[or-cvs] r13298: Updated firegpg and noscript. Fixed some bugs with the home (in incognito/trunk: . arch/x86 arch/x86/overlay portage.config portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/files portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/files root_overlay/etc/init.d root_overlay/usr/sbin root_overlay/var/lib/firefox-config/firefox/m7m1jk79.Default User)
anonym at seul.org
anonym at seul.org
Sat Jan 26 16:27:39 UTC 2008
Author: anonym
Date: 2008-01-26 11:27:39 -0500 (Sat, 26 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 13298
incognito/trunk/root_overlay/var/lib/firefox-config/firefox/m7m1jk79.Default User/localstore.rdf
incognito/trunk/root_overlay/var/lib/firefox-config/firefox/m7m1jk79.Default User/prefs.js
Updated firegpg and noscript.
Fixed some bugs with the home volume thingie. Also, now it's possible to mount the normal volume securely when using a hidden volume.
Release 20080109.1
Modified: incognito/trunk/ChangeLog
--- incognito/trunk/ChangeLog 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/ChangeLog 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
- - Removed fluxbox from full version.
+26 Jan 2008
+20080109.1 changes since 20070824.3:
+ - Removed fluxbox from full version (use KDE instead!).
- Fixed several bugs with encrypted file storage using truecrypt's
hidden volume (for plausible deniability). Now the normal volume
password should work. Some general usability improvements for the
- creation process has also been incorporated.
+ creation process has also been incorporated. It's also possible to
+ completely disable the feature (and re-enable it).
- Added icon (for CD/USB devices in systems that support it).
- Fixed a bug where macchanger gave two or more interfaces the same
MAC ending.
@@ -15,13 +18,14 @@
- Thunderplunger 0.8
- Firefox
- Replaced CookieSafe (discontinued) with CS Lite 1.3.5.
- - FireGPG 0.4.7
- - NoScript 1.2.9
+ - FireGPG 0.4.8
+ - NoScript 1.3.1
- firefox-quick-locale-switcher
- TorK 0.26
- Vidalia 0.16
- Linux kernel 2.6.23 (with gentoo patches)
- New portage snapshot (2008-01-09) and major update of software base.
+ - Dropped maintenance and development of Incognito tiny.
- New website: http://incognito.anonymityanywhere.com
- Pat has resigned and passed on maintenance to anonym.
Modified: incognito/trunk/TODO
--- incognito/trunk/TODO 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/TODO 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -83,3 +83,6 @@
- User help
There should be an http document present on the CD detailing how the following Internet programs should be used for security: Firefox + CS Lite + NoScript + FireGPG, Konqueror (telling that Firefox is preferred), Thunderbird + Enigmail + Torbutton, Mixminion, Tork, Vidalia, Pidgin + OTR, KSirc/Konversation etc. A link to this doscumentation should be present on the desktop, Firefox and Konqueror should have it as start page.
+- Incognito config app
+A configuration program for Incognito specific things like creating USB, clearing persistent home etc.
Modified: incognito/trunk/arch/x86/livecd-stage1.spec
--- incognito/trunk/arch/x86/livecd-stage1.spec 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/arch/x86/livecd-stage1.spec 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
- # Deps for networkmanager so they aren't pulled in stage2, no hal, it requires a kernel
+ # Deps for networkmanager so they aren't pulled in stage2
Modified: incognito/trunk/arch/x86/overlay/incognito.ico
(Binary files differ)
Modified: incognito/trunk/fsscript.sh
--- incognito/trunk/fsscript.sh 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/fsscript.sh 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -238,8 +238,9 @@
find /lib /usr/lib -name "*.la" -print0 | xargs -0 rm
-echo "Removing .keep files"
+echo "Removing crust (.keep, *~ etc.)"
