[or-cvs] Implement weekly/monthly/daily accounting
Nick Mathewson
nickm at seul.org
Mon Nov 22 21:56:55 UTC 2004
Update of /home/or/cvsroot/tor/src/or
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv18250/src/or
Modified Files:
config.c hibernate.c or.h
Log Message:
Implement weekly/monthly/daily accounting
Index: config.c
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/tor/src/or/config.c,v
retrieving revision 1.262
retrieving revision 1.263
diff -u -d -r1.262 -r1.263
--- config.c 22 Nov 2004 20:08:07 -0000 1.262
+++ config.c 22 Nov 2004 21:56:51 -0000 1.263
@@ -20,10 +20,8 @@
typedef enum config_type_t {
CONFIG_TYPE_STRING = 0, /**< An arbitrary string. */
CONFIG_TYPE_UINT, /**< A non-negative integer less than MAX_INT */
- /* DOCDOC */
- CONFIG_TYPE_INTERVAL, /**< A non-negative integer less than MAX_INT */
- /* DOCDOC */
- CONFIG_TYPE_MEMUNIT, /**< A non-negative integer less than MAX_INT */
+ CONFIG_TYPE_INTERVAL, /**< A number of seconds, with optional units*/
+ CONFIG_TYPE_MEMUNIT, /**< A number of bytes, with optional units*/
CONFIG_TYPE_DOUBLE, /**< A floating-point value */
CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, /**< A boolean value, expressed as 0 or 1. */
CONFIG_TYPE_CSV, /**< A list of strings, separated by commas and optional
@@ -93,6 +91,7 @@
static config_var_t config_vars[] = {
VAR("Address", STRING, Address, NULL),
+ VAR("AccountingStart", STRING, AccountingStart, NULL),
VAR("AllowUnverifiedNodes",CSV, AllowUnverifiedNodes, "middle,rendezvous"),
VAR("AuthoritativeDirectory",BOOL, AuthoritativeDir, "0"),
VAR("BandwidthRate", MEMUNIT, BandwidthRate, "780 KB"),
@@ -136,7 +135,7 @@
VAR("MaxConn", UINT, MaxConn, "1024"),
VAR("MaxOnionsPending", UINT, MaxOnionsPending, "100"),
- VAR("MonthlyAccountingStart",UINT, AccountingStart, "1"),
+ VAR("MonthlyAccountingStart",UINT, _MonthlyAccountingStart,"0"),
VAR("AccountingMaxKB", UINT, _AccountingMaxKB, "0"),
VAR("AccountingMax", MEMUNIT, AccountingMax, "0 bytes"),
VAR("Nickname", STRING, Nickname, NULL),
@@ -325,6 +324,10 @@
/* Set up accounting */
+ if (accounting_parse_options(options, 0)<0) {
+ log_fn(LOG_ERR,"Error in accouting options");
+ return -1;
+ }
if (accounting_is_enabled(options))
@@ -1308,12 +1311,23 @@
result = -1;
- if (options->AccountingStart < 0 || options->AccountingStart > 31) {
- log(LOG_WARN,"Monthly accounting must start on a day of the month, and no months have %d days.",
- options->AccountingStart);
- result = -1;
- } else if (options->AccountingStart > 28) {
- log(LOG_WARN,"Not every month has %d days.",options->AccountingStart);
+ if (options->_MonthlyAccountingStart) {
+ if (options->AccountingStart) {
+ log(LOG_WARN,"Can't specify AccountingStart and MonthlyAccountingStart");
+ result = -1;
+ } else {
+ options->AccountingStart = tor_malloc(32);
+ if (tor_snprintf(options->AccountingStart, 32, "month %d 0:00",
+ options->_MonthlyAccountingStart)<0) {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Error translating MonthlyAccountingStart");
+ result = -1;
+ } else {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN,"MonthlyAccountingStart is deprecated. Use 'AccountingStart %s' instead.", options->AccountingStart);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (accounting_parse_options(options, 1)<0) {
result = -1;
@@ -2215,9 +2229,9 @@
static struct unit_table_t memory_units[] = {
+ { "b", 1<< 0 },
{ "byte", 1<< 0 },
{ "bytes", 1<< 0 },
- { "k", 1<<10 },
{ "kb", 1<<10 },
{ "kilobyte", 1<<10 },
{ "kilobytes", 1<<10 },
@@ -2225,11 +2239,9 @@
{ "mb", 1<<20 },
{ "megabyte", 1<<20 },
{ "megabytes", 1<<20 },
- { "g", 1<<30 },
{ "gb", 1<<30 },
