a) = FIRST(')') = ')'
+        FOLLOW(c_in_b) = FIRST('^') = '^'
+        Upon erroneous input "[]", the call chain is
+        a -> b -> c
+        and, hence, the follow context stack is:
+        depth  local follow set     after call to rule
+          0         \<EOF>                    a (from main())
+          1          ']'                     b
+          3          '^'                     c
+        Notice that ')' is not included, because b would have to have
+        been called from a different context in rule a for ')' to be
+        included.
+        For error recovery, we cannot consider FOLLOW(c)
+        (context-sensitive or otherwise).  We need the combined set of
+        all context-sensitive FOLLOW sets--the set of all tokens that
+        could follow any reference in the call chain.  We need to
+        resync to one of those tokens.  Note that FOLLOW(c)='^' and if
+        we resync'd to that token, we'd consume until EOF.  We need to
+        sync to context-sensitive FOLLOWs for a, b, and c: {']','^'}.
+        In this case, for input "[]", LA(1) is in this set so we would
+        not consume anything and after printing an error rule c would
+        return normally.  It would not find the required '^' though.
+        At this point, it gets a mismatched token error and throws an
+        exception (since LA(1) is not in the viable following token
+        set).  The rule exception handler tries to recover, but finds
+        the same recovery set and doesn't consume anything.  Rule b
+        exits normally returning to rule a.  Now it finds the ']' (and
+        with the successful match exits errorRecovery mode).
+        So, you cna see that the parser walks up call chain looking
+        for the token that was a member of the recovery set.
+        Errors are not generated in errorRecovery mode.
+        ANTLR's error recovery mechanism is based upon original ideas:
+        "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs" by Niklaus Wirth
+        and
+        "A note on error recovery in recursive descent parsers":
+        http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=947902.947905
+        Later, Josef Grosch had some good ideas:
+        "Efficient and Comfortable Error Recovery in Recursive Descent
+        Parsers":
+        ftp://www.cocolab.com/products/cocktail/doca4.ps/ell.ps.zip
+        Like Grosch I implemented local FOLLOW sets that are combined
+        at run-time upon error to avoid overhead during parsing.
+        """
+        return self.combineFollows(False)
+    def computeContextSensitiveRuleFOLLOW(self):
+        """
+        Compute the context-sensitive FOLLOW set for current rule.
+        This is set of token types that can follow a specific rule
+        reference given a specific call chain.  You get the set of
+        viable tokens that can possibly come next (lookahead depth 1)
+        given the current call chain.  Contrast this with the
+        definition of plain FOLLOW for rule r:
+         FOLLOW(r)={x | S=>*alpha r beta in G and x in FIRST(beta)}
+        where x in T* and alpha, beta in V*; T is set of terminals and
+        V is the set of terminals and nonterminals.  In other words,
+        FOLLOW(r) is the set of all tokens that can possibly follow
+        references to r in *any* sentential form (context).  At
+        runtime, however, we know precisely which context applies as
+        we have the call chain.  We may compute the exact (rather
+        than covering superset) set of following tokens.
+        For example, consider grammar:
+        stat : ID '=' expr ';'      // FOLLOW(stat)=={EOF}
+             | "return" expr '.'
+             ;
+        expr : atom ('+' atom)* ;   // FOLLOW(expr)=={';','.',')'}
+        atom : INT                  // FOLLOW(atom)=={'+',')',';','.'}
+             | '(' expr ')'
+             ;
+        The FOLLOW sets are all inclusive whereas context-sensitive
+        FOLLOW sets are precisely what could follow a rule reference.
+        For input input "i=(3);", here is the derivation:
+        stat => ID '=' expr ';'
+             => ID '=' atom ('+' atom)* ';'
+             => ID '=' '(' expr ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
+             => ID '=' '(' atom ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
+             => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
+             => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ';'
+        At the "3" token, you'd have a call chain of
+          stat -> expr -> atom -> expr -> atom
+        What can follow that specific nested ref to atom?  Exactly ')'
+        as you can see by looking at the derivation of this specific
+        input.  Contrast this with the FOLLOW(atom)={'+',')',';','.'}.
+        You want the exact viable token set when recovering from a
+        token mismatch.  Upon token mismatch, if LA(1) is member of
+        the viable next token set, then you know there is most likely
+        a missing token in the input stream.  "Insert" one by just not
+        throwing an exception.
+        """
+        return self.combineFollows(True)
+    def combineFollows(self, exact):
+        followSet = set()
+        for idx, localFollowSet in reversed(list(enumerate(self._state.following))):
+            followSet |= localFollowSet
+            if exact:
+                # can we see end of rule?
+                if EOR_TOKEN_TYPE in localFollowSet:
+                    # Only leave EOR in set if at top (start rule); this lets
+                    # us know if have to include follow(start rule); i.e., EOF
+                    if idx > 0:
+                        followSet.remove(EOR_TOKEN_TYPE)
+                else:
+                    # can't see end of rule, quit
+                    break
+        return followSet
+    def recoverFromMismatchedToken(self, input, ttype, follow):
+        """Attempt to recover from a single missing or extra token.
+        EXTRA TOKEN
+        LA(1) is not what we are looking for.  If LA(2) has the right token,
+        however, then assume LA(1) is some extra spurious token.  Delete it
+        and LA(2) as if we were doing a normal match(), which advances the
+        input.
+        If current token is consistent with what could come after
+        ttype then it is ok to 'insert' the missing token, else throw
+        exception For example, Input 'i=(3;' is clearly missing the
+        ')'.  When the parser returns from the nested call to expr, it
+        will have call chain:
+          stat -> expr -> atom
+        and it will be trying to match the ')' at this point in the
+        derivation:
+             => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
+                                ^
+        match() will see that ';' doesn't match ')' and report a
+        mismatched token error.  To recover, it sees that LA(1)==';'
+        is in the set of tokens that can follow the ')' token
+        reference in rule atom.  It can assume that you forgot the ')'.
+        """
+        e = None
+        # if next token is what we are looking for then "delete" this token
+        if self.mismatchIsUnwantedToken(input, ttype):
+            e = UnwantedTokenException(ttype, input)
+            self.beginResync()
+            input.consume() # simply delete extra token
+            self.endResync()
+            # report after consuming so AW sees the token in the exception
+            self.reportError(e)
+            # we want to return the token we're actually matching
+            matchedSymbol = self.getCurrentInputSymbol(input)
+            # move past ttype token as if all were ok
+            input.consume()
+            return matchedSymbol
+        # can't recover with single token deletion, try insertion
+        if self.mismatchIsMissingToken(input, follow):
+            inserted = self.getMissingSymbol(input, e, ttype, follow)
+            e = MissingTokenException(ttype, input, inserted)
+            # report after inserting so AW sees the token in the exception
+            self.reportError(e)
+            return inserted
+        # even that didn't work; must throw the exception
+        e = MismatchedTokenException(ttype, input)
+        raise e
+    def recoverFromMismatchedSet(self, input, e, follow):
+        """Not currently used"""
+        if self.mismatchIsMissingToken(input, follow):
+            self.reportError(e)
+            # we don't know how to conjure up a token for sets yet
+            return self.getMissingSymbol(input, e, INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE, follow)
+        # TODO do single token deletion like above for Token mismatch
+        raise e
+    def getCurrentInputSymbol(self, input):
+        """
+        Match needs to return the current input symbol, which gets put
+        into the label for the associated token ref; e.g., x=ID.  Token
+        and tree parsers need to return different objects. Rather than test
+        for input stream type or change the IntStream interface, I use
+        a simple method to ask the recognizer to tell me what the current
+        input symbol is.
+        This is ignored for lexers.
+        """
+        return None
+    def getMissingSymbol(self, input, e, expectedTokenType, follow):
+        """Conjure up a missing token during error recovery.
+        The recognizer attempts to recover from single missing
+        symbols. But, actions might refer to that missing symbol.
+        For example, x=ID {f($x);}. The action clearly assumes
+        that there has been an identifier matched previously and that
+        $x points at that token. If that token is missing, but
+        the next token in the stream is what we want we assume that
+        this token is missing and we keep going. Because we
+        have to return some token to replace the missing token,
+        we have to conjure one up. This method gives the user control
+        over the tokens returned for missing tokens. Mostly,
+        you will want to create something special for identifier
+        tokens. For literals such as '{' and ',', the default
+        action in the parser or tree parser works. It simply creates
+        a CommonToken of the appropriate type. The text will be the token.
+        If you change what tokens must be created by the lexer,
+        override this method to create the appropriate tokens.
+        """
+        return None
+##     def recoverFromMissingElement(self, input, e, follow):
+##         """
+##         This code is factored out from mismatched token and mismatched set
+##         recovery.  It handles "single token insertion" error recovery for
+##         both.  No tokens are consumed to recover from insertions.  Return
+##         true if recovery was possible else return false.
+##         """
+##         if self.mismatchIsMissingToken(input, follow):
+##             self.reportError(e)
+##             return True
+##         # nothing to do; throw exception
+##         return False
+    def consumeUntil(self, input, tokenTypes):
+        """
+        Consume tokens until one matches the given token or token set
+        tokenTypes can be a single token type or a set of token types
+        """
+        if not isinstance(tokenTypes, (set, frozenset)):
+            tokenTypes = frozenset([tokenTypes])
+        ttype = input.LA(1)
+        while ttype != EOF and ttype not in tokenTypes:
+            input.consume()
+            ttype = input.LA(1)
+    def getRuleInvocationStack(self):
+        """
+        Return List<String> of the rules in your parser instance
+        leading up to a call to this method.  You could override if
+        you want more details such as the file/line info of where
+        in the parser java code a rule is invoked.
+        This is very useful for error messages and for context-sensitive
+        error recovery.
+        You must be careful, if you subclass a generated recognizers.
+        The default implementation will only search the module of self
+        for rules, but the subclass will not contain any rules.
+        You probably want to override this method to look like
+        def getRuleInvocationStack(self):
+            return self._getRuleInvocationStack(<class>.__module__)
+        where <class> is the class of the generated recognizer, e.g.
+        the superclass of self.
+        """
+        return self._getRuleInvocationStack(self.__module__)
+    def _getRuleInvocationStack(cls, module):
+        """
+        A more general version of getRuleInvocationStack where you can
+        pass in, for example, a RecognitionException to get it's rule
+        stack trace.  This routine is shared with all recognizers, hence,
+        static.
+        TODO: move to a utility class or something; weird having lexer call
+        this
+        """
+        # mmmhhh,... perhaps look at the first argument
+        # (f_locals[co_varnames[0]]?) and test if it's a (sub)class of
+        # requested recognizer...
+        rules = []
+        for frame in reversed(inspect.stack()):
+            code = frame[0].f_code
+            codeMod = inspect.getmodule(code)
+            if codeMod is None:
+                continue
+            # skip frames not in requested module
+            if codeMod.__name__ != module:
+                continue
+            # skip some unwanted names
+            if code.co_name in ('nextToken', '<module>'):
+                continue
+            rules.append(code.co_name)
+        return rules
+    _getRuleInvocationStack = classmethod(_getRuleInvocationStack)
+    def getBacktrackingLevel(self):
+        return self._state.backtracking
+    def setBacktrackingLevel(self, n):
+        self._state.backtracking = n
+    def failed(self):
+        """Return whether or not a backtracking attempt failed."""
+        return self._state.failed
+    def getGrammarFileName(self):
+        """For debugging and other purposes, might want the grammar name.
+        Have ANTLR generate an implementation for this method.
+        """
+        return self.grammarFileName
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def toStrings(self, tokens):
+        """A convenience method for use most often with template rewrites.
+        Convert a List<Token> to List<String>
+        """
+        if tokens is None:
+            return None
+        return [token.text for token in tokens]
+    def getRuleMemoization(self, ruleIndex, ruleStartIndex):
+        """
+        Given a rule number and a start token index number, return
+        MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN if the rule has not parsed input starting from
+        start index.  If this rule has parsed input starting from the
+        start index before, then return where the rule stopped parsing.
+        It returns the index of the last token matched by the rule.
+        """
+        if ruleIndex not in self._state.ruleMemo:
+            self._state.ruleMemo[ruleIndex] = {}
+        return self._state.ruleMemo[ruleIndex].get(
+            ruleStartIndex, self.MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN
+            )
+    def alreadyParsedRule(self, input, ruleIndex):
+        """
+        Has this rule already parsed input at the current index in the
+        input stream?  Return the stop token index or MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN.
+        If we attempted but failed to parse properly before, return
+        This method has a side-effect: if we have seen this input for
+        this rule and successfully parsed before, then seek ahead to
+        1 past the stop token matched for this rule last time.
+        """
+        stopIndex = self.getRuleMemoization(ruleIndex, input.index())
+        if stopIndex == self.MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN:
+            return False
+        if stopIndex == self.MEMO_RULE_FAILED:
+            raise BacktrackingFailed
+        else:
+            input.seek(stopIndex + 1)
+        return True
+    def memoize(self, input, ruleIndex, ruleStartIndex, success):
+        """
+        Record whether or not this rule parsed the input at this position
+        successfully.
+        """
+        if success:
+            stopTokenIndex = input.index() - 1
+        else:
+            stopTokenIndex = self.MEMO_RULE_FAILED
+        if ruleIndex in self._state.ruleMemo:
+            self._state.ruleMemo[ruleIndex][ruleStartIndex] = stopTokenIndex
+    def traceIn(self, ruleName, ruleIndex, inputSymbol):
+        sys.stdout.write("enter %s %s" % (ruleName, inputSymbol))
+        if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+            sys.stdout.write(" backtracking=%s" % self._state.backtracking)
+        sys.stdout.write('\n')
+    def traceOut(self, ruleName, ruleIndex, inputSymbol):
+        sys.stdout.write("exit %s %s" % (ruleName, inputSymbol))
+        if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+            sys.stdout.write(" backtracking=%s" % self._state.backtracking)
+        if self._state.failed:
+            sys.stdout.write(" failed")
+        else:
+            sys.stdout.write(" succeeded")
+        sys.stdout.write('\n')
+class TokenSource(object):
+    """
+    @brief Abstract baseclass for token producers.
+    A source of tokens must provide a sequence of tokens via nextToken()
+    and also must reveal it's source of characters; CommonToken's text is
+    computed from a CharStream; it only store indices into the char stream.
+    Errors from the lexer are never passed to the parser.  Either you want
+    to keep going or you do not upon token recognition error.  If you do not
+    want to continue lexing then you do not want to continue parsing.  Just
+    throw an exception not under RecognitionException and Java will naturally
+    toss you all the way out of the recognizers.  If you want to continue
+    lexing then you should not throw an exception to the parser--it has already
+    requested a token.  Keep lexing until you get a valid one.  Just report
+    errors and keep going, looking for a valid token.
+    """
+    def nextToken(self):
+        """Return a Token object from your input stream (usually a CharStream).
+        Do not fail/return upon lexing error; keep chewing on the characters
+        until you get a good one; errors are not passed through to the parser.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """The TokenSource is an interator.
+        The iteration will not include the final EOF token, see also the note
+        for the next() method.
+        """
+        return self
+    def next(self):
+        """Return next token or raise StopIteration.
+        Note that this will raise StopIteration when hitting the EOF token,
+        so EOF will not be part of the iteration.
+        """
+        token = self.nextToken()
+        if token is None or token.type == EOF:
+            raise StopIteration
+        return token
+class Lexer(BaseRecognizer, TokenSource):
+    """
+    @brief Baseclass for generated lexer classes.
+    A lexer is recognizer that draws input symbols from a character stream.
+    lexer grammars result in a subclass of this object. A Lexer object
+    uses simplified match() and error recovery mechanisms in the interest
+    of speed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, input, state=None):
+        BaseRecognizer.__init__(self, state)
+        TokenSource.__init__(self)
+        # Where is the lexer drawing characters from?
+        self.input = input
+    def reset(self):
+        BaseRecognizer.reset(self) # reset all recognizer state variables
+        if self.input is not None:
+            # rewind the input
+            self.input.seek(0)
+        if self._state is None:
+            # no shared state work to do
+            return
+        # wack Lexer state variables
+        self._state.token = None
+        self._state.type = INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+        self._state.channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+        self._state.tokenStartCharIndex = -1
+        self._state.tokenStartLine = -1
+        self._state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine = -1
+        self._state.text = None
+    def nextToken(self):
+        """
+        Return a token from this source; i.e., match a token on the char
+        stream.
+        """
+        while 1:
+            self._state.token = None
+            self._state.channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+            self._state.tokenStartCharIndex = self.input.index()
+            self._state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine = self.input.charPositionInLine
+            self._state.tokenStartLine = self.input.line
+            self._state.text = None
+            if self.input.LA(1) == EOF:
+                return EOF_TOKEN
+            try:
+                self.mTokens()
+                if self._state.token is None:
+                    self.emit()
+                elif self._state.token == SKIP_TOKEN:
+                    continue
+                return self._state.token
+            except NoViableAltException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                self.recover(re) # throw out current char and try again
+            except RecognitionException, re:
+                self.reportError(re)
+                # match() routine has already called recover()
+    def skip(self):
+        """
+        Instruct the lexer to skip creating a token for current lexer rule
+        and look for another token.  nextToken() knows to keep looking when
+        a lexer rule finishes with token set to SKIP_TOKEN.  Recall that
+        if token==null at end of any token rule, it creates one for you
+        and emits it.
+        """
+        self._state.token = SKIP_TOKEN
+    def mTokens(self):
+        """This is the lexer entry point that sets instance var 'token'"""
+        # abstract method
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setCharStream(self, input):
+        """Set the char stream and reset the lexer"""
+        self.input = None
+        self.reset()
+        self.input = input
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        return self.input.getSourceName()
+    def emit(self, token=None):
+        """
+        The standard method called to automatically emit a token at the
+        outermost lexical rule.  The token object should point into the
+        char buffer start..stop.  If there is a text override in 'text',
+        use that to set the token's text.  Override this method to emit
+        custom Token objects.
+        If you are building trees, then you should also override
+        Parser or TreeParser.getMissingSymbol().
