[tor-bugs] #30461 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Update tor-android-service Project to Use Android Toolchain (Firefox 68)

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Fri Aug 30 21:05:12 UTC 2019

#30461: Update tor-android-service Project to Use Android Toolchain (Firefox 68)
 Reporter:  sisbell                              |          Owner:  tbb-
                                                 |  team
     Type:  defect                               |         Status:
                                                 |  needs_revision
 Priority:  Medium                               |      Milestone:
Component:  Applications/Tor Browser             |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                               |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  tbb-rbm, ff68-esr, tbb-9.0-must-     |  Actual Points:
  nightly, TorBrowserTeam201908                  |
Parent ID:  #30324                               |         Points:
 Reviewer:                                       |        Sponsor:
                                                 |  Sponsor44-can

Comment (by sisbell):

 Replying to [comment:13 gk]:
 > Replying to [comment:12 sisbell]:
 > > I need to get review and merge of tor-android-service. Branch 0801a
 contain all the latest changes from orbot to tor-android-service. There
 are a lot of changes here since I've been keeping up with the work going
 into Orbot.
 > >
 > > https://github.com/sisbell/tor-android-service/commits/0801a
 > >
 > > Revision 5c9583cf8e2b7002f71c2971aae7ebb44c067b42 on July 17th is the
 minimum I think we can use, so that would cut down a lot of review time.
 The changes after are not so critical for us.
 > Okay. I can see how that particular commit is relevant for us but I am
 not so sure about the previous ones. What about we pick just that one for
 now to unblock our nightly and alpha builds and think about the other ones
 later on?
 > > How do we want to do this?
 > We can discuss this in one of our team meetings but here is how I think
 we should do it: we treat tor-android-service as any of our other project.
 That means proposed changes need a ticket on our bug tracker (right now
 this is Trac but it might become Gitlab or $foo). Then someone needs to
 write a patch, point to a branch (be that one on our own infrastructure,
 or Github, Gitlab or...) and find someone to review and merge the changes.
 > The patch should a) be based on our master branch as we own the
 canonical repo now and b) it should be written in a way that we don't have
 to suddenly apply patches to any of our other projects. E.g. it's nice to
 redo the VPN support part but the resulting patch should be written in a
 way that we not have to suddenly apply `tor-browser-build` patches to rip
 things out there. More precisely, it would be written in a way that
 projects can make use of VPN support but others can safely ignore that
 part to reduce attack surface etc. by setting a compile time option to
 just not compile that part in in the first place.
 > Does that make sense? If so, please file new tickets for the changes we
 should make in `tor-android-service`, point to the patches (please base
 them on our `master` branch to make merging easier) and set the tickets
 into `needs_review`.

 I think this makes sense but I don't think we would have time before first
 alpha. What we can do is just use latest tor-android-service from tor repo
 and I'll modify firefox to use it. It will also require regenerating the

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/30461#comment:15>
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