[or-cvs] r16000: mostly documentation. also removed the openssl folder & soat (in torflow/branches/gsoc2008: . tools)
aleksei at seul.org
aleksei at seul.org
Wed Jul 16 22:40:34 UTC 2008
Author: aleksei
Date: 2008-07-16 18:40:34 -0400 (Wed, 16 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 16000
mostly documentation. also removed the openssl folder & soat.pl
Deleted: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.pl
--- torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.pl 2008-07-16 22:09:51 UTC (rev 15999)
+++ torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.pl 2008-07-16 22:40:34 UTC (rev 16000)
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# ZOMG SNAKES ON A TOR1111 - v0.0.5
-use strict;
-use IO::Socket;
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-my $META_PORT = "9052";
-my $META_HOST = "";
-my $WORD_LIST = "./wordlist.txt";
-my $CERT_DIR = "./data/soat/certs";
-my $DOC_DIR = "./data/soat/docs";
-my $USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0";
-#my $USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)";
-#Privoxy is a bad idea since it rewrites shit that will mess with our
-#baseline md5s of html
-my $SOCKS_PROXY = "";
-my @TO_SCAN = ("urls");
-# doc and ppt may also be good ones to check.. They are frequently vulnerable
-# also, since we automatically weed out dynamic content, you can also add
-# php, cgi, etc to this list.. The multiple "all" filetypes mean 2 * 5 sets
-# of results without a filetype. Hopefully we can snag some static php,
-# shtml, cgi files.
-my @FILETYPES = ("all", "all", "all", "all"); #"xpi", "exe", "msi", "doc", "ppt", "all", "all");
-# Maxium number of tries before giving up on a URL
-my $MAX_TRIES = 3;
-# Urls to fetch in addition to queried ones.
-# These should end in one of the @FILETYPES extensions so failures
-# are stored properly.
-my @DOC_URLS = (
-# "http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/index.html",
-# "http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/press/index.html"
-my @HTTPS_SITES = (
- "www.paypal.com",
- "www.e-gold.com",
- "chase.com",
-# "bankusa.com",
-# "citibank.com",
-# "www.mailvault.com",
- "mail.google.com",
- "www.relakks.com",
- "www.hushmail.com",
-# "login.yahoo.com",
- "www.fastmail.fm",
- "addons.mozilla.org"
-my %log_levels = ("DEBUG", 0, "INFO", 1, "NOTICE", 2, "WARN", 3, "ERROR", 4);
-sub plog
- my $level = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
- $year += 1900; # lame.
- $mon += 1;
- #print "$level \[$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec\]: " . $msg if($log_levels{$level} >= $log_levels{$LOG_LEVEL})
- print "$level \[" . localtime() . "\]: " . $msg if($log_levels{$level} >= $log_levels{$LOG_LEVEL})
-sub is_in
- my $element = shift;
- my $ary = shift;
- my $is_there = 0;
- foreach (@$ary) {
- if ($_ eq $element) {
- $is_there = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- return $is_there;
-sub compare_arrays {
- my ($first, $second) = @_;
- no warnings; # silence spurious -w undef complaints
- return 0 unless @$first == @$second;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @$first; $i++) {
