[or-cvs] r8763: Split smartlist tests into their own function, and add a cou (in tor/trunk: . src/or)

nickm at seul.org nickm at seul.org
Thu Oct 19 23:05:22 UTC 2006

Author: nickm
Date: 2006-10-19 19:05:19 -0400 (Thu, 19 Oct 2006)
New Revision: 8763

 r9275 at Kushana:  nickm | 2006-10-19 16:45:19 -0400
 Split smartlist tests into their own function, and add a couple more.  Re-enable strmap iteration tests.  Remove tests for code that doesnt exist any more (parse_nickname_list, identity ciphers).

Property changes on: tor/trunk
 svk:merge ticket from /tor/trunk [r9275] on c95137ef-5f19-0410-b913-86e773d04f59

Modified: tor/trunk/src/or/test.c
--- tor/trunk/src/or/test.c	2006-10-19 23:05:02 UTC (rev 8762)
+++ tor/trunk/src/or/test.c	2006-10-19 23:05:19 UTC (rev 8763)
@@ -205,6 +205,11 @@
 #if 0
+  {
+  int s;
+  int eof;
+  int i;
+  buf_t *buf2;
    * read_to_buf
@@ -264,6 +269,7 @@
   test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), MAX_BUF_SIZE);
   test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 256-6-32);
   test_eq(eof, 1);
+  }
@@ -324,20 +330,6 @@
   crypto_rand(data2, 100);
-#if 0
-  /* Try out identity ciphers. */
-  env1 = crypto_new_cipher_env(CRYPTO_CIPHER_IDENTITY);
-  test_neq(env1, 0);
-  test_eq(crypto_cipher_generate_key(env1), 0);
-  test_eq(crypto_cipher_encrypt_init_cipher(env1), 0);
-  for (i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
-    data1[i] = (char) i*73;
-  }
-  crypto_cipher_encrypt(env1, data2, data1, 1024);
-  test_memeq(data1, data2, 1024);
-  crypto_free_cipher_env(env1);
   /* Now, test encryption and decryption with stream cipher. */
   for (i = 1023; i>0; i -= 35)
@@ -585,7 +577,6 @@
   struct timeval start, end;
   struct tm a_time;
-  smartlist_t *sl;
   char timestr[RFC1123_TIME_LEN+1];
   char buf[1024];
   time_t t_res;
@@ -643,6 +634,153 @@
   test_eq(t_res, (time_t)1091580502UL);
+  /* Test tor_strstrip() */
+  strcpy(buf, "Testing 1 2 3");
+  test_eq(0, tor_strstrip(buf, ",!"));
+  test_streq(buf, "Testing 1 2 3");
+  strcpy(buf, "!Testing 1 2 3?");
+  test_eq(5, tor_strstrip(buf, "!? "));
+  test_streq(buf, "Testing123");
+  /* Test tor_strpartition() */
+  test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefg", "##", 3,
+                                 TERMINATE_IF_EVEN));
+  test_streq(buf, "abc##def##g");
+  test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefg", "##", 3,
+                                 ALWAYS_TERMINATE));
+  test_streq(buf, "abc##def##g##");
+  test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefghi", "##", 3,
+                                 TERMINATE_IF_EVEN));
+  test_streq(buf, "abc##def##ghi##");
+  test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefghi", "##", 3,
+                                 NEVER_TERMINATE));
+  test_streq(buf, "abc##def##ghi");
+  /* Test parse_addr_port */
+  cp = NULL; u32 = 3; u16 = 3;
+  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "", &cp, &u32, &u16));
+  test_streq(cp, "");
+  test_eq(u32, 0x01020304u);
+  test_eq(u16, 0);
+  tor_free(cp);
+  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "", &cp, &u32, &u16));
+  test_streq(cp, "");
+  test_eq(u32, 0x04030201u);
+  test_eq(u16, 99);
+  tor_free(cp);
+  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "nonexistent.address:4040",
+                               &cp, NULL, &u16));
+  test_streq(cp, "nonexistent.address");
+  test_eq(u16, 4040);
+  tor_free(cp);
+  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "localhost:9999", &cp, &u32, &u16));
+  test_streq(cp, "localhost");
+  test_eq(u32, 0x7f000001u);
+  test_eq(u16, 9999);
+  tor_free(cp);
+  u32 = 3;
+  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "localhost", NULL, &u32, &u16));
+  test_eq(cp, NULL);
+  test_eq(u32, 0x7f000001u);
+  test_eq(u16, 0);
+  tor_free(cp);
+  test_eq(0, addr_mask_get_bits(0x0u));
+  test_eq(32, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFFFFFFu));
+  test_eq(16, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFF0000u));
+  test_eq(31, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFFFFFEu));
+  test_eq(1, addr_mask_get_bits(0x80000000u));
