[tor-bugs] #31057 [Archived/Obfsproxy]: Port pyptlib/obfsproxy to Python 3
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Mon Jul 1 22:54:09 UTC 2019
#31057: Port pyptlib/obfsproxy to Python 3
Reporter: jefferyto | Owner: asn
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Medium | Component: Archived/Obfsproxy
Version: | Severity: Normal
Keywords: | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
I'm the maintainer of the obfsproxy package in OpenWrt (and also one of
its Python maintainers).
As you are probably aware, Python 2 will reach end-of-life by the end of
this year (https://pythonclock.org/).
I'm not exactly sure what is the current status of obfsproxy (whether it
has been replaced by obfs4proxy or just dormant), but I think it would be
good to keep it alive as an option.
Would it be possible to port it (and pyptlib) to Python 3? If I manage to
find time to work on some patches, would there be interest in merging
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/31057>
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