[tor-bugs] #30430 [UX]: Create Tor Personas

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Sat Jul 6 10:00:44 UTC 2019

#30430: Create Tor Personas
 Reporter:  antonela  |          Owner:  dunqan
     Type:  project   |         Status:  assigned
 Priority:  Medium    |      Milestone:
Component:  UX        |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal    |     Resolution:
 Keywords:            |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:            |         Points:
 Reviewer:  antonela  |        Sponsor:

Comment (by clash):

 Replying to [comment:5 dunqan]:
 > Thanks both!
 > Updated personas here:
 > Notes as follows —
 > > awareness misspelt as awarness
 > Fixed (plus a bunch of other typos).
 > > Journey could be simplified. "I want to do X So I can get Y" implies
 the user has not done X yet but wants to do it, in that case they haven't
 had that positive/meh/negative experience yet.
 > Yep, I totally see your point – but I'm not sure what the best solution
 is. I think I'll leave the journeys as-is for the dev meeting and see what
 the wider team thinks.
 > > Onion misspelt as Onoin in Aleisha's Journey
 > Also fixed.
 > > In the "Fernanda" persona, right pane "Censorship" is red ("Tor
 completely blocked"). Nothing in her user story implies Tor is censored.
 And, being the stories something that track what happens in the real
 world, I understand Colombia does not implement Tor blocking.
 > Good spot! This was an error, it should have been "Unrestricted" (i.e.
 all green) as per the Airtable spreadsheet.
 > > Also, for Fernanda's journey → Awareness → "So I can" has no real text
 (lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...)
 > Have updated that too.

 Looks awesome!

 I have a couple of suggestions more that I wanted to run past you,

 1. In the Negative part of Aleisha's Journey, there's an extra "I want to
 N/A, So I can N/A".
 2. Aleisha and Alex have L2 as N/A, why not just remove L2 for them?
 There's no compulsion to know a second language. Similarly, Jelani has
 both English & French as his L2 so why not give him an L3? (I realise it
 won't be uniform but I don't think it needs to be 🤔)
 3. (More of a question) I notice a lot of British spellings, is that
 intentional or perhaps you're British :P

 Thanks so much!

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/30430#comment:6>
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