[or-cvs] explain that the exitlist isn"t perfect, because some tor e...
arma at seul.org
arma at seul.org
Wed Aug 2 05:17:14 UTC 2006
Update of /home2/or/cvsroot/website/en
In directory moria:/home/arma/work/onion/cvs/website/en
Modified Files:
Log Message:
explain that the exitlist isn't perfect, because some tor exit nodes
don't exit on their advertised address.
Index: faq-abuse.wml
RCS file: /home2/or/cvsroot/website/en/faq-abuse.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -p -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- faq-abuse.wml 31 Jul 2006 05:54:43 -0000 1.8
+++ faq-abuse.wml 2 Aug 2006 05:16:59 -0000 1.9
@@ -285,7 +285,9 @@ the overall list of nodes in the network
<p>If you really want to do this, we provide a
<a href="<svnsandbox>contrib/exitlist">Python script to parse the Tor
+directory</a>. (Note that this script won't give you a perfect list
+of IP addresses that might connect to you using Tor, since some Tor
+servers might exit from other addresses than the one they publish.)
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