- return 0 if $first->[$i] ne $second->[$i];
- }
- return 1;
-sub get_doc_list
- my @words = &load_wordlist($WORD_LIST);
- my @returns = &get_url_list(@words);
- return @returns;
-sub load_wordlist
- my @wordlist;
- open(WORDFILE, '<', $_[0]);
- while (<WORDFILE>) {s/\n//; s/\r//; push(@wordlist, $_);}
- close(WORDFILE);
- return @wordlist;
-sub get_url_list
- my @wordlist = @_;
- my @returns;
- # Get a few URL's for each file type
- foreach (@FILETYPES) {
- my @prereturns;
- my @urls;
- my $type = $_;
- mkdir("$DOC_DIR/$_");
- my $numresults = $RESULTS_PER_TYPE;
- while($#prereturns+1 < $numresults) {
- my @queries = ($wordlist[int(rand(@wordlist))],
- $wordlist[int(rand(@wordlist))],
- $wordlist[int(rand(@wordlist))]);
- foreach(@queries) {
- my @queryret = &discover_urls($type, $_);
- foreach(@queryret) {
- push(@prereturns, $_) if(not is_in($_, \@prereturns));
- }
- }
- }
- for(my $i = 0; $i < $numresults;) {
- my $url = $prereturns[int(rand(@prereturns))];
- if(not is_in($url, \@urls)) {
- push(@returns, $url);
- push(@urls, $url);
- $i++;
- }
- }
- plog "INFO", "URL List for $type:\n " . join("\n ", @urls) . "\n\n";
- }
- return @returns;
-sub discover_urls
- my $filetype = shift;
- my $query = shift;
- my @results;
- my @returns;
- # Craft Google URL
- my $base_url = "http://www.google.com/search?q=";
- my $url;
- if($filetype eq "all") {
- $url = $base_url . $query;
- } else {
- $url = $base_url . $query . "+filetype%3A" . $filetype;
- }
- # Execute this query
- open(QUERY, '-|', "wget -T 600 -U \"$USER_AGENT\" \'$url\' -O - 2> /dev/null");
- #open(QUERY, '-|', "curl -A \"$USER_AGENT\" \'$url\' 2> /dev/null");
- @results = <QUERY>;
- close(QUERY);
- # Extract all valid URLS
- my $line = join('', @results);
- if($filetype eq "all") {
- @results = $line =~ /http:\/\/[^<>\s"]+/g;
- } else {
- @results = $line =~ /http:\/\/[^<>\?\&#"]+\.$filetype/g;
- }
- # Filter out links to google services and cgi
- foreach (@results) {
- if (not /oxyshare/) { #and not /google/) {
- push(@returns, $_);
- }
- }
- return @returns;
-sub get_https_list()
- return \@HTTPS_SITES;
-sub query_exit
- my $mcp = shift;
- my $line;
- my $exit;
- print $mcp "GETLASTEXIT\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- $line =~ /LASTEXIT=([\S]+)/;
- $exit = $1;
- if($exit eq "0") {
- plog "NOTICE", "Got 0 exit\n";
- }
- return $exit;
-sub openssl_check_one
- my $mcp = shift;
- my $ssl_host = shift;
- my $cert_dir = shift;
- my $resolve = shift;
- my $empty_ssl = 1;
- my $resolv_exit;
- my $ssl_ip;
- my $fq_ssl;
- my @ssl_data;
- my @ssl_cert;
- my $i;
- if($resolve) {
- do {
- if(not open(TORRESOLVE, '-|', "tor-resolve $ssl_host $SOCKS_PROXY")) {
- die "Cant call tor-resolve for $ssl_host";
- }
- $ssl_ip = <TORRESOLVE>;
- chomp($ssl_ip) if($ssl_ip);
- close(TORRESOLVE);
- if(not $ssl_ip) {
- plog "NOTICE", "tor-resolve failed to resolve $ssl_host\n";
- }
- } while(not $ssl_ip or not $ssl_ip =~ /^[\d]+/);
- $resolv_exit = query_exit($mcp);
- # Redundant, but keeping in case we need to add a max_tries counter..
