[tor-bugs] #25750 [Applications/Tor Launcher]: update Tor Launcher for ESR 60

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Wed May 16 18:08:33 UTC 2018

#25750: update Tor Launcher for ESR 60
 Reporter:  mcs                              |          Owner:  brade
     Type:  defect                           |         Status:
                                             |  needs_review
 Priority:  Very High                        |      Milestone:
Component:  Applications/Tor Launcher        |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                           |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  ff60-esr, TorBrowserTeam201805R  |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                                   |         Points:
 Reviewer:                                   |        Sponsor:
Changes (by sysrqb):

 * keywords:  ff60-esr, TorBrowserTeam201805 => ff60-esr,
 * status:  needs_revision => needs_review


 Replying to [comment:28 mcs]:
 > Replying to [comment:26 sysrqb]:
 > > Great, thanks! I added a commit that synchronizes a few get..Pref()
 calls default values. I don't think we need all of them in sync, but it
 seems safer if retrieving a pref during initialization uses the same
 default value as defined in prefs.js.
 > Thanks for doing that. The patch looks good except for three things:
 > A. In `src/chrome/content/network-settings.js`, you do not want to add a
 second parameter to this line:
 >  `let prefBranch =
 > but rather to this one:
 >  `let bridgeType = TorLauncherUtil.getCharPref(kPrefBridgeDBType);`

 Ugh. Fixed.

 > B. In `src/components/tl-protocol.js`, I do not think we should change
 the code that retrieves `network.proxy.socks_port`. It was written to
 treat Firefox's default value of 0 as 9150.

 Ah, right. I reverted that and added a comment so hopefully someone else
 doesn't do the same thing.

 > C. In `src/modules/tl-logger.jsm`, Kathy thinks we should leave the
 default default for `extensions.torlauncher.loglevel` as 0 so that if
 `defaults/preferences/prefs.js` cannot be read the user will get all
 logging (which may help with debugging whatever is wrong in their

 Sounds good.

 > > Thanks, that looks good. The only difference I see is this format
 inserts a comma between the date and time.
 > >
 > > {{{
 > > 5/15/18, 23:20:43.525 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 100%: Done
 > > }}}
 > Hmmm. On macOS at least, I see the comma with 8.0a7 as well:
 > {{{
 > 5/16/18, 14:49:14.500 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 100%: Done
 > }}}
 > Maybe things were different on other platforms though. Anyway, I think
 we are close enough now to the old format that we won't get many
 complaints (famous last words!)

 I agree! Okay, I pushed a new branch. `bug25750_4`. Also, it seems like
 `meek-http-helper` needs updating because it imports
 `resource://gre/modules/devtools/Console.jsm` which is a shim for
 `resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm` in 52ESR, but the shim was deleted in
 Bug 1386535. I'll open another ticket for that.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/25750#comment:29>
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