[tor-bugs] #26240 [Core Tor]: Check Maxmind GeoIPLocation Database before distributing

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Wed May 30 13:57:51 UTC 2018

#26240: Check Maxmind GeoIPLocation Database before distributing
     Reporter:  jvsg      |      Owner:  (none)
         Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
     Priority:  Medium    |  Milestone:
    Component:  Core Tor  |    Version:
     Severity:  Normal    |   Keywords:  GeoIP, Geoipdb
Actual Points:            |  Parent ID:
       Points:            |   Reviewer:
      Sponsor:            |
 Currently we're consuming Maxmind's (a company registered in the U.S)
 GeoIPLocation Database in Tor. Not just this goes against the principles
 of modern privacy that advocates non-reliance on any single
 organisation/product, but comes with some serious threats. A powerful
 adversary can impose it's control over Maxmind's database. This can be
 used to attack tor in a variety of ways:

 1. The Tor Network is constantly monitored for any suspicious spike in
 nodes, as it may be an indication of an oncoming/undergoing sybil attack.
 A powerful adversary can coerce Maxmind to map some specific IP address
 blocks to random countries. This may lead to people/scripts monitoring the
 network to not feel suspicious about this event, and would result in the
 adversary staying under the radar.

 2. A large percentage of people don't want the exit of their circuits to
 be located in certain countries where the communication is under
 surveillance. The powerful adversary knows this as well. Users generally
 add a line in their config that allows them to not form a circuit through
 nodes located in those locations. To overcome this, the adversary can
 coerce Maxmind to alter it's database to map some particular IP's to
 locations which the user thinks  are havens of free speech.


 I propose a system where instead of directly distributed maxmind's db to
 the users, we first check it for any anomalies.

 This is how it works:

 1. The Dir Authorities fetch the GeoIPLocation DBs from all the companies
 (including Maxmind) located in distinct countries.

 2. Tor Nodes' location (from maxmind) are checked against other DBs as
 well. The location which appears in a majority of DB is considered

 3. All the Dir Authorities perform the above two steps periodically and
 independently of each other, and try to reach on a consensus.

 4. This DB is then distributed to the users along with any modifications
 from step 2.

 **What if locations differ in all/most of the DBs?**

 A case might arise where the locations for an IP differ in all/most of
 DBs, because these locations are just guesses and hence can be erroneous.
 However IMO,

 1. Most of the nodes are either run from large datacentres, which in all
 cases have the right GeoLocation mapped to their IP addr range.

 2. Even if the nodes are run from home on a static IP, usually the whois
 records are well kept, which help companies such as maxmind fetch data for
 their DBs.

 So, false positives would be very few. Even if there are some, we can ban
 the IP addr from participating in the network until the issue is resolved.
 Or we can be a little liberal and allow them to participate given that
 there isnt a spike in number of nodes recently.

 **What about DB licenses?**

 Only the Dir Auths have to pay to get DBs in addition to the freely
 available maxmind DB. The DB that we will distribute to the users would
 just be maxmind (with some possible modifications)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/26240>
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