+  /* Test tor_parse_long. */
+  test_eq(10L, tor_parse_long("10",10,0,100,NULL,NULL));
+  test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("10",10,50,100,NULL,NULL));
+  /* Test parse_line_from_str */
+  strlcpy(buf, "k v\n" " key    value with spaces   \n" "keykey val\n"
+          "k2\n"
+          "k3 \n" "\n" "   \n" "#comment\n"
+          "k4#a\n" "k5#abc\n" "k6 val #with comment\n", sizeof(buf));
+  cp = buf;
+  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
+  test_streq(k, "k");
+  test_streq(v, "v");
+  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, " key    value with"));
+  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
+  test_streq(k, "key");
+  test_streq(v, "value with spaces");
+  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "keykey"));
+  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
+  test_streq(k, "keykey");
+  test_streq(v, "val");
+  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k2\n"));
+  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
+  test_streq(k, "k2");
+  test_streq(v, "");
+  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k3 \n"));
+  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
+  test_streq(k, "k3");
+  test_streq(v, "");
+  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "\n   \n"));
+  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
+  test_streq(k, "k4");
+  test_streq(v, "");
+  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k5#abc"));
+  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
+  test_streq(k, "k5");
+  test_streq(v, "");
+  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k6"));
+  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
+  test_streq(k, "k6");
+  test_streq(v, "val");
+  test_streq(cp, "");
+  /* Test for strcmpstart and strcmpend. */
+  test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abcdef")==0);
+  test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abc")==0);
+  test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abd")<0);
+  test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abb")>0);
+  test_assert(strcmpstart("ab", "abb")<0);
+  test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "abcdef")==0);
+  test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "def")==0);
+  test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "deg")<0);
+  test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "dee")>0);
+  test_assert(strcmpend("ab", "abb")<0);
+  {
+    char tmpbuf[INET_NTOA_BUF_LEN];
+    struct in_addr in;
+    tor_inet_aton("",&in);
+    tor_inet_ntoa(&in, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));
+    test_streq(tmpbuf, "");
+  }
+  /* Test 'escaped' */
+  test_streq("\"\"", escaped(""));
+  test_streq("\"abcd\"", escaped("abcd"));
+  test_streq("\"\\\\\\n\\r\\t\\\"\\'\"", escaped("\\\n\r\t\"\'"));
+  test_streq("\"z\\001abc\\277d\"", escaped("z\001abc\277d"));
+static void
+  smartlist_t *sl;
+  char *cp;
+  /* XXXX test add_all, remove, string_remove, isin, string_isin,
+   * string_num_isin, overlap, intersect, subtract,
+   * sort_strings, sort_digests, uniq_strings, uniq_digests, bsearch,
+   * join_strings2
+   */
   /* Test smartlist */
   sl = smartlist_create();
   smartlist_add(sl, (void*)1);
@@ -659,8 +797,16 @@
   test_eq_ptr((void*)3,   smartlist_get(sl,3));
   test_eq_ptr((void*)4,   smartlist_get(sl,4));
   test_eq_ptr((void*)555, smartlist_get(sl,5));
+  /* Try deleting in the middle. */
+  smartlist_del(sl, 1);
+  test_eq_ptr((void*)555, smartlist_get(sl, 1));
+  /* Try deleting at the end. */
+  smartlist_del(sl, 4);
+  test_eq(4, smartlist_len(sl));
+  /* Test split and join */
+  test_eq(0, smartlist_len(sl));
   smartlist_split_string(sl, "abc", ":", 0, 0);
   test_eq(1, smartlist_len(sl));
   test_streq("abc", smartlist_get(sl, 0));
@@ -782,142 +928,21 @@
   test_streq(cp, "and");
   test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 6);
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+  smartlist_clear(sl);
-  /* Test tor_strstrip() */
-  strcpy(buf, "Testing 1 2 3");
-  test_eq(0, tor_strstrip(buf, ",!"));
