[tor-bugs] #23947 [Obfuscation/Snowflake]: Move Snowflake proxy page somewhere devs can write

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Apr 6 18:56:43 UTC 2018

#23947: Move Snowflake proxy page somewhere devs can write
 Reporter:  dcf                    |          Owner:  (none)
     Type:  project                |         Status:  new
 Priority:  High                   |      Milestone:
Component:  Obfuscation/Snowflake  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                 |     Resolution:
 Keywords:                         |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                         |         Points:
 Reviewer:                         |        Sponsor:

Comment (by arma):

 Ok, #25724 is complete. I was about to open a new ticket, "Populate
 https://snowflake.torproject.org/" but then I realized we can just
 continue on this ticket. Please feel free to make new ticket(s) if at any
 point you realize doing it all on one ticket has become crazy. :)

 I think three steps remain here:

 (1) David and Arlo should each confirm that they are able to edit the
 current website. I am able to, so it's just a matter of making sure
 they're in the right groups and have the right permissions and so on. I'll
 post instructions for that shortly.

 (2) Build a plan for how we want to handle website content. Do we want it
 in revision control? For example, we could make a snowflake-web git repo,
 kind of like the research-web git repo:
 and then we'd have some history to it, some visibility to others when
 changes get made, the ability to separate "can edit website content" from
 "can push changes to the actual website", etc. If we decide on this
 option, I'm happy to make the ticket to get the new git repo on its way to
 existing. If we decide on another option, that's cool too.

 (3) Actually pick the content, e.g. by migrating something over from
 previous pages. I plan to leave this one to Arlo and David for now. :)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/23947#comment:7>
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