[tor-bugs] #33761 [Circumvention/Snowflake]: Remove unnecessary dependencies of Snowflake from Tor Browser
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blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Apr 1 15:53:24 UTC 2020
#33761: Remove unnecessary dependencies of Snowflake from Tor Browser
Reporter: cohosh | Owner: (none)
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Circumvention/Snowflake | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points: 1
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by cohosh):
Replying to [comment:1 dcf]:
> Is it necessary to patch the source? Or could we just remove the
dependencies from projects/pion-webrtc/config and delete the projects? It
seems to me that the quic parts of pion-webrtc are not built by default;
all the involved files have a `+build quic`
[https://golang.org/pkg/go/build/#hdr-Build_Constraints build constraint].
In the [https://github.com/pion/webrtc/blob/v2.2.0/.travis.yml#L53
upstream CI] they have to specifically pass `-tags quic` to `go build`.
Thanks for pointing this out. I've started a Tor Browser build to test
> On the other hand, if in #28325 the Tor Browser team starts using go.mod
files directly for dependency tracking (as we are kind of currently doing
with the gomodtorbm script), then it makes sense to patch the source and
get a new go.mod, as you've done.
Interestingly, even this didn't remove all the dependencies it could have
from go.sum.
> What tor-browser-build projects does it allow to be removed? My
reckoning from a quick grep is pion-quic, quic-go, genny, ginkgo, gomega,
gomock, qtls.
Looks like 10 projects, at least:
genny, ginkgo, gofsnotify, gomega, gotail, gotomb, goxtools, pion-quic,
quic-go, qtls
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33761#comment:3>
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