[or-cvs] r11002: Moved CircuitHandler and StreamHandler classes to PathSuppor (in torflow/trunk: . TorCtl)

renner at seul.org renner at seul.org
Tue Jul 31 05:58:19 UTC 2007

Author: renner
Date: 2007-07-31 01:58:18 -0400 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 11002


  Moved CircuitHandler and StreamHandler classes to PathSupport.py and introduced 
  saving of a network-model to a binary-file for being able to load it on startup.

Modified: torflow/trunk/TorCtl/GeoIPSupport.py
--- torflow/trunk/TorCtl/GeoIPSupport.py	2007-07-31 00:26:54 UTC (rev 11001)
+++ torflow/trunk/TorCtl/GeoIPSupport.py	2007-07-31 05:58:18 UTC (rev 11002)
@@ -56,39 +56,42 @@
 # List of continents
 continents = [africa, asia, europe, north_america, oceania, south_america]
-# Perform country -- continent mapping
 def get_continent(country_code):
+  """ Perform country -- continent mapping """
   for c in continents:
     if c.contains(country_code):
       return c.code
   plog("INFO", country_code + " is not on any continent")
   return None
-# Get the country code out of a GeoLiteCity record (not used)
+def get_country(ip):
+  """ Get the country via the library """
+  return geoip.country_code_by_addr(ip)
 def get_country_from_record(ip):
+  """ Get the country code out of a GeoLiteCity record (not used) """
   record = geoip.record_by_addr(ip)
   if record != None:
     return record['country_code']
-# Router class extended to GeoIP
 class GeoIPRouter(TorCtl.Router):  
+  """ Router class extended to GeoIP """
   def __init__(self, router):
     self.__dict__ = router.__dict__
-    # Select method to get the country_code here
-    self.country_code = geoip.country_code_by_addr(self.get_ip_dotted())
-    #self.country_code = get_country_from_record(self.get_ip_dotted())    
+    self.country_code = get_country(self.get_ip_dotted())
     if self.country_code == None: 
       plog("INFO", self.nickname + ": Country code not found")
       self.continent = None
     else: self.continent = get_continent(self.country_code)
-  # Convert long int back to dotted quad string
   def get_ip_dotted(self):
+    """ Convert long int back to dotted quad string """
     return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', self.ip))
 class GeoIPConfig:
   """ Class to configure GeoIP-based path building """		    
-  def __init__(self, unique_countries, max_crossings, entry_country, exit_country, excludes):    
+  def __init__(self, unique_countries, max_crossings, entry_country, 
+     exit_country, excludes): 
     # TODO: Somehow ensure validity of the configuration
     # Do not use a country twice in a route 

Modified: torflow/trunk/TorCtl/PathSupport.py
--- torflow/trunk/TorCtl/PathSupport.py	2007-07-31 00:26:54 UTC (rev 11001)
+++ torflow/trunk/TorCtl/PathSupport.py	2007-07-31 05:58:18 UTC (rev 11002)
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
 "AtLeastNNodeRestriction", "NotNodeRestriction", "Subnet16Restriction",
 "UniqueRestriction", "UniformGenerator", "OrderedExitGenerator",
 "BwWeightedGenerator", "PathSelector", "Connection", "NickRestriction", 
-"IdHexRestriction", "PathBuilder", "SelectionManager", 
-"CountryCodeRestriction", "CountryRestriction", "UniqueCountryRestriction",
-"SingleCountryRestriction", "ContinentRestriction", 
-"ContinentJumperRestriction", "UniqueContinentRestriction"]
+"IdHexRestriction", "PathBuilder", "CircuitHandler", "StreamHandler", 
+"SelectionManager", "CountryCodeRestriction", "CountryRestriction", 
+"UniqueCountryRestriction", "SingleCountryRestriction", 
+"ContinentRestriction", "ContinentJumperRestriction", 
 #################### Path Support Interfaces #####################
@@ -661,9 +662,12 @@
     self.exit = None
     self.built = False
     self.dirty = False
+    self.closed = False
     self.detached_cnt = 0
     self.last_extended_at = time.time()
-    self.pending_streams = [] # Which stream IDs are pending us
+    self.extend_times = []      # List of all extend-durations
+    self.setup_duration = None  # Sum of extend-times
+    self.pending_streams = []   # Which stream IDs are pending us
   def id_path(self): return map(lambda r: r.idhex, self.path)
@@ -979,9 +983,278 @@
   def bandwidth_event(self, b): pass # For heartbeat only..
+################### CircuitHandler #############################
+class CircuitHandler(PathBuilder):
+  """ CircuitHandler that extends from PathBuilder """
+  def __init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circuits, RouterClass):
+    PathBuilder.__init__(self, c, selmgr, RouterClass)
+    self.num_circuits = num_circuits    # Size of the circuit pool
+    self.check_circuit_pool()	        # Bring up the pool of circs
+  def check_circuit_pool(self):
+    """ Init or check the status of the circuit-pool """
+    # Get current number of circuits
+    n = len(self.circuits.values())
+    i = self.num_circuits-n
+    if i > 0:
+      plog("INFO", "Checked pool of circuits: we need to build " + 
+         str(i) + " circuits")
+    # Schedule (num_circs-n) circuit-buildups
+    while (n < self.num_circuits):      
+      self.build_circuit("", 80)
+      plog("DEBUG", "Scheduled circuit No. " + str(n+1))
+      n += 1
+  def build_circuit(self, host, port):
+    """ Build a circuit """
+    circ = None
+    while circ == None:
+      try:
+        self.selmgr.set_target(host, port)
+        circ = self.c.build_circuit(self.selmgr.pathlen, 
+           self.selmgr.path_selector)
+        self.circuits[circ.circ_id] = circ
+      except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e:
+        # FIXME: How come some routers are non-existant? Shouldn't
+        # we have gotten an NS event to notify us they disappeared?
+        plog("NOTICE", "Error building circuit: " + str(e.args))
+    return circ
+  def close_circuit(self, id):
+    """ Close a circuit with given id """
+    # TODO: Pass streams to another circ before closing?