find /var/db/pkg -name "CONTENTS" | xargs cat | grep "/\.keep" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs rm -f
+find / -regex ".+~" -exec rm -f '{}' \;
#echo "Removing dangling links"
#symlinks -dr /
Modified: incognito/trunk/portage.config/package.keywords
--- incognito/trunk/portage.config/package.keywords 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/portage.config/package.keywords 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
kde-misc/ksynaptics ~*
net-misc/socat ~*
net-proxy/dante ~*
-=sys-apps/busybox-1.8.2 ~* # with < 1.8.2 the initrd breaks sometimes?
sys-boot/syslinux ~*
sys-devel/prelink ~*
x11-libs/libsynaptics ~*
Modified: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/Manifest
--- incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/Manifest 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/Manifest 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-EBUILD firegpg-0.4.7.ebuild 1305 RMD160 47ba465c0c5b1238b34844661efe211691e80f12 SHA1 3ba2436c67ba5d7eec30dd30b62fc44a098fb089 SHA256 af5ffebf645f1084a43648087627d785f01d19c096a86f41ea54283f5432459d
-MD5 b1f9595787fce154ba7dd7616a08e7f0 firegpg-0.4.7.ebuild 1305
-RMD160 47ba465c0c5b1238b34844661efe211691e80f12 firegpg-0.4.7.ebuild 1305
-SHA256 af5ffebf645f1084a43648087627d785f01d19c096a86f41ea54283f5432459d firegpg-0.4.7.ebuild 1305
-MD5 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e files/digest-firegpg-0.4.7 0
-RMD160 9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31 files/digest-firegpg-0.4.7 0
-SHA256 e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 files/digest-firegpg-0.4.7 0
+EBUILD firegpg-0.4.8.ebuild 1305 RMD160 4ba80c0d7a58f25c5673f4a935f07fda5f6619b9 SHA1 9992af4924248ef43dbb836e976e089136d1128e SHA256 fa8ccf13b83813b794bcae59bc47a2a54058befea76a9099dd56707fb77adfae
+MD5 a0a6d12c3dc3b77a319e87ceb09cc31c firegpg-0.4.8.ebuild 1305
+RMD160 4ba80c0d7a58f25c5673f4a935f07fda5f6619b9 firegpg-0.4.8.ebuild 1305
+SHA256 fa8ccf13b83813b794bcae59bc47a2a54058befea76a9099dd56707fb77adfae firegpg-0.4.8.ebuild 1305
+MD5 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e files/digest-firegpg-0.4.8 0
+RMD160 9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31 files/digest-firegpg-0.4.8 0
+SHA256 e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 files/digest-firegpg-0.4.8 0
Deleted: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/files/digest-firegpg-0.4.7
Added: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/files/digest-firegpg-0.4.8
Deleted: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/firegpg-0.4.7.ebuild
--- incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/firegpg-0.4.7.ebuild 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/firegpg-0.4.7.ebuild 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit subversion mozextension multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Firefox extension which brings an interface to encrypt, decrypt, sign or verify the signature of text in any web page using GnuPG."
-# We can get a specific release using SVN with a revision number since a version based .xpi is not available
-ESVN_OPTIONS="-r 331"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-RDEPEND="|| (
- >=www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-
- >=www-client/mozilla-firefox-
- app-crypt/gnupg"
-src_unpack() {
- subversion_src_unpack
- ./build.sh
- DISTDIR="${WORKDIR}/distdir"
- mkdir -p "${DISTDIR}"
- mv "${PN}.xpi" "${DISTDIR}/${P}-svn.xpi"
- xpi_unpack "${P}-svn.xpi"
-src_install() {
- if has_version '>=www-client/mozilla-firefox-'; then
- MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/usr/$(get_libdir)/mozilla-firefox"
- elif has_version '>=www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-'; then
- MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/opt/firefox"
- fi
- DISTDIR="${WORKDIR}/distdir"
- xpi_install "${WORKDIR}"/"${P}-svn"
Copied: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/firegpg-0.4.8.ebuild (from rev 13115, incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/firegpg-0.4.7.ebuild)
--- incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/firegpg-0.4.8.ebuild (rev 0)
+++ incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/firegpg/firegpg-0.4.8.ebuild 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit subversion mozextension multilib
+DESCRIPTION="Firefox extension which brings an interface to encrypt, decrypt, sign or verify the signature of text in any web page using GnuPG."