{ "gigabyte", 1<<30 },
{ "gigabytes", 1<<30 },
- { "t", U64_LITERAL(1)<<40 },
{ "tb", U64_LITERAL(1)<<40 },
{ "terabyte", U64_LITERAL(1)<<40 },
{ "terabytes", U64_LITERAL(1)<<40 },
@@ -2237,18 +2249,10 @@
static struct unit_table_t time_units[] = {
- { "s", 1 },
- { "sec", 1 },
- { "secs", 1 },
- { "second", 1 },
+ { "second", 1 },
{ "seconds", 1 },
- { "min", 60 },
- { "mins", 60 },
{ "minute", 60 },
{ "minutes", 60 },
- { "h", 60*60 },
- { "hr", 60*60 },
- { "hrs", 60*60 },
{ "hour", 60*60 },
{ "hours", 60*60 },
{ "day", 24*60*60 },
Index: hibernate.c
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/tor/src/or/hibernate.c,v
retrieving revision 1.25
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -d -r1.25 -r1.26
--- hibernate.c 21 Nov 2004 04:19:04 -0000 1.25
+++ hibernate.c 22 Nov 2004 21:56:51 -0000 1.26
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
static time_t hibernate_end_time = 0;
typedef enum {
} time_unit_t;
/* Fields for accounting logic. Accounting overview:
@@ -80,6 +80,13 @@
static time_t interval_wakeup_time = 0;
/** How much bandwidth do we 'expect' to use per minute? */
static uint32_t expected_bandwidth_usage = 0;
+/** What unit are we using for our accounting? */
+static time_unit_t cfg_unit = UNIT_MONTH;
+/** How many days,hours,minutes into each unit does our accounting interval
+ * start? */
+static int cfg_start_day = 0;
+static int cfg_start_hour = 0;
+static int cfg_start_min = 0;
static void reset_accounting(time_t now);
static int read_bandwidth_usage(void);
@@ -91,6 +98,112 @@
* Functions for bandwidth accounting.
* ************/
+/** Configure accounting start/end time settings based on
+ * options->AccountingStart. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure. If
+ * <b>validate_only</b> is true, do not change the current settings. */
+accounting_parse_options(or_options_t *options, int validate_only)
+ time_unit_t unit;
+ int ok, idx;
+ long d,h,m;
+ smartlist_t *items;
+ const char *v = options->AccountingStart;
+ const char *s;
+ char *cp;
+ if (!v) {
+ if (!validate_only) {
+ cfg_unit = UNIT_MONTH;
+ cfg_start_day = 1;
+ cfg_start_hour = 0;
+ cfg_start_min = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ items = smartlist_create();
+ smartlist_split_string(items, v, " ", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK,0);
+ if (smartlist_len(items)<2) {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Too few arguments to AccountingStart");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ s = smartlist_get(items,0);
+ if (0==strcasecmp(s, "month")) {
+ unit = UNIT_MONTH;
+ } else if (0==strcasecmp(s, "week")) {
+ unit = UNIT_WEEK;
+ } else if (0==strcasecmp(s, "day")) {
+ unit = UNIT_DAY;
+ } else {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized accounting unit '%s': only 'month', 'week', and 'day' are supported.", s);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ switch (unit) {
+ case UNIT_WEEK:
+ d = tor_parse_long(smartlist_get(items,1), 10, 1, 7, &ok, NULL);
+ if (!ok) {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Weekly accounting must start begin on a day between 1(Monday) and 7 (Sunday)");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ break;
+ case UNIT_MONTH:
+ d = tor_parse_long(smartlist_get(items,1), 10, 1, 28, &ok, NULL);
+ if (!ok) {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Monthy accounting must start begin on a day between 1 and 28");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ break;
+ case UNIT_DAY:
+ d = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ tor_assert(0);
+ }
+ idx = unit==UNIT_DAY?1:2;