+    self.circuits[id].closed = True
+    try: self.c.close_circuit(id)
+    except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e: 
+      plog("ERROR", "Failed closing circuit " + str(id) + ": " + str(e))
+  def circ_status_event(self, c):
+    """ Handle circuit status events """
+    output = [c.event_name, str(c.circ_id), c.status]
+    if c.path: output.append(",".join(c.path))
+    if c.reason: output.append("REASON=" + c.reason)
+    if c.remote_reason: output.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + c.remote_reason)
+    plog("DEBUG", " ".join(output))
+    # Circuits we don't control get built by Tor
+    if c.circ_id not in self.circuits:
+      plog("DEBUG", "Ignoring circuit " + str(c.circ_id) + 
+         " (controlled by Tor)")
+      return
+    if c.status == "EXTENDED":
+      # Compute elapsed time
+      extend_time = c.arrived_at-self.circuits[c.circ_id].last_extended_at
+      self.circuits[c.circ_id].extend_times.append(extend_time)
+      plog("INFO", "Circuit " + str(c.circ_id) + " extended in " + 
+         str(extend_time) + " sec")
+      self.circuits[c.circ_id].last_extended_at = c.arrived_at
+    elif c.status == "FAILED" or c.status == "CLOSED":
+      # XXX: Can still get a STREAM FAILED for this circ after this
+      circ = self.circuits[c.circ_id]
+      # Actual removal of the circ
+      del self.circuits[c.circ_id]
+      # Give away pending streams
+      for stream in circ.pending_streams:
+	plog("DEBUG", "Finding new circ for " + str(stream.strm_id))
+        self.attach_stream_any(stream, stream.detached_from)
+      # Check if there are enough circs
+      self.check_circuit_pool()
+      return
+    # BUILT
+    elif c.status == "BUILT":
+      circ = self.circuits[c.circ_id]
+      circ.built = True
+      for stream in circ.pending_streams:
+        try:
+          self.c.attach_stream(stream.strm_id, c.circ_id)
+        except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e:
+          # No need to retry here. We should get the failed
+          # event for either the circ or stream next
+          plog("WARN", "Error attaching stream: " + str(e.args))
+      # Compute duration by summing up extend_times
+      duration = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, circ.extend_times, 0.0)
+      plog("INFO", "Circuit " + str(c.circ_id) + " needed " + 
+         str(duration) + " seconds to be built")
+      # Save the duration to the circuit for later use
+      circ.setup_duration = duration
+    # OTHER?
+    else:
+      # If this was e.g. a LAUNCHED
+      pass
+################### StreamHandler ##############################
+class StreamHandler(CircuitHandler):
+  """ StreamHandler that extends from the CircuitHandler """
+  def __init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs, RouterClass):
+    CircuitHandler.__init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs, RouterClass)
+    self.sorted_circs = None    # optional sorted list
+  def clear_dns_cache(self):
+    """ Send signal CLEARDNSCACHE """
+    lines = self.c.sendAndRecv("SIGNAL CLEARDNSCACHE\r\n")
+    for _, msg, more in lines:
+      plog("DEBUG", "CLEARDNSCACHE: " + msg)
+  def close_stream(self, id, reason):
+    """ Close a stream with given id and reason """
+    self.c.close_stream(id, reason)
+  def create_and_attach(self, stream, unattached_streams):
+    """ Create a new circuit and attach (stream + unattached_streams) """
+    circ = self.build_circuit(stream.host, stream.port)
+    for u in unattached_streams:
+      plog("DEBUG", "Attaching " + str(u.strm_id) + 
+         " pending build of circuit " + str(circ.circ_id))
+      u.pending_circ = circ      
+    circ.pending_streams.extend(unattached_streams)
+    self.circuits[circ.circ_id] = circ
+    self.last_exit = circ.exit
+  def attach_stream_any(self, stream, badcircs):
+    """ Attach a regular user stream """
+    unattached_streams = [stream]
+    if self.new_nym:
+      self.new_nym = False
+      plog("DEBUG", "Obeying new nym")
+      for key in self.circuits.keys():
+        if (not self.circuits[key].dirty
+            and len(self.circuits[key].pending_streams)):
+          plog("WARN", "New nym called, destroying circuit "+str(key)
+             +" with "+str(len(self.circuits[key].pending_streams))
+             +" pending streams")
+          unattached_streams.extend(self.circuits[key].pending_streams)
+          del self.circuits[key].pending_streams[:]
+        # FIXME: Consider actually closing circs if no streams
+        self.circuits[key].dirty = True
+    # Check if there is a sorted list of circs
+    if self.sorted_circs: list = self.sorted_circs
+    else: list = self.circuits.values()
+    for circ in list:
+      # Check each circuit
+      if circ.built and not circ.closed and circ.circ_id not in badcircs and not circ.dirty:
+        if circ.exit.will_exit_to(stream.host, stream.port):
+          try:
+            self.c.attach_stream(stream.strm_id, circ.circ_id)
+            stream.pending_circ = circ # Only one possible here
+            circ.pending_streams.append(stream)
+            self.last_exit = circ.exit
+          except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e:
+            # No need to retry here. We should get the failed
+            # event for either the circ or stream next
+            plog("WARN", "Error attaching stream: " + str(e.args))
+            return
+          break
+	else:
+	  plog("DEBUG", "Circuit " + str(circ.circ_id) + " won't exit")
+    else:
+      self.create_and_attach(stream, unattached_streams)
+  def stream_status_event(self, s):
+    """ Catch user stream events """
+    # Construct debugging output
+    output = [s.event_name, str(s.strm_id), s.status, str(s.circ_id), s.target_host, str(s.target_port)]
+    if s.reason: output.append("REASON=" + s.reason)
+    if s.remote_reason: output.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + s.remote_reason)
+    plog("DEBUG", " ".join(output))
+    # If target_host is not an IP-address
+    if not re.match(r"\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+", s.target_host):
+      s.target_host = "" # ignore DNS for exit policy check
+    if s.status == "NEW" or s.status == "NEWRESOLVE":
+      if s.status == "NEWRESOLVE" and not s.target_port:
+        s.target_port = self.resolve_port      
+      # Set up the new stream
+      stream = Stream(s.strm_id, s.target_host, s.target_port, s.status)
+      self.streams[s.strm_id] = stream        
+      self.attach_stream_any(self.streams[s.strm_id], self.streams[s.strm_id].detached_from)
+    elif s.status == "DETACHED":
+      # Stream not found
+      if s.strm_id not in self.streams:
+        plog("WARN", "Detached stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " not found")
+        self.streams[s.strm_id] = Stream(s.strm_id, s.target_host, s.target_port, "NEW")
+      # Circuit not found
+      if not s.circ_id:
+        plog("WARN", "Stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " detached from no circuit!")