- if(not $ssl_ip or not $ssl_ip =~ /^[\d]+/) {
- plog "WARN", "tor-resolve failed to resolve $ssl_host\n";
- $ssl_ip = $fq_ssl = $ssl_host;
- } else {
- $fq_ssl = $ssl_host . "-" . $ssl_ip;
- }
- } else {
- $ssl_ip = $fq_ssl = $ssl_host;
- }
- my $cmd = "echo | tsocks openssl s_client -connect " . $ssl_ip . ":443 2> /dev/null";
- open(OPENSSL, '-|', $cmd);
- @ssl_data = <OPENSSL>;
- for($i = 0; $i <= $#ssl_data; $i++) {
- if($ssl_data[$i] =~ /BEGIN CERTIFICATE/) {
- $empty_ssl = 0;
- while(not $ssl_data[$i] =~ /END CERTIFICATE/) {
- push(@ssl_cert, $ssl_data[$i]);
- $i++;
- }
- push(@ssl_cert, $ssl_data[$i]);
- last;
- }
- }
- close(OPENSSL);
- if($empty_ssl) {
- my $exit_node = query_exit($mcp);
- plog "WARN", "$exit_node closed SSL for $fq_ssl before we got a cert\n";
- return 0;
- }
- my $cert_exists = 0;
- if(not ($cert_exists = open(CERTFILE, '<', $cert_dir . "/" . $fq_ssl . ".pem"))
- plog "INFO", "Cert $fq_ssl never seen before. Storing it.\n";
- open(CERTFILE, '>', $cert_dir . "/" . $fq_ssl . ".pem");
- print CERTFILE @ssl_cert;
- close(CERTFILE);
- } else {
- my $exit_node = query_exit($mcp);
- my @stored_cert;
- if($cert_exists) {
- @stored_cert = <CERTFILE>;
- close(CERTFILE);
- }
- if(not $exit_node eq $resolv_exit) {
- plog "NOTICE", "SSL fetch exit $exit_node is not the resolution exit ($resolv_exit)\n";
- $exit_node = $exit_node . "+" . $resolv_exit;
- }
- if($cert_exists and compare_arrays(\@stored_cert, \@ssl_cert)) {
- plog "DEBUG", "Cert $fq_ssl OK\n";
- } else {
- if($cert_exists) {
- plog "WARN", "Error on cert $fq_ssl for exit $exit_node\n";
- } else {
- plog "WARN", "New unseen cert IP $fq_ssl for exit $exit_node\n";
- }
- my $i = 0;
- for($i = 0; (stat($cert_dir . "/ERRORS/" . $fq_ssl . ".pem-" . $exit_node . "-$i"))[0]; $i++)
- { }
- open(CERTFILE, '>', $cert_dir . "/ERRORS/" . $fq_ssl . ".pem" .
- "-" . $exit_node . "-$i");
- print CERTFILE @ssl_data;
- close(CERTFILE);
- }
- }
- return 1;
-sub openssl_check_all
- my $mcp = shift;
- my $ssl_list = shift;
- print $mcp "RESOLVEPORT 443\r\n";
- my $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting resolution port: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- foreach(@$ssl_list) {
- print $mcp "NEWEXIT\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error on newnym: $line\r\n" if(not $line =~ /^250/);
- for(my $try = 0; $try < $MAX_TRIES; $try++) {
- last if openssl_check_one($mcp, $_, $CERT_DIR, 1);
- }
- }
- plog "INFO", "Checked all SSL certs\n";
-sub load_table
- my $table = shift;
- my $file = shift;
- my @hash_list;
- if(not open(TABLEFILE, '<', $file)) {
- return;
- }
- @hash_list = <TABLEFILE>;
- chomp(@hash_list);
- %$table = @hash_list;
- close(TABLEFILE);
-sub write_table
- my $table = shift;
- my $file = shift;
- if(not open(TABLEFILE, '>', $file)) {
- die "Can't open $file to save md5 state table";
- }
- while (my($k,$v) = each %$table) {
- print TABLEFILE "$k\n$v\n";
- }
- close(TABLEFILE);
-sub docs_check_one
- my $mcp = shift;
- my $doc_url = shift;
- my $md5_table = shift;
- my $doc_dir = shift;
- my $tsocks = shift;
- my $md5;
- my $exit_node = "unknown";
- my $line;
- plog "DEBUG", "$doc_url\n";
- my $ret = system("$tsocks wget -T 600 -U \"$USER_AGENT\" \'$doc_url\' -O $doc_dir/tmp-$tsocks >& /dev/null");
- #my $ret =
- # system("$tsocks curl -m 1200 -A \"$USER_AGENT\" \'$doc_url\' -o $doc_dir/tmp-$tsocks &> /dev/null");
- if($tsocks eq "") {
- $exit_node = "none. (Direct test)";
- } else {
- $exit_node = query_exit($mcp);
- }
- # TODO: It may be nice to make a metatroller REPORTFAILURE command
- # to cover the event where wget's internal timeout was triggered before
- # Tors. Download rate info would also be nice for stats.