+# We can get a specific release using SVN with a revision number since a version based .xpi is not available
+ESVN_OPTIONS="-r 339"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+RDEPEND="|| (
+ >=www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-
+ >=www-client/mozilla-firefox-
+ app-crypt/gnupg"
+src_unpack() {
+ subversion_src_unpack
+ ./build.sh
+ DISTDIR="${WORKDIR}/distdir"
+ mkdir -p "${DISTDIR}"
+ mv "${PN}.xpi" "${DISTDIR}/${P}-svn.xpi"
+ xpi_unpack "${P}-svn.xpi"
+src_install() {
+ if has_version '>=www-client/mozilla-firefox-'; then
+ MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/usr/$(get_libdir)/mozilla-firefox"
+ elif has_version '>=www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-'; then
+ MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/opt/firefox"
+ fi
+ DISTDIR="${WORKDIR}/distdir"
+ xpi_install "${WORKDIR}"/"${P}-svn"
Modified: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/Manifest
--- incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/Manifest 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/Manifest 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-DIST noscript-1.2.9.xpi 251038 RMD160 3e3ec842c521b844724b6332f47f695ffc6f95ad SHA1 5ba843f9a102b4fa73cfc6b8c3a06e3246aa36a7 SHA256 415303859984af6724ddac11677b1c87f382883775529bbc7e8fd74608eecdc9
-EBUILD noscript-bin-1.2.9.ebuild 944 RMD160 b7dfac2fda047891351aec71da88b43d493164cb SHA1 b8055d1be3006b4bb86c4a7f78a17a42cc4f637e SHA256 b417dd5ef94f58da35eec448dd7cd39d5cd6b54a2b4157e4925e6c0c29ccc741
-MD5 428894bafc4b8e46a7e8daf591067aa8 noscript-bin-1.2.9.ebuild 944
-RMD160 b7dfac2fda047891351aec71da88b43d493164cb noscript-bin-1.2.9.ebuild 944
-SHA256 b417dd5ef94f58da35eec448dd7cd39d5cd6b54a2b4157e4925e6c0c29ccc741 noscript-bin-1.2.9.ebuild 944
-MD5 4037463951ad00c5e70ae26e5a5dbaac files/digest-noscript-bin-1.2.9 235
-RMD160 e2ba8aa7f25bf9593bbd8f0bf6a79eafd945398c files/digest-noscript-bin-1.2.9 235
-SHA256 c079c9907242047d5fa17f98fb14e5a6d17c00acfc9bdfe41f45555c160a3e97 files/digest-noscript-bin-1.2.9 235
+DIST noscript-1.3.1.xpi 254415 RMD160 bfda545ef1ca89b125cd23966df98c7c15097d05 SHA1 6d256b30544ad1babc90e5cb3150f73c38c22835 SHA256 e129f0f695905819c56b1f1a93efdce46dfa5faa8b231f6ed9b94fd5c496b643
+EBUILD noscript-bin-1.3.1.ebuild 944 RMD160 b7dfac2fda047891351aec71da88b43d493164cb SHA1 b8055d1be3006b4bb86c4a7f78a17a42cc4f637e SHA256 b417dd5ef94f58da35eec448dd7cd39d5cd6b54a2b4157e4925e6c0c29ccc741
+MD5 428894bafc4b8e46a7e8daf591067aa8 noscript-bin-1.3.1.ebuild 944
+RMD160 b7dfac2fda047891351aec71da88b43d493164cb noscript-bin-1.3.1.ebuild 944
+SHA256 b417dd5ef94f58da35eec448dd7cd39d5cd6b54a2b4157e4925e6c0c29ccc741 noscript-bin-1.3.1.ebuild 944
+MD5 c77223a22c54f992d3bbb84e8288055d files/digest-noscript-bin-1.3.1 235
+RMD160 c994e7e240ff8b8d8feb390679c3f16179ddaff6 files/digest-noscript-bin-1.3.1 235
+SHA256 251a41ebe4f85036c187f3684def45e1abae39d53d08684b051111d0cb97521a files/digest-noscript-bin-1.3.1 235
Deleted: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/files/digest-noscript-bin-1.2.9
--- incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/files/digest-noscript-bin-1.2.9 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/files/digest-noscript-bin-1.2.9 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 a44216d8656344c20684bd1e3f5061f5 noscript-1.2.9.xpi 251038
-RMD160 3e3ec842c521b844724b6332f47f695ffc6f95ad noscript-1.2.9.xpi 251038
-SHA256 415303859984af6724ddac11677b1c87f382883775529bbc7e8fd74608eecdc9 noscript-1.2.9.xpi 251038