+      else:
+        self.streams[s.strm_id].detached_from.append(s.circ_id)      
+      # Detect timeouts on user streams
+      if s.reason == "TIMEOUT":
+	# TODO: Count timeouts on streams?
+	#self.streams[s.strm_id].timeout_counter += 1
+	plog("DEBUG", "User stream timed out on circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
+      # Stream was pending
+      if self.streams[s.strm_id] in self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.pending_streams:
+        self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.pending_streams.remove(self.streams[s.strm_id])
+      # Attach to another circ
+      self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ = None
+      self.attach_stream_any(self.streams[s.strm_id], self.streams[s.strm_id].detached_from)
+    if s.status == "SUCCEEDED":
+      if s.strm_id not in self.streams:
+        plog("NOTICE", "Succeeded stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " not found")
+        return
+      if s.circ_id and self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.circ_id != s.circ_id:
+        # Hrmm.. this can happen on a new-nym.. Very rare, putting warn
+        # in because I'm still not sure this is correct
+        plog("WARN", "Mismatch of pending: "
+          + str(self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.circ_id) + " vs "
+          + str(s.circ_id))
+	self.streams[s.strm_id].circ = self.circuits[s.circ_id]
+      else:
+        self.streams[s.strm_id].circ = self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ
+      self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.pending_streams.remove(self.streams[s.strm_id])
+      self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ = None
+      self.streams[s.strm_id].attached_at = s.arrived_at
+    elif s.status == "FAILED" or s.status == "CLOSED":
+      if s.strm_id not in self.streams:
+        plog("NOTICE", "Failed stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " not found")
+        return
+      # if not s.circ_id: 
+      # plog("WARN", "Stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " closed/failed from no circuit")
+      # We get failed and closed for each stream, let CLOSED do the cleanup
+      if s.status == "FAILED":
+        # Avoid busted circuits that will not resolve or carry traffic
+        self.streams[s.strm_id].failed = True
+	if s.circ_id in self.circuits: self.circuits[s.circ_id].dirty = True
+        elif self.streams[s.strm_id].attached_at != 0: 
+	  plog("WARN", "Failed stream on unknown circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
+	return
+      # CLOSED
+      if self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ:
+        self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.pending_streams.remove(self.streams[s.strm_id])
+      # Actual removal of the stream
+      del self.streams[s.strm_id]
+    # REMAP
+    elif s.status == "REMAP":
+      if s.strm_id not in self.streams:
+        plog("WARN", "Remap id "+str(s.strm_id)+" not found")
+      else:
+        if not re.match(r"\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+", s.target_host):
+          s.target_host = ""
+          plog("NOTICE", "Non-IP remap for "+str(s.strm_id) + 
+             " to " + s.target_host)		   
+        self.streams[s.strm_id].host = s.target_host
+        self.streams[s.strm_id].port = s.target_port
 ########################## Unit tests ##########################
 def do_unit(rst, r_list, plamb):
   print "\n"
   print "-----------------------------------"

Modified: torflow/trunk/op-addon.py
--- torflow/trunk/op-addon.py	2007-07-31 00:26:54 UTC (rev 11001)
+++ torflow/trunk/op-addon.py	2007-07-31 05:58:18 UTC (rev 11002)
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
 GEOIP = "GeoIP"
 RTT = "RTT"
-# Set global variables here
 # Measure the circuits
 measure_circs = config.getboolean(RTT, "measure_circs")
 if measure_circs:
@@ -128,6 +127,9 @@
       use_guards = config.getboolean(NODE_SELECTION, "use_guards"),
       geoip_config = get_geoip_config())
+# Path to directory where to store files
+data_dir = "data/op-addon/"
 ## Connection #################################################################
 class Connection(TorCtl.Connection):
@@ -200,7 +202,6 @@
 ## FileHandler ################################################################
-# TODO: Move this to TorCtl.TorUtil?
 class FileHandler:
   """ FileHandler class for writing/appending collected data to a file """
   def __init__(self, filename):
@@ -236,11 +237,7 @@
     self.timeout_counter = 0	# timeout limit
     self.slowness_counter = 0 	# slowness limit
     self.rtt_created = False	# if this was created from the model
-    # TODO: Move these to PathSupport.py?
-    self.closed = False		# mark circuit closed
-    self.extend_times = []      # list of all extend-times
-    self.setup_duration = None  # sum of extend-times
   def add_rtt(self, rtt):
     """ Add a new value and refresh the stats """
     # Set current
@@ -276,7 +273,6 @@
 ## CircuitBuildingStats #######################################################
-# TODO: Move to TorCtl.TorUtil?
 class CircuitBuildingStats(Stats):
   """ Create an instance of this and gather overall circuit stats """
   def __init__(self):
@@ -329,27 +325,43 @@
     """ Create a string for printing out information """
     s = ""
     for l in self.links:
-      # Get the single objects
-      s += l.src.nickname + "--" + l.dest.nickname +\
-         " (" + str(l.current_rtt) + ") " + ", "
-    return "Route proposal: " + s + "--> " + str(self.rtt) + " sec" 
+      s += str(l.src) + "--" + l.dest + " (" + str(l.current_rtt) + ") " + ", "
+    return s + "--> " + str(self.rtt) + " sec" 
 class NetworkModel:  
   """ This class is used to record measured RTTs for single links in a model 
       of the 'currently explored subnet' (undirected graph) """  
-  def __init__(self, rooter):
+  def __init__(self, logfile=None):
     """ Constructor: pass the root of all our circuits """
-    # Use XDiGraph() (= directed)?
-    self.graph = networkx.XGraph(name="Explored Tor Subnet", 
-       selfloops=False, multiedges=False)
-    # Initially add THIS proxy to the model
-    self.root = rooter
-    self.graph.add_node(self.root)
-    self.proposals = []
-    plog("DEBUG", "NetworkModel initiated: added " + self.root.nickname)
+    self.pickle_path = "data/op-addon/network-model.pickle"
+    self.logfile = logfile      # Optional logfile
+    self.proposals = []         # Current list of circ-proposals
+    self.prefixes = {}          # Prefixes for DFS    
+    try: 
+      self.graph = self.load_graph()
+      self.find_all_proposals()
+      self.print_info()
+    except:
+      plog("INFO", "Could not load a model, creating a new one ..")