+        """
+        if token is None:
+            token = CommonToken(
+                input=self.input,
+                type=self._state.type,
+                channel=self._state.channel,
+                start=self._state.tokenStartCharIndex,
+                stop=self.getCharIndex()-1
+                )
+            token.line = self._state.tokenStartLine
+            token.text = self._state.text
+            token.charPositionInLine = self._state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine
+        self._state.token = token
+        return token
+    def match(self, s):
+        if isinstance(s, basestring):
+            for c in s:
+                if self.input.LA(1) != ord(c):
+                    if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                        raise BacktrackingFailed
+                    mte = MismatchedTokenException(c, self.input)
+                    self.recover(mte)
+                    raise mte
+                self.input.consume()
+        else:
+            if self.input.LA(1) != s:
+                if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                    raise BacktrackingFailed
+                mte = MismatchedTokenException(unichr(s), self.input)
+                self.recover(mte) # don't really recover; just consume in lexer
+                raise mte
+            self.input.consume()
+    def matchAny(self):
+        self.input.consume()
+    def matchRange(self, a, b):
+        if self.input.LA(1) < a or self.input.LA(1) > b:
+            if self._state.backtracking > 0:
+                raise BacktrackingFailed
+            mre = MismatchedRangeException(unichr(a), unichr(b), self.input)
+            self.recover(mre)
+            raise mre
+        self.input.consume()
+    def getLine(self):
+        return self.input.line
+    def getCharPositionInLine(self):
+        return self.input.charPositionInLine
+    def getCharIndex(self):
+        """What is the index of the current character of lookahead?"""
+        return self.input.index()
+    def getText(self):
+        """
+        Return the text matched so far for the current token or any
+        text override.
+        """
+        if self._state.text is not None:
+            return self._state.text
+        return self.input.substring(
+            self._state.tokenStartCharIndex,
+            self.getCharIndex()-1
+            )
+    def setText(self, text):
+        """
+        Set the complete text of this token; it wipes any previous
+        changes to the text.
+        """
+        self._state.text = text
+    text = property(getText, setText)
+    def reportError(self, e):
+        ## TODO: not thought about recovery in lexer yet.
+        ## # if we've already reported an error and have not matched a token
+        ## # yet successfully, don't report any errors.
+        ## if self.errorRecovery:
+        ##     #System.err.print("[SPURIOUS] ");
+        ##     return;
+        ## 
+        ## self.errorRecovery = True
+        self.displayRecognitionError(self.tokenNames, e)
+    def getErrorMessage(self, e, tokenNames):
+        msg = None
+        if isinstance(e, MismatchedTokenException):
+            msg = "mismatched character " \
+                  + self.getCharErrorDisplay(e.c) \
+                  + " expecting " \
+                  + self.getCharErrorDisplay(e.expecting)
+        elif isinstance(e, NoViableAltException):
+            msg = "no viable alternative at character " \
+                  + self.getCharErrorDisplay(e.c)
+        elif isinstance(e, EarlyExitException):
+            msg = "required (...)+ loop did not match anything at character " \
+                  + self.getCharErrorDisplay(e.c)
+        elif isinstance(e, MismatchedNotSetException):
+            msg = "mismatched character " \
+                  + self.getCharErrorDisplay(e.c) \
+                  + " expecting set " \
+                  + repr(e.expecting)
+        elif isinstance(e, MismatchedSetException):
+            msg = "mismatched character " \
+                  + self.getCharErrorDisplay(e.c) \
+                  + " expecting set " \
+                  + repr(e.expecting)
+        elif isinstance(e, MismatchedRangeException):
+            msg = "mismatched character " \
+                  + self.getCharErrorDisplay(e.c) \
+                  + " expecting set " \
+                  + self.getCharErrorDisplay(e.a) \
+                  + ".." \
+                  + self.getCharErrorDisplay(e.b)
+        else:
+            msg = BaseRecognizer.getErrorMessage(self, e, tokenNames)
+        return msg
+    def getCharErrorDisplay(self, c):
+        if c == EOF:
+            c = '<EOF>'
+        return repr(c)
+    def recover(self, re):
+        """
+        Lexers can normally match any char in it's vocabulary after matching
+        a token, so do the easy thing and just kill a character and hope
+        it all works out.  You can instead use the rule invocation stack
+        to do sophisticated error recovery if you are in a fragment rule.
+        """
+        self.input.consume()
+    def traceIn(self, ruleName, ruleIndex):
+        inputSymbol = "%s line=%d:%s" % (self.input.LT(1),
+                                         self.getLine(),
+                                         self.getCharPositionInLine()
+                                         )
+        BaseRecognizer.traceIn(self, ruleName, ruleIndex, inputSymbol)
+    def traceOut(self, ruleName, ruleIndex):
+        inputSymbol = "%s line=%d:%s" % (self.input.LT(1),
+                                         self.getLine(),
+                                         self.getCharPositionInLine()
+                                         )
+        BaseRecognizer.traceOut(self, ruleName, ruleIndex, inputSymbol)
+class Parser(BaseRecognizer):
+    """
+    @brief Baseclass for generated parser classes.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, lexer, state=None):
+        BaseRecognizer.__init__(self, state)
+        self.setTokenStream(lexer)
+    def reset(self):
+        BaseRecognizer.reset(self) # reset all recognizer state variables
+        if self.input is not None:
+            self.input.seek(0) # rewind the input
+    def getCurrentInputSymbol(self, input):
+        return input.LT(1)
+    def getMissingSymbol(self, input, e, expectedTokenType, follow):
+        if expectedTokenType == EOF:
+            tokenText = "<missing EOF>"
+        else:
+            tokenText = "<missing " + self.tokenNames[expectedTokenType] + ">"
+        t = CommonToken(type=expectedTokenType, text=tokenText)
+        current = input.LT(1)
+        if current.type == EOF:
+            current = input.LT(-1)
+        if current is not None:
+            t.line = current.line
+            t.charPositionInLine = current.charPositionInLine
+        t.channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+        return t
+    def setTokenStream(self, input):
+        """Set the token stream and reset the parser"""
+        self.input = None
+        self.reset()
+        self.input = input
+    def getTokenStream(self):
+        return self.input
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        return self.input.getSourceName()
+    def traceIn(self, ruleName, ruleIndex):
+        BaseRecognizer.traceIn(self, ruleName, ruleIndex, self.input.LT(1))
+    def traceOut(self, ruleName, ruleIndex):
+        BaseRecognizer.traceOut(self, ruleName, ruleIndex, self.input.LT(1))
+class RuleReturnScope(object):
+    """
+    Rules can return start/stop info as well as possible trees and templates.
+    """
+    def getStart(self):
+        """Return the start token or tree."""
+        return None
+    def getStop(self):
+        """Return the stop token or tree."""
+        return None
+    def getTree(self):
+        """Has a value potentially if output=AST."""
+        return None
+    def getTemplate(self):
+        """Has a value potentially if output=template."""
+        return None
+class ParserRuleReturnScope(RuleReturnScope):
+    """
+    Rules that return more than a single value must return an object
+    containing all the values.  Besides the properties defined in
+    RuleLabelScope.predefinedRulePropertiesScope there may be user-defined
+    return values.  This class simply defines the minimum properties that
+    are always defined and methods to access the others that might be
+    available depending on output option such as template and tree.
+    Note text is not an actual property of the return value, it is computed
+    from start and stop using the input stream's toString() method.  I
+    could add a ctor to this so that we can pass in and store the input
+    stream, but I'm not sure we want to do that.  It would seem to be undefined
+    to get the .text property anyway if the rule matches tokens from multiple
+    input streams.
+    I do not use getters for fields of objects that are used simply to
+    group values such as this aggregate.  The getters/setters are there to
+    satisfy the superclass interface.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.start = None
+        self.stop = None
+    def getStart(self):
+        return self.start
+    def getStop(self):
+        return self.stop

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/streams.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/streams.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/streams.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,1452 @@
+"""ANTLR3 runtime package"""
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+import codecs
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from antlr3.constants import DEFAULT_CHANNEL, EOF
+from antlr3.tokens import Token, EOF_TOKEN
+# basic interfaces
+#   IntStream
+#    +- CharStream
+#    \- TokenStream
+# subclasses must implemented all methods
+class IntStream(object):
+    """
+    @brief Base interface for streams of integer values.
+    A simple stream of integers used when all I care about is the char
+    or token type sequence (such as interpretation).
+    """
+    def consume(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def LA(self, i):
+        """Get int at current input pointer + i ahead where i=1 is next int.
+        Negative indexes are allowed.  LA(-1) is previous token (token
+	just matched).  LA(-i) where i is before first token should
+	yield -1, invalid char / EOF.
+	"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def mark(self):
+        """
+        Tell the stream to start buffering if it hasn't already.  Return
+        current input position, index(), or some other marker so that
+        when passed to rewind() you get back to the same spot.
+        rewind(mark()) should not affect the input cursor.  The Lexer
+        track line/col info as well as input index so its markers are
+        not pure input indexes.  Same for tree node streams.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def index(self):
+        """
+        Return the current input symbol index 0..n where n indicates the
+        last symbol has been read.  The index is the symbol about to be
+        read not the most recently read symbol.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def rewind(self, marker=None):
+        """
+        Reset the stream so that next call to index would return marker.
+        The marker will usually be index() but it doesn't have to be.  It's
+        just a marker to indicate what state the stream was in.  This is
+        essentially calling release() and seek().  If there are markers
+        created after this marker argument, this routine must unroll them
+        like a stack.  Assume the state the stream was in when this marker
+        was created.
+        If marker is None:
+        Rewind to the input position of the last marker.
+        Used currently only after a cyclic DFA and just
+        before starting a sem/syn predicate to get the
+        input position back to the start of the decision.
+        Do not "pop" the marker off the state.  mark(i)
+        and rewind(i) should balance still. It is
+        like invoking rewind(last marker) but it should not "pop"
+        the marker off.  It's like seek(last marker's input position).       
+	"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def release(self, marker=None):
+        """
+        You may want to commit to a backtrack but don't want to force the
+        stream to keep bookkeeping objects around for a marker that is
+        no longer necessary.  This will have the same behavior as
+        rewind() except it releases resources without the backward seek.
+        This must throw away resources for all markers back to the marker
+        argument.  So if you're nested 5 levels of mark(), and then release(2)
+        you have to release resources for depths 2..5.
+	"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def seek(self, index):
+        """
+        Set the input cursor to the position indicated by index.  This is
+        normally used to seek ahead in the input stream.  No buffering is
+        required to do this unless you know your stream will use seek to
+        move backwards such as when backtracking.
+        This is different from rewind in its multi-directional
+        requirement and in that its argument is strictly an input cursor
+        (index).
+        For char streams, seeking forward must update the stream state such
+        as line number.  For seeking backwards, you will be presumably
+        backtracking using the mark/rewind mechanism that restores state and
+        so this method does not need to update state when seeking backwards.
+        Currently, this method is only used for efficient backtracking using
+        memoization, but in the future it may be used for incremental parsing.
+        The index is 0..n-1.  A seek to position i means that LA(1) will
+        return the ith symbol.  So, seeking to 0 means LA(1) will return the
+        first element in the stream. 
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def size(self):
+        """
+        Only makes sense for streams that buffer everything up probably, but
+        might be useful to display the entire stream or for testing.  This
+        value includes a single EOF.
+	"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        """
+        Where are you getting symbols from?  Normally, implementations will
+        pass the buck all the way to the lexer who can ask its input stream
+        for the file name or whatever.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class CharStream(IntStream):
+    """
+    @brief A source of characters for an ANTLR lexer.
+    This is an abstract class that must be implemented by a subclass.
+    """
+    # pylint does not realize that this is an interface, too
+    #pylint: disable-msg=W0223
+    EOF = -1
+    def substring(self, start, stop):
+        """
+        For infinite streams, you don't need this; primarily I'm providing
+        a useful interface for action code.  Just make sure actions don't
+        use this on streams that don't support it.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def LT(self, i):
+        """
+        Get the ith character of lookahead.  This is the same usually as
+        LA(i).  This will be used for labels in the generated
+        lexer code.  I'd prefer to return a char here type-wise, but it's
+        probably better to be 32-bit clean and be consistent with LA.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getLine(self):
+        """ANTLR tracks the line information automatically"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setLine(self, line):
+        """
+        Because this stream can rewind, we need to be able to reset the line
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getCharPositionInLine(self):
+        """
+        The index of the character relative to the beginning of the line 0..n-1
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setCharPositionInLine(self, pos):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class TokenStream(IntStream):
+    """
+    @brief A stream of tokens accessing tokens from a TokenSource
+    This is an abstract class that must be implemented by a subclass.
+    """
+    # pylint does not realize that this is an interface, too
+    #pylint: disable-msg=W0223
+    def LT(self, k):
+        """
+        Get Token at current input pointer + i ahead where i=1 is next Token.
+        i<0 indicates tokens in the past.  So -1 is previous token and -2 is
+        two tokens ago. LT(0) is undefined.  For i>=n, return Token.EOFToken.
+        Return null for LT(0) and any index that results in an absolute address
+        that is negative.
+	"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def get(self, i):
+        """
+        Get a token at an absolute index i; 0..n-1.  This is really only
+        needed for profiling and debugging and token stream rewriting.
+        If you don't want to buffer up tokens, then this method makes no
+        sense for you.  Naturally you can't use the rewrite stream feature.
+        I believe DebugTokenStream can easily be altered to not use
+        this method, removing the dependency.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getTokenSource(self):
+        """
+        Where is this stream pulling tokens from?  This is not the name, but
+        the object that provides Token objects.
+	"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def toString(self, start=None, stop=None):
+        """
+        Return the text of all tokens from start to stop, inclusive.
+        If the stream does not buffer all the tokens then it can just
+        return "" or null;  Users should not access $ruleLabel.text in
+        an action of course in that case.
+        Because the user is not required to use a token with an index stored
+        in it, we must provide a means for two token objects themselves to
+        indicate the start/end location.  Most often this will just delegate
+        to the other toString(int,int).  This is also parallel with
+        the TreeNodeStream.toString(Object,Object).
+	"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+# character streams for use in lexers
+#   CharStream
+#   \- ANTLRStringStream
+class ANTLRStringStream(CharStream):
+    """
+    @brief CharStream that pull data from a unicode string.
+    A pretty quick CharStream that pulls all data from an array
+    directly.  Every method call counts in the lexer.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        """
+        @param data This should be a unicode string holding the data you want
+           to parse. If you pass in a byte string, the Lexer will choke on
+           non-ascii data.
+        """
+        CharStream.__init__(self)
+  	# The data being scanned
+        self.strdata = unicode(data)
+        self.data = [ord(c) for c in self.strdata]
+	# How many characters are actually in the buffer
+        self.n = len(data)
+ 	# 0..n-1 index into string of next char
+        self.p = 0
+	# line number 1..n within the input
+        self.line = 1
+ 	# The index of the character relative to the beginning of the
+        # line 0..n-1
+        self.charPositionInLine = 0
+	# A list of CharStreamState objects that tracks the stream state
+        # values line, charPositionInLine, and p that can change as you
+        # move through the input stream.  Indexed from 0..markDepth-1.
+        self._markers = [ ]
+        self.lastMarker = None
+        self.markDepth = 0
+        # What is name or source of this char stream?
+        self.name = None
+    def reset(self):
+        """
+        Reset the stream so that it's in the same state it was
+        when the object was created *except* the data array is not
+        touched.
+        """
+        self.p = 0
+        self.line = 1
+        self.charPositionInLine = 0
+        self._markers = [ ]
+    def consume(self):
+        try:
+            if self.data[self.p] == 10: # \n
+                self.line += 1
+                self.charPositionInLine = 0
+            else:
+                self.charPositionInLine += 1
+            self.p += 1
+        except IndexError:
+            # happend when we reached EOF and self.data[self.p] fails
+            # just do nothing
+            pass
+    def LA(self, i):
+        if i == 0:
+            return 0 # undefined
+        if i < 0:
+            i += 1 # e.g., translate LA(-1) to use offset i=0; then data[p+0-1]
+        try:
+            return self.data[self.p+i-1]
+        except IndexError:
+            return EOF
+    def LT(self, i):
+        if i == 0:
+            return 0 # undefined
+        if i < 0:
+            i += 1 # e.g., translate LA(-1) to use offset i=0; then data[p+0-1]
+        try:
+            return self.strdata[self.p+i-1]
+        except IndexError:
+            return EOF
+    def index(self):
+        """
+        Return the current input symbol index 0..n where n indicates the
+        last symbol has been read.  The index is the index of char to
+        be returned from LA(1).
+        """
+        return self.p
+    def size(self):
+        return self.n
+    def mark(self):
+        state = (self.p, self.line, self.charPositionInLine)
+        try:
+            self._markers[self.markDepth] = state
+        except IndexError:
+            self._markers.append(state)
+        self.markDepth += 1
+        self.lastMarker = self.markDepth
+        return self.lastMarker
+    def rewind(self, marker=None):
+        if marker is None:
+            marker = self.lastMarker
+        p, line, charPositionInLine = self._markers[marker-1]
+        self.seek(p)
+        self.line = line
+        self.charPositionInLine = charPositionInLine
+        self.release(marker)
+    def release(self, marker=None):
+        if marker is None:
+            marker = self.lastMarker
+        self.markDepth = marker-1
+    def seek(self, index):
+        """
+        consume() ahead until p==index; can't just set p=index as we must
+        update line and charPositionInLine.
+        """
+        if index <= self.p:
+            self.p = index # just jump; don't update stream state (line, ...)
+            return
+        # seek forward, consume until p hits index
+        while self.p < index:
+            self.consume()
+    def substring(self, start, stop):
+        return self.strdata[start:stop+1]
+    def getLine(self):
+        """Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.line instead."""
+        return self.line
+    def getCharPositionInLine(self):
+        """
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.charPositionInLine
+        instead.
+        """
+        return self.charPositionInLine
+    def setLine(self, line):
+        """Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.line instead."""
+        self.line = line
+    def setCharPositionInLine(self, pos):
+        """
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.charPositionInLine
+        instead.