Added: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/files/digest-noscript-bin-1.3.1
--- incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/files/digest-noscript-bin-1.3.1 (rev 0)
+++ incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/files/digest-noscript-bin-1.3.1 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 846ff2aca8ef3d4168a74317deecf9ea noscript-1.3.1.xpi 254415
+RMD160 bfda545ef1ca89b125cd23966df98c7c15097d05 noscript-1.3.1.xpi 254415
+SHA256 e129f0f695905819c56b1f1a93efdce46dfa5faa8b231f6ed9b94fd5c496b643 noscript-1.3.1.xpi 254415
Deleted: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/noscript-bin-1.2.9.ebuild
--- incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/noscript-bin-1.2.9.ebuild 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/noscript-bin-1.2.9.ebuild 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit mozextension multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Firefox plugin to disable javascript"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-RDEPEND="|| (
- >=www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-
- >=www-client/mozilla-firefox-
-src_unpack() {
- xpi_unpack "${PACKAGE}".xpi
-src_install() {
- if has_version '>=www-client/mozilla-firefox-'; then
- MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/usr/$(get_libdir)/mozilla-firefox"
- xpi_install "${S}"/"${PACKAGE}"
- fi
- if has_version '>=www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-'; then
- MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/opt/firefox"
- xpi_install "${S}"/"${PACKAGE}"
- fi
Copied: incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/noscript-bin-1.3.1.ebuild (from rev 13115, incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/noscript-bin-1.2.9.ebuild)
--- incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/noscript-bin-1.3.1.ebuild (rev 0)
+++ incognito/trunk/portage.overlay/x11-plugins/noscript-bin/noscript-bin-1.3.1.ebuild 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit mozextension multilib
+DESCRIPTION="Firefox plugin to disable javascript"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+RDEPEND="|| (
+ >=www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-
+ >=www-client/mozilla-firefox-
+src_unpack() {
+ xpi_unpack "${PACKAGE}".xpi
+src_install() {
+ if has_version '>=www-client/mozilla-firefox-'; then
+ MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/usr/$(get_libdir)/mozilla-firefox"
+ xpi_install "${S}"/"${PACKAGE}"
+ fi
+ if has_version '>=www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-'; then
+ MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/opt/firefox"
+ xpi_install "${S}"/"${PACKAGE}"
+ fi
Modified: incognito/trunk/root_overlay/etc/init.d/external-config-setup
--- incognito/trunk/root_overlay/etc/init.d/external-config-setup 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/root_overlay/etc/init.d/external-config-setup 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -80,23 +80,35 @@
ebegin "Mounting TrueCrypt /home"
- QUESTION_PASSWORD="Please enter the password for the home volume, or choose cancel to boot with default settings and no persistent storage."
- QUESTION_ERROR="An error occurred opening the volume, see above, hit ENTER to try again"
+ LABEL_OPT_PWD="Optional password"
+ QUESTION_PASSWORD="Please enter the password(s) for the home volume, or choose cancel to boot with default settings and no persistent storage.
