[tor-bugs] #26100 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Update Tor Button for ESR 60

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Tue May 15 06:45:09 UTC 2018

#26100: Update Tor Button for ESR 60
 Reporter:  igt0                                 |          Owner:  tbb-
                                                 |  team
     Type:  defect                               |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Very High                            |      Milestone:
Component:  Applications/Tor Browser             |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                               |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  ff60-esr, tbb-torbutton,             |  Actual Points:
  TorBrowserTeam201805                           |
Parent ID:                                       |         Points:
 Reviewer:                                       |        Sponsor:

Comment (by arthuredelstein):

 Replying to [comment:1 igt0]:
 > An initial work has been made in the following branch:

 Thanks, Igor! I ran into a couple of issues and made some patches to merge
 with your branch.


 The first patch make sure that `nodeDataForCircuit` returns a value. The
 second patch fixes an issue where the browser could not load any remote
 pages -- it would get stuck after I entered the page. I tracked the
 problem down to the pref-loading code added in
 f4ed4ecd5c705e684046ef418f4c519f2c4ce915 and found a fix that seems to

 Also regarding f4ed4ecd5c705e684046ef418f4c519f2c4ce915, I have a few

   * I think it would be better to move the pref-loading code into its own
 module, if possible, because it doesn't have any connection to logging.
 Maybe under src/modules/ ?
   * I noticed some other changes in files outside of torbutton-logger.js.
 These seem to be unrelated to the purpose given in the commit message, so
 I am inclined to think we should maybe move these to a separate patch if
 they are necessary.
   * In several places that patch changes code to use
 Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(null). This seems to be unnecessary when
 `Services.prefs` already works as far as I can tell. So maybe we could
 change these back? It might even be sensible to change all prefs
 operations to use Services.prefs.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/26100#comment:4>
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