[tor-bugs] #27977 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Build Orbot with rbm/tor-browser-build
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blackhole at torproject.org
Tue Nov 27 17:29:12 UTC 2018
#27977: Build Orbot with rbm/tor-browser-build
Reporter: gk | Owner: tbb-
| team
Type: defect | Status:
| needs_revision
Priority: Very High | Milestone:
Component: Applications/Tor Browser | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: tbb-rbm, tbb-mobile, | Actual Points:
TorBrowserTeam201811, TBA-a2 |
Parent ID: #26693 | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
| Sponsor8
Comment (by sisbell):
Replying to [comment:51 gk]:
> Replying to [comment:50 sisbell]:
> > Changes (android-1126)
> >
> > * Added latest patches for Orbot
> > * Updated gradle-dependencies list
> >
> > I verified that this configuration has 189 Downloads in the (original)
log files and 189 artifacts in the gradle-dependencies-list
> >
> > For testing firefox config:
> >
> > {{{
> > git_hash: 28051_5
> > git_url: https://git.torproject.org/user/sysrqb/tor-browser.git
> > }}}
> >
> Okay, some more comments. I think it's less cluttering to just use a
squashed patch for all of the Orbot changes. However, it might be worth
keeping the patches as-is to modify some of them, but not others, later on
if needed. So, feel free to go with the approach you took (including the
updated patches for #28015 once they are ready).
> {{{
> +cp -r $gradle_repo/guardianproject/gpmaven/master/* $gradle_repo
> +cp -r $gradle_repo/dl/android/maven2/* $gradle_repo
> }}}
> Why do we need to copy around things here? If it is really necessary
could you add a comment explaining the reasoning behind it?
I'll add a comment, but the base reasoning here is that the download
script assumes that the everything in the artifact URL path is part of the
package name but this isn't always the case. In those cases, we need to do
a copy of artifacts.
> {{{
> +mv libs/armeabi/pdnsd libs/armeabi/pdnsd.so
> +mv libs/armeabi-v7a/pdnsd libs/armeabi-v7a/pdnsd.so
> +mv libs/x86/pdnsd libs/x86/pdnsd.so
> }}}
> Do we need all three of them even though we only build for aremabi-v7a?
You are right, we only need armv7 libraries. I'll make this change.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/27977#comment:53>
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