+      self.graph = networkx.XGraph(name="Explored Tor Subnet")
+      self.graph.add_node(None)
+    plog("INFO", "NetworkModel initiated")
+  def save_graph(self):
+    """ Write the graph to a binary file """
+    start = time.time()
+    networkx.write_gpickle(self.graph, self.pickle_path)
+    plog("INFO", "Saved graph to '" + self.pickle_path + 
+       "' in " + str(time.time()-start) + " sec")
+  def load_graph(self):
+    """ Load a graph from a binary file and return it """
+    graph = networkx.read_gpickle(self.pickle_path)    
+    plog("INFO", "Loaded graph from '" + self.pickle_path + "'")
+    return graph
   def add_link(self, src, dest, rtt):
-    """ Add a link to the graph given src, dest & rtt """
+    """ Add link to the graph given src, dest (routers) & rtt (LinkInfo) """
     self.graph.add_edge(src, dest, LinkInfo(src, dest, rtt))
   def add_circuit(self, c):
@@ -363,14 +375,14 @@
         # First hop --> add Link from Root to 1
         if i == 1:
 	  link_rtt = c.part_rtts[i]
-	  self.add_link(self.root, c.path[i-1], link_rtt)
+	  self.add_link(None, c.path[i-1].idhex, link_rtt)
 	# Handle i -- (i+1)
         if i+1 in c.part_rtts:
           link_rtt = c.part_rtts[i+1] - c.part_rtts[i]
 	  if link_rtt > 0:          
 	    plog("INFO", "Computed link-RTT " + str(i) + ": " + str(link_rtt))
 	    # Save to NetworkModel
-	    self.add_link(c.path[i-1], c.path[i], link_rtt)
+	    self.add_link(c.path[i-1].idhex, c.path[i].idhex, link_rtt)
 	    plog("WARN", "Negative link-RTT " + str(i) + ": " + str(link_rtt))
 	# Handle (n-1) -- n
@@ -380,7 +392,7 @@
 	  if link_rtt > 0:          
 	    plog("INFO", "Computed link-RTT " + str(i) + ": " + str(link_rtt))
 	    # Save to NetworkModel
-	    self.add_link(c.path[i-1], c.path[i], link_rtt)
+	    self.add_link(c.path[i-1].idhex, c.path[i].idhex, link_rtt)
 	    plog("WARN", "Negative link-RTT " + str(i) + ": " + str(link_rtt))
@@ -392,36 +404,22 @@
       links.append(self.graph.get_edge(path[i], path[i+1]))
     return links
-  def find_circuits(self):
+  def find_all_proposals(self):
+    """ Call visit on the root-node """
     # Reset list of proposals and prefixes for DFS
     self.proposals = []
-    self.prefixes = {}
-    # Measure for info
+    self.prefixes.clear()
     start = time.time()
     # Start the search
-    self.visit(self.root, [])
+    self.visit(None, [])
     # Sort proposals for their RTTs
     sort_list(self.proposals, lambda x: x.rtt)
-    # Some logging
-    plog("DEBUG", "Finding " + str(len(self.proposals)) + 
+    plog("INFO", "Finding " + str(len(self.proposals)) + 
        " proposals and sorting them took us " + 
        str(time.time()-start) + " seconds")
-    # Print all of them for debugging/info
-    for p in self.proposals:
-      print(p.to_string())
-  def get_proposals(self, n):
-    """ Return all proposals with rtt <= n seconds """
-    ret = []
-    for p in self.proposals:
-      if p.rtt <= n:
-	ret.append(p) 
-    plog("DEBUG", "Found " + str(len(ret)) + 
-       " path proposals having RTT <= " + str(n) + " sec")
-    return ret
   def visit(self, node, path, i=1):
-    """ Recursive Depth-First-Search: Maybe use some existing method? """
+    """ Recursive Depth-First-Search: Maybe use some existing methods """
     if node not in path:
       # Root -- Exit
@@ -435,340 +433,57 @@
 	  if n not in self.prefixes[i]:
 	    self.visit(n, copy.copy(self.prefixes[i]), i+1)
-  def print_graph(self):
-    """ Print current info about the graph """
-    print(self.graph.info())
+  def get_proposals(self, n):
+    """ Return all proposals having rtt <= n seconds """
+    ret = []
+    for p in self.proposals:
+      if p.rtt <= n:
+        ret.append(p) 
+    plog("INFO", "Found " + str(len(ret)) + 
+       " path proposals having RTT <= " + str(n) + " sec")
+    return ret
-## EventHandlers ##############################################################
-# TODO: Move to PathSupport
-class CircuitHandler(PathSupport.PathBuilder):
-  """ CircuitHandler that extends from PathBuilder """
-  def __init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circuits):
-    # Init the PathBuilder
-    PathSupport.PathBuilder.__init__(self, c, selmgr, GeoIPSupport.GeoIPRouter)
-    self.num_circuits = num_circuits            # size of the circuit pool
-    self.check_circuit_pool()	                # bring up the pool of circs
-    self.circ_stats = CircuitBuildingStats()    # record setup-times
-    # Filehandlers for saving stats about circuit building
-    self.stats_logger = FileHandler("data/op-addon/circ-setup-stats")
-    self.setup_logger = FileHandler("data/op-addon/circ-setup-durations")
-  def check_circuit_pool(self):
-    """ Init or check the status of our pool of circuits """
-    # Get current number of circuits
-    n = len(self.circuits.values())
-    i = self.num_circuits - n
-    if i > 0:
-      plog("INFO", "Checked pool of circuits: we need to build " + 
-         str(i) + " circuits")
-    # Schedule (num_circs - n) circuit-buildups
-    while (n < self.num_circuits):      
-      self.build_idle_circuit()
-      plog("DEBUG", "Scheduled circuit No. " + str(n+1))
-      n += 1
-  def close_circuit(self, id):
-    """ Try to close a circuit with given id """
-    # TODO: Pass streams to another circ before closing?