+ if (smartlist_len(items) != (idx+1)) {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Accounting unit '%s' requires %d arguments",
+ s, idx+1);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ s = smartlist_get(items, idx);
+ h = tor_parse_long(s, 10, 0, 23, &ok, &cp);
+ if (!ok) {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Accounting start time not parseable: bad hour.");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (!cp || *cp!=':') {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Accounting start time not parseable: not in HH:MM format");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ m = tor_parse_long(cp+1, 10, 0, 59, &ok, &cp);
+ if (!ok) {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Accounting start time not parseable: bad minute");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (!cp || *cp!='\0') {
+ log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Accounting start time not parseable: not in HH:MM format");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (!validate_only) {
+ cfg_unit = unit;
+ cfg_start_day = (int)d;
+ cfg_start_hour = (int)h;
+ cfg_start_min = (int)m;
+ }
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(items, char *, s, tor_free(s));
+ smartlist_free(items);
+ return 0;
+ err:
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(items, char *, s, tor_free(s));
+ smartlist_free(items);
+ return -1;
/** If we want to manage the accounting system and potentially
* hibernate, return 1, else return 0.
@@ -113,49 +226,75 @@
n_seconds_active_in_interval += (seconds < 10) ? seconds : 0;
-/** Increment the month field of <b>tm</b> by <b>delta</b> months. */
-static INLINE void
-incr_month(struct tm *tm, unsigned int delta)
+/** If get_end, return the end of the accounting period that contains
+ * the time <b>now</b>. Else, return the start of the accounting
+ * period that contains the time <b>now</b> */
+static time_t
+edge_of_accounting_period_containing(time_t now, int get_end)
- tm->tm_mon += delta;
- /* officially, we don't have to do this, but some platforms are rumored
- * to have broken implementations. */
- while (tm->tm_mon > 11) {
- ++tm->tm_year;
- tm->tm_mon -= 12;
- }
+ int before;
+ struct tm *tm;
+ tm = localtime(&now);
-/** Decrement the month field of <b>tm</b> by <b>delta</b> months. */
-static INLINE void
-decr_month(struct tm *tm, unsigned int delta)
- tm->tm_mon -= delta;
- while (tm->tm_mon < 0) {
- --tm->tm_year;
- tm->tm_mon += 12;
+ /* Set 'before' to true iff the current time is before the hh:mm
+ * changeover time for today. */
+ before = tm->tm_hour < cfg_start_hour ||
+ (tm->tm_hour == cfg_start_hour && tm->tm_min < cfg_start_min);
+ /* Dispatch by unit. First, find the start day of the given period;
+ * then, if get_end is true, increment to the end day. */
+ switch (cfg_unit)
+ {
+ case UNIT_MONTH: {
+ /* If this is before the Nth, we want the Nth of last month. */
+ if (tm->tm_mday < cfg_start_day ||
+ (tm->tm_mday < cfg_start_day && before)) {
+ --tm->tm_mon;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, the month is correct. */
+ tm->tm_mday = cfg_start_day;
+ if (get_end)
+ ++tm->tm_mon;
+ break;
+ }
+ case UNIT_WEEK: {
+ /* What is the 'target' day of the week in struct tm format? (We
+ say Sunday==7; struct tm says Sunday==0.) */
+ int wday = cfg_start_day % 7;
+ /* How many days do we subtract from today to get to the right day? */
+ int delta = (7+tm->tm_wday-wday)%7;
+ /* If we are on the right day, but the changeover hasn't happened yet,
+ * then subtract a whole week. */
+ if (delta == 0 && before)
+ delta = 7;
+ tm->tm_mday -= delta;