+        """
+        self.charPositionInLine = pos
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        return self.name
+class ANTLRFileStream(ANTLRStringStream):
+    """
+    @brief CharStream that opens a file to read the data.
+    This is a char buffer stream that is loaded from a file
+    all at once when you construct the object.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, fileName, encoding=None):
+        """
+        @param fileName The path to the file to be opened. The file will be
+           opened with mode 'rb'.
+        @param encoding If you set the optional encoding argument, then the
+           data will be decoded on the fly.
+        """
+        self.fileName = fileName
+        fp = codecs.open(fileName, 'rb', encoding)
+        try:
+            data = fp.read()
+        finally:
+            fp.close()
+        ANTLRStringStream.__init__(self, data)
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        """Deprecated, access o.fileName directly."""
+        return self.fileName
+class ANTLRInputStream(ANTLRStringStream):
+    """
+    @brief CharStream that reads data from a file-like object.
+    This is a char buffer stream that is loaded from a file like object
+    all at once when you construct the object.
+    All input is consumed from the file, but it is not closed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file, encoding=None):
+        """
+        @param file A file-like object holding your input. Only the read()
+           method must be implemented.
+        @param encoding If you set the optional encoding argument, then the
+           data will be decoded on the fly.
+        """
+        if encoding is not None:
+            # wrap input in a decoding reader
+            reader = codecs.lookup(encoding)[2]
+            file = reader(file)
+        data = file.read()
+        ANTLRStringStream.__init__(self, data)
+# I guess the ANTLR prefix exists only to avoid a name clash with some Java
+# mumbojumbo. A plain "StringStream" looks better to me, which should be
+# the preferred name in Python.
+StringStream = ANTLRStringStream
+FileStream = ANTLRFileStream
+InputStream = ANTLRInputStream
+# Token streams
+#   TokenStream
+#   +- CommonTokenStream
+#   \- TokenRewriteStream
+class CommonTokenStream(TokenStream):
+    """
+    @brief The most common stream of tokens
+    The most common stream of tokens is one where every token is buffered up
+    and tokens are prefiltered for a certain channel (the parser will only
+    see these tokens and cannot change the filter channel number during the
+    parse).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tokenSource=None, channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL):
+        """
+        @param tokenSource A TokenSource instance (usually a Lexer) to pull
+            the tokens from.
+        @param channel Skip tokens on any channel but this one; this is how we
+            skip whitespace...
+        """
+        TokenStream.__init__(self)
+        self.tokenSource = tokenSource
+	# Record every single token pulled from the source so we can reproduce
+        # chunks of it later.
+        self.tokens = []
+	# Map<tokentype, channel> to override some Tokens' channel numbers
+        self.channelOverrideMap = {}
+	# Set<tokentype>; discard any tokens with this type
+        self.discardSet = set()
+	# Skip tokens on any channel but this one; this is how we skip whitespace...
+        self.channel = channel
+	# By default, track all incoming tokens
+        self.discardOffChannelTokens = False
+	# The index into the tokens list of the current token (next token
+        # to consume).  p==-1 indicates that the tokens list is empty
+        self.p = -1
+        # Remember last marked position
+        self.lastMarker = None
+    def setTokenSource(self, tokenSource):
+        """Reset this token stream by setting its token source."""
+        self.tokenSource = tokenSource
+        self.tokens = []
+        self.p = -1
+        self.channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL
+    def reset(self):
+        self.p = 0
+        self.lastMarker = None
+    def fillBuffer(self):
+        """
+        Load all tokens from the token source and put in tokens.
+	This is done upon first LT request because you might want to
+        set some token type / channel overrides before filling buffer.
+        """
+        index = 0
+        t = self.tokenSource.nextToken()
+        while t is not None and t.type != EOF:
+            discard = False
+            if self.discardSet is not None and t.type in self.discardSet:
+                discard = True
+            elif self.discardOffChannelTokens and t.channel != self.channel:
+                discard = True
+            # is there a channel override for token type?
+            try:
+                overrideChannel = self.channelOverrideMap[t.type]
+            except KeyError:
+                # no override for this type
+                pass
+            else:
+                if overrideChannel == self.channel:
+                    t.channel = overrideChannel
+                else:
+                    discard = True
+            if not discard:
+                t.index = index
+                self.tokens.append(t)
+                index += 1
+            t = self.tokenSource.nextToken()
+        # leave p pointing at first token on channel
+        self.p = 0
+        self.p = self.skipOffTokenChannels(self.p)
+    def consume(self):
+        """
+        Move the input pointer to the next incoming token.  The stream
+        must become active with LT(1) available.  consume() simply
+        moves the input pointer so that LT(1) points at the next
+        input symbol. Consume at least one token.
+        Walk past any token not on the channel the parser is listening to.
+        """
+        if self.p < len(self.tokens):
+            self.p += 1
+            self.p = self.skipOffTokenChannels(self.p) # leave p on valid token
+    def skipOffTokenChannels(self, i):
+        """
+        Given a starting index, return the index of the first on-channel
+        token.
+        """
+        try:
+            while self.tokens[i].channel != self.channel:
+                i += 1
+        except IndexError:
+            # hit the end of token stream
+            pass
+        return i
+    def skipOffTokenChannelsReverse(self, i):
+        while i >= 0 and self.tokens[i].channel != self.channel:
+            i -= 1
+        return i
+    def setTokenTypeChannel(self, ttype, channel):
+        """
+        A simple filter mechanism whereby you can tell this token stream
+        to force all tokens of type ttype to be on channel.  For example,
+        when interpreting, we cannot exec actions so we need to tell
+        the stream to force all WS and NEWLINE to be a different, ignored
+        channel.
+	"""
+        self.channelOverrideMap[ttype] = channel
+    def discardTokenType(self, ttype):
+        self.discardSet.add(ttype)
+    def getTokens(self, start=None, stop=None, types=None):
+        """
+        Given a start and stop index, return a list of all tokens in
+        the token type set.  Return None if no tokens were found.  This
+        method looks at both on and off channel tokens.
+        """
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        if stop is None or stop >= len(self.tokens):
+            stop = len(self.tokens) - 1
+        if start is None or stop < 0:
+            start = 0
+        if start > stop:
+            return None
+        if isinstance(types, (int, long)):
+            # called with a single type, wrap into set
+            types = set([types])
+        filteredTokens = [
+            token for token in self.tokens[start:stop]
+            if types is None or token.type in types
+            ]
+        if len(filteredTokens) == 0:
+            return None
+        return filteredTokens
+    def LT(self, k):
+        """
+        Get the ith token from the current position 1..n where k=1 is the
+        first symbol of lookahead.
+        """
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        if k == 0:
+            return None
+        if k < 0:
+            return self.LB(-k)
+        i = self.p
+        n = 1
+        # find k good tokens
+        while n < k:
+            # skip off-channel tokens
+            i = self.skipOffTokenChannels(i+1) # leave p on valid token
+            n += 1
+        try:
+            return self.tokens[i]
+        except IndexError:
+            return EOF_TOKEN
+    def LB(self, k):
+        """Look backwards k tokens on-channel tokens"""
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        if k == 0:
+            return None
+        if self.p - k < 0:
+            return None
+        i = self.p
+        n = 1
+        # find k good tokens looking backwards
+        while n <= k:
+            # skip off-channel tokens
+            i = self.skipOffTokenChannelsReverse(i-1) # leave p on valid token
+            n += 1
+        if i < 0:
+            return None
+        return self.tokens[i]
+    def get(self, i):
+        """
+        Return absolute token i; ignore which channel the tokens are on;
+        that is, count all tokens not just on-channel tokens.
+        """
+        return self.tokens[i]
+    def LA(self, i):
+        return self.LT(i).type
+    def mark(self):
+        self.lastMarker = self.index()
+        return self.lastMarker
+    def release(self, marker=None):
+        # no resources to release
+        pass
+    def size(self):
+        return len(self.tokens)
+    def index(self):
+        return self.p
+    def rewind(self, marker=None):
+        if marker is None:
+            marker = self.lastMarker
+        self.seek(marker)
+    def seek(self, index):
+        self.p = index
+    def getTokenSource(self):
+        return self.tokenSource
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        return self.tokenSource.getSourceName()
+    def toString(self, start=None, stop=None):
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        if start is None:
+            start = 0
+        elif not isinstance(start, int):
+            start = start.index
+        if stop is None:
+            stop = len(self.tokens) - 1
+        elif not isinstance(stop, int):
+            stop = stop.index
+        if stop >= len(self.tokens):
+            stop = len(self.tokens) - 1
+        return ''.join([t.text for t in self.tokens[start:stop+1]])
+class RewriteOperation(object):
+    """@brief Internal helper class."""
+    def __init__(self, stream, index, text):
+        self.stream = stream
+        self.index = index
+        self.text = text
+    def execute(self, buf):
+        """Execute the rewrite operation by possibly adding to the buffer.
+        Return the index of the next token to operate on.
+        """
+        return self.index
+    def toString(self):
+        opName = self.__class__.__name__
+        return '<%s@%d:"%s">' % (opName, self.index, self.text)
+    __str__ = toString
+    __repr__ = toString
+class InsertBeforeOp(RewriteOperation):
+    """@brief Internal helper class."""
+    def execute(self, buf):
+        buf.write(self.text)
+        buf.write(self.stream.tokens[self.index].text)
+        return self.index + 1
+class ReplaceOp(RewriteOperation):
+    """
+    @brief Internal helper class.
+    I'm going to try replacing range from x..y with (y-x)+1 ReplaceOp
+    instructions.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, stream, first, last, text):
+        RewriteOperation.__init__(self, stream, first, text)
+        self.lastIndex = last
+    def execute(self, buf):
+        if self.text is not None:
+            buf.write(self.text)
+        return self.lastIndex + 1
+    def toString(self):
+        return '<ReplaceOp@%d..%d:"%s">' % (
+            self.index, self.lastIndex, self.text)
+    __str__ = toString
+    __repr__ = toString
+class DeleteOp(ReplaceOp):
+    """
+    @brief Internal helper class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, stream, first, last):
+        ReplaceOp.__init__(self, stream, first, last, None)
+    def toString(self):
+        return '<DeleteOp@%d..%d>' % (self.index, self.lastIndex)
+    __str__ = toString
+    __repr__ = toString
+class TokenRewriteStream(CommonTokenStream):
+    """@brief CommonTokenStream that can be modified.
+    Useful for dumping out the input stream after doing some
+    augmentation or other manipulations.
+    You can insert stuff, replace, and delete chunks.  Note that the
+    operations are done lazily--only if you convert the buffer to a
+    String.  This is very efficient because you are not moving data around
+    all the time.  As the buffer of tokens is converted to strings, the
+    toString() method(s) check to see if there is an operation at the
+    current index.  If so, the operation is done and then normal String
+    rendering continues on the buffer.  This is like having multiple Turing
+    machine instruction streams (programs) operating on a single input tape. :)
+    Since the operations are done lazily at toString-time, operations do not
+    screw up the token index values.  That is, an insert operation at token
+    index i does not change the index values for tokens i+1..n-1.
+    Because operations never actually alter the buffer, you may always get
+    the original token stream back without undoing anything.  Since
+    the instructions are queued up, you can easily simulate transactions and
+    roll back any changes if there is an error just by removing instructions.
+    For example,
+     CharStream input = new ANTLRFileStream("input");
+     TLexer lex = new TLexer(input);
+     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream(lex);
+     T parser = new T(tokens);
+     parser.startRule();
+     Then in the rules, you can execute
+        Token t,u;
+        ...
+        input.insertAfter(t, "text to put after t");}
+        input.insertAfter(u, "text after u");}
+        System.out.println(tokens.toString());
+    Actually, you have to cast the 'input' to a TokenRewriteStream. :(
+    You can also have multiple "instruction streams" and get multiple
+    rewrites from a single pass over the input.  Just name the instruction
+    streams and use that name again when printing the buffer.  This could be
+    useful for generating a C file and also its header file--all from the
+    same buffer:
+        tokens.insertAfter("pass1", t, "text to put after t");}
+        tokens.insertAfter("pass2", u, "text after u");}
+        System.out.println(tokens.toString("pass1"));
+        System.out.println(tokens.toString("pass2"));
+    If you don't use named rewrite streams, a "default" stream is used as
+    the first example shows.
+    """
+    DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME = "default"
+    def __init__(self, tokenSource=None, channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL):
+        CommonTokenStream.__init__(self, tokenSource, channel)
+        # You may have multiple, named streams of rewrite operations.
+        # I'm calling these things "programs."
+        #  Maps String (name) -> rewrite (List)
+        self.programs = {}
+        self.programs[self.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME] = []
+ 	# Map String (program name) -> Integer index
+        self.lastRewriteTokenIndexes = {}
+    def rollback(self, *args):
+        """
+        Rollback the instruction stream for a program so that
+        the indicated instruction (via instructionIndex) is no
+        longer in the stream.  UNTESTED!
+        """
+        if len(args) == 2:
+            programName = args[0]
+            instructionIndex = args[1]
+        elif len(args) == 1:
+            programName = self.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME
+            instructionIndex = args[0]
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid arguments")
+        p = self.programs.get(programName, None)
+        if p is not None:
+            self.programs[programName] = (
+                p[self.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX:instructionIndex])
+    def deleteProgram(self, programName=DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME):
+        """Reset the program so that no instructions exist"""
+        self.rollback(programName, self.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX)
+    def insertAfter(self, *args):
+        if len(args) == 2:
+            programName = self.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME
+            index = args[0]
+            text = args[1]
+        elif len(args) == 3:
+            programName = args[0]
+            index = args[1]
+            text = args[2]
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid arguments")
+        if isinstance(index, Token):
+            # index is a Token, grap the stream index from it
+            index = index.index
+        # to insert after, just insert before next index (even if past end)
+        self.insertBefore(programName, index+1, text)
+    def insertBefore(self, *args):
+        if len(args) == 2:
+            programName = self.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME
+            index = args[0]
+            text = args[1]
+        elif len(args) == 3:
+            programName = args[0]
+            index = args[1]
+            text = args[2]
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid arguments")
+        if isinstance(index, Token):
+            # index is a Token, grap the stream index from it
+            index = index.index
+        op = InsertBeforeOp(self, index, text)
+        rewrites = self.getProgram(programName)
+        rewrites.append(op)
+    def replace(self, *args):
+        if len(args) == 2:
+            programName = self.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME
+            first = args[0]
+            last = args[0]
+            text = args[1]
+        elif len(args) == 3:
+            programName = self.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME
+            first = args[0]
+            last = args[1]
+            text = args[2]
+        elif len(args) == 4:
+            programName = args[0]
+            first = args[1]
+            last = args[2]
+            text = args[3]
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid arguments")
+        if isinstance(first, Token):
+            # first is a Token, grap the stream index from it
+            first = first.index
+        if isinstance(last, Token):
+            # last is a Token, grap the stream index from it
+            last = last.index
+        if first > last or first < 0 or last < 0 or last >= len(self.tokens):
+            raise ValueError(
+                "replace: range invalid: "+first+".."+last+
+                "(size="+len(self.tokens)+")")
+        op = ReplaceOp(self, first, last, text)
+        rewrites = self.getProgram(programName)
+        rewrites.append(op)
+    def delete(self, *args):
+        self.replace(*(list(args) + [None]))
+    def getLastRewriteTokenIndex(self, programName=DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME):
+        return self.lastRewriteTokenIndexes.get(programName, -1)
+    def setLastRewriteTokenIndex(self, programName, i):
+        self.lastRewriteTokenIndexes[programName] = i
+    def getProgram(self, name):
+        p = self.programs.get(name, None)
+        if p is  None:
+            p = self.initializeProgram(name)
+        return p
+    def initializeProgram(self, name):
+        p = []
+        self.programs[name] = p
+        return p
+    def toOriginalString(self, start=None, end=None):
+        if start is None:
+            start = self.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX
+        if end is None:
+            end = self.size() - 1
+        buf = StringIO()
+        i = start
+        while i >= self.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX and i <= end and i < len(self.tokens):
+            buf.write(self.get(i).text)
+            i += 1
+        return buf.getvalue()
+    def toString(self, *args):
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            programName = self.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME
+            start = self.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX
+            end = self.size() - 1
+        elif len(args) == 1:
+            programName = args[0]
+            start = self.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX
+            end = self.size() - 1
+        elif len(args) == 2:
+            programName = self.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME
+            start = args[0]
+            end = args[1]
+        if start is None:
+            start = self.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX
+        elif not isinstance(start, int):
+            start = start.index
+        if end is None:
+            end = len(self.tokens) - 1
+        elif not isinstance(end, int):
+            end = end.index
+        # ensure start/end are in range
+        if end >= len(self.tokens):
+            end = len(self.tokens) - 1
+        if start < 0:
+            start = 0
+        rewrites = self.programs.get(programName)
+        if rewrites is None or len(rewrites) == 0:
+            # no instructions to execute
+            return self.toOriginalString(start, end)
+        buf = StringIO()
+        # First, optimize instruction stream
+        indexToOp = self.reduceToSingleOperationPerIndex(rewrites)
+        # Walk buffer, executing instructions and emitting tokens
+        i = start
+        while i <= end and i < len(self.tokens):
+            op = indexToOp.get(i)
+            # remove so any left have index size-1
+            try:
+                del indexToOp[i]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            t = self.tokens[i]
+            if op is None:
+                # no operation at that index, just dump token
+                buf.write(t.text)
+                i += 1 # move to next token
+            else:
+                i = op.execute(buf) # execute operation and skip
+        # include stuff after end if it's last index in buffer
+        # So, if they did an insertAfter(lastValidIndex, "foo"), include
+        # foo if end==lastValidIndex.
+        if end == len(self.tokens) - 1:
+            # Scan any remaining operations after last token
+            # should be included (they will be inserts).