- if($ret != 0) {
- if($ret == 2) {
- plog "NOTICE", "wget got SIGINT. Exiting\n";
- exit;
- }
- plog "NOTICE", "wget returned $? for |$doc_url| at $exit_node\n";
- return -1;
- }
- if(not open(MD5SUM, '-|', "md5sum $doc_dir/tmp-$tsocks")) {
- plog "WARN", "md5sum pipe failed for |$doc_url| at $exit_node\n";
- return -1;
- }
- $md5 = <MD5SUM>;
- if(not $md5) {
- plog "WARN", "Failed to read MD5 from pipe for |$doc_url| at $exit_node\n";
- return -1;
- }
- $md5 =~ s/[\s]*$doc_dir\/tmp-$tsocks$//;
- chomp($md5);
- close(MD5SUM);
- plog "DEBUG", " = $md5\n";
- if(not defined($$md5_table{$doc_url})) {
- $$md5_table{$doc_url} = $md5;
- } elsif (not $$md5_table{$doc_url} eq $md5) {
- my $new_url = $doc_url;
- $new_url =~ s/\//\\/g;
- $new_url =~ /\.([^\s\.]+)$/;
- my $extn = $1;
- if(not $extn or not is_in($extn, \@FILETYPES)) {
- $extn = "all";
- }
- if(not $tsocks eq "") {
- my $i = 0;
- if(not docs_check_one($mcp, $doc_url, $md5_table, $doc_dir, "")) {
- # Doc has actually changed..
- return 2;
- }
- for($i = 0; (stat("$doc_dir/$extn/$new_url-$exit_node-$i"))[0]; $i++)
- { }
- rename("$doc_dir/tmp-$tsocks", "$doc_dir/$extn/$new_url-$exit_node-$i");
- plog "WARN", "Mismatch of md5 for $doc_url ($extn) at $exit_node (|$md5| vs |$$md5_table{$doc_url}|)\n";
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-sub docs_test_all
- my $mcp = shift;
- my $doc_list = shift;
- my $doc_dir = shift;
- my @killed;
- my %doc_table;
- my $md5;
- load_table(\%doc_table, $doc_dir . "/md5_table");
- for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#$doc_list; $i++) {
- if(docs_check_one($mcp, $$doc_list[$i], \%doc_table, $doc_dir, "") <= 0) {
- push(@killed, $$doc_list[$i]);
- splice(@$doc_list, $i, 1);
- $i--;
- }
- }
- write_table(\%doc_table, $doc_dir . "/md5_table");
- if($#killed >= 0) {
- plog "NOTICE", "Discarded " . ($#killed+1) . " dead/dynamic url(s):\n " . join("\n ", @killed) . "\n\n";
- }
-sub docs_check_all
- my $mcp = shift;
- my $doc_list = shift;
- my $doc_dir = shift;
- my %doc_table;
- my $md5;
- print $mcp "RESOLVEPORT 80\r\n";
- my $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting resolution port: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- load_table(\%doc_table, $doc_dir . "/md5_table");
- for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#$doc_list; $i++) {
- my $ret = 0;
- print $mcp "NEWEXIT\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error on newnym: $line\r\n" if(not $line =~ /^250/);
- for(my $try = 0; $try < $MAX_TRIES; $try++) {
- last if (($ret = docs_check_one($mcp, $$doc_list[$i], \%doc_table, $doc_dir, "tsocks")) >= 0);
- }
- if($ret == 2) {
- # Splice it. Change $i
- plog "NOTICE", $$doc_list[$i] . " has changed independent of Tor. Removing...\n";
- splice(@$doc_list, $i, 1);
- $i--;
- }
- }
- write_table(\%doc_table, $doc_dir . "/md5_table");
- plog "INFO", "Checked all urls\n";
-sub openssh_check_one
- my $mcp = shift;
- my $key_file = shift;
- my $host = shift;
- my $resolve = shift;
- my $resolv_exit;
- my $host_ip;
- my $fq_host;
- my @usernames = ("root", "operator", "bin", "nobody", "sshd", "news");
- my @result;
- my $username = $usernames[int(rand(@usernames))];