+ if (get_end)
+ tm->tm_mday += 7;
+ break;
+ }
+ case UNIT_DAY:
+ if (before)
+ --tm->tm_mday;
+ if (get_end)
+ ++tm->tm_mday;
+ break;
+ default:
+ tor_assert(0);
+ tm->tm_hour = cfg_start_hour;
+ tm->tm_min = cfg_start_min;
+ tm->tm_sec = 0;
+ tm->tm_isdst = -1; /* Autodetect DST */
+ return mktime(tm);
-/** Return the start of the accounting period that contains the time
- * <b>now</b> */
+/** Return the start of the accounting period containing the time
+ * <b>now</b>. */
static time_t
start_of_accounting_period_containing(time_t now)
- struct tm *tm;
- /* Only months are supported. */
- tm = gmtime(&now);
- /* If this is before the Nth, we want the Nth of last month. */
- if (tm->tm_mday < get_options()->AccountingStart) {
- decr_month(tm, 1);
- }
- /* Otherwise, the month and year are correct.*/
- tm->tm_mday = get_options()->AccountingStart;
- tm->tm_hour = 0;
- tm->tm_min = 0;
- tm->tm_sec = 0;
- return tor_timegm(tm);
+ return edge_of_accounting_period_containing(now, 0);
/** Return the start of the accounting period that comes after the one
@@ -163,13 +302,7 @@
static time_t
start_of_accounting_period_after(time_t now)
- time_t start;
- struct tm *tm;
- start = start_of_accounting_period_containing(now);
- tm = gmtime(&start);
- incr_month(tm, 1);
- return tor_timegm(tm);
+ return edge_of_accounting_period_containing(now, 1);
/** Initialize the accounting subsystem. */
@@ -186,7 +319,7 @@
* for this interval. Start a new interval. */
log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Starting new accounting interval.");
- } if (interval_start_time ==
+ } else if (interval_start_time ==
start_of_accounting_period_containing(interval_start_time)) {
log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Continuing accounting interval.");
/* We are in the interval we thought we were in. Do nothing.*/
@@ -283,13 +416,13 @@
static void
- struct tm *tm;
char buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
- crypto_digest_env_t *d;
- int n_days_in_interval;
- int n_days_to_exhaust_bw;
- int n_days_to_consider;
+ crypto_digest_env_t *d_env;
+ int time_in_interval;
+ int time_to_exhaust_bw;
+ int time_to_consider;
+ int d,h,m;
if (! identity_key_is_set()) {
if (init_keys() < 0) {
@@ -301,36 +434,55 @@
format_iso_time(buf, interval_start_time);
crypto_pk_get_digest(get_identity_key(), digest);
- d = crypto_new_digest_env();
- crypto_digest_add_bytes(d, buf, ISO_TIME_LEN);
- crypto_digest_add_bytes(d, digest, DIGEST_LEN);
- crypto_digest_get_digest(d, digest, DIGEST_LEN);
- crypto_free_digest_env(d);
+ d_env = crypto_new_digest_env();
+ crypto_digest_add_bytes(d_env, buf, ISO_TIME_LEN);
+ crypto_digest_add_bytes(d_env, digest, DIGEST_LEN);
+ crypto_digest_get_digest(d_env, digest, DIGEST_LEN);
+ crypto_free_digest_env(d_env);
if (expected_bandwidth_usage)
- n_days_to_exhaust_bw =
- (get_options()->AccountingMax/expected_bandwidth_usage)/(24*60);
+ time_to_exhaust_bw =
+ (get_options()->AccountingMax/expected_bandwidth_usage)*60;
- n_days_to_exhaust_bw = 1;
- tm = gmtime(&interval_start_time);
- if (++tm->tm_mon > 11) { tm->tm_mon = 0; ++tm->tm_year; }
- n_days_in_interval = (tor_timegm(tm)-interval_start_time+1)/(24*60*60);
+ time_to_exhaust_bw = 24*60*60;
- n_days_to_consider = n_days_in_interval - n_days_to_exhaust_bw;
+ time_in_interval = interval_end_time - interval_start_time;
+ time_to_consider = time_in_interval - time_to_exhaust_bw;
+ if (time_to_consider<=0) {
+ interval_wakeup_time = interval_start_time;
+ d=h=m=0;
+ } else {
+ /* XXX can we simplify this just by picking a random (non-deterministic)
