[tor-bugs] #33076 [Metrics/Analysis]: Graph onionperf and consensus information from Rob's experiments
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Tue Feb 11 08:51:14 UTC 2020
#33076: Graph onionperf and consensus information from Rob's experiments
Reporter: mikeperry | Owner:
| metrics-team
Type: task | Status:
| needs_review
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Metrics/Analysis | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: metrics-team-roadmap-2020Q1, sbws- | Actual Points: 2
roadmap |
Parent ID: #33121 | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by karsten):
Dennis brought up the questions whether failed measurements are included
in the CDF-TTFB graph or not. They are not right now, but we might
consider including them with `TTFB=Inf`. The result would be that the
curve doesn't go to 100% when there are failed attempts. That would give
us an idea of when to expect the first byte in x% of measurement
''attempts''. However, a possible downside might be that different time
periods are harder to compare when there was a higher rate of failures in
one period. On the other side, maybe that's useful information.
I [https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/33076
/onionperf-cdf-ttfb-2020-02-11.pdf attached] two variants of CDF-TTFB, one
containing ''all successful'' measurements as before and one containing
''all'' measurements including the failed ones. The difference is really
small in this case, visible for example in the op-us onion graph. It might
be more visible in other cases.
Leaving this here for discussion. This might be a non-standard way of
using ECDFs and therefore harder to understand and possibly harder to make
with matplotlib. But if there's agreement that it would be good to have,
we should try to make these graphs.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33076#comment:21>
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