- # TODO: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/scanssh/
- plog "DEBUG", "Host: |$host|\n";
- do {
- if(not open(TORRESOLVE, '-|', "tor-resolve $host $SOCKS_PROXY")) {
- die "Cant call tor-resolve for $host";
- }
- $host_ip = <TORRESOLVE>;
- chomp($host_ip) if($host_ip);
- close(TORRESOLVE);
- if(not $host_ip or not $host_ip =~ /^[\d]+/) {
- plog "NOTICE", "tor-resolve failed to resolve |$host|\n";
- }
- } while(not $host_ip or not $host_ip =~ /^[\d]+/);
- $resolv_exit = query_exit($mcp);
- # Redundant, but maybe we want a max tries..
- if(not $host_ip or not $host_ip =~ /^[\d]+/) {
- plog "WARN", "tor-resolve failed to resolve |$host|\n";
- $host_ip = $fq_host = $host;
- } else {
- $fq_host = $host . "-" . $host_ip;
- }
- plog "DEBUG", "tsocks ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$key_file -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes $username\@$host_ip\n";
- if(not open(SSH, '-|', "tsocks ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$key_file -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes $username\@$host_ip 2>&1")) {
-# \"/bin/ls >& /dev/null\"")) {
- plog "WARN", "ssh pipe failed for $fq_host\n";
- return -1;
- }
- @result = <SSH>;
- close(SSH);
- my $resline = join("", @result);
- my $exit_node = query_exit($mcp);
- if(not $exit_node eq $resolv_exit) {
- plog "NOTICE", "SSH fetch exit $exit_node is not the resolution exit ($resolv_exit)\n";
- $exit_node = $exit_node . "+" . $resolv_exit;
- }
- plog "DEBUG", "Result: " . $resline . "\n";
- if($resline =~ /Connection refused/) {
- plog "NOTICE", "Connection refused for ssh host: $fq_host\n";
- return -1;
- }
- if(not $resline =~ /Permission denied/
- and not $resline =~ /Connection closed by/
- and not $resline =~ /Write failed: Broken pipe/) {
- my $i = 0;
- my $line;
- plog "WARN", "SSH error for $fq_host via $exit_node\n";
- for($i = 0; (stat("$DOC_DIR/ssh/$fq_host-$exit_node-$i"))[0]; $i++)
- { }
- if(not open(ERR, '>', "$DOC_DIR/ssh/$fq_host-$exit_node-$i")) {
- plog "WARN", "Can't save ssh error in $DOC_DIR/ssh/$fq_host-$exit_node-$i\n";
- return -1;
- }
- print ERR "$resline\n";
- close(ERR);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-sub openssh_check_all
- my $mcp = shift;
- my $key_file = shift;
- mkdir("$DOC_DIR/ssh");
- if(not open(KEYFILE, '<', $key_file)) {
- return;
- }
- print $mcp "RESOLVEPORT 22\r\n";
- my $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting resolution port: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- while(<KEYFILE>) {
- next if(/^10\./ or /^192.168/ or /^127/ or /^172/);
- /^([^,\s]+)/;
- my $host = $1;
- if(not $host) {
- plog "WARN", "No ssh host found in $_\n";
- next;
- }
- print $mcp "NEWEXIT\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error on newnym: $line\r\n" if(not $line =~ /^250/);
- openssh_check_one($mcp, $key_file, $host);
- }
- plog "INFO", "Checked all ssh hosts\n";
-sub main
- my $mcp = IO::Socket::INET->new(
- Proto => "tcp",
- PeerAddr => $META_HOST,
- PeerPort => $META_PORT)
- or die "The Metatroller is not enabled";
- my $line = <$mcp>;
- $line = <$mcp>;