+            for i in sorted(indexToOp.keys()):
+                op = indexToOp[i]
+                if op.index >= len(self.tokens)-1:
+                    buf.write(op.text)
+        return buf.getvalue()
+    __str__ = toString
+    def reduceToSingleOperationPerIndex(self, rewrites):
+        """
+        We need to combine operations and report invalid operations (like
+        overlapping replaces that are not completed nested).  Inserts to
+        same index need to be combined etc...   Here are the cases:
+        I.i.u I.j.v                           leave alone, nonoverlapping
+        I.i.u I.i.v                           combine: Iivu
+        R.i-j.u R.x-y.v | i-j in x-y          delete first R
+        R.i-j.u R.i-j.v                       delete first R
+        R.i-j.u R.x-y.v | x-y in i-j          ERROR
+        R.i-j.u R.x-y.v | boundaries overlap  ERROR
+        I.i.u R.x-y.v   | i in x-y            delete I
+        I.i.u R.x-y.v   | i not in x-y        leave alone, nonoverlapping
+        R.x-y.v I.i.u   | i in x-y            ERROR
+        R.x-y.v I.x.u                         R.x-y.uv (combine, delete I)
+        R.x-y.v I.i.u   | i not in x-y        leave alone, nonoverlapping
+        I.i.u = insert u before op @ index i
+        R.x-y.u = replace x-y indexed tokens with u
+        First we need to examine replaces.  For any replace op:
+          1. wipe out any insertions before op within that range.
+          2. Drop any replace op before that is contained completely within
+             that range.
+          3. Throw exception upon boundary overlap with any previous replace.
+        Then we can deal with inserts:
+          1. for any inserts to same index, combine even if not adjacent.
+          2. for any prior replace with same left boundary, combine this
+             insert with replace and delete this replace.
+          3. throw exception if index in same range as previous replace
+        Don't actually delete; make op null in list. Easier to walk list.
+        Later we can throw as we add to index -> op map.
+        Note that I.2 R.2-2 will wipe out I.2 even though, technically, the
+        inserted stuff would be before the replace range.  But, if you
+        add tokens in front of a method body '{' and then delete the method
+        body, I think the stuff before the '{' you added should disappear too.
+        Return a map from token index to operation.
+        """
+        # WALK REPLACES
+        for i, rop in enumerate(rewrites):
+            if rop is None:
+                continue
+            if not isinstance(rop, ReplaceOp):
+                continue
+            # Wipe prior inserts within range
+            for j, iop in self.getKindOfOps(rewrites, InsertBeforeOp, i):
+                if iop.index >= rop.index and iop.index <= rop.lastIndex:
+                    rewrites[j] = None  # delete insert as it's a no-op.
+            # Drop any prior replaces contained within
+            for j, prevRop in self.getKindOfOps(rewrites, ReplaceOp, i):
+                if (prevRop.index >= rop.index
+                    and prevRop.lastIndex <= rop.lastIndex):
+                    rewrites[j] = None  # delete replace as it's a no-op.
+                    continue
+                # throw exception unless disjoint or identical
+                disjoint = (prevRop.lastIndex < rop.index
+                            or prevRop.index > rop.lastIndex)
+                same = (prevRop.index == rop.index
+                        and prevRop.lastIndex == rop.lastIndex)
+                if not disjoint and not same:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "replace op boundaries of %s overlap with previous %s"
+                        % (rop, prevRop))
+        # WALK INSERTS
+        for i, iop in enumerate(rewrites):
+            if iop is None:
+                continue
+            if not isinstance(iop, InsertBeforeOp):
+                continue
+            # combine current insert with prior if any at same index
+            for j, prevIop in self.getKindOfOps(rewrites, InsertBeforeOp, i):
+                if prevIop.index == iop.index: # combine objects
+                    # convert to strings...we're in process of toString'ing
+                    # whole token buffer so no lazy eval issue with any
+                    # templates
+                    iop.text = self.catOpText(iop.text, prevIop.text)
+                    rewrites[j] = None  # delete redundant prior insert
+            # look for replaces where iop.index is in range; error
+            for j, rop in self.getKindOfOps(rewrites, ReplaceOp, i):
+                if iop.index == rop.index:
+                    rop.text = self.catOpText(iop.text, rop.text)
+                    rewrites[i] = None  # delete current insert
+                    continue
+                if iop.index >= rop.index and iop.index <= rop.lastIndex:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "insert op %s within boundaries of previous %s"
+                        % (iop, rop))
+        m = {}
+        for i, op in enumerate(rewrites):
+            if op is None:
+                continue # ignore deleted ops
+            assert op.index not in m, "should only be one op per index"
+            m[op.index] = op
+        return m
+    def catOpText(self, a, b):
+        x = ""
+        y = ""
+        if a is not None:
+            x = a
+        if b is not None:
+            y = b
+        return x + y
+    def getKindOfOps(self, rewrites, kind, before=None):
+        if before is None:
+            before = len(rewrites)
+        elif before > len(rewrites):
+            before = len(rewrites)
+        for i, op in enumerate(rewrites[:before]):
+            if op is None:
+                # ignore deleted
+                continue
+            if op.__class__ == kind:
+                yield i, op
+    def toDebugString(self, start=None, end=None):
+        if start is None:
+            start = self.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX
+        if end is None:
+            end = self.size() - 1
+        buf = StringIO()
+        i = start
+        while i >= self.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX and i <= end and i < len(self.tokens):
+            buf.write(self.get(i))
+            i += 1
+        return buf.getvalue()

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/tokens.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/tokens.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/tokens.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+"""ANTLR3 runtime package"""
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+from antlr3.constants import EOF, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+# basic token interface
+class Token(object):
+    """@brief Abstract token baseclass."""
+    def getText(self):
+        """@brief Get the text of the token.
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.text instead.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setText(self, text):
+        """@brief Set the text of the token.
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.text instead.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getType(self):
+        """@brief Get the type of the token.
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.type instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setType(self, ttype):
+        """@brief Get the type of the token.
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.type instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getLine(self):
+        """@brief Get the line number on which this token was matched
+        Lines are numbered 1..n
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.line instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setLine(self, line):
+        """@brief Set the line number on which this token was matched
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.line instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getCharPositionInLine(self):
+        """@brief Get the column of the tokens first character,
+        Columns are numbered 0..n-1
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.charPositionInLine instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setCharPositionInLine(self, pos):
+        """@brief Set the column of the tokens first character,
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.charPositionInLine instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getChannel(self):
+        """@brief Get the channel of the token
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.channel instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setChannel(self, channel):
+        """@brief Set the channel of the token
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.channel instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getTokenIndex(self):
+        """@brief Get the index in the input stream.
+        An index from 0..n-1 of the token object in the input stream.
+        This must be valid in order to use the ANTLRWorks debugger.
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.index instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setTokenIndex(self, index):
+        """@brief Set the index in the input stream.
+        Using setter/getter methods is deprecated. Use o.index instead."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getInputStream(self):
+        """@brief From what character stream was this token created.
+        You don't have to implement but it's nice to know where a Token
+        comes from if you have include files etc... on the input."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setInputStream(self, input):
+        """@brief From what character stream was this token created.
+        You don't have to implement but it's nice to know where a Token
+        comes from if you have include files etc... on the input."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+# token implementations
+# Token
+# +- CommonToken
+# \- ClassicToken
+class CommonToken(Token):
+    """@brief Basic token implementation.
+    This implementation does not copy the text from the input stream upon
+    creation, but keeps start/stop pointers into the stream to avoid
+    unnecessary copy operations.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, type=None, channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, text=None,
+                 input=None, start=None, stop=None, oldToken=None):
+        Token.__init__(self)
+        if oldToken is not None:
+            self.type = oldToken.type
+            self.line = oldToken.line
+            self.charPositionInLine = oldToken.charPositionInLine
+            self.channel = oldToken.channel
+            self.index = oldToken.index
+            self._text = oldToken._text
+            if isinstance(oldToken, CommonToken):
+                self.input = oldToken.input
+                self.start = oldToken.start
+                self.stop = oldToken.stop
+        else:
+            self.type = type
+            self.input = input
+            self.charPositionInLine = -1 # set to invalid position
+            self.line = 0
+            self.channel = channel
+	    #What token number is this from 0..n-1 tokens; < 0 implies invalid index
+            self.index = -1
+            # We need to be able to change the text once in a while.  If
+            # this is non-null, then getText should return this.  Note that
+            # start/stop are not affected by changing this.
+            self._text = text
+            # The char position into the input buffer where this token starts
+            self.start = start
+            # The char position into the input buffer where this token stops
+            # This is the index of the last char, *not* the index after it!
+            self.stop = stop
+    def getText(self):
+        if self._text is not None:
+            return self._text
+        if self.input is None:
+            return None
+        return self.input.substring(self.start, self.stop)
+    def setText(self, text):
+        """
+        Override the text for this token.  getText() will return this text
+        rather than pulling from the buffer.  Note that this does not mean
+        that start/stop indexes are not valid.  It means that that input
+        was converted to a new string in the token object.
+	"""
+        self._text = text
+    text = property(getText, setText)
+    def getType(self):
+        return self.type 
+    def setType(self, ttype):
+        self.type = ttype
+    def getLine(self):
+        return self.line
+    def setLine(self, line):
+        self.line = line
+    def getCharPositionInLine(self):
+        return self.charPositionInLine
+    def setCharPositionInLine(self, pos):
+        self.charPositionInLine = pos
+    def getChannel(self):
+        return self.channel
+    def setChannel(self, channel):
+        self.channel = channel
+    def getTokenIndex(self):
+        return self.index
+    def setTokenIndex(self, index):
+        self.index = index
+    def getInputStream(self):
+        return self.input
+    def setInputStream(self, input):
+        self.input = input
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.type == EOF:
+            return "<EOF>"
+        channelStr = ""
+        if self.channel > 0:
+            channelStr = ",channel=" + str(self.channel)
+        txt = self.text
+        if txt is not None:
+            txt = txt.replace("\n","\\\\n")
+            txt = txt.replace("\r","\\\\r")
+            txt = txt.replace("\t","\\\\t")
+        else:
+            txt = "<no text>"
+        return "[@%d,%d:%d=%r,<%d>%s,%d:%d]" % (
+            self.index,
+            self.start, self.stop,
+            txt,
+            self.type, channelStr,
+            self.line, self.charPositionInLine
+            )
+class ClassicToken(Token):
+    """@brief Alternative token implementation.
+    A Token object like we'd use in ANTLR 2.x; has an actual string created
+    and associated with this object.  These objects are needed for imaginary
+    tree nodes that have payload objects.  We need to create a Token object
+    that has a string; the tree node will point at this token.  CommonToken
+    has indexes into a char stream and hence cannot be used to introduce
+    new strings.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, type=None, text=None, channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
+                 oldToken=None
+                 ):
+        Token.__init__(self)
+        if oldToken is not None:
+            self.text = oldToken.text
+            self.type = oldToken.type
+            self.line = oldToken.line
+            self.charPositionInLine = oldToken.charPositionInLine
+            self.channel = oldToken.channel
+        self.text = text
+        self.type = type
+        self.line = None
+        self.charPositionInLine = None
+        self.channel = channel
+        self.index = None
+    def getText(self):
+        return self.text
+    def setText(self, text):
+        self.text = text
+    def getType(self):
+        return self.type 
+    def setType(self, ttype):
+        self.type = ttype
+    def getLine(self):
+        return self.line
+    def setLine(self, line):
+        self.line = line
+    def getCharPositionInLine(self):
+        return self.charPositionInLine
+    def setCharPositionInLine(self, pos):
+        self.charPositionInLine = pos
+    def getChannel(self):
+        return self.channel
+    def setChannel(self, channel):
+        self.channel = channel
+    def getTokenIndex(self):
+        return self.index
+    def setTokenIndex(self, index):
+        self.index = index
+    def getInputStream(self):
+        return None
+    def setInputStream(self, input):
+        pass
+    def toString(self):
+        channelStr = ""
+        if self.channel > 0:
+            channelStr = ",channel=" + str(self.channel)
+        txt = self.text
+        if txt is None:
+            txt = "<no text>"
+        return "[@%r,%r,<%r>%s,%r:%r]" % (self.index,
+                                          txt,
+                                          self.type,
+                                          channelStr,
+                                          self.line,
+                                          self.charPositionInLine
+                                          )
+    __str__ = toString
+    __repr__ = toString
+EOF_TOKEN = CommonToken(type=EOF)
+# In an action, a lexer rule can set token to this SKIP_TOKEN and ANTLR
+# will avoid creating a token for this symbol and try to fetch another.

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/tree.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/tree.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/tree.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,2702 @@
+""" @package antlr3.tree
+ at brief ANTLR3 runtime package, tree module
+This module contains all support classes for AST construction and tree parsers.
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+# lot's of docstrings are missing, don't complain for now...
+# pylint: disable-msg=C0111
+import re
+from antlr3.constants import UP, DOWN, EOF, INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+from antlr3.recognizers import BaseRecognizer, RuleReturnScope
+from antlr3.streams import IntStream
+from antlr3.tokens import CommonToken, Token, INVALID_TOKEN
+from antlr3.exceptions import MismatchedTreeNodeException, \
+     MissingTokenException, UnwantedTokenException, MismatchedTokenException, \
+     NoViableAltException
+# tree related exceptions
+class RewriteCardinalityException(RuntimeError):
+    """
+    @brief Base class for all exceptions thrown during AST rewrite construction.
+    This signifies a case where the cardinality of two or more elements
+    in a subrule are different: (ID INT)+ where |ID|!=|INT|
+    """
+    def __init__(self, elementDescription):
+        RuntimeError.__init__(self, elementDescription)
+        self.elementDescription = elementDescription
+    def getMessage(self):
+        return self.elementDescription
+class RewriteEarlyExitException(RewriteCardinalityException):
+    """@brief No elements within a (...)+ in a rewrite rule"""
+    def __init__(self, elementDescription=None):
+        RewriteCardinalityException.__init__(self, elementDescription)
+class RewriteEmptyStreamException(RewriteCardinalityException):
+    """
+    @brief Ref to ID or expr but no tokens in ID stream or subtrees in expr stream
+    """
+    pass
+# basic Tree and TreeAdaptor interfaces
+class Tree(object):
+    """
+    @brief Abstract baseclass for tree nodes.
+    What does a tree look like?  ANTLR has a number of support classes
+    such as CommonTreeNodeStream that work on these kinds of trees.  You
+    don't have to make your trees implement this interface, but if you do,
+    you'll be able to use more support code.
+    NOTE: When constructing trees, ANTLR can build any kind of tree; it can
+    even use Token objects as trees if you add a child list to your tokens.
+    This is a tree node without any payload; just navigation and factory stuff.
+    """
+    def getChild(self, i):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getChildCount(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getParent(self):
+        """Tree tracks parent and child index now > 3.0"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setParent(self, t):
+        """Tree tracks parent and child index now > 3.0"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def hasAncestor(self, ttype):
+        """Walk upwards looking for ancestor with this token type."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getAncestor(self, ttype):
+        """Walk upwards and get first ancestor with this token type."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getAncestors(self):
+        """Return a list of all ancestors of this node.
+        The first node of list is the root and the last is the parent of
+        this node.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getChildIndex(self):
+        """This node is what child index? 0..n-1"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setChildIndex(self, index):
+        """This node is what child index? 0..n-1"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def freshenParentAndChildIndexes(self):
+        """Set the parent and child index values for all children"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def addChild(self, t):
+        """
+        Add t as a child to this node.  If t is null, do nothing.  If t
+        is nil, add all children of t to this' children.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setChild(self, i, t):
+        """Set ith child (0..n-1) to t; t must be non-null and non-nil node"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def deleteChild(self, i):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def replaceChildren(self, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t):
+        """
+        Delete children from start to stop and replace with t even if t is
+        a list (nil-root tree).  num of children can increase or decrease.
+        For huge child lists, inserting children can force walking rest of
+        children to set their childindex; could be slow.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def isNil(self):
+        """
+        Indicates the node is a nil node but may still have children, meaning
+        the tree is a flat list.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getTokenStartIndex(self):
+        """
+        What is the smallest token index (indexing from 0) for this node
+           and its children?
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setTokenStartIndex(self, index):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getTokenStopIndex(self):
+        """
+        What is the largest token index (indexing from 0) for this node
+        and its children?
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setTokenStopIndex(self, index):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def dupNode(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getType(self):
+        """Return a token type; needed for tree parsing."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getText(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getLine(self):
+        """
+        In case we don't have a token payload, what is the line for errors?
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getCharPositionInLine(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def toStringTree(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def toString(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class TreeAdaptor(object):
+    """
+    @brief Abstract baseclass for tree adaptors.
+    How to create and navigate trees.  Rather than have a separate factory
+    and adaptor, I've merged them.  Makes sense to encapsulate.
+    This takes the place of the tree construction code generated in the
+    generated code in 2.x and the ASTFactory.
+    I do not need to know the type of a tree at all so they are all
+    generic Objects.  This may increase the amount of typecasting needed. :(
+    """
+    # C o n s t r u c t i o n
+    def createWithPayload(self, payload):
+        """
+        Create a tree node from Token object; for CommonTree type trees,
+        then the token just becomes the payload.  This is the most
+        common create call.
+        Override if you want another kind of node to be built.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def dupNode(self, treeNode):
+        """Duplicate a single tree node.
+        Override if you want another kind of node to be built."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def dupTree(self, tree):
+        """Duplicate tree recursively, using dupNode() for each node"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def nil(self):
+        """
+        Return a nil node (an empty but non-null node) that can hold
+        a list of element as the children.  If you want a flat tree (a list)
+        use "t=adaptor.nil(); t.addChild(x); t.addChild(y);"
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def errorNode(self, input, start, stop, exc):
+        """
+        Return a tree node representing an error.  This node records the
+        tokens consumed during error recovery.  The start token indicates the
+        input symbol at which the error was detected.  The stop token indicates
+        the last symbol consumed during recovery.
+        You must specify the input stream so that the erroneous text can
+        be packaged up in the error node.  The exception could be useful
+        to some applications; default implementation stores ptr to it in
+        the CommonErrorNode.
+        This only makes sense during token parsing, not tree parsing.