-    self.circuits[id].closed = True
-    try: self.c.close_circuit(id)
-    except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e: 
-      plog("ERROR", "Failed closing circuit " + str(id) + ": " + str(e))	    
-  def print_circuits(self, list=None):
-    """ Print out the circuits + some info, optionally pass a (sorted) list """
-    if list: circs = list
-    else: circs = self.circuits.values()
-    plog("INFO", "We have " + str(len(circs)) + " circuits:")
-    for c in circs:
-      print("+ " + c.to_string())
-  def build_idle_circuit(self):
-    """ Build an idle circuit """
-    circ = None
-    while circ == None:
-      try:
-        # Configure which port to use here
-	self.selmgr.set_target("", 80)
-        circ = self.c.build_circuit(self.selmgr.pathlen, 
-           self.selmgr.path_selector)
-	self.circuits[circ.circ_id] = circ
-      except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e:
-        # FIXME: How come some routers are non-existant? Shouldn't
-        # we have gotten an NS event to notify us they disappeared?
-        plog("NOTICE", "Error building circuit: " + str(e.args))
-  def circ_status_event(self, c):
-    """ Handle circuit status events """
-    # Construct output for logging
-    output = [c.event_name, str(c.circ_id), c.status]
-    if c.path: output.append(",".join(c.path))
-    if c.reason: output.append("REASON=" + c.reason)
-    if c.remote_reason: output.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + c.remote_reason)
-    plog("DEBUG", " ".join(output))
-    # Circuits we don't control get built by Tor
-    if c.circ_id not in self.circuits:
-      plog("DEBUG", "Ignoring circuit " + str(c.circ_id) + 
-         " (controlled by Tor or not yet in the list)")
-      return
-    if c.status == "EXTENDED":
-      # Compute elapsed time
-      extend_time = c.arrived_at - self.circuits[c.circ_id].last_extended_at
-      # Add to the list
-      self.circuits[c.circ_id].extend_times.append(extend_time)
-      plog("DEBUG", "Circuit " + str(c.circ_id) + " extended in " + 
-         str(extend_time) + " sec")
-      self.circuits[c.circ_id].last_extended_at = c.arrived_at
-    elif c.status == "FAILED" or c.status == "CLOSED":
-      # XXX: Can still get a STREAM FAILED for this circ after this
-      circ = self.circuits[c.circ_id]
-      # Logging and statistics
-      if not circ.built:
-        message = ["FAILED"]
-        if c.reason: message.append("REASON=" + c.reason)
-        if c.remote_reason: message.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + c.remote_reason)
-        self.setup_logger.append(" ".join(message) + ": " + 
-           str(circ.extend_times))
-        # Increase counter and write circ_stats to file
-        self.circ_stats.failures += 1
-        self.stats_logger.write(self.circ_stats.to_string()) 
-      # Actual removal of the circ
-      del self.circuits[c.circ_id]
-      # Give away pending streams
-      for stream in circ.pending_streams:
-	plog("DEBUG", "Finding new circ for " + str(stream.strm_id))
-        self.attach_stream_any(stream, stream.detached_from)
-      # Check if there are enough circs
-      self.check_circuit_pool()
-      return
-    # BUILT
-    elif c.status == "BUILT":
-      self.circuits[c.circ_id].built = True
-      for stream in self.circuits[c.circ_id].pending_streams:
-        try:
-          self.c.attach_stream(stream.strm_id, c.circ_id)
-        except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e:
-          # No need to retry here. We should get the failed
-          # event for either the circ or stream next
-          plog("WARN", "Error attaching stream: " + str(e.args))
-      # Log setup durations to file
-      self.setup_logger.append(str(self.circuits[c.circ_id].extend_times))
-      # Compute duration by summing up extend_times
-      duration = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, 
-         self.circuits[c.circ_id].extend_times, 0.0)
-      plog("DEBUG", "Circuit " + str(c.circ_id) + " needed " + 
-         str(duration) + " seconds to be built")      
-      # Add duration to circ_stats and write file
-      self.circ_stats.add_value(duration)
-      self.stats_logger.write(self.circ_stats.to_string())
-      # Save the duration to the circuit for later use
-      self.circuits[c.circ_id].setup_duration = duration
-    # OTHER?
+  def print_info(self):
+    """ Create a string holding info and the proposals for printing """
+    out = str(self.graph.info())
+    for p in self.proposals:
+      out += "\nPath Proposal: " + p.to_string()    
+    # Only print them out if there are not too much
+    if len(self.proposals) < 100: 
+      print(out)
-      # If this was e.g. a LAUNCHED
-      pass
+      plog("INFO", "More than 100 proposals!") 
+      print(self.graph.info())
+    # But log all of them to the file if it exists
+    if self.logfile: self.logfile.write(out)
-## StreamHandler ##############################################################
-# TODO: Move to PathSupport
-class StreamHandler(CircuitHandler):
-  """ This is a StreamHandler that extends from the CircuitHandler """
-  def __init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs):    
-    # Call constructor of superclass
-    CircuitHandler.__init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs)
-    self.sorted_circs = None    # optional
-    #self.new_nym = True
-  def clear_dns_cache(self):
-    """ Send signal CLEARDNSCACHE """
-    lines = self.c.sendAndRecv("SIGNAL CLEARDNSCACHE\r\n")
-    for _, msg, more in lines:
-      plog("DEBUG", "CLEARDNSCACHE: " + msg)
-  def close_stream(self, id, reason):
-    """ Close a stream with given id and reason """
-    self.c.close_stream(id, reason)
-  def create_and_attach(self, stream, unattached_streams):
-    """ Create a new circuit and attach (stream + unattached_streams) """
-    circ = None
-    self.selmgr.set_target(stream.host, stream.port)
-    while circ == None:
-      try:
-        circ = self.c.build_circuit(self.selmgr.pathlen, self.selmgr.path_selector)
-      except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e:
-        plog("NOTICE", "Error building circ: " + str(e.args))
-    for u in unattached_streams:
-      plog("DEBUG", "Attaching " + str(u.strm_id) + " pending build of circuit " + str(circ.circ_id))
-      u.pending_circ = circ      
-    circ.pending_streams.extend(unattached_streams)
-    self.circuits[circ.circ_id] = circ
-    self.last_exit = circ.exit
-  def attach_stream_any(self, stream, badcircs):
-    """ Attach a regular user stream """
-    unattached_streams = [stream]
-    if self.new_nym:
-      self.new_nym = False
-      plog("DEBUG", "Obeying new nym")
-      for key in self.circuits.keys():
-        if (not self.circuits[key].dirty
-            and len(self.circuits[key].pending_streams)):
-          plog("WARN", "New nym called, destroying circuit "+str(key)
-             +" with "+str(len(self.circuits[key].pending_streams))
-             +" pending streams")
-          unattached_streams.extend(self.circuits[key].pending_streams)
-          del self.circuits[key].pending_streams[:]
-        # FIXME: Consider actually closing circs if no streams
-        self.circuits[key].dirty = True
-    # Check if there is a sorted list of circs
-    if self.sorted_circs: list = self.sorted_circs
-    else: list = self.circuits.values()
-    for circ in list:
-      # Check each circuit
-      if circ.built and not circ.closed and circ.circ_id not in badcircs and not circ.dirty:
-        if circ.exit.will_exit_to(stream.host, stream.port):
-          try:
-            self.c.attach_stream(stream.strm_id, circ.circ_id)
-            stream.pending_circ = circ # Only one possible here
-            circ.pending_streams.append(stream)    
-            # Clear cache after the attach?
