[or-cvs] Clean up privoxy-tor-toggle; untabify; clean up messages; r...
Nick Mathewson
nickm at seul.org
Fri Mar 11 20:37:28 UTC 2005
Update of /home/or/cvsroot/tor/contrib
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv11608
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Clean up privoxy-tor-toggle; untabify; clean up messages; remove fwd-incompatible "print status on unrecognized command" feature
Index: privoxy-tor-toggle
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/tor/contrib/privoxy-tor-toggle,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- privoxy-tor-toggle 11 Mar 2005 20:30:22 -0000 1.1
+++ privoxy-tor-toggle 11 Mar 2005 20:37:26 -0000 1.2
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-# A script to turn tor sock4a in privoxy on or off.
+# A script to turn Tor SOCKS4a in Privoxy on or off.
-CONFFILE=/etc/privoxy/config # privoxy config file.
-TOR_REG="forward.*localhost:9050" # Regular expression open the tor in privoxy
-PRIVOXY="/etc/init.d/privoxy restart" # command to reload privoxy config file.
-SED="/bin/sed" # sed command, of course.
-GREP="/bin/grep" # grep command.
+CONFFILE=/etc/privoxy/config # privoxy config file.
+TOR_REG="forward.*localhost:9050" # Regular expression to find Tor in privoxy
+PRIVOXY="/etc/init.d/privoxy restart" # command to reload privoxy config file.
+SED="/bin/sed" # sed command, of course.
+GREP="/bin/grep" # grep command.
usage () {
echo "\
+privoxy-tor-toggle: Change Privoxy's configuration to use/not use Tor.
- privoxy.tor <-- No arguments. Switch the tor on or off.
- privoxy.tor [on|off] <-- Set the tor on or off.
- privoxy.tor !.*xia <-- Any argument other than above shows
- current status of the tor.
- privoxy.tor [-h|--help|-?] <-- Print usage.
+ privoxy.tor <-- Switch Tor on or off.
+ privoxy.tor [on|off] <-- Set Tor on or off.
+ privoxy.tor status <-- Display Tor's current status.
+ privoxy.tor [-h|--help|-?] <-- Print usage.
@@ -34,22 +34,22 @@
if [ $tor_status = $tor_gate ] ; then
- echo "The tor is already $1."
+ echo "Tor is already $1."
elif [ $tor_gate = flip ] ; then
- if [ $tor_status = on ] ; then
- tor_gate=off
- elif [ $tor_status = off ] ; then
- tor_gate=on
- fi
+ if [ $tor_status = on ] ; then
+ tor_gate=off
+ elif [ $tor_status = off ] ; then
+ tor_gate=on
+ fi
- echo "Turning the tor $tor_gate..."
+ echo "Turning Tor $tor_gate..."
if [ $tor_gate = on ] ; then
- reg=s/^#\($TOR_REG\)/\\1/
- $SED -i.bak -r "$reg" $CONFFILE
+ reg=s/^#\($TOR_REG\)/\\1/
+ $SED -i.bak -r "$reg" $CONFFILE
- reg=s/^\($TOR_REG\)/#\\1/
- $SED -i.bak -r "$reg" $CONFFILE
+ reg=s/^\($TOR_REG\)/#\\1/
+ $SED -i.bak -r "$reg" $CONFFILE
return 0;
@@ -59,13 +59,15 @@
set_tor flip
elif [ $1 = on ] ; then
set_tor on
-elif [ $1 = off ] ; then
+elif [ $1 = off ] ; then
set_tor off
+elif [ $1 = status ] ; then
+ get_status
+ echo "Tor is $tor_status"
elif [ $1 = --help ] || [ $1 = -h ] || [ $1 = "-?" ] ; then
exit 0
- get_status
- echo "Currently, the tor is $tor_status."
+ echo "Unrecognized option: \"$1\""
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