+ * time to be up? If we go down and come up, then we pick a new one. Is
+ * that good enough? -RD */
- /* XXX can we simplify this just by picking a random (non-deterministic)
- * time to be up? If we go down and come up, then we pick a new one. Is
- * that good enough? -RD */
- while (((unsigned char)digest[0]) > n_days_to_consider)
- crypto_digest(digest, digest, DIGEST_LEN);
+ /* This is not a perfectly unbiased conversion, but it is good enough:
+ * in the worst case, the first half of the day is 0.06 percent likelier
+ * to be chosen than the last half. */
+ interval_wakeup_time = interval_start_time +
+ (get_uint32(digest) % time_to_consider);
- interval_wakeup_time = interval_start_time +
- 24*60*60 * (unsigned char)digest[0];
+ format_iso_time(buf, interval_wakeup_time);
+ }
+ {
+ char buf1[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
+ char buf2[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
+ char buf3[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
+ char buf4[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
+ time_t down_time = interval_wakeup_time+time_to_exhaust_bw;
+ if (down_time>interval_end_time)
+ down_time = interval_end_time;
+ format_local_iso_time(buf1, interval_start_time);
+ format_local_iso_time(buf2, interval_wakeup_time);
+ format_local_iso_time(buf3, down_time);
+ format_local_iso_time(buf4, interval_end_time);
- format_iso_time(buf, interval_wakeup_time);
- log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Configured hibernation interval: Decided to wake up %d days into the interval, at %s GMT",
- (int)(unsigned char)digest[0], buf);
+ log_fn(LOG_NOTICE, "Configured hibernation. This interval begins at %s; "
+ "we will hibernate until %s; "
+ "we expect to stay up until approximatly %s; "
+ "we will start a new interval at %s (all times local)",
+ buf1, buf2, buf3, buf4);
+ }
@@ -436,7 +588,6 @@
interval_start_time = t1;
expected_bandwidth_usage = expected_bw;
- accounting_set_wakeup_time();
return 0;
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(elts, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
Index: or.h
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/tor/src/or/or.h,v
retrieving revision 1.492
retrieving revision 1.493
diff -u -d -r1.492 -r1.493
--- or.h 21 Nov 2004 10:14:57 -0000 1.492
+++ or.h 22 Nov 2004 21:56:51 -0000 1.493
@@ -963,15 +963,16 @@
struct config_line_t *RedirectExit; /**< List of config lines for simple
* addr/port redirection */
smartlist_t *RedirectExitList; /**< List of exit_redirect_t */
- int AccountingStart; /**< At what offset within the accounting interval
- * do we begin measuring? (Currently only day-of-month
- * is supported.) */
+ int _MonthlyAccountingStart; /**< Deprecated: day of month when accounting
+ * interval starts */
+ char *AccountingStart; /** How long is the accounting interval, and when
+ * does it start? */
uint64_t AccountingMax; /**< How many bytes do we allow per accounting
* interval before hibernation? 0 for "never
* hibernate." */
int _AccountingMaxKB; /**< How many KB do we allow per accounting
* interval before hibernation? 0 for "never
- * hibernate." */
+ * hibernate." (Based on a deprecated option)*/
char *HashedControlPassword; /**< Base64-encoded hash of a password for
* the control system. */
@@ -1341,6 +1342,7 @@
/********************************* hibernate.c **********************/
+int accounting_parse_options(or_options_t *options, int validate_only);
int accounting_is_enabled(or_options_t *options);
void configure_accounting(time_t now);
void accounting_run_housekeeping(time_t now);
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