[tor-bugs] #33609 [Core Tor/Chutney]: Check that onion services have successfully posted descriptors before verifying

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Wed Apr 1 09:49:26 UTC 2020

#33609: Check that onion services have successfully posted descriptors before
 Reporter:  teor                                 |          Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement                          |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium                               |      Milestone:
Component:  Core Tor/Chutney                     |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                               |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  ipv6, prop311, outreachy-ipv6, easy  |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #33050                               |         Points:  1
 Reviewer:                                       |        Sponsor:
                                                 |  Sponsor55-can

Comment (by teor):

 Here is some more information about the tasks in this ticket:

 Replying to [ticket:33609 teor]:
 > So here is one possible design for this feature:
 > * check each onion service log for a successful descriptor post to at
 least one HSDir

 Tor onion services log info-level messages when they post descriptors to
 onion service directories.

 Chutney's getLastBootstrapStatus() function searches notice-level log
 files for bootstrap statuses, and returns the percentage complete,
 keyword, and message:

 You could write a function getLastOnionServiceDescStatus(), which searches
 info-level logs for onion service descriptor uploads.

 It could return:
 * an arbitrary percentage complete (the same for v2 and v3),
 * an arbitrary keyword (ideally different for v2 and v3), and
 * part of the log message (different for v2 and v3)

 When choosing the percentage, make it bigger than 100, so we can use the
 results with the existing bootstrap code.

 When choosing the keyword, try to match the format of the existing

 Let's put the percentage and keywords as constants, so they can be changed
 if needed. You can put the constants with these existing constants:

 > * check v2 and v3 onion services

 Here are the logged messages for each onion service version:
 * v2: "Launching upload for hidden service %s:
 * v3: "Service %s %s descriptor of revision %" PRIu64 " initiated upload
 request to %s with index %s (%s)":

 You could just search for both messages, and use whichever one is present.
 (Chutney doesn't configure v2 and v3 onion services on the same instance.)

 As an alternative, you could make a function that checks the length of
 hs_hostname, and returns the onion service version. (Onion services used
 to be called "hidden services", so lots of old code uses the "hs"

 Here is how you can access hs_hostname:

 _env is also part of LocalNodeController:

 getUncheckedDirInfoWaitTime() is an example function that returns
 different results for onion services (but it doesn't know about different
 onion service versions):

 > * call it an extra 200% "bootstrap" stage (because it's a sender log
 check, not a receiver cached file check)
 > * require 200% bootstrap for onion services

 I hope that provides some more information.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33609#comment:5>
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