[tor-bugs] #33336 [Circumvention/Snowflake]: Trial deployment of Snowflake with Turbo Tunnel
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Mon Feb 24 05:53:35 UTC 2020
#33336: Trial deployment of Snowflake with Turbo Tunnel
Reporter: dcf | Owner: dcf
Type: task | Status: accepted
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Circumvention/Snowflake | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: turbotunnel | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by dcf):
Replying to [comment:15 dcf]:
> I have a couple of updated branches and I'm starting on Tor Browser
builds with them. They make the kcp idle timeout fix from comment:14 and
update to a newer quic-go as mentioned in comment:12.
Here are second-draft Tor Browser packages. They fix most of the problems
I experienced with the first draft, which are summarized in comment:11.
The commits they are built from are
snowflake-turbotunnel-kcp] and [https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/dcf
quic&id=6e78d215ad4a3249f23516af8a298294c592d80c snowflake-turbotunnel-
quic]. Both are working well for me, even playing hours-long online
* [https://people.torproject.org/~dcf/pt-bundle/tor-browser-snowflake-
turbotunnel-kcp-9.5a5-20200223/ tor-browser-snowflake-turbotunnel-
* [https://people.torproject.org/~dcf/pt-bundle/tor-browser-snowflake-
turbotunnel-quic-9.5a5-20200223/ tor-browser-snowflake-turbotunnel-
Summary of changes since the first-draft packages in comment:4:
* Update to a newer version of quic-go to fix the keepalive problem of
comment:12 and the high CPU use of #33401.
link] [https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/dcf/tor-browser-
quic&id=e3066ead27f22dadf6aa4236c31c6ee89eacaaf7 link]
* Increase the KCP idle timeout to 10 minutes to match QUIC (comment:14).
* If a connection does die due to idleness, close the SOCKS connection
immediately (comment:14).
* Disable KCP congestion control (comment:16).
* Increase circuit and stream timeouts to 5 minutes (comment:15).
link] [https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/dcf/tor-browser-
quic&id=b480b282e991fc12c0f8401a6528703ac6439ffe link]
* Log snowflake-client by default. [https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/dcf
kcp&id=ade61c8484485100cfc287cb1c9591a0e7f9dd8f link]
The log appears in Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/pt_state/snowflake-
client.log. Some hints on interpreting the log:
`BrokerChannel Response: 504 Gateway Timeout`::
This means the broker couldn't find a proxy for you. It's a temporary
error and the client will try again in 10 seconds.
`BrokerChannel Response: 200 OK`::
This means that you got matched up with a proxy, but it doesn't
necessarily mean the proxy works.
`Traffic Bytes (in|out): 0 | 972`::
If the number on the left stays at `0`, it means the proxy isn't
working (you're sending but not receiving anything). If 30 second pass
without receiving anything, the client will abandon that proxy and contact
the broker to get another one.
`Traffic Bytes (in|out): 52457 | 7270 -- (47 OnMessages, 75 Sends)`::
When you start getting numbers like this, your proxy is working.
`WebRTC: No messages received for 30s -- closing stale connection`::
This means the proxy stopped working (or never worked) and the client
will try another one.
`WebRTC: At capacity [1/1] Retrying in 10s...`::
This is normal and means that the client has its desired number of
proxies (1).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33336#comment:17>
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