[tor-bugs] #15035 [Applications/Orbot]: URI format for bridges

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Fri Mar 8 16:34:35 UTC 2019

#15035: URI format for bridges
 Reporter:  eighthave           |          Owner:  n8fr8
     Type:  task                |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium              |      Milestone:
Component:  Applications/Orbot  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal              |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  uri, url, bridge    |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #28015              |         Points:
 Reviewer:                      |        Sponsor:

Comment (by eighthave):

 Here's an outline of the possible URI formats for bridges:

 Bridge meek_lite 97700DFE9F483596DDA6264C4D7DF7641E1E39CE
 url=https://meek.azureedge.net/ front=ajax.aspnetcdn.com

 Bridge obfs4 FD9DAEE45A2FDF70D462914A75ADE99A29957920

 **bridge: link for use in-app**

 The most popular custom scheme that I can think of are `magnet:` links for
 torrents.  They are a very similar idea as a bridge link.  So we should be
 able to use BitTorrent apps on all platfroms as an example of how to
 handle these links.  Using a custom URI scheme makes it easier to make a
 link that the browser will never handle, and always look for an app to
 send it too.  Also, using a custom URI Scheme like `bridge:` means that
 clicking these URIs in apps is much less likely to ever go to another app,
 since those apps would have to have specifically created the association.
 Also, browser let you specific custom handlers for URI Schemes they do not
 understand.  These can be specified to closely match the `Bridge` lines in
 ''torrc''.  So this collection of fake bridges:

 In desktop Firefox, you can add support for bridge: URIs by adding a
 custom "Protocol Handler":

 1. load about:config
 2. Right-click -> New -> Boolean -> Name: ''network.protocol-
 handler.expose.bridge'' -> Value -> ''false''
 3. Next time you click a link of protocol-type ''bridge'' you will be
 asked which application to open it with.

 Chromium on Ubuntu will automatically prompt to open with `xdg-open`.
 That will then use the standard, cross-distro XDG methods for registering
 and using custom schemes that are used in GNOME, KDE, etc. etc.  Tor
 Browser's ''.desktop'' file should be able to do this.  Any Debian/etc.
 package can install and configure the ''.desktop'' files and XDG Mime
 stuff as part of the package install.  Here's a manual example:

 $ cp bridge-url-writer.py /tmp/
 $ chmod 0755 /tmp/bridge-url-writer.py
 $ mkdir ~/.local/share/applications/
 $ cp bridge-url-writer.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
 $ sudo update-desktop-database
 $ xdg-mime default bridge-url-writer.desktop x-scheme-handler/bridge

 There are similar mechanisms on Windows and MacOS.  For example MacOS has
 the `open` util which does was GNU/Linux's `xdg-open` does.

 **http: link with fake domain name**

 One problem with having the bridge link clickable and having a real domain
 name is that it could leak info to the internet that the user is looking
 for a bridge.  So there could be a fake domain name for these links to
 provide a pattern to match for in things like the OS-level URL matchers in
 Android and iOS.  Something like `http://bridge.onion/` will never exist
 but is somehow a reserved domain name.  These links would then
 automatically show up as clickable on desktop and mobile apps, but should
 never cause network traffic.

 his will lead to confusing failures since the browser will say
 "bridge.onion’s server IP address could not be found."

 ** https: link with real domain name, like ChatSecure**

 Using a real domain name like `https://bridges.torproject.org` provides a
 way to provide the user direct feedback when they are trying to add a
 bridge via URL.  If the user clicks on a bridge URL and it fails to go to
 Tor Browser, then they'll see the page on `bridges.torproject.org`.  If
 the config information is included in the query string, then
 `bridges.torproject.org` can automatically generate a proper `bridge:`
 URI, which the user can click to send the info out of the browser.  The
 page can also provide a HOWTO for setting up `bridge:` support for their

 ChatSecure's invite links have a nice feature in that Android and iOS will
 automatically route them to the ChatSecure app, even if they are clicked
 in the browser.  Then if the Zom app is not installed, the link will open
 up in the browser with instructions on how to get Zom and use the links.
 With these links, the data is included in the URI Fragment, (e.g. stuff
 after `#`) which should never be sent to the network.  That protects
 privacy, but makes it harder for the server to provide useful feedback.
 Here is an example URI:

 Android has this method of registering a domain name as the official
 domain name that is tied to the app.  It has the nice feature that any
 link with that domain name will go straight to the matching app, and not
 be sent to other apps.  It does require some setup on the web server.  The
 big downside is that it only works if that app only claims links with that
 domain name and nothing else.  We tried using this in F-Droid, but did not
 want to give up claiming `market:` and `https://play.google.com` links.
 They are known as "Android App Links".  iOS also has this, they are known
 as "Apple Universal Links".

 ** Use URL-safe base64!!**

 Right now, the data is encoded in standard base64, which means it had to
 be encoded and decoded to work in URIs.  It would be better to switch to
 URL-safe base64 (RFC4648), which replaces the use of the chars **+** and
 **/** with **-** and **_**.  This is because and **_**.  **+** and **/**
 have special meaning in URIs.  I don't know what all this entails, so for
 now, the URL generation will need to know to URL-encode **+**, **/**, and
 **=**. (e.g. **%2B**, **%2F**, and **%3D**).  Just encoding **+** is often
 enough, since **/** often works fine in a URL query string value, and the
 base64 padding character **=** does not seem to be often used in bridge

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/15035#comment:11>
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