-  test_streq(buf, "Testing 1 2 3");
-  strcpy(buf, "!Testing 1 2 3?");
-  test_eq(5, tor_strstrip(buf, "!? "));
-  test_streq(buf, "Testing123");
-  /* Test tor_strpartition() */
-  test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefg", "##", 3,
-                                 TERMINATE_IF_EVEN));
-  test_streq(buf, "abc##def##g");
-  test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefg", "##", 3,
-                                 ALWAYS_TERMINATE));
-  test_streq(buf, "abc##def##g##");
-  test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefghi", "##", 3,
-                                 TERMINATE_IF_EVEN));
-  test_streq(buf, "abc##def##ghi##");
-  test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefghi", "##", 3,
-                                 NEVER_TERMINATE));
-  test_streq(buf, "abc##def##ghi");
-  /* Test parse_addr_port */
-  cp = NULL; u32 = 3; u16 = 3;
-  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "", &cp, &u32, &u16));
-  test_streq(cp, "");
-  test_eq(u32, 0x01020304u);
-  test_eq(u16, 0);
+  /* Test uniq() */
+  smartlist_split_string(sl,
+                         "noon,radar,a,man,a,plan,a,canal,panama,radar,noon",
+                         ",", 0, 0);
+  smartlist_sort(sl, _compare_strs);
+  smartlist_uniq(sl, _compare_strs, NULL);
+  cp = smartlist_join_strings(sl, ",", 0, NULL);
+  test_streq(cp, "a,canal,man,noon,panama,plan,radar");
-  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "", &cp, &u32, &u16));
-  test_streq(cp, "");
-  test_eq(u32, 0x04030201u);
-  test_eq(u16, 99);
-  tor_free(cp);
-  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "nonexistent.address:4040",
-                               &cp, NULL, &u16));
-  test_streq(cp, "nonexistent.address");
-  test_eq(u16, 4040);
-  tor_free(cp);
-  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "localhost:9999", &cp, &u32, &u16));
-  test_streq(cp, "localhost");
-  test_eq(u32, 0x7f000001u);
-  test_eq(u16, 9999);
-  tor_free(cp);
-  u32 = 3;
-  test_assert(!parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, "localhost", NULL, &u32, &u16));
-  test_eq(cp, NULL);
-  test_eq(u32, 0x7f000001u);
-  test_eq(u16, 0);
-  tor_free(cp);
-  test_eq(0, addr_mask_get_bits(0x0u));
-  test_eq(32, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFFFFFFu));
-  test_eq(16, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFF0000u));
-  test_eq(31, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFFFFFEu));
-  test_eq(1, addr_mask_get_bits(0x80000000u));
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+  smartlist_clear(sl);
-  /* Test tor_parse_long. */
-  test_eq(10L, tor_parse_long("10",10,0,100,NULL,NULL));
-  test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("10",10,50,100,NULL,NULL));
-  /* Test parse_line_from_str */
-  strlcpy(buf, "k v\n" " key    value with spaces   \n" "keykey val\n"
-          "k2\n"
-          "k3 \n" "\n" "   \n" "#comment\n"
-          "k4#a\n" "k5#abc\n" "k6 val #with comment\n", sizeof(buf));
-  cp = buf;
-  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
-  test_streq(k, "k");
-  test_streq(v, "v");
-  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, " key    value with"));
-  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
-  test_streq(k, "key");
-  test_streq(v, "value with spaces");
-  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "keykey"));
-  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
-  test_streq(k, "keykey");
-  test_streq(v, "val");
-  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k2\n"));
-  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
-  test_streq(k, "k2");
-  test_streq(v, "");
-  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k3 \n"));
-  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
-  test_streq(k, "k3");
-  test_streq(v, "");
-  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "\n   \n"));
-  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
-  test_streq(k, "k4");
-  test_streq(v, "");
-  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k5#abc"));
-  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
