[tor-bugs] #21366 [Metrics/Onionoo]: Support whitespace in search term (as does Onionoo)
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Fri Oct 20 07:56:05 UTC 2017
#21366: Support whitespace in search term (as does Onionoo)
Reporter: cypherpunks | Owner: karsten
Type: enhancement | Status: accepted
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Metrics/Onionoo | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: metrics-2018 | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by karsten):
Replying to [comment:21 nusenu]:
> Thank you Karsten for your comprehensive summary!
> > 1. Allow parameters and qualified search terms to be specified more
than once. [...] Let's move this to a new ticket
> I created #23913 now.
> > 2. [...] We might document this change by saying: "Qualified search
terms have the form 'key:value' or 'key:"value"' (both without surrounding
single quotes) with "key" being one of the parameters [...]". I'm inclined
to say that this requires just a minor protocol version bump, because
we're currently returning a 400 status code for this newly introduced
syntax. Let me know what you think!
> I agree that this does not need a major version bump - because it is
unlikely to break existing use-cases. How should users escape the quote
sign? (\")
Ah, good question about escaping. Yes, I think `\"` would be good as
escaped quote sign. The current branch does not support that yet, but that
shouldn't be too hard to implement. (Famous last words?...)
> > 4. Add an extended search form to Atlas with inputs for other
parameters than Onionoo's search parameter.
> I made a ticket for that not all to long ago: #23782
> I agree that this is a documentation issue but the search form would
make the power of atlas/onionoo more accessible, visible and usable to a
broader audience.
> > 5. Extend Onionoo's search parameter to also look at contact line
parts when processing unqualified search terms. That would mean not only
looking at nicknames, fingerprints, IP addresses, etc., but also at
contact line parts. I'm opposed to that idea.
> I'm opposing as well.
> > So, my suggestion is to create a new ticket for 1, get 2 reviewed and
merged, and possibly create another ticket for 4. Thoughts?
> Looking forward to that new feature! :)
Great! I'll have to do other things first today, but I hope that I can
write some more Onionoo code next week.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/21366#comment:23>
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