-	    #self.clear_dns_cache()
-            self.last_exit = circ.exit
-          except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e:
-            # No need to retry here. We should get the failed
-            # event for either the circ or stream next
-            plog("WARN", "Error attaching stream: " + str(e.args))
-            return
-          break
-	else:
-	  plog("DEBUG", "Circuit " + str(circ.circ_id) + " won't exit")
-    else:
-      self.create_and_attach(stream, unattached_streams)
-  def stream_status_event(self, s):
-    """ Catch user stream events """
-    # Construct debugging output
-    output = [s.event_name, str(s.strm_id), s.status, str(s.circ_id), s.target_host, str(s.target_port)]
-    if s.reason: output.append("REASON=" + s.reason)
-    if s.remote_reason: output.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + s.remote_reason)
-    plog("DEBUG", " ".join(output))
-    # If target_host is not an IP-address
-    if not re.match(r"\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+", s.target_host):
-      s.target_host = "" # ignore DNS for exit policy check
-    if s.status == "NEW" or s.status == "NEWRESOLVE":
-      if s.status == "NEWRESOLVE" and not s.target_port:
-        s.target_port = self.resolve_port      
-      # Set up the new stream
-      stream = Stream(s.strm_id, s.target_host, s.target_port, s.status)
-      self.streams[s.strm_id] = stream        
-      self.attach_stream_any(self.streams[s.strm_id], self.streams[s.strm_id].detached_from)
-    elif s.status == "DETACHED":
-      # Stream not found
-      if s.strm_id not in self.streams:
-        plog("WARN", "Detached stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " not found")
-        self.streams[s.strm_id] = Stream(s.strm_id, s.target_host, s.target_port, "NEW")
-      # Circuit not found
-      if not s.circ_id:
-        plog("WARN", "Stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " detached from no circuit!")
-      else:
-        self.streams[s.strm_id].detached_from.append(s.circ_id)      
-      # Detect timeouts on user streams
-      if s.reason == "TIMEOUT":
-	# TODO: Count timeouts on the stream?
-	#self.streams[s.strm_id].timeout_counter += 1
-	plog("DEBUG", "User stream timed out on circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
-      # Stream was pending
-      if self.streams[s.strm_id] in self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.pending_streams:
-        self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.pending_streams.remove(self.streams[s.strm_id])
-      # Attach to another circ
-      self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ = None
-      self.attach_stream_any(self.streams[s.strm_id], self.streams[s.strm_id].detached_from)
-    if s.status == "SUCCEEDED":
-      if s.strm_id not in self.streams:
-        plog("NOTICE", "Succeeded stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " not found")
-        return
-      if s.circ_id and self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.circ_id != s.circ_id:
-        # Hrmm.. this can happen on a new-nym.. Very rare, putting warn
-        # in because I'm still not sure this is correct
-        plog("WARN", "Mismatch of pending: "
-          + str(self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.circ_id) + " vs "
-          + str(s.circ_id))
-	self.streams[s.strm_id].circ = self.circuits[s.circ_id]
-      else:
-        self.streams[s.strm_id].circ = self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ
-      self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.pending_streams.remove(self.streams[s.strm_id])
-      self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ = None
-      self.streams[s.strm_id].attached_at = s.arrived_at
-    elif s.status == "FAILED" or s.status == "CLOSED":
-      if s.strm_id not in self.streams:
-        plog("NOTICE", "Failed stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " not found")
-        return
-      #if not s.circ_id: plog("WARN", "Stream " + str(s.strm_id) + " closed/failed from no circuit")
-      # We get failed and closed for each stream. OK to return and let the CLOSED do the cleanup
-      if s.status == "FAILED":
-        # Avoid busted circuits that will not resolve or carry traffic
-        self.streams[s.strm_id].failed = True
-	if s.circ_id in self.circuits: self.circuits[s.circ_id].dirty = True
-        elif self.streams[s.strm_id].attached_at != 0: 
-	  plog("WARN", "Failed stream on unknown circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
-	return
-      # CLOSED
-      if self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ:
-        self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ.pending_streams.remove(self.streams[s.strm_id])
-      # Actual removal of the stream
-      del self.streams[s.strm_id]
-    # REMAP
-    elif s.status == "REMAP":
-      if s.strm_id not in self.streams:
-        plog("WARN", "Remap id "+str(s.strm_id)+" not found")
-      else:
-        if not re.match(r"\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+", s.target_host):
-          s.target_host = ""
-          plog("NOTICE", "Non-IP remap for "+str(s.strm_id) + " to " + s.target_host)		   
-        self.streams[s.strm_id].host = s.target_host
-        self.streams[s.strm_id].port = s.target_port
 ## PingHandler ################################################################
-class PingHandler(StreamHandler):
+class PingHandler(PathSupport.StreamHandler):
   """ This class extends the general StreamHandler to handle ping-requests """
-  def __init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs, router, partial=False):
+  def __init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs, RouterClass, partial=False):
     # Anything ping-related
     self.ping_queue = Queue.Queue()	# (circ_id, hop)-pairs
-    self.start_times = {}		# dict mapping (circ_id, hop):start_time
+    self.start_times = {}		# dict (circ_id, hop):start_time
+    # Handle global testing_mode
+    if testing_mode:
+      self.latency_logger = FileHandler(data_dir + "mean-latencies")
     # Additional stuff for measuring single links
     self.partial_circs = partial
     if self.partial_circs:
-      self.router = router			# object that represents this OR
-      self.model = NetworkModel(self.router)	# model for recording link-RTTs