+        Tree parsing should happen only when parsing and tree construction
+        succeed.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def isNil(self, tree):
+        """Is tree considered a nil node used to make lists of child nodes?"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def addChild(self, t, child):
+        """
+        Add a child to the tree t.  If child is a flat tree (a list), make all
+        in list children of t.  Warning: if t has no children, but child does
+        and child isNil then you can decide it is ok to move children to t via
+        t.children = child.children; i.e., without copying the array.  Just
+        make sure that this is consistent with have the user will build
+        ASTs. Do nothing if t or child is null.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def becomeRoot(self, newRoot, oldRoot):
+        """
+        If oldRoot is a nil root, just copy or move the children to newRoot.
+        If not a nil root, make oldRoot a child of newRoot.
+           old=^(nil a b c), new=r yields ^(r a b c)
+           old=^(a b c), new=r yields ^(r ^(a b c))
+        If newRoot is a nil-rooted single child tree, use the single
+        child as the new root node.
+           old=^(nil a b c), new=^(nil r) yields ^(r a b c)
+           old=^(a b c), new=^(nil r) yields ^(r ^(a b c))
+        If oldRoot was null, it's ok, just return newRoot (even if isNil).
+           old=null, new=r yields r
+           old=null, new=^(nil r) yields ^(nil r)
+        Return newRoot.  Throw an exception if newRoot is not a
+        simple node or nil root with a single child node--it must be a root
+        node.  If newRoot is ^(nil x) return x as newRoot.
+        Be advised that it's ok for newRoot to point at oldRoot's
+        children; i.e., you don't have to copy the list.  We are
+        constructing these nodes so we should have this control for
+        efficiency.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def rulePostProcessing(self, root):
+        """
+        Given the root of the subtree created for this rule, post process
+        it to do any simplifications or whatever you want.  A required
+        behavior is to convert ^(nil singleSubtree) to singleSubtree
+        as the setting of start/stop indexes relies on a single non-nil root
+        for non-flat trees.
+        Flat trees such as for lists like "idlist : ID+ ;" are left alone
+        unless there is only one ID.  For a list, the start/stop indexes
+        are set in the nil node.
+        This method is executed after all rule tree construction and right
+        before setTokenBoundaries().
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getUniqueID(self, node):
+        """For identifying trees.
+        How to identify nodes so we can say "add node to a prior node"?
+        Even becomeRoot is an issue.  Use System.identityHashCode(node)
+        usually.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    # R e w r i t e  R u l e s
+    def createFromToken(self, tokenType, fromToken, text=None):
+        """
+        Create a new node derived from a token, with a new token type and
+        (optionally) new text.
+        This is invoked from an imaginary node ref on right side of a
+        rewrite rule as IMAG[$tokenLabel] or IMAG[$tokenLabel "IMAG"].
+        This should invoke createToken(Token).
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def createFromType(self, tokenType, text):
+        """Create a new node derived from a token, with a new token type.
+        This is invoked from an imaginary node ref on right side of a
+        rewrite rule as IMAG["IMAG"].
+        This should invoke createToken(int,String).
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    # C o n t e n t
+    def getType(self, t):
+        """For tree parsing, I need to know the token type of a node"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setType(self, t, type):
+        """Node constructors can set the type of a node"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getText(self, t):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setText(self, t, text):
+        """Node constructors can set the text of a node"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getToken(self, t):
+        """Return the token object from which this node was created.
+        Currently used only for printing an error message.
+        The error display routine in BaseRecognizer needs to
+        display where the input the error occurred. If your
+        tree of limitation does not store information that can
+        lead you to the token, you can create a token filled with
+        the appropriate information and pass that back.  See
+        BaseRecognizer.getErrorMessage().
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setTokenBoundaries(self, t, startToken, stopToken):
+        """
+        Where are the bounds in the input token stream for this node and
+        all children?  Each rule that creates AST nodes will call this
+        method right before returning.  Flat trees (i.e., lists) will
+        still usually have a nil root node just to hold the children list.
+        That node would contain the start/stop indexes then.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getTokenStartIndex(self, t):
+        """
+        Get the token start index for this subtree; return -1 if no such index
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getTokenStopIndex(self, t):
+        """
+        Get the token stop index for this subtree; return -1 if no such index
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    # N a v i g a t i o n  /  T r e e  P a r s i n g
+    def getChild(self, t, i):
+        """Get a child 0..n-1 node"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setChild(self, t, i, child):
+        """Set ith child (0..n-1) to t; t must be non-null and non-nil node"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def deleteChild(self, t, i):
+        """Remove ith child and shift children down from right."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getChildCount(self, t):
+        """How many children?  If 0, then this is a leaf node"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getParent(self, t):
+        """
+        Who is the parent node of this node; if null, implies node is root.
+        If your node type doesn't handle this, it's ok but the tree rewrites
+        in tree parsers need this functionality.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setParent(self, t, parent):
+        """
+        Who is the parent node of this node; if null, implies node is root.
+        If your node type doesn't handle this, it's ok but the tree rewrites
+        in tree parsers need this functionality.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getChildIndex(self, t):
+        """
+        What index is this node in the child list? Range: 0..n-1
+        If your node type doesn't handle this, it's ok but the tree rewrites
+        in tree parsers need this functionality.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setChildIndex(self, t, index):
+        """
+        What index is this node in the child list? Range: 0..n-1
+        If your node type doesn't handle this, it's ok but the tree rewrites
+        in tree parsers need this functionality.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def replaceChildren(self, parent, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t):
+        """
+        Replace from start to stop child index of parent with t, which might
+        be a list.  Number of children may be different
+        after this call.
+        If parent is null, don't do anything; must be at root of overall tree.
+        Can't replace whatever points to the parent externally.  Do nothing.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    # Misc
+    def create(self, *args):
+        """
+        Deprecated, use createWithPayload, createFromToken or createFromType.
+        This method only exists to mimic the Java interface of TreeAdaptor.
+        """
+        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Token):
+            # Object create(Token payload);
+##             warnings.warn(
+##                 "Using create() is deprecated, use createWithPayload()",
+##                 DeprecationWarning,
+##                 stacklevel=2
+##                 )
+            return self.createWithPayload(args[0])
+        if (len(args) == 2
+            and isinstance(args[0], (int, long))
+            and isinstance(args[1], Token)
+            ):
+            # Object create(int tokenType, Token fromToken);
+##             warnings.warn(
+##                 "Using create() is deprecated, use createFromToken()",
+##                 DeprecationWarning,
+##                 stacklevel=2
+##                 )
+            return self.createFromToken(args[0], args[1])
+        if (len(args) == 3
+            and isinstance(args[0], (int, long))
+            and isinstance(args[1], Token)
+            and isinstance(args[2], basestring)
+            ):
+            # Object create(int tokenType, Token fromToken, String text);
+##             warnings.warn(
+##                 "Using create() is deprecated, use createFromToken()",
+##                 DeprecationWarning,
+##                 stacklevel=2
+##                 )
+            return self.createFromToken(args[0], args[1], args[2])
+        if (len(args) == 2
+            and isinstance(args[0], (int, long))
+            and isinstance(args[1], basestring)
+            ):
+            # Object create(int tokenType, String text);
+##             warnings.warn(
+##                 "Using create() is deprecated, use createFromType()",
+##                 DeprecationWarning,
+##                 stacklevel=2
+##                 )
+            return self.createFromType(args[0], args[1])
+        raise TypeError(
+            "No create method with this signature found: %s"
+            % (', '.join(type(v).__name__ for v in args))
+            )
+# base implementation of Tree and TreeAdaptor
+# Tree
+# \- BaseTree
+# TreeAdaptor
+# \- BaseTreeAdaptor
+class BaseTree(Tree):
+    """
+    @brief A generic tree implementation with no payload.
+    You must subclass to
+    actually have any user data.  ANTLR v3 uses a list of children approach
+    instead of the child-sibling approach in v2.  A flat tree (a list) is
+    an empty node whose children represent the list.  An empty, but
+    non-null node is called "nil".
+    """
+    # BaseTree is abstract, no need to complain about not implemented abstract
+    # methods
+    # pylint: disable-msg=W0223
+    def __init__(self, node=None):
+        """
+        Create a new node from an existing node does nothing for BaseTree
+        as there are no fields other than the children list, which cannot
+        be copied as the children are not considered part of this node. 
+        """
+        Tree.__init__(self)
+        self.children = []
+        self.parent = None
+        self.childIndex = 0
+    def getChild(self, i):
+        try:
+            return self.children[i]
+        except IndexError:
+            return None
+    def getChildren(self):
+        """@brief Get the children internal List
+        Note that if you directly mess with
+        the list, do so at your own risk.
+        """
+        # FIXME: mark as deprecated
+        return self.children
+    def getFirstChildWithType(self, treeType):
+        for child in self.children:
+            if child.getType() == treeType:
+                return child
+        return None
+    def getChildCount(self):
+        return len(self.children)
+    def addChild(self, childTree):
+        """Add t as child of this node.
+        Warning: if t has no children, but child does
+        and child isNil then this routine moves children to t via
+        t.children = child.children; i.e., without copying the array.
+        """
+        # this implementation is much simpler and probably less efficient
+        # than the mumbo-jumbo that Ter did for the Java runtime.
+        if childTree is None:
+            return
+        if childTree.isNil():
+            # t is an empty node possibly with children
+            if self.children is childTree.children:
+                raise ValueError("attempt to add child list to itself")
+            # fix parent pointer and childIndex for new children
+            for idx, child in enumerate(childTree.children):
+                child.parent = self
+                child.childIndex = len(self.children) + idx
+            self.children += childTree.children
+        else:
+            # child is not nil (don't care about children)
+            self.children.append(childTree)
+            childTree.parent = self
+            childTree.childIndex = len(self.children) - 1
+    def addChildren(self, children):
+        """Add all elements of kids list as children of this node"""
+        self.children += children
+    def setChild(self, i, t):
+        if t is None:
+            return
+        if t.isNil():
+            raise ValueError("Can't set single child to a list")
+        self.children[i] = t
+        t.parent = self
+        t.childIndex = i
+    def deleteChild(self, i):
+        killed = self.children[i]
+        del self.children[i]
+        # walk rest and decrement their child indexes
+        for idx, child in enumerate(self.children[i:]):
+            child.childIndex = i + idx
+        return killed
+    def replaceChildren(self, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, newTree):
+        """
+        Delete children from start to stop and replace with t even if t is
+        a list (nil-root tree).  num of children can increase or decrease.
+        For huge child lists, inserting children can force walking rest of
+        children to set their childindex; could be slow.
+        """
+        if (startChildIndex >= len(self.children)
+            or stopChildIndex >= len(self.children)
+            ):
+            raise IndexError("indexes invalid")
+        replacingHowMany = stopChildIndex - startChildIndex + 1
+        # normalize to a list of children to add: newChildren
+        if newTree.isNil():
+            newChildren = newTree.children
+        else:
+            newChildren = [newTree]
+        replacingWithHowMany = len(newChildren)
+        delta = replacingHowMany - replacingWithHowMany
+        if delta == 0:
+            # if same number of nodes, do direct replace
+            for idx, child in enumerate(newChildren):
+                self.children[idx + startChildIndex] = child
+                child.parent = self
+                child.childIndex = idx + startChildIndex
+        else:
+            # length of children changes...
+            # ...delete replaced segment...
+            del self.children[startChildIndex:stopChildIndex+1]
+            # ...insert new segment...
+            self.children[startChildIndex:startChildIndex] = newChildren
+            # ...and fix indeces
+            self.freshenParentAndChildIndexes(startChildIndex)
+    def isNil(self):
+        return False
+    def freshenParentAndChildIndexes(self, offset=0):
+        for idx, child in enumerate(self.children[offset:]):
+            child.childIndex = idx + offset
+            child.parent = self
+    def sanityCheckParentAndChildIndexes(self, parent=None, i=-1):
+        if parent != self.parent:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "parents don't match; expected %r found %r"
+                % (parent, self.parent)
+                )
+        if i != self.childIndex:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "child indexes don't match; expected %d found %d"
+                % (i, self.childIndex)
+                )
+        for idx, child in enumerate(self.children):
+            child.sanityCheckParentAndChildIndexes(self, idx)
+    def getChildIndex(self):
+        """BaseTree doesn't track child indexes."""
+        return 0
+    def setChildIndex(self, index):
+        """BaseTree doesn't track child indexes."""
+        pass
+    def getParent(self):
+        """BaseTree doesn't track parent pointers."""
+        return None
+    def setParent(self, t):
+        """BaseTree doesn't track parent pointers."""
+        pass
+    def hasAncestor(self, ttype):
+        """Walk upwards looking for ancestor with this token type."""
+        return self.getAncestor(ttype) is not None
+    def getAncestor(self, ttype):
+        """Walk upwards and get first ancestor with this token type."""
+        t = self.getParent()
+        while t is not None:
+            if t.getType() == ttype:
+                return t
+            t = t.getParent()
+        return None
+    def getAncestors(self):
+        """Return a list of all ancestors of this node.
+        The first node of list is the root and the last is the parent of
+        this node.
+        """
+        if selfgetParent() is None:
+            return None
+        ancestors = []
+        t = self.getParent()
+        while t is not None:
+            ancestors.insert(0, t) # insert at start
+            t = t.getParent()
+        return ancestors
+    def toStringTree(self):
+        """Print out a whole tree not just a node"""
+        if len(self.children) == 0:
+            return self.toString()
+        buf = []
+        if not self.isNil():
+            buf.append('(')
+            buf.append(self.toString())
+            buf.append(' ')
+        for i, child in enumerate(self.children):
+            if i > 0:
+                buf.append(' ')
+            buf.append(child.toStringTree())
+        if not self.isNil():
+            buf.append(')')
+        return ''.join(buf)
+    def getLine(self):
+        return 0
+    def getCharPositionInLine(self):
+        return 0
+    def toString(self):
+        """Override to say how a node (not a tree) should look as text"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class BaseTreeAdaptor(TreeAdaptor):
+    """
+    @brief A TreeAdaptor that works with any Tree implementation.
+    """
+    # BaseTreeAdaptor is abstract, no need to complain about not implemented
+    # abstract methods
+    # pylint: disable-msg=W0223
+    def nil(self):
+        return self.createWithPayload(None)
+    def errorNode(self, input, start, stop, exc):
+        """
+        create tree node that holds the start and stop tokens associated
+        with an error.
+        If you specify your own kind of tree nodes, you will likely have to
+        override this method. CommonTree returns Token.INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+        if no token payload but you might have to set token type for diff
+        node type.
+        You don't have to subclass CommonErrorNode; you will likely need to
+        subclass your own tree node class to avoid class cast exception.
+        """
+        return CommonErrorNode(input, start, stop, exc)
+    def isNil(self, tree):
+        return tree.isNil()
+    def dupTree(self, t, parent=None):
+        """
+        This is generic in the sense that it will work with any kind of
+        tree (not just Tree interface).  It invokes the adaptor routines
+        not the tree node routines to do the construction.
+        """
+        if t is None:
+            return None
+        newTree = self.dupNode(t)
+        # ensure new subtree root has parent/child index set
+        # same index in new tree
+        self.setChildIndex(newTree, self.getChildIndex(t))
+        self.setParent(newTree, parent)
+        for i in range(self.getChildCount(t)):
+            child = self.getChild(t, i)
+            newSubTree = self.dupTree(child, t)
+            self.addChild(newTree, newSubTree)
+        return newTree
+    def addChild(self, tree, child):
+        """
+        Add a child to the tree t.  If child is a flat tree (a list), make all
+        in list children of t.  Warning: if t has no children, but child does
+        and child isNil then you can decide it is ok to move children to t via
+        t.children = child.children; i.e., without copying the array.  Just
+        make sure that this is consistent with have the user will build
+        ASTs.
+        """
+        #if isinstance(child, Token):
+        #    child = self.createWithPayload(child)
+        if tree is not None and child is not None:
+            tree.addChild(child)
+    def becomeRoot(self, newRoot, oldRoot):
+        """
+        If oldRoot is a nil root, just copy or move the children to newRoot.
+        If not a nil root, make oldRoot a child of newRoot.
+          old=^(nil a b c), new=r yields ^(r a b c)
+          old=^(a b c), new=r yields ^(r ^(a b c))
+        If newRoot is a nil-rooted single child tree, use the single
+        child as the new root node.
+          old=^(nil a b c), new=^(nil r) yields ^(r a b c)
+          old=^(a b c), new=^(nil r) yields ^(r ^(a b c))
+        If oldRoot was null, it's ok, just return newRoot (even if isNil).
+          old=null, new=r yields r
+          old=null, new=^(nil r) yields ^(nil r)
+        Return newRoot.  Throw an exception if newRoot is not a
+        simple node or nil root with a single child node--it must be a root
+        node.  If newRoot is ^(nil x) return x as newRoot.
+        Be advised that it's ok for newRoot to point at oldRoot's
+        children; i.e., you don't have to copy the list.  We are
+        constructing these nodes so we should have this control for
+        efficiency.
+        """
+        if isinstance(newRoot, Token):
+            newRoot = self.create(newRoot)
+        if oldRoot is None:
+            return newRoot
+        if not isinstance(newRoot, CommonTree):
+            newRoot = self.createWithPayload(newRoot)
+        # handle ^(nil real-node)
+        if newRoot.isNil():
+            nc = newRoot.getChildCount()
+            if nc == 1:
+                newRoot = newRoot.getChild(0)
+            elif nc > 1:
+                # TODO: make tree run time exceptions hierarchy
+                raise RuntimeError("more than one node as root")
+        # add oldRoot to newRoot; addChild takes care of case where oldRoot
+        # is a flat list (i.e., nil-rooted tree).  All children of oldRoot
+        # are added to newRoot.