- print $mcp "PATHLEN 3\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting pathlen: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- print $mcp "PERCENTFAST 88\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting percentfast: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- print $mcp "USEALLEXITS 1\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting fastexits: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- print $mcp "UNIFORM 0\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting uniform: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- print $mcp "BWCUTOFF 1\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting BWCUTOFF: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- print $mcp "ORDEREXITS 1\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting ORDEREXITS: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- print $mcp "GUARDNODES 0\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error setting Guard Nodes: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- print $mcp "RESETSTATS\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error on RESETSTATS: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- delete $ENV{"http_proxy"};
- delete $ENV{"HTTP_PROXY"};
- delete $ENV{"proxy"};
- delete $ENV{"PROXY"};
- if(is_in("urls", \@TO_SCAN)) {
- @DOC_URLS = (@DOC_URLS, get_doc_list());
- plog "INFO", "Checking doc list for dynamic content\n";
- # Perform 3 checks to eliminate obvious dynamic content
- docs_test_all($mcp, \@DOC_URLS, $DOC_DIR);
- docs_test_all($mcp, \@DOC_URLS, $DOC_DIR);
- docs_test_all($mcp, \@DOC_URLS, $DOC_DIR);
- plog "NOTICE", "Final URL List:\n " . join("\n ", @DOC_URLS) . "\n\n";
- }
- plog "INFO", "Beginning scan loop\n";
- print $mcp "SAVESTATS\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error saving stats: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- while(1) {
- my $scan = $TO_SCAN[int(rand(@TO_SCAN))];
- plog "DEBUG", "Looped\n";
- if($scan eq "ssl") {
- openssl_check_all($mcp, \@HTTPS_SITES);
- } elsif($scan eq "urls") {
- docs_check_all($mcp, \@DOC_URLS, $DOC_DIR);
- if($#DOC_URLS <= (($#FILETYPES+1) * $RESULTS_PER_TYPE)/2) {
- plog "NOTICE", "Adding more URLS\n";
- @DOC_URLS = (@DOC_URLS, get_doc_list());
- docs_test_all($mcp, \@DOC_URLS, $DOC_DIR);
- docs_test_all($mcp, \@DOC_URLS, $DOC_DIR);
- docs_test_all($mcp, \@DOC_URLS, $DOC_DIR);
- }
- } elsif($scan eq "ssh") {
- openssh_check_all($mcp, "./known_hosts");
- }
- print $mcp "SAVESTATS\r\n";
- $line = <$mcp>;
- die "Error saving stats: $line" if (not $line =~ /^250/);
- }
Modified: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.py
--- torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.py 2008-07-16 22:09:51 UTC (rev 15999)
+++ torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.py 2008-07-16 22:40:34 UTC (rev 16000)
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
and comparing content received directly and via tor.
It interacts with metatroller and the control port to be aware of the tor network status.
+If run from the console, soat will loop over all available nodes,
+trying to provide test coverage for the tor network.
+The test results can be viewed using the soatstats.py script.
