[tor-bugs] #24983 [Metrics/CollecTor]: Inaccessible semi-recent consensus files

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Tue Jan 23 19:01:36 UTC 2018

#24983: Inaccessible semi-recent consensus files
 Reporter:  robgjansen         |          Owner:  karsten
     Type:  defect             |         Status:  accepted
 Priority:  Medium             |      Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/CollecTor  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal             |     Resolution:
 Keywords:                     |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                     |         Points:
 Reviewer:                     |        Sponsor:
Changes (by karsten):

 * status:  new => accepted
 * owner:  metrics-team => karsten


 Yes, this is a known (to me), but probably yet undocumented issue. Thanks
 for creating this issue! It bothered me from time to time, but not enough
 to open a ticket. ;)

 So, making more files available in the `recent/` directory would be one
 option. But all tools downloading from that directory would then have to
 fetch even more data. I'm thinking of newly bootstrapped Onionoo instances
 for development purposes, for one example.

 Another option would be to create tarballs for the `archive/` directory
 more often. Maybe every 2 days instead of every 3 days. That would solve
 this issue, too, right? If so, and if there are no concerns, I'll change
 the cronjob to try this out for a week or so.

 Accepting this ticket.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24983#comment:2>
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