+To get standard access to a volume, enter the appropriate password in the '${LABEL_PASSWORD}' field and leave the ${LABEL_OPT_PWD} blank. For example, if you do NOT have a hidden volume, you should always simply enter your single password in the '${LABEL_PASSWORD}' field. If you have a hidden volume and want to access it you instead enter the hidden volume password in the '${LABEL_PASSWORD}' field.
+If you have a hidden volume but want to access the normal volume safely, enter the normal volume password in the '${LABEL_PASSWORD}' field and the hidden volume password in the '${LABEL_OPT_PWD}' field. If you enter the normal volume password without entering the hidden volume password in this way you risk corrupting the hidden volume and make it inaccessible."
+ QUESTION_ERROR="An error occurred opening the volume, see above, hit Enter/Return to try again"
TITLE="Open Persistent Home Volume"
# Ask for truecrypt password, use password from creating (hidden volume preferred) if available
while true; do
- dialog --stdout --ascii-lines --title "${TITLE}" --backtitle "__INCOGNITO__" --insecure --passwordbox "${QUESTION_PASSWORD}" 0 0 1>/tmp/dialog
+ dialog --ascii-lines --title "${TITLE}" --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --insecure --passwordform "${QUESTION_PASSWORD}" 0 0 0 "${LABEL_PASSWORD}" 1 0 "" 2 0 40 1024 "${LABEL_OPT_PWD}" 4 0 "" 5 0 40 1024 2>/tmp/dialog
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
rm /tmp/dialog
- TRUECRYPT_PW="$(</tmp/dialog)"
+ TRUECRYPT_PW1="$( tail -n 2 /tmp/dialog | head -n 1 )"
+ TRUECRYPT_PW2="$( tail -n 1 /tmp/dialog )"
rm /tmp/dialog
- # Attempt to mount the volume
- truecrypt --keyfile "" --password "${TRUECRYPT_PW}" "${HOMEPART_TC}" /home
+ # if we got two passwords, try mounting the normal volume safely, otherwise mount normally
+ if [[ -z ${TRUECRYPT_PW2} ]]; then
+ truecrypt --keyfile "" --password "${TRUECRYPT_PW1}" "${HOMEPART_TC}" /home
+ else
+ truecrypt --protect-hidden --keyfile "" --keyfile "" --password "${TRUECRYPT_PW1}" --password "${TRUECRYPT_PW2}" "${HOMEPART_TC}" /home
+ fi
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
touch /var/state/boot-media-home
Modified: incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin/create-homevol
--- incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin/create-homevol 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin/create-homevol 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
# Create the home volume
[[ -n "${MEDIAROOT}" ]] || MEDIAROOT="/mnt/cdrom"
[[ -n "${HOMEPART_EXT3}" ]] || HOMEPART_EXT3="${MEDIAROOT}/home.ext3.img"
[[ -n "${HOMEPART_TC}" ]] || HOMEPART_TC="${MEDIAROOT}/home.tc"
@@ -14,36 +12,36 @@
TITLE="Create Persistent Home Volume"
+MIN_SIZE=$(( $(du -sk /home | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 + 11)) # 10 to 11 MB extra so that it works better
MAX_SIZE=$(( ${MEDIAFREE} / 1024 ))
-QUESTION_HOME_PART="Would you like to create a persistent home volume that will keep your data over __INCOGNITO__ sessions?"
+QUESTION_HOME_PART="Would you like to create a persistent home volume that will keep your data over __INCOGNITO__ sessions? This means that application settings and file changes in your home directory will persist through computer shutdowns which is not normally the case with __INCOGNITO__ (normally everything is reseted on a reboot)."
QUESTION_NO_PERSISTENT="Would you like to disable the persistent home volume? That way this prompt will never appear when starting __INCOGNITO__.
If you choose 'yes' here this can be undone by running the 'Enable persistant home volume' script located on the desktop when logged in."
-QUESTION_SIZE="Enter the size in megabytes for the volume. For various reasons, ${MIN_SIZE} MB is the smallest we allow. There will be a recommended value in the input field which work for most users. The recommended value will utilize most space but save a little so future upgrades of __INCOGNITO__ will fit."
