[or-cvs] Implement GETINFO(dir/server/foo); status will be harder.
Nick Mathewson
nickm at seul.org
Wed Mar 15 05:06:59 UTC 2006
Update of /home/or/cvsroot/tor/src/or
In directory moria:/tmp/cvs-serv6261/src/or
Modified Files:
control.c dirserv.c
Log Message:
Implement GETINFO(dir/server/foo); status will be harder.
Index: control.c
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/tor/src/or/control.c,v
retrieving revision 1.178
retrieving revision 1.179
diff -u -p -d -r1.178 -r1.179
--- control.c 12 Mar 2006 05:04:16 -0000 1.178
+++ control.c 15 Mar 2006 05:06:56 -0000 1.179
@@ -1455,6 +1455,27 @@ handle_getinfo_helper(const char *questi
} else if (!strcmp(question, "dir-usage")) {
*answer = directory_dump_request_log();
+ } else if (!strcmpstart(question, "dir/server/")) {
+ size_t answer_len = 0, url_len = strlen(question)+2;
+ char *url = tor_malloc(url_len);
+ int res;
+ smartlist_t *descs = smartlist_create();
+ const char *msg;
+ char *cp;
+ tor_snprintf(url, url_len, "/tor/%s", question+4);
+ res = dirserv_get_routerdescs(descs, url, &msg);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(descs, signed_descriptor_t *, sd,
+ answer_len += sd->signed_descriptor_len);
+ cp = *answer = tor_malloc(answer_len+1);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(descs, signed_descriptor_t *, sd,
+ {
+ memcpy(cp, signed_descriptor_get_body(sd),
+ sd->signed_descriptor_len);
+ cp += sd->signed_descriptor_len;
+ });
+ *cp = '\0';
+ tor_free(url);
+ smartlist_free(descs);
return 0;
Index: dirserv.c
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/tor/src/or/dirserv.c,v
retrieving revision 1.306
retrieving revision 1.307
diff -u -p -d -r1.306 -r1.307
--- dirserv.c 14 Mar 2006 23:40:37 -0000 1.306
+++ dirserv.c 15 Mar 2006 05:06:56 -0000 1.307
@@ -1555,6 +1555,9 @@ dirserv_get_networkstatus_v2(smartlist_t
* recognize the key (URL).
* If -1 is returned *<b>msg</b> will be set to an appropriate error
* message.
+ *
+ * (Despite its name, this function is also called from the controller, which
+ * exposes a similar means to fetch descriptors.)
dirserv_get_routerdescs(smartlist_t *descs_out, const char *key,
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