+See also python soatstats.py
__all__ = ["ExitNodeScanner", "load_wordlist", "get_urls"]
@@ -36,14 +42,9 @@
from TorCtl.PathSupport import *
from TorCtl.TorCtl import Connection
-# Try to use system openssl first
- from OpenSSL import *
- sys.path.append("./tools")
- sys.path.append("./tools/")
- from OpenSSL import *
+from OpenSSL import *
from BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer
from SocksiPy import socks
import Pyssh.pyssh
Modified: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soatstats.py
--- torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soatstats.py 2008-07-16 22:09:51 UTC (rev 15999)
+++ torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soatstats.py 2008-07-16 22:40:34 UTC (rev 16000)
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
class TestResult(object):
+ ''' Parent class for all test result classes '''
def __init__(self, exit_node, site, status):
self.exit_node = exit_node
self.site = site
@@ -49,28 +50,28 @@
self.status = status
class OpenSSLTestResult(TestResult):
+ ''' Represents the result of an openssl test '''
def __init__(self, exit_node, ssl_site, cert_file, status):
super(OpenSSLTestResult, self).__init__(exit_node, ssl_site, status)
self.cert = cert_file
class HttpTestResult(TestResult):
+ ''' Represents the result of a web test '''
def __init__(self, exit_node, website, tag_prints, status):
super(HttpTestResult, self).__init__(exit_node, website, status)
self.tag_prints = tag_prints
class OpenSSHTestResult(TestResult):
+ ''' Represents the result of an ssh test '''
def __init__(self, exit_node, ssh_site, status):
super(OpenSSHTestResult, self).__init__(exit_node, ssh_site, status)
-# Class for saving and managing data
class DataHandler():
- # function for filtering results based on protocol and success level
+ ''' Class for saving and managing test result data '''
def filterResults(self, results,
show_ssh, show_http, show_ssl,
show_good, show_bad, show_unsure):
+ ''' filter results based on protocol and success level '''
filters = []
if not show_ssh:
@@ -95,26 +96,28 @@
return filtered
- # filter by node
def filterByNode(self, results, id):
+ ''' filter by node'''
return filter(lambda x: x.exit_node == id, results)
- # get all available results
def getAll(self):
+ ''' get all available results'''
return self.__getResults(result_dirs)
- # get results per protocol
def getSsh(self):
+ ''' get results of ssh tests '''
return self.__getResults(ssh_result_dirs)
def getHttp(self):
+ ''' get results of http tests '''
return self.__getResults(http_result_dirs)
def getSsl(self):
+ ''' get results of ssl tests '''
return self.__getResults(ssl_result_dirs)
- # gather results from given directories
def __getResults(self, dirs):
+ ''' gather results from files in given directories'''
results = []
for dir in dirs:
@@ -127,8 +130,8 @@
return results
- # generic method for saving test results
def saveResult(self, result):
+ ''' generic method for saving test results '''
if result.__class__.__name__ == 'HttpTestResult':
elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'OpenSSHTestResult':
@@ -136,8 +139,8 @@
elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'OpenSSLTestResult':
- # save results per protocol
def __saveHttp(self, result):
+ ''' save a http result '''
dir = None
if result.status == TEST_SUCCESS:
dir = http_s_dir
@@ -156,9 +159,11 @@
def __saveSsh(self, result):
+ ''' save an ssh result '''
def __saveSsl(self, result):
+ ''' save an ssl result '''
dir = None
if result.status == TEST_SUCCESS:
dir = ssl_s_dir
@@ -179,12 +184,9 @@
# Displaying stats on the console
-# Class to display statistics on the console
-# It can show the summary
class StatsConsole():
+ ''' Class to display statistics from CLI'''
def Listen(self):
while 1:
input = raw_input(">>>")
@@ -338,7 +340,6 @@
if not nowx:
- # The list model to be used for the result listing
class ListMixin(wx.ListCtrl, ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin, ColumnSorterMixin):
def __init__(self, parent, map):
wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT)
@@ -362,8 +363,8 @@
ID_NODE = 31
- # the main application window
class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
+ ''' the main application window for displaying statistics with a GUI'''
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title="Soat test results", size=(900,500))
@@ -419,8 +420,7 @@
wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_SHOW_HTTP, self.GenerateFilteredList)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_SHOW_SSH, self.GenerateFilteredList)
- def initContent(self):
+ def initContent(self):
base = wx.Panel(self, -1)
sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(0,0)
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