+        newRoot.addChild(oldRoot)
+        return newRoot
+    def rulePostProcessing(self, root):
+        """Transform ^(nil x) to x and nil to null"""
+        if root is not None and root.isNil():
+            if root.getChildCount() == 0:
+                root = None
+            elif root.getChildCount() == 1:
+                root = root.getChild(0)
+                # whoever invokes rule will set parent and child index
+                root.setParent(None)
+                root.setChildIndex(-1)
+        return root
+    def createFromToken(self, tokenType, fromToken, text=None):
+        assert isinstance(tokenType, (int, long)), type(tokenType).__name__
+        assert isinstance(fromToken, Token), type(fromToken).__name__
+        assert text is None or isinstance(text, basestring), type(text).__name__
+        fromToken = self.createToken(fromToken)
+        fromToken.type = tokenType
+        if text is not None:
+            fromToken.text = text
+        t = self.createWithPayload(fromToken)
+        return t
+    def createFromType(self, tokenType, text):
+        assert isinstance(tokenType, (int, long)), type(tokenType).__name__
+        assert isinstance(text, basestring) or text is None, type(text).__name__
+        fromToken = self.createToken(tokenType=tokenType, text=text)
+        t = self.createWithPayload(fromToken)
+        return t
+    def getType(self, t):
+        return t.getType()
+    def setType(self, t, type):
+        raise RuntimeError("don't know enough about Tree node")
+    def getText(self, t):
+        return t.getText()
+    def setText(self, t, text):
+        raise RuntimeError("don't know enough about Tree node")
+    def getChild(self, t, i):
+        return t.getChild(i)
+    def setChild(self, t, i, child):
+        t.setChild(i, child)
+    def deleteChild(self, t, i):
+        return t.deleteChild(i)
+    def getChildCount(self, t):
+        return t.getChildCount()
+    def getUniqueID(self, node):
+        return hash(node)
+    def createToken(self, fromToken=None, tokenType=None, text=None):
+        """
+        Tell me how to create a token for use with imaginary token nodes.
+        For example, there is probably no input symbol associated with imaginary
+        token DECL, but you need to create it as a payload or whatever for
+        the DECL node as in ^(DECL type ID).
+        If you care what the token payload objects' type is, you should
+        override this method and any other createToken variant.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+# common tree implementation
+# Tree
+# \- BaseTree
+#    \- CommonTree
+#       \- CommonErrorNode
+# TreeAdaptor
+# \- BaseTreeAdaptor
+#    \- CommonTreeAdaptor
+class CommonTree(BaseTree):
+    """@brief A tree node that is wrapper for a Token object.
+    After 3.0 release
+    while building tree rewrite stuff, it became clear that computing
+    parent and child index is very difficult and cumbersome.  Better to
+    spend the space in every tree node.  If you don't want these extra
+    fields, it's easy to cut them out in your own BaseTree subclass.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, payload):
+        BaseTree.__init__(self)
+        # What token indexes bracket all tokens associated with this node
+        # and below?
+        self.startIndex = -1
+        self.stopIndex = -1
+        # Who is the parent node of this node; if null, implies node is root
+        self.parent = None
+        # What index is this node in the child list? Range: 0..n-1
+        self.childIndex = -1
+        # A single token is the payload
+        if payload is None:
+            self.token = None
+        elif isinstance(payload, CommonTree):
+            self.token = payload.token
+            self.startIndex = payload.startIndex
+            self.stopIndex = payload.stopIndex
+        elif payload is None or isinstance(payload, Token):
+            self.token = payload
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(type(payload).__name__)
+    def getToken(self):
+        return self.token
+    def dupNode(self):
+        return CommonTree(self)
+    def isNil(self):
+        return self.token is None
+    def getType(self):
+        if self.token is None:
+            return INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+        return self.token.getType()
+    type = property(getType)
+    def getText(self):
+        if self.token is None:
+            return None
+        return self.token.text
+    text = property(getText)
+    def getLine(self):
+        if self.token is None or self.token.getLine() == 0:
+            if self.getChildCount():
+                return self.getChild(0).getLine()
+            else:
+                return 0
+        return self.token.getLine()
+    line = property(getLine)
+    def getCharPositionInLine(self):
+        if self.token is None or self.token.getCharPositionInLine() == -1:
+            if self.getChildCount():
+                return self.getChild(0).getCharPositionInLine()
+            else:
+                return 0
+        else:
+            return self.token.getCharPositionInLine()
+    charPositionInLine = property(getCharPositionInLine)
+    def getTokenStartIndex(self):
+        if self.startIndex == -1 and self.token is not None:
+            return self.token.getTokenIndex()
+        return self.startIndex
+    def setTokenStartIndex(self, index):
+        self.startIndex = index
+    tokenStartIndex = property(getTokenStartIndex, setTokenStartIndex)
+    def getTokenStopIndex(self):
+        if self.stopIndex == -1 and self.token is not None:
+            return self.token.getTokenIndex()
+        return self.stopIndex
+    def setTokenStopIndex(self, index):
+        self.stopIndex = index
+    tokenStopIndex = property(getTokenStopIndex, setTokenStopIndex)
+    def setUnknownTokenBoundaries(self):
+        """For every node in this subtree, make sure it's start/stop token's
+        are set.  Walk depth first, visit bottom up.  Only updates nodes
+        with at least one token index < 0.
+        """
+        if self.children is None:
+            if self.startIndex < 0 or self.stopIndex < 0:
+                self.startIndex = self.stopIndex = self.token.getTokenIndex()
+            return
+        for child in self.children:
+            child.setUnknownTokenBoundaries()
+        if self.startIndex >= 0 and self.stopIndex >= 0:
+            # already set
+            return
+        if self.children:
+            firstChild = self.children[0]
+            lastChild = self.children[-1]
+            self.startIndex = firstChild.getTokenStartIndex()
+            self.stopIndex = lastChild.getTokenStopIndex()
+    def getChildIndex(self):
+        #FIXME: mark as deprecated
+        return self.childIndex
+    def setChildIndex(self, idx):
+        #FIXME: mark as deprecated
+        self.childIndex = idx
+    def getParent(self):
+        #FIXME: mark as deprecated
+        return self.parent
+    def setParent(self, t):
+        #FIXME: mark as deprecated
+        self.parent = t
+    def toString(self):
+        if self.isNil():
+            return "nil"
+        if self.getType() == INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE:
+            return "<errornode>"
+        return self.token.text
+    __str__ = toString   
+    def toStringTree(self):
+        if not self.children:
+            return self.toString()
+        ret = ''
+        if not self.isNil():
+            ret += '(%s ' % (self.toString())
+        ret += ' '.join([child.toStringTree() for child in self.children])
+        if not self.isNil():
+            ret += ')'
+        return ret
+class CommonErrorNode(CommonTree):
+    """A node representing erroneous token range in token stream"""
+    def __init__(self, input, start, stop, exc):
+        CommonTree.__init__(self, None)
+        if (stop is None or
+            (stop.getTokenIndex() < start.getTokenIndex() and
+             stop.getType() != EOF
+             )
+            ):
+            # sometimes resync does not consume a token (when LT(1) is
+            # in follow set.  So, stop will be 1 to left to start. adjust.
+            # Also handle case where start is the first token and no token
+            # is consumed during recovery; LT(-1) will return null.
+            stop = start
+        self.input = input
+        self.start = start
+        self.stop = stop
+        self.trappedException = exc
+    def isNil(self):
+        return False
+    def getType(self):
+        return INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+    def getText(self):
+        if isinstance(self.start, Token):
+            i = self.start.getTokenIndex()
+            j = self.stop.getTokenIndex()
+            if self.stop.getType() == EOF:
+                j = self.input.size()
+            badText = self.input.toString(i, j)
+        elif isinstance(self.start, Tree):
+            badText = self.input.toString(self.start, self.stop)
+        else:
+            # people should subclass if they alter the tree type so this
+            # next one is for sure correct.
+            badText = "<unknown>"
+        return badText
+    def toString(self):
+        if isinstance(self.trappedException, MissingTokenException):
+            return ("<missing type: "
+                    + str(self.trappedException.getMissingType())
+                    + ">")
+        elif isinstance(self.trappedException, UnwantedTokenException):
+            return ("<extraneous: "
+                    + str(self.trappedException.getUnexpectedToken())
+                    + ", resync=" + self.getText() + ">")
+        elif isinstance(self.trappedException, MismatchedTokenException):
+            return ("<mismatched token: "
+                    + str(self.trappedException.token)
+                    + ", resync=" + self.getText() + ">")
+        elif isinstance(self.trappedException, NoViableAltException):
+            return ("<unexpected: "
+                    + str(self.trappedException.token)
+                    + ", resync=" + self.getText() + ">")
+        return "<error: "+self.getText()+">"
+class CommonTreeAdaptor(BaseTreeAdaptor):
+    """
+    @brief A TreeAdaptor that works with any Tree implementation.
+    It provides
+    really just factory methods; all the work is done by BaseTreeAdaptor.
+    If you would like to have different tokens created than ClassicToken
+    objects, you need to override this and then set the parser tree adaptor to
+    use your subclass.
+    To get your parser to build nodes of a different type, override
+    create(Token), errorNode(), and to be safe, YourTreeClass.dupNode().
+    dupNode is called to duplicate nodes during rewrite operations.
+    """
+    def dupNode(self, treeNode):
+        """
+        Duplicate a node.  This is part of the factory;
+        override if you want another kind of node to be built.
+        I could use reflection to prevent having to override this
+        but reflection is slow.
+        """
+        if treeNode is None:
+            return None
+        return treeNode.dupNode()
+    def createWithPayload(self, payload):
+        return CommonTree(payload)
+    def createToken(self, fromToken=None, tokenType=None, text=None):
+        """
+        Tell me how to create a token for use with imaginary token nodes.
+        For example, there is probably no input symbol associated with imaginary
+        token DECL, but you need to create it as a payload or whatever for
+        the DECL node as in ^(DECL type ID).
+        If you care what the token payload objects' type is, you should
+        override this method and any other createToken variant.
+        """
+        if fromToken is not None:
+            return CommonToken(oldToken=fromToken)
+        return CommonToken(type=tokenType, text=text)
+    def setTokenBoundaries(self, t, startToken, stopToken):
+        """
+        Track start/stop token for subtree root created for a rule.
+        Only works with Tree nodes.  For rules that match nothing,
+        seems like this will yield start=i and stop=i-1 in a nil node.
+        Might be useful info so I'll not force to be i..i.
+        """
+        if t is None:
+            return
+        start = 0
+        stop = 0
+        if startToken is not None:
+            start = startToken.index
+        if stopToken is not None:
+            stop = stopToken.index
+        t.setTokenStartIndex(start)
+        t.setTokenStopIndex(stop)
+    def getTokenStartIndex(self, t):
+        if t is None:
+            return -1
+        return t.getTokenStartIndex()
+    def getTokenStopIndex(self, t):
+        if t is None:
+            return -1
+        return t.getTokenStopIndex()
+    def getText(self, t):
+        if t is None:
+            return None
+        return t.getText()
+    def getType(self, t):
+        if t is None:
+            return INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+        return t.getType()
+    def getToken(self, t):
+        """
+        What is the Token associated with this node?  If
+        you are not using CommonTree, then you must
+        override this in your own adaptor.
+        """
+        if isinstance(t, CommonTree):
+            return t.getToken()
+        return None # no idea what to do
+    def getChild(self, t, i):
+        if t is None:
+            return None
+        return t.getChild(i)
+    def getChildCount(self, t):
+        if t is None:
+            return 0
+        return t.getChildCount()
+    def getParent(self, t):
+        return t.getParent()
+    def setParent(self, t, parent):
+        t.setParent(parent)
+    def getChildIndex(self, t):
+        if t is None:
+            return 0
+        return t.getChildIndex()
+    def setChildIndex(self, t, index):
+        t.setChildIndex(index)
+    def replaceChildren(self, parent, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t):
+        if parent is not None:
+            parent.replaceChildren(startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t)
+# streams
+# TreeNodeStream
+# \- BaseTree
+#    \- CommonTree
+# TreeAdaptor
+# \- BaseTreeAdaptor
+#    \- CommonTreeAdaptor
+class TreeNodeStream(IntStream):
+    """@brief A stream of tree nodes
+    It accessing nodes from a tree of some kind.
+    """
+    # TreeNodeStream is abstract, no need to complain about not implemented
+    # abstract methods
+    # pylint: disable-msg=W0223
+    def get(self, i):
+        """Get a tree node at an absolute index i; 0..n-1.
+        If you don't want to buffer up nodes, then this method makes no
+        sense for you.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def LT(self, k):
+        """
+        Get tree node at current input pointer + i ahead where i=1 is next node.
+        i<0 indicates nodes in the past.  So LT(-1) is previous node, but
+        implementations are not required to provide results for k < -1.
+        LT(0) is undefined.  For i>=n, return null.
+        Return null for LT(0) and any index that results in an absolute address
+        that is negative.
+        This is analogus to the LT() method of the TokenStream, but this
+        returns a tree node instead of a token.  Makes code gen identical
+        for both parser and tree grammars. :)
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getTreeSource(self):
+        """
+        Where is this stream pulling nodes from?  This is not the name, but
+        the object that provides node objects.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getTokenStream(self):
+        """
+        If the tree associated with this stream was created from a TokenStream,
+        you can specify it here.  Used to do rule $text attribute in tree
+        parser.  Optional unless you use tree parser rule text attribute
+        or output=template and rewrite=true options.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def getTreeAdaptor(self):
+        """
+        What adaptor can tell me how to interpret/navigate nodes and
+        trees.  E.g., get text of a node.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setUniqueNavigationNodes(self, uniqueNavigationNodes):
+        """
+        As we flatten the tree, we use UP, DOWN nodes to represent
+        the tree structure.  When debugging we need unique nodes
+        so we have to instantiate new ones.  When doing normal tree
+        parsing, it's slow and a waste of memory to create unique
+        navigation nodes.  Default should be false;
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def toString(self, start, stop):
+        """
+        Return the text of all nodes from start to stop, inclusive.
+        If the stream does not buffer all the nodes then it can still
+        walk recursively from start until stop.  You can always return
+        null or "" too, but users should not access $ruleLabel.text in
+        an action of course in that case.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    # REWRITING TREES (used by tree parser)
+    def replaceChildren(self, parent, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t):
+        """
+ 	Replace from start to stop child index of parent with t, which might
+        be a list.  Number of children may be different
+        after this call.  The stream is notified because it is walking the
+        tree and might need to know you are monkeying with the underlying
+        tree.  Also, it might be able to modify the node stream to avoid
+        restreaming for future phases.
+        If parent is null, don't do anything; must be at root of overall tree.
+        Can't replace whatever points to the parent externally.  Do nothing.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class CommonTreeNodeStream(TreeNodeStream):
+    """@brief A buffered stream of tree nodes.
+    Nodes can be from a tree of ANY kind.
+    This node stream sucks all nodes out of the tree specified in
+    the constructor during construction and makes pointers into
+    the tree using an array of Object pointers. The stream necessarily
+    includes pointers to DOWN and UP and EOF nodes.
+    This stream knows how to mark/release for backtracking.
+    This stream is most suitable for tree interpreters that need to
+    jump around a lot or for tree parsers requiring speed (at cost of memory).
+    There is some duplicated functionality here with UnBufferedTreeNodeStream
+    but just in bookkeeping, not tree walking etc...
+    @see UnBufferedTreeNodeStream
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        TreeNodeStream.__init__(self)
+        if len(args) == 1:
+            adaptor = CommonTreeAdaptor()
+            tree = args[0]
+            nodes = None
+            down = None
+            up = None
+            eof = None
+        elif len(args) == 2:
+            adaptor = args[0]
+            tree = args[1]
+            nodes = None
+            down = None
+            up = None
+            eof = None
+        elif len(args) == 3:
+            parent = args[0]
+            start = args[1]
+            stop = args[2]
+            adaptor = parent.adaptor
+            tree = parent.root
+            nodes = parent.nodes[start:stop]
+            down = parent.down
+            up = parent.up
+            eof = parent.eof
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid arguments")
+        # all these navigation nodes are shared and hence they
+        # cannot contain any line/column info
+        if down is not None:
+            self.down = down
+        else:
+            self.down = adaptor.createFromType(DOWN, "DOWN")
+        if up is not None:
+            self.up = up
+        else:
+            self.up = adaptor.createFromType(UP, "UP")
+        if eof is not None:
+            self.eof = eof
+        else:
+            self.eof = adaptor.createFromType(EOF, "EOF")
+        # The complete mapping from stream index to tree node.
+        # This buffer includes pointers to DOWN, UP, and EOF nodes.
+        # It is built upon ctor invocation.  The elements are type
+        #  Object as we don't what the trees look like.
+        # Load upon first need of the buffer so we can set token types
+        # of interest for reverseIndexing.  Slows us down a wee bit to
+        # do all of the if p==-1 testing everywhere though.
+        if nodes is not None:
+            self.nodes = nodes
+        else:
+            self.nodes = []
+        # Pull nodes from which tree?
+        self.root = tree
+        # IF this tree (root) was created from a token stream, track it.
+        self.tokens = None
+        # What tree adaptor was used to build these trees
+        self.adaptor = adaptor
+        # Reuse same DOWN, UP navigation nodes unless this is true
+        self.uniqueNavigationNodes = False
+        # The index into the nodes list of the current node (next node
+        # to consume).  If -1, nodes array not filled yet.
+        self.p = -1
+        # Track the last mark() call result value for use in rewind().
+        self.lastMarker = None
+        # Stack of indexes used for push/pop calls
+        self.calls = []
+    def fillBuffer(self):
+        """Walk tree with depth-first-search and fill nodes buffer.
+        Don't do DOWN, UP nodes if its a list (t is isNil).
+        """
+        self._fillBuffer(self.root)
+        self.p = 0 # buffer of nodes intialized now
+    def _fillBuffer(self, t):
+        nil = self.adaptor.isNil(t)
+        if not nil:
+            self.nodes.append(t) # add this node
+        # add DOWN node if t has children
+        n = self.adaptor.getChildCount(t)
+        if not nil and n > 0:
+            self.addNavigationNode(DOWN)
+        # and now add all its children
+        for c in range(n):
+            self._fillBuffer(self.adaptor.getChild(t, c))
+        # add UP node if t has children
+        if not nil and n > 0:
+            self.addNavigationNode(UP)
+    def getNodeIndex(self, node):
+        """What is the stream index for node? 0..n-1
+        Return -1 if node not found.