-QUESTION_HIDDEN_SIZE="How much of the normal volume's capacity would you like the hidden volume to consist of? As the hidden volume is the one you should use, try to put as much as possible there, but no too much as that will make your normal volume too small and not work well. The recommended value which already is entered in the field should be optimal for most users."
-QUESTION_ENCRYPTION="Would you like to encrypt the volume using TrueCrypt? This will make your data unreadable for everyone that doesn't have the password you choose unless they can guess it."
-QUESTION_HIDDEN_VOLUME="Do you want to use a hidden volume?
+QUESTION_SIZE="Enter the size in megabytes for the home volume. ${MIN_SIZE} MB is the smallest we allow, but it is strongly recommended to use more. There will be a recommended value in the input field which work for most users. The recommended value will utilize most space but save a little so that future upgrades of __INCOGNITO__ will fit. If you plan to store other files on the media you should take that into account and decrease the volume size appropriately."
+QUESTION_ENCRYPTION="Would you like to encrypt the home volume using TrueCrypt? This will make your data unreadable for everyone that does not have the password you choose unless they can guess it."
+QUESTION_HIDDEN_VOLUME="Do you want to use a hidden home volume?
-A hidden volume offers you plausable deniability which is essential in case you live in a country where you must hand over encryption keys and passwords to the authorities when suspected for a crime (like in the UK). The hidden volume will reside in the free space of the normal volume, and you will have two different passwords; one that grants access to the normal volume and one that grants access to the hidden volume. The password for the normal volume can be given away to the authorities when they so demand, and as long as you keep your hidden volume password for yourself they cannot prove of its existence.
+A hidden volume offers you plausable deniability which is essential in case you live in a country where you must hand over encryption keys and passwords to the authorities when suspected for a crime (like in the UK). The hidden volume will reside in the free space of the normal volume, and you will have two different passwords; one that grants access to the normal volume and one that grants access to the hidden volume. When the password promt appears (sometime during the __INCOGNITO__ start process) you simply choose which one of these to use. The password for the normal volume can be given away to the authorities when they so demand, and as long as you keep your hidden volume password for yourself they cannot prove of its existence. This is why you get plausible deniability.
-If you want to use a hidden volume, you should do all your real work within your hidden volume, which you access with the hidden volume password. Only occasionally should you log in to the normal volume (using the normal volume password) and do some \"normal\" things (i.e. no illegal or otherwise sensitive activites) so it looks like it is being used, otherwise the authorities might become suspicious when they discover that you haven't touched it. When you do that, just remember to not save much data on the normal volume as that can damage your hidden volume.
-You can use a weak and easy-to-remember password for the normal volume, but the hidden volume should have a password just as strong as any other password protecting sensitive data."
-PASSWORD_RECOMMENDATION="REMEMBER TO USE STRONG PASSWORDS! Blank passwords are not accepted. For some security it is recommended to use at least 12 characters including both upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, without any words from any language or other similar systems. It should be as random (and long) as your memory allows."
+If you choose to use a hidden volume you should do all your real work within your hidden volume, which you access with the hidden volume password. Only occasionally should you log in to the normal volume and do some \"normal\", innocent things (i.e. no illegal or otherwise sensitive activites) just so it looks like it is being used, otherwise the authorities might become suspicious when they discover that you have not touched it. But beware! When only entering the normal volume password to access the normal volume, you risk damaging the normal volume. However, the __INCOGNITO__ password prompt supports a safe way to access the normal volume by specifying both passwords. In this mode, changes that otherwise would damage the hidden volume are undone. Be sure to use this mode whenever you want to access the normal volume."
+QUESTION_HIDDEN_SIZE="How much of the normal home volume's capacity would you like the hidden home volume to use? The hidden volume is the one you should use for real work, so try to put as much as possible there. If you choose the maximum value (recommended), around ${MIN_SIZE} MB is left for the normal volume so it will work to some degree, but if you want it to work well (e.g. be able to do web browsing) you should leave even more space for the normal volume. Around 50 MB should be enough for most purposes."
