[or-cvs] r7016: added some notes (bsockets/trunk)
chiussi at seul.org
chiussi at seul.org
Thu Aug 10 10:44:36 UTC 2006
Author: chiussi
Date: 2006-08-10 06:44:33 -0400 (Thu, 10 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 7016
added some notes
Modified: bsockets/trunk/callback.c
--- bsockets/trunk/callback.c 2006-08-10 09:30:25 UTC (rev 7015)
+++ bsockets/trunk/callback.c 2006-08-10 10:44:33 UTC (rev 7016)
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
//todo -- if write is incomplete, reiterate
//todo -- if error, raise exception
void CALLBACK callback_read(
Modified: bsockets/trunk/notes
--- bsockets/trunk/notes 2006-08-10 09:30:25 UTC (rev 7015)
+++ bsockets/trunk/notes 2006-08-10 10:44:33 UTC (rev 7016)
@@ -1,40 +1,42 @@
-- make sure atomic/release doesnt cause other calls to block when socket is in blocking mode
-- make sure we set all events before closing them, otherwise blocking calls might block indefinitely, also find a way to show that the socket as closed
-- always release mutex before closing them
-- atomic/release should ensure the socket in question is open and not closing.
-- you cannot free a socket unless you own the list otherwise we cannot guarantee that mutexes inside atomic() still exist
-- make sure that socket error is reset after everytime it is looked at
+Whats Left? (sorted by importance in non-increasing order)
+1. baccept()
+ - blisten(): tells event manager to set desired socket to IS_READABLE when
+ FD_ACCEPT happens
+ - baccept(): calls accept() with underlying socket as argument
+2. brecv()
+ - when callback_write occurs, and the entire message has not been sent
+ reiterate
+ - figure out a way to test the above (ie, force WSARecv() to not send
+ entire message)
-- check how many open reads we can have
+3. Socket options/bfcntl()
+ - figure out how we are going to handle SO_LINGER
+ (wait until socket is writable again?)
+ - should we forward options to the underlying socket if bsocket doesn't
+ support/need them ?
+3. Synchronization issues
+ - decide if we need a seperate mutex for wait objects. having global
+ ownership is fine, but it slows everything down.
+ - ensure atomicity on wl_wait_many. problem because in time between
+ wait list monitor placement and wait list activation, anohter activation
+ may occur, which is currently undefined behavior. To observe this, run
+ test 25 with a large number of connections
-Ridiculous scenarios to think about
+4. Memory leaks
+ - There is a small memory leak observed when simply calling bsocket()/bclose(). Why?
+ - For each malloc, make sure there is a free.
+5. Complete remaining test ideas (todos in test.c).
-1. User is select()ing while close() is called on one of the waiting descriptors elsewhere
-Why this is bad:
-The user could be waiting for a read operation,
+- Do we need to worry about UDP?
+- "" "" OOB Data?
+- OpenSSL uses SO_*TIMEO flags. What should we do about this? Winsock
-Why it doesn't matter:
-This behavior is illegal (?)
-What will happen in bsock
-select will return -1, sockopt err will be set
-sync issues
-1. error array does not need syncronization because it may only be set by the
- event manager and read after event array indicates it is finished with socket
-2. we do not need to worry about closing a socket while there is a pending connect
- which is queued. bconnect() will block until this is at least connected, so
- any bclose() will block until the appropraite time.
-compatability issues
-1. openssl uses SO_*TIMEO flags. winsock has no support for this option, and implementing
- it would force us to rip apart the existing code. is there any nice way to code.
Modified: bsockets/trunk/sync.c
--- bsockets/trunk/sync.c 2006-08-10 09:30:25 UTC (rev 7015)
+++ bsockets/trunk/sync.c 2006-08-10 10:44:33 UTC (rev 7016)
@@ -142,10 +142,6 @@
- // if (type & AE_FREE) {
- // M_INSERT(env->free_m);
- // }
if (type & AE_WAIT) {
@@ -175,11 +171,6 @@
- //if (type & AS_ERR) {
- // M_INSERT(b->err_m);
- //}
Modified: bsockets/trunk/test.c
--- bsockets/trunk/test.c 2006-08-10 09:30:25 UTC (rev 7015)
+++ bsockets/trunk/test.c 2006-08-10 10:44:33 UTC (rev 7016)
@@ -1800,7 +1800,6 @@
{test_maxoverlapped,NULL,"Test if we can have a sufficient number of outstanding operations."},
{test_bselect_macros,NULL,"Testing bselect() macros."},
//todo close returns error if error has occured and not been collected
-// {test_multieventselect,NULL,"Can we have more than one socket associated with a WSAevent."},
//{test_theory1,NULL,"Test theory #1 (WSAwfme does not block when socket closed."},
//todo -- find a way to reduce timeout
//{test_badconnection_blocking,NULL,"Test if connection to unreachable host fails appropriately. (blocking)"},
Deleted: bsockets/trunk/todo
--- bsockets/trunk/todo 2006-08-10 09:30:25 UTC (rev 7015)
+++ bsockets/trunk/todo 2006-08-10 10:44:33 UTC (rev 7016)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-- make getsockopt()
-- make listen()
-- make accept()
-- make read()
-- make write()
-- make socketpair()
-- make bsocket.c (links to system specific versions)
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