-    # Handle testing_mode
-    if testing_mode:
-      self.latency_logger= FileHandler("data/op-addon/mean-latencies")
+      self.model_logger = FileHandler(data_dir + "proposals")      
+      self.model = NetworkModel(self.model_logger)
+    # Stuff for recording statistics
+    self.circ_stats = CircuitBuildingStats()    # record setup-durations
+    self.stats_logger = FileHandler(data_dir + "circ-setup-stats")
+    self.setup_logger = FileHandler(data_dir + "circ-setup-durations")
     # Init the StreamHandler
-    StreamHandler.__init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs)
+    PathSupport.StreamHandler.__init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs, RouterClass)
     # Sorted circuit list
     self.sorted_circs = []		# list of circs sorted by current RTT
     # Start the Pinger that triggers the connections
@@ -785,11 +500,19 @@
     self.sorted_circs = sort_list(self.circuits.values(), notlambda)
     plog("DEBUG", "Refreshed sorted list of circuits")
+  def print_circuits(self, list=None):
+    """ Print out the circuits + some info, optionally pass a (sorted) list """
+    if list: circs = list
+    else: circs = self.circuits.values()
+    plog("INFO", "We have " + str(len(circs)) + " circuits:")
+    for c in circs:
+      print("+ " + c.to_string())
   def enqueue_pings(self):
-    """ To be schedule_immediated by pinger before the initial connection is triggered """
+    """ schedule_immediate from pinger before triggering the initial ping """
-    # XXX: Check if there are any, else let the Pinger wait a bit?
+    # XXX: Check if there are any, else let the Pinger wait?
     circs = self.circuits.values()
     for c in circs:
       if c.built:
@@ -806,7 +529,7 @@
         plog("DEBUG", "Enqueued circuit " + str(id) + " hop None")
   def established(self, circ_list):
-    """ Check if there is at least one circuit built """
+    """ Check if there is at least one circuit established """
     for c in circ_list:
       if c.built:
         return True
@@ -824,8 +547,8 @@
       if self.partial_circs:
         # Print out the model
-        self.model.print_graph()
-        self.model.find_circuits()
+        self.model.find_all_proposals()
+        self.model.print_info()
       # Enqueue again all circs
@@ -917,12 +640,14 @@
   def stream_status_event(self, s):
     """ Separate pings from regular streams directly """
-    if not (s.target_host == ping_dummy_host and s.target_port == ping_dummy_port):
+    if not (s.target_host == ping_dummy_host and 
+       s.target_port == ping_dummy_port):
       # This is no ping, call the other method
-      return StreamHandler.stream_status_event(self, s)
+      return PathSupport.StreamHandler.stream_status_event(self, s)
     # Construct debugging output
-    output = [s.event_name, str(s.strm_id), s.status, str(s.circ_id), s.target_host, str(s.target_port)]
+    output = [s.event_name, str(s.strm_id), s.status, str(s.circ_id), 
+       s.target_host, str(s.target_port)]
     if s.reason: output.append("REASON=" + s.reason)
     if s.remote_reason: output.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + s.remote_reason)
     plog("DEBUG", " ".join(output))
@@ -944,11 +669,13 @@
       if (s.reason == "TIMEOUT"):
         self.circuits[s.circ_id].timeout_counter += 1
         self.circuits[s.circ_id].slowness_counter += 1
-        plog("DEBUG", str(self.circuits[s.circ_id].timeout_counter) + " timeout(s) on circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
+        plog("DEBUG", str(self.circuits[s.circ_id].timeout_counter) + 
+           " timeout(s) on circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
         if timeout_limit > 0:
           if self.circuits[s.circ_id].timeout_counter >= timeout_limit and not self.circuits[s.circ_id].closed:
             # Close the circuit
-            plog("DEBUG", "Reached limit on timeouts --> closing circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
+            plog("DEBUG", "Reached limit on timeouts --> closing circuit " 
+               + str(s.circ_id))
         # Set RTT for this circ to None
         self.circuits[s.circ_id].current_rtt = None
@@ -965,6 +692,48 @@
         # Only record
+  def circ_status_event(self, c):
+    """ Override to record statistics on circuit-setups and -failures """
+    if c.circ_id not in self.circuits:
+      return PathSupport.CircuitHandler.circ_status_event(self, c)    
+    # Catch FAILED/CLOSED now since circ will be removed
+    elif c.status == "FAILED" or c.status == "CLOSED":
+      circ = self.circuits[c.circ_id]
+      # Do logging and statistics 
+      # TODO: Log failures on built circuits
+      if not circ.built:
+        message = ["FAILED"]
+        if c.reason: message.append("REASON=" + c.reason)
+        if c.remote_reason: message.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + c.remote_reason)
+        self.setup_logger.append(" ".join(message) + ": " + 
+           str(circ.extend_times))
+        # Increase counter and write circ_stats to file
+        if self.partial_circs:
+          if circ.rtt_created:
+            self.circ_stats.failures += 1
+            self.stats_logger.write(self.circ_stats.to_string()) 
+        else:
+          self.circ_stats.failures += 1
+          self.stats_logger.write(self.circ_stats.to_string())
+    # Call the underlying method in any case
+    PathSupport.CircuitHandler.circ_status_event(self, c)
+    self.refresh_sorted_list()
+    # Log something on BUILT
+    if c.status == "BUILT":
+      circ = self.circuits[c.circ_id]
+      self.setup_logger.append(str(circ.extend_times))    
+      # Add duration to circ_stats and write file
+      if self.partial_circs:
+        if circ.rtt_created:
+          self.circ_stats.add_value(circ.setup_duration)
+          self.stats_logger.write(self.circ_stats.to_string())
+      else:
+        self.circ_stats.add_value(circ.setup_duration)
+        self.stats_logger.write(self.circ_stats.to_string())
   def get_trad_circs(self):
     """ Count the circuits with rtt_created == False """
     trad_circs = 0
@@ -977,22 +746,45 @@
     """ Check if we currently do not have (TODO: had?) a circuit 
         with the given path (= Routers) """
     for c in self.circuits.values():
-      if c.path == path: return False
-    # XXX: Check if this path can exit?