+        """
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        for i, t in enumerate(self.nodes):
+            if t == node:
+                return i
+        return -1
+    def addNavigationNode(self, ttype):
+        """
+        As we flatten the tree, we use UP, DOWN nodes to represent
+        the tree structure.  When debugging we need unique nodes
+        so instantiate new ones when uniqueNavigationNodes is true.
+        """
+        navNode = None
+        if ttype == DOWN:
+            if self.hasUniqueNavigationNodes():
+                navNode = self.adaptor.createFromType(DOWN, "DOWN")
+            else:
+                navNode = self.down
+        else:
+            if self.hasUniqueNavigationNodes():
+                navNode = self.adaptor.createFromType(UP, "UP")
+            else:
+                navNode = self.up
+        self.nodes.append(navNode)
+    def get(self, i):
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        return self.nodes[i]
+    def LT(self, k):
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        if k == 0:
+            return None
+        if k < 0:
+            return self.LB(-k)
+        if self.p + k - 1 >= len(self.nodes):
+            return self.eof
+        return self.nodes[self.p + k - 1]
+    def getCurrentSymbol(self):
+        return self.LT(1)
+    def LB(self, k):
+        """Look backwards k nodes"""
+        if k == 0:
+            return None
+        if self.p - k < 0:
+            return None
+        return self.nodes[self.p - k]
+    def getTreeSource(self):
+        return self.root
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        return self.getTokenStream().getSourceName()
+    def getTokenStream(self):
+        return self.tokens
+    def setTokenStream(self, tokens):
+        self.tokens = tokens
+    def getTreeAdaptor(self):
+        return self.adaptor
+    def hasUniqueNavigationNodes(self):
+        return self.uniqueNavigationNodes
+    def setUniqueNavigationNodes(self, uniqueNavigationNodes):
+        self.uniqueNavigationNodes = uniqueNavigationNodes
+    def consume(self):
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        self.p += 1
+    def LA(self, i):
+        return self.adaptor.getType(self.LT(i))
+    def mark(self):
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        self.lastMarker = self.index()
+        return self.lastMarker
+    def release(self, marker=None):
+        # no resources to release
+        pass
+    def index(self):
+        return self.p
+    def rewind(self, marker=None):
+        if marker is None:
+            marker = self.lastMarker
+        self.seek(marker)
+    def seek(self, index):
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        self.p = index
+    def push(self, index):
+        """
+        Make stream jump to a new location, saving old location.
+        Switch back with pop().
+        """
+        self.calls.append(self.p) # save current index
+        self.seek(index)
+    def pop(self):
+        """
+        Seek back to previous index saved during last push() call.
+        Return top of stack (return index).
+        """
+        ret = self.calls.pop(-1)
+        self.seek(ret)
+        return ret
+    def reset(self):
+        self.p = 0
+        self.lastMarker = 0
+        self.calls = []
+    def size(self):
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        return len(self.nodes)
+    def replaceChildren(self, parent, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t):
+        if parent is not None:
+            self.adaptor.replaceChildren(
+                parent, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t
+                )
+    def __str__(self):
+        """Used for testing, just return the token type stream"""
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        return ' '.join([str(self.adaptor.getType(node))
+                         for node in self.nodes
+                         ])
+    def toString(self, start, stop):
+        if start is None or stop is None:
+            return None
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        #System.out.println("stop: "+stop);
+        #if ( start instanceof CommonTree )
+        #    System.out.print("toString: "+((CommonTree)start).getToken()+", ");
+        #else
+        #    System.out.println(start);
+        #if ( stop instanceof CommonTree )
+        #    System.out.println(((CommonTree)stop).getToken());
+        #else
+        #    System.out.println(stop);
+        # if we have the token stream, use that to dump text in order
+        if self.tokens is not None:
+            beginTokenIndex = self.adaptor.getTokenStartIndex(start)
+            endTokenIndex = self.adaptor.getTokenStopIndex(stop)
+            # if it's a tree, use start/stop index from start node
+            # else use token range from start/stop nodes
+            if self.adaptor.getType(stop) == UP:
+                endTokenIndex = self.adaptor.getTokenStopIndex(start)
+            elif self.adaptor.getType(stop) == EOF:
+                endTokenIndex = self.size() -2 # don't use EOF
+            return self.tokens.toString(beginTokenIndex, endTokenIndex)
+        # walk nodes looking for start
+        i, t = 0, None
+        for i, t in enumerate(self.nodes):
+            if t == start:
+                break
+        # now walk until we see stop, filling string buffer with text
+        buf = []
+        t = self.nodes[i]
+        while t != stop:
+            text = self.adaptor.getText(t)
+            if text is None:
+                text = " " + self.adaptor.getType(t)
+            buf.append(text)
+            i += 1
+            t = self.nodes[i]
+        # include stop node too
+        text = self.adaptor.getText(stop)
+        if text is None:
+            text = " " +self.adaptor.getType(stop)
+        buf.append(text)
+        return ''.join(buf)
+    ## iterator interface
+    def __iter__(self):
+        if self.p == -1:
+            self.fillBuffer()
+        for node in self.nodes:
+            yield node
+# tree parser
+class TreeParser(BaseRecognizer):
+    """@brief Baseclass for generated tree parsers.
+    A parser for a stream of tree nodes.  "tree grammars" result in a subclass
+    of this.  All the error reporting and recovery is shared with Parser via
+    the BaseRecognizer superclass.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, input, state=None):
+        BaseRecognizer.__init__(self, state)
+        self.input = None
+        self.setTreeNodeStream(input)
+    def reset(self):
+        BaseRecognizer.reset(self) # reset all recognizer state variables
+        if self.input is not None:
+            self.input.seek(0) # rewind the input
+    def setTreeNodeStream(self, input):
+        """Set the input stream"""
+        self.input = input
+    def getTreeNodeStream(self):
+        return self.input
+    def getSourceName(self):
+        return self.input.getSourceName()
+    def getCurrentInputSymbol(self, input):
+        return input.LT(1)
+    def getMissingSymbol(self, input, e, expectedTokenType, follow):
+        tokenText = "<missing " + self.tokenNames[expectedTokenType] + ">"
+        return CommonTree(CommonToken(type=expectedTokenType, text=tokenText))
+    # precompiled regex used by inContext
+    dotdot = ".*[^.]\\.\\.[^.].*"
+    doubleEtc = ".*\\.\\.\\.\\s+\\.\\.\\..*"
+    dotdotPattern = re.compile(dotdot)
+    doubleEtcPattern = re.compile(doubleEtc)
+    def inContext(self, context, adaptor=None, tokenName=None, t=None):
+        """Check if current node in input has a context.
+        Context means sequence of nodes towards root of tree.  For example,
+        you might say context is "MULT" which means my parent must be MULT.
+        "CLASS VARDEF" says current node must be child of a VARDEF and whose
+        parent is a CLASS node.  You can use "..." to mean zero-or-more nodes.
+        "METHOD ... VARDEF" means my parent is VARDEF and somewhere above
+        that is a METHOD node.  The first node in the context is not
+        necessarily the root.  The context matcher stops matching and returns
+        true when it runs out of context.  There is no way to force the first
+        node to be the root. 
+        """
+        return _inContext(
+            self.input.getTreeAdaptor(), self.getTokenNames(), 
+            self.input.LT(1), context)
+    @classmethod
+    def _inContext(cls, adaptor, tokenNames, t, context):
+        """The worker for inContext.
+        It's static and full of parameters for testing purposes.
+        """
+        if cls.dotdotPattern.match(context):
+            # don't allow "..", must be "..."
+            raise ValueError("invalid syntax: ..")
+        if cls.doubleEtcPattern.match(context):
+            # don't allow double "..."
+            raise ValueError("invalid syntax: ... ...")
+        # ensure spaces around ...
+        context = context.replace("...", " ... ")
+        context = context.strip()
+        nodes = context.split()
+        ni = len(nodes) - 1
+        t = adaptor.getParent(t)
+        while ni >= 0 and t is not None:
+            if nodes[ni] == "...":
+                # walk upwards until we see nodes[ni-1] then continue walking
+                if ni == 0:
+                    # ... at start is no-op
+                    return True
+                goal = nodes[ni-1]
+                ancestor = cls._getAncestor(adaptor, tokenNames, t, goal)
+                if ancestor is None:
+                    return False
+                t = ancestor
+                ni -= 1
+            name = tokenNames[adaptor.getType(t)]
+            if name != nodes[ni]:
+                return False
+            # advance to parent and to previous element in context node list
+            ni -= 1
+            t = adaptor.getParent(t)
+        # at root but more nodes to match
+        if t is None and ni >= 0:
+            return False
+        return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def _getAncestor(adaptor, tokenNames, t, goal):
+        """Helper for static inContext."""
+        while t is not None:
+            name = tokenNames[adaptor.getType(t)]
+            if name == goal:
+                return t
+            t = adaptor.getParent(t)
+        return None
+    def matchAny(self, ignore): # ignore stream, copy of this.input
+        """
+        Match '.' in tree parser has special meaning.  Skip node or
+        entire tree if node has children.  If children, scan until
+        corresponding UP node.
+        """
+        self._state.errorRecovery = False
+        look = self.input.LT(1)
+        if self.input.getTreeAdaptor().getChildCount(look) == 0:
+            self.input.consume() # not subtree, consume 1 node and return
+            return
+        # current node is a subtree, skip to corresponding UP.
+        # must count nesting level to get right UP
+        level = 0
+        tokenType = self.input.getTreeAdaptor().getType(look)
+        while tokenType != EOF and not (tokenType == UP and level==0):
+            self.input.consume()
+            look = self.input.LT(1)
+            tokenType = self.input.getTreeAdaptor().getType(look)
+            if tokenType == DOWN:
+                level += 1
+            elif tokenType == UP:
+                level -= 1
+        self.input.consume() # consume UP
+    def mismatch(self, input, ttype, follow):
+        """
+        We have DOWN/UP nodes in the stream that have no line info; override.
+        plus we want to alter the exception type. Don't try to recover
+        from tree parser errors inline...
+        """
+        raise MismatchedTreeNodeException(ttype, input)
+    def getErrorHeader(self, e):
+        """
+        Prefix error message with the grammar name because message is
+        always intended for the programmer because the parser built
+        the input tree not the user.
+        """
+        return (self.getGrammarFileName() +
+                ": node from %sline %s:%s"
+                % (['', "after "][e.approximateLineInfo],
+                   e.line,
+                   e.charPositionInLine
+                   )
+                )
+    def getErrorMessage(self, e, tokenNames):
+        """
+        Tree parsers parse nodes they usually have a token object as
+        payload. Set the exception token and do the default behavior.
+        """
+        if isinstance(self, TreeParser):
+            adaptor = e.input.getTreeAdaptor()
+            e.token = adaptor.getToken(e.node)
+            if e.token is not None: # could be an UP/DOWN node
+                e.token = CommonToken(
+                    type=adaptor.getType(e.node),
+                    text=adaptor.getText(e.node)
+                    )
+        return BaseRecognizer.getErrorMessage(self, e, tokenNames)
+    def traceIn(self, ruleName, ruleIndex):
+        BaseRecognizer.traceIn(self, ruleName, ruleIndex, self.input.LT(1))
+    def traceOut(self, ruleName, ruleIndex):
+        BaseRecognizer.traceOut(self, ruleName, ruleIndex, self.input.LT(1))
+# tree visitor
+class TreeVisitor(object):
+    """Do a depth first walk of a tree, applying pre() and post() actions
+    we go.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, adaptor=None):
+        if adaptor is not None:
+            self.adaptor = adaptor
+        else:
+            self.adaptor = CommonTreeAdaptor()
+    def visit(self, t, pre_action=None, post_action=None):
+        """Visit every node in tree t and trigger an action for each node
+        before/after having visited all of its children.  Bottom up walk.
+        Execute both actions even if t has no children.  Ignore return
+        results from transforming children since they will have altered
+        the child list of this node (their parent).  Return result of
+        applying post action to this node.
+        The Python version differs from the Java version by taking two
+        callables 'pre_action' and 'post_action' instead of a class instance
+        that wraps those methods. Those callables must accept a TreeNode as
+        their single argument and return the (potentially transformed or
+        replaced) TreeNode.
+        """
+        isNil = self.adaptor.isNil(t)
+        if pre_action is not None and not isNil:
+            # if rewritten, walk children of new t
+            t = pre_action(t)
+        for idx in xrange(self.adaptor.getChildCount(t)):
+            child = self.adaptor.getChild(t, idx)
+            self.visit(child, pre_action, post_action)
+        if post_action is not None and not isNil:
+            t = post_action(t)
+        return t
+# streams for rule rewriting
+class RewriteRuleElementStream(object):
+    """@brief Internal helper class.
+    A generic list of elements tracked in an alternative to be used in
+    a -> rewrite rule.  We need to subclass to fill in the next() method,
+    which returns either an AST node wrapped around a token payload or
+    an existing subtree.
+    Once you start next()ing, do not try to add more elements.  It will
+    break the cursor tracking I believe.
+    @see org.antlr.runtime.tree.RewriteRuleSubtreeStream
+    @see org.antlr.runtime.tree.RewriteRuleTokenStream
+    TODO: add mechanism to detect/puke on modification after reading from
+    stream
+    """
+    def __init__(self, adaptor, elementDescription, elements=None):
+        # Cursor 0..n-1.  If singleElement!=null, cursor is 0 until you next(),
+        # which bumps it to 1 meaning no more elements.
+        self.cursor = 0
+        # Track single elements w/o creating a list.  Upon 2nd add, alloc list
+        self.singleElement = None
+        # The list of tokens or subtrees we are tracking
+        self.elements = None
+        # Once a node / subtree has been used in a stream, it must be dup'd
+        # from then on.  Streams are reset after subrules so that the streams
+        # can be reused in future subrules.  So, reset must set a dirty bit.
+        # If dirty, then next() always returns a dup.
+        self.dirty = False
+        # The element or stream description; usually has name of the token or
+        # rule reference that this list tracks.  Can include rulename too, but
+        # the exception would track that info.
+        self.elementDescription = elementDescription
+        self.adaptor = adaptor
+        if isinstance(elements, (list, tuple)):
+            # Create a stream, but feed off an existing list
+            self.singleElement = None
+            self.elements = elements
+        else:
+            # Create a stream with one element
+            self.add(elements)
+    def reset(self):
+        """
+        Reset the condition of this stream so that it appears we have
+        not consumed any of its elements.  Elements themselves are untouched.
+        Once we reset the stream, any future use will need duplicates.  Set
+        the dirty bit.
+        """
+        self.cursor = 0
+        self.dirty = True
+    def add(self, el):
+        if el is None:
+            return
+        if self.elements is not None: # if in list, just add
+            self.elements.append(el)
+            return
+        if self.singleElement is None: # no elements yet, track w/o list
+            self.singleElement = el
+            return
+        # adding 2nd element, move to list
+        self.elements = []
+        self.elements.append(self.singleElement)
+        self.singleElement = None
+        self.elements.append(el)
+    def nextTree(self):
+        """
+        Return the next element in the stream.  If out of elements, throw
+        an exception unless size()==1.  If size is 1, then return elements[0].
+        Return a duplicate node/subtree if stream is out of elements and
+        size==1. If we've already used the element, dup (dirty bit set).
+        """
+        if (self.dirty
+            or (self.cursor >= len(self) and len(self) == 1)
+            ):
+            # if out of elements and size is 1, dup
+            el = self._next()
+            return self.dup(el)
+        # test size above then fetch
+        el = self._next()
+        return el
+    def _next(self):
+        """
+        do the work of getting the next element, making sure that it's
+        a tree node or subtree.  Deal with the optimization of single-
+        element list versus list of size > 1.  Throw an exception
+        if the stream is empty or we're out of elements and size>1.
+        protected so you can override in a subclass if necessary.
+        """
+        if len(self) == 0:
+            raise RewriteEmptyStreamException(self.elementDescription)
+        if self.cursor >= len(self): # out of elements?
+            if len(self) == 1: # if size is 1, it's ok; return and we'll dup 
+                return self.toTree(self.singleElement)
+            # out of elements and size was not 1, so we can't dup
+            raise RewriteCardinalityException(self.elementDescription)
+        # we have elements
+        if self.singleElement is not None:
+            self.cursor += 1 # move cursor even for single element list
+            return self.toTree(self.singleElement)
+        # must have more than one in list, pull from elements
+        o = self.toTree(self.elements[self.cursor])
+        self.cursor += 1
+        return o
+    def dup(self, el):
+        """
+        When constructing trees, sometimes we need to dup a token or AST
+        subtree.  Dup'ing a token means just creating another AST node
+        around it.  For trees, you must call the adaptor.dupTree() unless
+        the element is for a tree root; then it must be a node dup.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def toTree(self, el):
+        """
+        Ensure stream emits trees; tokens must be converted to AST nodes.
+        AST nodes can be passed through unmolested.
+        """
+        return el
+    def hasNext(self):
+        return ( (self.singleElement is not None and self.cursor < 1)
+                 or (self.elements is not None
+                     and self.cursor < len(self.elements)
+                     )
+                 )
+    def size(self):
+        if self.singleElement is not None:
+            return 1
+        if self.elements is not None:
+            return len(self.elements)
+        return 0
+    __len__ = size
+    def getDescription(self):
+        """Deprecated. Directly access elementDescription attribute"""
+        return self.elementDescription
+class RewriteRuleTokenStream(RewriteRuleElementStream):
+    """@brief Internal helper class."""
+    def toTree(self, el):
+        # Don't convert to a tree unless they explicitly call nextTree.
+        # This way we can do hetero tree nodes in rewrite.
+        return el
+    def nextNode(self):
+        t = self._next()
+        return self.adaptor.createWithPayload(t)
+    def nextToken(self):
+        return self._next()
+    def dup(self, el):
+        raise TypeError("dup can't be called for a token stream.")
+class RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(RewriteRuleElementStream):
+    """@brief Internal helper class."""
