[tor-bugs] #28334 [Core Tor/Nyx]: Nyx configurashion editor does not work with options' values properly
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blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Nov 5 18:04:00 UTC 2018
#28334: Nyx configurashion editor does not work with options' values properly
Reporter: wagon | Owner: atagar
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Medium | Component: Core Tor/Nyx
Version: Tor: | Severity: Normal
Keywords: | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Nyx 2.0.4 at Linux.
The first problem exist with all options: if I select some option, then
press `Enter` (so, start editing it), and then press `ESC`, all old values
for the option are erased (value becomes `none`). This behavior confuses
users, because normally `ESC` should keep old version of values. To my
opinion, if I really need to make it `none` I should manually remove old
values (or press `ctrl+u`) and then press `Enter`.
The second problem exist with options which have very long list of values.
For example, you can consider `torrc` with a long list of `SocksPort`
options or a long list of values for `ExcludeNodes` option. If you select
such option in configuration editor (press `Enter`), only the first part
of values' list will be shown. Other lengthy part of values list will not
be printed and will not be accessible for editing (it is considered as
non-existing). I guess it is related to the problem of line splitting
([[https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/28297|#28297]]). Since
the first part of accessible values may end at any character (when end of
line is reached), if I don't do anything, but just print `Enter`, I may
get an error
`Unacceptable option value: Invalid SocksPort configuration (press any
As `nyx` gives to Tor wrong option values, there are many warnings in a
log file of `tor` itself, e.g.:
`Controller gave us config lines that didn't validate: Invalid SocksPort
Thus, if you accidentally press `Enter` on any option with too long list
of values, you get trapped in inescapable situation: `ESC` will erase all
old values, `Enter` will change them too (possibly with some errors). It
is impossible to preserve status quo.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/28334>
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