+      if c.path == path:
+        plog("ERROR", "Proposed circuit already exists")        
+        return False
+    # Additionally check if this path can exit
     if not path[len(path)-1].will_exit_to("", 80): 
       plog("ERROR", "Proposed circuit would not exit")
       return False
     return True
+  def keys_to_routers(self, keys):
+    """ See if we know the routers spec. by keys and return them """
+    routers = []
+    for k in keys:
+      if k in self.routers:
+        routers.append(self.routers[k])
+      else: 
+        plog("WARN", "We do not know about a router having ID " + k)
+        return
+    if len(routers) == len(keys):
+      return routers
+  def probabilistic_selection(self, proposals):
+    """ Select a proposal in a probabilistic way """
+    # TODO:
+    # Compute the sum of all expected RTTs
+    # Choose a random number from range(0,sum)
+    # Go through the proposals and subtract
+    pass
   def build_idle_circuit(self):
-    """ Override from CircuitHandler to support circuit-creation from the NetworkModel """
+    """ Override from CircuitHandler to support circuit-creation from model """
     if self.partial_circs:
       circ = None
       # This is to ensure expansion of the explored subnet
       # Check if ratio would be ok when adding new rtt_created circ
       trad = float(self.get_trad_circs())
       ratio = trad/(len(self.circuits.values())+1)
-      plog("DEBUG","Expected Ratio = " + str(ratio) + " >= " + str(min_ratio) + " ?")
+      plog("DEBUG","Expected Ratio = " + str(ratio) + 
+         " >= " + str(min_ratio) + " ?")
       if ratio >= min_ratio:
         # Get the proposals RTT <= slow
 	proposals = self.model.get_proposals(slow)
@@ -1001,31 +793,35 @@
 	  proposals = sort_list(proposals, lambda x: x.rtt)
 	  # Check them out
 	  while len(proposals) >= 1:
-	    # Random choice or choose the fastest!
-	    choice = random.choice(proposals)
-            #choice = proposals[0]
-            # TODO: Probabilistic selection
-            # Check if we already have a circ with this path
-            if self.path_is_ok(choice.path):
-              plog("INFO", "Chosen proposal: " + choice.to_string())
-              try:
-                circ = self.c.build_circuit_from_path(choice.path)
-                circ.rtt_created = True
-                self.circuits[circ.circ_id] = circ
-	        return
-              except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e:
-                plog("NOTICE", "Error building circuit: " + str(e.args))
-            else:
-              # Remove this proposals
-              plog("DEBUG", "Proposed circuit already exists")
-	      proposals.remove(choice)
+            # Random choice
+	    choice = random.choice(proposals)            
+            # Choose the fastest
+            #choice = proposals[0]            
+            # Convert the chosen ids to routers
+            r_path = self.keys_to_routers(choice.path)
+            if r_path:
+              # Check if we already have a circ with this path
+              if self.path_is_ok(r_path):
+                plog("INFO", "Chosen proposal: " + choice.to_string())
+                try:
+                  circ = self.c.build_circuit_from_path(r_path)
+                  circ.rtt_created = True
+                  self.circuits[circ.circ_id] = circ
+	          return
+                except TorCtl.ErrorReply, e:
+                  plog("NOTICE", "Error building circuit: " + str(e.args))
+              else:
+                # Remove this proposals
+	        proposals.remove(choice)
+            else:  
+              plog("WARN", "keys_to_routers() did not work!")
     # Build a circuit with the standard method
     plog("DEBUG", "Falling back to normal path selection")
-    CircuitHandler.build_idle_circuit(self)
+    PathSupport.CircuitHandler.build_idle_circuit(self)
 ## Pinger #####################################################################
 class Pinger(threading.Thread):
@@ -1072,20 +868,18 @@
   global path_config
   ip = None
-    # Try to get our IP
+    # Try to determine our IP
     info = conn.get_info("address")
     ip = info["address"]
+    # Get the country_code
+    country_code = GeoIPSupport.get_country(ip)
+    plog("INFO", "Our IP address is " + str(ip) + " [" + str(country_code) + "]")   
-    plog("ERROR", "Could not get our IP")
-    ip = ""
-  # Set up a router object
-  router = GeoIPSupport.GeoIPRouter(TorCtl.Router(None,"ROOT",None,False,None,None,ip,None,None))
-  # TODO: Check if ip == None?
-  plog("INFO", "Our IP address is " + router.get_ip_dotted() + " [" + str(router.country_code) + "]")
-  # Set entry_country here?
+    plog("ERROR", "Could not get our IP and country")
+    return False
   # path_config.entry_country = router.country_code
-  return router
+  return True
 def configure(conn):
   """ Set events and options """
@@ -1106,8 +900,8 @@
   except socket.error, e:
     plog("ERROR", "Could not connect to Tor process .. running?")
-  # Setup a router instance here
-  router = setup_location(conn)
+  # Setup our location
+  setup_location(conn)
   # Configure myself  
   # Get the size of the circuit-pool from config
@@ -1116,19 +910,26 @@
   if measure_circs:
     # We measure latencies
     if measure_partial_circs:
-      handler = PingHandler(conn, __selmgr, num_circs, router, True)
+      handler = PingHandler(conn, __selmgr, num_circs, 
+         GeoIPSupport.GeoIPRouter, True)
-      handler = PingHandler(conn, __selmgr, num_circs, router)
+      handler = PingHandler(conn, __selmgr, num_circs, GeoIPSupport.GeoIPRouter)
     # No pings, only a StreamHandler
-    handler = StreamHandler(conn, __selmgr, num_circs)
+    handler = PathSupport.StreamHandler(conn, __selmgr, num_circs, 
+       GeoIPSupport.GeoIPRouter)
   # Go to sleep to be able to get killed from the commandline
-  # TODO: Do this only if not in testing_mode?
+  # TODO: Do this only if _not_ in testing_mode?
     while True:
   except KeyboardInterrupt:
+    # XXX: Schedule this
+    if measure_circs:
+      if measure_partial_circs:
+        handler.model.save_graph()
+    # Stop other threads?

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