[or-cvs] developers, faq, and support are truly obsolete now.

arma at seul.org arma at seul.org
Mon Feb 6 09:35:57 UTC 2006

Update of /home2/or/cvsroot/website/en
In directory moria:/home/arma/work/onion/cvs/website/en

Modified Files:
	developers.wml faq.wml support.wml 
Log Message:
developers, faq, and support are truly obsolete now.

Index: developers.wml
RCS file: /home2/or/cvsroot/website/en/developers.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- developers.wml	26 Jan 2006 23:37:35 -0000	1.3
+++ developers.wml	6 Feb 2006 09:35:55 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,64 +1,7 @@
 ## translation metadata
 # Revision: $Revision$
+# Status: obsolete
-#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Developers"
-<div class="main-column">
-<div style="float: right; border: 1px solid #666666; background: #e7e7e7; padding: 5px; margin: 0 5px 0 0;">
-<a href="<page gui/index>" style="color: #EF8012; font-weight: bold;">Tor GUI Competition &raquo;</a>
-<h2>Tor: Developers</h2>
-<hr />
-<p>Browse the Tor <b>CVS repository</b>: (which may not
-necessarily work or even compile)</p>
-<li><a href="<cvssandbox>">Regularly updated CVS sandbox</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://cvs.seul.org/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/?root=tor">ViewCVS</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/cvs/">Mailing list for cvs commits</a></li>
-<li>anonymous pserver access (password is guest):
-<li>Make a new empty directory and cd into it.</li>
-<li>cvs -d :pserver:guest at cvs.seul.org:/home/or/cvsroot login</li>
-<li>cvs -d :pserver:guest at cvs.seul.org:/home/or/cvsroot co tor</li>
-<li>cd tor; ./autogen.sh; make; make install if you like.</li>
-<li>(use "co -r tor-0_1_1_4_alpha tor" to fetch a particular version.)</li>
-<li>(To check out the maintenance branch, use -r tor-0_1_0-patches)</li>
-<p>Here's the current roadmap for the 0.1.1.x release:</p>
-<li>Reduce CPU load on servers.</li>
-<li>Continue decentralizing the directory.
-  <li>Gather more permanent dirservers and put their keys into the code.</li>
-  <li>Need to solve what 'verified' means: it means the nickname is
-      registered, but otherwise we treat servers the same.</li>
-  <li>A way for clients to partition the set of servers in a safe way:
-      so they don't have to learn all of them but so they're not easily
-      partitionable. Write it down, but probably not do it yet.</li>
-<li>Helper nodes (at least preliminary).</li>
-<li>Enclaves (at least preliminary).</li>
-<li>Launch the GUI contest.</li>
-<li>Something, anything, for sys tray on Windows.</li>
-<li>Get on some websites: indymedia.org. others?</li>
-<li>Research: scalability, keep thinking about end-to-end attacks.</li>
-<a href="<cvssandbox>tor/doc/TODO">The list of stuff the developers know they need to do</a>.
-The <a href="http://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de/index_en.html">Java Anon
-Proxy (JAP)</a> project has implemented the Tor client protocol in their
-client. More on that coming soon.
-  </div><!-- #main -->
+#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Redirecting" REDIRECT="documentation"
 #include <foot.wmi>

Index: faq.wml
RCS file: /home2/or/cvsroot/website/en/faq.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -p -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- faq.wml	26 Jan 2006 23:15:02 -0000	1.4
+++ faq.wml	6 Feb 2006 09:35:55 -0000	1.5
@@ -1,33 +1,7 @@
 ## translation metadata
 # Revision: $Revision$
+# Status: obsolete
-#include "head.wmi" TITLE="FAQs"
-<div class="main-column">
-<h2>Tor: FAQs</h2>
-<hr />
-The <a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/wiki/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ">Tor
-Technical FAQ Wiki</a> is user-editable, meaning anyone can make edits
-to the content. We encourage Tor users and supporters to go fix it up,
-add more questions, provide answers, etc. While we will monitor the Wiki
-page to help ensure accuracy, the Tor developers are not responsible
-for the content.
-The <a href="<page eff/tor-legal-faq>">Tor Legal FAQ</a> is written by
-EFF lawyers. It aims to give you an overview of some of the legal issues
-that arise from the Tor project.
-The <a href="<page faq-abuse>">Abuse FAQ for Tor Server Operators</a> is a collection
-of common questions and issues discussed when running a Tor server.
-  </div><!-- #main -->
+#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Redirecting" REDIRECT="documentation"
 #include <foot.wmi>

Index: support.wml
RCS file: /home2/or/cvsroot/website/en/support.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -p -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- support.wml	28 Jan 2006 07:09:40 -0000	1.6
+++ support.wml	6 Feb 2006 09:35:55 -0000	1.7
@@ -1,57 +1,7 @@
 ## translation metadata
 # Revision: $Revision$
+# Status: obsolete
-#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Support"
-<div class="main-column">
-<h2>Tor: Support</h2>
-<hr />
-<p>The Tor developers spend most of their time developing
-Tor. There are no people devoted to user support. So please look for <a
-support avenues</a> before sending mail to the developers.
-<p>We have an IRC discussion channel for users and operators. Go to
-<a href="irc://irc.oftc.net/tor">#tor on irc.oftc.net</a>.
-We also have several <a href="<page documentation>#MailingLists">Mailing
-Lists</a> available for discussion.
-<p>We have a <a
-If you have a bug, especially a crash bug, read our <a
-to report a Tor bug</a> FAQ wiki entry first and then go to the bugtracker
-and tell us as much information about it as you can. (If your bug is
-with Privoxy, your browser, or some other application, please don't put
-it in our bugtracker.)
-<p>Check out <a
-href="http://www.noreply.org/tor-running-routers/">weasel's graph of
-the number of Tor servers over time</a>. To learn more details of the
-current Tor nodes, look at Geoff Goodell's <a
-of Tor exit nodes by country</a>. You can also <a
-href="http://belegost.seul.org/">fetch the latest dynamically generated
-directory directly</a>. (Your Tor client fetches this automatically,
-so loading it yourself is just for novelty.)
-<a href="http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/">The hidden wiki</a> has a list
-of some hidden services and other things. You need Tor and a proxy like
-Privoxy to access it.
-See <a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/wiki/TheOnionRouter">the Tor
-wiki</a> for other user-contributed documentation, etc.
-  </div><!-- #main -->
+#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Redirecting" REDIRECT="documentation"
 #include <foot.wmi>

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