[tor-bugs] #34447 [Core Tor/Chutney]: Chutney networks need at least 3 AssumeReachable nodes.

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Jun 12 16:08:07 UTC 2020

#34447: Chutney networks need at least 3 AssumeReachable nodes.
     Reporter:  nickm             |      Owner:  (none)
         Type:  defect            |     Status:  new
     Priority:  Medium            |  Milestone:  Tor: 0.4.5.x-final
    Component:  Core Tor/Chutney  |    Version:
     Severity:  Normal            |   Keywords:
Actual Points:                    |  Parent ID:  #34446
       Points:                    |   Reviewer:
      Sponsor:                    |
 Unless at least three nodes on a chutney network are AssumeReachable, the
 consensus as published will not have 3 descriptors in it.  Without 3
 descriptors in the initial consensus, relays won't be able to build self-
 testing circuits, decide they are reachable, and publish their own
 descriptors... so they will never join the consensus.

 Right now, this problem is masked by #34446, which means that we haven't
 actually disabled AssumeReachable as much as we think we have.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/34447>
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