[tor-bugs] #23169 [Metrics/Website]: Explain why metrics are important and what we do to make sure they're safe

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Mar 2 13:48:09 UTC 2018

#23169: Explain why metrics are important and what we do to make sure they're safe
 Reporter:  arma             |          Owner:  irl
     Type:  defect           |         Status:  needs_revision
 Priority:  Medium           |      Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Website  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal           |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  metrics-2018     |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                   |         Points:  2
 Reviewer:  iwakeh, karsten  |        Sponsor:
Changes (by karsten):

 * status:  needs_review => needs_revision


 Hmm, the technical issue is fixed, but the gray box still uses too much
 space, in my opinion. I'm also less worried about "Welcome to Tor
 Metrics!" being redundant, because the navigation bar is far away at the
 top and not where most visitors will start reading.

 I'm also not sure whether "Open Data, Visualizations, and Tools for Tor!"
 should be the new motto of Tor Metrics. It's not wrong, but I haven't
 thought enough about it to say that it's exactly what we should be saying
 as first thing about Tor Metrics.

 New suggestion:

 <h1 or h2>Welcome to Tor Metrics!</h1 or h2>

 The Tor network   Analyzing a live
 is one of the     anonymity...
 largest...           Learn more >>

 Working on the Ant task in a separate ticket and on the things related to
 #23973 as part of that ticket sounds good.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/23169#comment:19>
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