[tor-bugs] #33072 [Core Tor/Tor]: When under load, give 503 aggressively for dirport requests without compression

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Wed Mar 18 13:50:22 UTC 2020

#33072: When under load, give 503 aggressively for dirport requests without
 Reporter:  nickm                                |          Owner:  dgoulet
     Type:  defect                               |         Status:
                                                 |  needs_revision
 Priority:  Medium                               |      Milestone:  Tor:
                                                 |  0.4.4.x-final
Component:  Core Tor/Tor                         |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                               |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  network-health 043-should consider-  |  Actual Points:
  backport-after-0434 042-backport 043-backport  |
Parent ID:  #33018                               |         Points:
 Reviewer:  teor                                 |        Sponsor:

Comment (by teor):

 I'm not suggesting any complicated new features.

 The current logic is a bit complicated. And the code does not match the
 man page.

 At the moment, "always answer compressed" overrides
 AuthDirRejectRequestsUnderLoad. I don't think that's useful or necessary.
 And it's not documented.

 Here is what the code does now:

 * '''compressed requests''': always answer
    * includes tor authorities, relays, clients: almost always compressed

 * if AuthDirRejectUncompressedRequests is:
   * '''1 - reject uncompressed''': all uncompressed requests will be
   * '''0 - accept uncompressed''': uncompressed requests are handled based
 on other options (see below)

 * if AuthDirRejectRequestsUnderLoad is:
   * '''1 - reject under load''': depends on the write bucket load:
     * '''too much load''': we will reject uncompressed requests (usually
     * '''room to answer''': we will answer uncompressed requests (usually
   * '''0 - accept all''': we will answer uncompressed requests (usually

 I don't think that's the design we want.

 So I suggest we delete these lines:
   if (c_method != NO_METHOD) {
       /* Always answer compressed request. */
       return false;

 Here is what the code does after we delete those lines:

 * if AuthDirRejectUncompressedRequests is:
   * '''1 - reject uncompressed''': all uncompressed requests will be
   * '''0 - accept uncompressed''': uncompressed requests are handled like
 compressed requests, based on other options (see below)

 * if AuthDirRejectRequestsUnderLoad is:
   * '''1 - reject under load''':
     * '''relay or authority''' always answer
     * '''client''': depends on the write bucket load:
       * '''too much load''': we will reject requests from clients
       * '''room to answer''': we will answer requests from clients
   * '''0 - accept all''': we will answer all requests

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33072#comment:22>
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