+PASSWORD_RECOMMENDATION="REMEMBER TO USE STRONG PASSWORDS! Blank passwords are not accepted. For some security it is recommended to use at least 10 characters including both upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, without any words from any language or other similar systems. It should be as random (and long) as your memory allows."
+PASSWORD_NORMAL_VS_HIDDEN="As you will use a hidden volume, this password (i.e. for the normal volume) should be easy to remember and need not be particularly strong, just enough to fool the authorities. Only the hidden volume's password needs to be strong."
QUESTION_NORMAL_PASSWORD="Please enter the password for the normal volume.
-Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move between input fields. Press Enter/Return when finished.
+Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move between input fields. Press Enter/Return to continue when finished, or Escape to exit.
QUESTION_HIDDEN_PASSWORD="Please enter the password for the hidden volume.
-Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move between input fields. Press Enter/Return when finished.
+Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move between input fields. Press Enter/Return to continue when finished, or Escape to exit.
This password cannot be the same as the password for the normal volume."
+NORMAL_NO_SPACE="Sorry, but you do not have enough space left on the media. If you store some other files on the media, try remove them, otherwise the only solution is to get yourself a media with higher capacity."
+HIDDEN_NO_SPACE="Sorry, but you do not have enough space left in the normal volume. Your normal volume will still work though."
LABEL_PASSWORD="Enter your desired password:"
LABEL_REPEAT="Re-enter your password:"
MESSAGE_CREATING_TRUECRYPT_NORMAL="Creating TrueCrypt normal volume..."
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@
# Ask for home volume
-dialog --ascii-lines --timeout 10 --title "${TITLE}" --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --yesno "${QUESTION_HOME_PART}" ${DIM}
+dialog --ascii-lines --title "${TITLE}" --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --yesno "${QUESTION_HOME_PART}" ${DIM}
# If not, check if the user want to disable it semi-permanently
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
@@ -70,7 +68,7 @@
# Check if minimum required amount of space is available
if [[ ${MAX_SIZE} -lt ${MIN_SIZE} ]]; then
- echo "Sorry, but you do not have enough space left on the media (Minimum needed: ${MIN_SIZE} MB, currently available: ${MAX_SIZE} MB)"
+ dialog --ascii-lines --title "${TITLE}" --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --msgbox "${NORMAL_NO_SPACE} (Minimum needed: ${MIN_SIZE} MB, currently available: ${MAX_SIZE} MB)" ${DIM}
exit 1
@@ -78,9 +76,12 @@
declare -i SIZE
while [[ ${SIZE} -lt ${MIN_SIZE} || ${SIZE} -gt ${MAX_SIZE} ]]; do
- # Recommend all space except 50 MB, left for future upgrades. If there's not enough for that, maximize.
- SIZE=$(( ${MAX_SIZE} - 50 ))
- [[ ${SIZE} -lt ${MIN_SIZE} ]] && SIZE=${MAX_SIZE}
+ # If there's much space (150+ MB, chosen quite arbitrarily) save 50 MB for updates, otherwise recommend using all available space for the volume
+ if [[ ${MAX_SIZE} -gt 150 ]]; then
+ SIZE=$(( ${MAX_SIZE} - 50 ))
+ else
+ fi
dialog --ascii-lines --title "${TITLE}" --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --inputbox "${QUESTION_SIZE} (Possible values: ${MIN_SIZE} MB to ${MAX_SIZE} MB)" ${DIM} "${SIZE}" 2>/tmp/dialog
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] || exit 0
@@ -93,11 +94,13 @@
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
# Ask if a hidden volume should be used
dialog --ascii-lines --title "${TITLE}" --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --yesno "${QUESTION_HIDDEN_VOLUME}" ${DIM}
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- PASSWORD_RECOMMENDATION="As you will use a hidden volume, this password (i.e. for the normal volume) should just be easy to remember and need not be particularly strong, just string enough so the authorities believe that you are serious."
