[tor-bugs] #28942 [Circumvention/Snowflake]: Evaluate pion WebRTC

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Sep 18 15:40:09 UTC 2019

#28942: Evaluate pion WebRTC
 Reporter:  backkem                         |          Owner:  cohosh
     Type:  enhancement                     |         Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  Medium                          |      Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/Snowflake         |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                          |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  anti-censorship-roadmap-august  |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                                  |         Points:  5
 Reviewer:                                  |        Sponsor:
                                            |  Sponsor28-must

Comment (by cohosh):

 I did a really quick speed check the difference between the pion library
 and the standalone chrome library we were using. I attempted to bootstrap
 through snowflakes running a pion client and the old version of the client
 100 times each.

 > head(old)
                          runid case time
 1  snowflake-snowflake-probe-0  old    2
 2 snowflake-snowflake-probe-10  old   20
 3 snowflake-snowflake-probe-11  old   20
 4 snowflake-snowflake-probe-12  old    1
 5 snowflake-snowflake-probe-13  old    2
 6 snowflake-snowflake-probe-14  old   20
 > pion = subset(data, case == "pion")
 > head(pion)
                            runid case time
 101  snowflake-snowflake-probe-0 pion   20
 102 snowflake-snowflake-probe-10 pion    4
 103 snowflake-snowflake-probe-11 pion   20
 104 snowflake-snowflake-probe-12 pion   20
 105 snowflake-snowflake-probe-13 pion    4
 106 snowflake-snowflake-probe-14 pion    4
 > mean(pion$time)
 [1] 11.99
 > mean(old$time)
 [1] 10.12
 A time of 20 means that the bootstrap timed out before a datachannel
 opened, so filtering out all timeouts:
 > pion = subset(pion, time !=20)
 > old = subset(old, time !=20)
 > mean(pion$time)
 [1] 4.886792
 > mean(old$time)
 [1] 2.357143
 > sd(pion$time)
 [1] 1.489197
 > sd(old$time)
 [1] 1.085919
 > length(pion$time)
 [1] 53
 > length(old$time)
 [1] 56

 The larger issue here is clearly the fact that about half of all
 connections, regardless of library, are taking longer than 20 seconds to
 open a datachannel. The pion library looks slower, but 2 seconds in the
 context of 20 is really not what we need to be worrying about.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/28942#comment:65>
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