[or-cvs] r8693: clean up and name and syntax of status events (tor/trunk/doc)

arma at seul.org arma at seul.org
Thu Oct 12 09:40:37 UTC 2006

Author: arma
Date: 2006-10-12 05:40:36 -0400 (Thu, 12 Oct 2006)
New Revision: 8693

clean up and name and syntax of status events

Modified: tor/trunk/doc/control-spec.txt
--- tor/trunk/doc/control-spec.txt	2006-10-12 09:27:09 UTC (rev 8692)
+++ tor/trunk/doc/control-spec.txt	2006-10-12 09:40:36 UTC (rev 8693)
@@ -855,14 +855,15 @@
   [First added in]
-4.1.10. Misc other events
+4.1.10. Status events
      "650" SP Type SP Action SP Arguments
-     Type = "MISC_CLIENT" / "MISC_SERVER"
-     Action and Arguments (if any) are described below.
+     Action is a string, and Arguments is a series of key=value
+     pairs; more details below.
-  Actions for MISC_CLIENT events can be as follows:
+  Actions for STATUS_CLIENT events can be as follows:
      CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED means that Tor is able to establish circuits
      for client use. This event will only be sent if we just built a
@@ -873,14 +874,15 @@
      that it has closed all its circuits and will establishing them
      anew. This typically happens when a laptop goes to sleep and then
      wakes up again. It also happens when the system is swapping so
-     heavily that Tor is starving. The Arguments line is this case is
-     a single non-negative integer representing the number of seconds
-     Tor thinks it was unconscious for.
+     heavily that Tor is starving. The Arguments line in this case is
+     "time=NUM", a non-negative integer representing the number of
+     seconds Tor thinks it was unconscious for.
-  Actions for MISC_SERVER events can be as follows:
+  Actions for STATUS_SERVER events can be as follows:
 5. Implementation notes
 5.1. Authentication

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