[tor-bugs] #23817 [Core Tor/Tor]: Tor re-tries directory mirrors that it knows are missing microdescriptors
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Tue Nov 7 23:46:39 UTC 2017
#23817: Tor re-tries directory mirrors that it knows are missing microdescriptors
Reporter: teor | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status:
| merge_ready
Priority: Medium | Milestone: Tor:
| 0.3.3.x-final
Component: Core Tor/Tor | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: tor-guard, tor-hs, prop224, | Actual Points:
032-backport? 031-backport? spec-change |
Parent ID: #21969 | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by teor):
I am ok to merge this as-is, but let's think about the remaining issues in
other tickets.
Also, this comment is misleading:
/* Is our guard an outdated dirserver? */
It would be better as:
/* Last time we tried to fetch microdescs, was this directory mirror
missing any we asked for? */
Replying to [comment:18 asn]:
> OK, I pushed a branch `bug23817_v2` with the following changes:
> - It's now rebased on latest master (I will also prepare an 032 branch)
Should we prepare an 030 branch instead/as well?
> - Renames `relay_digest` to `dir_id` in `directory.c`.
> - Adds a log message for failed mds.
> - Does not add dirauths as outdated dirservers.
Hmm, I wonder if a BUG() is the right thing to do here. It's probably ok
in an alpha, but if a dirauth is out of sync, clients will log this as a
BUG(), even though it's not their bug. (In most cases, if a dirauth is out
of sync, that should self-correct, because it will be dropped from the
consensus. Except for IPv6-only clients, which fetch mds from fallbacks
and authorities so they can bootstrap.)
In any case, this should be rare.
> - Cleans up the outdated list if it grows above 30 elements.
I think this is ok for the moment (it is no worse than the previous
behaviour), but we should think about setting this limit low, and then
trying an authority when we reach it (and then giving up on the md).
That's a separate ticket - #23863.
> A few notes:
> - I'm not checking if we have a recent consensus when we blacklist
dirservers, as Nick suggested, which might actually be a problem. I think
teor's suggestion of "check if our consensus is recent and try to get a
newer one" is a whole project of its own that warrants its own ticket (or
not?). What should we do here? Maybe we should not register outdated
dirservers if we don't have a live consensus?
Seems to make sense to me.
> - teor, I'm not sure if I agree with your exponential backoff + list
size argument, since IIUC the exponential backoff applies only when we
fail to fetch the same md multiple times, whereas the outdated list can
overgrow just by failing many fetches for different mds. In any case, I
opted for resetting the list after 30 arguments, which is a bit arbitrary
but perhaps can save us from any surprising issues (?).
I think there is a small risk of a client -> relay DDoS here, but it's no
worse than the previous behaviour.
> - I did not reset the list based on elapsed time because of teor's
argument about clients fetching consensuses every 1 hour or so. Let me
know if you don't like this.
Seems fine to me.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/23817#comment:22>
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