-  test_streq(k, "k5");
-  test_streq(v, "");
-  test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k6"));
-  cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v);
-  test_streq(k, "k6");
-  test_streq(v, "val");
-  test_streq(cp, "");
-  /* Test for strcmpstart and strcmpend. */
-  test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abcdef")==0);
-  test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abc")==0);
-  test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abd")<0);
-  test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abb")>0);
-  test_assert(strcmpstart("ab", "abb")<0);
-  test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "abcdef")==0);
-  test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "def")==0);
-  test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "deg")<0);
-  test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "dee")>0);
-  test_assert(strcmpend("ab", "abb")<0);
-  {
-    char tmpbuf[INET_NTOA_BUF_LEN];
-    struct in_addr in;
-    tor_inet_aton("",&in);
-    tor_inet_ntoa(&in, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));
-    test_streq(tmpbuf, "");
-  }
-  /* Test 'escaped' */
-  test_streq("\"\"", escaped(""));
-  test_streq("\"abcd\"", escaped("abcd"));
-  test_streq("\"\\\\\\n\\r\\t\\\"\\'\"", escaped("\\\n\r\t\"\'"));
-  test_streq("\"z\\001abc\\277d\"", escaped("z\001abc\277d"));
-  /* XXXX test older functions. */
@@ -1091,9 +1116,11 @@
   strmap_t *map;
-//  strmap_iter_t *iter;
-//  const char *k;
+  strmap_iter_t *iter;
+  const char *k;
   void *v;
+  char *visited;
+  smartlist_t *found_keys;
   map = strmap_new();
   v = strmap_set(map, "K1", (void*)99);
@@ -1121,30 +1148,31 @@
   strmap_set(map, "K6", (void*)105);
-#if 0
+  /* Test iterator. */
   iter = strmap_iter_init(map);
-  strmap_iter_get(iter,&k,&v);
-  test_streq(k, "K1");
-  test_eq(v, (void*)10000);
-  iter = strmap_iter_next(map,iter);
-  strmap_iter_get(iter,&k,&v);
-  test_streq(k, "K2");
-  test_eq(v, (void*)10201);
-  iter = strmap_iter_next_rmv(map,iter);
-  strmap_iter_get(iter,&k,&v);
-  test_streq(k, "K3");
-  test_eq(v, (void*)10404);
-  iter = strmap_iter_next(map,iter); /* K5 */
-  test_assert(!strmap_iter_done(iter));
-  iter = strmap_iter_next(map,iter); /* K6 */
-  test_assert(!strmap_iter_done(iter));
-  iter = strmap_iter_next(map,iter); /* done */
-  test_assert(strmap_iter_done(iter));
+  found_keys = smartlist_create();
+  while (!strmap_iter_done(iter)) {
+    strmap_iter_get(iter,&k,&v);
+    smartlist_add(found_keys, tor_strdup(k));
+    test_eq_ptr(v, strmap_get(map, k));
+    if (!strcmp(k, "K2")) {
+      iter = strmap_iter_next_rmv(map,iter);
+    } else {
+      iter = strmap_iter_next(map,iter);
+    }
+  }
   /* Make sure we removed K2, but not the others. */
   test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map, "K2"), NULL);
-  test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map, "K5"), (void*)10816);
+  test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map, "K5"), (void*)104);
+  /* Make sure we visited everyone once */
+  smartlist_sort_strings(found_keys);
+  visited = smartlist_join_strings(found_keys, ":", 0, NULL);
+  test_streq(visited, "K1:K2:K3:K4:K5:K6");
+  tor_free(visited);
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(found_keys, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+  smartlist_free(found_keys);
   /* Clean up after ourselves. */
@@ -1232,25 +1260,6 @@
 static void
-#if 0
-  char **names;
-  int i,num;
-  names = parse_nickname_list("  foo bar\t baz quux  ", &num);
-  test_eq(num,4);
-  test_streq(names[0],"foo");
-  test_streq(names[1],"bar");
-  test_streq(names[2],"baz");
-  test_streq(names[3],"quux");
-  for (i=0;i<num;i++)
-    tor_free(names[i]);
-  tor_free(names);
-static void
   /* client-side */
@@ -1820,12 +1829,12 @@
   puts("\n========================= Util ============================");
+  test_smartlist();
   puts("\n========================= Onion Skins =====================");
-  test_onion();
   puts("\n========================= Directory Formats ===============");

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