+    def nextNode(self):
+        """
+        Treat next element as a single node even if it's a subtree.
+        This is used instead of next() when the result has to be a
+        tree root node.  Also prevents us from duplicating recently-added
+        children; e.g., ^(type ID)+ adds ID to type and then 2nd iteration
+        must dup the type node, but ID has been added.
+        Referencing a rule result twice is ok; dup entire tree as
+        we can't be adding trees as root; e.g., expr expr.
+        Hideous code duplication here with super.next().  Can't think of
+        a proper way to refactor.  This needs to always call dup node
+        and super.next() doesn't know which to call: dup node or dup tree.
+        """
+        if (self.dirty
+            or (self.cursor >= len(self) and len(self) == 1)
+            ):
+            # if out of elements and size is 1, dup (at most a single node
+            # since this is for making root nodes).
+            el = self._next()
+            return self.adaptor.dupNode(el)
+        # test size above then fetch
+        el = self._next()
+        return el
+    def dup(self, el):
+        return self.adaptor.dupTree(el)
+class RewriteRuleNodeStream(RewriteRuleElementStream):
+    """
+    Queues up nodes matched on left side of -> in a tree parser. This is
+    the analog of RewriteRuleTokenStream for normal parsers. 
+    """
+    def nextNode(self):
+        return self._next()
+    def toTree(self, el):
+        return self.adaptor.dupNode(el)
+    def dup(self, el):
+        # we dup every node, so don't have to worry about calling dup; short-
+        #circuited next() so it doesn't call.
+        raise TypeError("dup can't be called for a node stream.")
+class TreeRuleReturnScope(RuleReturnScope):
+    """
+    This is identical to the ParserRuleReturnScope except that
+    the start property is a tree nodes not Token object
+    when you are parsing trees.  To be generic the tree node types
+    have to be Object.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.start = None
+        self.tree = None
+    def getStart(self):
+        return self.start
+    def getTree(self):
+        return self.tree

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/treewizard.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/treewizard.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/antlr3/treewizard.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+""" @package antlr3.tree
+ at brief ANTLR3 runtime package, treewizard module
+A utility module to create ASTs at runtime.
+See <http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/~admin/2007/07/02/Exploring+Concept+of+TreeWizard> for an overview. Note that the API of the Python implementation is slightly different.
+# begin[licence]
+# [The "BSD licence"]
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+#    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# end[licence]
+from antlr3.constants import INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+from antlr3.tokens import CommonToken
+from antlr3.tree import CommonTree, CommonTreeAdaptor
+def computeTokenTypes(tokenNames):
+    """
+    Compute a dict that is an inverted index of
+    tokenNames (which maps int token types to names).
+    """
+    if tokenNames is None:
+        return {}
+    return dict((name, type) for type, name in enumerate(tokenNames))
+## token types for pattern parser
+EOF = -1
+BEGIN = 1
+END = 2
+ID = 3
+ARG = 4
+COLON = 6
+DOT = 7
+class TreePatternLexer(object):
+    def __init__(self, pattern):
+        ## The tree pattern to lex like "(A B C)"
+        self.pattern = pattern
+	## Index into input string
+        self.p = -1
+	## Current char
+        self.c = None
+	## How long is the pattern in char?
+        self.n = len(pattern)
+	## Set when token type is ID or ARG
+        self.sval = None
+        self.error = False
+        self.consume()
+    __idStartChar = frozenset(
+        'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_'
+        )
+    __idChar = __idStartChar | frozenset('0123456789')
+    def nextToken(self):
+        self.sval = ""
+        while self.c != EOF:
+            if self.c in (' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'):
+                self.consume()
+                continue
+            if self.c in self.__idStartChar:
+                self.sval += self.c
+                self.consume()
+                while self.c in self.__idChar:
+                    self.sval += self.c
+                    self.consume()
+                return ID
+            if self.c == '(':
+                self.consume()
+                return BEGIN
+            if self.c == ')':
+                self.consume()
+                return END
+            if self.c == '%':
+                self.consume()
+                return PERCENT
+            if self.c == ':':
+                self.consume()
+                return COLON
+            if self.c == '.':
+                self.consume()
+                return DOT
+            if self.c == '[': # grab [x] as a string, returning x
+                self.consume()
+                while self.c != ']':
+                    if self.c == '\\':
+                        self.consume()
+                        if self.c != ']':
+                            self.sval += '\\'
+                        self.sval += self.c
+                    else:
+                        self.sval += self.c
+                    self.consume()
+                self.consume()
+                return ARG
+            self.consume()
+            self.error = True
+            return EOF
+        return EOF
+    def consume(self):
+        self.p += 1
+        if self.p >= self.n:
+            self.c = EOF
+        else:
+            self.c = self.pattern[self.p]
+class TreePatternParser(object):
+    def __init__(self, tokenizer, wizard, adaptor):
+        self.tokenizer = tokenizer
+        self.wizard = wizard
+        self.adaptor = adaptor
+        self.ttype = tokenizer.nextToken() # kickstart
+    def pattern(self):
+        if self.ttype == BEGIN:
+            return self.parseTree()
+        elif self.ttype == ID:
+            node = self.parseNode()
+            if self.ttype == EOF:
+                return node
+            return None # extra junk on end
+        return None
+    def parseTree(self):
+        if self.ttype != BEGIN:
+            return None
+        self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
+        root = self.parseNode()
+        if root is None:
+            return None
+        while self.ttype in (BEGIN, ID, PERCENT, DOT):
+            if self.ttype == BEGIN:
+                subtree = self.parseTree()
+                self.adaptor.addChild(root, subtree)
+            else:
+                child = self.parseNode()
+                if child is None:
+                    return None
+                self.adaptor.addChild(root, child)
+        if self.ttype != END:
+            return None
+        self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
+        return root
+    def parseNode(self):
+        # "%label:" prefix
+        label = None
+        if self.ttype == PERCENT:
+            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
+            if self.ttype != ID:
+                return None
+            label = self.tokenizer.sval
+            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
+            if self.ttype != COLON:
+                return None
+            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken() # move to ID following colon
+        # Wildcard?
+        if self.ttype == DOT:
+            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
+            wildcardPayload = CommonToken(0, ".")
+            node = WildcardTreePattern(wildcardPayload)
+            if label is not None:
+                node.label = label
+            return node
+        # "ID" or "ID[arg]"
+        if self.ttype != ID:
+            return None
+        tokenName = self.tokenizer.sval
+        self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
+        if tokenName == "nil":
+            return self.adaptor.nil()
+        text = tokenName
+        # check for arg
+        arg = None
+        if self.ttype == ARG:
+            arg = self.tokenizer.sval
+            text = arg
+            self.ttype = self.tokenizer.nextToken()
+        # create node
+        treeNodeType = self.wizard.getTokenType(tokenName)
+        if treeNodeType == INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE:
+            return None
+        node = self.adaptor.createFromType(treeNodeType, text)
+        if label is not None and isinstance(node, TreePattern):
+            node.label = label
+        if arg is not None and isinstance(node, TreePattern):
+            node.hasTextArg = True
+        return node
+class TreePattern(CommonTree):
+    """
+    When using %label:TOKENNAME in a tree for parse(), we must
+    track the label.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, payload):
+        CommonTree.__init__(self, payload)
+        self.label = None
+        self.hasTextArg = None
+    def toString(self):
+        if self.label is not None:
+            return '%' + self.label + ':' + CommonTree.toString(self)
+        else:
+            return CommonTree.toString(self)
+class WildcardTreePattern(TreePattern):
+    pass
+class TreePatternTreeAdaptor(CommonTreeAdaptor):
+    """This adaptor creates TreePattern objects for use during scan()"""
+    def createWithPayload(self, payload):
+        return TreePattern(payload)
+class TreeWizard(object):
+    """
+    Build and navigate trees with this object.  Must know about the names
+    of tokens so you have to pass in a map or array of token names (from which
+    this class can build the map).  I.e., Token DECL means nothing unless the
+    class can translate it to a token type.
+    In order to create nodes and navigate, this class needs a TreeAdaptor.
+    This class can build a token type -> node index for repeated use or for
+    iterating over the various nodes with a particular type.
+    This class works in conjunction with the TreeAdaptor rather than moving
+    all this functionality into the adaptor.  An adaptor helps build and
+    navigate trees using methods.  This class helps you do it with string
+    patterns like "(A B C)".  You can create a tree from that pattern or
+    match subtrees against it.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, adaptor=None, tokenNames=None, typeMap=None):
+        self.adaptor = adaptor
+        if typeMap is None:
+            self.tokenNameToTypeMap = computeTokenTypes(tokenNames)
+        else:
+            if tokenNames is not None:
+                raise ValueError("Can't have both tokenNames and typeMap")
+            self.tokenNameToTypeMap = typeMap
+    def getTokenType(self, tokenName):
+        """Using the map of token names to token types, return the type."""
+        try:
+            return self.tokenNameToTypeMap[tokenName]
+        except KeyError:
+            return INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE
+    def create(self, pattern):
+        """
+        Create a tree or node from the indicated tree pattern that closely
+        follows ANTLR tree grammar tree element syntax:
+        (root child1 ... child2).
+        You can also just pass in a node: ID
+        Any node can have a text argument: ID[foo]
+        (notice there are no quotes around foo--it's clear it's a string).
+        nil is a special name meaning "give me a nil node".  Useful for
+        making lists: (nil A B C) is a list of A B C.
+        """
+        tokenizer = TreePatternLexer(pattern)
+        parser = TreePatternParser(tokenizer, self, self.adaptor)
+        return parser.pattern()
+    def index(self, tree):
+        """Walk the entire tree and make a node name to nodes mapping.
+        For now, use recursion but later nonrecursive version may be
+        more efficient.  Returns a dict int -> list where the list is
+        of your AST node type.  The int is the token type of the node.
+        """
+        m = {}
+        self._index(tree, m)
+        return m
+    def _index(self, t, m):
+        """Do the work for index"""
+        if t is None:
+            return
+        ttype = self.adaptor.getType(t)
+        elements = m.get(ttype)
+        if elements is None:
+            m[ttype] = elements = []
+        elements.append(t)
+        for i in range(self.adaptor.getChildCount(t)):
+            child = self.adaptor.getChild(t, i)
+            self._index(child, m)
+    def find(self, tree, what):
+        """Return a list of matching token.
+        what may either be an integer specifzing the token type to find or
+        a string with a pattern that must be matched.
+        """
+        if isinstance(what, (int, long)):
+            return self._findTokenType(tree, what)
+        elif isinstance(what, basestring):
+            return self._findPattern(tree, what)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("'what' must be string or integer")
+    def _findTokenType(self, t, ttype):
+        """Return a List of tree nodes with token type ttype"""
+        nodes = []
+        def visitor(tree, parent, childIndex, labels):
+            nodes.append(tree)
+        self.visit(t, ttype, visitor)
+        return nodes
+    def _findPattern(self, t, pattern):
+        """Return a List of subtrees matching pattern."""
+        subtrees = []
+        # Create a TreePattern from the pattern
+        tokenizer = TreePatternLexer(pattern)
+        parser = TreePatternParser(tokenizer, self, TreePatternTreeAdaptor())
+        tpattern = parser.pattern()
+        # don't allow invalid patterns
+        if (tpattern is None or tpattern.isNil()
+            or isinstance(tpattern, WildcardTreePattern)):
+            return None
+        rootTokenType = tpattern.getType()
+        def visitor(tree, parent, childIndex, label):
+            if self._parse(tree, tpattern, None):
+                subtrees.append(tree)
+        self.visit(t, rootTokenType, visitor)
+        return subtrees
+    def visit(self, tree, what, visitor):
+        """Visit every node in tree matching what, invoking the visitor.
+        If what is a string, it is parsed as a pattern and only matching
+        subtrees will be visited.
+        The implementation uses the root node of the pattern in combination
+        with visit(t, ttype, visitor) so nil-rooted patterns are not allowed.
+        Patterns with wildcard roots are also not allowed.
+        If what is an integer, it is used as a token type and visit will match
+        all nodes of that type (this is faster than the pattern match).
+        The labels arg of the visitor action method is never set (it's None)
+        since using a token type rather than a pattern doesn't let us set a
+        label.
+        """
+        if isinstance(what, (int, long)):
+            self._visitType(tree, None, 0, what, visitor)
+        elif isinstance(what, basestring):
+            self._visitPattern(tree, what, visitor)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("'what' must be string or integer")
+    def _visitType(self, t, parent, childIndex, ttype, visitor):
+        """Do the recursive work for visit"""
+        if t is None:
+            return
+        if self.adaptor.getType(t) == ttype:
+            visitor(t, parent, childIndex, None)
+        for i in range(self.adaptor.getChildCount(t)):
+            child = self.adaptor.getChild(t, i)
+            self._visitType(child, t, i, ttype, visitor)
+    def _visitPattern(self, tree, pattern, visitor):
+        """
+        For all subtrees that match the pattern, execute the visit action.
+        """
+        # Create a TreePattern from the pattern
+        tokenizer = TreePatternLexer(pattern)
+        parser = TreePatternParser(tokenizer, self, TreePatternTreeAdaptor())
+        tpattern = parser.pattern()
+        # don't allow invalid patterns
+        if (tpattern is None or tpattern.isNil()
+            or isinstance(tpattern, WildcardTreePattern)):
+            return
+        rootTokenType = tpattern.getType()
+        def rootvisitor(tree, parent, childIndex, labels):
+            labels = {}
+            if self._parse(tree, tpattern, labels):
+                visitor(tree, parent, childIndex, labels)
+        self.visit(tree, rootTokenType, rootvisitor)
+    def parse(self, t, pattern, labels=None):
+        """
+        Given a pattern like (ASSIGN %lhs:ID %rhs:.) with optional labels
+        on the various nodes and '.' (dot) as the node/subtree wildcard,
+        return true if the pattern matches and fill the labels Map with
+        the labels pointing at the appropriate nodes.  Return false if
+        the pattern is malformed or the tree does not match.
+        If a node specifies a text arg in pattern, then that must match
+        for that node in t.
+        """
+        tokenizer = TreePatternLexer(pattern)
+        parser = TreePatternParser(tokenizer, self, TreePatternTreeAdaptor())
+        tpattern = parser.pattern()
+        return self._parse(t, tpattern, labels)
+    def _parse(self, t1, tpattern, labels):
+        """
+        Do the work for parse. Check to see if the tpattern fits the
+        structure and token types in t1.  Check text if the pattern has
+        text arguments on nodes.  Fill labels map with pointers to nodes
+        in tree matched against nodes in pattern with labels.
+	"""
+        # make sure both are non-null
+        if t1 is None or tpattern is None:
+            return False
+        # check roots (wildcard matches anything)
+        if not isinstance(tpattern, WildcardTreePattern):
+            if self.adaptor.getType(t1) != tpattern.getType():
+                return False
+            # if pattern has text, check node text
+            if (tpattern.hasTextArg
+                and self.adaptor.getText(t1) != tpattern.getText()):
+                return False
+        if tpattern.label is not None and labels is not None:
+            # map label in pattern to node in t1
+            labels[tpattern.label] = t1
+        # check children
+        n1 = self.adaptor.getChildCount(t1)
+        n2 = tpattern.getChildCount()
+        if n1 != n2:
+            return False
+        for i in range(n1):
+            child1 = self.adaptor.getChild(t1, i)
+            child2 = tpattern.getChild(i)
+            if not self._parse(child1, child2, labels):
+                return False
+        return True
+    def equals(self, t1, t2, adaptor=None):
+        """
+        Compare t1 and t2; return true if token types/text, structure match
+        exactly.
+        The trees are examined in their entirety so that (A B) does not match
+        (A B C) nor (A (B C)). 
+        """
+        if adaptor is None:
+            adaptor = self.adaptor
+        return self._equals(t1, t2, adaptor)
+    def _equals(self, t1, t2, adaptor):
+        # make sure both are non-null
+        if t1 is None or t2 is None:
+            return False
+        # check roots
+        if adaptor.getType(t1) != adaptor.getType(t2):
+            return False
+        if adaptor.getText(t1) != adaptor.getText(t2):
+            return False
+        # check children
+        n1 = adaptor.getChildCount(t1)
+        n2 = adaptor.getChildCount(t2)
+        if n1 != n2:
+            return False
+        for i in range(n1):
+            child1 = adaptor.getChild(t1, i)
+            child2 = adaptor.getChild(t2, i)
+            if not self._equals(child1, child2, adaptor):
+                return False
+        return True

Added: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/test.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/test.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libs/jsparser/test.py	2009-04-06 10:36:54 UTC (rev 19224)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import antlr3
+from JavaScriptLexer import JavaScriptLexer
+from JavaScriptParser import JavaScriptParser
+class ParseError(Exception): 
+  def __init__(self, tokens, e):
+    self.tokens = tokens
+    self.e = e
+class LexerError(Exception): 
+  def __init__(self, tokens, e):
+    self.tokens = tokens
+    self.e = e
+class ExceptionalJSParser(JavaScriptParser):
+  def displayRecognitionError(self, tokens, e): raise ParseError(tokens, e) 
+class ExceptionalJSLexer(JavaScriptLexer):
+  def displayRecognitionError(self, tokens, e): raise LexerError(tokens, e) 
+input = 'var foo = function() { var foo = "h\'i"; return foo+2; };'
+char_stream = antlr3.ANTLRStringStream(input)
+# or to parse a file:
+# char_stream = antlr3.ANTLRFileStream(path_to_input)
+# # or to parse an opened file or any other file-like object:
+# char_stream = antlr3.ANTLRInputStream(file)
+lexer = ExceptionalJSLexer(char_stream)
+tokens = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
+parser = ExceptionalJSParser(tokens)
+  program = parser.program()
+  print str(program.tree)+" -> "+str(program.tree.getType())
+  for l in program.tree.getChildren():
+    print str(l)+" -> "+str(l.getType())
+except ParseError, e:
+  print "P|"+str((e.e.token.type))+"|"
+except LexerError, e:
+  print "L|"+str(e.e.node)+"|"

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