+ else
# Ask for the normal volume password
@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@
shred -u /tmp/dialog
+ NORMAL_PW="${PW1}"
@@ -137,7 +140,6 @@
mount -t ext3 /dev/mapper/truecrypt1 /tmp/home
rm -rf /tmp/home/*
cp -a /home/* /tmp/home
- USED=$(( $(du -sk /tmp/home | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 + 1))
umount /tmp/home
rmdir /tmp/home
truecrypt -d /dev/mapper/truecrypt1
@@ -145,14 +147,18 @@
# Set up hidden volume
if [[ ${USE_HIDDEN_VOLUME} == "yes" ]]; then
- # Size considerations for hidden volume
- MIN_HIDDEN_SIZE=$(( ${USED} + 1 ))
- MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE=$(( ${SIZE} - ${USED} ))
+ # Size considerations for hidden volume. The max value saves some for the normal volume
+ if [[ ${MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE} -lt ${MIN_SIZE} ]]; then
+ dialog --ascii-lines --title "${TITLE}" --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --msgbox "${HIDDEN_NO_SPACE} (Minimum needed: ${MIN_HIDDEN_SIZE} MB, currently available: ${MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE} MB)" ${DIM}
+ exit 0
+ fi
while [[ ${HIDDEN_SIZE} -gt ${MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE} || ${HIDDEN_SIZE} -lt ${MIN_HIDDEN_SIZE} ]]; do
- # recommend all size of normal volume execpt what it already occupies plus 7 MB so the normal volume behaves better
- [[ ${HIDDEN_SIZE} -lt 0 ]] && HIDDEN_SIZE="$(( ${SIZE} - ${USED} ))"
+ # recommend max
dialog --ascii-lines --title "${TITLE}" --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --inputbox "${QUESTION_HIDDEN_SIZE} (Possible values: ${MIN_HIDDEN_SIZE} MB to ${MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE} MB)" ${DIM} "${HIDDEN_SIZE}" 2>/tmp/dialog
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] || exit 0
@@ -174,7 +180,7 @@
shred -u /tmp/dialog
+ HIDDEN_PW="${PW1}"
@@ -219,5 +225,3 @@
Modified: incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin/enable-persistent-vol
--- incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin/enable-persistent-vol 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin/enable-persistent-vol 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -3,18 +3,13 @@
# FIXME: we should get this from somewhere
-rm -f ${LOCK_FILE}
+sudo rm -f ${LOCK_FILE}
# Find the dialog command
DIALOG="$(which Xdialog 2>/dev/null)"
if [ -z "${DIALOG}" -o -z "${DISPLAY}" ]; then
DIALOG="$(which dialog 2>/dev/null)"
-if [[ -z "${DIALOG}" ]]; then
- echo "Could not find Xdialog or dialog"
- exit 1
DIALOG="${DIALOG} --wrap --cr-wrap --left"
Modified: incognito/trunk/root_overlay/var/lib/firefox-config/firefox/m7m1jk79.Default User/localstore.rdf
--- incognito/trunk/root_overlay/var/lib/firefox-config/firefox/m7m1jk79.Default User/localstore.rdf 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/root_overlay/var/lib/firefox-config/firefox/m7m1jk79.Default User/localstore.rdf 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -1,53 +1,62 @@
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Modified: incognito/trunk/root_overlay/var/lib/firefox-config/firefox/m7m1jk79.Default User/prefs.js
--- incognito/trunk/root_overlay/var/lib/firefox-config/firefox/m7m1jk79.Default User/prefs.js 2008-01-26 15:27:14 UTC (rev 13297)
+++ incognito/trunk/root_overlay/var/lib/firefox-config/firefox/m7m1jk79.Default User/prefs.js 2008-01-26 16:27:39 UTC (rev 13298)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
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@@ -88,5 +88,5 @@
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user_pref("extensions.firegpg.no_updates", true);
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